• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
1569549264277.pngIan takes the pack of stickers and as he was about to reply when he got the notification that Luna had left. "Thanks for the advice and the stickers but it looks like it doesn't matter whether I truly liked her or not... I just got a notification that she's left the school. Sorry for wasting our time having mentioned her." He says an irritated and dejected frown evident on his face from the whole scenario however it soon disappears as he thinks about the last part where she mentions having him in his group. "I'm a legal consenting adult." He says with a lewd grin, having taken her comment pertaining to the topic of intercourse and parties. "I'm a free man without anyone holding me back since she's gone I'm down for whatever." He says, alluding to adult activities as he puts the stickers on his two magic items before stuffing the rest into his pocket. However he remembers how he's trying to find a steady and stable girlfriend instead of party and wild nights full of carnal indulgence causing him to cough. "Sorry some habits die hard... though you now have me curious on this group of yours." He says as he leans forward having finished his food. Well I can't have Luna let's see If I can get together with the teacher, she seems nice enough.
Deathkitten Deathkitten
Miranda Olesen
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:56 - Cafeteria => Trade Island 2 => Heading to Cat Island
Once Miranda finished her lunch, she picked up her tools from the table, and went to trade island 2 for the Marker Tags. ‘I wonder what the warp sprites look like, since I have never seen them before. If they are some kind of cute creature, I am so going to beat them up as soon as I put the marker tags on my tools.’ thought Miranda. She didn’t care if those warp sprites were cute or not, because Miranda is going to beat them up for stealing.
Although, Miranda didn’t arrive at the trade island 2 immediately, because she was thinking of different ways to beat up the warp sprites. She made it there, eventually. Once there, a faculty member gave her a pack of marker tags, and told her to put them on the tools like stickers. ‘Oh. That is pretty easy, and I should get some stickers for my tools. Because I want to put them on.’ thought Miranda. She used to have a sticker collection when she was five years old, for she thought they were cute. But now of days, Miranda doesn’t collect them as much as she used to. As she didn’t think she would be interested in decorating something with them until now.
Putting two marker tags on both of her tools, Miranda ended up deciding to go to cat island. Not only did she not want to be hungry from her physical training at the gym, but she wanted to pet the cats. The tail underneath her skirt had raised up a bit, since she was happy about going there. ‘Cat island here I come, because those cats need a good petting from me.’ thought Miranda.
The girl went on her merry way to the cat island despite not knowing if those warp sprites are there or not. Since who would care about them if they haven’t seen a warp sprite before. Not to mention that Miranda knows she can beat them in being cute. Since she can become a neko by putting fake cat ears on her head, and pretending to act like one with those nyans for fun.
However, on the way there. She ended up bumping into a guy by accident.

Now about why Miranda is hiding that tail of hers. She doesn’t want anybody to see it, since she is afraid that somebody would try to pull it. Miranda also doesn’t want to be confused as an egyptian noble. Because anybody who isn’t from the Egyptian Theocracy would think anybody who is from that country would possess a tail at first. Therefore, she just wanted everybody to focus their attention on Rever, since he can’t hide those horns of his even if he wanted to.
EldridSmith EldridSmith
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1568674937099.pngDevan had heard there was an island full of cats and cute creatures and being alone all of the time he couldn't help but go to the island for company after lunch. He heard the announcement about getting tags but he didn't consider anything he had with him valuable so he just continued to the island. He soon arrived and found a shady spot where he began petting a kitten however someone bumped into him causing his glasses to go flying. He couldn't see very far without them so he began crawling around to try and find them. "P-please help me find my glasses." He asked whoever had knocked them off in the first place... if they had stayed around that is. His magic started going wild as his emotions turned negative and chaotic energy began going everywhere. He had to stop searching to suppress his own magic so the girl and cats didn't get hurt.
Blackrose7 Blackrose7
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1569596106987.png~ Ms. Sylvia ~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:55 - Trade Island 1 Lunchtime!
Locoma and Thomas. The two lovebirds. Hormones were really dumb. These two had barely known each other, but this boy was clearly head over heels. Ah well. She hoped they enjoyed it while it lasted. After a bit, Locoma piped up.

Sylvia smiled and nodded, "Oh, quite. I'm very interested in the making of potions and oils. I've been looking for solutions to my condition, and that has required me to look into those sorts of sciences." She was going to show her some of her creations... but... whoops. Victim of the Warp Sprites. Sylvia grimaced and scrunched her nose, "Oh that sucks..."

"To be fair... they'll probably put it back where they found it after a day or so," she offered in recompense, "But... your sentiments are shared with many. While, officially, I can't say that I'd give you extra credit for managing to nab and dissect one... I can't say I would be remiss. I'd love to hear about your findings... and there might be a reward in it for you. Of some sort."

