• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Ceri had been talking Kira by her side now happily humming. As all this violence happened she simply made a small giggle. Kira didn't seem to care so it must not be important. "If I remember that's Rever Echni. Heir to the Echni territory. And that girl...." she had remembered looking and trying to get every face she saw before school started memorized. Oh! It was that girl that said she hated nobles. Ceri heard her complain before about them. "Her name is Miranda. She probably attacked him only because he's a noble. Not really worth your time Kira." Ceri added like a secretary to Kira with a big smile. This was wonderful! She got to walk all around with Kira for a whole hour! Who cares if some noble dude is hurt. The goddess Kira takes precedence.

"So kira..... where exactly are we going? The trade ring for lunch? I don't really have any preferences. Oh but I'm sorry, I refuse to eat insects. Or arachnids." she faked a shiver to convince Kira that it was because she found them creepy. But truly it was because she could never dream of eating her precious friends. The spiders here have all recognized Her as a friend. She couldn't will herself to harm a single one. "Besides Kira. The faster we go the less likely you'll get caught up in that rumble. It does look fun though. Oh but you didn't hear that from me~" she said giving a wink tilting her head slightly to the side.

( Peckinou Peckinou
Rever Echni

Ohhh no. This wasn't good at all. Now the nice lady was trying to attack the girl. He somewhat understood her. But..... violence only bereft violence. Solving this by tackling her would only increase her hate. He didn't know why the girl had kicked him in the crotch or why the other girl charged at her. But he had to get them fighting...... at best he could summon Natasha for 5 to 6 minutes right now. One of his battle golems would last at most three.... screw it. This whole thing was his fault. "To fight over a god...m is no proper reason to fight at all." Rever announced a loud as he reached into his case grabbing a random warrior and placing it on the ground. "Oh warrior of times beyond the hourglass. Obey my call and bend thy knee to my voice." He said his horns glowing dimmer then his earlier spells and before Mariá the stone knight with a sword and shield arises again looking as dignified as ever. "Peacefully stop their fighting sir." He told the statue that as he struggled to stand up with the help of the nice lady beside him.

Thunk thunk thunk. With heavy stone footsteps the knight approached the two and tried to put his arms between the two and block them With his hands. Henwasntold to do it peacefully. So even it it was faster. He could just make th e statue chuck the two apart. Rever with a shaky smile turned to Maria And asked with a shaky voice."you didn't have any mana potions on you... did you? That statue can only work for 3 minutes for noe.... I'm running on mana fumez.... do a potion would be nice to continue the statue...." Rever stated tired with bags under his eyes. Signs of mana exhaustion beginning to form.

( Deathkitten Deathkitten Kyrenka Kyrenka Blackrose7 Blackrose7
1568853387674.png Tristan left class and headed to the central plaza on his way to lunch. However what he say upon arriving was a girl standing over a guy in strange clothing clutching his nuts and another girl yelling and running towards the first girl. "Please calm down! There's an easier way to solve this than violence!" He says as he uses runs into the middle of the fray. Even if I'm injured at least it's stopping two Ladies from harming one another. However as he threw himself into the middle a brown person appeared out of nowhere causing him to slam into them. Thankfully he was slowing down to try and get between the two stopping the collision. He threw up a hardlight barrier between everyone as to stop any injuries. "Please stop! Violence only begets violence! This isn't the answer!" He pleas. This isn't what I expected to be doing today, but then again I really don't expect much. At least I my be able to befriend one of these beauties.
Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon Deathkitten Deathkitten Kyrenka Kyrenka Blackrose7 Blackrose7
Steve Freeling
Monday, October 2, Year 500
Class had just finished. So it's time for lunch now, huh? Good thing, too. I'm starving. The tall and slender teen considered this while leaving class when he heard what sounded suspiciously similar to arguing. Quite a few people are involved, too. A sense of dread washed over him. Something's very wrong here. I can feel it. What could be such a big deal on only the first day, though? As Steve moved toward the Central Plaza, the ruckus only became louder. What he saw would be different from anything he'd ever dealt with before.
"What the hell?!" His blue eyes widened with shock at the sight before him. Rever, the noble from the Egyptian Theocracy, was flat on the ground clutching his crotch in agony. One of his classmates, Nayr seemed to be trying to get at Miranda, the girl who hated Egyptian nobles and guards. I guess they're the ones who were fighting? In the middle of it all was Tristan, another of Steve's classmates, putting up some sort of barrier in an attempt to stop the fight. There was also an odd figure in the midst of this. Who is that? It doesn't look like a student or a staff member. Maybe it's someone's familiar. Upon seeing everything, Steve facepalmed.
"Ore no Kami. Gakkō no shonichi o tatakawazu ni owara seru koto sae dekimasen ka?"* He muttered without even thinking about whether anyone could understand him or not.
*Oh my God. Can you guys even finish the first day of school without fighting?
Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon Deathkitten Deathkitten EldridSmith EldridSmith Kyrenka Kyrenka
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Miranda Olesen
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:50 - Central Plaza
After Miranda had run away from what she did to Rever, she tried her best to make it to the cafeteria. Since she wanted to get something to eat before her next class. 'If I can't get a hamburger from the cafeteria, I will need to buy an apple.' thought Miranda.
Miranda knew that someone wanted to beat her up for what she did to Rever, so before she went to the trade island to go get her lunch. She took both of her tools out from her backpack in order to prepare herself for an attack.

