• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
~Chepi Machk~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:45 - Dorms, Lunch

Unktena. It was a powerful name to live up to, but Kitchi wouldn't have given the spirit a name he couldn't handle. "I know," she replied as her husband placed Unktena on her head, "But spirits can be fickle and the last thing I want to do is anger one." Chepi reached up to gently prod at the wyrm. He was surprisingly firm, but he was still a bit squishy when poked. In all honesty, she was relieved that the wyrm wasn't exuding slime. She wasn't vain, but she preferred to not have her head covered in slime. When Kitchi moved his hand to her hair Chepi closed her eyes and hummed. The spot where her husband kissed her was still warm. She opened her eyes back up and covered Kitchi's hand with her free one. Tracing the lines of his hand with her thumb, she said, "And I treasure every day with you as well." From birth to life's most recent events, her husband had always been there. She couldn't even begin to imagine what life would be like without him. "How about you cook for dinner, when we have more time to ourselves? For now we can try something new." The food that the school made available to students was from all over the world which meant that there were endless options to choose from. Unfortunately, cuisines native to the Deadlands, as well as some other remote places, weren't represented due to a lack of knowledge. It didn't matter much to Chepi, since she and Kitchi could always cook themselves, but it was a little disappointing to not have their homeland represented out there as well. Besides, if we go to the market to eat then perhaps I'll find something for Kitchi for our anniversary. She wouldn't buy it in front of him, of course, but she'd definitely make a mental note for when she had some alone time.

EldridSmith EldridSmith
1568525375406.png~Venissa Koh~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:45 - Lunchtime?
Most of the class went by in a blur for the girl. She didn't want to look at anyone. She didn't want to interact with anyone. She didn't want to hurt anyone. When it came time for the tools, she gripped her paintbrush so hard her knuckles were white. This would be the thing that helped her. This. Right here. It could help her control her abilities, right? She needed that so badly.

Eventually class ended, and she was snapped from her thoughts by her roommate asking if she wanted to get lunch. Venissa smiled a little, "I... uh... sure. That actually sounds pretty nice."

A dry chuckle came from her throat, "I'm not very good about remembering to eat. Plus, you know I don't really have much by way of money, but hey! Maybe with classes starting that'll change. I can get good grades and get more allowance that way. That's something to look forward to." She smiled again and stood, gathering her things, "Where do you want to eat?"

"We could go to a North American place to eat. I've heard their food is good. I'd just about die for a burger right now," she started to walk out the door, intending to follow her roommate to the food place, "I've gotta be honest though... I zoned out through most of that class. He just wants us to test out our tools, yeah? Gotta be honest, I'm terrified to. Nothing good ever seems to come from magic. I'm so jealous of you. My shadows are like evil demons."

Kyrenka Kyrenka
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:45 - Lunchtime! Finally!! - Central Plaza
Nayr wanted nothing more than food now. She was so unbelievably hungry, not to mention bored. She wanted to actually fight! She was so eager to walk down the same path as her parents. She was so hyped to become an Ultima one day! Even come the end of class, she was bouncing, and looked around for only a minute before running off. Her feet only touched the ground for fractions of a second as she bolted to the teleporter and onto the now very busy trade island.

She made her way to a main plaza and tried to pick out the most interesting looking individual she could see. That person would be her lunch buddy. As shy as she was, she didn't want to eat alone, because that was just a sad prospect. Plus she had some money to burn, she could offer someone food.

Horns. Tall as all get-out. YEP SEEMS LIKE A GOOD CHOICE!

Nayr bounded up to him and his friend, "Hi! Oh!! You're in my Pugnator class, aren't you? Awesome. We three should eat lunch together. My name's Nayr. Wherever you want, my treat. I'm hungry as a Crystal Chomper, and it's just depressing to eat alone."

Kyrenka Kyrenka Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon

On a tree in a clearing in the trade island's large plaza, bustling with life, there lies a note taped to the tree. It's hard to notice at first glance, and it seems as though no one has seen it yet.

Roll a d20. If you are going in the area, and roll a 6 or higher, you see the note.

To whomsoever finds this note:

You will all burn in damnation for the magical plague you wreak on this world. You will find absolution through death, as no forgiveness is possible in life.

This is not true for all, though. This vile den of villainy built wholly of heathen magics that spits in the face of His Greatness who designed so perfect a world, corrupts! Leave this place, for if you don't, only an eternity of suffering awaits. Cleanse this rot from your soul, and only then will death free you.

For this, we are sorry.

Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon EldridSmith EldridSmith Kyrenka Kyrenka Osuka Osuka Peckinou Peckinou L Libero Elenion Aura Elenion Aura SomebodyElse SomebodyElse Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Astralworks Astralworks
1568511811336.png 1568511820655.png "You should get changed then we can go grab some lunch." Kitchi says as he smiles at the warm moment they were sharing, the little spirit or his mana focus as it was called was resting on his wife's head making a really cute scene for him.

