Avatars Wanted

I have now! Although I must admit to not thinking much of it.

The only one of those particualr brand of parodies I've any taste for is Naruto Abriged by MasokoX. That's some funny stuff.

It does kick ass though.

L is a pretty high level of win, but I cant use that avatar because that would mean not using Hitsugaya.

And I cant not use Hitsugaya.
Jack said:
I have now! Although I must admit to not thinking much of it.
It's not as good as the other series', I admit, but I did like L's "can't touch this" bit at the end of episode 2.
Yeah. That was pretty funny. Taking its humour from the show ditectly rather than external jokes tends to be the difference between a good abriged parody and a bad one.

I'd like to be able to have the gallery sorted, so all of the various castemarks are in order -- but it doesn't seem to sort them by name, or my date. I'm not sure how it organizes them.
To be honest, I'm not keen on adding a whole bunch of flashing, animated avatars. If people want to use them, they can download them from this thread, post them to photobucket, or somesuch, and do it that way -- but I'd rather not officially endorse it ;)
Wordman, by any chance, would you be doing Alchemical caste marks? (Though, well, I guess they are more of Sodality symbols than "caste marks".)
Wordman' date=' by any chance, would you be doing Alchemical caste marks? (Though, well, I guess they are more of Sodality symbols than "caste marks".)[/quote']
I hadn't thought to, but I'll think about it. Anyone have any vector versions of these symbols (or, perhaps, fonts containing them)?
I know you said "no flashing animated avatars", but I felt this one was somehow... appropriate to the atmoshpere we have here.

Whee! More FMA fun. I loved that filler episode following the group back in Central, I think one of the pics there is from it. Armstrong won, as always.
You mean because he postures and poses and rips off his shirt at every turn?
That's only two thirds of the equation.

You left out the part where he transmutes people's possessions into solid gold replicas of himself.
After trying to be a snob and use only Bryce for my Exalted avatars, I broke down and used Photoshop to alter my sidereal icons, adding a glow around the caste symbol. I'm pretty sure I could have done it in Bryce, but building the object I needed would have taken longer than it was worth. Anyway, artificially glowing sidereal castemarks are now available. I can't quite tell if they are better or worse.
I think it's an improvement. I replaced the ones in the gallery.
Hey Flagg.  You can pull my Avatar so you can finally get a Canti pic in with the rest of the FLCL stuff in the anime section...
My Avatar.  Is Canti from the Anime FLCL.  There's several FLCL avatars in the gallery, and none of them are Canti.
He looks like Master Sergeant to me.

Though I guess Canti is Mr. Monitor Head.

So your Avatar is him.

I guess. :?
Yay FLCL! ... really, everyone watch it now! Great stuff... just make sure to look past the initial madness of the sensory barrage and think about what they're trying to say. Loved it.
Cartoon Network was my first exposure to the show too.  After it aired all 6 episodes the first time, I went out and bought them within a week.

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