Avengers: Age of Youth

Name: Fyodor/Theodor Vanko

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Name: Whiplash

Child Of: Anton Vanko

Sexuality: Heterosexual





Personality: Theo is a very sociable person when he is out of the suit. Nice, polite and kind, Theo might even make some people lower their defense due to his smile and rather charming voice. But, once he is set to do a mission, he does so without any remorse. Violent, disturbingly savage, and sometimes sadistical, Whiplash is nothing like Theo. Some might even say, it's a Dr. Jakyl and Mr. Hyde complex.

Bio: Theo was born to a rather weird family. His father Anton Vanko left him and his mother when he was only 5, in Sankt Petersburg, Russia. Nevertheless, he never returned, and Theo hid himself in books. In his spare time, he looked at the submarine base that was there, sneaking peeks at their design, and thus his infatuation with machinery was born. Amassing knowledge, he nonetheless was accepted into Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, and graduated very early, at 16. A prodigy, he replicated Tony Stark's famous power source. Using this, he managed to build a couple of devices that brought him fame, but also got the attention of not only the FSB, but also of a long taught dead organization. His suit was made from some blueprints found in a shed owned by his father, and so he took up jobs for the FSB, mainly surppressing revolts in Checnia.

Recently, he moved to New York, after the same men pointed him towards a target he had a grudge against. He also moved his company's office, Vanko International, to Silicon Valey, but keeping a foothold in Russia and East Europe.

Powers/Weapons: Suit/Power Armor/Intelligence. (RDJ)

Weaknesses: Without his suit, he is powerless, and he could be knocked out with only one punch.

Favorite Passtimes: Working on his suit, drinking, partying.

Favorite Song: Sektor Gaza - Dopilsya
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Name: Alexander Barnes.

Age: 20

Gender: Male.

Hero Name: Metal Jack.

Child Of: Bucky Barnes.

Sexuality: Bisexual.



Personality: Impulsive and rash, he neglects his intellect and chooses to use brawn over brains. He is mostly cold to everybody else, since his childhood was pretty harsh.

Powers: Super strength, superior intellect.((like RDJ))

Weapons: Trained to use any type of weapon, as long as it was in the Russian arsenal. Usually has a modified AKM, along with his modified armor, and a titanium-alloy arm.

Weaknesses: Alex fears spiders, to the point he enters a panic attack when in contact with them, and is sensitive to extreme heat. He may be a super soldier, but the Russians didn't take in the fact that doesn't mean he is immune to bullets or any other body harm.

Favorite Passtimes: Training, and spending time in coffee shops (some say it is because he loves coffee)

Favorite Song: Desolation Row - My Chemical Romance
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(RDJ and don't worry, the rest of the family is on the way

:D )​

Name: Liona Jackson

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Alias: Night Wolf

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: She is cold and secretive. She doesn't take crap from anybody and has an authoritative presence. She doesn't like to show weakness, but will do anything to save a life.

Powers: Enhanced strength, agility, and reflexes.

Weapons: Her armor has a mounted miniature rail gun and a whip-like tail. The armor makes her faster and stronger. Her armor allows her to use thermal vision and night vision, and much like a wolf uses scent to track enemies.

Weaknesses: She has PTSD from when she was a kid and has hallucinations occasionally on the battlefield. Also, when the ball in the middle of the armors head, she loses her thermal, night vision, and scent tracking.

Favorite Passtimes: Training to get stronger, working on her armor, and reading.

Favorite Song: Pain by Three Days Grace
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Name: Warwick Wilson

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Alias: Warpool

Child Of: Deadpool, he doesn't know his mom

Sexuality: Straight


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/large.jpg.e462c02698ef719dbba8ce708787a3e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111191" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/large.jpg.e462c02698ef719dbba8ce708787a3e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


It's the outfit that America is wearing

Personality: Like his father Warwick knows how to have fun, however he is much calmer than the red and black hero. He loves hanging out with his friends and getting on their nerves which usually ends up with him beat up. He loves mischief and having a bit of fun when he is on a mission.

Powers: Regeneration however it is much slower than his father. Like Deadpool he has enhanced human abilities such as strength, stamina, etc.

Weapons: His father's katana and gun

Weaknesses: Unlike his father he isn't immune to almost everything, War can be poisoned and get sick however disease won't kill him. He shares his father's fear of cows and knee buckling weakness for kittens and chimichangas.

Favorite Passtimes: Reading manga, showing off his cooking, and texting his dad

Favorite Song: [media]


  • large.jpg
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Name: Tanya Pond

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Alias: Praying Mantis

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: She is very energetic and at times seems like she is almost psychotic. She is willing to anything for the excitement and the thrill of it. But when it comes down to it she will protect her squad with her life.

Powers: Telepathy, Telekinesis (Limited), Mind Control: (She can control dead bodies with one doll, and the other she can control the living if their minds are weak enough

Weapons: She has arm blades on both arms, and has several robotic arms the hold sickle-like knives. Also, her dolls.

Weaknesses: Controlling bodies and using telekinesis/telepathy puts a mental strain and a physical strain on her body. If she uses it excessively, she will become very weak and tired in battle.

Favorite Passtimes: Playing with her dolls, sharpening her blades

Favorite Song: Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez

Name: Allison Bluebell

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Alias: Devil Girl

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: She is very smart and intelligent. Though, she is very shy and quiet. She prefers not to talk to others about problems, rather she likes to figure things out on her own.

Powers: None

Weapons: Her suit has tentacles that are strong enough to pry open metal safe doors. It also can blend in with any environment because it has advanced stealth technology. When the tentacles are off she has a mask that can perfectly mimic a person's face and voice.