As she made her way to the trade island's teleporter while charging up the endless flashlight for a flashbang. Nayr ended up finding her, and tried to tackle her to the ground. However, Miranda predicted what they might do.
Sidestepping to the left, since Miranda guessed that they would do either a tackle or a punch. She then turned around and pointed the charged flashlight at Nayr's face. "Nope. That isn't going to happen, since egyptian nobles like him are evil bitches. Also, goodbye." said Miranda, who was going to set off the flashbang.
However, instead of temporary blinding Nayr. The hardlight barrier got in the way. 'Oh. This is even better than the flashbang idea, because now I get to the cafeteria.' thought Miranda.
Using the barrier to her advantage, Miranda turned around and ran to where the cafeteria is at. Because she really wanted get her lunch before her lunch starts.
Deathkitten Deathkitten EldridSmith EldridSmith
@ literally everybody else
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Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500

12:55 - Lunchtime! Finally!! - Central Plaza
Punching her lights out didn't work, but that was okay. Other people stepped in, just like she just did in defense of Rever. The girl was making a quick escape, but before she managed to leave, Nayr shouted at her, "For hating the nobles so much, you sure do a good job of acting like one!"

She then smiled at the man who stepped in between and looked back at Rever with that same smile, "Sorry about that. I couldn't let such bigotry stand. She needs to understand sooner rather than later that the school protects its own. That includes both of you." Speaking of which... "Hey!" she exclaimed, walking up to Rever, "Are you alright? I can give you some of my mana if you'd like - I'm a Vitae user."

Nayr held her hands out and a little bit of mana pooled up into them like water from her skin - something utterly unbelievable for most anyone, let alone an Unum Forus, with the concentration of mana that would have to be, but she didn't seem to notice. Her mana pool was extensive... a legitimate problem for her sometimes. The pale blue liquid shone like refracting stars, glittering as it sloshed about and a little dribbled off her palms.

"I'm sorry I tried to fight her. It was a waste of time when we should just get food," she said, then turned back to the other boy who had joined, "Oh! Also. What's your name? Would you like to join us?"

Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon Kyrenka Kyrenka EldridSmith EldridSmith Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Steve Freeling Steve Freeling
Rever Echni
Rever had finally gotten up to see that the girl got away. Along with his stone knight and the nice lady another boy ran in to break up the fight. He was honestly surprised that his stone knight didn't fall down when tristan bumped into him. The stone knight was the one rever always sent out first if he ever needed to defend himself. But that was mainly because..... it was the weakest golem Rever had. It took him only a day or two of work to make a stone golem and they were pretty easy to break. Heck it wasn't even that good a fighter... its moves were actually just copying a pre recorded movements from Rever. Fighting the stone knight was just fighting something as skilled as rever except made from stone. The stone knight even lost a fight against Natasha his stone maid. And the only fighting she knew was putting her hands up in a guard and simple one two jab. Rever knew the stone knight was mostly useless... but for some reason he always liked to have one on him.... something about the knight trying its hardest despite its weakness was very.... endearing to him. Though enough about the stone knight. It had stayed at Nyars side and near the new male. probably because of the order to stop fighting it would stay by her side and attempt to stop her from fighting if she tried again. though for now it simply stood sword and shield in hand proudly.

The lady infront of him that was offering him mana seemed to have calmed down "Th-thank you Miss... i was a bit low on mana" He told her giving a bow of gratitude and taking the mana, feeling much more refreshed after that. "Please do not attack her if she shows up again, I do not know why she attacked me. But i hope she had a valid reason to do so, I would rather talk this out then resort to violence again. Peace is much more relaxing then constant battle. And even nobles should be subject to the gazes of others, be them angry or happy. A noble attacking in retaliation would only spur further violence." He has said what he learned from lessons his mother taught him in private. Aad as he recited them aloud his voice was calm and warm. A peaceful smile on his face as his horns gave off a healthy glow radiating light due to the mana he just absorbed. It would be annoying to admit it but he really did look somewhat divine in this moment. But that look was gone as he smile turned childish and he stated "food sounds great right now, i thought I would be stuck in that tree the whole day. so to hear we can get food sounds absolutely wonderful as of now..."

Deathkitten Deathkitten Kyrenka Kyrenka EldridSmith EldridSmith
1568952699049.png~Ms. Seryva~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:55 - Trade Island 3, Lunch
Ian got straight to the point, didn't he? She smiled and nodded at his answer and his follow-up question, "Well... I suppose I wanted power for the sake of power. I'm an overachiever. If I'm not giving my all into something, then there's something wrong. Setting out to be the youngest Ultima wasn't easy, but I decided it at the beginning. I knew I needed to commit to it with everything I had in me. It nearly killed me multiple times."

