At a Glance [SU]

Hey everyone. I'm sorry for disappearing on you all. Pretty much my world has been crashing down on me and everything that could have gone wrong pretty much did go wrong this past month including having to put two of my beloved pets down so I just really haven't had the heart to roleplay. I don't know when I'll be in the mood again but I thought I should let you all know why I've been gone.

As for restarting this roleplay, it probably won't be for a while until I can get myself back on my feet again. Really sorry you guys. :(
I know it's probably little consolation at the moment, but ever since you started this theres been like seven supernatural escape/oppression Rps.. I think you started a trend.
Lol, really? I guess I'll take that as a compliment, haha. xD

Oh, and I don't know if you all know this but I'm eternally grateful for all your help concerning plot ideas. Really, I struggle with managing my own rp, even though I do have good ideas. I really appreciate all the discussion that has been going on here. ^^ It makes me happy to see that you all are interested in helping out.

Name: E9-C97 (Call him E9.)

Age: 83

Gender: Mecha

Personality: Is such an incredible actor that E9's personality is mostly unknown, but it is sort of curious. Very curious.

Species: C Series AI Mobile Platform

Powers/Enhanced Abilites: Disguises and teleporting

Element(If a Blessed Dragon): --

Spouse/Bf/Gf: This mobile platform does not experience love, but can ally organics and other AIs.

Looks: Undisguised form: View attachment 6173

Backstory: Was created in 3021 for working purposes until the Elimination, a process where nearly every single AI was destroyed due to a virus that corrupted the entire system. E9 was not infected, but they thought that it was. Since then, E9 has built a special, disguised mobile platform using its old, less agile platform, enabling it to pass as human.

Other: E9's platform is completely plastic except for the shield generator, which can be detected by advanced metal detectors. It also has laser attachments on its arm.

Wait, was this the wrong time to apply or...?
Oh no, this would actually be the perfect time to apply because we are probably going to restart the rp. :3 @Myst
I swear RP Nation is being weird since two pages of posts came on this and I didn't get a single notification until when Estellium posted recently. Anyway, sorry to hear about how things have been going less than well for you, Tyra and I hope things turn up soon.
Thanks Zek. < :3 I truly apologize guys, I know you were all looking forward to the restart but I think it's going to be quite some time before stuff settles down for me and I get into a less hectic routine.

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