Weaknesses: Her body suit has almost no armor and she can be detected through thermal vision when she is cloaked.

Favorite Passtimes: Gaining more knowledge and reading.

Favorite Song: Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keys
Name: Aedan Corsyll

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Ronin

Child Of: Unknown

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Actually has an official Black superhero slimesuit. Woohoo!


Personality: Aedan was a somewhat mysterious character, who does not delve into his past. Yet his closure from society has been cut-back in recent years, resulting in him being far more gregarious than usual. He also has different attitudes to different people, often kind, supportive and humorous to those he likes, but cold, distant and calculating to those he dislikes. Additionally, he is a great leader, yet hates to take that role and prefers to let events unfold unless they actively threaten lives, he is also brave, but not foolish. And knows when to admit defeat. Despite this he has a warped view of what a 'hero' is, which can often lead to him directly opposing the good guys if he believes they are not being heroic. RDJ still makes a pretty neat H-buster. Yet due to recent events he's adopted an overwhelming sense of loyalty, specifically to Conner Rogers.

Powers: Copy Cat - Aedan is able to learn - and become proficient - in any fighting style by merely studying it for a few minutes.

Enhanced Durability: Aedan is able to withstand large amounts of blunt damage and pain without issue. (Still NOT a healing factor).

Momentum Manipulation <3

Weapons: Prefers to use a steel bo staff in combat; failing that, good ol' fisticuffs.

Weaknesses: Anything that can affect a human, will still affect Aedan. Momentum Manipulation is entirely dependent on the weight, and speed of a target. Too much of either will result in huge exertion on Aedan's part should he try to stop it. Although his ability has strengthened over the years, meaning he can contend with exceptionally large targets.

Favorite Passtimes: Walking the streets, especially in heavy rain. Sparring with other fighters. Peace, and often solitude.

Favorite Song: Has no favorite song.


Name: Joseph Barton

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Precision

Child Of: Clint Barton A.K.A Hawkeye

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)


(Any form is fine)

I usually like Realistic pics. But it hardly matters, we get our own image of each others characters when RPing!

Still wasn't satisfied with any depictions or ideas for a teenage Hawkeye. X_X

Personality: Joseph is quite the jokester, he's an easy-going, friendly guy, who loves to be around other heroes. However when it comes to doing actual heroing, he's way too overconfident. Often throwing himself into situations he can't win and paying the price after, he isn't a leader by any means, he'd much prefer receiving direction than giving it; which is ironic, considering his father was a brilliant strategist. Despite his somewhat follower nature, however. He isn't opposed to putting ideas forward, or in more extreme cases. Doing what he thinks is right, rather than what the group decides on.

...Yep, after two years he's the same optimistic, childish, hilariously awesome-yet-possibly-deluded doofus. :3


None, nil, 0, nona, nada. HOWEVER! No Powers?! No Problem! See below!


-His fists, Joseph was taught to be quite the Martial-Artist by his father.

-His Bow, yes his BOW alone. He can use this baby in close-quarter combat like a sword.

-His Bow and a large variety of arrows.

+Explosive Arrow, EXPLOSIVE! The Boom Arrow! It hits something, it goes boom. Alternative: it can stick to something, then go boom.

+Net Arrow, upon contact the arrows' mechanism throws a very thin; yet incredibly strong rope out in a wrapping motion. Alternative: Grappling rope.

+The Multi-Homing Arrows, the pinnacle of his arsenal. One arrow, which becomes 5 tiny arrowheads which can then track the target. Alternative: TEMHA. Figure it out!

+Tracker Arrows, which on contact flatten into a simple tracking device.

+Decoy Arrows, which explode in a haze of blinding light to slow, or stun an opponent.

Weaknesses: He's human. Very, very human. Swords? They hurt. Bullets? Those too. Otherworldly Gods with planet breaking abilities? Yes. Those too. Unlike his father, he isn't trained to be durable. A very, solid punch could remove him from a fight permanently. Another weakness is his lack of powers, whilst he is reasonably diverse in equipment he won't be able to take on villains alone if they have any-sort of physical augmentation.

Favorite Passtimes:

Honing his skills with a bow, beating on villains with his bow, his bow... Besides his bow? Well, he does enjoy casual conversation with other Heroes, he's also a sucker for daydreaming; he does it all the time, even if his face is being punched in by a villain... Okay maybe not, but he enjoys it. I'd say he enjoys making the streets a better place by locking up villains. but within a week I imagine he'll want to retire...

Pizza Night...

Hanging out with Finn/Morgan/Kat or Lydia.

Favorite Song: He doesn't really have a single favorite; anything with a good or catchy tune, beat or lyrics he'll enjoy.
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Name: Amelia Rohasse

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Alias: Black Raven

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: She is very kind and gentle when it comes to her allies, but when she is fighting enemies, she is brutal. She is stubborn and hard headed, but will do anything for her allies.

Powers: None

Weapons: She has missiles attached to her wings that can shoot at her enemies and she also carries around a grenade launcher. She also have metal talons that can come out of the suits legs and grab enemies.

Weaknesses: If you destroy the exhaust vents, her suit she would be grounded. If her missiles were to overheat, she would have to land to cool them off.

Favorite Passtimes: Flying, training, and making strategies.

Favorite Song: Fly by Nicki Minaj


Jessica (Jess) Coulson

(fite me)





Hero Name:


Child Of:

Agent Coulson






Jess is much more friendly than you'd think, surprisingly. She makes friends with almost everyone she meets. I guess you could say she's more like Natasha than she is Coulson, but she's still Coulson's daughter. It's quite hard to tell that she is Coulson's daughter, because she lets most people find out on her own. Most, mind you...


Acrobatics - Similarly to the movement technique in DCUO under the same name, Jess can run faster than the average human and even scale buildings with very little difficulty.


