As it All Started...



Beginning Post

Mrs. Wyn was a rather stout figure. She had the face of a droopy; dried out prune. Mrs. Wyn did not like to waist time; she was the council leader at Talhem's, but don't worry she only assigns rooms and then she gets out of your way.

As you walk into the rustic village, there is a bulletin board in the middle of the general area. On that bulletin board are the rooms and roommates; now remember, your roommate will be of any gender! You will be rooming with one other person; they are picked randomly.

The paper on the bulletin board has the room assignments on them:

In Pueblo: Alicia Wolf and Dylan Skholtens

In Peso: Lucy Hargreaves and Jake Wish

In Perdito: Nick Wish and Keegan Hoffmann

In Perro: Adrian Doyle, and Flower Moon

That is who you will be spending the next two years with; wells, sharing a living space with.. Please go to your rooms and get settled; your roommate will be here shortly.

Keegan had everything that she brought to Talhem's in duffle bags, suitcases, and carry on bags. As she read who she was rooming with, she was a little spectacle, but walked up to her house for the next two years. She started to set her things up in the cozy cabin; and waited for Nicks arrival.

Dylan stood at the bulletin board and read the list; Alicia Wolf he said to himself. He grinned internally and walked down to his living area and opened the door. He looked srou d the medium sized building and shrugged. He set his things up by the bed closest to the wall and hen shoved his bags under his bed.
ooc: can i change it to candy wolf?


ic: she walked up to the building, opened the door, and walked in. "Hello?!"
Nick soon walked in carring his things. He looks at Jake who walked in with him. "Thanks for helping Deathwish." He said and then looked as his twin set some of Nick's things down. Jake or Deathwish was being quiet. However with his straight face he looked rather scarry. Nick rubs his head and looked to see Keegan. "Oh hello, Keegan right?. I'm Nick Wish and this is my brother. He'll be leaving to go back to his place." He said the two twins standing next to each other. Deathwish was a little bit taller then Nick if they were side by side. Other then that it was hard to tell them appart.

Deathwish looked at Keegan and nodded. "I'm leaving now." He said and then looked at Keegan. She had a long year ahead of her. With nick's flirting she might just move out. He gave a hidden smirk at this and then waved as he left. He wasn't into talking to much. Nick looks at Keegan and then held out his hand. He smiled charmingly putting on his princely aditude for now.

Alicia said bye to Flower and then headed to her place. She walked in setting her things down and then stretched out. "Hmm...nice place I guess." she said and then rubs her head. "Ah well." she looks at Dylan and then waved. "hey." She pushed her black hair behind her ear. "I was hoping to get a girl but you'll do." She said and then looked around the room.
Kegan looked at Nick then Deatwish; partly shocked by the name. She cleared her voice and nodded "Yes, I am Keegan; nice to meet you Nick" she responded as Jake had left. She wondered what kind of year she would have with him. She looked at Nick as he extended his hand to her, she smirked and laid her hand in the palm of his, and pulled herself up off of her bed.

Dylan laughed the slightest bit and glanced at Alicia "Im Dylan" he said "Your are Alicia? Right?" He asked curiously. Dylan sat up and put his legs up on the other side of his bed. He then put his arms behind his head and smiled to himself.

{{spotts - What are you talking about? You haven't signed up yet...}{
Nick looks at her and then nods. "Pleasure to meet you as well Keegan." He said and then looks around. He looks at her and then walks away. He grabbed one of his bags and then picked out a bed. He set his stuff neatly around his area. "Well Keegan...Since we are staying with each other....shall we get to know one another?" He asked and then looked at her with a bit of a smirk that turned back into a charming smile. He put his hands into his front pockets standing up straight and tall.

Alicia looked at him and nodded. "Yes I am." She looked as Momo sniffed around the place. "And that is momo." She said and picked her puppy up. "He's still a puppy yet, I'm in the middle of training him. Please forgive him if he causes trouble but normaly he's a good dog." she said setting the puppy down. She watched as Momo jumped on a bed and laid down. She giggled a bit.
Lucy was the first to arrive at her room. Adrian was right behind her, helping her drag in a suitcase and an upright piano. She had been pouting since she had first arrived. She didn't like the thought of rooming with a guy. She didn't like the thought of rooming with anybody except Adrian. Growing up, Lucy's personality and sharp tongue didn't help her make friends. Most kids avoided her or hated her. This "Jake" guy was going to be the same. Adrian was the only one who understood her.