"Fighting won't be everything here, I hope you know. There's so much more to learning to master your abilities than waving around a gun or a sword. Being the best fighter ever won't help you in everyday life, after all," she mused, looking up as the waiter came back with their food. She dug in without hesitation.

"Mm. One problem with being an Ultima. Regardless of how much I need food, I sure am hungry," she said, chuckling a little to herself, "So. Anyway. Why is one of your goals finding a girlfriend? Is it really that difficult? You look reasonably handsome, and you have a personality that's not too grating so far. You're quick to fight, but you accept your weaknesses. So, what's keeping you from getting a girl?"

EldridSmith EldridSmith
1568953441557.png~Venissa Koh~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:50 - Trade Island 1, Central Plaza, Lunch
Venissa smiled and nodded a little, "I'd like that. You coming with me would help, I think."

At the mention of cat island, she perked up, "That sounds wonderful! We should definitely go there. Let's hurry up then so we can have some time with the kitties."

There was more commotion going on, but she couldn't tell what it was and didn't really want to get herself involved anyways. She cupped her roomie's hand and walked off to the nearest burger joint she could find. "I want something with extra extra cheese and onions, I think. Ooo! And double patties. What do you wanna get?"

The man at the counter of the burger joint heard this and beckoned them closer, "So! You want a 2 by 4 with onions. And you, little miss, what do you want? I'd suggest you try our 2 by 2 with bumble sauce. Best honey burger mix ever."

Regardless of what she ended up getting, they had their food only a few minutes later after finding a table in the plaza. Venissa seemed extremely pleased to eat and dove in. "Mm... so whas do you sink sa cas island is like?" she asked, trying not to show her mouthful of food.

Kyrenka Kyrenka

The sound of the overhead speaker clicking to life overpowered all manner of raucous chatting. It even came on inside of the dorms as though there was a speaker right there in the corner of each room, despite there being none.

A deep male sigh followed, one of disappointment and annoyance. The man on the other side of the speaker began.

"Attention all staff and students. Due to unknown circumstances," he said, and though the Unum Forus didn't know why, a small chorus of complaints echoed out all throughout the school, with manyfold cries of "What the HELL? AGAIN?!" that drowned out a small portion of the announcement.

"...the creatures known as warp sprites have managed a return. Again."

"To all students: Please ensure all magical objects you own are in their last known location. Once you have a chance, please report to Trade Island 2 for Marker Tags. Personnel on-site will give you instructions on their use. Any magical objects that weigh under five pounds and that you care for deeply, keep on hand when possible. Do NOT interact with any warp sprites you encounter and do not fall for the creature's charms. Ensure that if you are a Duplex, that you have both foci on hand at all times - though I don't see why you wouldn't..." A long pause and shuffling of papers followed, then some slight scuffling and a loud snap, as of twigs underfoot but far louder. The long pause extended even farther, and when he returned, his tone was even more aggravated than before.

"For Staff: please report to Trade Island 2 for containment equip... Ahh, whatever. You know what to do. Maybe finish the job this time," the voice said with a sudden snap, going from a frustrated droll to aggression, just like that. Stomping footsteps could be heard walking away, and then what could only be the slamming of a door opening, then shutting.

"Fucking DAMN IT. The little fucks stole my coffee. NOT EVEN MY FUCKING MUG! THE FUCKING COFFEE! WHAT! THE! ACTUAL! FUCK! I bet it was those Tres Forus Vitae assholes again, always up to something - the rotten bastards. Of course, this happens the night after I get maybe AN HOUR OF FUCKING SLEEP so these GODDAMN CRETINS could EAT NEXT MONTH! They're CONSTANTLY DOING THIS SHIT!!!!!!" The rant continued in varying volumes and clarity until a soft murmur followed, a nervous sounding voice like someone who realized a problem someone would be very unhappy to hear. The words couldn't be heard, but the message was clear, what with the following "FUCKING FUCK!!!!"

This was proceeded by even louder stomps, slamming, and a soft click of the PA system turning off that felt so out of place after such a violent outburst.

Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon EldridSmith EldridSmith Kyrenka Kyrenka Osuka Osuka Peckinou Peckinou L Libero Elenion Aura Elenion Aura SomebodyElse SomebodyElse Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Astralworks Astralworks Steve Freeling Steve Freeling
Steve Freeling
Monday, October 2, Year 500
Steve rushed over to where the others were when the barrier had lifted, having also seen that Miranda had fled. I can't believe it. A fight on the very first day of school. And she ran away like that.
"Is everyone okay now? I can't believe she did what she did and then ran away like a coward! Kuso!* She better be glad she's not a guy, otherwise I'd... Huh?" He found himself cut off by an announcement over a speaker. I don't have any magical objects for them to steal, so I have nothing to worry about. He rolled his eyes upon hearing the announcer's behavior at the end. If he's blowing a gasket like this over coffee, he'd probably have a heart attack because someone got the last chicken sandwich, hell, last anything, before he could.
"Calm down, pops. It's just coffee. Lighten up before your arteries harden," Steve muttered under his breath, not caring if anyone heard him or not.
Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon Deathkitten Deathkitten EldridSmith EldridSmith Kyrenka Kyrenka
Ivan Timurovich