She has one gun (pictured above), and two Karambit knives.



Even though she can still punch and kick, if you take her weapons away, she's not as strong as she usually is.

Favorite Passtimes:


Video Games

Listening to Music

Favorite Song:


Name:Julia Crow

Age: 19

Gender: female

Alias: Nevermore

Sexuality: Asexual since Pyrite and several other events.

Appearance(pic please!):



Personality: Julia is very reserved and cold most of the time, especially when in costume. She only opens up around specific people that she knows she can trust. She's intelligent and quick on her feet, with a sharp tongue and quick wit to match. She doesn't talk much anymore, just goes around doing covert jobs for shield and she doesnt talk about it.

Powers: Invisibility, telepathy, quick healing, blue energy manipulation/constructs

Weapons: Her crossbow, several daggers hidden on her person, and her cloak that can cover her and act as armor. The cloaks seems to have a personality all of its own and can float around and .

Weaknesses: She can only turn invisible for thirty minutes. Her mind is weaker during this which makes her more susceptible to hypnotism and mental attacks if detected.

Her energy constructs only stay with her for a few minutes at a time, and they take a toll on her.

She's afraid of getting too close to someone because of what seems to happen if she does......

Favorite Passtimes: Reading, listening to music and spending time with what few friends she has.

Favorite Song:







Aleena Meredith Quill


*Named Meredith after Peter's mother


21, 3 years ago she was 18, duh



Hero Name:


Child Of:

Peter Quill and Gamora


An older brother; Maxton Quill. He is no longer alive, having been killed by Thodor Vanko A.K.A Whiplash. She currently has no idea.




Aleena took her father's looks, more so than her mothers. She has his chocolate brown hair though with streaks of blonde and his striking looks, her eyes are a deep brown like her fathers, though with flecks of green towards her iris's, probably due to her mothers green skin. Aleena has tanned skin like her fathers with green tints like her mothers around her eye sockets and in an oval shape on her stomach then in teardrop shapes on the backs of her hands and feet; and her strong build comes from both her mother and father. Toned muscles, a flat stomach, and defined features all add to her physique. Her nose is only a little sharp and her lips are an elegant bow shape. Her face is an upside down tear shape and her eyes are a tiny bit larger than the average eye, even if she isn't Xandarian. She has a height of 5'8, tall, but not so tall, the average tall.

((Use The Casual Photos As A Sort Of Reference For Her Look))

((Cara Delevingne))


This --> She wears this on all missions and at all pretty much life threatening moments wherein there is an attack. As long as of course she gets it on before she has to defend herself and others. It is also just a suit for training and her different fitness and combat classes. Sometimes she even wears it and levitates in a zero gravity room for meditation.




This --> She wears this on higher risk missions//most missions, with the other peice underneath of course. This has alot of added weaponry and it lets her fly wherever whenever, good for travelling long distances fast. Just like the Iron Man suit it has its own A.I, her name is Amelia, but she prefers Amy. The suit has added weapons and lots of features. Her father and Rocket had the smallest amount of input as Rose does have the ability to create all she wants with the technology.

The helmet moves up, but it also folds in and dissapears completely into her suit so there is only the metal collar, brace looking thing round her neck. The suit has the ability to travel out in space.




Aleena definitly prefers the Tom-Boy look, but if she wants she will add a few more girly peices, or just pastels, etc


Her hair is always in a ponytail, a flowercrown, a bun or let out to show its naturally curly goodness



Aleena is very headstrong like her father and is pretty much a bad-ass bitch, when she wants to be. Her witty responses show her smarts and she manages to keep herself in control. An ego is not a problem, just don't get her mad, that's when you'll have her on your head. Here are a few words to Describe Aleena:

Rebellious Generous

Sly Kind

Arogant Happy

Theiving Funny

Misheivous Joking

Stubborn Respectful

Angry Loyal

Cunning Protective

One side very rarely takes control, even her good side. She will have fun and help out but there will always be some kind of mischeivous glint in her eyes.


Aleena was born with the ability of Technopathy. She can control some electricity and all mechanical//technological devices. E.g, She can't start an engine of a car, she can start the battery and other technogoical parts of its interface to take control of the car and use it how she pleases. She could access a computer through her mind. Create a peice of equipment using volts and maybe even eletrocute someone if she tried. The irises in her eyes become a strobe and striking light blue. They light up and match the colour of her volts. They become like this everytime she uses her powers. And it will stay like that until she stops using her powers.


+ Her Awesome Powers

+ Her suit has a multitude of defense grade weapons installed into it. they range from rocket launchers, mini missiles, powerful blasts of energy, even electricity.

+ She also likes to shoulder charge when in her suit

+ She is trained in advanced hand to hand combat thanks to her mother



+ She has a great weakness in family, if anyone threatened her brother, mother, or father, she might not see her own end.

+ Electricity and Technology devoid rooms/places. If she were to be cut off from the energy for a long time, or had the energy resting within her drained from her, then she would be in serious trouble of losing consciousness, getting sick, etc

+ Her daydreaming, Aleena sufferes from 'Maladptive Daydreaming'. It is not yet consider an official medical condiition but she does have it. It implies that she has a very, very big imagination, one that she can get lost in or lured into. It makes her concentration span alot smaller than the average and affects her on some missions. Just make sure she is paying attention to the real world, and everything will be ok. Her brother isn't the only one with a little bit of insane in the membrane

+ If anyone is to bring up her brother's death, she will not take it well. They were extremely close, they had unnecessary fallouts. And she mourned for a year before she sobered.