Chepi made a disgruntled sound. The uniform itself was fine, but she favored the clothes she had brought from home. Sighing, she reluctantly slid out of her husband's arms and to her forgotten pile of clothes. She efficiently changed clothes, choosing the shorter skirt instead of the long one since she tended to get hot easily. Keeping her jewelry on, she turned back to Kitchi and returned her hand to his. "Ready when you are."

Kitchi smiled as her hand returned to his, he held it tightly as he walked out with her toward the portal leading to the cafeteria. "I won't be able to cook tonight, there's something I need to take care of..." He said trying to make it sound like it wasn't about their anniversary but failing, she could easily tell he wanted to spend the entire night finding her the perfect gift like he had the year before. She had managed to catch him working on making her a bone necklace of a fairy bear cub spirit, which was his gift to her.

Chepi smiled knowingly. "I see..." However, she left it at that. This was the perfect opportunity for her to sneak in a little gift shopping for Kitchi as well. I just need to avoid running into Kitchi. It would be hard to miss his lumbering form in the crowd, but then again, it'd be hard to miss hers too.

Kitchi scratched his head at her knowing smile, a little disappointed he couldn't hide it from her, but no matter he knew she would probably be doing the same soon. "I'll make it up to you tonight." He says with a smile similar to that old men make when teasing their wives. "It's so strange that everyone here is so tiny, in one of my classes there's a kid who's so short! He's only this tall." He says putting his hand at where five feet was at.

Excitedly, Chepi countered, "You should have seen the people in my class then! They have such bright colors for hair!" Putting her free hand up to mimic a horn, she continued, "And one person had horns. He looked like some sort demigod, and I think he believed that he was."

Kitchi laughed at her antics. "You forgot about the eastern tribe that had rams horns didn't you?" He said as they arrive at the cafeteria. "There was a kid in my class who covered himself in metal scraps and gears, I think it was because he was embarrassed or something. It looked like he was trying to pursue a classmate named Locoma and another one named Miranda called him out for it."

"These horns were different," she defended, "They glowed!" Pausing after his last sentence, Chepi chuckled lightly. "Sounds like you've already made a few friends."

"I didn't really talk with anyone today, I just observed to see who would be worth befriending. There are a few people who are really nice in the class but some of them are very reserved. One of them asked if I was wearing a costume."

She hummed lightly at that; glancing at the attire of the people around her. Everyone was wearing this strange new style that their uniform belonged too. They all looked odd to her, but to them, she and Kitchi were the odd ones. "did you tell them about how you killed the bear yourself?" She had heard the story many times herself, and had been present for some parts, but it was one that Kitchi took great pride in and loved to tell people. Chepi herself had heard it many times but loved listening to the way he told it.

"Not yet, I was going to but she got all quiet and it would have been awkward... or at least I think it would have. All the customs here are so strange it's hard to get used to them." He says with a sigh. "I think I'll talk to everyone tomorrow, today was just very strange for me."

Rubbing his arm comfortingly, Chepi said, "I understand, everything's so different; I feel like a fool compared to the other students because I don't inherently know what a microwave is or what this 'Zelda' person is." Leaning her head on against his arm, she sighed, "At least you make sense in this confusing world."

Kitchi's face is in almost a constant smile as he spends time with her, especially when she leaned against him. "I feel the same way about you." He says. His tall and lumbering form proudly waltzes into the cafeteria with his wife right beside him, while he knew it wasn't right to boast he couldn't help but show off that she was his wife and his alone.

Taking comfort in the firm and warm presence of her husband, Chepi let him take the lead as they finally entered the cafeteria. They garnered a bit of attention with their height, Kitchi's bearskin, and her jewelry. She couldn't help but press herself closer to Kitchi's side after a few particularly bold glances. She would never question Kitchi's loyalty, but that didn't mean she liked strangers eyeing up her husband like a slice of spiced meat. Doing her best to ignore the stares, Chepi asked, "See anything interesting?"

"I see lots of dishes that look interesting, how about we git a little bit of everything to see what we like and don't like?" He asks as he's totally unsure what most of the foods even are, but many of them looked tasty and others disgusting but he knew that judging by looks wasn't a good way of doing things especially when it came to food.

"Sure." Releasing her grip on his arm, she passed a plate to her husband before taking one for herself. The names of the various foods laid out for the cafeteria's buffet escaped her knowledge, but she could take a good guess as to what some of them were. Like that! Eagerly, she grabbed a few skewers of chicken labeled as 'Yakitori'. There was some rice with beans, a familiar dish, that she happily scooped onto her plate. Grabbing a few more food items, Chepi was finally satisfied with her haul. "We should find somewhere to sit," she told Kitchi while scanning the room for a good spot. There, in the corner. With both hands fixed to her plate, she did her best to not throw off the mana wyrm that was still atop her head as she nodded towards a relatively empty table towards the back. "That one looks nice."

Kitchi was still heaping a little bit of everything on his plate, having literally gotten a scoop of each dish option. "Sure that one works." He says looking back to where she directed his attention. He grabbed his heaping platter and followed behind her. Some people couldn't help but stare at the giant of a man carrying such a large heap of food. Though the attention escaped his notice as he was focused on his loving wife. However once he sat down he noticed all the odd stares. "Why are they looking at me like I did something strange? I know you're beautiful but this..."

