As it All Started...

Flower looks at him and then blinks. "Well my hair was a very light blond in the first place....besides you can't say it doesn't suit me." she said and then looked at Hunter who was yawning loudly. She smiled and petted hunter. " want to drop the puppy off first?" She asked him. She smiled at him and then looked as Hunter started sniffing about. However Hunter didn't go to far from Flower.

Alicia looks at him and then nods. "Oh ok." She said and then jerked as momo jumped right on her stomach. She picked the puppy up groaning a bit. "That...hurt." she said and then held momo up above her face. "That was mean." She said and then nuzzled her nose on the puppy's went nose. She giggled as Momo licked her nose. "You're so cute." She said and then set momo down rubbing his belly.

Nick shrugs. "Fine....but don't say I didn't warn you." He said and then turned her head sneaking a kiss. he held it for a bit and then pulled back with the biggest most sneakest grin on his face. He looks at her and then winks before getting up and dusting off his pants. He moved away not wanting to get slapped, if she was going to slap him.
Keegan looked up at Nick. She smiled and stood up, standing next to him; she took his hand and took a step close to him. She looked into his eyes and smiled "And why did you warn me?" She asked "I enjoyed that" she admitted with a smile. Keegan returned his semi-long kiss and then pulled away.

Dylan smiled at Alicia. He looked at his wrist watch and said "I think I might head to the fields" he said to Alicia "So you want to come, or stay here?" He asked. Dylan whistled for Willow to stumble her way across the wood flooring to the side of Dylan's bed.
Nick looks at her and then smirks. "I see that." He said and chuckled. He winked at her and then put his hands into his pockets. "Now about my score of being not so bad?" He asked and leaned in, he lightly grabbed her chin smirking down at her.

Deathwish looked up. He suddenly wanted to hit Nick. He sat up glaring at the door. (lol)

Nick looks at her and then pushed her hair behind her ear. Just because he was acting this way towards her now doesn't mean he won't go and flirt with another girl. Nick was a great friend...but not the most trustworthy boyfriend.
Keegan looked up at Nick. She smiled and thought "You are as good as me" she told him with a giggle. She ran her tingers up and down his arm; she was completely sure she could feel his strength flowing through his body.
Nick looks at her and then chuckles. He shakes his head. "I can accept that I guess." he suddenly jumped as Deathwish slammed the door when he had opened it. It was clear nick was afraid as Deathwish walked up almost with the intent to murder nick. Nick looked at his taller much more scary twin brother. "D-Deathwish." he said nervously.
Keegan jumped when Deathwish slammed the door. She looked at Nick and then to Jake, she was more scared of Jake than Nick. She could feel goosebumps rising on her skin, and she felt as if something was going to happen that very minute.
Deathwish looks at nick. "Are you really going to do this again?" he asked and then suddenly smacked nick hard on he back of his head. He looked at Keegan and then crossed his arms. As nick got back up Deathwish looked at him. Nick looks at him and glares. "A little harsh?!" he yelled at him and then rubs his head.
Keegan looked at Nick, then Jake. She was scared now Going to do what again? She asked herself. She normally would have been too scared to stand up for Nick, but she was puting her trust him him as she cleare her throat. She quickly thought about what to say, she shook her towards Jake "Listen Nick may have a rough past with girls, but that doesn't bother me. No matter what you say, I won't listen; I like Nick for who he is; imperfections and all" she said with a stern face "You have no control over his relationships, he does" she said looking at Jake, and walking back to Nick and took his hand in hers, and squeezed it as if to say "Believe me, I do"
Nick smiles sheepishly. He looks at Deathwish how looks at her and then walks up. Nick looks as Deathwish puts his hand on Keegan. deathwish looked Keegan in the eyes. "Then trust him...I do hope for your sake he doesn't do what he normaly does." He looks at Nick and then back at Keegan. He looked at Nick and then crossed his arms headed headed for the door. "I've had enough girls slapping me because they mistake me for him. All of them left nail scratches. My name is Jake by the way....everyone calls me Deathwish." He said and then looked back at her.
Keegan returned his look, she still had the same expression on her face. She raised her eyebrows and nodded "I hope that doesn't happen.." She said softly "What a fitting name" she said boldly. She took her eyes from him, then back at Nick; Keegan hoped he realized how much she liked him. Keegan waited for Deathwish to leave; when he did she turned to Nick and hugged him. She stayed in the hug and looked up at him.
Nick swallows. " fitting but he's really nice." He said and then rubs his head. He looks away and then doesn't look back at her. He suddenly was seriously put off. Deathwish nearly scared him and gave him a heart attack. He looks at her and then smiles. He looks at her and then slowly put his arms around her. He didn't know what to do now. She knows he's the player type and yet....he swallowed trying to figure out what to do. If he kept this act up....he'd start feeling bad.
Keegan pulled out of the hug and looked up at him. She slid her hand to his cheek, and looked into his eyes "What's the matter?" She asked. She had a feeling it was about his past with girls and his 'player' status. She didn't care about his past, she knew she east perfect and neither was he.
Nick looks at her and then blinks. He wraps his arm around her and then suddenly pulled her in close. "Nothing." He said and then looks at her chuckling. He suddenly spun her around and then pulled back. He caught her before she fell. "So shall we take a walk? I need to walk off the creepiness of my brother." He said and then looked down at her.
Keegan smiled, and placed her hands on his shoulders when he pulled her back. She smiled and giggled "I think we shall take a walk" she said with a smirk. Keegan pulled herself closer to Nick and kissed his oh -so - kissable lips. She pulled away and took his hand into her and smiled. Keegan ran her fingers over his knuckles.
Nick looks at her and then smiled. "Ok...." he walked towards the door and then opened it for her. He bowed as his arm swung around to point out the door. "Then this way." He said and then smiled. He was acting like a prince again. It seemed to attracted a few girls his different sides of himself. He looks at her and then waited for her to walk out the door.
Keegan giggled and pretended to curtesy. She walked out the door and looked around; she had never noticed the dense forest that was behind their rooms. She stood a few feet away from te door and waited for Nick to follow. She looked back at him and smirked.
(Wow you guys are fast. I better step up my game or be left in te dust.)

