• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom AUstuck (Homestuck RP)

Roy was super stoked about playing this new game he got in the mail. From all accounts that he had received, this was a really weird game with all this weird terminology. But it was all fine, because above all else he was going to have some fun with some friends.

provocativeReactor [PR] began pestering allknowingAlien [AA]

PR: HEY man!

PR: HOW you doin'?

PR: I just got that new game in the mail!

PR: AND i was wondering if you wanted to be my "server player," whatever that means.

Within the confines of a lunar outpost on Earth's Moon, a young boy resides in his room reviewing over some interesting reading material once more. He has been preparing for this day to come for quite some time. This would be that day the world he knew was about to end. Even though you’ve been prepping for this very moment for years, it is only today that you’ll be given a name. What should it be?

==> Enter Name.

Not Available_

...A-Are you serious right now? Not Available, what are you talking about? This is your name, dammit, you have to have one. It is vital part for you to have some kind of designation that people can refer to you as, we can’t just call you nothing! How will people be able to identify you, if you don’t even have the simple element as a freaking name!?!?...*Sigh*... Now please, what is your name?

==> Try Again.


==> Examine Room.

Alright, there we go. Your name is DUKE, you’re a SBURB EXPERT and THE COOLEST THIRTEEN YEAR OLD IN SPACE! Then again, you’re probably the only one. As previously stated, you have been spending most of your time today locked in your room preparing for your SBURB SESSION. Your friends think you can be stoic at times, but they tend to be more concerned about your “obsession” with Sburb and that you’re taking it just a bit too seriously. You don’t let their concerns bother you, they’ll be thanking you later. Besides that, you like to spend your downtime watching CHEESY SCI-FI FLICKS and COLLECTING VARIOUS SCIENCE FICTION MERCHANDISE. You also like to play GAMES, mostly MMORPGs and sandboxes. You like the options.

Speaking of MMORPGs, today you got a copy of Sburb!...Well, at least one of them. There seemed to be some kind of screw up with your delivery and you only recieved the SERVER-PLAYER COPY of the game. You already installed the current copy you got and currently waiting to receive the other copy of Sburb, but the shuttle that's delivering it seems to be running a bit late...You could go on about how that annoys you oh so much, but you feel like you could spend your time doing something a bit more productive. However, there isn't really all that much to do in this SPACE DUMPSTER. You already did your chores and even filed up you paperwork for the delivery of you copy of Sburb...

What will you do?

==> Duke: Quickly retrieve arms from SPACE LOCKER.

You retrieve your ROBOT ARMS from SPACE LOCKER. You seem to have a lot of these things laying around, mostly due to your LITTLE FRIEND tendency to keep breaking down and requiring constant maintenance. You CAPTCHALOGUE them into your SYLLADEX. You’re probably gonna need them later. There are other items in your SPACE LOCKER.

==> Duke: Examine contents in drawer.

Within are a variety of various DEVICES that you’ve been known to use from time to time. They are ONE (1) ROUND KEYPAD, ONE (1) TOWEL, ONE (1) MOBILE COMMUNICATOR, TWO (2) AA BATTERIES, ONE (1) COPY OF THE ULTIMATE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY, and ONE (1) PRINTED COPY OF A SBURB FAQ.

All these things seem pretty useful, but you just take the ROUND KEYPAD for now.

==> Duke: Examine Mainframe.

Your computer starts to make noises, alerting you that you're being messaged by a chum. Might as well not keep them waiting.

==> Duke: Answer chum.

AA: Ah, so you already got your copy of Sburb.

AA: Alright, might as well do something to past the time.

AA: I'll gladly become your server player.

AA: Just give me a moment as I set up a connection.

AA: Typing, typing, typing.

AA: Clicking send.

AA: Aaaannd sent.

AA: Okay, when you see a window popup saying that a SBURB host user is attempting to connect with you, just click ENTER and I will become your server player.

