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Graded [Aslan City] I Summon Thee!

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is open for new people to join, but considering the nature of the RP, it will only be upon request. Please let me know if you're interested and I can figure out how to have the intended character join in an organic enough manner.

What to expect out of character:
The RP is going to be a slice of life magic academy setting, mostly focussed on summoning creatures and on dealing with any possible aftermath. Possibly with some elements of romance and drama involved.

Due to the high number of participants, the posting pace will be limited every Wednesday and Sunday, likely in the morning (UTC+1). Characters are allowed to post more often between narrations rounds so long as any post after the first doesn't progress the plot and/or uses actions/abilities. The RP is intended to last 6-8 weeks.

There will be no narration between 21/06/2024 and 28/06/2024 due a planned vacation, meaning the rounds of Sunday 23/06 and Wednesday 26/06 will be skipped. Characters will be encouraged to have PC-to-PC interactions within that week whilst waiting for narration to pick back up.

What to expect in character:
One of the world's most famous magic academies, the Ethereal Luminary in the Grand Duchy of Roran, has decided for one of their classes to be a free-form program that can be joined by both those already studying at the academy as well as by those yet to be further involved with it.

The summoning class relies upon a key point the world's Ley Lines and summons things through an ancient ritual, allowing even those without a [Summoning] skill to attempt to summon beings from distant realms, so long as they have the [Magic] strong enough to use it and at least some basic [Arcana] knowledge.

Mentions & Goals:
Δstra 01 Kikimura Kikimura – Wait until she's summoned.
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol Femboy Femboy – Wait until she's summoned.
Diane Duste NimbusWing NimbusWing – Assist professor Anna (keep an eye on her not acting too childish), provide some historical context, gain some magic knowledge.
Phoebe Penrose Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic – Teach Aqua some magic and learn some new things herself as well.
Aqua Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread – Become a real Aqua water mage.
Zohar EMIYAman EMIYAman – Figure out more about the world's supernatural forces.
Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. - Make some contacts and try to figure out her powers.
Desmond Develius Develius – Figure out his [Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams] summoning book.
Ninelle Lifeblossom SilverFeathers SilverFeathers – Help out Deliverance.
Deliverance Elvario Elvario – Improve his [Ethereal Luminary Student] grade by passing the Summoning Class.

Wise Owl Library
Grand Duchy of Roran, Capital City: Aslan, Wise Owl Library

Deliverance felt like he was at a loss. With his latest assignment being on summoning magic, he had no clue where to even start. Not even the academy's expansive libraries seemed to have a beginner course on summoning the ethereal. Ah, right, perhaps he'd made it far too difficult for himself by wanting to get an attempt to summon something ethereal, rather than just whatever was easiest. That said, why would he wish to summon anything that wasn't ethereal? Exactly. Not. As a result, he'd found himself going through the Wide Owl Library, going through old and ancient and obscure texts, hoping to find any trace on how to summon the Ethereal.

Ninelle stumbled inside the beautiful, expansive library of blue lights, following after the friendly flying book constructs that guided her inside. Being human again and walking on solid ground felt foreign, so she couldn’t help but occasionally trip and stagger as she adjusted. Still, she was enjoying herself, even if those around her assumed she was a rather clumsy human.

Suddenly, she spotted an awfully familiar figure from afar. Her heart stilled, then raced with emotion against her will as she watched him in disbelief, whilst he flipped through the pages of an ornate book with great focus. She had come to the magic duchy to meet him, yet seeing him so suddenly like this made her realize she hadn’t yet mentally prepared herself for this meeting. Subconsciously, she fidgeted with the fabric of her dress, unable to stop herself from drawing closer to him, peeking from behind books and bookshelves as she gathered her courage.

Fully invested in his book, close-reading a promising passage about summoning the Ethereal, he didn't even notice someone stalking him. However, upon reading the last line, he gave a deep sigh. Just some religious drivel, in the end. Placing the book back on the shelf, he'd walk on towards the next section he wanted to give a shot. Still deep in thoughts on whether to go look at the illuminated thaumaturgy section or the divine magic section, he barely noticed a woman in his passing. Giving a short nod on instinct, having learned some form of greeting was expected, he settled on heading on towards the divine magic section.

“W-wait.” Ninelle’s heart fluttered for a moment as he glanced at her, unable to help herself as she reached out to hold on to the hem of his sleeve. To think that not that long ago, she could hide safely under this same sleeve, and now she could stand as his equal. The thought made her smile, though she realized she still had yet to figure out how to introduce herself after all this as she stood there awkwardly.

Should she just say she was Ninelle? A part of her thought it’d be best, but the other more playful fairy side to her convinced her to tease him a bit first. “Hey handsome, what are you doing in a place like this?” As much as she managed to force the words out, to someone she genuinely thought was handsome no less, that didn’t stop the maddening blush rising to her cheeks.

Surprised to be suddenly halted, he turned around to look at the woman. Something felt a bit familiar, but he couldn't place it. “Did we go the the same class together?” He asked. That was the likeliest option. Perhaps it was theoretical thaumaturgy? As for what he was going here, that should be obvious. “Trying to find some information they didn't have at the university.” He didn't even seem to register the 'handsome' part. Barely paying any further attention, he intended to move on. “Well then, if you'll excuse me.” He stated, wondering why he'd been stopped to begin with.

Dang it. Deliverance was as relentlessly focused on his academia as ever it seemed. It was always so hard to get some kind of reaction from him, but Ninelle had to admit his stoic, peaceful nature was a welcome reprieve from her chaotic, event-filled life. “No, I’m not a student.” She began softly, letting her hand fall back to her side. Feeling a little calmer now, she smiled amusedly before asking. “But do you know anything about plaguebearing hearts?”

He was about to be annoyed enough to just move onwards, as she played some game she wasn't even a student, when he halted in his tracks. “Plaguebearing hearts?” Did he hear that correctly. “I may have encountered one, yes.” She'd finally actually be looked at. “Are you sure we're not acquainted?” She felt awfully familiar for some reason, despite him not recognising her.

“Hehe, we might be.” She stated with a vague smile, before realizing teasing him would likely end up going nowhere with his personality. Not wanting to irritate the elf that once accompanied her through thick and thin, she sighed softly for a moment before relenting slightly. “I probably look quite a bit different from what you remember. And I don't know if you ever looked at me that closely. But.” Ninelle pulled out an old gnarled wand whilst simultaneously pulling up her sleeve to reveal a silvery ire bracer. “Do these ring a bell by any chance?” She probed thoughtfully, letting wisps of nature and metal magic coalesce at their tip and center respectively.

Might be? What kind of answer was that. He sighed, about to turn around again. Then she spoke up again. Despite getting more annoyed, he also got more curious. It was only at the show of magic that something clicked. “Wait, Ninelle?” He asked. Could that be? Ah, but it could be. Fae were trickster creatures. However, upon realising that much, he realised something worse. The spell she'd put him under might still be active. Was that why she'd approach him in such a manner? The fact she hadn't replied to his letter had all but confirmed it. Considering he'd given it to the adventurer's guild and considering her fame, surely it had arrived. So she'd ignored him for a reason. Fae trickery, just like right now, had to have been the reason. He might be a fellow Fae, but not having grown up around any others, he wasn't about to fall for it. He'd instinctively take a step back, then asked at his politest; “What brings you to Aslan today?” With some luck, things wouldn't get weird and she'd leave him be without making things worse.

Ninelle’s glee at being remembered was cut short as the elf clearly widened the distance between them. Her heart and face visibly froze for a moment, wondering if she had done something wrong. “Oh, um.” She began hesitantly. “I came to see you before I left the See, I might not be back on this side of the continent for a while.” She explained vaguely, whilst trying to examine and understand his recoil at her identity. “Did I offend you Deli? I'm genuinely sorry if I did.” She probed thoughtfully, looking up at his expression with both curiosity and trepidation.

He was confused on multiple levels. Starting by her telling she'd leave the See, but seeing as how they were in the Magic Duchy, she'd already done so. Followed by her talking about 'this side of the continent' despite them being fairly I the centre of it... Yet mostly by her asking if he was offended. Also her using that nickname again. He knew he shouldn't feel bad, as he was the one that got charmed, but he did. Just how strong was this spell she'd used on him? “It's alright, you took me off guard.” He eventually tried to tactfully reply. “Are you, well, planning to head somewhere far?” He asked, not sure what else to say or do.

Ninelle stared at him silently for a moment, unsure what to say. Telling him what she had already was very, incredibly dangerous. He could get her killed if he reported her to the See’s authorities. Still, part of her deeply wanted him to know where she'd be, so that they could maybe meet again one day. “I'm heading east. Far east.” She commented with a small smile, her tone denoting a sense of unwillingness to say anything more. “But, enough about that. What do you think of this new human form of mine?” She smiled excitedly, twirling slightly on the spot. “It’s an old but familiar form to me, so I'm happy to have created it with the deacon’s help.”

“Far East?” He was a bit surprised. Was she going to the Eastern Empire? That might explain why she ended up looking like this. Then again, it was none of his business. Perhaps she'd go charm some Humans over there or something. On the topic of that 'Human' form of hers. “I wouldn't have recognized you, so it's rather thorough. It might even pass one of the black orbs.” He'd state, although he wasn't actually sure if it would, he at least figured there'd be a chance of it. “The deacon? Ah, right. How is he?” He asked, figuring that was the polite thing to ask in this situation. “Wait, old but familiar?” He asked, realising that part was a tad odd.