Time: 12:50
Location: Cafeteria

Gavin. Exactly the man Ivan wanted to see. Regardless of the instructor Ms. Seryva having tended to the wound, he was currently electing to ignore in favor of the tons of proteins, carbs, and fiber before him, but it didn't seem like he was going to get much of a chance to enjoy both his favorite kind of meal, which was in excess, and the company of a gentleman who seemed to be cognizant that he wasn't the only thing that mattered on this floating island. Instead, with a mouthful of steak perpetually clenched mid-chew within his maw, and a somewhat confused look that became something entertained, he listened very closely... Though he didn't have to after the official announcement was done and the speaker had begun to violently swear and rant before realizing the system was still on. Admittedly, he did want to chuckle, and for a moment, quite the innocent smile spread across his visage as he imagined small creatures snatching up magickal artifacts that...

That were...


Ivan's visage seemed to snap as a realization had struck him quite squarely: The fucking focus he tossed earlier in his room.

"DEBIL CYKA!!!!" He practically roared as he quickly darted from the table, then began to not only leap, but parkour his way over tables and other students who had been eating. It was only a second before Ivan was out of sight from anyone in the cafeteria, and once he hit the main grounds, he was nothing more than a six-foot-eight, two-hundred-forty pound speeding bullet. No matter what was in his way, it either moved, he moved, or he moved it, and the most latter was likely the case for most things that weren't comprised of flesh and not bolted down. If the infestation of Warp sprites was his fault, by the sound of the majority of students and the tone of the announcement, he was going to be booted, and it wasn't even close to the first month of him being in classes. Being kicked out after the first day was something he thought would guarantee him being booted from the Timurovich line, considering the slap-in-the-face that would come to bringing in such an incompetent future generation.

Once he was in the dorms, up the stairs, around the corner, and to his door with visible marks trailing behind him on the laminate floor due to the rubber from his shoes peeling off onto the surface, Ivan nearly tore the door open rather than twisting the handle before charging through the main room and to his own quarters. This one, however, he very much did shoulder open, and his eyes immediately went to the far right corner of the room that he very much remembered tossing the brushed gunmetal box into...

To find it was gone.

Panting, sweating, and now panicked, Ivan snarled as he began to tear his room apart systematically. Clothes and a plethora of miscellaneous items began to fly from one side to the other with gusto, and after forty seconds of having disassembled everything in his room that could possibly be deconstructed and thrown out of the way, an unholy and ungodly slew of Occidens curses began pouring out of him with the fury that only the Azhdaya itself could ever demonstrate. He had not only just lost an Arcane Focus to a being that he didn't even know existed, but it somehow got into the Fucking Dorms of all places. Now he was screwed. He was royally screwed, and Ivan couldn't help but to roar again before throwing a part of his bed frame through the pane of glass that separated his room from the outside.

This was it. This was the moment he lets down the Timurovich family, gets expelled, and then gets kicked from the family, but before he would allow even an ultima to drag him out of the school in a casket...

He was going to find every single one of those little shits and slaughter them all.

Kyrenka Kyrenka
Deathkitten Deathkitten
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~María de los Ángeles~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:45 - Central Plaza, Lunch

Maria.jpg So many things were happening at once; Rever summoned a golem while the new girl chased after Miranda. However, María gave Rever a blank stare when he asked for a mana potion. Isn't mana inside of us? That's how we use magic? Fortunately, she was saved by Nayr who had returned and quickly offered the Egyptian the glittering liquid in her hands. The soldier stared at it in wonder. It's beautiful. Clearing her throat, María said, "I have to agree with Rever, all this excitement has made me hungry." Offering the others a small but genuine smile, she reintroduced herself for the two newcomers. "I'm María de los Ángeles." She eyed Nayr for a beat before turning her gaze elsewhere. The girl had seemed pretty genuine, but it all could've been an act. Still, the fact that she could make mana out of thin air meant that she was more familiar with her magic than María currently was. It wouldn't hurt to ask for help...would it? Letting her gaze flick back to Rever, the soldier decided to try and ask Nayr for help in private.

That thought was immediately put on hold when the out of sight speakers came to life. The brunette intently listened to the announcement with her brows furrowed in confusion. Warp Sprites? She didn't really know what that meant, but she immediately took her mana flashlight and gripped it tightly in her hands. María flinched slightly at the sheer volume of the man at the end of the announcement, the quiet of the plaza almost deafening after his yelling. "...I guess this means we have to report to Trade Island 2. We should probably stick together." Glancing at the others, she asked, "Do any of you know what a Warp Sprite is?"