AA: Got all that?

a young troll stands in her respiteblock... er library... waiting for someone to pester her.

What is your name?

Ye olde fart face X

um...no thats not it o-o

Try Again?

Psaryn Venili

Your name is Psaryn and you absolutely love READING and ADVENTURING because of all the exciting things that happen in both, its almost like living out all of the fictional characters lives! You've been staring at your computer screen for over 15 minutes now waiting for someone to talk to you as you are too nervous to start up a conversation yourself.

Psaryn: examine book shelves

You examine your copious books all neatly organized by author in your READING LOFT. All of the books here are either books you've found on your adventures or ones you ordered online.

Psaryn: Look over railing

You look over the railing to the READING LOFT and examine the rest of your respiteblock which is mainly comprised of your RECUPRECOON, a dresser, and a basket you like to call the STUFF BASKET, and a desk with your bulkier computer, which is mainly used for all of your "heavier games" because it has way more storage in it.
==> Be the other Troll that Psaryn is waiting for.


Your name is AVEENA SATIVA, and you are an olive-blooded troll who likes cats. And puns. And adventure.

Speaking of adventure, you are about to start one! Your friend, PSARYN VENILI, is waiting for you.


Hey, why did YOU have no problem with names?

Aveena: (^u3u^) > Hee hee.

... Anyways. Your friend is waiting for you. Why don't you go and troll her?

Aveena: (^-3-^) > Alright, sheesh.

... Stop breaking the fourth wall. Get on with it.

tranquilCatgrass [ TC ] began trolling cautiousLibrarian [ CL ].

TC: (^owo^) > Hee hee! Hi Psaryn!

TC: (^ ^~^ ^) > Sorry it took me so long!

TC: (^owo^) > Anyway... I can't seem to furgure out how these clawlours work! I'll fix it laturr! 83
TC: (^ ^w^ ^) > Yeah!

TC: (^owo^) > SGru6 or S13urb, right?

TC: (^-w-^) > Oh, and I was wondurring. Would you..

TC: (^owo^) > Be my surrver purrlayer? 83

@Kurai Okami
CL: oh...uh

CL: Yeah...sure

CL: Once i get mine... of course

CL: o-o

Psaryn: look out window

You look out your purple tinted window across the vast fields to which this specific window can outlook. You actually live by the ocean for your lusus' sake, she likes to swim around and occasionally fly through the air, which is not an unusual occurrence. Out the window you spot your mail box; although it is quite a long time before you ever get your mail you have a good feeling about today.

@A Smol Bean
Aveena: Suddenly become over-enthusiastic.

TC: (^>w<^) > Hee hee! Yay!

TC: (^o♡o^) > Ooh, I got these clawlours to work!

Aveena: Examine at the copy of SGrub--- er, SBurb, or whatever it's called--- you have in your hands.

This is a game you and a few others have been waiting to get. It felt like SWEEPS before you finally got it! Now that you have it, you've been studying for over 15 minutes on a SBurb FAQ page on your web browser, Laeana, how to play the game.

Until you came across 'sessions', 'multiplayer', and 'server player'. Which is when you decided to troll a friend. Which is right now.

Aveena: Ask about why Psaryn hasn't recieved her copy yet.

TC: (^owo^) > Anyway, why haven't you recieved your game yet? 83

@Kurai Okami
Nawmoo said:
Within the confines of a lunar outpost on Earth's Moon, a young boy resides in his room reviewing over some interesting reading material once more. He has been preparing for this day to come for quite some time. This would be that day the world he knew was about to end. Even though you’ve been prepping for this very moment for years, it is only today that you’ll be given a name. What should it be?
==> Enter Name.

Not Available_

...A-Are you serious right now? Not Available, what are you talking about? This is your name, dammit, you have to have one. It is vital part for you to have some kind of designation that people can refer to you as, we can’t just call you nothing! How will people be able to identify you, if you don’t even have the simple element as a freaking name!?!?...*Sigh*... Now please, what is your name?