Favorite Passtimes:

+ Reading, Fiction and Non-Fiction

+ Riding her skateboard

+ Ice Skating

+ Eating

+ Annoying the hell out of her brother

+ Listening to music with her modern technology, she can access any music she wants through the internet, though she adores music from the 40's and 50's

+ She can often be seen trying to make up a dance routine in her room, or just dancing because she wants to

+ The girl will sing freely, but don't panic, she has quite the voice

+ Meditating wherever she can. Using her abilities she can levitate herself, it doesn't affect her too much, though it would if she tried flying across an ocean, it's why she has the suit. Her meditation keeps her mentality in order and rests her mind after every day.

RDJ. Again. ;)

+ Creating, unmaking and fixing peices of technology and even creating devices for missions and such that help rid of her enemies

Favorite Song:





Lydia Lemire






117 lbs

?Hair Color?


?Eye Color?


?Full Name?

Lydia Lemire




Kate Bishop








Avengers (honorary)

Pizza Party Privateers




Helpfulness - somewhat like her mother, Lydia would often blindly help anyone in need, as long as she knows that they aren't evil. This has, in fact proven to be a curse as well with the fact in which people would attempt to take advantage of this.

Assertiveness - it isn't quite hard for Lydia to assert her place in a group, or an organization. She would often be extremely vocal about the position she would like to be in, and would stop at nothing to gain that role.

Charity - connected to her helpfulness, Lydia would give as much as she can to see someone else succeed. Though, this is often never seen out of her hero work and thus no one really sees her do this.

Tenacity - Lydia, once learning something negative about someone, would almost never let it go. Some would call her almost obsessive, but she never liked that term anyways.


Egotistical - Lydia has a form a superiority complex surrounding her. She often is over-confident in her abilities, and would define herself as better than most heroes with actual powers.

Dry Humour - Lydia has a sense of humour yes, though it's often the driest it could be. She often never smiles when making a joke. Never laughs when doing something purposely stupid. The only time when she doesn't have a serious face when joking, is when she means to be eerily intimidating.

Reckless - Lydia is an extremely reckless individual. Taking any risk, as long as there's at least a 10% chance of succeeded. Of course, depending on the gravity of the situation, Lydia would tend to move this percentage either higher, or lower.

Quick-Tempered - putting Lydia into a yelling phase wouldn't be too hard. In fact, the threshold between 'kind' and 'assertive' is extremely small for most. Thus, this gives most people a 'bitchy' impression on Lydia.

Critic - Lydia would often criticize everyone else's actions, even if her opinions are somewhat hypocritical. Whether it's good or bad, Lydia never stops finding something to critique.




- Drinks

- Pizza

- Creating useless arrow types

- Being treated as an underling

- The Pizza Party Privateers


- Annoying people

- Sudden events

- Losing to anyone 'below' her

?Favourite Pastimes?

- Hanging out at coffee shops

- Grouping with the Pizza Party Privateers

- Doodling

- Inventing stupid arrows




- Hand-to-hand combat

- Archery (mastered)

- Gadgetry

- Engineering

- Chemistry


- Human physiology

- Overconfidence


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Perry Parker






137 lbs

?Hair Color?


?Eye Color?


?Full Name?

Perry Parker




- Peter Parker (Spider-Man)

- Cindy Moon (Silk)









Parker Industries




Cheerfulness - like his parents, Perry retains a carefree and happy mood, even in battle. Often unable to go without making a quip or some sort, Perry retains a happy mood in or out of battle.

Organization - Perry tends to be an organized individual. Planning out all his moves before initiating them. Of course, unless he's busy flirting with some random person he stumbled across in the midst of battle.

Humour - Perry's humour, like his parents, can be defined as a negative to most on the receiving end. A never-ending pool of quips and jokes, Perry can often find himself alone with nobody to talk to. As everyone had left him from annoyance.

Attentiveness - Perry tends to always be on 'high-alert' on when remotely near a minorly crime-filled area. Taking everything into account, Perry tries to not let anything catch him off guard.


Flirtatious Behaviour - Perry tends to...flirt with any female he's working with related to vigilante work. On numerous occasions, he has be aware of this, but does nothing to stop it.

Bias - Perry often never thinks fairly, falling under bias is extremely easy for him. Most of his decisions, are based on how much he likes the people around him.

Bad Luck - Perry tends to be faced with various unfortunate circumstances. Like his father, he's a magnet for bad things to happen.




- Tinkering

- Socializing

- Flirting

- Nostalgic events

- Group-work


- Deadpan attitudes

- Solo-work

?Favourite Pastimes?

- Wandering the streets

- Crime-fighting

- Trying to find friends interested in 'normal' activities




From both of his parents, the best qualities of both Silk and Spider-Man have been fused to make Perry's abilities. They include:

- Wall-crawling

- Superhuman strength

- Superhuman speed (enhanced)

- Superhuman stamina

- Superhuman durability

- Accelerated healing factor

- Superhuman agility

- Superhuman reflexes

- Silk-sense

- Organic webbing

- Spider-totem tracking

?Spider-Armor MK V?

- Stun gauntlets

- Bullet-proof exterior

- Impact protection

- Sonic resistance

- Temperature resistance

- Sonic blasts

- Flame webbing

- Acid webbing

- Catapult boots

- Webware

- Vicinity readings

- Infra-red vision

- Recovered Anna Maria Marconi AI

- Suit transformation


- Business management

- Engineering

- Tinkering

- Hand-to-hand combat (advanced)

- Super-genius level intellect

- Persuasion

- Acrobatics (advanced)

- Eidetic memory


- Symbiote suits

- Parker luck


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Name: Carsal

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Alias: Wicked thorn

Child Of: Plantman, adopted by black widow

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance(pic please!):


Carsal has green tinted lips, emerald green eyes, and used to have green skin. Though he recently got rid of that factor. He loves changing his hair and eyes whatever crazy color he desires.