Steve Freeling Steve Freeling Deathkitten Deathkitten Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
1569009626595.png"My brother and I traveled a lot in the past and because our parents didn't care and were loaded we basically got to do whatever, but we weren't in the same spot long enough for anything lasting so while I've had a few flings in the past I've got no experience with actual dating." He pauses to sigh before continuing. "The girl I like so far hates my guts, my roommate Luna. First day I arrived I entered the room while she was changing on accident and she hates my guts for it. She won't even listen to what I've got to say or any explanations. So I either have to find someone else worth liking or slog through the mess with Luna. I'm not sure what to do anymore and at this point but I think all hope is lost with Luna." He says before he begins taking a bite, as he's about to speak again the speaker goes off causing him to just eat instead while he listens. "Do you need to go now?" He asks as he checks himself for his new foci and finding both in his pocket.
Interaction: Deathkitten Deathkitten
Mention: L Libero
~Liliana Bermudez~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:55 - Trade Island 1, Lunch

LFB.jpg Liliana glanced at some of the whispering students in mild curiosity, but was immediately sidetracked by Venissa grabbing her hand. Fuck, when had she become so desperate for simple contact? Gripping her roommate's hand loosely, the brunette beamed as she dutifully followed the other girl into a burger joint. The air was warm from the grills, and the food they were cooking smelt delicious. The brunette eagerly glanced around for a menu, before zeroing on the employee talking to her. "Oh! Um." Honey burger? It sounded like a strange mix. Who puts honey on their burger? Then again...why not live a little? If she didn't end up liking it she could always give it to Them. They didn't need to eat, but They loved to eat. "Sure, I'll take one!" Once their food was ready, Venissa eagerly led them to a free table in order to sit down and dig in. Liliana liked the way her roommate seemed to come out of her shell a bit. It made her feel special to be considered someone safe enough to be comfortable around. The brunette hide her smile behind her burger. "I think it's going to be like an island that has cats on it," she quipped lightly. She giggled a bit before answering seriously, "Nah, I'm honestly not sure. It's probably a small island with like, what, ten or twenty cats? A few students made them so there can't be that many." Taking a bite out of her burger, Liliana crinkled her nose in curiosity. It was an unfamiliar taste, but it wasn't unpleasant. Shrugging, she went in for another bite.

The brunette nearly jumped out of her skin as the speakers scattered around the area crackled to life. She sat and listened to the announcement as confusion, and eventually worry, bled into her features. Her eyes widened slightly as she nervously glanced around during the man's ending rant. Geez, if he's more upset about the coffee then maybe these sprites aren't that big of a deal? That didn't mean she was going to ignore his instructions though. Taking one last bite out of her burger before tossing the rest to the eagerly squirming shadow of Them, Liliana stood up. "I guess we should make our way to the second island." Offering Venissa a smile as well as her hand, she said, "Let's stick together!"

Deathkitten Deathkitten
1569013642770.pngTristan watched in disappointment at the fact the one girl ran off after the whole ordeal, both because she was pretty and because she wouldn't stay back to try and resolve the conflict she was a part of. He didn't know who was the guilty party but he knew he had to get to the bottom of it. What the girl yelled about nobles and acting like them gave him a few clues. However his thoughts were pleasantly interrupted by the girl before him. "Tristan, Tristan wolf. I would love to join you for lunch." He says as he brushes off his new uniform from the dust caused by running into the golem thing in front of him. "Might I ask you for your names?" He inquires of the duo in front of him. "Where would you like to g--" He said before being rudely interrupted by a strange person who ran up and yapped about the girl who left and fighting and blah blah blah. However the annoying kid was interrupted by the speaker which caused Tristan to feel like justice was served in a strange way. "Where was I? Ah yes, where would you like to eat, the cafeteria or perhaps a place on one of the trade islands?"

Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon Deathkitten Deathkitten Steve Freeling Steve Freeling Kyrenka Kyrenka
Locoma Tive

Locoma had decided to join the teacher nonetheless despite her badmouthing of Thomas plan. "Thomas, im sorry for my words. But I do intend to join the teacher for lunch, let us make haste, as she is already leaving." she told him with her small smile before walking after the teacher to the restaurant. sitting down at the same table She ordered simply a salad and cheap steak. she didnt care that the teacher was paying. One should always budget meals even when someone is offering to pay. Along with it she got a simple water and waited to see what Thomas would order. He seemed nice, and she hoped he would be an excellent partner throughout the class year, Maybe even throughout her whole time at school. But you couldnt really say that for sure. "so teacher. I was wondering if your skilled in the making of magic imbued medicines" Locoma asked the teacher. If she was then Locoma had found the perfect teacher. Locoma could make medicines.... but they took time and often had weird side effects. She once gave a medicine for stomach trouble to a friend and they started burping fire, even if he said the stomach ache was gone Locoma viewed breathing fire as a failure.