==> Try Again.


==> Examine Room.

Alright, there we go. Your name is DUKE, you’re a SBURB EXPERT and THE COOLEST THIRTEEN YEAR OLD IN SPACE! Then again, you’re probably the only one. As previously stated, you have been spending most of your time today locked in your room preparing for your SBURB SESSION. Your friends think you can be stoic at times, but they tend to be more concerned about your “obsession” with Sburb and that you’re taking it just a bit too seriously. You don’t let their concerns bother you, they’ll be thanking you later. Besides that, you like to spend your downtime watching CHEESY SCI-FI FLICKS and COLLECTING VARIOUS SCIENCE FICTION MERCHANDISE. You also like to play GAMES, mostly MMORPGs and sandboxes. You like the options.

Speaking of MMORPGs, today you got a copy of Sburb!...Well, at least one of them. There seemed to be some kind of screw up with your delivery and you only recieved the SERVER-PLAYER COPY of the game. You already installed the current copy you got and currently waiting to receive the other copy of Sburb, but the shuttle that's delivering it seems to be running a bit late...You could go on about how that annoys you oh so much, but you feel like you could spend your time doing something a bit more productive. However, there isn't really all that much to do in this SPACE DUMPSTER. You already did your chores and even filed up you paperwork for the delivery of you copy of Sburb...

What will you do?

==> Duke: Quickly retrieve arms from SPACE LOCKER.

You retrieve your ROBOT ARMS from SPACE LOCKER. You seem to have a lot of these things laying around, mostly due to your LITTLE FRIEND tendency to keep breaking down and requiring constant maintenance. You CAPTCHALOGUE them into your SYLLADEX. You’re probably gonna need them later. There are other items in your SPACE LOCKER.

==> Duke: Examine contents in drawer.

Within are a variety of various DEVICES that you’ve been known to use from time to time. They are ONE (1) ROUND KEYPAD, ONE (1) TOWEL, ONE (1) MOBILE COMMUNICATOR, TWO (2) AA BATTERIES, ONE (1) COPY OF THE ULTIMATE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY, and ONE (1) PRINTED COPY OF A SBURB FAQ.

All these things seem pretty useful, but you just take the ROUND KEYPAD for now.

==> Duke: Examine Mainframe.

Your computer starts to make noises, alerting you that you're being messaged by a chum. Might as well not keep them waiting.

==> Duke: Answer chum.

AA: Ah, so you already got your copy of Sburb.

AA: Alright, might as well do something to past the time.

AA: I'll gladly become your server player.

AA: Just give me a moment as I set up a connection.

AA: Typing, typing, typing.

AA: Clicking send.

AA: Aaaannd sent.

AA: Okay, when you see a window popup saying that a SBURB host user is attempting to connect with you, just click ENTER and I will become your server player.

AA: Got all that?

PR: I got all that!

PR: IT says that right now.

PR: I'LL connect immediately!

You comply, and suddenly the world around you becomes slightly more pixelated.

PR: ALRIGHT, feel free to do whatever!

PR: I should probably recruit some more people.

PR: I'LL get zach.

provocativeReactor [PR] began pestering kittyEnthusit [KE]

PR: HEY ke?

PR: CAN you be my client?



AA: Alright, don't freak out when I start moving stuff around.

AA: Speaking of which, any preference on where I place your equipment?

AA: Do you want it all in your living room, kitchen, bedroom, etc?

AA: Just curious.

AA: We're gonna start out with a budget and the equipment already cost quite a bit.

AA: If I place it down somewhere that you find unexceptionable, I'm either going to have to pull out of the budget to move it somewhere else or tell you that you're shit out of luck.

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CL: Not yet....

CL: but... i think...

CL: I see the mail guy...

CL: ...i think he found a...

CL: a ride... o-o

you stare at what is obviously a large bird-like lusus carrying what appears to be a large mail bag.