(Falls to his thighs and sleeves don't have ties.)

With this he wears a leather turtleneck shirt with no sleeves and matching gloves that ends an inch from his shoulders. The edges of the gloves are covered in silver spikes. Black Cargo pants tucked into knee high steel toed combat boots make up the assemble.)


Carsal is viewed as a troublemaker and childish. Which isn't exactly untrue. He love's to prank people and is very energetic as well as easily distracted and entertained. Especially by bright colors. Often his very sanity is doubted because of his fun loving, sometimes sassy, and relaxed attitude even during dangerous times but when important threats rise that threaten those he can show a rare seriousness and loyalty that surprises some people as well as a cunning mind. Otherwise he tends to do his own thing and isn't good at following orders that weren't made by black widow nor does he trust easily. He is very caring but hides it beneath a smile and is actually very self conscious about his own sanity at times but doesn't let it show.


. Resistance to injury.

. He is capable of mentally communicating with the Verdant Green, the psychic embodiment of Earth's biosphere

. He can mentally command plant and vegetable matter.

. He can control plants.

. He is immune to all toxin's, viruses, and bacteria.

. Secretion of floral toxin'. He can weaken people when when overexposed but he can control this feature

. He can alter small parts of his body (Length and color of his hair, color of his eyes and skin,and length of his nails)


Razor sharp playing cards (Given to him during his time with hydra and kept as a bitter memento)

A variety of guns and knives



. Darkness weakens his hold on plants and can also weaken him.

. He often loses control of his plants when angry.

. He can only produce one toxin at a time and they aren't very strong he can't control people with the poison he produces nor produce enough to kill.

. He can't use the green force as well as his father and he isn't as powerful.

. His family and friends

Favorite Pastimes:

. Listening to music and singing

. Gardening

. Playing darts

. Drawing

. Dancing

Favorite Song:


Short bio:

He was produced by hydra using stolen DNA from the villain and a surrogate. He almost killed his surrogate but after a rocky pregnancy both survived the birth. The surrogate was killed to keep quiet and he grew up in a confined room until he was 7. He was almost driven insane by the experiments hydra did to him but was saved in time by the avengers during a raid. He was adopted by black widow in an attempt to ensure he didn't turn evil after his fathers identity was revealed and grew up with little incidents. He still questions his sanity at times.

. Alec is his unwilling best friend

@Pyosimros @Archon @sitanomoto @Crono
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Name: Alec Del Toro

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Alias: Cosmic

Child Of: Nova and White tiger

Sexuality: homosexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-12_23-38-27.png.ae2844845dcea16dbc5d793818e7a9c3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-12_23-38-27.png.ae2844845dcea16dbc5d793818e7a9c3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Alec is a smart and cunning individual but he is also a shy and flustered person growing up learning to control his unstable powers kept him from having a regular child hood like the other kids. Alec has a grudge with his father for leaving and not teaching him to control his powers leading him to almost killing his mother so after that he refuses to let anyone know his feelings unless he feels safe with that person. Alec has been out of the closet for 2 years now and he feels like his mother is disappointed that she will not get grand kids. Also he is Carsals unwilling best friend.

Powers: He can produce Cosmic Energy and has agility like a cat

Weapon: twin katanas


.When his powers get to emotionally unstable all his energy disappears

. He is weak against mental attacks.

Favorite Passtimes: He likes to sleep and swim

Favorite Song: hollow by Tori Kelly

Outfit: A red, blue, gold long sleeved shirt with one sleeve ripped off and a pair of gold tights with red boots

status: Hero

@Pyosimros @Archon @sitanomoto

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RDJ(Robert Downey Jr is Iron man right)

Name: Nicki Fury

Age: 18


Alias: Kid Fury(behind her back), Flame Gush.

Child Of: Nick Fury


Appearance(pic please!):

with black hair.

Personality: Nicki is short tempered, loud and intelligent. Basically a copy of her father,but Nicki knows way more than him and knows how to get along with people. They don't work for you. They're your partners.Equals,but they don't have to be their best friend. Nicki is cool under preasure and knows when not to get mad,but she still has problems with controlling it.She always likes to be rebelious to her father even when he's right she'll find a way to work around it.

Powers: Nicki has fire manipulation.

Weapons: Nicki can make anything from her fire. Especially swords.

Weaknesses:Water(this cancels her powers temporarly),anything cold over -25 degrees faranheight(ex. -26 degrees )

Favorite Passtimes: eating,fighting,training,and going on missions(if that counts)

Favorite Song: Burn:by Addel . Also Fire and Fury by Skillet.

Other: Old friends with Cassie and Conner (@sitanomoto @Crono )
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Name:Mason Flames

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Alias: None Yet

Child Of: ????

Sexuality: Strait


Personality: Mason is a reliable guy who, at times, is not afraid to tell someone outright that they are wrong. At times the man can be shy or be very negative about himself but he wouldn't show it unless he trusted the person dearly.

Powers: Can change his skin into diffrent colored scales. Rest\details tbr

Weapons: Sword(S)

Weaknesses: Mason's anger can cause him to flip out and lose control of his strength barrier.

Favorite Passtimes: Mason loves to read and sing as well as act.

Favorite Song: Torn by kamelot

Extra:he's been partially MIA for awhile as he gives notes, but no one has seen him.

Need more? Lemmy know! @Crono @sitanomotoRDJ​
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"My name? My name is Angelina Worthington."


"I'm 17..."


"Oh... I'm female."


"I usually go by the 'Angel of Death'"

Child Of:

"Erm... I'm the child of Warren Worthington III. Well... I guess he's more commonly known as angel."