“It does, I tested it by entering the duchy under the identity of a human.” She stated with a sense of firm resolution before her thoughts wandered. “Ah, Deacon Masa is well. As is his son, Kuruta. They asked me to send you their regards.” Ninelle smiled wistfully, before addressing his last few words. “Yes, old but familiar, as I've seen it many times before. Don't worry too much about it.” She evaded answering outright cryptically, instead looking down at her human sized hands.

“It feels very peculiar being sized like this, but also very useful.” She began softly, before looking back up at the much taller elf. “Now I can walk beside you, help you with your research, carry things and… touch you.” Her voice inadvertently trailed off, not realizing what she had said until moments later when she blushed beet red.

He was genuinely surprised. “I mean no disrespect, but do you really think that worked? This capital has the strictest surveillance from what I can tell. I doubt any magic would fool them.” Perhaps she just meant some lesser towns in the area? Either way, it was a surprise.

“I see.” He replied, unsure what he was supposed to do with 'regards' from them. Sent them regards back? He doubted Ninelle would return there, so he figured he'd abstain. With him being told not to worry much about her 'old, but familiar' thing, he didn't dare to ask more. He'd rather not be put under even more spells.

He'd nod. “I can imagine.” He wasn't sure how well he would fare if he was small-sized, let alone tiny-sized. “Ehm... what?” He asked, taken aback by the things she was saying. However, it suddenly clicked. Touching him. Contact based magic. “I mean not disrespect, but I'd rather not have you cast even more magic on me.” He figured it was best to say it outright.

Ninelle's embarrassment was swiftly replaced by bewilderment at his words, the blush on her cheeks slowly dying down. “Eh? What do you mean? I don't believe I've ever cast any magic on you. Apart from healing you that one time.” She mused thoughtfully, crossing her arms as she tried to recall any other memory.

He instinctively took another step back when she outright denied having used some sort of magic on him. “I told you what I meant in my letter.” He'd state. “Whatever your Fae Hero status might've done, or whatever you might've cast on me. The after-effects of it still linger, so I'm not eager to risk another exposure.”

“Eh? I apologize, I've been dragged into the war efforts as of late and don't think I had the chance to read through your letter too thoroughly.” She explained apologetically, giving a short but solemn bow. “Can you remind me of what you mean? My fae hero status is just a title of fame, and I assure you I have never cast a long-term spell on you. If you are feeling something akin to long-term effects from the plaguebearing heart, that could be incredibly dangerous.” She theorized wholeheartedly, genuinely concerned for what symptoms he speaks of, growing more and more concerned the more she thought about it. Subconsciously, she stepped toward him, using her now human eyes to scrutinize for any outward signs of disrepair.

At this point, he was confused. She'd not even read the letter? It wasn't that long, just a simple request. Then again... he was just a commoner, former slave, definitely not someone a Hero would normally spent time on. That'd explain some things. He wasn't sure if he really believed she was the type to go to war to begin with. Regardless of what it was, it didn't matter. “Whatever you did to make me think I saw you fly by, even though it nearly always were birds or butterflies. Or to make me check my sleeve at random. Or when I dream of the Plague-bearing heart without actually finding it as unpleasant as I should. Whatever you did that caused such things to happen.” Seeing her step forwards again, he would feel a bit odd again. Taking it as a sign she might be strengthening the spell, he took two steps back again.

The words sounded familiar, as she vaguely recalled reading them before being summoned to help deal with an eastern empire fort. But it was only now, hearing the emotional observations straight from his mouth that she seemed to put the puzzle pieces together. A small flower akin to hope blossomed in her heart, but she knew to be very careful. Getting your hopes up early was always the cause for later despair.

Resolutely, she walked forward, following after him as he continually stepped backwards. Eventually, she backed him into somewhat of a corner, surrounded by tall bookshelves and flickering blue lantern light. “Deli.” She began softly, looking him straight in the eye. “Do you really believe that I've put you under a spell or curse? If so, why haven't you had a mage treat you? Or get a deeper diagnosis?”

Her interrogation was thorough, but gentle-sounding, her lashes flickering thoughtfully as she worked up some courage. Slowly, she took his gloved hands into her own, rubbing the fabric slightly as she looked back up at him. “How does this… make you feel?”

He did not like where this was going. Not at all. His eyes shot left, right, up and down. Wondering if he'd been backed into a corner. Realising he had been. Was he going to be charmed again? He scoffed at how foolish her question was. “It would cost a lot and be too difficult to explain. It's been unpleasant, but not so horrible that I figured I'd need to spent my time and resources on it.” Although with how she was behaving right now and how it he felt, he had to change his mind. “I should've done so.” He realised.

Having his hands grabbed was highly confusing. Most of all, however, he was just worried and confused. “Are you attempting to cast magic again? Component-less, yet touch-based?”

“Hmm.” Ninelle pondered thoughtfully, tilting her head to the side as she scrutinized the elf’s expression up close. Maybe she had guessed wrongly about his potential feelings. It was definitely better to realize now than later she supposed, otherwise she’d be getting her hopes up for nothing, hence her sudden aggression.

When you liked someone, weren’t you supposed to feel fluttery at their skin contact? She could read none of that on his face, though she could feel every inch of it on her own. Her stomach butterflies were whirling up a storm and the heart beat in her ears was deafening as she stood there seeming so confident. “I was just testing something, my apologies.” Though she said that, she seemed reluctant as she slowly let his hands go.

“I find it hard to believe that you, the ever logical scholar, wouldn’t try to get to the bottom of a possibly malicious anomaly, Deli.” Ninelle shook her head in response, though she also didn’t want to push him too hard. “Nevertheless, why do you refuse to believe that I haven’t cast magic on you?”

Upon her apologies about testing something, his doubts remained. However, when she said she found it difficult to believe, he honestly had to agree. “In hindsight... perhaps it was odd.” He admitted. Why did he not try to get to the bottom of this? As for her second question, he knew an easier answer. “As I said, I remember things that should have been painful and traumatic far more fondly than I should. Even now, I feel like you're casting magic on me, as it feels like my heart is beating faster and even like my temperature is rising.” He didn't want to outright accuse her to her face, but it was clear to him that she was doing something, even as they were speaking.

“Please correct me if I’m wrong… but I think you may be… attracted to me? Or maybe in love with me?” She posed tentatively, carefully studying his face for any sign of repulsion or disgust at her words. Although it would absolutely hurt to see, she had to know the truth. “Again, absolutely correct me if I’m being presumptuous.” She added again hurriedly, afraid but determined.

He looked at her a bit surprised. “That'd odd, the idol person I once met said something similar.” He silently started at her for a bit, seemingly deep in thought. “If this were to be true...” He stated, carefully. “... it would, perhaps, explain some things. That said, I am not knowledge about this mental state that I might find myself in. How do I know if it's truly this 'love' you mentioned and not some type of magic?” He asked her, although he wondered why he'd ask the same person that might've put him under such a spell.

The idea that Deli may have been in love with someone else previously somewhat pricked her heart, but she suppressed it, knowing it was an unhealthy emotion she was feeling. His silent stare slowly made her cheeks redden, somewhat realizing the proximity she had forced them both into.

“I don’t think that’s something I can answer for you. You will have to come to a conclusion yourself.” Ninelle smiled softly, if a bit wistfully. To think she’d be explaining what love is to her first love, when she really wasn’t an expert on the matter either. It was a nice thought to think that she’d be exploring what love was for the first time with him… although that was only if he truly loved her back.

“I will tell you that I think I am certain that I love you though, Deli.” She began with a slight pause, realizing she never really talked about her feelings with anyone, and finding it difficult to formulate what she wanted to say into words.

“My heart stops when I see you unexpectedly, and my heartbeat drums in my ears when I’m this close to you, making it hard to think straight. I want to look my best in front of you, protect you and ensure your happiness.” She listed carefully, somewhat unable to meet his gaze the longer she spoke. “I never faltered at your scars. With or without them, I think you are both beautiful and handsome to me.”

“So if you figure out that you do not love me back, please tell me immediately, or it will hurt me greatly.” She finalized, only able to meet his gaze for her last statement as her heartbeat drummed relentlessly in her ears.

Just as he was trying to figure stuff out after she told him that he should figure out if he was 'in love' or not, Ninelle suddenly told him she 'loved' him. “You do...?” He asked, surprised. “Why...?” He started, unsure of how to finish that question. He had no clue why someone of her status would fall in love with someone like him. Wasn't that more something people did towards those they respected or something? He wasn't all that knowledge-able about it, he just felt like this was all rather illogical.

That said, when she explained how she felt, he got more confused. “It's weird to see you as you look now, but I do recognise that odd feeling of hearing my heartbeat in my ears...” He tried his best to stay analytical in this highly odd situation. “Perhaps... perhaps you are correct. Somehow hearing you say that makes me feel the same as when I find a breakthrough in my Ethereal research... perhaps even more strongly. It is odd, but... not uncomfortable, I think?” He honestly felt both lost and out of his comfort zone, but at the same time, not bad. It was weird.

It was still only a ‘perhaps’. Nothing was certain or set in stone. And yet, Ninelle could not stop the uncontrollable happiness she felt at his genuine admission. “Aha… why am I crying?” She murmured, her words almost indecipherable as her eyes welled with tears.

“You have no idea how much I looked forward to seeing you again… yet this was something I absolutely didn’t expect.” She mumbled softly, rubbing her eyes as they quickly reddened.

He… might really love her back. How was she supposed to deal with the overwhelming emotion at this revelation? She could even feel her mana fluctuating and trembling, threatening to undo her transformation as she slowly tried her best to calm down.

