ATA Assassin Training Academy!

My eyes snapped over to see Chan and I stiffened a bit for a moment; I had gotten to know Rio but I hadn't spoken to Chan... at all so I treated him like an acquaintance.

"Hello Chan... what do you mean contaminated? You know what... no, I'm not bitten, scratched or even bathed in whatever you're talking about," I frowned at this, bringing up ways how they showed zombies infected others because other than that, all I knew was that the school had been attacked and most of us were run out of the school... a lot of the other students probably didn't make it. 
(Oops, I sent the same time you did)
Rio looked at the school. There were still a few guards left but no mutants. He could easily take them out in a matter of seconds. He looked around and saw a fallen student with a sniper rifle. He quickly picked it up and check the ammo he had enough to take out four the other two would take a little longer. He fixed the scope and took aim taken out the two farthest from the group. He took down another two down. And dashed for the two closest two him with quick slashes he watched their bodies fall to the ground. He looked around the school. It was a mess. He looked around for any survivor.
Orion chuckled lightly and shrugged,"I don't play fair."He said and vanished into a stream of smoke and followed her,swirling around her legs before moving and reanimating,a thin smile on his face and he shouldered his spear.
-Tishi jumped across the branches swiftly and accurately. She called back to Orion but didn't look back at him so she wouldn't fall of the branch.- You think you can reach the nearest deer in time? I am a hunting expert! I hunted for more then 5 to 6 years. - As she said that she spotted a deer. She came to a stop on a branch and fell completely silent. Then she unsheathed her katana and looked for a good angle to ump down from. Then she strikes down on the deer and struck the deer on the top of its back. The deer's blood spilled and it died quickly.- That's that! -She said this with a smile and then looked around not knowing where Orion was really.-
Sora had accidentally found himself near Orion and Tishi. He knew they were going hunting and he was meant to be going to find water for them but he got lost and ended up going towards they were. He realized that Tishi had just killed a deer and it made Sora suddenly really excited. He ran up to her and the dead deer.

"Do you mind if I take the antlers?" he asked Tishi hopeful. "I use them to make medicine and even some poisons," he said taking out a blade from his cloak.
Orion chuckled and smirked."Good job,but not good enough."He said and drawing his gun turned and scanned for the fattest buck he could find then cocking it let loose 3 bullets.The bullets hit the buck straight into the head,torso,and neck.He chuckled and walking over grabbed the carcass,and vanished.He appeared right next to Tishi and tossed it down,"Ha your good but I'm better and you can have mine Sora."He said and reloaded his gun.
-Tishi just looked at him and laughed.- You call that better? You used a gun, not a sword or anything. You try killing a deer with a sword. -She then looked over from Orion to Sora.- Sure you can. Then maybe we can poison those blasted things. -Tishi was talking about the mutants. She smiled and snapped the antlers from the deer's head.-
Orion rolled his eyes and drew his sword,slicing through the antlers."Hey so I use a gun so what....ain't like its illegal.Plus my shots were placed in places which would instantly kill thing,so not that difficult a shot but whatever."He said and smirked.
"Thanks!" Sora exclaimed.

He watched the two interact and smiled how they were having a friendly competition. He was a competent hunter but his skills weren't usually used for hunting down animals. He preferred...larger prey. But still, he figured he could at least help them out a little. He told his bird Storm to go scout the are and used his Raven eye to see a large grazing zone with lots of animals.

"If you want," Sora said as he was cutting up the antlers and putting them into small packages, "we could host a little competition. There are a number of animals at a grazing zone not too far from here and just a little further up the mountain. We could say winner doesn't have to carry the meat back down to the group?" he said whilst smirking.

"It's not usually my thing but I suppose I could participate as well."
Rio walked around the school. The damage was unbelievable they really did a number on the school. And all for one student. He saw a few students lying on the ground. He checked for pulses....nothing. He sighed this was bad. These guys were capable of things he couldn't even imagine. The PDA went off again. He answered it it was the Head Mistress this time.

