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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Twenty

With my last two in-game posts, I think I've set up what I hope is a decent foundation to get us roleplaying our characters? You tell me.

I like it. Not sure when I'll get a post up -- I need some time to get Kaerri's Palladium sheet filled out first, so I can know what she's reacting to. ^;3^ I'll try for as soon as I can.
I'll let you know - for now, it's mostly that I need to get a few calm days so that I can actually get going. Not much you can do about that, just need things in real life to settle down to give me a breather.
Heya Gang! I hope to post here and in Broadsword in the next 24 hours. (But first... sleep.) Stay healthy and wise out there! =)
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus jaydude jaydude Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Update: Hey, Gang! I hope the holidays aren't too busy for you!

Between all of what it takes to transfer Sharseya from D&D to Palladium and running five simultaneous short stories in Broadsword while keeping up with the other three games that I'm a Player in, I finally realize I'm over my head. =)

As a Game Master, I feel I ought to simplify things!

In Broadsword, I'm going to start bringing the party back into one big story. There's going to be a point pretty soon where the Wild Cards get ordered to visit to the bridge. Here, they will see some of what they've been missing of the world right outside of everyone's favorite Garfish battle frigate from the future. From there, an important decision will have to be made by the captain who could use each of your perspectives!

I recall the overall vote of people wanting mecha combat and I am definitely up for that. First, I want to close out our Arclight chapter and start a new one. =)

In Sharseya, I have finally figured out what to do with my next in-game post and I will be happy to put that out hopefully over this weekend. =)

Putting our character sheets together is still of high importance, but I wish I'd see more posts in-game so we can keep ahold of our characters thoughts and goals.

Please post your general thoughts in here? Anything mechanics-specific or in regards to D&D to Palladium transfer details, please keep in our Conversations?

Stay wise, happy, and healthy!

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
Sorry for not posting in Sharseya. I've been waiting until I felt I had a solid grasp of what she can do now, but I don't feel I have that finished enough yet (still...). And as I've said elsewhere, I'm at a point where I don't feel finished, but also don't know what to do next. It's hard to do much of anything with her at this point, given that. Unless you'd like me to do some kind of generic "ah yes, things are different now" two-or-three-line post.
The more I get to post in game, the better for me, I'd guess. Character sheet conversion is kinda too similar to my daily doings at the moment, posting ic definitely isn't.
Sorry for not posting in Sharseya. I've been waiting until I felt I had a solid grasp of what she can do now, but I don't feel I have that finished enough yet (still...). And as I've said elsewhere, I'm at a point where I don't feel finished, but also don't know what to do next. It's hard to do much of anything with her at this point, given that. Unless you'd like me to do some kind of generic "ah yes, things are different now" two-or-three-line post.
At this stage, I'll take nearly any kind of posting. I don't want us losing hold of our characters from lack of play. But on the other hand, I think I can see why folks aren't posting - for lack of a completed Palladium character sheet. Like I said earlier, I got in over my head by doing this and allowing everyone to split up in Broadsword (creating 5 stories instead of 1). Live and learn! =)

However, taking on each PC and NPC individually is also daunting. Every character has its own challenges. I'm up to this, but boy, it's a longer road than I imagined. I'm going to have to take on magic items one at a time too. The only thing I'm up to date with are the games I'm a Player in.

I'd be lying if I said my ADHD wasn't getting in the way a lot. =)

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
With that, he leans back. A turn of the world, perhaps, surely with old and new flaws. But still with those who entrust him with a spark of their power. A gift, one that he will never get used to; and perhaps the key to bring less evil along when the world, inevitably, turns again, one day.
Wow! What a post, Sil! 8D Silanon Silanon
Before I post for Luna, does the description ring any bells for her?
So... now that our fire mage opens the door, how do we prefer unwanted visitors? Raw? Crispy? Medium?
Merry Christmas and have a great day, everybody!
Sorry, Gang! I was trying to post tonight, but Real Life permanently took away one of our favorite gaming establishments, and it killed my mood. I'll try again later.

Hope you're having a better day!

Honor and fun,
Sorry, Gang! I was trying to post tonight, but Real Life permanently took away one of our favorite gaming establishments, and it killed my mood. I'll try again later.

Urgh. Talk about terrible starts to a new year.
Heya Gang! I hope to post in both games within the next twenty four hours. Stay warm!
Sherwood Sherwood
She hobbles past Luna. "Warlock of the Old Flame," she mutters to herself. "Sting-tail lady of a dragoness on her left shoulder." And it is true.
For the sake of good role playing, I want point out that the word "warlock" in modern day Sharseyan terminology almost always refers to male wizards. For example, Luna's father has been referred to as a warlock in her presence.
Just a short note - I have a pretty busy week, but I'll catch up as soon as I get the time for it!
Just a short note - I have a pretty busy week, but I'll catch up as soon as I get the time for it!
I can relate with this feeling all too well, good Sil. =)
Sherwood Sherwood I have to ask because I can't come up with a satisfying answer. Why did Luna wig out nigh-hysterically for a moment there? Heh! =)

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