Joint post with: Kyrenka Kyrenka
Mentions: Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon

Chrysos shrugged and had left before the teacher could make her suggestion and left. He had missed any combat parts of the lesson and was stuck listening about monsters and stuff. He wasn't really suited to fighting monsters. Killing humans was was way easier then fighting some giant snake or stuff. Jeez what the heck was he even suppose to do with his "focus" as they called it. It's a deck of cards!? Is he suppose to just sit down and challenge someone to a game of Go fish. Chrysos really had no experience with magic. The most he actually did was a contraband magic gun. However when he fired the thing it blew up and sent him to the hospital for three days. He'd probably have to ask for extra lessons just to figure out how to use these cards....... might as well go get lunch. Hopefully the have wine.

Chrysos meandered a bit around the plaza taking notice of a note and just snickering at the words written on it taking a picture with his phone before walking away. He had made his way to the area with all the restaurants and found a decent outside deck cafe. Sitting down and ordering a coffee, soup and sandwhich he idly took out a butterfly knife flicking it around with one hand as he scrolled through his phone. The waiter looked somewhat nervous seeing a customer now playing with a butterfly knife due to boredom.

Arachne had quickly left the class as soon as the bell rang. Class was over and lunch was happening. If she moved fast enough she could catch Kira leaving the teleporter. Running into the nearest bathroom she got changed into her Ceri outfit as fast as possible. Shoving her arachne outfit into her bag she walked out the bathroom and posed saying "Ceridian on the scene!" Which gained a few weird looks before she happily skipped back to the plaza. Seeing a large man stuck to a tree before being pulled out was interesting. But she didn't really need to care. Standing infront of the teleporter to the Puginator island she patiently waited for Kira to exit.

"La la la dee da doo. I can't wait to meet my boo" she hummed to herself rocking back and forth. She didn't know how but Kira had a knack for being able to escape from Ceri following her. At random times shed turn a corner and when Ceri went to the corner she only saw Arik... kiras brother. She didn't really have anything agaisnt him. But he wasn't the one she liked. Kira was just amazing to Ceri. Confident, dignified and adorable! What more could someone want? Arik simply posed out to Kira in adorability.

( Peckinou Peckinou
Miranda Olesen
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:45 - Magum Spiritus Island => Central Plaza
Despite Miranda wanting to say to Thomas and Locoma to have fun on their date. She didn’t say that to them because of what Ms. Sylvia has to say to her class. ‘If they have a magic wand, do they have a magic book? I am curious about that, since people probably used them.’ thought Miranda. Even though, she was thinking about that. Miranda didn’t know that a magic book existed, because Ms. Sylvia didn’t talk about the grimoire during their class.
After Ms. Sylvia had explained to them about the class, the bell had rung. Miranda got up from her seat, put her tools in her backpack, and went to go find the cafeteria. Since she can ask Ms. Sylvia about the magic book next time. Not to mention Miranda wanted to go to the cafeteria, because she didn't want to make her own lunch. Although, she wanted to make her dinner once the caster class is over.
As Miranda was making her way to the cafeteria through the central plaza. She eventually stopped herself, because of seeing someone with horns. Now Miranda didn’t get a good look at them during her walk, for she wanted to get some food. But seeing someone with horns on their head was something that she couldn’t ignore as well. As they might be a freaking noble mutant from the Egyptian Theocracy. ‘Food or beating up a noble? ...I guess I will beat them up, since I am not letting them get away from me after their attempted murder.’ thought Miranda.
Turning her direction around, Miranda walked towards where she saw the horn guy. Upon finding them because of their horns, the look on Miranda’s face started to turn from neutral to anger in a few minutes. “YOU!” said Miranda, as she walked up to the horn guy angry. Knowing they are a noble, Miranda kicked them in the balls, and then spit on him. “That is what you get, you stupid noble.”
After doing that to them, Miranda walked away, so she wouldn’t get any more attention for what she did. ‘Filthy noble. They just think they can come here, so they can get everybody in the school to play their stupid god game. Not today, since I will ruin their day.’ thought Miranda.
Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
1568650658432.pngArik Kawin (Dress as Kira)

Magum Spiritus Island => Central Plaza
When the Ms.Slyvia gave them access to tools Arik imminently went for the paintbrush, it seemed like the more useful one and plus he enjoyed pretending to paint with it for the rest of the class period. After a while though the teacher gave a explanation on wands which was apparently different from tools and Arik was sure to store that info into his head likely wouldn't be on any tests ,but is useful to know. Arik planned to meet up with Kira at the Plaza so they could go to a restaurant together, he already knew that she would likely be at the place they usually met up at like always. Arik grabbed his paintbrush and the proceeded to walk over to the island to meet up with his sister, adjusting his skirt while on the way as well since he felt it was a bit too high up around his waist.
Kira Kawin (Dressed as Arik)
The Ring => Central Plaza
Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon Blackrose7 Blackrose7