" I got a lock....Rio is this you." She replied.

" Yeah i'm here I just got back to the school this place. It's not a pretty sight." He walked within the corridors He saw a few blood sprays on the wall and ripped and tattered clothes on the floor. " He calls himself a friend. If he knew this would happen he should have told some one this might not have happen."

" Rio calm yourself. Don't let your emotion get the better of you......Alright i'm gonna get out of this frequency so you don't get traced. But before i go. Rio how are you keeping in..." The PDA begin to beep. He was being traced. Rio yanked the battery out of the PDA and the screen went blank.

He sighed as he looked around. He quickly grabbed a few items including Emerald/s uniform and dashed back within the mountians before the helicopters arrived.
Well I'm not one to judge. But still, you have better eyesight then me. -Tishi pointed to her eyes and and sighed a little before returning a smile onto her face. Then she looked at Sora.- I don't know... maybe the winner um.... -Tishi puts her finger up to her chin while thinking and dropped it to her side.- I got no other idea. -Tishi chuckles a little and then spots a deer at the corner of her eye. She quickly pulls out her 9mm Beretta Pistol and aims at the deer's head. Her vision blurs right when she starts to shoot and she hits the deer in the chest. It ran a little before falling over and dieing.-
"Good shot."He said and walked over and smiled at her."Eyesight has nothing to do with it,its all in your skill."He d and looking over his shoulder spotted an older deer,probably near death.He shut his eyes and drawing his spear turned and hurled it,the spear glimmered before cutting its throat and sinking into the ground.The deer bucked before falling,having several spasms then was still.
-Tishi smiled and then put her 9mm away.- That is a very true fact. Well we better get back to the others. I bet they are hungry. Good thing I've had deer jerky before and even made if from actual deer -She laughed and grabbed the deer that she shot's legs and dragged the 2 deer to where they came from-
((sorry I haven't posted in a little while, internets was cut off for a bit :/ ))

Sora threw one of his specially crafted throwing knives that flew in-between tree branches and found its target embedded in a deers jugular causing it drop dead and bleed out. Sora walked up to it, tied rope around its feet and walked back to the other two.

"Yeah, let's go. I think we have enough food now."
( Sorry i had some family issuses i had to fix. But I guess i'm the Co-Gm)

Rio made it back to the set point and noticed that no one was around. " I guess everyone went to find supplies. " He put the bag down and looked around. He began to set up traps around the perimeter as long as no one tripped them they wouldn't end up snagged up or with a blade in the chest.
Sedrian walked out of his room, and began exploring the academy to see all the progress the students were making. He was one of the best so he had more free time. Though he didn't use it much considering he had no friends.
As Seth walked into ATA knowing he missed the start of school which in turn gave him funny looks he then hid himself throughout the academy sticking to the shadows until someone could spot him.
Sedrian was walking aroung, admiring all the talent. When he felt a presence lurking in the shadows. He reached his arm into the darkness, and pulled some guy out of it.
"How could..? " he stopped himself, waiting for the other boy to speak first. This one will be a challenge, Seth thought. His hand instinctively dropped to his side half drawing his sickle. Seth got tired of waiting for the other boy to speak. with his left hand he pushed the other boy off of him and said "state your name and reason for grabbing me"
"Sedrian. You were sneaking around intead of training, I assumed you were a threat." He states coldly "I'm a top student, don't question me again."
You seem to be on the lucky side Sedrian because you can't have seen me considering you were looking the opposite direction you must not be an average student because I am rarely seen and never caught.
I'd rather not be embarrassed in front of the entire academy, thank you very much. I'll go to my next class when that time comes. Oh and by the way, next time you touch me you will have a fight on your hands, and blood will be shed. You should hope you never find me again. Because I don't appreciate you or your "I'm better than everyone else" attitude.
"I'm not better than everyone, I'm better than you. If blood is shed, it'll be yours." He leaves

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