After placing her suitcase on one of the beds, she brought her hand up to brush aside a wavy lock of blonde hair that was hanging in her face. It was too long to be a part of her bangs and too short to stay in the long braid draped over her shoulder. After Adrian pushed the piano into the corner, he dropped her suitcase at the foot of her bed. Wiping some sweat off his brow, he flopped onto her bed.

"You just had to bring the piano, didn't you Lala?" He gave a goofy smile to his childhood friend who raised an eyebrow at him.

"It was either that or the grand piano, Night. Consider yourself lucky." She gently placed a violin and guitar case away in one of the closets and began putting away her clothes and other stuff. She smiled slightly when she took out a large old teddy bear. After brushing some dust out of its thinning fur, she placed it on the bed.

After catching his breath, he jumped off the bed. "Well, it's about time for me to go get my room, I guess." As he was about to leave, he felt a slight tug on his sweater. It was Lucy.

"I don't want you to go. I'll be alone again."

Adrian took her face in his hands and they touched foreheads. "Don't worry. I'll come visit often and if this guy bullies you, I'll just have to beat him up, okay?"

"You're weaker than I am. You'll probably get your a** handed to you."

"Don't ruin the moment, will you. This sort of friendship mush is what people eat up all the time."

"Okay. Then go. If you're late and people find out we know eachother, I'll become a laughing stock."

Adrian laughed at his friend. Years of staying by her side allowed him to understand her language as if it were his own. That was her way of telling him it was okay to leave. The dark haired boy dragged his bags to his room. As he reached the door, he raised an eyebrow at the title. "I'm going to be living in a dog?" He then burst into short laughter before marching in and settling down.

After unpacking, he took a sketchbook out and began sketching the tree outside his window. He loved the way the lights peaked in through the leaves. He then found himself wondering who this "Flower" girl who he was rooming with was. Maybe the daughter of some hippies. Or maybe a son. Flower is a pretty feminine name but it wasn't official or anything. And who was he to judge if two drugged out peace supporters wanted to name their son Flower.
(I use these characters a lot don't I Amdreams? lol)

Flower entered the house she would be staying in. She looked at Hunter as the white german shepherd ran in. Flower glared. "Hunter! Sit." She said and the dog sat down. She pushed her sun glasses up. "Good girl." she said to her dog and then set her things down. She walked outside with no word to her new roommate untill all of her things were inside. Including her Hunting Falon that Flower managed to get the HUGE cage inside. She put in in a corner out of the way on her own side so that she didn't take up any of Adrian's space. She pushed her white hair out of her face and then looked as Hunter ran over to Adrian and sniffed him a bit. Flower stomped her foot and the dog ran back to her.

Flower was far from a hippy. For crying out loud she might even slap one. She was named Flower because her parents didn't want her to have over used names. She dyed her hair white because it fits her so well. She pushed her fingures through her hair and took a breath. She looked at him and took her sunglasses off. "Oh hello." she said to him.

Jake (I might call him jake sometimes or deathwish but either way it's the same person lol) entered his building. He looked at the piano and then thought to himself how Nick would love to get his hands on that thing and play it all day. He didn't mind that side of Nick. He looked at the girl in the room and then waved. He didn't talk much and he gave off a scaryness to him. He started bringing his things in, including some exercise equiment. He didn't say anything to Lucy. He took out his books and set them beside the bed he picked out. He looked at Lucy again and then continued to settle in.
Keegan nodded, she turned to her bed and made sure the bags were all threat under her bed. "That would be nice" she agreed. She smiled softly and pushed her Carmel colored hair back. She playfully winked and brought her hands to the front pockets of her jeans, she suck her thumb into her pocket and looked around the room. She looked at Nick "Oh, and this is Dasher" she aid as she clapped once and the little beagle came crashing out from the little doggie bed shed laid out for him "He's not a puppy anymore, so he usually doesn't bark, if he does, my apology." She added. Keegan sat down on the floor on rug in the center of the floor. Dasher has his head in the middle of her lap, and his body draped off of her leg.

