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Fandom Avatar

Who should our Avatar be?

  • Rav'n

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Raiko

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kesuk

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lew

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kazu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Agito

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Amita

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shila

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Min Ra

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ila

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Professional Fangirl
An Avatar roleplay!

- Control one of four elements

- Go on amazing adventures

- Interact with humans and spirits alike

- Take your side when an uprising begins

- Oh yeah, and find the next Avatar...kind of forgot to mention that




-No Mary-Sues (not that I'll be mean about it, we all do it sometimes!)

-Once you've chosen an element, you can't change (sorry)

-Obviously all RpN rules

-Romance is fine, and fade-to-blacks, but seriously, just try to not even lead up to that. This is based off a kids' show, remember?

-You can't choose to be the Avatar...sorry

-If you've read the rules, bold your character's element and name ;)

-You can have as many characters as you want (at least one), though two is recommended at most =P (In other words, one is fine, two is okay, three...? Well it's your choice)

-After sign-up is closed, we will be holding a vote for who the Avatar will be, but I won't reveal it until we've roleplayed for a while...keeps it interesting >=)

-Pretty PLEASE no one-liners...I know sometimes you're just stuck and can't think of anything...then, fine. But just try to keep it to a minimum please! Try to go for at least a paragraph if you can (3 lines)! Sorry but it just adds a lot more detail and color to the roleplay...because seriously, one-liners are just...ugh. They look so boring and ugly! Anyway, yeah. Thankies! =D

-I would request that every post is color-coordinated (eg. red if you're fire nation, blue if you're water tribe, green if you're earth kingdom, and grey if you're air nomad--seeing as we can't do white lol) so we know who is who! =D It's not mandatory, just thought it would be a good idea. Thanks, guys!
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xXxKateKaysxXx updated Avatar with a new update entry:

Time Period

Okay! So! A lot of people have been asking what time period this is supposed to be set in, and I think it's going to be a looong time before TLA, so as not to worry about canon events or if you haven't seen or aren't up-to-date with LOK. Unfortunately, this means no metal-bending and no cool cars or anything. I'm also not sure if blood-bending would be here, so...yeah. So! That covers that. Thanks to @Mlkshke for helping me! Anyway, that's all. See ya later! =P
Read the rest of this update entry...
Kesuk sighed. He'd been out here forever. And his face was getting cold. He picked himself up, shaking himself, and decided he'd try one more time before heading home. Closing his eyes to concentrate, he took a deep breath and held out his hands above the small water pool. Moving his arms strategically, he slowly bended the water up from the body and into the air.

Kesuk opened an eye to see if it was working.
So far, so good. he told himself, before snapping his eye shut again. He twisted his body, and the water swirling around his legs, encasing them in a funnel. The funnel propelled upwards until he was in the air. His eyes shot open once he realized he'd done it.

"Whoo!" He cheered, throwing his fists in the air. Next moment he fell to the ground, the water splashing on him rather ungracefully. "Aw...man."


Amita flew through the air, smiling to herself. She loved this feeling of flying on her glider. The air whistling past freely, the sense of danger yet peace at the same time. It was just so natural to her, and so she smiled. She turned gracefully, harnessing the wind around her to fly wherever she wanted to go.

She was almost back to the Eastern Air Temple, her home. She'd lived there her whole life, trained by the monks, as all airbenders were. She gave a soft smile as she slowly tilted her aircraft down, coming in for a landing. She was getting pretty good at them now, actually, and was ready for another try at it.

She landed as gracefully as a swan, snapping her glider back into its staff form. She smiled to herself, containing the urge to leap into the air, shouting, "Yes! I did it
perfectly!" Instead she bowed her head to an older airbender respectfully and hurried into the courtyard.