Upon seeing her cry, he wasn't sure what to do. “My apologies.” He stated, feeling uncomfortable and highly unsure of what he was supposed to be doing now. That's when he recalled something. Leaning in, he'd gently wrap his arms around her. That was what you did in situation like these, right? It certainly didn't feel bad to be doing such a thing. He realised he was taking on a big risk here, but it might be worth it. After all, all good science was build upon experimentation. Without it, he'd never figure out how to proceed.

Her heart felt strangled by emotion, writhing in both excitement and anxiety. Opening your heart was always a risk, and Ninelle was terrified by the idea of what might come. But laying here, nestled against his chest, feeling golden strands tickling her cheek and the sound of his rapid heartbeat, she had not felt so safe in a long, long time. Her tears flowed harder, but the smile on her face was unmistakable. “I love you.” She said again, quietly this time, like a lover’s whisper as she tiptoed close to his scarred ear.

Although all of this was still entirely new to him, it wasn't bad. It was even nice. Yet, well, he also felt awkward for having no clue what to do. “I... think I might love you too.” He stated, a bit unsure, but all evidence was suggesting as much. That said, it was both unexpected and troublesome. “What... what do we do now?” He asked. Were they supposed to do something now? Right, spending time together was a thing. “Ehm... do you want to help me prepare for summoning something from the Ethereal Realms? I'm hoping to summon some Ethereal being.”

Hearing him say it back made her heart giddy with excitement once more, yet Ninelle knew very well that she needed to calm down. She didn’t want to overwhelm him with her emotionalness, especially since she was aware how difficult it was for him to process. Bit by bit, inch by inch, they would make progress.

His question was a cute, if somewhat expected one, leading Ninelle to giggle funnily against his chest. Just as she began to ponder, she was surprised to hear Deliverance making the first offer himself. “Sure, whatever you want Deli.” She laughed gently, vaguely aware of the deep obsession he had with the ethereal. It would be nice to see and learn more about his interests in person, before she inevitably had to leave again for a long while.

Seaside Tower
The Grand Duchy of Roran, Capital City [Aslan], Outskirts near the Continental Lake, Ethereal Luminary Dependency Building, Seaside Tower
From: Lornn (Midjourney): https://lornn.itch.io/backgrounds-magic-school


Having made his way along the narrow path, he looked out across the continental lake. “From what I've gathered during my preparation for all of this, there are various Ley Lines running underneath the Continental Lake and the western part of the Continent, which all meet at various points along the coast. This is one such post, so the academy build a magic tower here to monitor the flow of mana. It also means that any magic ritual that takes place in this area can be amplified by drawing upon the mana from these Ley Lines.” He tried to explain to Ninelle, who'd been gracious enough to offer to accompany him.

For others hoping to join, they'd find themselves being instructed to travel along a relatively narrow path that led along the very outskirts of the capital city. The path was bit treacherous, but kept safe through magical railings and clearly well-maintained. The plan was to have all participants gather at this relatively remote area, where they'd meet up with Professor Anna, a relatively infamous professor due to the fact that she was often considered rather childish. Some even wondered if she was an actual child, but the general theory was that she'd used magic to keep herself young that had some considerable side-effects.

Either way, it was still early, so the lessons wouldn't start in a bit, allowing for folk to gather up and get ready.
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Xue (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 5/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
C: In Use - Xue C - Transform and take on her alternate human form and alias, Xue for up to 1 day. (Alternate Identity C, Transformation E, Magic D, Spell Duration E, Energized C)

Though being human again felt unfamiliar, with times she wanted to instinctively whirr her wings to stabilize herself when tripping, going for long walks on solid ground was always a pleasant feeling. The occasional wind from the lake's waves was refreshing rather than cumbersome like usual, knowing full well that if she was in her fairy form right now she'd be struggling to stay stable.

Listening quietly to Deliverance's explanation, Xue hopped over the last few rocks to catch up to him before responding. "Do you know if the other coastal borders have such Ley Lines as well?" She inquired with an idly curious gaze, thinking of the distant Republic of Kuridan and the See of Chearon. As a mage herself, she had certainly heard of Ley Lines before, but she had never really studied them in too much detail. "I imagine if the academy capitalizes on it, the other regions must as well." She mused thoughtfully, unable to help but think more continent-wide, a force of habit from her experiences as a hero.

The summoning ritual was not something she was personally too focused on, with alternate planes and entities never particularly falling under her realm of arcane interest. But, she was here to support someone dear, and that was all the reason she needed to be here. The idea of attending a free class at the Ethereal Academy was enticing too, in either lifetime, she had never really been in a big bustling class of students.

"The scenery here is beautiful though. I had never seen the Continental Lake before arriving here in Aslan." She commented softly, looking up at the gentle greenery, smooth rocky ledges and the vast expanse of blue behind them. Recalling something, her gaze flickered for a moment before she moved closer briefly. "Ah, also, before others arrive. I go by Xue in this form." She tiptoed before whispering quickly by his ear, realizing she had somehow not told him that key fact all this time.
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Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Languages: Common | [Terran]

After that harrowing ordeal in that goblin infested silver mine in southern Ryke, Phoebe ended up going back to Ryken to visit her family for a bit for the first time since she left home to go on her journeys, where then she stayed at home pulling several all nighters, combing over whatever books and magic reading material she could get her hands on. If she was going to encounter more of situations as messy as the one in that goblin nest in the future, she best be prepared for it, sharpening her magical knowledge and learning a few more tricks. In particular, her inability to help heal Amice back in the nest weighed on her a bit, compelling her to crack open books on healing magic as the first bit of reading material in her cram session.

When she had gotten word that the Ethereal Luminary in the Duchy was offering a program open to those who wished to partake, the young mage had decided that her home visit would come to an end, once again setting out for the Duchy, just as she had done when she left home for the first time quite some time ago, but not before writing a letter to Aqua, letting her know where she'd be in case the water mage still wanted a few magic lessons from her.

It was a bit nostalgic walking through the streets of Aslan, with that nostalgia being replaced with a feeling of excitement and wonder when going down that narrow path towards where this class was supposed to be held. The view of the Continental Lake from the meeting spot was breath taking. As Phoebe gazed out into the blue expanse, she notice that there were 2 others already here. It seemed that they were having a conversation between themselves, so she didn't want to go over there and intrude. Instead, she would wait there, taking in the view, to see whether the instructor would show up first or Aqua.

This was Aqua's first time traveling this far, alone. She expected that she would panic and got into trouble a lot of time during the trip, but it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. She surprisingly enjoyed the quiet time she had during the travel and would pick this over talking in front of crowds any day. She watched as the scenery outside gradually turned from humble medieval vibes into duchy's more advanced, yet still grounded in magic vibes. She also changed her transportation several times and now was in a carriage pulled by horse-shaped golems. She tried to feed the golems some apple but they didn't react.

Once she arrived at city proper, it didn't take long for Aqua to start her first activity: sightseeing! Her father gave her some allowance once he knew his daughter would travel aboard, and her master also gave her another stack of money so she's now quite loaded and can afford some vanities. After buying a big cotton candy and several trinkets as souvenir, she finally headed towards the academy, leaving the busy city towards the outskirt of the capital. The sight of Continental Lake on the horizon was definitely beautiful, yet it also somehow make her uncomfortable, as if her stomach was being shaken. Aqua shakes her head and continue her way towards the academy.

"P-Phoebe!!" Aqua's face lit up when she noticed someone already arrived at the academy. She wobbled awkwardly as she ran towards Phoebe with her staff on the right hand and a briefcase containing her other stuffs on the left hand.

"Thank you for the invite! I-I can't believe I'm in a big academy, not as a student, b-but still... I'm happy to be here."
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DianeCharacterFaceclaim.jpgDiane Duste
When it came to the illustrious environment that the hallowed halls of the Ethereal Luminary contained, Diane felt herself to be a bit of an oddity. A neatly dressed and well-spoken beastkin was one thing, one who didn't even perform magic was another, but as an assisting professor of the Academy, she was definitely more of a field researcher and an errand girl than she was the professional archaeologist that she strived to become. Today, it felt like another one of those odd days as Diane yet again found herself having to perform the double duty of field work and teaching, courtesy of her superior, Professor Anna.

Her personal relationship with the rumored childlike teacher was one that was pretty unexplored, at least for the moment. A passing introduction was thrown when Diane had first entered the Ethereal Luminary, but it hadn't extended from there, leaving only rumors and the opinions of others for the two to judge each other with. In Diane's case, she was quick not to immediately jump into an actual conclusion. It was her first time working with Professor Anna, after all, and she did not plan on muddying that water between them any time soon. A good impression was paramount, as was with the rest of the students.

Her goal was clear. Make sure that the class was going swimmingly, and to perhaps learn a thing or two about magic as a whole. She had stuck her nose into so many books, but the scholar she was never went as far as to learn about sorcery. Perhaps this would change things, and it did sound entertaining.

- - -​

Diane would find herself arriving fairly early to the scene of the Grand Duchy, the sound of chunky heels echoing against the pathway making her presence known. It was clear as day that she wasn't the first to arrive, but neither was Professor Anna herself. That alone caused Diane to release a relieved sigh as she popped a mint she carried into her mouth before flicking open a worn-out notepad to revise some of the writings she had made the prior night. "Remember why you're here, Duste..." She quietly spoke in reassurance, hoping that this class was to end with anything better than a complete catastrophe.

A deep breath, a gentle roll of the shoulders, and the chewing of the mint candy in her mouth was more than enough to calm the normally serious woman's nerves as she looked over at the cast of students that she was to guide. Some old, some new, and some she definitely remembered from prior mishaps. And then she spoke once more.