Kira watched as the beasts were being named not adding anything to it herself, she gave her signature smile of amusement of all the weird creatures people were naming. She didn't know much about the world or its creatures but her favorite has been one of her pet Faylins but she didn't plan on saying that out. Although after a while the teacher gave them a dismissal in which she turned around to find one of her friends Hira, she smiled at her and gave her a nod in which was basically a signal for Hira to follow her. She then made her way to trade island it took her a while but she was unable to find her brother so she just waited for him instead. It didn't take long before her roommate pulled up around the corner though she took note of them but her attention was quickly taken by when Miranda made a scene, Kira has saw her around before although she wasn't exactly really important to her. Apparently her rage was vented up at the Rever kid who she met and disliked, she smiled as the scene unfolded taking note of how it would play out. Kiras smiled at the sight cause she knew that something was about to go on and that it would be interesting to watch especially since Rever will be on the receiving end of a attack​
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Ivan Timurovich

Location: The Ring

Time: For food

The class, after the injury happened, seemed to become more boring to him. It had calmed down afterwards, and honestly, he had remembered to thank one of the other students for at least being concerned. Still, it seemed that he had likely irked his fellow student as they had all separated to go about their business once class was over. That being said, the first place he was going, after letting Ms. Seryva know he would take her up on the offer another time, was to his dormitory. By now, their things should have been delivered, and he was hoping against all odds that his family had thought ahead of his stupidity and slipped in an extra Arcane Focus... But he doubted it.

So, off Ivan went, back to the HUB of the school to make his way to The Ring dorms, and slip into his dormitory. As promised, when he entered his room, there were objects there that had not been there before. Two small cases, and of course, the uniforms he was expected to wear during his stay on Augurium. The cases, though, stood out to him. The two cases that laid upon his bed, oddly enough one on each of his pillows, were a brushed gunmetal that somehow glinted a little more in the light than he thought it should've. The second was that each was emblazoned with one of the elements, and one of the cases were smaller than the other. At first, Ivan cocked his head before recognizing the Navitas symbol, then reached for it and opened it up. Within it appeared to be two tungsten rings that had been fused with some sort of crystal. Digging through his pockets for the shards of his old weapon - and visibly wincing, then cursing himself for not having gone to the nurse first, he pulled out one of the shards to compare them.

It was obvious that Augurium would somehow have higher quality for their Arcane Focuses, but for some reason, that just irritated him more.

"Well," he muttered to himself. "Guess I'm married to Augurium now? Feels like political marriage - no wine and dine?"

Ivan couldn't help but chuckle at the bad joke as he slipped one on each index finger, as per the instructions in the box, and then looked at the other one... Ex Diem. The size of the case made the options somewhat... Limited. Considering the tungsten-crystal alloy rings' most simplistic function could be to increase the striking power of the element, and they made for great improvised dusters of a sort (which meant cutting someone might be a bit easier), the idea of Ex Diem's could most easily be a hilt of sorts. when he held the case in his hands, it seemed like it was large enough to fit in one hand like an old Arming Sword or something of the sort, and with that in mind...

He found that he wasn't given two sets of arcane focuses. He was only given one. One set was good enough anyway, and he found that instead of it being in his hands, it wasn't at all. After all, Augurium knew that he didn't need a focus for Ex-Diem, right? Not if it was something silly. Of course they knew. They would have definitely been more clever if they made an Arcane Focus for an Ex-Diem user - for instance maybe a bangle that made it easier to use Hardlight or a glove that had a reflective surface so that it could amplify the amount of light a User had gathered. But he figured that with his use of Hardlight against Ian earlier, they supposed he wouldn't need something like that.

Especially not the flashlight that had been doomed to be eternally encased in its gunmetal prison that will collect dust in the corner of the room.

So now that he had his official arcane focus and his uniform on, he headed out with the idea of heading to the trade islands...

And found something he regretted finding: A note. Specifically, it was a note that didn't have a very nice message on it, and it seemed like it was fueled by... Some sort of religious ideology... Which could only point to Terra Austri, in his head, since it didn't seem to hold anyone above such a declaration. They were a bit of a problem for security personnel whenever it came to conventions discussing advancements in the blending of Magick and Technology. The fact that one got on Augurium to leave behind their trash was annoying, and he wasn't going to tolerate it for very long. That being said, he began his march past those who had gathered, snatched it off the tree, and then shoved it into his pocket while grumbling under his breath. The only thing he could hope for now was that there was something so damn good in the Mess hall that it would get him out of a bad mood... which was where he was going, because he decided he'd eat before seeing a nurse about his hand. While it was true that Seryva seemed to have taken care of it for now, the pink-haired girl had a point about infections. It'd have to be treated within the next couple days or it would get nasty.

Ten minutes later, Ivan was sitting down in the Mess hall with what seemed like enough random food to feed a squadron rather than one person, but then again, that was usually enough to feed one very irritated and hungry Ivan...