"Must I? Fine. Bisexual."




"I guess I'm known for being a bit shy. It makes me feel like a loner. I try to make friends but I'm just really socially awkward and I get easily shy. I'm not all bad though. I am very hopeful and passionate and never give up. That is unless things take my hope away and tear me to pieces because I am very sensitive and I easily get sad not to mention certain fear of my powers. My personality is... Well not the best but not the worst."


"For one thing, I can sprout black angel wings from my back. That's something huh? But the other thing is... Well... I don't want to talk about it. Fine. I feed on negative emotions. When people are negative enough... Everything around me starts to be in pain. Plants die, people go in pain. I can usually control it but my powers can go out of control with enough negativity and everything around my will be slowly dying."


"I just have a few daggers. I can usually use my powers if innocent civilians are around the area so I wouldn't need my weapons as much but I use them anyways."


"I have a few weaknesses. I mentioned a few of them already. One would be that I am very sensitive to what people say. Another would be that I have an extreme phobia of my powers of negative emotion. Another would be... Well I'm not that smart at all, I sure know a few things but I have 3 'D's and an 'F' in school. My last weakness is that I truly do not know how to talk to people."

Favorite Passtimes:

"To be honest I don't do anything to pass the time except for watching TV and listening to music."

Favorite Song:

"I'm not sure. I usually listen to Sia so I have to say 'Alive' is one of my favorite songs."


Also RDJ
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Name: Xenn Wolf

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Alias: Death or The Black Spider

Child Of: Spider man and black cat

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual) (Any form is fine)


Powers: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Reflexes, Wall-Crawling, Spider-Sense, Excellent marksmanship.

Weapons: Webbing (Regular, Shock), Dual pistols, Sub-Machine gun (MP5)

Weaknesses: Self esteem,

Favorite Passtimes: Web swinging, Reading, Video-games, Basketball

Favorite Song: Cant be touched - Roy Jones

(RDJ) Robert downy Junior
Name: Jake Wilson

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Alias: Sir Captain Deadpool II The Third.

Child of: Deadpool

Sexuality: Pansexual


Personality: Hello, reader! I hope you had a nice scroll to the middle of the page. Unless you used the notification and skipped to this part like a cheater! Do yourself a favor, and turn that feature off. Hardship builds character. Anyways, my name is Jake. No I am not from State Farm, and no I do not wear Khakis. I like long walks on the beach and fantasizing about being stuck in an elevator with the double mint twins.

Powers: Bragging time? I've inherited a few cool tricks from my father, may he rest in peace.

(He's still alive.)

What's that Reaper? I didn't realize this was Alex the jerk's Bio. And besides, I just said I want him to rest in peace. I didn't say he was dead.

(Way to out my first name... Jerk.)

Shhh. Where was I? Oh right, powers. The first is called a healing factor. I would say it's a touch better than wolverine's, but I ain't no T-1000. The second is peak human agility, strength, yadda yadda. I'm not losing any triathlons any time soon. Or participating in them. Lastly, I'm proficient with almost all weapons, weather it be guns, swords, sock-em-boppers, rubber chickens, even frisbees! Also, my mom says I'm handsome.

Weapons: You'll never catch me without my trusty pistols, alpha and omega. And I'll be damned if I forget my swords, Sarah and Sara.

Weaknesses: My weaknesses??? What is this some Ghandi shit? Oh alright. I suppose I might be impulsive and unpredictable sometimes. I've also been told I'm pherhaps a bit irritating on occasion. Sigh. I would like to revisit how handsome my mother finds me. She doesn't say that to just anyone.

Pastimes: Unlike my dad, I try my best to drop the anti off of antihero.

Favorite song: I see myself as a classy man with classy tastes. My favorite song is a real underground gem, I doubt you've heard of it, it's called-

(He's lying. His favorite song is Hello Kitty by Avril Lavigne.)

Hey! No... No! It's... Okay fine... Keep it up and I'll out your address next.
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Name:Dru Bishop

Age: 19


Alias: Siphon

Child Of: Lucas Bishop


Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Dru is a kind caring person but he typically hides it behind a tough or joking exterior partially due to his past but also due to his want to become a mercenary. Dru would do almost anything for a good friend and respects power of others over all. Dru prefers not to focus on himself because he doesn't think of himself important or of value but can fixate on helping others even if they don't want his help.

Powers: Energy absorption, Energy projection, Energy manipulation. (He can absorb most forms of energy and then redirect them in multiple different forms of energy however if he stores the energy then he gains a decent healing factor and his physical strength increases however if he absorbs too much then he will explode.)

Weapons: A pistol and rifle that he can channel his energy through as a form of ammunition along with a regular pistol and 3 super batteries (1 is large and can store 25% of the power he can absorb on his own while the two smaller ones can absorb 10% each and can act as a grenade if need be) He also has a knife that is sharp and that he can channel his energy over. RDJ


  • Over Absorption
  • Willingness to sacrifice self for friends
  • Jokes too much
  • Highly insecure of self to a detrimental point

Favorite Passtimes: Practicing with his guns, Reading books over a wide variety of subjects mainly forms of energy and war tactics.

Favorite Song: Faith -Limp Bizkit

Name:Jacob Ashadeep

Age: 17


Alias: Sunspot

Child Of: N/A

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Very prideful during the day and has a decent right to be as his power is at its strongest however during the evening he is much more humble and kind preferring to help others just for the pure joy of helping others. During the day he is willing to help people but does it for the fame and prestige while the evening version is just being a good samaritan. His personalities completely differ from day to night.