"Just keep in mind that they're relatively harmless. They're cute and attracted to things with mana. Even just traces of it. With a little bit of mana, they split like cells. It's how they reproduce. Once they leech off a little mana, they'll return the item to wherever they found it... usually. Sometimes they keep it for longer, but that's not the norm. They're a big pain in the ass, but they're not going to ruin any lives or anything if that makes sense. The last part of the announcement talked about markers. They're stickers you can place on important magical objects that'll track them. Plus if they stay gone for too long, it'll automatically teleport the object with the sticker to the lost and found."

EldridSmith EldridSmith Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon

Locoma Took a few deep breaths as she tried to call herself. Thomas thruster something upon her that looked like a stitching device. Quickly grabbing one of the vials she downed half of it and sighed. "Thank you Thomas. I regret to say I lost my composure..." she admitted to him with a smile. The vial she had just chugged was a mental relaxant. Mostly anesthetic it was meant to pull someone into a relaxed state even if they didn't want it. "I will happily take your gift. I apologize again, that item was of great importance to me. I wished to show it to the teacher. " she explained herself to the kind man and once again took a deep breath. Afterwards she put her case of Vials on the table toward the teacher.

"Ma'am these are the potions I make. Forgive their armature level. While I may be a great medical practitioner I have no skill in alchemy or brewing. Most of these give unwanted side effects that wear off after a while...its crazy. And fiiine I guess I'll wait for them to return it." she explained to her teacher as her eyes looked a bit glazed over. She couldn't help but have a sliver of a smile as she swayed lightly back and forth. This was the side effect of her calming brew. That it made the user a little too calm. One could equate it to intoxicated. "That red one.... helps stomach pain... but but, get this teach. It causes you to burp fire!" She said the last part with much enthusiasm chuckling afterwards. Like it or not. Locoma decided that being drunk was better then being enraged.

Deathkitten Deathkitten EldridSmith EldridSmith
1569616355898.pngThomas calmed down as he listened to the teacher however he couldn't help but begin beaming at Locoma's gratitude at his gift. However he soon got the notification that they were now roommates and he couldn't help but hug Locoma with excitement. "We're roommates now!" He says before looking up at her and realizing his head was now sandwiched in her chest causing him to jump back a little... well as much as he could while being seated next to her in the booth. "S-Sorry about that... I get carried away." He says, though he can't help but fidget due to his excitement and embarrassment. "You know I could help you with your potions since I'm good at chemistry! Once I learn alchemy I can be even more helpful!" He" He says with a hint of pride, his smile bright enough to light up the room; though he mostly just wanted to use it as a way to spend more time with her. Stay cool Thomas, you've got this! You can do this! She's already done everything Jeff said a future wife would! I've got this isn the bag! He thought trying to keep himself from freaking out or doing something strange again.
Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon Deathkitten Deathkitten
1569624427966.png~Ms. Seryva~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
13:00 - Trade Island 3, Lunch
"Mm," she responded, scooting her plate away from herself, "Not a problem."

She laughed at his comment about being an adult, "Hah. Yeah, I actually think you're older than me, aren't you? I'm only 16. But no, honestly, this is one of the best times to mess around. If you're gonna fuck up relationships or party hard or whatever, might as well do so at this school. You're relatively safe, and if you don't want to, you don't have to interact with people after your classes are over with."

"Ah, yes. My group," she grinned evilly, setting down money before standing up, "We'll see if you'll be a fit. When you're told not to come, come anyway. That's the only hint you're getting from me." Seryva cleared her throat and opened the door for the boy, "I'm happy you eat fast like I do. Most people see that sort of behavior as piggish. So! Come next period, what's your class? You going for Navitas or Tenebris for the caster class? I mean... of course, the other one would just be worked on with a tutor, but still. My elements are Ignus and Aquas, so you don't get me for that - whether that's a good thing or not is up to you though. Heh. I'm tough on my students, as you've already learned."

EldridSmith EldridSmith
1569625111966.png "Yeah I'm 18, though I thought you were the same age as I was when I saw you in class. I've already had 4 years of experience with parties thanks to my brother I mentioned earlier so though I wouldn't say no to one, I'm looking for something more stable." He says as he sees her put the money down. "I'm really not used to letting the girl pay so if this happens again it's on me." He says with good intentions, and the hope they would meet up like this again. "Thanks for the tip." He says as he stands up and follows her out. "Yeah I've gotten that a lot myself but so what, if we eat faster we can get back to the fun sooner. I'm not sure, tenebris is mostly for gimmicks and helping augment stuff but navitas is where the most fun is at in the heat of battle having fun. Though I'd rather have you as a teacher or tutor but I'm not sure which to take as a class since one on one with a tutor could be more fun for Navitas but at the some time going in a class could be as well... mind telling me the main difference between the two options?"
Deathkitten Deathkitten
1569628354064.pngYanvara Shakti
The Ring => Central Plaza