Deathkitten Deathkitten Kyrenka Kyrenka
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Rever had Just invited his savior to lunch. But before he could get an answer he heard another girl n to him and invited both of them tp lunch. " ahh lunch does sound lovely. I just invited Maria but it seems you two ate acquaintances already." Both puginators...... so many warriors here. Perhaps I should carry a mana potions for self defense.... "nevertheless. Shall we head o-" before he could finish someone yelled in his direction. Confused he turned in the direction the voice came from. ".....did someone lose their child..." Rever muttered aloud as the young small woman angrily walked towards him. From Revers height. It really did seem like he thought it was a child. And right as she was infront of him before he could say anything he felt a sharp pain in his groin. Falling to his knees then collapsing face first to the ground Rever let out a long high pitched silent squeal of pain. Similar to some sort of dog whistle if you will.

"Why........ " Rever said aloud in pain not able to move. He wasn't very strong and that kick probably could have done him in for the day if it was by anyone stronger. With luck he'd probably be able to get up in a few minutes. Or not. Rever wasn't really a good judge of how long hed recover from wounds. Mainly because he never got in fights. And right now he couldn't even summon one of his golems to protect him. He didn't have any mana potions on him and was still recharging.

( Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Kyrenka Kyrenka Deathkitten Deathkitten )
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Class had soon gone by as Locoma tried to make small talk to the very flustered inventor. It was interesting to learn about the tools and wands. But Locoma really didn't have an interest in wands or tomes. How was a wand suppose to help her during a heart transplant? Or when in field dealing with precarious sounds? It seemed overkill to her. But class ended nonetheless and Thomas had brought up the idea of everyone eating together. It wasn't bad idea just.

"Thomas. Not everyone has the same taste. We'd either need to find a buffet restaurant, or get lucky and everyone has the tastes. It was a nice thought Thomas. But please be a bit more considerate to other classmates." She did like Thomas plan alot. It's just looking at the facts many were from different countries and might have different tastes for food. "I'll still join you for lunch though Thomas." She added not wanting him to think she didn't want to thank him. It was really a decent idea. Just Locoma always took the whole group in mind. Part of being a doctor is to save as many as possible. That somewhat affected her mindset to always include everyone when thinking of plans. Though that didn't always turn out for the best.

( EldridSmith EldridSmith )
1567463295966.png Thomas's face fell upon having his suggestion rejected, and not by anyone but by the one he had fallen for. Did I screw up already? He thought as his heart started pounding out of fear and anxiety. I though I was being considerate... However he perked back up hearing she would still join him for lunch. He entirely forgot the anxious and fearful feelings from before which were replaced with giddy enthusiasm. "We can eat lunch at the cafeteria today and then we can eat dinner together tonight, there's this nice place I would like to take you." He says trying to stop himself from jumping up and down with excitement. From a young age he had said to have been somewhere on the spectrum it's just they couldn't pinpoint whether it was aspergers or ADHD, whatever the cause he was always fidgeting with something with his copious amounts of energy and creativity. This led to his home being filled with countless inventions and useless automotans. His parents where more relived than anything when he went off to school, they could finally get some peace and quiet. But that didn't really matter to Thomas now, to him he was destined to stay with the beautiful girl on front of him for the rest of his life and things were going smoothly for once.
Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
~María de los Ángeles~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:45 - Central Plaza, Lunch

Maria.jpg María was angry at herself. No, wait, that wasn't right. She was disappointed. The soldier got distracted by a classmate calling out to her and Rever, allowing a familiar girl to come all the way up to the Egyptian noble before delivering a solid kick to his groin with a good amount of spit lobbed his way. "Hey!" Miranda was already gone though. Reckless child. It wasn't that she didn't understand her roommate's anger, she just didn't understand why she had to go out and attack a random noble to satisfy her anger towards an entire nation. Dios ayúdame con esta niña. María offered the newcomer a thin-lipped smile before bending down to Rever's level. "Do you need to see the nurse?" She wasn't really sure what to do aside from helping him up. Should she tell him that she knew who hit him? Should she tell a teacher? Frowning, she decided to keep it to herself for now. Rever was still a stranger, so there was no knowing how he'd react to a supposed 'peasant' attacking him. Oh, that didn't mean that Miranda was getting off. María was definitely going to have a word or two with her roommate later.

((Mentioned Blackrose7 Blackrose7 's Miranda, Deathkitten Deathkitten 's Nayr, and Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon 's Rever))
Hira Graves
The Ring => Central Plaza
Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon Kyrenka Kyrenka Deathkitten Deathkitten
Hira watched as the classroom proceeded not adding any discussion to it at all preferring to remain silent and observe, when the teacher dismissed them she prepared to leave until her friend Arik gave her a nod one signaling that they wanted to talk with them. She didn't even hesitate before following them a few feet behind him, she never really saw the twins separated a lot or maybe ever and usually they were packed together with each other always. She was still following Arik until the reached the central plaza together and started putting their focus onto a scene in which Hira soon gave her attention to. She watched as a little girl went up and kicked some Tall boy with horns in the scroggs she was beginning to wonder if the girl was gonna follow it up with a kick or punch to the face. When she looked at Arik though he seemed to have a amused smile on his face seeming pretty pleased with the out come of how that went out so far. She was beginning to wonder if Arik planned it or something with the littles laughs he was giving out from how the went, maybe it was , but she continued watching the scene from a bit of distance away, intending to see how this goes and whether a fight will break out in which she may intervein in if things get too out of hand.
Dear, Henry
...Oh, and try to keep
out of trouble, dear

The trouble with keeping out of trouble, was: more often than not, the harder one tried to stay out of it, the more likely running into it became. Henry did his best to stay out of it - at least, the kind of trouble that would end up in the news, or in a letter sent home. He was fairly good at it, too. After Artificem Class wrapped up, Henry, his face fresh and newly-bespectacled, followed the line of students leading out of the lecture hall and back into the world. It was lunch-time, according to the watch on his wrist, but Henry wasn't feeling particularly hungry. He was, in fact, more interested in doing a bit of exploring.