Sunshine: As the sun rises his physical strength grows exponentially until noon when he is at peak power. At noon his skin is tough to pierce at Noon and he has a healing factor. As the day ends his physical strength wanes his speed increases until at midnight he has the ability to dodge bullets and such however he is pretty weak so any foe that can catch him can beat him

(most of its weight is in the head and during the day Jacob can lift it easily and uses it as his primary weapon but during the evening he cant move it. Any character with super strength can use it but it feels weighted wrong.)

Weaknesses: His pride can be used as an exploit or his kindness depending on the time of day

Favorite Passtimes:Reading at night and saving people, while fighting and contests of strength during the day.

Favorite Song: Became -Atmosphere
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Name: Sam Marko

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Brawn

Child Of: The Juggernaut

Sexuality: Asexual


Personality: Impulsive and hot tempered

Powers: Super strength on par with some of the strongest heroes of earth

Durability of the flesh, plus an inherent force field around his body

Surprising speed, of which it is nearly impossible to slow him down from.

Sam doesn't get tired, need air, food, or water to survive.

Weaknesses: Sam is incredibly vulnerable to psychic attacks, and he can technically be overpowered by some incredibly powerful opponents

Favorite Passtimes: Unlike his father, Sam has chosen to be selfless with his abilities and help others.

Favorite Song: Wow I am drawing a blank. The best I can come up with is "Coming undone" by Korn

@Crono are you happy now???


"Greetings my friend, I am Lloyd Frost."


"I am 18 years old if you must know."


"I am Male. Can you not see?"


"I have no need for such thing."

Child Of:

"I am the child of Emma Frost. My father... Well you wouldn't recognize a non-canon person."


"I am Homosexual. If you have a complaint please state it now."




"My personality? Of course. I am very calm, collected, and peaceful. I try to be every single time. I am also very strict and serious. When someone ticks me off I will be very angry and give them the... Well... I guess people call it the "Death Stare". I will never raise my voice though. It's just not... Me. I also try to act very smart about everything. Because I am. I'm vain aren't I? I guess I am. I'm also a villain. Evil and power hungry and yes... From time to time arrogant. I am also a very big fan of sciences. It doesn't matter what kind of science. Cosmology? Atronomy? Biology? Geology? Archaeology? Ecology? It does not matter. I try to study it no matter what it is."


"I have 3 powers. 2 of them were brought down to me by my mother. One of them is telepathy, meaning that I can read minds. Another is diamond form, where I turn into pure diamond. Keep in mind that in diamond form, I cannot use any of my other powers. My last power is freezing with the touch of my hand. When I touch people I can freeze them."


"Weapons. I prefer not to use weapons but if I do I just use a revolver. It's quick and easy to use."


"I suppose I have to talk bad about my self don't I? I am an arrogant scientist. I am so overconfident and self-assured that I will always have success in whatever I am doing. Sometimes things may or may not go 100% according to plan. Another thing would be that my diamond form eliminates my freezing touch and telepathy. It may make me very strong but it can't be perfect. My last notable weakness is stress. I study almost every time I have free and when I feel as if I need to have more information about everything in the living universe from extinction to supernovas. I want to know everything that the universe wants to offer and I have a few mental breakdowns during studies about the world. My studies also make me go a bit murderous. If I want to learn the answers to the human mind I might dissect a human mind... From a living person."

Favorite Passtimes:

"I don't usually give myself much leisure. I always try to get myself to study. That would be my passtime but when I really don't feel like studying, I just read a good story. I like beautiful classic stories like "Where the Red Fern Grows" or "Stone Fox" or other things like that."

Favorite Song:

"I'm no big fan of music but if I do listen I like soft quiet music. I have an idea! It's technically not a song but it's still music. Of course it is."




"Also... There are two things I absolutely must explain to you. One, I am going to be a villain. Also, I have a secret. Iron man is actually Robert Downey Junior AKA RDJ"
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Name: Celina Turing

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Alias: Valkyrie

Child Of: N/A

Sexuality: Lesbian

Appearance(pic please!):


As she has been trained largely in combat and confined to the Vector Research Institute, a secret laboratory in S.H.I.E.L.D HQ since her childhood, Celina is serious-minded, but has no social skills as a result, not seeing what was wrong with changing her clothes in front of her male teammates and not understanding that not everyone is a fighter. She is constantly trying to prove herself worthy to her team-mates and wants to fight their enemies, and even members of the Avengers when necessary, to prove a point. Celina is strong-willed and determined to prove her strength to the point that she is willing to put herself in danger to do so. Ironically, while desiring respect, she is very rude when addressing other people as she believes herself to be superior to them. She is willing to attack any and all who she believes are associated with the enemy, even innocent bystanders in the same manner Loki would randomly attack anyone prior to cooperating with S.H.I.E.L.D simply to prove her self-worth with little regard in how her actions affect others, showing she is quite childish.

Because of her obsession with demonstrating her skills, she takes fights seriously and seeks to fight the strongest people she can find and is frustrated and disappointed when she defeats "worthless opponents".

Celina appears to be the typical sort of person of those who are imprisoned at the Vector Research Institute expect them to be. Toward normal human beings, "neurotypicals" as she calls them, a derogatory term used by her and others with Vectors imprisoned at the institute she was sadistic and didn't hesitate to kill anyone who came near her. This extended toward a woman called Asaka, who at that point endeared herself to her enough for Celina to refer to her as "Mother" before realizing Asaka was not her mother. Only the threat of pain kept her in line, and apart from showing malice toward her handlers, she expressed a childish excitement toward maiming the other people she would be allowed to fight.

Her sadistic nature, however, is only a portion of her, and is likely a front caused by the trauma she's faced during her life. Beating Thor in a fight before trying to tear his limbs off is little more than a game to her, like a child "tearing the wings off an insect" in the words of Captain America. She only appears to realize the strength of her powers in terms of how it can help her escape from her tormentors or take revenge on them, as a game or as a way to protect herself.