Yanvara was in he room sleeping half way in her bed and almost fell out of it upon waking up, she defiantly over slept although she didn't really care much. She got up off the floor and stretched her limbs out for a bit before going under her bed to take out a box that contains the viles that she needs, she made sure to keep it hidden from her roommate just to avoid having to explain anything to them. She then pulling her shirt up to change the vile that was in her back sliding the metal lid cover and popping the other one out so that she could slide the new one in. She then put her shirt back down and put the box of viles back underneath her bed while throwing the old one into the trash. She then exited her room now intending to get some food from the Central Plaza she has been here long enough to get a idea of where a few of the places are out. And after leaving her apartment and making quite a few errors in directions she was finally able to make her way to the central plaza which had way more people than she was anticipating. When she got in she sat down at whatever seat she felt like which was apparently next to someone who she had no care in the world for but apparently their was someone standing next to the table and by how long they were standing she would only assume them to be the waiter in which she asked them for a soda and whatever that was popular and good, its not like she would see what she was eating anyways. She then looked across the table and gave the person across from her a lopsided smile "Hope you don't mind me taking this seat, Kumpel." she honestly had no idea who they was or what they looked like but she didn't mind playing nice with them until they annoyed her or got on her nerves.
Chrysos - Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
Viona Lucrum

Viona sighed as she had exited her class and headed to a grassy area of the ring. She had explored around earlier days to find the best spot and boy did she. A nice grassy area with the light shade of a tree. Pulling out a plaid blanket she set it down and looked around before setting her basket on the blanket it. She preferred her own cooking over restaurants..... also because she wasn't really allowed in restaurants back home. Nevertheless she was confident in her ability of making snacks. Pulling out a thermos from the basket she opened it and took a whiff. Ahh a wonderful black tea. It was still warm thanks to the thermos and she poured herself a cup. Taking a light sip she tried to ignore some stares of passerby. She couldn't blame them, after all not every day do you see a girl with grey skin. She was pretty use to it by now. But hopefully it would die down throughout the school year.

Deciding it best not to think about it she looked at her back pack and reached to grab the sheathed sword attached to it. Pulling it out and inspecting it again brought back nice memories. The handle itself was alabaster white made to fit her hand custom and the hilt was a beautiful lotus flower of painted steel. The blade being a straight single edge roughly 3 feet in length. Her father gave it to her as a gift when she went to the school. Though she personally felt she didn't deserve it. After all, could she call herself a proper student when she could only do 6 techniques of her father's near 100? Giving a sigh she laid back searching the sword again. "Bloody hell... when he visits I'll be sure to last at least a minute in a fight.... Though I'm not even in fighting class. Guess I'll practice in my free time."
~Lee Owens~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:55 - Trade Island 2 => The Ring, Lunch

Lee Owens.jpg Honestly, Lee was having the time of his life. Granted, he had felt a bit guilty and home-sick after he had changed his schedule, but this was the greatest adventure of a lifetime! When would he have ever been allowed outside Terra Austri again if he decided to just hide his powers and then come home? Admiring the new rings on his fingers, the small boy happily swung his legs as he took another bite out of his sandwich. Sure, most of the students had left after the profanity-laced announcement, but Mom had always told him to sit until he was done eating; it was the polite thing to do. Plus, I'm almost done! It only took a few more minutes before the rest of the sandwich was gone. Getting up, Lee walked, Don't run!, behind the thin trail of students. As they passed the main plaza and approached the teleporters, more and more students joined in until it was a large crowd. Trying to peek over the crowd from his tip-toes proved to be pointless quickly. Disappointed, the redhead remained intent on following the sea of students through the portal. Although he was jostled around a bit, Lee patiently waited in the massive line until he was finally able to get his own marker tags! He cheerfully attached them to his rings. Now they won't ever get lost!

Flexing his fingers a bit, Lee gazed up at the sky uncertainly. What should I do now? He had time, and he hadn't spotted his roommate in the crowd yet. Should he try out his tools? The idea was very appealing, and was accompanied by visions of him doing various flips and tricks. Eyes sparkling in excitement, the boy used his small frame to maneuver his way through the crowd and back to the teleporters. The Ring! That's where people usually practiced their abilities, and since it was lunchtime it'd probably be empty enough that he could safely practice without disturbing anyone. Practically bursting through the portal, Lee found himself in the open, grassy plain of The Ring. Wow! For a moment, he was reminded of Terra Austri. The temperature was mild and the sun was shining high in the sky. Glancing around, there were a few students that he could see, but the closest one was a girl holding a sword. Lee's eyes widened in awe. None of the other Unum Forus had gotten weapons, was she an upperclassmen? Without thinking, he got closer. The handle of her sword had an elegant lotus flower design, making it much more interesting. "It's really pretty," Lee said without much concern about striking up a conversation with a complete stranger, "Did you make it?"

Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon

Chrysos had grown idle simply spinning his blade around before a pink slime appeared before him. Probably one of those warp sprites. Giving an innocent smile he went to pet it before his eyes went wide and his pupils shrunk as he swing his nice nearly impaling the slime before it teleported away. He turned around to look at a group of three more slime shaking some from the sight and he gave a creepy smile licking his blade causing the slimes to teleport away in fear. "Hmph. A thief shouldn't be scared that easily...." as he said that he turned back to his table to find a girl had sat down at his table and was trying to order from the scared waiter.

'Shit shit shit. Did she see that?' Chrysos thought to himself as he quickly slipped the knife back into his sleeve trying to regain composure as he took a sip of his wine. "Hello miss. I'm Chrysos, I suppose you are a fellow student. Please do not worry about the cost. I'll cover it. Consider it reparation for the scene you had witnessed." Chrysos gave a small apologetic bow to her. In all honestly to chrysos she was decent looking. Though he couldn't but help notice the blank stare in her eyes.... seeing problems?

Peckinou Peckinou
1569688071142.png~Ms. Seryva~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
13:05 - Trade Island 3, Lunch
"Oh, dude. If I had Tenebris and Navitas, that'd be such a hard choice," she commented, looking into a shop window as they passed it by, "Tenebris lets you... like... teleport and stuff. Navitas lets you basically have super strength and whatnot. I'd go with Tenebris, personally, but that's because I'm more of a ranged fighter type. I prefer to handle things at a distance. With Tenebris, you can make some pretty cool shadow things, like constructs and whatnot."

She seemed to find something she wanted, and exclaimed before darting into what looked like a tool store, "Ooo! They might have what I'm looking for."

"It's been a while since I really got a chance to run around on this Trade Island, and I'm looking for some potential motivators for the class. If I can offer you guys a fancy new tool or some sort of enchanted trinket, then maybe it'll get the right sort of competition spirit flowing," she explained, picking up a ring to look it over, "Tenebris is kind of like painting in 3D, from what I've heard. It's an element of creation, while still being a very potent force for destruction should you want it to be."

Seryva grabbed a little basket the store offered and plopped the ring into it, "Alright. One Ring of Speed, unsurprisingly, it makes the wearer move faster. We'll see about the quality of build on this thing... though even if it's crap, it's better than what most stores on the first Trade Island would sell." She grabbed a small quartz stone next, "Focus Stone. Good for getting homework done, a little too intense for cleaning your house." Twelve different potions went in her basket next, "Various potions... should be good... Hmm... Pick a few things out, Ian. It might not be for you specifically, but choose things you really want so that you can fight your fellow classmates for it."

EldridSmith EldridSmith
Miranda Olesen
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:57 ->13:01 - Cat Island
Her eyes were wide open when she bumped into someone, since she didn't see them coming. "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry about that, because I didn't mean to bump into you." said Miranda. The hidden cat tail underneath her skirt had tucked in when she accidentally caused the poor guy to lose his glasses. Also, his magic seemed to be going out of control, and she was freaking out about that. "Are you alright, and I can help you find your glasses." said Miranda.
She wanted the guy to be calm, since she was going to help him find his glasses. 'Great. I made a guy upset for causing his glasses to be lost. I should probably find them, so he would calm down.' thought Miranda. Walking away from the guy, Miranda secretly puts her tail down, so it can help her out as a third hand. ‘I hope nobody sees me with the tail, but I need to find that guy’s glasses somehow.’ thought Miranda, who started her search.
It took her like four minutes to search for the glasses. But she eventually found it, thanks to her tail touching it in the bushes. Picking the glasses up from the ground, Miranda made her tail wrapped around her waist and walked back to Devan. "I found your glasses." said Miranda, cheerfully. Her head started to glow like a light bulb, due to her happiness.
Miranda putted the glasses on the guy's shirt, and was trying not to make her tail appear. For her tail did wanted to appear as a response to how happy she is, since the cat tail does behave like a normal cat would do. 'That should make him happy and stop trying to come out tail.' thought Miranda, as she always like that towards her tail wanting to pop out.
EldridSmith EldridSmith
Viona Lucrum

Viona had just finished breathing her sword before heading a voice behind her. Letting out a small "Eep!" She turned around nearly crawling of the blanket. Looking at the voice she saw it was just a boy a bit younger then herself. Sighing and taking a swig of her tea for courage she looked him in the eyes. Jeez what was she even suppose to say!? She isn't suited for social links. She would turned into a stuttering mess. But then she focused on the question he asked her. The sword huh? Viona remembered her dad tried to name it something stupid like " A rose of only thorns." But Viona rejected it saying that why call it a rose when it's a lotus. And so she named it simply Lotus petal.