@A Smol Bean
Nawmoo said:
AA: Alright, don't freak out when I start moving stuff around.
AA: Speaking of which, any preference on where I place your equipment?

AA: Do you want it all in your living room, kitchen, bedroom, etc?

AA: Just curious.

AA: We're gonna start out with a budget and the equipment already cost quite a bit.

AA: If I place it down somewhere that you find unexceptionable, I'm either going to have to pull out of the budget to move it somewhere else or tell you that you're shit out of luck.

PR: DON'T block any doors, keep them all together....

PR: THAT'S it. preferably put it in this room.

PR: I'LL just wait for you to put stuff down now.
TC: (^o-o^) > ..

TC: (^o-o^) > Oh.

TC: (^owo^) > Great! 8D

Aveena: Look at your hive while you patiently wait for your friend as she receives her copy.

You look around your HIVE, which is also a CAVE, but mostly a HIVE.

You have a RESPITEBLOCK, set with a green-colour-schemed RECUPERACOON (but you usually sleep with your LUSUS, Praecipua/Lionmom in a separate hivestem), a small SOFA, a green HUSKTOP with your sign on it (and which you are using/being idle on right now), a dresser with your clothes, and a cluttered area in a southwesternly corner of your block.

That cluttered area consists of some of your books, art supplies, and your TREASURE from ADVENTURES and FLARPING. That area has ALL of your treasure. ALL OF IT.

Aveena: Continue waiting.

You wait.

@Kurai Okami
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AA: Got it.


==> Duke: Be the architect.

You got a great view of Roy's room, even his whole house. Yet there seem to be some spots of his house you can peer at. You have two guesses of why that is: He either has some kind of weird dimensional rifts throughout his house or you can only see whatever he's seen...You'd find it really cool if it were the first one.

==> Duke: Place down Alchemiter.

You decide to stop theorizing and start actualizing. You start by placing down the ALCHEMITER within the center of Roy's room. You'd thought that would be the best place for it, even if it's existence kind of obstructed the room. Then again, you guess he could just walk over it or something.

==> Duke: Place down Totem Lathe and Cruxtruder.

So far, so good. You proceed to place down the TOTEM LATHE against the side of Roy's room. Besides it slightly blocking the view of his window, it wasn't in the way of anything important.


As for the CRUXTRUTER, it looked like you were going to have to make some more space for it. You extend a corner of Roy's room, making a rather spacey nook. It looked like there was just enough room so that you could place down the CRUXTRUTER, he could enter it, and even walk around the damn thing. Wanting to see for yourself, you place down the CRUXTRUTER in the boundaries of the nook.
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Aveena: Stop waiting and ask if Psaryn's got it yet.

You decide against that notion, as it would be rude, and continue to wait. Instead, you decide to let Psaryn know that you're going idle.

TC: (^-w-^) > Hey, Psaryn?

TC: (^o3o^) > I'm going idle fur a bit, alright? All this suspense is making my fur stand up!

------------- tranquilCatgrass [ TC ] is idle. -------------

You suddenly have a feeling that someone, somewhere, in (probably) another universe, decided to be a server player and use a.. certain.. word at the end of a command.

You giggle at the thought of it, both because it seemed like your think pan was playing tricks on you, and because (if it was true) that someone used a silly, (Alternian) vulgar word.



*cough* NOOK *cough*


@Kurai Okami

Psaryn: watch

You watch sleepily as the mail troll advances closer and closer until he lands and puts the mail in the mail box and flips up the red flippy lever flag thing that all mail boxes posses. He looks towards you and waves, you awkwardly wave back... what a nice guy. after he leaves you rush out side to grab your

copy of the game. You stop at the mail box which is at the end of your lawnring to listen for predators on the tall grass. you hear a slow shuffling of the grass.

Psaryn: abscond

You run as fast as you can knowing the speeding paw beast was right behind you. You should have brought your swords! You continue to run eventually slamming the door on the large predator causing it to slam into the entire front of the house.

