As it All Started...

Nick put his arm around Flower. "Why Flower how lovely to see you again." he was pushing his luck because the hate coming from Flower was clearly seen and felt. He laughed. "Aw someone still sore about that little fight we had?" He asked and then he got closer to her. " didn't even say sorry to me." He said jokingly but that just made Flower snap. Nick relized his mistake but it was to late. She had him on the ground in seconds holding his arms in a painful way. Yep....Flower was agressive.....very agressive towards the twins. Nick yelled out in pain. "AH! Ok ok! I'm Sorry!"

Detahwish looked at Nick and then shook his head. "You shouldn't have said anything Nick." He said and then rubbed his head as Nick asked for help. "I'm not helping you...want me to be right next to you. She's going to bite my head off." he said and then sighed. Flower glared at nick. She let him go and then turned her back to him and then looked as Nick put his arm around Keegan.
Keegan couldn't belive what she was seeing. She was swept with a sudden wave of fear. She wasn't scared, she felt panicky; Keegan looked at Flower about to say something but then up at Nick "Are you ok?" She asked quietly. She was worried though; the only time she had heard a guy yell out like that was when her dad got..killed. She cleare her mind of that thought, and focused on Nick.
Nick looks at flower and then smiles charmingly. "Still as firey as ever Flower....good thing you don't do these things to anyone else just by a little comment." He said and then looked at Keegan rubbing her back a bit. "Nah I'm fine...if she really wanted to hurt me she wouldn't have let me up so fast." He said and then kissed the side of her head. He looked at Flower who glared at him. "What?" he asked but Flower only shook her head. She looked away.
Keegan nodded, she looked up at Nick and then the landscape in front of them. She laid her arm around his back, and rested her hand on his side. She started to walk with Nick again, and suddenly she knew a place to go. She pulled him towards the more wooded part of Talhem's. She smiled to herself when she thought of his expression when the arrived at where she was taking him.
Lucy's ear perked up a bit when she heard Jake mention his book, but she was easily bored when he said what it was about. Slasher in her book did not equal horror. The horror she liked, the only type she accepted, had to have some aspect of the supernatural in it. Psychological trauma was okay too, but slashers were boring in her eyes. It was just some guy running around with a weapon, killing people. And the victims were always so stupid.

She leaned her head on Adrian's shoulder. "Why'd you invite them along?" She lifted her eyes to look at Flower and Jake. She was a bit worried that they would take Adrian away from her. But at the same time, she was confident, because she was the only one to know his secrets, just like he was the only one to know hers. She clung tightly to his arm. From a stranger's point of view they could've looked like a couple since they looked much too different to be siblings. But it wasn't like that. Adrian was like her big brother and she knew that he felt the same way. They were together for the entire lives, how could they be like that? Still, the confusion came as an advantage. No girl had ever wanted to snatch him away with Lucy always so close.

Adrian chuckled a bit before patting her head. "You need more friends, Lala. What are you going to do if I die or something?" He smiled brightly to Jake and Flower who had accepted his offer. On the inside he was happy. Lucy was still dependent on him. And inviting these two along was a good plan. Lucy would see that hanging out with other people is a bad idea. She'll see that they can't understand her and she'll never leave him. It wasn't that he liked her as a girl or anything. He just needed someone who'd always be there for him. Even knowing the type of person he was.

Adrian's eyes quickly went to the new people who had come toward them. The boy looked a lot like Jake. Twins. The girl seemed okay. But that boy was the flirty type, someone he'd have to keep Lucy from. She was his baby sis after all. He watched as Flower had pinned the boy to the floor, smirking a little at the boy's pain. The smirk was quickly changed to a smile though. He held out his hand to Nick and Keegan. "Hello there. My name is Adrian. Lala, why don't you introduce yourself."

"I don't want to. I'd rather not introduce myself to such trash." Lucy avoided any eye contact as she looked down at the ground.
(I think keegan just took Nick ]

Flower laughs as Keegan suddenly dragged Nick away. She looked at Lucy. "Nick's a nice long as you can see past his sexual harassment and never go out on a date with him." She said. She did go out with Nick once and what happened afterwords, well she met his girlfriend. She rubbed her head. "I sware he loves pain...he brings that up everything I see him." She said and then looks at Deathwish who sighed.

Jake looks at Flower. "I warned you didn't I? Great as a friend....not as a boyfriend." He said and then crossed his arms. He looked at Adrian and Lucy. He scratched the side of his head and then pushed his bangs out of his face. He suddenly went silent. He looked at Flower who seemed to just want to go. He looked at Adrian and Lucy.