"A-ah no.... i-its a gift from my dad. It's name ish l-lotus petal." She answered tripping over her own words. QUEEN DAMNIT VIONA. Viona mentally cursed and yelled at herself. She coudltnneven say a sentence properly! How was she suppose to make a friend if she can't even talk!? She looked to her basket and looked inside using a napkin to grab a sandwhich from it and shove it infront of Lee. "E-eat?" She said to him her other hand shaky. UUUUGH if Viona could she wanted to grab the tree and slam her head agaisnt it repeatedly at how stupid she sounded!

Kyrenka Kyrenka
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1569705131630.png "Alright I'll go to tenebris then." He says as he follows, however seeing her drawn to a store and hearing everything she said he nodded and went inside and looked around. He grabbed a few items trying them out and seeing what they did without breaking anything or getting in trouble. He chose a few shield rings, instant shields, pendant's of protection, an extending pole, three pairs of shoes of agility, two rings of strength and a few other practical things and for the grand prize he chose an Armor of impact reduction . However he also nabbed an Armor of impact reduction, a shield ring, an instant shield, a pendant of protection, a pair of shoes of agility, a ring of strength, a bag of holding, and armor of impact reduction for himself. He wanted to get himself a ring of displacement but he wasn't allowed to so he took it over to Servya. "Hey I'll pay for all these magic items if you'll get this for me since I'm not allowed to buy it." Unlike most people he didn't need motivation like magic items to fight, he just loved fighting in general. Sure he was getting some for himself but even though he loved fighting he wasn't an idiot, making sure you're less likely to die makes it much easier to go all out. He was going to try and get first place but even if he didn't win at least he had every item, aside he could give them away to earn himself a few good relations with people.
Deathkitten Deathkitten
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:55 - Trade Island 2, Lunch
Pandora Menix

Walking up and into a line of students Pandora felt her stomach rumble yet she still had to find this so called tag. She had spent the morning going about as she should only to now have to come and get food... and this marker. Shifting back and forth she rocked herself on her heels and toes before looking into the mass of people. She saw something trudging their way through, shoulder checking people before stopping for a moment as he hit a rather large woman. Raising and eye brow she looked down at the gibbering creature known as Mouth. Looking up when she heard "Watch it Bitch" she was surpised when he suddenly lurched forward and slammed into her as he passed by the taller girl.

Letting out an 'Umph' as she was struck by his shoulder in the side of the face she scowled, her emotions running down and into the gibbering abomination. "AHHHHH" The creature suddenly screamed as it mouth opened wide. Without saying anything to the boy who ran into her she made a small gesture with her hand. Mouth immediately shot forward, its tail sliding through the loops of Guiren's pants before there was a loud ripping noise. It whipped its tail around before shoving the entirety of the mans pants into its maw. It chewed a few times before sucking the rest of it down like a spaghetti noodle.

Eyebrow raising at the display Pandora simply nodded in amazement. She gave the creature a thumbs up before laughing "Wow, I guess you lost your pants. Don't be an asshole, moral of the story." Pandora chided out barely able to contain the smile on her face. "Now... get away from me." Pandora said her voice going from giddy to a rather grim one in a split second. Turning from the now pantless man she rubbed the side of her cheek as she mumbled under her breath.
Kyrenka Kyrenka
To Cat Island.
Having gotten her tags Pandora decided to sit and read for the time being. She wasn't entirely sure what to do with herself for the time being. There was some time before classes picked up again. Looking around she finally decided to get up and go find some things to buy. Walking around the outside of a few shops she finally decided to head inside of one. Looking over some clothes she saw Mouth sniffing one of the garments before suddenly latching onto it. Eyes going wide she stared down at the abomination "Spit it out." She commanded it. "I said spit it out." She repeated, it seemd to growl before it opened its mouth up. To her amazement it didn't have any teeth marks on it. "Good thing." Pandora said giving it a small pat on the heading to Cat Island.

Arriving on the island she looked around only for Mouth to throw its arms up in the air and let out a "AHHHH" of excitement at the appearance of all the cats. Pandora herself was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of cutness now coming their way. Glancing around she saw a girl with a tail feeling around before she watched her tail swipe up something from a bush. Unable to keep herself from staring she watched the girl hand the object to someone else.

