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Fandom Avengers Academy


A Sad Remnant of a Forgotten Time
-This had been done dozens of times, but hear me out if you want, special thanks to @Icefox11 for inspiration-

Years earlier, The Avengers saved the world from the evil army commanded by Loki. But that was then, and this is now. The Avengers are retiring, putting the new generation in charge. And with new villains on the rise, now is the time that they have to step up.

So, basically the idea is to have private letters sent out to various superpowered individuals across the world asking for them to congregate at the newly reformed Avengers Tower in New York. Your character can be the son/daughter of an Avenger, or a gifted individual in their own right.



Parents of Interest:



Personality(1 paragraph min.):


Name:.Rudolph Black

Age(16-25): 16

Parents of Interest:

Ability: shapeshifter(only into people He's seen)

Skills: Rudolph is a skilled impersonater and thief. He is great at hand to hand combat. Not so much in long distance.

Personality(1 paragraph min.):

Rudolph often comes off as quiet to those that Don't know him. At heart those He's a cunning prankster. He doesn't trust easily and doesn't take betrayal lightly but if you have his trust you will find he is very protective. He does like showing he cares in a more humorous manor however. So watch out.


Rudolph was one of a set. He had a twin sister called Cat. They had a happy life and were very close. When they were ten however during a trip to their father's, a scientist, work there was an explosion. His parents and sisters were killed and he was burnt badly. He healed and with no family left went into the Foster care system. There he leaned about his power and began trying to control it. At fifteen after a particularly bad home he ran away. He's lived on the streets since. Learning to survive.

(Usual form)

{Hope you don't mind, but I just copied and pasted this from another RP}


Name: Audrey Barton

Nickname: "A"

Alias: "Eagle Eye"

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Asexual and Aromantic, but might change during the RP

Ethnicity: American



Hair: Dirty Blonde

Eyes: Grey-ish Blue

Height: 5'3

Weight: 115 lbs

Body Type: Skinny and flat-chested/ "Straight" body type

Blood Type: O Positive

Dress Preference: Anything modest and that doesn't draw attention, yet still comfortable. Much like the clothing shown in the picture of Audrey above, except she likes to wear leggings more than she does skirts or dresses.


Likes: Music, reading, archery, movies, animals (especially her pet cat)

Dislikes: People who don't take important things seriously, bullies, being around people for a long period of time

Traits: +'s--> Down to earth, helping hand, very smart, serious when need be, caring, loyal, kind

-'s--> Naive, isn't good with working in a group, can be seen as too loyal to her family and friends

Hobbies: Reading, archery, painting, listening to music, movie-collecting

Occupations: Works at a library and at her town's theater as an usher


Ability: Master archer like her father

Weakness: Not good at hand-to-hand combat

Variations: {I'm not sure what to put down for this, so if you could explain what to put down, that would be great, thanks!}

Strengths: Distance, speed, upper-arm strength, 20-20 vision, deadly-fast reflexes

Age Acquired: about 12 years old


Childhood: Audrey's childhood was pretty normal. She was born and raised in a small house on the West Coast, where she spent most of her time with her mom, since her dad was always working. But, when her dad had the time, he would teach Audrey about archery, which she loved every minute of. And, during the summer, she took archery classes until she was considered a "class master" and couldn't get any better through the class. At school, she made a few good friends in her music classes and in her art club, and they are still her friends today, though she doesn't see them much anymore. She earned wonderful grades in school and went into honors and a-leveled classes when she got into high school.

Parents: Clint Barton and Lana (Clantwood) Barton

Criminal Records: None (so far, at least)



(her battle music that shows she means business that also shows her love for music)

Relations: Other than her parents, she has Sarah and Delia, who are her best friends from school. She also has two pets, an orange tabby cat named Mac and Cheese and a painted turtle name Squirt

Other Info: Looks up to her dad a lot and has deep loyalty with her parents and her friends. Is also deaf just like her father, but got a cochlear implant when she was a toddler, so she can hear perfectly well. But once in awhile, she likes to take it out and use ASL (American Sign Language) which is the language she grew up with and uses at home a lot.


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