Dylan smiled, as she introduced Momo, he looked at the cream colored puppy "I think I can understand" he said with a smirk. He looked around the room, and his eyes fell next to his bed. He looked to Alicia "And this is Willow" Dylan said as he whistled and the young German Shepherd mix came from the side of his bed, to his actual side. "I don't think she's going to get into too much trouble, but if she does, I'll take full credit" he told Alicia.
Nick looks at Dasher and then chuckles. "Ah I see." He looked at the dog. "I don't mind's just that Deathwish....I mean jake doesn't like them very much. He tends to scare them off at the first sign of him." He laughs. "Sometimes he's so creepy and scary it's like death itself so I call him Deathwish." He said and then shruged. "He's a nice guy....just don't get on his bad side." He said and then smiled sitting down on his bed. He looks her over and then looks at the dog. "If he does I won't mind...I just hate those small dog high pitched barks that make my ears bleed." He said with a laugh.

Alicia looks at the german shephard and then rubs over. "How beautiful." She said and then held out her hand to Willow. "You know my friend who also stays here has a german shepherd. A white german shepherd named Hunter." She smiled and then looked as Momo barked. However Lhasa apso's like Momo have deeper barks that make people think it's a big dog on the other side of the door. Lhasa's were used as gaurd dogs to alert monks inside caves to coming people. Momo's bark is bigger then Momo. Alicia giggles. "What's found a bug again?" She asked and then whistled and the little puppy came running.
(Yeah but that's not necessarily a bad thing.)

Lucy was feeding Hibari, her nightingale, when Jake had come in. She waved back but didn't bother introducing herself or saying hello. He was just a roommate. It wasn't like the two of them were going to become bffs or something. That's what she had Adrian for. Hibari gave a few chirps before going back to his birdseed. Now with Hibari all set, Lucy began looking around. Where was Mukuro now?

She found the Maltese puppy's carrier under her bed but it was empty. Could Mukuro have wandered off? No, the cage was locked which meant that someone had taken the puppy out. It was probably Adrian. He had always loved that white ball of fluff. She sighed and went to sit on her bed. Grabbing a book of Grimm fairytales, she started reading a few stories. Adrian would bring Mukuro back soon. After finishing Cinderella, she glanced up at Jake. He seemed like the type of person who didn't like socializing, which was good for Lucy. It was best that she keep her mouth shut afterall.

(Yeah . . . both Lucy and Jake are fairly quiet people who don't pry or really care about the business of others, aren't they . . . how does this work?)


Adrian had finished his drawing when Flower had come in. "Oh, so you are a girl." But she seemed to be ignoring him for the moment, being more preoccupied with her dog and moving in. Seeing the girl's white german shepherd, Adrian went into his duffel bag and pulled out a fluffy white puppy. He had kidnapped Mukuro when Lucy wasn't looking. He knew he shouldn't have . . . but Mukuro was sooooo fluffy.

Adrian squeezed the puppy so tightly, the poor thing could've popped. He then played with its little paws and tossed the puppy into the air a few times. Mukuro was so cute it was a crime. Adrian stopped when Flower had said hello. "Hi," he said. "If you haven't figured out already, I'm Adrian. And this is Mukuro." He then took the puppy's paw in his hand and moved it so it looked like Mukuro was waving at Flower.

(Hibari and Mukuro respectively. View attachment 7820View attachment 7821)
Flower looked at the puppy and then chuckled. "Cute." She said and then kneeled down petting Hunter's side her arm drapped over the dog. "This is Hunter....she's friendly....unless I tell her to attack you." She said and then chuckled as Hunter growled a bit at the word. "Calm down you." She said and then patted Hunter's head. "And the bird in the cage is Sky....I wouldn't mess with her....she doesn't like strangers." She said as the bird stared at the small dog. Flower stood up once more. She walked over and then looked at the puppy. "You might want to be careful. It's a dog not a stuffed animal." She said and then smiled at Adrian. She looked at him and then looked at Hunter who laid down not seeming to mind Adrian right now. Flower looked at Adrian again and then pushed her hair back. "Hmm....I'll probably will have a friend over once in a while but don't worry...I'm not a girly girl and neather is she. Don't expect us to squeel everytime we talk to each other. It'll probably be about hunting or something like that." She said chuckling.

(hold on.)

