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At the Adventurers' Table

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Perhaps his mother's reluctance to let him go is because he is so 'special'. She might have been expecting him to get a mile or so down the road, panic and then run home. Instead, he ended up going all the way away.

Captain Hesperus
We need more people to post to the story thread besides me and Kaerri. C'mon guys! Jump on in! The posts are fine!
Captain Hesperus Oh, I agree. Any mother worth the name would be concerned over a child who grew up like Otiorin. Otiorin's laziness is also another good reason to back such feelings. (To Otiorin's mother) "Oh, don't worry good lady. Otiorin won't go far; he will have to work to get by out there and he won't like that. Have dinner ready for him." And then the big surprise happens when the dinner goes cold and Otiorin doesn't come back home like the little boy they thought he was. =)

Meanwhile here is mother secretly readying herself should there be other questions. "Sword? What sword? Oh, that old thing? I may have given it away during spring cleaning. Which spring? Oh, who can remember. What? It is kind of dear to our warriors? Well, I hope it turns up. In the meantime, did you hear how the dolphins sang today? I bet winter will be even colder this year; they always know. How have you and your family prepared for it? Let me show you what I've done..." And in the back of her mind the whole time, she may be thinking, "
Otiorin, may that blade keep you safe along with my prayers!" =)
Apologies for the late start. I don't often play the caught-up-by-work card, so when I do, I mean it.

I was planning for a far more elaborate and likeable entrance, but considering the posts already lined up, what I finally posted should do just fine. Eager to see what happens next *bark*

Say, 20 is a pretty good score on a scale of one to twenty, right? :smiled:

p.s. I'd trade you for your graveyard shifts if I could, Captain. I've no idea what it entails, but Wolf only ever functions properly at night so that'd be okay with me *rawrrr*
Wolf. Re: 20. It is pretty good, but given the current circumstances it might have to be. Re: Work. Play that card whenever you have to. I can relate. No apology is necessary.

@Captain Hesperus Does Otiorin attempt to continue his bluff ( you never know; it might work)? What does he do and how does he go about doing it? A reminder: the halberd the mercenary is holding is a reach weapon (10 feet).

Also on the subject of nicknames, I think Kaerri asked earlier if there are any nicknames you like to go by? Now I'm curious, too, "Cap'n." =)
Oh, darn it.

*prepares to roll up a new character*

Also, Cap is a nickname I don't mind.

Captain Hesperus
I would prefer not to know anyone yet, because I'm not technically an adventure type. I'm probably at a nice cozy village hammering away at my forge with my brick and mortar house nearby.
Don't worry, Cap. If we have a throwdown, Luna is right there with ya!
@killfire Sure! However, there is no village anywhere nearby (due to a number of circumstances). That does not mean Bronze isn't traveling with another caravan or something. Oh, and one creature knows you - my super-secret ninja bunny spy watches Bronze all of the time (just kidding!). Bunny in ninja costume: "Oh... there he goes forging again. When is he gonna forge up some carrots? Spy work is hungry work!"). =)
I'd like everyone to take note your characters would be used to calling mine by his last name; Wolf. He'd have requested it if they traveled together before, despite giving them both names. I'm just saying, since I sense that Kaerri is more likely to do it the other way around.

I can imagine someone calling him by his first name only during a serious talk, a critical moment, you know? Like when your parents call you by your full name and you know you're in trouble. Or something alot more dramatic that I can't think of right now *woof*
Wolf. That's fine by me. Sparkle would be more likely to call him "Leonard" or "Mister Wolf" until she learned of his preference. Then she would call him "Wolf". Oh, and having parents call you by your full name when you're in trouble is plenty dramatic for this Storyteller. Heh! =)
Role-playing and Storytelling is such a nice way to de-stress and relax from things like work... =)

Will your party continue their current actions? What will you do now?
I almost forgot. @Sherwood Give me a Knowledge: History check, would you please?
Dannigan said:
@Sherwood Nice roll, man! =)
Yeah, I believe 19 out of 20 is right there alongside 20/20...

With everyone rolling so well so far, Wolf's kind of nervous. All the good luck's gonna be spent by the time it's my turn! *bark* :gasp:
Don't worry about it. I have a reputation of hemorrhaging good luck everywhere whenever I roll dice.

Captain Hesperus
I'll take what I can get, though I believe my biggest problem will be actually deciding to roll anything (aside when the Storyteller asks me to roll), because you know, just because I made a Pathfinder character, regardless of how well it might have turned out, I don't actually know how to play Pathfinder :tongue:

I am used to Freeform, so I am likely to write out posts without it ever occurring to me that there should be a roll involved. For example, if I were playing our bluffing little half-elf, I'd have posted that message without doing any rolls, because that's how you'd do it in Freeform (and likely accomplished nothing because despite the fancy words it is the Bluff roll that actually defines the action as I understand it, not the words).

I'm reading up on the skills in greater detail online so that I at least have a basic idea what I might actually do with my skills in the first place *bark*
Ah, Wolf? You might have accomplished more than you realize. I know you're brand-new to Pathfinder (as am I; I'm just old to the other D&D pre-Pathfinder games). If you would have, say, posted something like what Cap gave us, I would have likely asked you to roll. Either way, if I need a roll (like with Sherwood and Luna's Knowledge: History roll), I'll ask. Sometimes, however, to speed the game up, I'll just roll it here (like the Perception checks where everyone except Kitrin saw the fellow on Bilal's uber-wagon).

Looking up the skills is a great idea, as you'll have a strong idea of what Leonard can do. And with 5 ranks in many of Leonard's skill, your own character may end up nicely surprising you. =)
Speaking of rolls, what did Luna learn from her History roll?

EDIT: Looks like I have my answer in the IC thread. Nevermind!
Hum, mebe I'm pulling a cart with stuff in it from my old shop, since we're moving, I have the Bag tied to my back. The cart would contain things I didn't want to leave behind, spare food, water, tools, steel, bedding, nicknacks, some sale-able items like nails, horseshoes, silverware, some knives, hatchet heads, axe heads, ect. Toss come carrots off to the side of the trail, and maybe some spare dark greens to the Fluffyness.
Killfire. While that sets a good image, you might not want the cart. You will be part of an adventuring group, I think it's just a matter of time before you lose that cart to some misadventure (like, what happens if you guys all bolt off into the woods for some reason? Or the whole team needs to gallop as fast as they can?). I don't want you to go through all that hassle of carrying this stuff just to quite possibly lose it.

Also... I am having a touch of difficulty and I could use some advice. My plan was for Bronze to meet up with the party via another caravan (since there are no villages between Summerset and Highwind at this time). When (in Real Life time) do you want Bronze to meet the party? Also... since Bronze doesn't know anyone at start, I am beginning to wonder just why he would join this party in the first place. They don't know you; you don't know them, and they don't need a blacksmith (to my knowledge). I'm sure I can eventually find a good reason for Bronze to join them, but in the meantime - you sure you don't want Bronze to know anyone in the party?

All. Re: Bronze. I am open to ideas if anyone else has some to share.
Killfire you could have either a cart pulled by a horse or even just a heavy horse/mule to carry the burden. Or you could just tow it yourself if you insist I guess... :tongue:

Just my thoughts *bark*

edit: Dannigan that was a pro jump-in
Wolf. Huh? Ha ha ha! Looks like we just happened post at nearly the same time! Hey there, Wolf! Ha ha! =)
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