Psaryn: answer Aveena

CL: I got it...

CL: ...and i didn't die in the process...

CL: Its the same... speeding paw beast

CL: outside my hive... every day...

CL: It just waits there.... and... stuff


@A Smol Bean
Aveena: Notice that Psaryn is on and stop thinking about your silly feeling.

You hear a ping, and get back onto your husktop.

Aveena: Stop being idle and answer.

------------- tranquilCatgrass [ TC ] is active. -------------

TC: (^owo^) > Great! So--

TC: (^o-o^) > --...

TC: (^owo^) > Remind me to come over to your hive one day. I must see this pawbeast.

You internally squeal at the thought of meeting a real, wild pawbeast, and return to your conversation.

TC: (^o3o^) > Anymew...

TC: (^owo^) > Should we start downloading the games? 83

@Kurai Okami
Magnadeus said:
PR: I got all that!
PR: IT says that right now.

PR: I'LL connect immediately!

You comply, and suddenly the world around you becomes slightly more pixelated.

PR: ALRIGHT, feel free to do whatever!

PR: I should probably recruit some more people.

PR: I'LL get zach.

provocativeReactor [PR] began pestering kittyEnthusit [KE]

PR: HEY ke?

PR: CAN you be my client?


in the middle of the ocean held an island and on that island had a young man that sat in his bedroom and was covered in cats and today was this young mans birthday so while we wait lets give this man a name

enter name ===>

crazed lonely fook

No no that is not right at all

Zachary berdolt


now zachery, can i call you zack? now

you enjoy the presents of CATS you exspessuly your cat VECTOR your like PUNCHING THINGS which is why your hands hurt alot

your stuck in a WHEEL CHAIR because you suffer form LIME DESISE but that wont stop you from playing this dumb game called spurb

you enjoy your island home and the ocean, but you cant swim, you injoy the knitting arts and you hate fruits mosly PRUNES AND CRANBERIES you enjoy talking to your morail know as Psaryn Venili you two talk alot and enjoy speackong to each other. now! enough dilly daddlying lazy bones

your lap top has been unloading lots of messages

but from pester chum

you sigh that you wasnt wished happy birthday, but hey! at least your grandmother did! shes in the kitchen!

====> zach go find your sandles

you struggle as you pry away form the lovely cat pile and you roll your wheelchair towards the near by closet

you open the closet and apply them to your socked feet

you wish to speak to your best friend cautious librarian but she seems busy

====> zach be your grandmother

nevermind that was boring your just making cookies for your grandson

as his cat victor jumps on the table

====> grandmother get the cat off the table

you throw your knitting needle at the cat

it scrapped at its face and it jumped down

====> stop being grandmother go back to zach


Kittyenthusit begin pestering provocativeReactor

[Ke] wait what? :3

[Ke] Pr what are you talking about? :?

[Ke] oh and sorry for taking awhile my cats have been all cuddly cause its my birthday :3

[Ke] hint hint :3

[Ke] well if your talking about the game i dont have it :3

[Ke] my uh.. grandma took it i gotta find it so i can join you guys i realy want to play! :3


Aveena: Wait for your friend's reply.

TC: (^o3o^) > Hey? Psayrn?

TC: (^oxo^) > Hm. Well, I guess I'll download the game!

TC: (^owo^) > Let me know if mew're done downloading or 6egin dowloading!

TC: (^>w<^) > So excited! 13ye! 83

------------- tranquilCatgrass [ TC ]
ceased trolling cautiousLibrarian [ CL ] -------------

Huh. Welp.

Either talking to someone else or already downloading the game.

Aveena: Contemplate and ponder your choices.


But, you suddenly remember something. Er, someone.

Aveena: Remember.

Eh. That's reasonable.

You faintly remember the mention of a Human and his chumHandle-- or trollTag-- or whatever the flip they call it-- back in one of yours and Psaryn's conversations.