Blackrose7 Blackrose7 EldridSmith EldridSmith
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1569714865022.png1569721280221.pngDevan calmed himself to see a faint outline of a tail but he really couldn't tell. Once she handed him his glasses he could see her and there wasn't a tail, he must have been seeing things. "Thanks." he says as he sees a Tamanta waddle up to them and start acting cute and cuddly causing Devan to feel happy about coming to the school, even if he didn't have any friends the cute creatures here wouldn't care and treated him nicely. He soon turned to the girl beside him. "I'm Devan." He says to her as he kneels down to pet the tamanta. He knew she was only around because there were cute creatures and most people would eventually leave him alone. Not having friends for a long time has taken his toll on his self esteem and communication skills.
Blackrose7 Blackrose7
~Lee Owens~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:55 - The Ring, Lunch

Lee Owens.jpg Lee's eyes widened in surprise. "It has a name?" He'd never heard of naming swords before, was that normal or was it just because it was a special sword? He blinked as his line of sight was suddenly blocked by food. "Thank you," he replied as he politely accepted the sandwich. He had already ate and wasn't really hungry, but Mom always said that it was polite to accept the things that were given to you and to always say 'thank you'. Lee happily bit into his sandwich as he mentally patted himself on the back. I don't know why Mom and Dad were so worried about me being on my own. I'm doing a great job! Sinking down into a sitting position, the younger boy made sure to swallow before opening his mouth again, "My name's Lee Owens, what's yours?" He immediately followed his question up with another mouthful of food. His eyes drifted back to the sword, and after another swallow he asked, "Have you killed anyone with Lotus Petal?" The boy nonchalantly took another bite while expectantly staring at the girl.

Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
~Guiren Nyverk~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:55 - Trade Island 2 => Dorms, Lunch

GN..jpg Guiren didn't see it coming. One moment he was shoving another useless body out of his way and the next he was face down on the ground without his pants. Trying but failing to grasp onto any remaining dignity he could muster, he stared at the retreating form of the bitch that was responsible for this as his cheeks burned in humiliation. No no hell no. He was not going through this shit, not again. He had suffered enough at his old school, he was not going to let someone walk all over him again. She may have been gone, but her face was burned into his memory. The first chance he got, Guiren was going to beat the shit out of her and her weird pet. Sullenly, he got back up. Taking off his jacket, he tied it around his waist in a feeble attempt to hide his boxers from the public. Fucking great. Briskly, he walked back through the portals and headed straight for his dorm. He didn't have many replacement clothes, so he'd just have to suck it up and change into his uniform.

Guiren nearly tore the door off of its hinges as he ripped it open before slamming it behind him. Making eye contact with his roommate, Ivan, Guiren immediately determined that he was also having a pretty shit day and decided to just ignore him rather than provoke him right now. The dark-haired boy wasn't a complete idiot; he knew better than to start shit in his own room where his stuff was. Muttering a few choice words under his breath, Guiren quickly changed into his uniform. He was fucking seething. He hadn't been embarrassed like that in years. He was not going to let this slide. It didn't even matter if that bitch wasn't in the same class, program, or even caster category as him; everyone had fitness classes in The Ring. Guiren was definitely going to see her again.

Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider Osuka Osuka
1568079689675.pngFairyBear.pngChepi rubbed her shoulder despite the fact that the man’s shove didn’t hurt much. She frowned at him but didn’t deign to give him any attention. People like him weren’t worth the trouble. Turning back to the shortening line, Chepi gratefully took a tag and attached it to the glasses still on Kitchi’s face. “Maybe I should get a tag for you too,” She teased.

Kitchi grinned at her joke as he put his hand on her shoulder to keep her next to him so no one would bump into her again like that uncouth boy from before. "I'll always be here for you my Little Fairy." He says in response to her joke. "Though fairies have a tendency to wander... perhaps I need one for you." He jokes back as he puts the tag on the egg that's tied to the floating mana wyrm.

Chepi snorted out a laugh. “I would love to see how long that’d last.” With both of their tools marked and safe, Chepi looked up to her husband and asked, “Should we go visit that...what was it? Cat Island?” It’d be a nice break before they had to go out and to their next class.

"Sure." Kitchi said as he moved his way out of the crowd with Chepi trying to find his way to the portal. "Do you know where it is?" he asked her as he never payed attention to where the portal to it was.

Sighing in mock irritation, Chepi tugged on her husband's arm as she lead them through the crowd and back towards the portals. It evened out, she supposed; she had time management problems and Kitchi had problems with paying attention to detail. It didn't take long for them to travel from the Trade Island to the Cat Island's portal. The closer they got, the more her excitement mounted. Sure they wouldn't be able to hunt, but the domesticated animals weren't too common in their experience. It was a novel concept that was more than appealing to Chepi.

Kitchi followed Chepi, ruffling her hair at the mock irritation he was all too familiar with. When they were kids it always put him on edge when she did that but now he knew she was just messing around lovingly. He was happy due to the fact his wife was happy, it was a special bond they had that he enjoyed having. They soon arrived and the countless cute animals appeared in their vision. He couldn't help but smile at all the happy life energy he could feel here.

Chepi's face practically shone as more than a few cats eagerly trotted towards them. They rubbed themselves against the tall Americans' legs as they nearly vibrated from the volume of their purrs. Bending down only gave them more confidence, and soon Chepi found herself with a lap full of the artificial animals. Eyes sparkling with adoration as she gently ran her hands through their fur, she gazed up at her husband, "They're so soft!"