"Good morning, class - both enrolled students, and those who have a growing interest in the Ethereal Luminary. To introduce myself, I am - " She shuddered at the word she was going to say next. "Assisting Professor Duste - archaeologist, historian, and the one who was asked to help out with the work that is being provided here today. I assure you all that my superior and your teacher for this lesson, Professor Anna, as well as the rest of our class, will hopefully sooner arrive sooner, rather than later. In the meantime, feel free to take in the Luminary's breathtaking sights, and talk amongst yourselves - but don't wander off. Enjoy your time spent here."


- Uncover and learn the secrets of the "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]".
- Summon something from the Compendium.
- Potentially learn a new bard spell or two.
  • "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]": A summoning book found in the Gossamer Library. Illustrations of mythical reptiles and enchanted burrows animate before one's eyes, moving within the borders of the pages as if alive. Why this book could be used to summon such creatures from legend if one dreamed hard enough and was willing to pay a small price!
  • Dreamshade Elixir E (x1) - The delicate shiny vial filled with a swirling, luminescent liquid that seemed to dance with its own inner light. This was no ordinary potion; it was [Dreamshade Elixir], a rare and potent substance rumored to grant visions of otherworldly clarity, but at a steep price to the unwary.

| NimbusWing NimbusWing [Diane] | Elvario Elvario [Deliverence] | SilverFeathers SilverFeathers [Xue (Ninelle)] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Phoebe] | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread [Aqua] |

Ever since he'd returned from his dive into the dungeon of Shadowfen, Desmond couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious book he had found in the Gossamer Library. The "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams". He had been flipping through the pages the moment he got back to his dorm, marveling and reminiscing at the creatures presented within. Many of them echoed the fauna and saurians he was familiar with back home. Saurians, mammalfolk, and other paleofolk of all eras were intermixed with a variety of ancient faunal specimens that traversed the land, swam through the seas, and soared through the skies. However, there were some he'd never seen before. Some being chimeric interpretations of all the creatures mashed together. Others representing totally new creatures uncategorized by science. And they were all practically playing out their lives right before the raptorfolk's eyes. A contained ecosystem - an entire world - was in the palm of his hands. And apparently he could bring them to life if he could tap into his very dreams!

At least in theory. According to the narrator that echoed in his head throughout his journey there.

Desmond dreamed and dreamed, thinking every night about the creatures he saw in the book. Yet they never came to fruition. He wasn't quite sure why. There was, however, a potential way he felt he could tap into it, but it was risky. He nearly attempted to pop open and guzzle the vial of Dreamshade Elixir for answers multiple times, which supposedly would allow him to summon them. Yet he'd always hesitate; his claws touching the cork but never going as far as to pop it open. Truthfully, Desmond was a bit wary of all this; especially given his previous experience with... certain substances. That and apparently there was a "small price" to delving into these memories... something Desmond felt he wasn't ready to do on his own.

The young bard was still a novice. He needed more training.

He talked to his professors at school, mentioning his predicament and asking if they could help him. Everyone said no. Either because they were too busy or they deemed "Dream Dimensional" magics too risky for novices. Desmond felt discouraged at first, but he wouldn't give up! Someone had to be nice enough to help him!

He wouldn't have to search long.

Eventually, Desmond received word of a "free-form" summoning class program being promoted by Ethereal Luminary in the Grand Duchy of Roran. Low and behold, they had a summoning class! And from the sound of it, it was excellent for those wielding magic who were starting or didn't yet have any [Summoning] skills.

It sounded like the perfect class for what Desmond was trying to do.

So Desmond gathered his things - including the Compendium and the vial of Dreamshade most importantly - and made the trip over to the Grand Duchy to the Ethereal Luminary. It would take a bit given he was coming from Ryke, but eventually he'd arrive at the shores of Aslan. His senses tingled with magic as he traversed through the capital, feeling both nervous yet excited at this grand opportunity. His claws safeguarded his precious items in his handbag, ensuring no one takes or sees them aside only those within his destination. Soon he'd be able to see the Seaside Tower perched atop a hill, where Desmond would trot up the narrow pathway to reach the entrance. The view from up there was incredible, marveling at the scenery with pristine clear waters and the fantastical bustling capital that was below.

A few individuals were already here from the looks of it; being those from other universities and walks of life. Desmond felt like he was early; a bit too early perhaps. Though he was told being early was better than being late. In one corner, he'd see a blonde-haired human male talking with a fair-looking long haired human woman. He only caught pieces of their conversation, but the term "ley lines" were among the most prominent. He remembered hearing about them from class, being compared to the biological functions of veins and arteries of biological organisms. Except here it was for the realm of magic itself. And this spot in particular was where multiple points met, allowing for a more concentrated stream of magic to flow through. With such concentrated amounts of magic here, Desmond believed his chance at success was higher here than even his university.

Another corner had two human girls meeting up with each other - one sporting pink hair while the other had blue hair - seemingly familiar with one another. He reckoned they were long time friends... surely not having bonded a previous session over VERY dire circumstances. Desmond watched as he scoured for any sign of an instructor, before proceeding to sit and preen his feathers while he waited. Normally talkative and chatty, it was a rare sight to see the chatty Deinonychian so quiet and reserved. But before long, someone with a qualified teaching permit would arrive; being one "Assisting Professor" Duste. Apparently their actual mentor, one Professor Anna, would be arriving shortly. Desmond immediately took note of the beastial scent she emitted, noting the tall fox-like ears standing up on her head.

"Halloz! Halloz!" Desmond called out as he stretched his legs and flapped his wing feathers, "Desmond's Desmond! Nice to meetz youz, Assisting Profezzor's Duste! Desmond's ready to learn summony magicks, yez yez!"
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Mentions & Goals:
Δstra 01 Kikimura Kikimura – Wait until she's summoned.
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol Femboy Femboy – Wait until she's summoned.
Diane Duste NimbusWing NimbusWing – Assist professor Anna (keep an eye on her not acting too childish), provide some historical context, gain some magic knowledge.
Phoebe Penrose Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic – Teach Aqua some magic and learn some new things herself as well.
Aqua Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread – Become a real Aqua water mage.
Zohar EMIYAman EMIYAman – Figure out more about the world's supernatural forces.
Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. - Make some contacts and try to figure out her powers.
Desmond Develius Develius – Figure out his [Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams] summoning book.
Ninelle Lifeblossom SilverFeathers SilverFeathers – Help out Deliverance.
Deliverance Elvario Elvario – Improve his [Ethereal Luminary Student] grade by passing the Summoning Class.

Seaside Tower
The Grand Duchy of Roran, Capital City [Aslan], Outskirts near the Continental Lake, Ethereal Luminary Dependency Building, Seaside Tower
From: Lornn (Midjourney): https://lornn.itch.io/backgrounds-magic-school


“They do, but not as plentiful as here. There's a reason this area ended up being known as the 'Magic Duchy' rather than any of the other coastal areas.” He replied to Ninelle. “Although that's about all I know, I never dug too deep into the history or magiographical reasons behind it.”

He looked at the lake, pondering about her statement. “I suppose the reflection of the sun upon it does ring somewhat true of the Ethereal.” He concluded his observation. As she whispered the name, he nodded. “Very well, miss Xue.” He replied. He had no clue how 'close' they were supposed to be with her putting up this disguise, so he figured he'd play it safe and add a 'miss' before the name.

As they waited, Phoebe and Aqua were next to arrive. Somehow, their colourful hair seemed to match the Duchy's magic student vibe a lot, but he didn't recognise them. Then again, there were few whom he did recognise, so... He figured he'd assume they were classmates of his. “Good morning.” He'd welcome them, rather thank risk introducing himself to someone he was supposed to know already.

Upon noticing the bunny-eared woman (Diane), he frowned. She was vaguely familiar, had he seen her before? He'd forgotten. Perhaps he should work on remembering more than magic-related topics. Even so, he did recall one thing he wanted to ask her about, as she introduced herself by name and profession. “Miss Duste, have you ever read historical evidence of someone managing to reach the Ethereal through magic?” His question was pretty vague and broad, but he was infamous for being obsessed with the Ethereal, so it wasn't entirely unexpected.

The odd creature that appeared next (Desmond) made him wonder if someone had already started summoning beings. Yet it seemed to be something wanting to summon, rather than having been summoned. How peculiar.


As the group was waiting, they would see one of the most 'Magic Teacher' screaming scenes in the distance, namely a woman with a large hat flying on a broomstick. Wait, were that candles on her hat..? Those who'd seen her before wouldn't be too surprised. Those that hadn't might wonder who or what in the world was going on by this flying fire hazard. Either way, she ended up slowly making her way to the scene.

Professor Anna

Upon landing, she'd yawn deeply. “Hmrhrmrr...” She grumbled. “Morning classes should be illegal.” She complained, then she turned to Phoebe. “You. Are you the assistant professor? Did everyone gather?”

Mad Maw
Mad Maw had been on the road for a few days now; The fair still dancing in her head like pixies and toadstools, until she snatched those imaginations out of the air and squashed them. Why did her imagination always go to The Fae? They weren't to be trusted; they were the reason she was in this mess in the first place! A passerby moving passed her with growing terror as she seemed to be grumbling and attacking the air around her head.

Her lackadaisical jaunt had brought her to an entirely new place; the farthest she had gone. Mad Maw made sure to be on her best behavior as she entered Roran, learning through polite questioning some of the baser details of the Ducky Duchy she was in. It was a beautiful locale, and she kept staring in awe at the many vistas that overlooked a lake. Her interest in the view is what lead her to hear about an event going on at the seaside tower; she was a good listener despite being easily distracted. It was easy to pick up on the buzz, and she too was buzzing now as Regula's confusion continued to dwell within her thoughts. Her brand of magic was strange enough even a hoity toity type didn't know, but maybe it wasn't her wheelhouse.

