Avatars Wanted


The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment
Now that I've turned on avatar hosting, one of the features is the ability to have an on-site gallery of icons that people can choose from.

Of course, these need to be images that we can use without breaking copyright.

I was hoping that an interested artist would be willing to make a bunch of Exalted-themed "flash" art to use in the gallery?

Contact me if you're interested in volunteering.

I play around in Photoshop often enough I wouldn't mind making a few little pictures as Avatars. Of course I'm no real artist I color a lot. So they would likely be Sun or Moon or even stars things.

Another good place to kinda look, though I don't know if everyone actually wants pictures of people... but RPoL has some nifty nifty pictures on there.

Stillborn, can't you 'borrow' the avatars WW offers for their forum?
I could, but I'd rather have something unique and non-copyright-infringing.

If you'd like to make some stuff, please keep it 100x100 or less. Thanks.

Speaking of avatars, apparently the new default "I'm too lame..." avatar is offensive -- or so I've been told by someone who not only felt the need to PM me about it. So offensive, apparently, that they're not going to visit the site anymore.

In that case, they weren't going to enjoy the site anyway, if they were that much of a hothouse flower.  No hoo hoo there.  And verily, they shall spread the news of the ECR's Bad Boy reputation on into the Interweb, and maybe it'll keep guys like GUTB the heck away.

I will admit that it was a little annoying.  Offensive? Not so much.

Offensive would have been: "I suck so much cock I can't load up an Avatar!"

"I'm lame" is chiding and dismissive.  Big difference.  I wonder what these folks do when actually confronted with someone who really is a bastard?

Too damn many people in this world who think that it's their right to be ensconced in comfort from birth to grave.  When the Apocoplyse comes, there's going to be some good buzzard bait out there...
In that case' date=' they weren't going to enjoy the site anyway, if they were that much of a hothouse flower.[/quote']
I told them as much in my reply.

I will admit that it was a little annoying.
I'm open to suggestions for a replacement. However, I think it should remain at least mildly obnoxious, lest it lose its motivational factor.

"Stillborn activated Avatar hosting, and all I got was this damn blank space?"

"If I were cooler I'd upload an Avatar."

"Too lazy to load an Avatar..."

Load up the dancing banana as the default Avatar?
I am not a great artist but i mean i can draw faces and i got the Gimp/ and photoshop going on. so i could give a crack at it. I will try to draw some stuff this up coming week and email you a few pictures.
I've finally got around to creating abyssal caste mark icons. I try to match the colors to the descriptions in the book, which is unfortunate in the abyssal case, because there is far to much "deep black on deep black" and ugly mixes of purple and green.

As before, if you use them, please host them yourself.
Added these to the avatar gallery as well. Thanks wordman.
You can add this, if you like:

If someone could tell me a good, free vector-art program for the mac, I could make some more stick-figure avatars like the one above.
PSST... GIMP is a vector program as well, filling all three requirements.

It's not as focused on Vector art, but it is a vector art program nonetheless.
Samiel said:
PSST... GIMP is a vector program as well, filling all three requirements.
It's not as focused on Vector art, but it is a vector art program nonetheless.
Can it open Illustrator or EPS files?
Perhaps? I don't have it in front of me. Regardless, lack of support for specific formats is one thing; if it can draw in vector art and do it well enough for routine use, it's a vector art program.

I'm just sayin'.

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