Kitchi couldn't help but break out in a beaming grin seeing Chepi enjoy herself like this, he sat down as a tamanta came over to cuddle with him. It was such a cute creature but it was also very strange to him as he had never seen something like it before. He petted it as it sat on their laps with kittens all around them with a beaming smile. "I like it here." He says to Chepi.

Leaning into Kitchi, she returned his smile with one of her own. "Me too." It was peaceful and pretty quiet despite there being other students, but if she closed her eyes Chepi could almost feel like they were all alone. She could get used to this.

Joint post with Kyrenka Kyrenka
Osuka Exsulem

Location: For now, I guess, wherever Colette goes.

Time: Around a freckle past a hai- ....Great. Forgot my watch. That's real slick.

So she knew she had amnesia. Still, she didn't seem very open to the suggestions, and he couldn't blame her. Perhaps it was better to ease up on the information overload and simply enjoy his time around her? Problem was, currently, he was staying outside of the class so that he wouldn't bother her during her studies, which though it meant she wouldn't be distracted, he wouldn't exactly be learning much of anything either... As if he could to begin with. The language barrier was going to be difficult to overcome, and though he was able to access his nine tails earlier, it didn't have the same kick as when he was in Terra'Avenia or a few other places. Given that that was officially a problem, the fact that he may have lost almost all of his past abilities could cause him a great deal of trouble - especially if the entities in power here decided that, for some reason, he would be of interest...

Considering his last interaction with someone other than Colette, that was a very likely possibility, and he didn't think he would enjoy it.

It was time for the various students of the school to select their Arcane Focus - or Foci considering some of them seemed to have more than one type of magick they could cast, and when it was explained to him, he found himself... Oddly disinterested. Usually, for Osuka, arcane tools were an obsessive fascination of his. Both of his sidearms, his pendant, and even his mechanical hand were implements for Magick, so it could have been one reason why, but the most obvious to him was that he wasn't a student of Augurium: He was an uninvited guest, and uninvited guests shouldn't be so bold as to simply take. They had to earn what they got, and if it was going to show those in power here that he wasn't a threat (unless he needed to be, which he was hoping wouldn't be a thing (Seriously, he would just like to have a nice time in a new world for once)), then he was going to take that statement and make it an honest facet of his interactions here.

That said, when he was offered food, well... Even if he wanted food, there was no way in hell he could read anything that was put up on the boards, and he didn't understand how their implements for simply creating food worked. For now, it seemed that he would play it off as if he wasn't hungry and follow Colette to a place to sit... which immediately became incredibly uncomfortable as soon as she decided to ask a question. How does one go about explaining to a person with Amnesia that they were with the person right across from them? Here, Colette appeared to be a student's age, and she probably didn't even want to think about how old she really was. Given all of those thoughts were floating around in a very tightly secure part of his mind, she would at least be able to see the discomfort in his posture as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Well," he started, groaning mentally as he projected his words back towards her mind. "We ah... Knew each other since we were about five and six. You're about a year younger than me, and ah... We got pretty uh... Close - I mean, we didn't really do anything, mind you, but..."

Oh thank his Colleagues so very far away - a distraction! It was even another student who seemed very obviously distressed beyond belief, as he bounded right over their table without even touching it!

"So... What was that just now over the comm system?"

Deathkitten Deathkitten

Nyara Innistra:

Location: Trade Island 2


Class had ended, she was still worried about the Instructor's methods concerning dealing with Ivan's very unfortunate wound, and all she wanted to do right now was something that she had some kind of bearing in. Something she had a real grasp of - something that shoves out the rest of the world and makes her focus on one thing at a time, so that was what she was going to do. After heading to her dorm to quickly snag up her focus, which she now decided she was going to wear all the time because of how stylish they were, she was off to find her escape with her glasses on. In the New Republic of North America, Armed Service is compulsory thanks to the threat of the Deadlands, and thanks to that, training for it can take place early if someone is keen on doing so. Considering the age of self-reliance (of a sort) was around fifteen, she was able to elect taking the service program just a couple years ago, but she didn't really go for anything close-combat oriented. No, instead, she decided she was going to try her hand at long-range engagement with a high-caliber rifle, hence she had absolutely no idea how to fight up close. In exchange for that, she was gunning for a Master-At-Arms sort of deal: She would educate herself on all the different small-arms-fire ordinance that the NRNA had at its disposal - and maybe more, and try to learn to be more of a tactician.