The sound of commotion and voices brought her interest to a finer point as a gathering was being held. A...dinosaur was in attendance? He was someone that held her interest immediately, but then there were a few others in attendance that sparked her interest. One with pink hair and the other with blue, they looked to be spellcasters of some sort. Were they all? This might have be a stroke of good luck for her. A forum for mages is just what she needed in terms of a next step. Mad Maw made her way over, looking overhead as another mage (that looked more like a witch) landed next to A beautiful beastkin.

"Is this open to everyone? I don't know what it is, but I have joined worse cults in my life, names Mad Maw, nice ta meetchya!"

She asked the interesting looking dinosaur, walking up to him and cocking her head, tipping her hat. Her outfit was outlandish, resembling a ringleader ensemble.

Elvario Elvario Develius Develius
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Elvario Elvario NimbusWing NimbusWing
Languages: Common | [Terran]

"Aqua!" Phoebe turned around to greet the blue haired mage with a warm smile. "I'm glad my letter reached you and to see you're doing well! Let's do our best together here! I've never been to an academy either, but I'm sure it'll be fun, right? Oh, and don't think I forgot about my offer, I'll teach you a thing or two when lessons aren't in session!"

Not long after Aqua had arrived, another figure entered the vicinity. Though, instead of a humanoid, the figure in question was more akin to a dinosaur. They were an interesting sight to see here, not having seen someone like them before, but everyone here was here to learn magic so they all at least have that common ground. One of the two people she'd seen earlier then greeted her and Aqua. "Ah, good morning. My name's Phoebe Penrose, nice to meet you." She introduced herself before turning to the woman with bunny ears. "Pleasure to meet you, Professor." She gave a little bow of the head as a little sign of respect.

It looked like the gathering was going to get even more company, as a... curious figure appeared on the horizon, no doubt another mage from the fact that she was, well, flying. That and the witch outfit. Upon landing, she wasted little time, asking Phoebe if she was the assistant professor for the course. "Huh?! N-no, you have the wrong person, I'm not a professor here, assistant or otherwise!" She replied with an awkward chuckle at the end, while glancing at the actual assistant professor who had introduced herself before. "Umm... you must be the Professor then, is that correct?" The woman certainly looked the part... probably. Is this how magic professors in this world usually dress? If it weren't for the witch outfit, then her question of 'did everyone gather' was probably a good sign that she was the instructor of the course, but it didn't hurt to confirm.
Xue (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 5/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
C: In Use - Xue C - Transform and take on her alternate human form and alias, Xue for up to 1 day. (Alternate Identity C, Transformation E, Magic D, Spell Duration E, Energized C)

Deliverance's reply slowly brought Xue out of her speculations and strategizing, smiling softly in response. "That makes sense. You are quite dedicated to your goal." She responded briefly, though her thoughts couldn't help but continue to wander.

Others slowly trickled in, the group being of much wider variety than she initially expected. Brightly coloured hair, vulpine features and fabulously cloaked or striped attire, the varied sight was both bewildering and mesmerizing at the same time, though it made sense a free class of the famed Ethereal Luminary would attract a wide variety of folks.

It was the arrival of their presumed professor that finally brought her out of her idleness, with Xue straightening up slightly despite the professor's seemingly... lackadaisical appearance. Realizing their assumed professor had also gotten the wrong person as her assistant, she laughed slightly before stepping up with a bow. For those knowledgeable, her bow was faintly reminiscent of classic Eastern Empire etiquette.

"Thank you Professor Duste for the warm welcome. Good morning to you, and Professor Anne I presume?" She smiled funnily, her eyes curving into amused crescents as she looked between the two teachers.

Elvario Elvario NimbusWing NimbusWing
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- Uncover and learn the secrets of the "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]".
- Summon something from the Compendium.
- Potentially learn a new bard spell or two.

Elvario Elvario [Professor] | Garbage. Garbage. [Mad Maw] |

Upon seeing the large candle-hatted professor, Desmond immediately took interest in the new figure. His eyes widened in awe as she flew on a floating broomstick, just like in those lil' fairy tale books he remembered reading at the Uni library. She looked VERY tired, with saggy droopy eyes with a groggy attitude to match. The raptor gave a sharp chuff before proceeding to wave at the actual professor. "Hi! Hi'z! Desmond is Desmond!" the raptor introduced himself to the red-haired professor, "Nicez' to meetz you, Professor er...! Erm... Whatz yer namez?"

Shortly after, Desmond would be approached by what looked to be a classy-attired gnoll referring herself as "Mad Maw". The raptor's head cocked as he studied this newcomer with eager, mumbling in what sounded like soft curious chirps. What a funny looking person with all that clothing. It reminded Desmond of the circus. She looked fun. Funny too perhaps! There was a bark of approval as Desmond nodded back with a clap of feather hands. "Desmond is Desmond!" he once again introduced his name to the gnoll, "Nice to meetz you, Maddy Mawz! This is a summony class for magick folk to learn summoning, yez! Desmond comes from Magicz Sckool, but everyone 'ere seems to come from all overs!" Quickly changing subject, Desmond would show Mad Maw the Compendium's cover, shaking it excitedly. "Desmond's here to try and summon thingz from diz book. Found book in dungeon from Shadowfen. Long story, yez yez-" he explained with rapid eagerness in his voice, "Maybe Desmond can summon more folks like Desmond! Or folks n' creatures back home! Desmond must know! Must! Must!"

  • "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]": Illustrations of mythical reptiles and enchanted burrows animate before one's eyes, moving within the borders of the pages as if alive. Why this book could be used to summon such creatures from legend if one dreamed hard enough and was willing to pay a small price!
  • Dreamshade Elixir E (x1) - The delicate shiny vial filled with a swirling, luminescent liquid that seemed to dance with its own inner light. This was no ordinary potion; it was [Dreamshade Elixir], a rare and potent substance rumored to grant visions of otherworldly clarity, but at a steep price to the unwary.
Diane couldn't help but to show some disbelief at the scene before her. Was it her vision deceiving her, or did Anna look even younger than when they first met? She blunk a few times at the transpiring events, before removing her glasses to clean them. With her glasses placed back onto her face, she peered at the professor once more... but she still couldn't place it. She did look recognizable at the very least, from the wild witch-wear, to the candles that dangerously flickered on top of her hat. Talk about a potential fire hazard... sooner or later, that thing would make the hat catch alight if she wasn't careful.

But that was only the first of it all, as Diane clearly showed surprise as Anna not only seemed to not even recognize her but... mistake one of her already-present students for the assistant? That alone was enough for the kitsune that she was to release a sigh as she quickly made her way over towards Anna and Phoebe, clearly a little unamused.

"Excuse me, but to confirm your question - it seems like we are ready. I am Diane Duste, historian of the Ethereal Luminary, and the one sent to be your assistant for today's lesson." She then turned her head over to Phoebe, nodding slowly in clear confirmation of her position in this moment. "Correct, and thank you, Miss Penrose. I would prefer not to get things mixed up, and if it is for the best, I would like to get things started as soon as we can."

Flicking open her notepad for what was a second time, she looked back over to Anna, keeping an eye on her juuuuuuust in case. Mages were absolutely unpredictable, and she wanted to make sure everything was to go swimmingly. "Now then, Professor. Care to give us an explanation on what we're going to do today, especially for the new students that have arrived?"
Mentions & Goals:
Δstra 01 Kikimura Kikimura – Wait until she's summoned.
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol Femboy Femboy – Wait until she's summoned.
Diane Duste NimbusWing NimbusWing – Assist professor Anna (keep an eye on her not acting too childish), provide some historical context, gain some magic knowledge.
Phoebe Penrose Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic – Teach Aqua some magic and learn some new things herself as well.
Aqua Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread – Become a real Aqua water mage.
Zohar EMIYAman EMIYAman – Figure out more about the world's supernatural forces.
Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. - Make some contacts and try to figure out her powers.
Desmond Develius Develius – Figure out his [Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams] summoning book.
Ninelle Lifeblossom SilverFeathers SilverFeathers – Help out Deliverance.
Deliverance Elvario Elvario – Improve his [Ethereal Luminary Student] grade by passing the Summoning Class.

Seaside Tower
The Grand Duchy of Roran, Capital City [Aslan], Outskirts near the Continental Lake, Ethereal Luminary Dependency Building, Seaside Tower
From: Lornn (Midjourney): https://lornn.itch.io/backgrounds-magic-school


Diana either ignored or didn't hear his question, but whichever was the case, it was enough of an answer for him. History and archaeology were worthless subjects to pursue in his quest for the Ethereal. She'd have heard or answered him if they weren't, he surmised.

Upon seeing the professor land, he'd give a respectful nod. In-as far as nod could be respectful. Which wasn't very far. Still, he tried in his own way.

Professor Anna

Hearing some of the questions from those had gathered, Anna yawned, before doing her job and answering them. First of all was the flashy beast woman, Mad Maw. “Negh. Who'd try to join a cult without bringing a goat?” She countered. “... but yes, it's open to everyone.”

She tilted her head, some candles move around precariously, as she listened to Phoebe's answer. “You're not? Huh... you could be.” She yawned. “Only one stronger in magic might be the tall one there.” She'd point at Deliverance. “Oh, right, yes. I'm the professor.” She ended up confirming.

Upon seeing Xue, she'd switch to tilting her head to the other side. Candles moving around appropriately. “No. It's Anna.” She corrected. “Hmmm.” She stared at Xue for a bit, before shrugging in a possibly 'not my problem' manner. “Welcome.”