Everyone feel free to post now! (I'm still hoping for a few more boys to join, but we're officially starting the rp now! Have fun!)
Kuga strolled the market place, eyeing the merchandise, sometimes pausing to wipe his glasses to make sure he was seeing the right price. Ever since leaving the desert, prices had been extremely low in comparison to the cost of the wares his traveling band sold. He had guessed that getting items to the desert was quite costly, thus raising the selling price. And yet, even in those most remote of towns, one that should have been a pain to transport things to, the prices were by far the lowest he had ever seen.

Bison Booth

One pound of Air Bison fur

2 copper coins

Two coins! That would have been at least a silver piece in the desert. Kuga paused at the fur vendor, asking "Where are you getting this? How are the prices so low!" The old lady paused for a moment, looking at him strangely.

Dont you know? The government of course! We supply the entire country's mineral water straight to the government! And they, in return, let us have a... tax break."

Kuga walked away, surprised by the info. "
Here I was thinking it was a normal town... Not some corrupted mess." He pulled the map out of his backpack. He needed somewhere to go after buying a ton of cheap stuff.
Kazu Ran over to the woods where his Twin brother Lew was waiting with a bag of bread in his hands. A man not to far away was yelling "Thief! Thief! Come Back HERE!"

"Look Lew~" Kazu said with a stupid smile on his face," I got bread"

Lew looked at him not very happy,"Was bread really worth stealing?"

"I didn't steal this bread!" Kazu said in a heroic voice,"I Bough-" "You stole it..."

Lew smiled and grabbed the bag,"We better go before that guy get here" with that Lew ran into the dark woods and kazu followed right behind him.

(was this okay? I don't wanna mess up anything so correct me if Im wrong)
Raiko was walking in a town that he had no idea of what it was. He heard someone yelling, "Thief! Thief!" and was hoping to help him out to get something more in return. That's how he lived his life for the past 2 years. He ran to where the yelling came from and he saw a merchant pointing into the woods. "I got 'em!" Raiko said to the merchant as he ran past him into the woods. He ran far enough and thought to go up into a tree. He thrust his fist into the air and he shot up above the trees. While he was up there, he saw 2 boys. He landed very gracefully and ran towards their direction. He snuck up behind the one who was holding the bread and said, "I don't think that bread is yours, is it? Mind if I just take that for a moment?" Raiko reached for the bread while saying that hoping they would get scared and give it to him. 
((Like that first sentence? :P ))
"LEW!!!" Kazu said as he ran behind him,"H-he came from the trees!!! The trees!!!"

"I can see that" Lew looked at the male with no emotion,"Look were just trying to survive, We have no one to provide food to us" He held a fire ball in one hand,"Just let us go"
Raiko stopped reaching for the bread and saw the fire come from the hand of the boy named Lew. "Survive, eh? Hmm... Maybe I'll let this slide. Hah! Just kidding!" Raiko blew out the fire with a punch of wind. He flew back and took out his only posession, his claws. "I've been surviving for two years and I never needed to steal. Give me another reason and I might let you live." Raiko never killed anyone before and he wasn't planning on doing it today. He was just going to take the little boys to the police.
"Give me another reason why we can't steal, Just cause you didn't need to doesn't mean anything to us" Lew said as he looked at him in anger
"Hmm. Good point. Well Let's go." Raiko said putting his claws back and walking towards them. He genuinely didn't have a good reason for that. He decided to join them on their adventures even if they didn't allow him.
((Guys please try to refrain from the one-liners...once in a while is fine but...really. C'mon, I know you guys can do better ;) Try to get at least a paragraph (like 3 lines at least); only use one liners if there is REALLY NO OTHER CHOICE....or I will find you... ( 0 - 0 ) No just kidding but seriously though, please try to keep away from them!! Thankies!))
Shila practiced surfing using her waterbending. It was her favorite technique, useful both in looking very cool and in getting where she wanted to go quickly.

That is, when she did it right.

After wiping out once again, Shila clambered onto a glacier, waterbended herself dry, and sighed. "Gotta get this right," she muttered. "I'm going on a journey around the world soon, so I better be prepared."