Deathwish was finished and then he walked over the the piano. He looked it over and then looked at Lucy. "This is yours right?" He asked, his eyes looked back at the piano. "Nice...a few scratches....may I try it out?" He asked. He stood up crossing his arms waiting for her answer. He stared at her, not really meaning to look mean but he couldn't help it. His nickname was Deathwish after all.
Adrian pouted. "Don't be like that. Mukuro is a strong puppy." He then moved the puppy's front paws to make it look like Mukuro was doing kung fu. "Looks can be deceiving," he said with a mischievous smile. It was true though. Mukuro was cute and fluffy but he was a very cunning dog. Always snuggling up to the person who had the most food. Playing the cute card every time he wanted something. He was probably more cunning than Adrian was.

As Adrian was listening to Flower talk about her friend, Mukuro was nibbling at Adrian's sweater. The dark haired boy pushed the little guy away before answering her. "Nah. It's okay. I'll probably do most of my hanging at Lala's anyway. Besides I don't mind company as long as you don't disturb me when I'm sleeping." He was a bit upset at the whole hunting thing but he didn't let that make his smile fade. "I'm not a big fan of hunting especially for sport. It seems a bit barbaric, don't you think? To take a life just to add another trophy to your wall or for the satisfaction of a kill." Adrian loved animals and nature. Both were huge themes in the Romanticism era and he had always loved the beauty of an untouched world.


(Okay, I've decided that whatever Lucy says but does not mean will be put in italics. To make it easier to distinguish.)

Lucy scowled a bit as Deathwish approached her piano. She wasn't really fazed by his intimidating look. Years of schooling with catty girls and creepy boys taught her that the scary looking people were often the most trustworthy. The ones you had to look out for were the ones that were always smiling or being nice to you. But whatever his intentions were, Lucy didn't want him touching her piano. It belonged to her father and was very important to her. The two of them used to play songs on it together when she was little. Only Adrian, her father and her were allowed to touch it.

"I don't want your filthy hands dirtying my piano." There she went again. She didn't mean to come off that mean but her mouth was already speaking before her head to think it through. He was probably angry with her now, but she couldn't just apologize. She had some level of pride. "B-but if you want to play it, you'll just have to disinfect it after."
Keegan nodded "I see" sh commented. "Dasher's bark isn't high; if anything it's as low as a mastiff" she added with a chuckle. She looked at him and smiled then pet Dahsers head. "Alright, what do you want know about me?" She asked curiosly.

Dylan watched as Willow tattered her way over to Alicia. "What a coincidence" he remarked. Dylan chuckled a bit at Alicia's comment toward her dog. That little dog was almost half of the length of Willows leg. "Do you do any sports?" He asked her curiously.
Flower looks at him. "Nah...yeah a little for fun but still. Hunting helps keep balance in the deer population. If the deer didn't need controling hunting probably wouldn't be allowed. However the benifits to hunting help everyone....even the deer that live are helped. If it wasn't for hunting deer would eat all the food in the forest and then deer would die of starvation. They keep track of the number of deer there are and each hunter gets tags for how many deer he or she can kill." She shruged. "Not to mention...I respect deer for what they are, I never shoot a doe that has a fawn but sometimes you just don't see." She sighed deeply. "I love animals myself." She said and then sat down on her bed Hunter following her. She petted Hunter's head. "WHat is more cruel? Shooting an animal ands killing it...or letting it over populate and get killed by which case humans get hurt as well." She said. "Hunters like me don't shoot every deer we see you know." She said in her defence.

Deathwish raised an eyebrow. He nodded and then went and washed his hand respecting her wishes. He dried his hands and then sat down. He started to play it beautifully. He was surprisingly gentle and the tone was soft and slow. His bangs sort of hid his eyes as he looked at the keys and played. He was really good, so was his brother Nick. He almosted smiled....almost. Deathwish didn't smile a lot.

Nick raised his head. His paino senses were tingling. (lol little joke.) Nick looks at Keegan. "Hmm. Let's start off with where your from?" He smirked and then went and sat down beside her. He looked at her with his smirk that ment 'I want to flirt' of course since she didn't know Nick she probably wouldn't know what that smirk ment. He looks at her and then pulls one leg up resting his arm on his knee.