Vectors are telekinetic energy weapons that manifest as invisible arms and are even called "arms" by those who wield them. They appear to merely hover around their owner, attached to their back.

Regardless of how they manifest, they are mainly used as weapons, with which the user can move, bludgeon, or, most commonly, cut up any offending person or object in their way. They can destroy or repel most materials and projectiles, with such notable exceptions being the specialized prison doors at the Vector Research Institute, Adamantium and the fifty-caliber bullets used in such weapons in the AW50F and the Desert Eagle.

Depending on the individual's power, they can be strong enough to bring down military helicopters, yet can perform extremely delicate tasks as well, such as killing humans by manipulating their blood vessels or piecing together damaged cells to repair them.

Vectors are stated to be made up of molecules, and the vibration frequency of these molecules determines their abilities:

Low: can go through objects without causing physical interference

Medium: lift and throw objects, disrupt blood vessels

High: slash through most material of low density, carry liquid on surface

Extremely high: visible, explosively powerful

Despite their enormous power, vectors can be disabled: by inhibiting the egg-sized pineal gland in the frontal lobe of their brain. Nick Fury and numerous others associated with the Vector Research Institute utilized that method to incapacitate Celina and others with the Vectors, however the pineal gland regrows very quickly. In Celina's case, she used her vectors to pierce the pineal gland to disable the vectors of others with the ability she fought with for a few hours at a time.

She has 50 Vectors that can reach up to 11 Meters.

Weapons: None, just her Vectors.

Weaknesses: Her childish and overconfident personality, her physical weakness and materials her Vectors cannot destroy.

Favorite Pastimes: Fighting people, singing.

Favorite Song: Baptize by Yousei Teikoku

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Name: natsuki katsuchia

Age: 18

Gender: male


Mother- death

Dad- deadpool

Alias: "the oblivion" due to his control over all forms of destruction


Child of death form aka reaper form: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.4d9e12575e85ebeb0dca9cb88344c712.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113202" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.4d9e12575e85ebeb0dca9cb88344c712.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Natsuki's personality isn't really something that can be described by one word. With him being such an outgoing person it is very hard for anyone to ever really "define" him. He's the type of person who when meeting a new person or a total stranger; treats them as if he's known them all his life or as if they were family. As nice and kind as Natsuki is, many people look at him and see someone who couldn't kill a butterfly. However to those who have witnessed Natsuki in action in the past or on a mission are fully aware of what he's capable of. Which is why many people try not to make him mad, well those who know him at least, because of his really short temper. Especially when people make fun of his height because he's so tall, which tends to throw him over the edge every time. His outgoing personality is a great guide for how intelligent Natsuki actually is. When it comes to things like political matters or something urgent Natsuki's personality tends to shift from the immature person that he is - to a empathetic man with only the best intentions for those around him.

Powers: nether manipulation

User can create, shape and manipulate Nether, the "Chthonian Element" that flows through the realms of the living, and the Dead. Nether is most known as the substance that makes up the Underworld, a subterranean dimension where all souls go when they pass on. Nether is very similar to Aether “the Celestial Element” in that is from a Plane that exists between the planes of both matter, and energy. However, although it can partake in the nature of either substances, Nether is neither of these things.

Despite being often considered "Death-Force" Nether is more than the source of what drains life away from living things, it is the destructive aspect of reality, the source and very concept of entropy and destruction, disasters and all degeneration in matter, energy and concepts. It is the power that makes possible and ensures severing the soul's connection to their mortal body, so they can pass onto the after life. It is also the power that summons and controls the souls of the deceased. Users of this power acknowledge that Nether exists in Elemental, Cosmic, and Spiritual forces. Nether exists in the cosmos as sort of a gateway between the land of the Living and the Dead, stretching out to anywhere where death has potential to occur.

Like Aether, Nether is a Spiritual Element, which means it cannot be perceived by any physical sense. The only way Nether can be seen is if it were mixed with an Element of the Physical Realm (Most often Darkness, Fire, or Earth).

[*]Dark Energy Manipulation: Manipulate powerful and destructive forces of dark energy.

[*]Darkness Manipulation: Control the darkness of the Nether Realm.


The user's magical abilities revolve around manipulating the dead, death, the life-force and/or souls for good (i.e., resurrecting the dead), evil (in various ways) or neither. Users can also use communicate with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge.

Many practitioners find a way to cheat death one way or another, whether by becoming some form of undead creature or by bypassing their own ability to die.


deaths scythe- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.5a1fe6ca3ac5334cad1996b43df38ec7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113306" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.5a1fe6ca3ac5334cad1996b43df38ec7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> a gift from his mother.

Several elemental snipers- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.a3399229315964bbef2a0dd7fcf2194e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113307" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.a3399229315964bbef2a0dd7fcf2194e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> used for only assassination missions and covering someone to safety.

Hero or villain:chaotic neutral

Weaknesses:Natsuki using his powers can drive him to insanity due to its big pull to his sanity, it makes him hear voices from people that aren't there and see things Nobody else could see. This would also make him see everyone as a enemy so nobody would be safe. Also due to him being chaotic neutral he tends to not let people live and he also tends to kill innocent civilians when he's in the mood to or seeking attention.

being a nether born being he's weak to ather and holy magic and pretty much all bible scripts, his vision can get blurry when he is losing to much power and he can't eat normal food or get into churches and other places involved with holyness. He is mostly weak to angels and demigods who has almost killed him many times.

Favorite pass-time: hanging with friends or training

Favorite song: ghost by Hollywood undead



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