Henry had always been an intrepid youth. He'd inherited the trait from his father, an explorer in his own right. Like most explorers, Henry was not afraid of solitude. In fact, from time to time, he actually quite enjoyed the quiet alone time. He made his slow, meandering way across the campus thoroughfare, stopping here and there to admire the architecture, or exchange small-talk with a few students - some, he recognized, while others were still strangers. There was so much left to see, so many people still to meet. Curiosities atop curiosities...

Speaking of curiosities, Henry's attention was inexplicably hitched as he tried to walk past a tree. There was nothing remarkable about the tree, insofar as it was a tree like any other. The curiosity, instead, came from what Henry found - what someone had placed - on the tree: a note, written in a flowing, articulate hand. Henry could not make out the words. Because... It wasn’t a note. Rather, a reflection of one. A shadow. A memory. A Dream-Thing. But at one time, it had been very real.

Henry was not naive. He was, in fact, very sensible. The sensible part of Henry told him not to pay too much head to notes left nailed to trees. Probably the work of some prankster looking for a cheap laugh, possibly at his expense. Even still, there was something ominous about the note. Something that, Henry realized, emanated from it. An aura. The glasses! They must have been amplifying whatever Henry was feeling.

Suddenly, he had an idea. As a Magum Spiritus, Henry was privy to a technique - psychometry - which might let him get a sharper image of what this feeling, this energy, was trying to tell him. For a moment, he hesitated. What if what he was about to see was something he shouldn't? What if he couldn't un-see it?

Then, he placed a hand against the cool bark of the tree where the note had been, felt the ghostly material slipping over his fingers. Tell me your secrets.

Location: Artificem Class --> Central Plaza
Tags: Deathkitten Deathkitten OPEN
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~Liliana Bermudez~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:45 - Scientificus Class => Trade Island, Lunch

LFB.jpg Liliana felt her confidence picking up. There was something about having someone else around that made her feel more like herself. At the mention of burgers, the brunette perked up. "I don't know what it is about The American Republic, but their food is really addicting! Especially the fried stuff." She dimmed though as Venissa put herself down. "Yeah, we're supposed to test out our tools and get familiar with them." She paused for a beat. Although she was upset that she couldn't seem to make her magic 'come out', Liliana at least didn't have to deal with the burden that Venissa did. Lord knows the terrible things she's been through. Clearing her throat, she tried to be comforting, "If you're worried, you can ask the Caster teacher to help you! They have to be an Ultima too, right? And they'll be familiar with Tenebris stuff, so they'll know what to expect!" Offering her roommate a reassuring smile, she added, "I haven't seen you use your powers yet, but I'm sure that nobody here will let anything bad happen. If you still don't feel up to it though, I can go to the teacher with you? For moral support?" They had made it back to the Central Plaza at this point. There were some students milling around in groups and gossiping. Is it about that bang from before? Liliana had completely ignored it since she was used to loud noises at school thanks to the nearby railroad. Maybe something blew up. It wouldn't surprise her; teenagers and magic tended to make things explode. Directing her focus back to Venissa, Liliana chirped, "You know, if we finish quickly enough we could probably go to that Cat Island place Ms. Sylvia told us about!" The teacher had told them that it was meant to relieve stress, and she decided that Venissa could definitely benefit from some stress relief.

Deathkitten Deathkitten
~Gavin Heidrich~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
13:00 - Cafeteria, Lunch

Gavin.jpg Gavin had peeked his head through the portal leading to the Trade Island before immediately backing out. Oh man. His eyes were practically glittering in excitement. From one glimpse alone the island was a colorful and magical area bustling with activity. He really wanted to go and explore! However, reason nagged at him. He only had an hour for lunch, and if he went exploring now he knew that he'd be too caught up in everything to get food. I wanna explore though, he whined to himself. It took about a full minute of internal debate before logic won. The brunet would have plenty of time after his Caster class. Longingly stroking the portal, Gavin whispered, "I'll be back for you," before forcibly turning away and making a bee-line for the cafeteria. While he knew that this school was different, the brunet was still surprised by how different some of the students were. For instance, as soon as he entered the cafeteria, Gavin's eyes were drawn to an incredibly tall couple with the man wearing a bearskin. That can't be real, can it? It was fucking awesome regardless. Happily making his way over to the food line, he took note of more interesting students. Her hair is so red! And that guy has a lot of food! 'That guy', Gavin realized, was Ivan; the guy who didn't know how to say thank you. I'm being petty again. Taking in a deep breath before letting it out again, the brunet settled his nerves. Maybe he genuinely forgot, he did get his hand nearly blown up after all. Mistakes happen, and he shouldn't take it personally. Besides, they were going to be in the same class, right? They might as well get along. Beaming and ready for a fresh start, he made his way over to Ivan's empty table. "Hey there buddy!" Slipping into a seat across from the other boy, Gavin smiled, "I guess you didn't go to the nurse yet." Eyeing the large amount of food, the brunet joked, "What, are you on a 'see food' diet?" He grinned at Ivan expectantly, ready for either a good-natured chuckle or exasperated eye roll.