But as the announcement went through the speakers she tilted her head in slight confusion. "hmmm aren't those creatures the one that steal magic items.... I'm sure they will handle it, anyways teacher let me show you some of my medicines." she pulled her medical bag up to her lap and opened it pulling out a smaller case and cling it open. But before she pulled it out she felt something rubbing against her leg. peaking down to it she saw a pink slime like creature. it was very cute to say the least, leaning down to it she gave a small smile and reached to pet it some, probably one of the magic creatures around here got into the restaurant, but before she could pet it it lunged forward and grabbed something. What followed was an ominous silence from her as she stayed frozen. "I-its....gone" if one took a peak into the case she opened there was 10 vial slots. and it seemed 1 was missing. She didn't mind if any other one of them was missing those were all easy to make ones..... But the one missing was of utter importance. It was her magnum opus. A potion that restored both mana and physical fatigue. With no side effects. It had took her nearly a year to perfect it and she had only made one so far. as the actual process was very tedious, mainly because she made it by accident and hadnt been able to recreate the process. And she had left half the tools at her home because she couldn't fit them in her room. Her eyes were wide and in shock as she let out a few broken laughs and slowly pulled out a scalpel. " Teacher... would I get extra credit for.... dissecting one of these warp-sprites. Id love to hear more about them. ALOT MORE ABOUT THEM." she was deadly serious, Locoma was normally a person that wouldn't hurt most creatures... but these... these ungrateful sprites dared to steal her Magnum Opus. Over a year of dedication had just vanished. AND THESE LITTLE WARP SPRITE PIECES OF GARBAGE WERE TO BLAME. TO DISSECT ONLY ONE WOULD BE SHOWING MERCY

( Deathkitten Deathkitten EldridSmith EldridSmith
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1569102065854.pngThomas unfolded his dog robot and rode it, following beside Locoma with an expression of pure joy at getting to spend time with her and the fact she was so considerate to him. "No need to apologize!" He said before suddenly remembered how the doctor had to hand sow up the wound from when he got cut when he was a child. Why don't I automate that? That can save time for Locoma if she needs to do emergency stitches! He thinks to himself. He swiftly began making a little device out of brass scraps to do just that using a needle, some gears, a spool of thread and a handle he made what could only be called a stitch gun (See my rough sketch attached) as they walked and talked. However he shoved it in his pocked for later since they were going to eat now wouldn't be the time to give it to her. Upon arriving at the restaurant he quickly folded the thing back up and put it inside his backpack. He ordered a salad and a cheap platter with a sample of everything which would be enough to fill him up since he was smaller than most. He patiently listened to everything Locoma had to say about medical stuff as he got another idea for Locoma, an arm guard that could hold all of her medical supplies. Unfortunately he didn't have the materials for it which was a shame, but he was eating so it didn't matter. He soon heard the announcement and quickly checked to see if his anklet was still on, which it was and his goggles were still resting on his head so he head everything magical with him. However he noticed Locoma panicking seeing she lost something which caused Thomas to panic. Ahhhhh!!! How do I help?! "W-What did you lose... c-calm down... ah here take this!" Thomas says pulling out the stitch gun and presenting it to her in the hopes it would calm her down.
Deathkitten Deathkitten Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon


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Miranda Olesen
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:55 - Central Plaza => Cafeteria
Miranda didn’t listen to a damn word Nayr was saying, since she was an idiot. Not to mention that she has no idea of how horrible the egyptian nobles are. Because unlike her who was beating the noble boy up for the crimes against the innocent magic people. They are nothing but horrible murderers. They had blood all over their hands, and Miranda wanted to give the same misery towards their kids. For they definitely deserve it for tearing families apart over a god belief.
Miranda eventually arrived at the cafeteria, and she was hungry from the mess that she had caused. ‘That girl is an idiot, since she has no idea why I did that. Not to mention that if I told her the whole reason why. That fool would probably just say that whatever happened to her in her life is so much worse than mine. I don’t want to know what happened to her, because she is ignoring my pain. I don’t want her sympathy either, since someone like her wouldn’t understand. I harmed him for all of the innocent people that the nobles killed. It was justice for anybody who had to run away in fear from the egyptian nobles’ guards. It wasn’t just my hatred for him.’ thought Miranda.
Despite doing whatever she wants in her current life, Miranda can’t stand the horrible crimes against humanity. If Miranda sees something or someone steals something, she will go after them and beat them up. Cuteness doesn’t work either, because Miranda doesn’t think that they are cute once they did a crime. This is one of those goody little two shoes traits of hers that rarely come up, and Miranda will not see herself in the wrong while doing that.

Miranda ended up getting a burger, a cookie, and a bottle of soda for lunch. Since she wanted to eat the cookie and drink the bottle of soda for later. ‘...I don’t expect them to be my friend after what I have done, and I don’t mind. I am just going to do what I want in this school, and nobody is going to stop me. If I want to beat up that noble again, I will do it.’ thought Miranda.
While Miranda was eating her lunch in peace, the speakers had turned on. ‘Oh. What is this about, because I am curious.’ thought Miranda. A look of curiosity was on her face, since she didn’t know what this was about.
The speaker guy started to talk about how the warp sprites have been stealing people’s stuff and said a few other things. ‘If I see those warp sprites, I am so going to punish them.’ thought Miranda. She was thinking of throwing those warp sprites around with her magic, or just punching or kicking them until they are almost dead. Because even Miranda wouldn’t go as far as killing them in cold blood, because she just wanted to punish them for their behavior.
The speaker guy then ended up saying funny stuff over the speakers, and Miranda wants so badly to laugh at that. As that was the funniest thing that she heard all day. ‘Poor mr. speaker guy, and that was very funny.’ thought Miranda. She also took both of her tools out from her backpack, so those warp sprites wouldn't steal them from her.
@ Open
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~Gavin Heidrich~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:55 - Cafeteria, Lunch