Her brother had told her stories about the rest of the world. And as Shila was young and fairly gullible, she believed him. She was going to be prepared for anything. Even the parts of his stories that even she was pretty sure weren't real (The northern water tribe worshipped seals? The Fire Nation was entirely in the caldera of a giant extinct volcano? Earthbenders saw via small earthquakes? Seriously?).

She formed another surfboard and tried again.
Kesuk got up, waterbending the liquid off of himself easily, before grimacing at the ground. "Augh.." he muttered, clenching his fists. "Why can't I get this?" He glared at the ground, where his puddle was, now slowly freezing. He looked up at the sky, stretching, and admired the clouds before he looked out to sea.

He was out by himself, or, at least, he thought he'd been out by himself. He noticed a girl, maybe his age, off in the water...surfing?
Nice moves, he thought to himself. He recognized her; he'd seen her around causing trouble. The boy grinned to himself before making his way towards her, clambering across icebergs and glaciers.

She wiped out suddenly, and he hurried along. He knew she wasn't hurt, but still, it didn't hurt to help her. By the time he got there, though, she had already gotten out, dried herself off, and gone in again. He sat down on the edge of the surface, watching her (but not in a creepy way, mind you). "Hey there!" he called finally, waving to her.
"Okay....." Lew said and walked next to kazu,"Come on then, I'll show ya to our room" he said walking farther into the dark woods in his hand a fireball again it light up the woods a little

"Come on" kazu said following
xXxKateKaysxXx said:
Kesuk got up, waterbending the liquid off of himself easily, before grimacing at the ground. "Augh.." he muttered, clenching his fists. "Why can't I get this?" He glared at the ground, where his puddle was, now slowly freezing. He looked up at the sky, stretching, and admired the clouds before he looked out to sea.
He was out by himself, or, at least, he thought he'd been out by himself. He noticed a girl, maybe his age, off in the water...surfing?
Nice moves, he thought to himself. He recognized her; he'd seen her around causing trouble. The boy grinned to himself before making his way towards her, clambering across icebergs and glaciers.

She wiped out suddenly, and he hurried along. He knew she wasn't hurt, but still, it didn't hurt to help her. By the time he got there, though, she had already gotten out, dried herself off, and gone in again. He sat down on the edge of the surface, watching her (but not in a creepy way, mind you). "Hey there!" he called finally, waving to her.
Shila noticed him, got distracted, and wiped out again. She waterbended a small ice floe into existance, and clambered up onto it. She waterbended herself dry again, and glared at the boy who'd distracted her. She was a bit peeved about her latest bellyflop.
Bai Matsumoto

The soft sound of a flowing river rises and falls as Bai looks around at her surroundings and breathes a heavy sigh. She just recently managed to find her way out of a forest only to find a river and no sign of civilization. Bai’s been on the road lately, having begun her journey recently, and has once more found herself lost. This happens quite often.

Bai pulls out her map from the pack she is carrying and sits down next to the water to examine it. Yune, her sparrowkeet, is currently perched on top of her owner’s head, making herself comfortable in the girl’s hair. “Well, I am completely lost. Again.” She mutters to herself. “Maybe if I follow this river, it’ll lead me to either people who can point me in the right way or maybe if I’m lucky a town! How’s that sound Yune? You think that’ll work?”

The bird chirps in response. “I’m taking that for a yes.” Bai rolls the map up once more and stuffs it back into her pack before slowly rising and adjusting her bag and sword. “Let’s get going then. I want to get as far as possible before it get’s dark out.”

The two of them once again resume their journey to find some form of civilization by walking along the river; Bai trudging along while Yune roosts comfortable in her curly hair, occasionally flying off to stretch her wings only to return at a whistle from Bai.
Kesuk cringed. "Oops..." he mumbled, scratching the back of his head with his hand awkwardly. "Sorry...!" he called to the girl, grinning sheepishly. "Are you okay?" She looked upset, and, honestly, he couldn't blame her. He watched her dry herself off and glare at him. He felt like he'd shrunk about three feet.

