Avatars Wanted

They still haven't been added to the Gallery. Maybe I hould PM Flagg to get his attention?
Hey, Jukashi.

Why don't you put your characters from Circle of the Stick on the Avatars setup?
OK, I've got a couple of Avatar images that some folks might like to use, but I'm not sure where to upload them.
Why not post them on your image-host and post them here for Flagg to pick 'em up?
Haku's got it. Post the pics here. I'll transfer them to the gallery.





Wow....some serious avatarage...much impressed. If I weren't currently still amused by my Jedy squirrels/Lunars in squirrel form using Moonsilver Beamklaives avatar, I'd be so tempted to choose one or two of these...

These two seriously remind me of one amusing but short lived Exalted campaign I played in...I happened to the the guy getting whacked upside the head by the girl with the warfans constantly. Had taken flaws that basically made him a compulsive liar (to the point of Pooka-age, so to speak, having to spend willpower to even be able to tell the truth and such) and it annoyed her no end that I never spoke the truth. It was fun telling a chinise fortune cookie message in response to someone asking about my chinese zodiac or something like that...heh. I kind of liked the idea of that game...kind of a Exalted: High School sort of theme...with rival schools and everything. Ah well.

What anime are they from, out of curiousity? I recognise a lot of the others, but not these...
Full Metal Panic (or Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu)

Romcom about a military bodyguard assigned to a Japanese schoolgirl.

The levels of funny contained within are matched only by fruits basket.

I'd definitely reccomend it.

On a somewhat related note, Jakk, I had been led to believe you tastes lay elsewhere, I assume this is you doing us a service rather than channeling your inner fanboy?
I find things on the net, I have a Photobucket account, and I'm not afraid to load things up.

Most of these were made on an anime site that I pass through on occasion. The Otaku there get all the credit for their creation, I'm just a conduit through which they pass.

I will admit that I've got some love for The Teen Titans and Blood though.
This brings up a question: some browsers (and, I thought, older versions of Firefox) have settings for controlling the display of animated gifs (e.g. slowing them down, turning them off, etc.). I don't see such settings in Bon Echo. Can Bon Echo do such things?
Those are some nice avatars, Jakk. Thanks for finding them.

Dracogryph...sorry for fan whapping your character so much. Wait...no I'm not. The lying pervert deserved it. :P Well, not really...but Hikari thought he did.
Jukashi said:
I'm not really sure how to do the Deathlords, in that I'm not sure what they look like. If someone could tell me for sure which is which in the picture in the Storyteller's Companion, that'd help. I can guess at a few, but I'd like to be sure.
And sometimes people picture them differently, too. Tell me your own image of the DLs as well.
If you're taking requests I would love one of the Dowager... She's the one on pg. 86 of the SG. She's got the spiral horns goin on...
Dracogryff said:
Wow....some serious avatarage...much impressed. If I weren't currently still amused by my Jedy squirrels/Lunars in squirrel form using Moonsilver Beamklaives avatar, I'd be so tempted to choose one or two of these...

I hadn't realised they were squirrels.. that makes your avatar far cooler!

Also, kudos on the Blood avatars, Jakk.
Samiel said:
Dracogryff said:
Wow....some serious avatarage...much impressed. If I weren't currently still amused by my Jedy squirrels/Lunars in squirrel form using Moonsilver Beamklaives avatar, I'd be so tempted to choose one or two of these...

I hadn't realised they were squirrels.. that makes your avatar far cooler!
*chuckles* Wish I could take credit for it, but I found it on DA as a 'webcam' and saved it almost a year ago, and I either lost the person who had it or they have since changed. Cut it down to be square and resized it to make the avatar.

And I can't believe I mispelled Jedi. -.- Bleh.

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