Flower looks at them and then looked at Hunter who was waiting for them to leave. "Shall we go then?" She asked and then looked at Adrian and Lucy. She looked at Deathwish who looked at Hunter, he stared at the dog as if wanting to kill her. Flower glared and then rolled her eyes.
Keegan ignored Lucy's comment "Im Keegan" she said "Nice to meet you, Adrian" she forced a smile and shook his hand. She looked at Lucy, then to Adrian, and back to Nick. She stuck her hand out to Lucy and smiled "It's nice to meet you" she said softly.
Nick looks at her. 'Where are we going?" he asked and smiled at her. He wondered if Flower was really mad at him but Keegan dragged him away so quickly he never really got the chance to ask. They were such good friends, well um friends anyways. At the rare times Nick was serious he and Flower seemed to be quite close. He almost wished he had never taken her on a date and give her such a bad memory of him, well almost, Flower was a good kisser. He pulled himself out of his thoughs and smiled at Keegan.
Keegan smiled "It's.. Well... A surprise" she said with a smile. Nick seemed distraught; Keegan didn't know why, but she knew it was none of her business. She looked at the hill in front of them "All we have to do is climb this hill, and we're there" he told him with a smile. Keegan stopped walking and looked up at the beautiful sky.
Nick looks at her and then shrugs. He started walking with her and then looked down at the ground thinking to himself. He looks at Keegan and then wondered about the others that were here with them. He hoped Deathwish would end up pulling a gun on anyone. He looked at Keegan and then smiled charmingly. "I see..."
Keegan turned to Nick "Close your eyes please" she said with a smile. She turned him so his back was facing the beach; the hill that they happened to be on was actually a sand dune! She couldn't stop smiling, Keegan took one of his hands in hers.
Nick closed his eyes. "Alright now you got me very curious." he said and then smiled as she took his hands. He sighed. "When came I open my eyes?" he asked and then swung his arms a bit still holding her hands.
Keegan smiled, she turned him around so he was facing the lake. she stood behind him and looked at the lake herself "You can now" she said, with a smile. Keegan slowly wrapped her arms around his stomach, and smiled out to the lake. The breeze was blowing her hair back, and she loved it.
Nick opens his eyes and then looks around. He chuckles and then looks at her. "Nice." He said and then kisses her cheek. He looks around and then places his hands on hers.
Keegan gave out a little laugh; she looked up at him "Do you want to run down with me?" She asked with a bright smile. She kissed his cheek and smiled as she looked down at the lake. She could almost hear the moves lapping at the sandy shore of the coast line.
Nick looks at her and then nods. "Sure." He said and then winked at her. He grabbed her hands and then dashed out. He looks at the water almost tempted to push her into the water. He looks at her and gets a smirk. Pushing her into the water....hmmm.
Keegan ran down the dune with him; when she fell into the water, and brought her head from the water. "I'm sooo getting you back for that" she said with a smirk. She ran out of the water, behind Nick, and jumped on his back. She pushed him into the water, and giggled slightly. She brushed the hair from her eyes and looked at Nick; a smile on her face.
Nick looks at him and then pulled her down. He kissed her and then laughed as they got splashed with a large wave. He coughed a bit and then whiped his face off. "Now we're really wet." he said and then smiled at her. He pushed her off of him and into the water and looked at her like a pervert. (Nick....your such an idoit....)
Keegan nodded "Yes, we are really wet" she said with a smirk. As Keegan's gaze moved up to Nick's face "Whatcha looking at" she said with another giggle. Shelet another wave splash over her befrlre throwing her hair up into a ponytail.
Nick chuckles. "Sorry Sorry....just a habit." he said and then sat up. He got up and pushed his hair out of his eyes. He shook his head like a dog and held out his hand to her. He smiled charmingly.
Keegan took his hand and smiled, after she pulled herself up, she kissed him. She hugged Nick, mainly beside she was cold. She laid her head on his shoulder and held both of his hands on her own hands.
Nick looks at her and then blinks. He sighed. " do know I'm not the most loyalist guy around right? And I'm a pervert....and I tend to flirt with tons of girls...." He pulls his hand from hers and rubs the back of his neck. "You're making me feel guilty here." he said and then chuckled nervously.
Keegan pulled away from him "I know that you are." She told him "I was pretending that you weren't but, I guess you are" she said, "I just wanted to give you a first chance, to see if you'd be able to handle a serious relationship" she told him "but it I make you uncomfortable and out if place, I'll stop and pretend that nothing ever happened between us" she asked, taking a stand back, crossing her arms, and waited for his response.
Nick sighed an dthen looked at her with a soft smile. "I don't know really." He said softly not joking at all. Nick was now showing his soft serious side. He didn't think Keegan deserved him being unsure about anything, she was a nice girl and he didn't think he wanted to play around with her. This side often showed when he though he shouldn't tease a girl. He rubbed his head. "I'm sorry Keegan I just don't know, your a nice girl and I don't think right now we should be dating." He crossed his arms. "I think for now... we shouldn't date, we just met I mean...stuff like this I always end up leaving the girl for another. So because I don't want you to be hurt maybe....just being friends might suit us better." He didn't add for now because he didn't want her hanging on that they would be back together, he was unsure of that. "I know i'm a pretty bad boyfriend but I hear I'm a great friend. I'm not all bad I guess. I mean it's not like I don't have feelings."
Keegan nodded, partly understanding him. "Ok" she said with a smile "I understand" she said "Thanks for not letting me get hurt." she said with a little smirk. She punched his shoulder "So, what do you want to do; stay down here, or dry off up at the room?" she asked "either is fine with me" she added. She splashed Nick's face with the lake's cool water, then giggled.

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