Luckily enough, Diana confirmed who she was. “Ah, I see. Nice to meet you.” She'd reply. She didn't seem to think much of her earlier mistake.

Turning to Desmond next, she'd nod. “Yes, yes. Anna's name is Anna.” She replied, subconsciously taking on Desmonds manner of speech a bit, yet in a much less energetic and much more tired manner.

Upon overhearing the odd creature talk about the book, she sighed. It was a good thing she had an assistant. “Assistant professor Duste, could you please check that book to see if it's not secretly hiding cultist passages? Last time someone brought in a book to summon from, they nearly summoned an arch-demon. It was very tiring.”

With all that said and done, it was time to do her job. “Right. I could talk about why this place is special and allows people to summon things more easily, or about how the tower over there was build to draw upon the Ley Lines, but I don't think anyone ever cares, so I'll start with the important bit.” She yawned again.

“Safety first.” She stated, as she started drawing a surprisingly perfect circle in the sand. “We're going to summon our creatures into a summoning circle. That'll help draw upon this areas magic and form a connection through the tower. It also means we can keep whatever we summon contained to the circle.” She explained, as she drew some triangular patterns along the edge of the circle, then drew an even larger circle around them. “See these patterns? That's a magical ward. If you have strong enough magic of your own” (D grade or higher) “you can just channel your mana into it and it'll keep the creature you're summoning contained to the magic circle. If you're not sure that you're strong enough, you can ask me or another student for their assistance.”

She drew a third circle, this time smaller, in the centre of the other two circles. Then she filled the space between the inner circle and the middle-circle with a whole bunch of rune-like scribbles, patterns and squiggles. “This part of the circle is... hmm... the address. So to say. It's the runes, words, phrases and other types of magical writing systems that connect the circle to whatever dimension or plane you wish to summon from.”

“So to repeat. Out layer. Protection. Inner layer. Post address. Channel magic into the outer layer first, then just a little bit into the inner layer so that the circle activates through the tower's set-up and it will start attempting to summon.” She quickly recapped what she'd said thus far.

“As an example... You!” She pointed at Aqua. “How about you try out this one I just made? It's linked to a plane that nobody has ever been able to summon from, but it'll show everyone how the circle works.” Should Aqua proceed, that'd be where and when Δstra 01 gets summoned into the RP..

“Professor. I've finished up drawing my circle.” Deliverance stated. He'd not even listened to her explanation, as he'd already gone through this process countless times in his preparation to summon something from the Ethereal planes. “May I proceed with the summoning?” He asked.

Upon looking over, analysing the patterns for a bit, she'd nod. “Alright. Although... Hmm...” She pointed at Xue, then at Phoebe. “How about you two help him with the barrier. Whatever circle he drew is rather complex, so it's better to be safe than to be sorry.”

“Then you two.” She pointed at Mad Maw and Desmond. “You two can observe the blue-haired one's attempt at summoning. Assuming she'll fail, like almost everyone does with this circle, you could even give it a go yourselves.”

Aqua – Summon Astra
Diana – Check Desmond's book for cultism
Deliverance – Summon Qzioah
Xue / Phoebe – Strengthen the barrier in Deliverance's magic circle
Mad Maw / Desmond – Observe Aqua, try it themselves.
Astra, Qzioah – Be summoned
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"I-I'm looking for it!!" Aqua enthusiastically nodded at Phoebe. She's going to use her time here to learn as much as possible from both Phoebe and the academy. She couldn't wait to see her master's reaction at her magical growth once she returns home.

As time passes, more and more people entered the academy. There's quite a number of beast people who joined the study and Aqua found herself hiding behind Phoebe from their sight. They seemed very easy going and their overwhelming extroverted energy would melts her small presence away, probably.

After a few hiccups and misunderstanding, the professor finally began the study. Her name was professor Anna and started by giving some basic explanation of the summoning they would do. Aqua was ready with a small notebook in her hand and a pencil on another one, writing down the professor's explanation while trying to imitate the circle on the ground. She was of course wasn't ready when the professor suddenly pointed at her.

"M-MEE....!?" The girl dropped her notebook in disbelief. Her brain tried to seek a way to politely reject being the first but after realizing that she couldn't come up with anything she nervously dragged herself in front of the magic circle. She could feel people staring at her and it took her all her might not to run away to some secluded place.

"H-h-h-ello.... I-I-I am A-aqua, w-w-will try sum-summoning from this circle." Aqua stuttered as she tried to introduce herself to the others. Looking at the circle, she suddenly doubted that she would be even able to summon something, the professor said it herself that no one had ever be able to use this particular circle. Also, how should she do the summoning, does pouring mana was all she needs or did she needs to chant something? It would be good if the professor gave a demonstration first but for now her only reference on how to use summoning circle was some animated scenes from her previous life.

No. She shouldn't give any excuse to herself to not trying. Time for her to shoves all of those unnecessary embarrassment back to the dark corner of her mind and locked away all her doubts so she could act confidently. Jamming her staff into the ground, Aqua took a deep breath and put her focus solely into the circle. She extended her right hand forward, letting her mana flow into the circle while the crystal on her staff glowing intensely at what she's attempting to do.

"Legendary spirits from across time and space...
Heroes who save mankind time and time again...
I summon you to me now...
Aid me as I murder-death-kill!!

She really did it! She did the chant! She looked at the circle that starts to glow brightly, as if trying to match the intensity of her staff, and then the light exploded and for a brief moment, Aqua could see nothing but white.​
Δstra 01
The internal system beeped. The exosuit was screaming. The heat growing unbearable, even for her augmented self.

She wasn't enough.

In the end, she couldn't save everyone.

In the end, she couldn't save her planet.

But one comforting thought calmed her mind as she embraced the heat of the stars core.

'The rest of them are safe.'

And then, darkness.

Everything went black.

She did it.

She saved humanity.

And so; she could die happy, knowing she did as best as she could.

And that's all that matters in the end. But . . . What is that light?

Suddenly appearing with a burst of light, the ground croaked under
Δstra01's metallic weight as her eyes darted around in confusion while she immediately raised the gigantic missile launcher connected to her left arm. She was in fight or flight mode, and the fight was clearly showing.

A loud whirring noise started building up, lighting the launcher up slowly in a cyan glow.


Mentions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol
Character Sheet
Abomination, Fae, Construct, Isekai'd
Elvario Elvario

Then, there was darkness. Then light. Then some other gradients of brightness or something. Then finally her vision restored to her, something had dragged her away from her previous and boring happenings to somewhere completely else. The world around her came to vision after her magical transportation finished, being stolen away from her previous surroundings to somewhere she didn't recognise. Though, it didn't look anywhere alarmingly dangerous-looking. She had already gotten isekai'd once before, did she just get isekai'd again or was this an actual summoning this time?

Around her there were multiple people of fancy or magic garb, even nearby there was strangely enough a girl who looked like she was from some sort of cyber-mecha anime. This really was some super-weird video game or anime world. At least this was way cooler than her old life on Earth where she was stuck alone dealing with such menial and boring day-to-day life. Whilst she lacked a good explanation of why she was summoned, she was clearly summoned to begin with, and that meant someone or something interestingly new to interact and toy with for the time being.

Letting her gaze drift between the people present, she looked from Aqua to the Professor, and then to Xue before her roaming gaze eventually landed on the one who had ended up summoning her. Eyeing over Deliverence from top to bottom for a few seconds in silence, a wide smirk slowly donned her face. He looked very regal, like someone you'd imagine in old Victorian England. He was cute, had an air of super-serious bookworm nobility about him. Was this the one who summoned her? He must have some very interesting thoughts on what he was looking to summon if she was the one who came out of it, no?

"Ehehe~, well well, what do we have? A cute little boy who was so nice and kind to summon me? Well, I'm flattered, darling~" she hummed in a cheerful tone, keeping her smirk on her face as she looked to Deli. This was truly a great coincidence in her favour for fate to deliver her straight to a rather charming pretty-boy, it had been probably the bestest thing to happen to her in a while. Hopefully this turned out rather fun, seeing to finding out whoever her summoner was mattered way more than whatever nonsense was going on with the anime-cybergirl that was also probably somebody's other summon since it didn't look like they belonged in the slightest.

"Hmhm, may I ask for a name, sweetheart~? It's a little rude to summon a girl and be second to introduce yourself. You can call me La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol, but Qzioah or La Qzioah or such works on it's own. Or Sol, or you can call me sweetheart or cutie in return, whatever works for you honey~. May I ask as to where I've been summoned to, or for what reason? You don't seem like you're in a troubled situation... unless, you were feeling... a bit lonely? Needed some company, hmm? Well, if that's what you're looking for...~" she continued humming with a grin. She was going to have some fun seeing what lovely and cute interactions she could weasel out of such a serious-faced cutie. She wasn't even hesitating to insist upon ideas that Deliverance probably hadn't been thinking or expecting, she might as well try out a few things to see how he'd react.​

Mad Maw
Mad Maw could barely contain her own excitement as Desmond revealed how wholesome he was. She had never seen something like him, but she was already enjoying his brand of autistic intellect. She knew what it was like to have speech that differs from your peers. Words will often come out long before her brain drafts them up. "I should have known there was a magic school; This is wondiferous timing! Perhaps Desmond and Maddy Mawz will learn together" She said with unexpected warmth. Mad Maw bouncing on her toe beans as Desmond explained his book of summons. She wondered what the limit of it was, but with a cursory [Appraise] she could tell it was strong magic at least.