But you don't remember exactly how it was mentioned.

Aveena: Begin searhing for this human on Trollian.

You quickly type in his username (there, much simpler) and find him.

Aveena: Begin trolling this Human.

You prepare yourself and begin typing.

tranquilCatgrass [ TC ] began trolling kittyEnthusiast [ KE ].

TC: (^owo^) > Hello there!

TC: (^owo^) > You may not know who I am, so this may come as a surprise to you.

TC: (^owo^) > I mean, sur-PURR-ise! Hee hee. 8D

TC: (^-w-^) > Anymew, I'm Aveena Sativa, one of Psaryn's furriends. I remembered she told me something about you.

TC: (^>w<^) > *mew.

You await his response, and quickly retrieve your list of cat puns, which mew furrequently refur to.

Aveena: (^-w-^) > Hee hee!

... Aveena. No. Bad Troll, no breaking the fourth wall.

Aveena: (^-x-^) > Fine.. what's got burrs in your fur toda--


Aveena: (< -x- >) > Fiiiiiine.


Now, where were we...?

Haurko said:
in the middle of the ocean held an island and on that island had a young man that sat in his bedroom and was covered in cats and today was this young mans birthday so while we wait lets give this man a name
enter name ===>

crazed lonely fook

No no that is not right at all

Zachary berdolt


now zachery, can i call you zack? now

you enjoy the presents of CATS you exspessuly your cat VECTOR your like PUNCHING THINGS which is why your hands hurt alot

your stuck in a WHEEL CHAIR because you suffer form LIME DESISE but that wont stop you from playing this dumb game called spurb

you enjoy your island home and the ocean, but you cant swim, you injoy the knitting arts and you hate fruits mosly PRUNES AND CRANBERIES you enjoy talking to your morail know as Psaryn Venili you two talk alot and enjoy speackong to each other. now! enough dilly daddlying lazy bones

your lap top has been unloading lots of messages

but from pester chum

you sigh that you wasnt wished happy birthday, but hey! at least your grandmother did! shes in the kitchen!

====> zach go find your sandles

you struggle as you pry away form the lovely cat pile and you roll your wheelchair towards the near by closet

you open the closet and apply them to your socked feet

you wish to speak to your best friend cautious librarian but she seems busy

====> zach be your grandmother

nevermind that was boring your just making cookies for your grandson

as his cat victor jumps on the table

====> grandmother get the cat off the table

you throw your knitting needle at the cat

it scrapped at its face and it jumped down

====> stop being grandmother go back to zach


Kittyenthusit begin pestering provocativeReactor

[Ke] wait what? :3

[Ke] Pr what are you talking about? :?

[Ke] oh and sorry for taking awhile my cats have been all cuddly cause its my birthday :3

[Ke] hint hint :3

[Ke] well if your talking about the game i dont have it :3

[Ke] my uh.. grandma took it i gotta find it so i can join you guys i realy want to play! :3

Roy: Be patient.

You fail INCREDULOUSLY at that task.

PR: OKAY then!

PR: I guess i'll do something else.

Roy: Do some things.

You decide to mess around with the cruxtruder. Dicking around with it long enough, the lid pops off and a weird circle comes floating out.


====> Zach receive pester

you look at all the cat puns and you grin and deciced to reply

====> zach reply to tranquilCatgrass [ TC ]

kittyEnthusiast [ KE ].

[ KE ] hello! : 3

[ KE ] nice to meet you, im zach nice to know my morail talks about me :3

you suddenly have an idea

[ KE ] hey! do you know how to steal somethign from a realy realy realy old person and that thing you need to steal is a video game :?

while you wait for her response you look for you precious victor and see if he needs your love

====> find victor

you try to move your chair twoards the door

it wont move

=====> zach give up

you sigh in defeat and you just shift postions

=====> zach begin knitting

you decided to knit while you wait for your newly found cat friend to respond you dont know what you`ll knit but i bet it will be great

=====> zach wait for reply

@A Smol Bean
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Oh good! You've received a response.