Bringing up some water from below his feet, he created a small makeshift ice bridge to her new platform, which she'd created out of thin air (practically) using her waterbending. Upon reaching her, he apologized again. "Sorry..." he said, offering a weak smile. He extended his hand kind-heartedly, a friendly look on his face.

"I'm Kesuk; and you're..." he pondered for a moment. "...Shila, right? Your surfing was really cool; you're really good at it, too!" he beamed at her. "You're okay, right?"
Agito looked around in the forest, a while frontage castle gates he knew not where. But he knew somewhere out there he would find the avatar..... It was in his blood, to find him, and kill him... His will of fire of strong.

He remembers The stories his father told him about the 'great avatar' who killed his elders. That one day, the violence would end by the hand of the fire nation. That he would be that boy. Well, no more waiting . He would not get that fiend by sitting in a castle!

He would find that fiend.

He would kill him.
xXxKateKaysxXx said:
Kesuk cringed. "Oops..." he mumbled, scratching the back of his head with his hand awkwardly. "Sorry...!" he called to the girl, grinning sheepishly. "Are you okay?" She looked upset, and, honestly, he couldn't blame her. He watched her dry herself off and glare at him. He felt like he'd shrunk about three feet.
Bringing up some water from below his feet, he created a small makeshift ice bridge to her new platform, which she'd created out of thin air (practically) using her waterbending. Upon reaching her, he apologized again. "Sorry..." he said, offering a weak smile. He extended his hand kind-heartedly, a friendly look on his face.

"I'm Kesuk; and you're..." he pondered for a moment. "...Shila, right? Your surfing was really cool; you're really good at it, too!" he beamed at her. "You're okay, right?"
[Hey, she just used the same technique Kesuk used.]

Shila, being Shila, quickly cooled off, smiled brightly, and shook his hand. "Hi, Kesuk. Yeah, I'm Shila. Thanks for the compliment. I practice a lot. It's my favorite move. I don't think that you'd call me good if you'd seen me earlier, though. This is the sixth time on this trip I've wiped out."
He grinned at her. She seemed nice enough; at least she wasn't bitter. Her annoyance at him seemed to have vanished (for the time being, at least), and that made him feel a little more at ease. Her handshake was firm yet it wasn't gruff. Rather a nice feeling, if you know what I mean. He admired her smile as she confirmed her identity.

"You're welcome," he replied, "Practice does make perfect, or so I'm told." He chuckled to himself. "Besides, wiping out
six times is a whole lot better than wiping out ten times, or even twenty times!" He gave her a lopsided grin, not entirely sure if he'd been as optimistic and reassuring as he had intended to be.

"Do you think you could teach me how to surf sometime?" he asked playfully, raising an eyebrow at her. She seemed like she'd make a good teacher; it was really all up to her
wanting to teach or not, and the boy wasn't sure anyone would want to teach him anything, waterbending or otherwise. He could be a pretty impatient student at times (not regularly, mind you).


I'mma gonna go to bed now everybody! See you tomorrow (hopefully lol)! =D
"Alright! It's been a while since I have slept in a room. I mostly just sleep on the streets. Or on top of a tornado. Oh, ya! I'm Raiko by the way." Raiko said pointing his thumb to himself. "I know you are Lew. And you are who? That rhymed." Raiko said laughing. He stared the other one down and waited for a response. While he was following them in the woods, he noticed how awesome the woods are. He could live in a place like this. He usually just tries to stay in cities to get free food and water, but he occasionally has gone to the woods, although he usually flies above them.
Kazu looked at the male,"Um My names Kazu.... this is my twin brother Lew....and you are?" kazu said a little scared of the fact the guy was staring him down the whole time, but it really couldn't have been helped. Lew turned and looked at him as well,"We really don't live in a house, Its a tiny tree house that were adding to , but I guess you won't have a problem getting up to the tree since how you ambushed us like that."

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