"Do you think you can summon food? Have you ever heard of a charcuterie? They are to die for!-

Mad Maw's attention was brought back to Anna as she addressed the class, her cocked head lolling a cyan tongue out slowly. She would often space out when she was paying attention, digesting the course's information. Summoning seemed simple enough; the circles a medium that help contained the potential instability, like a vitamin chew. She humming in thought as her head continued to cock in unnatural directions in passive thought, looking from one scene to the other.

Anna had Desmond and her up as auxiliary in case the summoning from Aqua didn't pan out...only it panned out quite well. Too well. Her eyes nearly cooked inside their skull as she witnessed an isekai firsthand. It made her wonder about her own plight, though focus was once again split. A new summon appearing in front of another pair of mages she had seen when she arrived. A succubus? Her flirtatious shamelessness certainly appeared to be succubine. Her eyes shimmered in excitement as she looked back toward Aqua's project; excitedly raising her arms into the air. If this was potential heat death of the universe, than she might aswell enjoy it like her last ride!

"Oh great summon from beyond the furtherer! We welcome you to our earhly morays and trivulations! If you seek to emblazon us with wibbly wobbly lazers...please acquis your derision and....reconsider! I am quite fluffy you know! Gunhilde approved!"

Develius Develius Elvario Elvario Kikimura Kikimura
Astra01 aimed towards the crowd, spasmodically changing the direction the barrel pointed. Inserted on top of her gun was a large transparent magazine carrying what one could only assume (if they came from a technologically advanced world) were bullets shot from naval machine guns at least. They were of massive calibers.

But then something else caught her interest. She stared curiously at the furry creature up front, rubbing her chin.

Her gun let out another slow whirr as it powered down, it's cyan light dimming.

"You're no Zaran filth..."

She was clearly puzzled.

"Too much fur. Is this some sort of disguise?" Astra01 shook her head, waltzing around the barrier.

"Weird clothing. Humans. Humanoids. Some place of study?" Astra01's mind worked at inhumane speeds.

"The core of Earth01 is approximately 5,200° Celsius (9,392° Fahrenheit). The pressure is nearly 3.6 million atmospheres."

She then stopped in front of Aqua (while still in the confines of the barrier), the girl who summoned her.

I died. Fact: I am not dead."

She then pressed her hand onto the barrier, tapping it a few times. "Invisible nano-technology?..."

"All sensors are working. Conclusion: I was reincarnated. Scientifically speaking, this is impossible. Explain, girl," she addressed her summoner, a hand resting on her chin in thought.

Mentions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Garbage. Garbage.
(NOTE FOR AQUA: feel free to respond to the first post first. Just kinda got excited and Maw was cute so)
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Xue? (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 5/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
C: 0/2 (Energized C)
Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario
At first sight... she was stunned. Deli's summon was gorgeous. Her form voluptuous, her beauty alluring, and the flirtatious mirth in her eyes- There was no mistaking it, she was a succubus. She had to be. Almost immediately, Xue recoiled, her hands silently detaching from the barrier's edge without a sound. Her mind felt fuzzy, unable to process, especially as the titillating speech of the seductive demon started to ring through her mind.

"You don't seem like you're in a troubled situation... unless, you were feeling... a bit lonely? Needed some company, hmm? Well, if that's what you're looking for...~"

With that, Xue's mind suddenly went completely blank.

For a moment, she just stood there, processing, before slowly turning to look back at Deliverance. Her eyes went blank with confusion, her lips minutely quivering with words she did not know how to say or begin.

This... was the 'ethereal' being Deliverance was so looking forward to summoning?

There was... so little she understood about the ethereal. But, even then... even then? A succubus? Her train of thought was confusing even her as she struggled to deal with the whiplash of the emotional rollercoaster she was currently going through.

Other than the mind-numbing shock and bewilderment, and rather than any sort of rage or indignance, was an overwhelming sense of shame.

Did he find her pitiful and embarrassing when she so suddenly professed her love? Were his words at the time mere consolement to ease the awkwardness?

Deli's true thoughts and feelings had always remained a mystery to her. Not to mention that he had discovered her undeserved and yet prestigious identity. Perhaps she was just a means to an end. A 'tool' if you will. One of many in his search for the ethereal.

Perhaps his 'love' was just different to her 'love'.

Of course. She deserved this didn't she? The weight of so much rested on her shoulders, her fallen fairy village, the Fae See, how could she dare to hope for her childhood dream of romance. Perhaps this was the worlds way of warning her, that dreaming was a sin.

Stress irrationalized all her thoughts, making it hard for her to breathe. Instinctively, she completely cut off and shut down her mana supply to avoid any unintentional and emotional magical destruction, a practised habit since the day the See's livelihood was crowned upon her shoulders.

Inadvertently, she disabled everything. Everything.

Without any fuss or magical fanfare, her human form suddenly vanished, and in her place, was a tiny fairy standing on the floor, her eyes wide with both shock and trepidation as she forced herself to watch the summoner and his summon interact. No matter how much it'd hurt, she was determined to see the truth till the end.

She knew she was stubborn. Only once every hope was completely shattered could she rebuild herself anew.
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Languages: Common | [Terran]

"Hm, really? You think so? Thanks, I guess..." Phoebe, a little flattered and a little unsure of how to respond to the notion that she could be a professor, let out a little awkward chuckle after her response. As the Professor began instruction proper, the pinkette listened with her undivided attention. The entire process seemed easy enough to understand, the outer ring forming the barrier an the inner the actual summoning component of the circle.

Before helping out with Deliverance's circle, as the professor had requested, Phoebe watched as Aqua tried her hand at summoning. After a flash of light, there stood a girl wearing some sort of... high tech armor suit. It was a bit surprising, when she first heard about a summoning class, her mind went to companions, familiars, and the like, but what stood in the middle of Aqua's summoning circle was just a regular looking girl, barring the sci-fi armor. What's more, from what the girl was saying, it sounded like she was like her, reincarnated into this world from another. This was definitely something she wasn't expecting. Well, in any case, Phoebe couldn't help but smile at her friend's success as well as giving the water mage a congratulatory thumbs up.

Now, it was time to turn her focus to helping out Deliverance with his own magical circle, concentrating her own magic into the outer ring. Hopefully, it would be enough to keep whatever the blonde boy was going to summon inside the circle should it turn out to be hostile. Thankfully, it didn’t seem like the entity summoned was hostile, but the woman summoned also surprised Phoebe, but for an entirely different reason. For a guy to summon a succubus, and in front of several people too? That’s… quite bold of him, to say the least.

As the succubus spoke to the guy, Phoebe kept reinforcing the summoning circle’s barrier, but as she looked over to the other woman supposed to be doing the same, she was no where to be found! At least not on first look. She had shrunk to a different form entirely! “Huh? Are you alright?” She asked, not moving from her location to maintain her magic flow into the circle.
Generally, Diane was someone who prepared herself for many a situation from a classroom. Paper planes, unruly students, even the magic spell that would have been flung across decks here and there. She didn't wield much to protect herself, let alone the surrounding students, but even as an assistant teacher she still felt that she had some authority. But when that opposing force came in the form of a mechanized being that barreled through the group with guns raised, poised to unleash a veritable hailstorm of ammunition, that was a whole different story that not even somebody like Diane could understand.

At that point of time, she was just about ready to make her approach on the strange raptor-like being that was Desmond in order to check the details on that strange book he had on hand. She didn't even seem to notice the other construct that was summoned when Δstra's sudden debut on the scene raised questions.

"Gah! What in the... !" She loudly exclaimed, reeling back from her sudden appearance, eyes wide and fingers quivering. Perhaps that alone did cause a bit of a scene in of itself, but as she recalled the barrier that was surrounding the strange automaton, a small sense of security washed over Diane as she released a sigh.

"Good heavens, if I had to deal with nonsense of this caliber every day of the week... It is no matter."

Turning her focus right back on the prehistoric being that seemed to make a part of the student body, she cleared her throat and extended an arm out, clearly looking as if she was expecting something from him. "Now then. On important matters, I'd like to see the contents of that book just to make sure that it is safe for the rest of us. If you may, I'd rather this be done sooner rather than later."


- Uncover and learn the secrets of the "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]".
- Summon something from the Compendium.
- Potentially learn a new bard spell or two.
  • "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]": Illustrations of mythical reptiles and enchanted burrows animate before one's eyes, moving within the borders of the pages as if alive. Why this book could be used to summon such creatures from legend if one dreamed hard enough and was willing to pay a small price!
  • Dreamshade Elixir E (x1) - The delicate shiny vial filled with a swirling, luminescent liquid that seemed to dance with its own inner light. This was no ordinary potion; it was [Dreamshade Elixir], a rare and potent substance rumored to grant visions of otherworldly clarity, but at a steep price to the unwary.

Elvario Elvario [Professor Anna]| Garbage. Garbage. [Mad Maw] | NimbusWing NimbusWing [Diane Duste] |

Upon receiving the magical gnoll's immediate friendship, the raptor's eyes widened as he squealed in pure joy. "Yaay!" Desmond cheered as he leapt up and down in pure excitement, even flapping his own wings, "New friendz! New friendz! Desmond loves new friendz! Maddy Maw and Desmond will be bestest of friends! Desmond knowz for certainz!" When referring to his book potentially summoning food, followed by whether or not Desmond had heard of what charcuterie is, Desmond gave a curious glance at the gnoll. "W-What is... sh-sha coochie-ree?" he asked genuinely, seemingly not having heard of it before. He then looked at his compendium, "Desmond has dreamed of food from home world though, yez! Fresh cutty meats and exotic cooked game! Mmmmm! Tasty tasty! Must see too it one day..."