((Interacting with Osuka Osuka , mentioned seeing Blackrose7 Blackrose7 's Miranda the crotch kicker))
1568674937099.png Devan just sat in the back corner during the introductions in silence, saying his name when it was his turn before getting quiet again. He enjoyed the teachers lecture, he loved teaching and being taught. However much to his dismay he was forced to leave the class and head back outside. He silently went to lunch and grabbed his food before finding an empty table to sit down and eat it at. He wanted to spend time with people but he was too afraid to step out of his shell and get close to them just for his rampart magic to destroy everything he had worked for again. Yet at the same time he knew if someone came to talk to him he wouldn't have the will to push them away so he didn't hurt them. Why do I crave the one thing I don't deserve? Why does my magic flare up and hurt people? Why couldn't I have a useful element or none at all? He thought, along with many other questions he had asked himself countless times before. He couldn't help but grimace seeing all the happy people around him, knowing he was a ticking time bomb that could hurt the people around him if he lost control.
Interactions: Open
1568811015789.pngArik Kawin (Dress as Kira)

Magum Spiritus Island => Central Plaza
Interaction = [Henry = Elenion Aura Elenion Aura ]

Arik was on his way to meet up with his sister when he found his roommate studying a tree at first he was wondering why his weird roommate was looking at a tree like he was gonna kiss it or something. But after taking a closer look he was able to make out a mysterious aura that was on the tree it was a aura that was strange he then snuck over to his roommate and peeked over his shoulders to get a better look. He noted the hate that filled the aura of the spot on the tree which peeked his interest, he now pretty much understood why his roommate took interest into the tree so much and was also curious enough to help him investigate it further. "So did you find anything out?" He directed the question to his roommate, curious to see what he has figured out so far, although if he hasn't he could always investigate further with him and follow the trail it gave off.
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1568775884091.png~Ms. Seryva~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:50 - Trade Island 3, Lunch
Ivan denied her offer, and she simply nodded at his choice. That meant he probably wanted her to buy him something instead. Cautious one, that. She turned her attention, however, to Ian, the other boy who had taken the opportunity to touch her.

"Chinese food? I assume you mean Khanese? There aren't many surviving recipes from the old world's China, after all. Regardless, that sounds good to me," she said, demeanor changing as she relaxed and moved over to the teleporter. She stepped through, then waited for Ian to do the same. "I'm gonna go up to the Tres Forus trade island. There's a restaurant I like up there. Just stick with me so you don't get lost, Tres Forus students like to play with the Unum Forus, haze them a little."

She stepped through another teleporter, and suddenly they were just below the third tier of the school, far higher than they were before. From this height, they could see the ocean for miles and miles and could see deep into the Augurium Crystal Fields from here. Their glow shone bright, like a forest of twinkling colors, even through the height of the day. Seryva had clearly been here before. She knew where she was going and only glanced behind her once to assure herself that Ian was following.

A few moments later, and she was in front of a busy podium. The sign read "Jīn dài", and it was clear that the people employed here were all from the Great Khan Republic. Luckily, they spoke English, and she smiled and chatted with them for a moment or two. She talked about her day, they talked about how long it had been, about how crazy it was she was an Ultima now. She agreed that it was nuts. She then told them how Ian managed to touch her - a little cheatsy, but she let it slide. She admired how he took that initiative and seized the opportunity. They said that, though they were busy, they'd always have a table for her, and in they went.

Seryva let out a relaxed sigh when she hit the booth, sinking down into it. "Choose whatever you want," she said, "I already know what I'd like."

She paused for a moment, then decided to strike up a conversation, "So what made you want to come to the school? What's your end goal?"


EldridSmith EldridSmith
1568779870360.png~ Ms. Sylvia ~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:50 - Trade Island 1 Lunchtime!
After listening to her students go back and forth on who was going to eat where she wasn't really sure who was going to end up tagging along with her. She gave it a couple more minutes, then started to head out, allowing whoever wanted to, to follow along. She headed to a simple restaurant, one on the first trade island, an NRNA diner. It was busy, as most things were this time of day, but she managed to get a nice size table for herself and whoever else tagged along.

She plopped down and ordered just about everything on the menu. From burgers to mac and cheese, she wanted it. She was a little bottomless pit and she knew it, but darn it this much magic took some doing! She needed her nutrients!! She let anyone who followed along know that they could choose whatever they wanted on the menu, her treat, then waited for the food to arrive and conversations to start.

(( Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Deathkitten Deathkitten Kyrenka Kyrenka Peckinou Peckinou EldridSmith EldridSmith Sorry this one is so short, guys. I didn't know who followed along.))
1568782166540.png~Colette and Osuka~
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:45 - Lunchtime for cuties
Well... I see you don't have any issues with talking this way she mused back at him, smiling awkwardly, I'll be fine. Just a little bit of a headache from it. It's not the easiest thing to learn to do. I hugged you because I had no idea what your fire pictures meant. One showed me hugging you super enthusiastically, the other showed confusion. I thought you might be asking for a hug or something. You're not exactly normal, you slammed into the barrier, and you've been really strange towards me thus far. I figure giving you a hug isn't that far off from what seems to be normal for you.

Strange claims followed. She grimaced a bit, shaking her head, I’m Colette, yes, but I've got no idea who you are, Osuka. I don't know who I was born to. I've got pretty bad amnesia. I don't remember much past a year or so ago. I guess it's not impossible that you might know me from somewhere, but I've no idea. They're working on helping me out while I learn here. They think someone tampered with my memories with magic - though why they'd want to, I don't know either... Proof?

Her focus loosened for a moment, watching him dig around in his pockets. He produced a picture that indeed showed that she must have once known him. That... looks like me... and that looks like something I would do in a picture... I'm sorry. I really don't remember this Zarrina Hotel. I don't know where Terra'Avenian is either. Is it part of the New Holy Roman Empire? I... look... I wish I remembered something, but I don't. I need to get into class though. We... we can talk about this later.

She pulled her hands away from his face and grabbed his hand more lightly now, then stepped through the teleporter.

The class went by, happily, uneventfully. She wondered throughout about who this Osuka man was, what he wanted from her, and why in the world anyone wanted to take away her memory. Right about now she wanted it more than ever. That had to go to the side though. There was nothing she could do about it but try to get to know him now and focus on classes. She got her focuses, a set of cute, round-rimmed crystal glasses and a mana flask. She waited to see if Osuka would grab any, but when he didn't, she sat back down. Colette wondered what this mysterious man thought of the class. It was only the first day, but it was still kind of interesting. They talked about different creatures and stuff.

Once class came to an end, she stretched out her arms and yawned big, standing up to look at Osuka again. "Where do you want to go ea... oh. Right," she started, forgetting that she had to talk to him through telepathy. She sighed and cupped his hand, focusing on speaking that way once more, It's lunchtime now. Do you want to eat? I'm going to head to the cafeteria. We can talk during lunch.

Getting there was simple, another teleport, and she was there, trying to decide what she wanted to eat. They can make you anything, you just have to request it. It's all magic-based, so it'll taste good and it'll be nutritionally complete. I think I'm gonna get a burrito. She ordered her food, obtained it, and sat down at a nearby table in a surprisingly fluid motion. Once she was sat, she looked Osuka up and down again, I know you... huh? Or, I should, anyway. Are we friends... or what?

Osuka Osuka
1568430513566.pngIan quickly ordered a bowl of wonton soup, fried wontons, and Vegetable and chicken fried rice without even looking at the menu. The restaurant in Khan made the best version of these he had ever tasted, he wanted to see if they could match it before trying anything else on the menu. If they couldn't make these three as well as the original then the rest would be lackluster as well. Though rare exceptions could be found, this held true for the most part.
"What made me come to the school? That's an easy question! Fighting and hopefully finding a girlfriend, I have to admit I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie. And for what are my goals, well that's pretty much the same answer, to have fun. What about you? You're one of the youngest ultimas in the world. What drove you to becoming so powerful?" Ian asks curiously.
Deathkitten Deathkitten
Mon, the 2nd of October, Year 500
12:50 - Lunchtime! Finally!! - Central Plaza
This bitch. This holier than thou fucking bitch. Some chick felt the need to come up and kick her - hopefully - new friend in the nuts. This had no provocation. No purpose behind it. Apparently, it was because he was a noble? From the Egyptian Theocracy, she had to assume, which she hadn't assumed before. That didn't matter though. She was gonna pay for that.

Nayr didn't even look to watch Rever fall to the ground in pain. She was off to the races, bolting after the assaulter. What was she planning to do once she reached her? No idea. Probably get in trouble. That was fine - they'd get in trouble together. There was no way she'd let someone get away with hurting someone else for bigotted reasons. Who cared if he was a noble? He was at the school. He was clearly trying to better himself.

She couldn't remember how many times she had heard stories from her parents about the plights of those in other countries, about the students that went to Augurium that had had a shit life before then. There were just as many people who came from lives where they were taught to treat others as lesser, and they came to the school to learn to be better people, to learn to contribute something of purpose to the world.

Could she have used magic to attack this lady? Sure. Instead, once she caught up to the offending party, she tried to tackle her to the ground. Should that succeed, she would begin to wail on her, punching the hell out of her face in the hopes of giving her a black eye and a broken nose.

"STOP BEING SUCH A SHITTY PERSON!" she shouted as she attempted this, furious and incapable of coming up with anything better to say.

Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon Kyrenka Kyrenka

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