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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Eleven

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I was going to raise the same question as Kaerri. From what I can tell, the golem has taken no hostile actions as of yet, even if it has passively spooked the horses and the passersby.

And what with it being a mindless automaton, I'd be surprised if it was plodding in any other way but intently. It's under orders of some kind. Recommend defensive actions and high alert until we can determine just what those orders are *woof*
Well, it's still Nivirea's turn. Does she want to use it? =)
Hooray! =)

All right. Given Kaerri's very low roll on Initiative (Dex modifier included), Powerpaw, Bria, and Mamapaw all get a turn before Bren can act. I will try to have that post up today. *crosses fingers* =)
Heya folks! Please catch up with the latest post before reading this. Hope you're having a good day!

Bria has cast Calm Emotions with herself as the target. All of the Wayward Wanderers are in its wake. Your characters, regardless of background, sense peaceful, soothing emotions replacing fear, violence, and even rage. Clarity is taking the place of passion. If you want your character to resist this effect, roll a Will Saving Throw in Adventurers' Table. Otherwise, your character does not resist her magic and is thinking as clear as a bell.

Powerpaw has failed this saving throw. Mamapaw is out of the range of the spell.

Mamapaw has delayed her initiative to be one point lower than Bren's. She will act right after Bren.

Wolf? Forgive my poor wording earlier, but this is what I meant by asking you if you still wanted Nivirea to act. Nivirea could have also Delayed her initiative (reset it to a lower number and still acted in the round). Since Nivirea did not act except to speak, want to also have her Delay?
Yikes, I didn't realize the horses were that close. Nice work with the Web spell!
Whoops! I just realized...

...I didn't add the information concerning the horses's move - they ran full-tilt (and would have kept going and plowed over Mielikki-knows-who if left to their own devices). Yes, the horses and wagon are 20 feet away from the Wayward Wanderers. The stone golem is about 160 feet away (and moving at 40 feet per round, so it will take it 4 rounds to reach you).

Once again, if anyone wants to resist Bria's Calm Emotions spell, roll a Will saving throw here or forego the save if you wish. If I don't hear from you on this, then no roll is made and the save is voluntarily failed. Fair warning and pardon me for the goof! =)
No, I don't think so. This goof will go down in history as one of the greatest mistakes of all time. You will be reminded of this daily, and even on your tombstone it will say, "Dannigan Goofed!" Hang your head in shame.

Seriously, its all good, and I have no need for Luna to try and make her saving throw. Thanks anyways!
Heya gang!

I am going to give Kaerri the chance to post before I post again (in both games).

Keep safe and healthy everybody! =)
I'm not sure what you're asking of me concerning initiative, Dann. I did roll two pages back. The reason why my character didn't act is because she's still trying to assess the golem's intentions, and the only way to do that is to wait and see. That said, I'm not sure she'll be very useful when she does decide to act, at least not in the sense of harming or disabling the golem.

So if that means I'm delaying, I guess I am *woof*

Oh and, I know I didn't describe how calm she's feeling as result of Bria's casting, but she didn't resist the spell, of course.
I know you rolled; that's why Nivi went when she did. However, she didn't really take an action, hence my bringing up the option of Delaying.

Since Bren has made his move, Nivirea is free to act now. Mamapaw will go after Nivirea and then we head into round 2.
Forgive me if I say something you already know, I'm just trying to be basic to clarify ^3^

At the start of combat (or other situation where it's important to know who goes when), everyone rolls initiative. Their results determine who goes in what order each turn. That order is the same each turn until combat ends or the time-critical situation is resolved.

In this case, Bren's initiative roll was 6, Luna's was 15, Oroleth's was 10, Nivirea's was 14, and the NPCs are whatever they are (the rolls aren't public, but you can tell from when the GM posts their actions). So the order of actions each turn is:
15 - Luna
14 - Nivirea
10 - Oroleth
?? - Powerpaw
?? - Bria
?? - Mamapaw
6 - Bren
I'm not sure about the horses (they can't do anything just now anyhow) or the stone golem (which is lumbering along on whatever turn it has).

However, there's a special sort of action called Delay. Delay means, when it's your turn, you delay your turn to a later part of the round. For instance, Mamapaw didn't know what to do, so she chose to delay until the end of the round to try for more information. Therefore, for this round, her turn comes after Bren's.

Dannigan was asking if you wanted Nivirea to do the same thing. Delaying doesn't mean you lose your action, only that you put it off for a later time. However, if your turn comes and you choose to do nothing (instead of delaying), then you do effectively lose your turn through inactivity.

Mamapaw chose to delay until after Bren's turn, but that's not the only way to do it. You can delay until a specific condition as well as a specific time in the initiative order. Bria sometimes chooses to delay until one of her friends takes damage (which allows her to heal them immediately after). Or if you're in a hallway and expect enemies to come through a door, you could delay until someone did (and therefore get a melee attack on them without having to run after them or wait until the next turn).

Anyhow, it seems Nivirea is, for this round at least, delaying until just after Bren, so it's her turn now. ^D^
I probably could not have said this better myself. Thanks, darlin'! =)
Wowzer. I did not know about Delaying, though I supposed something like that might be possible (because it makes sense). But when you do this, it's just for the current round, right? You resume your normal place in Initiative order afterwards? Thanks so much for the explanation, Kaerri ^33^

I wasn't even sure if we were already in combat time, to be honest *woof*

In either case, I guess it doesn't matter. Whether she skipped right away or delayed and skipped later, it's the same thing. She's waiting until she can assess the golem's intentions, and they're still unclear. So she's not taking any actions this turn.
Yes, it only applies for the current round. =)

Okies! I will see what Mamapaw wants to do and then we'll go on to round two!
.:| Nivirea - The Sorceress |:.

"It's under someone's orders, whatever they are," Nivirea said to no one in particular. "But where are the sentinels? I will sooner believe that this thing did materialize out of nowhere, than that it traveled any length of the city without being spotted!"

I must point out that, despite the amount of action taking place, it has all happened in under a minute's time.
Oh, I am not denying that! =) I mean to say that it takes time for the call to get out and for help to arrive - in any city. =)
Heya gang!

I am not focusing well these past couple of days. I goofed Initiative (no biggie, but I should still be the one to tell you). So... it is Luna's turn next with Nivirea after and Powerpaw after that. As the saying goes, "My bad!" =)

15 - Luna
14 - Nivirea
10 - Oroleth (cast Shield this round)
9 - Powerpaw
7 - Bria
6 - Brendoran
5 - Mamapaw
Once more, I am forced to taunt you about a goof. Prepare yourself for the taunting of a lifetime!


Ok, now that we have that out of the way, let us move on! Seriously, if that is the worst good you pull off, you are doing good. I'll post for Luna now.
"The worst good"? O.K. At least I am not the only one. Thanks, Sherwood! =)
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