As Professor Anna asked Assistant Duste to check the book for demons or devils, Desmond felt just a bit worried that they concluded to that assumption first. "Hey! Hey!" Desmond barked back, both somewhat insulted yet unconsciously worried about that possibility, "Desmond assures that no demonz for dayz be present in book! Compendium of Prehistoric Dreamz is from Dream Dimension! Not Hellz! Take a lookie dookie for yourselves!" While confident in his assumption, one truly couldn't be so sure that he wasn't carrying some ancient evil locked inside that book. Like a demonic Owlbear? He was pretty certain he wasn't though... right?

Regardless, Desmond proceeded to give Duste the Compendium. While he waited, his attention would turn to the summoning ritual that was taking place by the rest of the students. He watched them attentively, seeing how they set up the ritual. From proper spell circle placement to the chanting of spells and in some cases even seeing a few have immediate results! Two of the students had summoned two very curious entities. One of which was a human female in unique looking armor, being summoned by the blue-haired girl; the other was a demonic-looking entity summoned by the girl in white... a succubus if he recalled. Desmond's gaze stared at them in wonder, braking in applause as he clapped his hands. It only made him more hopeful for what HE could summon from his book.

Well, IF he could summon them in the first place...
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Mentions & Goals:
Δstra 01 Kikimura KikimuraWait until she's summoned.
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol Femboy FemboyWait until she's summoned.
Diane Duste NimbusWing NimbusWing – Assist professor Anna (keep an eye on her not acting too childish), provide some historical context, gain some magic knowledge.
Phoebe Penrose Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic – Teach Aqua some magic and learn some new things herself as well. | Play the part of Student-Assistant?
Aqua Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread – Become a real Aqua water mage. | Passed summoning class.
Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. - Make some contacts and try to figure out her powers.
Desmond Develius Develius – Figure out his [Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams] summoning book.
Ninelle Lifeblossom SilverFeathers SilverFeathers – Help out Deliverance.
Deliverance Elvario Elvario – Improve his [Ethereal Luminary Student] grade by passing the Summoning Class. | Passed summoning class.

Seaside Tower
The Grand Duchy of Roran, Capital City [Aslan], Outskirts near the Continental Lake, Ethereal Luminary Dependency Building, Seaside Tower
From: Lornn (Midjourney): https://lornn.itch.io/backgrounds-magic-school

Professor Anna

“Eh?” Was the exact noise the professor made when the circle actually started doing something upon Aqua using it. “Nyeeeh...” She said? “This is going to take some paperwork...” She grumbled, heading over. However, she was quick to confirm something.

“Well, whatever you summoned doesn't seem evil or criminal at least.” Having confirmed that much, she nodded. “You pass the class and you're forbidden from using this circle ever again.” She concluded.

Then, upon seeing Astra calm down, she'd check in with the summoned being. “Yes, yes. Welcome to Aslan. Are you going to stop trying to attack folk? If so, we can let the barrier down. It's against the summoner's convention to return summoned creatures without any [monster] or [criminal] affiliation against their will.” Should she respond positively, the professor would nod. “Good, good. Miss Duste, I'll leave her to you. ” She'd then add.

Upon hearing the gnoll, she ended up chuckling. “Of course you can summon food. Although you also need to know counter-poisoning spells because you can never know where it comes from.” It sounded like she might have her fair share of personal experiences.


Deliverance was rather pleased to see his circle work. After how much he'd been studying and practising, this might finally be the breakthrough in reaching the Ethereal that he needed! Except... the moment he saw what he'd summoned, he had some serious doubts. He'd shamelessly use magic on her to figure out who, what or why she was. Staring at her intensely for a moment through [Magic Appraisal B], before sighing.

Magic Appraisal B – Magic B, Energised B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Appraisal E, Academia F, Arcana F, Focus F, Sixth Sense [Spirit] F – Character uses magic to appraise up to 5 targets within 30 ft, with a special focus on arcana and academic elements. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

“It seems I failed to connect to the Ethereal...” He mumbled to himself. Yet when the succubus spoke up, he was highly confused. “If you are referring to me, madam, I believe being summoned might have caused issues with your perception. I am considerably taller than you, nor would my age indicate boyhood.” He shook his head, feeling bad for messing up his summoning and ending up causing trouble for whatever he summoned. That said, it wasn't Ethereal, so he wanted it gone. “I apologise for summoning you on accident. Would you please agree to being sent back to your place of origin?” He asked, hoping she would, so that he might perhaps try again.

Sadly enough, it seemed the girl wasn't too interested in that. “If you must know, I'm called Deliverance.” He stated. He forgot her own name as quickly as he learned it. “I was attempting to summon an Ethereal being, but I believe some of the ancient texts I used in my formula were incorrect and hence I've summon you instead.” He brashly replied. “As for company, I don't need it. I've already got miss Xue to help me...” He turned to gesture to Ninelle, only to realise... she'd somehow undone her magic. Why?

A bit concerned, he'd turn around to check up on her. Considering he and Ninelle broke Focus, the only one holding up the barrier was Phoebe, which meant the succubus would be able to break through at this point, should she desire to do so.

As for Deliverance, he got down on both knees to get closer to Ninelle's height, then gently offered her his pinky finger to hold or lean on, as he worried something had gone wrong with the magic. “Are you alright? Did you suffer some sort of magical backlash from the summoning?” He asked, sounding legitimately worried. “I'm sorry, it seems I not only failed to connect to the Ethereal, but also drew up a summoning circle that was unsafe for usage.”

Professor Anna

The professor would look next. “You.” She'd call out to the succubus. “He's suggesting you leave, but by the general summoner's convention on intelligent life-forms, you have a right to stay and a right to be told about that right... so yeah. There you go.” She felt pressured to say as much. Gotta do it by the book or her superiors would complain again.

She then turned to Deliverance. “Your magic circle was fine. You also pass, but you're forbidden form using a magic circle like that again without prior written approval.” She stated.

Afterwards, she turned to Phoebe. “Nyeh... You could be, but trust me, it's tiring.” She stated, yawning as if to prove her point. She'd then address the class in general. “I've gotta go check on the tower. Two summoned being like these is... not expected. Something might be off. Miss Duste and student-assistant Phoebe will keep an eye out on everybody.” She stated, before heading off into the tower do do whatever it is she thought needed doing. It seemed Phoebe had suddenly gotten a promotion while at it.

OOC Stuff:
As stated, my vacation lasts between 21/06 and 28/06. So the next round will hopefully be on 30/06. In the meantime, I'd highly encourage interactions between PC's. We got a diverse enough group to hopefully have some interesting conversations going on for me to sift through in my absence.

As for some things to keep in mind;
  • Assume Professor Anna is busy checking up on the tower. Should anyone try to ask/sent for her, the response will have to wait until I return.
  • Assume Deliverance is checking up on Ninelle and then obsessing over what went wrong in his summoning circle. Should anyone interact with him, the response will have to wait until I return.
  • Should any form of combat or skill usage happen between PC's in my absence, either discuss the outcome beforehand or ask one of the IH mods to judge the outcome.
  • I'm fine with folk adding small details to the scene, like present flora/fauna, benches, enjoying sunshine or looking out over the continental lake and seeing stuff swim by in the distance, but please abstain from adding bigger things like directly interacting with (new) NPC's, progressing the time to another part of the day or continuing to summon more things. We'll pick those back up when I return.
  • IC, Diana and Phoebe are allowed to explain some history or magic to the others as part of the class when it related to summoning and/or in general based on student interest. I'd allow for both to come up with something fitting OOC.
  • For any questions, I'll be around for the rest of the 19th and 20th to answer them, but I'll be completely off the grid after.

"H-huehhh...??" Aqua was too confused of what just happened that she couldn't even answer the summoned creature's question other than with some weird noises. She thought she would summon something more resembling animal, but this one looks completely humanoid and can talk. Aqua glanced at the other proceeding summon by Deliverance, he just summoned a succubus and she talks. Though, when the professor came to check it, her reaction made it clear this was a rare occurence. Moreover, the summoned creature was now stuck here, because of her. Aqua's eyes widen in panic as she started to realize the implication of all these.

"I-I-I-I'm Sorryy...!! I-I-I didn't meant to trap you here with the spell!!" Aqua dropped on her knees and slammed her head onto the ground in a dogeza position. Her hands were raised and a small coin sack could be seen on it.

"I-I-I will take responsibility and pay for your child support!"

Mad Maw
The gnoll was a master of leaving expectations checked at the door; This world was not like her own, and there was no telling what it's rules consisted of. Her free spirit momentarily frozen stiff as danger and death was a reality, before the entity that had been summoned dialed down the hostility. Her old reliable in stress management persisting now as she cackled it away, bowing gracefully as transitioned from near panic attack to embellished greeting, top hat to the chest and all.

"If I may, I suspect you are here in the same manner I arrived, only with less of a...circely thing" She said with a dismissive wave of her hands, standing upright again as she held an extended finger up to her nose and gave it a few taps.

"Think of it as a second chance! Sure you may have died, but someone is looking out for you since you look fine to me! I've never seen a circus outfit so shiny before. Are you from omicron perseon 8 perhaps?" Mad Maw biting her tongue in a cheshire grin as she did enjoy being coy. She craned her body, and attention toward Desmond as he seemed quite thrilled about her preposition.

"Words are fun aren't they? Think of it as a small, cutesy plate of cheeses! Slices, cubed, pretzeled" She said with a snort. "I'm sure she has good reason" Mad Maw spoke up, mentioned Diane "Is it dream magic specifically or are you pulling from a realm of dreams? Do you know sandman? does he use the bathroom?

Kikimura Kikimura Develius Develius NimbusWing NimbusWing

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