TC: (^owo^) > Hee hee! Well, nice to meet you, Zach!

TC: (^owo^) > 4nyways.

TC: (^>w<^) > Yes, I do. I do it a lot when my Lionmom or a Highblood takes somefin of mine.

TC: (^owo^) > This is what mew've gotta do:

TC: (^-w-^) > Make some sort of disguise, make sure that mewhom ever mewre trying to steal back somefin furrom isn't looking, get mewr paws on that thing, and 413SCOND! 8D

You feel like you could have explained it a little better. Oh well, let's see what happens.

[ KE ] dude thanks! i owe you one! :3

you ceased pestering tranquilCatgrass [ TC ]

you place your laptop in your sylladex

====> zach find a disguise

you looked around and ceased to find one but wait! what is that on your bed!

====> investigate strange object

you wheel over to your bed and inspect the item

its your KITTY MASK you put it in your sylladex and equip it

ah ha! no one will know its you! now quick! downstairs!

=====> zach approach the stairs

you get a sinking feeling someone is warning you about this

suddenly your chair was pushed by a unsuspecting cat

=====> zach fall down the stairs


you fell off your chair as you feel down

but your cool mask protected you

=====> zach retrieve chair

you face palm as you slowly crawl your way to the chair

and you successfully get in and continue your journey

=====> zach sneak your way to the


you make your way where your grandma is baking cookies in the oven she has not yet noticed the noise or you! good job! quick! ghet the blue box while you can!

=====> zach retrieve box

you quickly get the box and you abscond quickly back to the stairs

you just



======> zach remember

oh yeah! that ramp in your room!

you quickly go up it and go back to the safety in your room

=====> open the box

you open the box and you receive your copy of SBURB! HORRAY!

now how do you play it?

=====> zach contact your morail

Kitty enthusiast [ KE ] began pestering cautiousLibrarian [ CP ]

[ KE ] hey dude! i got the game! :3

[ KE ] but i uh.. dont real know how to get this thing started :3

[ KE ] your smart right :? do you think you could help me out ? :3

@Kurai Okami
You tried to tell him, '(^owo^) > Mew're welclawme!', but that sentence popped up before you could:

kittyEnthusiast [ KE ] ceased pestering tranquilCatgrass [ TC ].

Well, won't hurt to type it in anyways! He'll see it when he pesters you again.

---- kittyEnthusiast [ KE ] ceased pestering tranquilCatgrass [ TC ]. ----

TC: (^owo^) > Mew're welclawme! 8D

TC: (^owo^) > If mew need any help, just ask! 13ye!

---- tranquilCatgrass [ TC ]
ceased trolling kittyEnthusiast [ KE ]. ----

Now, what to do? Besides downloading your copy of SGrub/SBurb, of course.

You've trolled two people, and are ready to download the game.

Aveena: Take CD out of game envelope and download SGrub.

.... Meh. You don't really want to. You want to talk a little more, but no one you know is on.

Psaryn is doing gog-knows-what, your sister/Dancestor, Leonis, isn't on, your kismesis isn't on, your auspistices aren't on, some trolls you're friends with aren't on, and your new friend Zach isn't on.

You sigh. Welp, off to download the game.

Aveena: Download SGrub.

You slide the CD out of the envelope and download it.


Aveena: (< -x- >) > Welp, I guess this'll be a single-purrlayer game. 8|


Wait. What.

That did nothing.

What. Only a window that says, 'enabling connection to host', or something like that, has popped up on the screen of your husktop.


Aveena: (^o-o^) > ...

Aveena: (< >x< >) > .. Damnit. That's a load of hoofbeastmanure.


Aveena: Do nothing and wait.

You gladly accept.

You sit in your spinny-butt-seat (spinny chair) and do nothing. And wait, too.


@Kurai Okami


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