Alicia looks at Dylan. "I hunt when I hunting season. Other then that, I guess soccer. I can play football with the guys. I can throw pretty good." She said with a smirk proud of herself. Boys were amazed how strong Alicia can be. She looks at Willow and pets her head. She giggles slightly. "Oh if you call messing with the boys a sport then yes." She added.
Keegan smiled, she tilted her head to a side, then the other. "My birth state is Miami, Florida, but I moved to Santa Fe when I was 5" she said. She could still remember the tiny house that she lived in with her family, how many memories that house held. "And where are you from?" She asked. Keegan laid one of her legs on top of the other, and moved her feet back and forth on their heels. She looked at Nick, smirked, then to Dasher who was near sleep on her lap.

Dylan was partly astonished by Alicia "So, it's be cool if we threw a football later?" He asked. He chuckled "I guess it could be counted as one" he stated with a smile. "I play basketball, baseball, football, track, and a little bit of soccer and volleyball" he said "If you wanted to know" he added quickly.
Nick looks at her and then chuckles. "Hmm...I'm from Florida but I just rescently moved here." he chuckled. "Maybe it was all the snakes." he joked and then laughed. He looks at her and then smiles. "Well interesting how we ended up meeting each other. Lovely to meet such a beauty like yourself." He chuckled and then crossed his arms looking at her with his smirk.

Alicia looks at him and then smiles. "Sure...I'd love to." she said and then laughed a bit. "Nah it's neat to know." She said and then got up stretching out. "Though I'm surprised....that's a lot how the heck to you have anytime for yourself?" She asked and then smiled at him.
Keegan looked at him "What part of Florida?" She asked "So your scared of snakes? Once when I was in my back yard, a rattlesnake came up by me and laid at my arm" she said with an almost evil smirk "How's that for scary?" She asked. Keegan blushed, she playfully nudged his shoulder and pulled her hair behind her ear "Thanks, you're not so bad yourself" sh said with a smile.

Dylan smiled "I honestly had a sort every night, and then I had to do homework. Fun" he said sarcastically "I didn't have any time for my self; it was all sports an grades" he admitted with a little grin.
Lucy was a bit shocked at Jake's playing. He was skilled, she would admit that . . . But she was still better. (It's mostly a pride thing.) "You're okay," she said, "for an amateur." She brought her knees up to her chin. Even with Jake's performance going on, she was terribly bored. She knew neither of them were going to be up for any conversation. Hibari chirped a little before going to sleep in his cage. "This place is terribly boring so far. What are we supposed to do now?" She continued to sit there, pouting but her mouth was covered by her knees. If Adrian was here, he'd have a fun plan. Lucy was at this place for less than an hour and she was already hating it. New people, new buildings, she didn't like new things.

(Seriously, do we stay in our rooms for now or something?)


Adrian continued to play with Mukuro while he listened to Flower defend herself. "I do get where you're coming from, I do. I just still can't really approve of it. I can handle people hunting and then eating the deer because in a way, that's just survival. But even you said it. You're doing it for fun. I hardly see that as fun, but to each their own. You don't need to defend yourself to me. I'm not going to preach to you or something." He smiled at her. "Everyone has their own hobbies. And I'm really in no place to judge. Fun fact though. Most of those deer that cause car accidents come out unscathed. Humans die only because they're trying to avoid the deer." He laughed softly.

"Anyway, you're welcome to have your friend over whenever. I don't really care." He looked up at the ceiling. He was bored now. Maybe he should take a nap, but he wasn't tired. He was in no mood to draw and even Mukuro seemed bored out of his mind. He turned to Flower. "So are we supposed to stay in our rooms all day?"
(am- Not necessarily, you can go to the lake, the park, Talhem's is like a little town, or a resort. But the rooms are nicer. There are little boutiques and shops scattered all around. There's also a gym and a forest. I almost forgot about the sports center that is half a mile from the village; the sports center has a gym, and big open fields. There's an art studio behind the rooms. Hope that helps)
Deathwish stopped playing. He looks at her and then looks out. "There are many things to do.....this place is like a town....go look." he said and then got up. He made sure he cleaned off the paino and then sat on his bed grabbing a book to read. It was horror of course. He leaned against the wall and started reading. He quickly turned the page.

Flower looks at him and then smiles. She called Hunter and then looked at him. "Well if you don't mind...I was going to have a good look around. Want to come with? In the mean time I might go see if Alicia is settled in." She said and then looked at Hunter petting her head. "I hear they have many places to go a visit. including a lake and a park. Not to mention a few shopes." She shrugged and then continued to pet Hunter. She looks at him and then looks out a window. "It's a pretty big place." She said.