Gavin.jpg Gavin raised an eyebrow. That announcement was...weird. Didn't seemed like it was that big of a deal though. The brunet turned back to Ivan, the expression on the other boy's face wiped the vaguely amused expression off of Gavin's face. He jumped as Ivan howled out something unintelligible, violently stood up, and bolted over more than a few tables in order to exit the cafeteria. The room that was previously full of activity was now still and silent. The brunet didn't even have any sense to be impressed by Ivan's agility; he was only left with bewilderment. "...What the fuck?" Did...did he just ditch me again? Finally realizing that there were multiple pairs of eyes on him, Gavin smiled nervously before slipping out of his seat. His footsteps suddenly seemed deafening so he picked up the pace. The tension in his shoulders only faded when he was a good distance from the cafeteria. Holy shit, is there something wrong with that guy? He knew that Augurium attracted all kinds, but was Ivan dangerous? That freak out was actually pretty scary if he was going to be honest; but there was no way that Augurium would let someone dangerous into the school, right? Following the stream of students to the portals, Gavin gripped the straps of his backpack tightly as his darted around in search of the Warp Sprites that were causing this commotion.

Osuka Osuka
1569179311618.png 1569179322479.pngChepi laughed. “I don’t think it’s me that they’re looking at.” While she had to admit they were somewhat unusual, it was primarily Kitchi’s handsome bearskin that was drawing the most attention. More than a few students craned their necks in curiosity in order to confirm that the taller man was actually wearing a bear across his shoulders. Needless to say, Chepi was thoroughly enjoying the cafeteria’s atmosphere. The excitement of the crowd of students bled into the air, creating something that was almost tangible to her and her abilities. Of course, it was ruined by the crackling of the speakers as an announcement was made. A nameless student roared something in a foreign language before rushing out of the cafeteria; leaving behind confusion and mounting apprehension. “That’s not good,” she commented worriedly.

Kitchi couldn't help but smile as his wife laughed at his comment. "It doesn't really matter, you're the prettiest fairy out there." He says before shoveling in a large bite of food, and it was good! He mentally marked which he liked from the given foods as he enjoyed the moment. Like his wife he could feel all the life energy and he enjoyed being surrounded by it, it was much more active and energetic than what he could feel in the forest which was a nice change of pace. He calls the mana wyrm back into his egg just to be safe after hearing the announcement. He nods at this wife's remark before saying. "There's an island of creatures I heard about, perhaps we should visit it sometime."

Turning her attention from the trickle of students slowly leaving the cafeteria, Chepi perked up in interest. “Is there? What kind of creatures?” She hadn’t heard anything about this island, but it was definitely somewhere she wanted to explore. Perhaps they allow hunting. She didn’t want to get rusty while studying here. Finishing the last of her food, Chepi eyed the departing students once again. “Should we join them?” Giving her husband a knowing grin, she added, “After we get our ‘markers’, maybe we can look at some of the shops.”

"I heard they were cats and magical creatures that were cute, I'm not sure of the specifics... and no hunting." He said, he could tell what she was thinking about trying to stay up to par with her fighting skills. "You we can spar to keep our edge dear." He said before finishing off his food. "Yeah we should probably go with them and going shopping would be good." He could tell what she was referring to and he couldn't help but nod bashfully. He wanted to keep it a secret but he wasn't very good at it.

Merging with the meandering crowd of confused Unum Forus and annoyed upperclassmen, Chepi leaned towards Kitchi in order to be better heard over the din of the students. "Do you think our next class will be cancelled because of this?" It didn't matter much to her since the Caster Class would most likely be doing general introductions like the last class, but it meant that they'd be behind if they had to cancel. If it went on even longer than that, they the school might have the students turn into their dorms early in order to avoid the Warp Sprites. It was annoying. Not to mention the fact that I wouldn't be able to explore the Trade Islands' stores. Chepi felt the corners of her mouth turn down in irritation. While they may not be dangerous, these creatures seemed like they were going to be a nuisance.

"I doubt it, we still have plenty of time left during our lunch period." Kitchi says as he looks at the sun before realizing he needs to look at his watch to tell the time. "Uhhh it's only around 12:53... when is lunch over again?" He asks as he had left his schedule behind in his room on accident, but it wasn't too big a deal since they should be headed to the same place next. His attention was only on his wife and his surroundings without any unnecessary thoughts. He was enjoying himself so why ruin it with thinking too much?

Reaching into the waistband of her uniform's skirt, Chepi pulled out her neatly folded schedule. "It says 14:00, so that's about an hour if I remember correctly." Tucking the piece of paper back, she continued, "I hope so, I'd hate for anyone to have their tools stolen." Judging by the one boy's outburst in the cafeteria, at least one person had lost their tool. Intertwining her hand with her husband's as the crowd thickened near the portals, Chepi used her free hand to grab her glasses from her face. They were slightly uncomfortable, her face unused to the stiff metal of the tool. A playful smile graced her face as an idea sprung into her mind. Swiftly, she reached up and single-handedly placed her glasses on Kitchi's face. She was hoping that they'd make him look a little ridiculous, but in fact they made him look somewhat refined. With a pout that lacked any seriousness, she quipped, "That's not fair, you're not supposed to look better than me in those."