The challenge was learning all the different weapon systems by ear. Sure, anyone could just read a manual and be fairly or even well-versed in the information, but it took a bit more time and development of skill to be able to tell what kind of weapon was being used simply by sound. Having such a skill could make her invaluable as a marksman in an overwatch role for a squad in case they had to fight other humans rather than Deadlands Beasts, but it could also tell her what weaponry others had nearby. Silly as it sounded, it could have quite a few useful applications, and it wasn't coincidence at all that she had shoved headphones into her ears to start her memorization drills for the different weapon types. Sure, to others, it might have been strange, but she had her own influences in becoming proficient in such things.

For instance, her pacifist father. She didn't hold such a thing against her dad. After what happened to her mom, it took the fight out of him. He changed. Even when she made mistakes, he didn't raise his voice. Instead, he was the type to try to work things out calmly and with a kind smile on his face. The problem was that there had been a couple times where they had been harassed in their shop and he wasn't keen on retaliation. Normally, it was smart, but one had to remember that Service was compulsory, and when you were expected to be on the field to defend borders from Deadlands beasts, you should probably know how to handle yourself with and without a weapon and it could translate to civilian life. Her father had never had to be so up-close, fortunately, so his close-up skills had wasted away. Nyara, however, wasn't keen on not defending their means of living. The shop was a culmination of many different odds-and-ends. A mom-and-pop kind of hole-in-the-wall, and it did well enough, but it didn't do as well as when her mother was around....

And she was lost again.. With a quiet sigh of irritation, Nyara paused the audio she had been listening to and looked around... To find that she wasn't just lost, but she went in a circle of sorts. She hadn't really paid attention to which portals she had been going in and out of, and ended up right back where she was before.

"Can I just please get to a firing range?" She muttered to herself. "Blow off some steam, maybe? Do something I'm comfortable with?"

The, admittedly hilarious, announcement that had been made over the School's PA system automatically shut that down. They were supposed to meet up on the second trade island to... Get stickers, basically. Whatever it was that was stealing arcane foci must've been tricky if they needed stickers to track who they belonged to, so with a huff of defeat, she was off....

But she was going to get to shoot a damn rifle by the end of this, or she was going to absolutely hate her first actual day of classes, and that was an immutable fact.
'Why is this kid still staring at me' Viona thought still mentally screaming. Oh Queen he's sitting down. Viona was nearly ready to run before the kid asked for her name. " Oh... it's uhh Viona Lucrum. Unum forus. " she told him trying to relax. Shakily pouring herself another cup from her thermos. He seemed nice at least. He wasn't questioning her skin or hair or anything so that was a plus. Hell probably ask eventually so she decided to bring it up. But before she could answer he asked her something strange. Did he seriously just ask if she had killed anyone!? What is with this kid!?

"N-no... I'm not a killer. My dad probably would be considered one I guess.... anyway. Is that really s-something to ask someone you just met?" Viona gave a small sigh eating another sandwhich. "By the way please don't touch my skin. I am literally toxic. Like. I could accidentally send you to the infirmary...." she decided to just tell him flat out. If he ran away... so be it. Another friend lost

Kyrenka Kyrenka
Locoma Tive

Locoma slowly turned to Thomas her smile growing bigger. Whaaa they were roomies? That's like.... amazing luck. Locoma happily wrapped her arms around Thomas pulling him face first into her jumping slightly up and down. " that's great news Thomas! We get to hang out all the tiiiime! " she hadn't let go of Thomas yet as she turned to teacher. "Isn't that greaaat teach?" She asked with a laugh. She felt something pressing agaisnt her leg but don't care she was too busy laughing.

Whatever the vial she drank was. It was strong. And her case was now still open and infront of the teacher. Locoma busy suffocating Thomas with her gifts. The teacher may now want to take this chance of preventing Locoma from intoxicating herself in the future. However. Thomas sure was in cloud 9 right now.

EldridSmith EldridSmith Deathkitten Deathkitten
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1569822806486.pngYanvara Shakti
The Ring => Central Plaza

Yanvara gave the guy a lopsided smile she was likely gonna find a way to get him to pay either way but he sure made things easier for them at least, perhaps they would be nice to hang out around if they were gonna offer to pay for their meals like this every time they did something they viewed as something to apologize for. She although did know he had something in his hand and by the fact he was stabbing the ground with it she suspected that is was likely a knife although she didn't exactly know why he was stabbing the air like that maybe it was something she couldn't sense. She did however took note of how polite he was atleast it reminded her of how one of her friends use to use guys to get what she wants although she didn't know why they would cater to her every whim, probably cause of her looks most likely. She honest didn't really care much about looks since she got blinded but she guess most people that can see do. She decided to play along with him non the less though since he was providing her a free meal. "Ah, its fine, honestly though just how many weapons do you have on you? seems like you really have a love for those little toys of yours." She said that taking note of the weapon shaped objects she sensed on him from the knife he had out she could easily assume the other objects were likely weapons as well or tools.
Chrysos - Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
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