Nick looks at her and then chuckles. "Yikes." He said and then looks at her. "Orlando." he answered her other question. He looks at her and then charmingly. "Ah...yeah me and snakes don't exackly understand each other." he looks at her and then scooted a little closer. "Not so bad? Aw come on...I'm better then that." he said playing with her a bit.

Alicia looks at him and then shakes her head. "Yikes." She said and then rubs her head. "Well that doesn't seem to healthy to me. Run yourself down." She said and thne picked up momo petting her little puppy. She sat down and then looks at him. She looked up. "So...this place is big right?" She asked.
Dylan nodded "Yeah, it's huge!!" He said "There's a gym, huge fields, art studio, shoppes, resturants.. Heck, it's a little town" he said with a smile

Keegan smiled "Orlando; that's cool" she said. She giggled and moved her self over a little. "Oh you think so? Prove it!" She said with a little smirk. She looked at him and winked, then looked at Dasher who was almost sleeping on her lap.
Alicia looks at him and then nods. "Good then I have something to do." She said and then rubbed her head. She looked at Momo who ran off to play with his toys. She smiled at Momo and then layed down on her bed with her legs up in the air. She had her arms near her head while she kicked her feet. "But for now I want to relax." She said and then giggled. She looked at him and then pushed her black hair out of her face. "So you going to keep busy as well?" She asked.

Nick looks at her and leans his head closer to her. "You might not like it....I'll pull a Nick on you....after that you might not be able to resist me." he said and then laughed. He looks at her and smiled charmingly. "I'm perfectly serious as well." What he ment by a 'Nick' was a kiss. Nick was a great kisser. He chuckles being his normaly flirting self.
Dylan moved the side of his bed, Willow followed him and laid her head on his lap. He ran his ran down her head and then her back. "I might go to the field with Willow and throw her some balls and sticks." He answered Alicia. He smiled and then moved up to his bed with Willow in his arms.

Keegan looked into his eyes, she felt as if her eyes were locked on his. She shook her head and smirked "I still think your not to bad" she joked. Keegan winked "So, until you show me you're not to bad, I will still think you are" she said, half joking. Keegan pushed some of her hair behind her her, then looked at Nick again. "He's cute" Keegan thought to herself; when she thought that, a smile came across her face.
(Yes, Coedy, it helps. Thanks.)

Lucy crossed her arms and turned away. "Fine then. I'll just go find Night. He's much more worth my time." She got off her bed and grabbed her violin case. Hopefully she could find a quiet place to practice. She couldn't let herself get rusty after all. She turned back once at the door to say goodbye to Hibari and noticed the book in Deathwish's hand. She had read that one before. It was good. Lucy loved everything horror but she didn't want to talk to this boy anymore. With a swift turn of her heel, she was off.

Walking through Talhem, she had to admit it was nice looking. Nothing too impressive but it was clean and the air was clear. Her eyes widened as she saw the lake. They had a lake. Lucy loved water. The ocean was her favorite place but a lake would have to do since they weren't near the beach. She went up to the coast, placed her violin carefully to the side and took off her shoes. The water was kind of cold went she walked into the lake. She lifted up the hem of her dress so it wouldn't get wet.

She smiled for the first time since she left home for this place. If there was such a nice lake here, maybe this place wouldn't be so bad to stay for a while.


Adrian got off the bed, carrying Mukuro in his arms. "Sure. I'd like to meet this hunting buddy of yours. Besides, I should give the princess her puppy back before she throws a fit and chops my head off." He chuckled a bit. Lucy was very possessive of her things and having Mukuro any longer would get him in a lot of trouble. He quickly grabbed his messenger bag with his wallet and keys and such. You never know if you need to buy something. He then followed Flower out the door.

"Yeah, I hear this place is practically its own town. It may be a bit of an exaggeration but from what I saw coming in, it's not off by much." Adrian looked at Flower's hair. Was the white color natural? He did know a lot of platinum blondes. Mostly Scandinavians. But Flower's hair was different. It was dyed. "You know you shouldn't bleach your hair so much. It damages the follicles and irritates the scalp."

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