Kitchi chuckled at his wife's remark as they got near the place to get their tags. "You always look the prettiest my little fairy." He says as he squeezes her hand with a happy smile adorning his face. His thoughts wandered about what to get her this year since she already had the bone necklace he had given her last year. Did she want more jewelry? Or perhaps a new knife? Or what about a pet? His normally tranquil mind was rather chaotic as he kept trying to think of what to get her. However he suddenly remembered seeing something about married couples having rings in this culture and he decided that would be the best thing to get her as to show everyone that they belonged to each other.

Joint post with Kyrenka Kyrenka
1569418181008.png~Venissa Koh~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:55 - Trade Island 1 -> 2
Venissa blushed, clearing her throat of food. She was joking, but it still kinda made her feel like her question was silly. Of course, the cat island has cats. She smiled timidly, but just about jumped out of her skin when the speakers clicked on.

The announcement passed, and her roomie seemed so confident. She took her hand and followed her to the second trade island, but she was nervous, personally. These sprites sounded like bad news... she actually knew of them, too. "We have them sometimes in Terra Austri," she explained, trying to keep up with a firm grip on her friend's hand, "They're a menace. They like to steal anything with any amount of magic. In Terra Austri, the only things that use magic are the really really important things like nuts or bolts that keep the dome safe. There's like... a season of them. I can't imagine how bad they are in a place where everything is magic, though..."

By the time they got to the second trade island, it was pretty clear they weren't the only ones there for the stickers. They had amassed lines of students seeking these students, and suddenly Venissa felt very small and very nervous. She gripped her friend's hand more tightly and scooted up behind her, "I'll... I'll let you lead the way."

Kyrenka Kyrenka
1569419957528.png~Ms. Seryva~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:55 - Trade Island 3, Lunch
Ahh. There was the announcement. She was waiting for it to happen. There were a number of groans throughout the restaurant of third-tier students that wanted nothing to do with these shenanigans.

"It happens every year," she explained to Ian, shaking her head, "I don't need to go or do anything. They're just an annoyance. They'll steal your things if you aren't careful, though. I think..." She reached down and rummaged through her bag, looking for something, then nodded and pulled out a sheet of stickers, "Ah. Here they are. I thought I still had some. Here. For you. You can stick them on items, and it'll allow them to be tracked if they get nabbed by a Warp Sprite. Plus, if they do get lost, after a bit of time has passed, they'll get teleported to a sort of... lost and found box."

"Anyway, about this Luna girl," she continued after giving him the sheet of 24 stickers, "You've got a couple of options. If you really like her, then stand your ground and make a point. Stand in her room while she's in there and just watch her for a bit. Make sure she knows you're there. Then, when she demands an explanation, try to explain what actually happened. If she doesn't listen, just go back to standing and watching her. Wait for her to stop her shit and actually listen to you. If you're not that interested, then just drop it and look for someone else. Dating your roommate can be a pain anyway."

"Hmm... a shame you're a student. I think it'd be fun to have you in my group," she muttered, picking at the remainders of her food, "Ah well. I'll test your mettle soon enough."

EldridSmith EldridSmith

Thomas Ford suddenly hears a pinging sound, followed by a small holographic message box appearing in front of him.

"Your previous roommate has left the school. You are now roomed with one Locoma Tive. Thank you for your patience and we hope you enjoy your dormitory experience."

Ian Caraway suddenly hears a pinging sound, followed by a small holographic message box appearing in front of him.

"Your previous roommate has left the school. You are now roomed with one Steve Freeling. Thank you for your patience and we hope you enjoy your dormitory experience."
EldridSmith EldridSmith
~Guiren Nyverk~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:55 - Trade Island 2, Lunch

GN..jpg Guiren snarled at the most recent student to bump into him, and gleefully watched as the unsuspecting kid turned tail and ran. Pussy. As amusing as it was to terrify the people near him, it couldn't erase the irritation he felt at being crammed into a random island in order to get some markers. Or how uncomfortable this fucking tool is. Shaking his right leg a little bit, he cursed under his breath as his new anklet chaffed at his skin. Who the fuck thought this shit up? Fuck, what he if didn't have a leg? What would they have given him then? Something less irritating? Grinding his teeth in frustration, the taller boy forcefully shoved his way through the crowd of students and towards the staff members that were giving out markers. The sooner I get one the sooner I can leave. Reaching over a shorter student's head, he snatched a marker tag out of a faculty member's hands, half paid attention to their instructions, and bent down in order to attach it to his new anklet. Frowning in disgust at his tool, that was beginning to remind him of an ankle monitor, Guiren stood back up. Going against the flow was proving to be tougher than going with it, but the dark-haired boy was determined to get back to his dorm. Knocking shoulders with a particularly tall girl, Guiren growled, "Watch it bitch," before doing his best to shove the rest of the way through the sea of students.

((Guiren has just knocked into Chepi EldridSmith EldridSmith ))

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