Adrian looked Flower over. She did look good like that but he couldn't get a full grasp of whether or not it suited her. "I'd have to see what you looked like with your natural hair color. Anyway, I think things look best in their original state. That's why I was against Lala getting a perm. I mean her curls are so nice, why would she want them straight? Though you don't know her so I don't even know why I'm asking you." Looking down at Mukuro, he sighed. "Yeah, I guess. Her place is this way I think."

He went up to her door and knocked. There was no answer so he kicked the door in. "I've always wanted to do that," he said with a laugh. The room was empty though, save for Hibari who was sleeping in his cage. Adrian was a little disappointed. He wanted to see this Jake guy and size him up a bbit. "I wonder where she went." He looked around a bit more before turning back to Flower. "I guess we can just find your friend." He left Mukuro on Lucy's bed and left, making sure to close the door.
Flower turned around to leave when suddenly Jake was behind her. "AH!" She yelled before she hit him on the head. "Deathwish! Don't sneek up on me like that....jerk!" She said and then put her hand over her fastly beating heart. "Geez give me a heart attack." She said and then looked up as Deathwish stared at her. "What?"

Deathwish crossed his arms. "Nothing." he said and then crossed his arms looking away. He looked at Adrian. "Who's this?" he asked and Flower smiled. "That's my roommate Adrian." She said happily and then looked back at the house. "So...that where you are living at?" She asked and Deathwish nodded. Flower looked at Adrian. "you wanted to meet this Jake guy right? Well this is him. Jake Wish....also known has Deathwish.....for good reasons." she said watching Hunter whine behind her legs.

Deathwish looked at Adrian. "Hm..." His stare at Adrian was intense and scary. He felt like he already disliked the guy. His almlost murderous intent was strongly felt. Flower stood there confused, however in Deathwish's mind he had good reason to already dislike this guy. Number one reason, he was in the same house as Flower.

Flower looks at him and then tilts her head. "Deathwish?" As she spoke Deathwish looked at her. His face softened. "Is nick here too?" Flower asked and Deathwish nodded. Flower glared. "You two show up again and you don't even tell me? Geez Jake! I didn't prepare to kick thatstupid idoit's butt!" Flower said almost a hint of a smile on Deathwish's lips.

Nick walked out and then smiled at her charmingly. "Where to?" He asked instently putting his arm around her. He looks at her and then chuckled rubbing his head. "Or do you want to just walk where ever." he asked and then looked at her with a smile.
Keegan thought "Wherever" she paused "Wherever we end up is where we were going" she stated with a smirk. She began to walk aimlessly with Nick. She looked at him, then the sky, and the terrain before them. She wondered where they would possibly end up.
(Well Adrian never really said anything . . . but okay, I guess.)

Adrian looked up at Jake. The boy gave off an aura that seemed as though it would frighten little kids. The glare on his face wasn't helping much either. There was a faint smile on Adrian's face as well. He didn't seem much of a threat. Still, to have such a brute live with his cute little Lala was unforgivable in itself. (I should say that Adrian "likes" Lucy. It could be seen as a crush but it's mostly a possessive nature.) If this Jake guy put so much as a scratch on his "baby sis", Adrian might have to eat this guy whole. Lucy may be stronger and faster than he was, but he had his own strategies to win.

Still, it was not wise to allow the enemy to see his true intentions so Adrian stepped back for a bit and raised his hands in the air. "Woah, scary dude. Looks like he could tear me limb from limb." Adrian was a good actor. Years of practice. After all, most people shied away from his true nature. He put on this smiling face just like how Lucy puts on that arrogant mask. He supposed that's why the two of them got along so well. She didn't shy from him and he understood her. No way in hell was he going to let a potential serial killer take that away from him. "I don't suppose you know where Lala is. She's your roommate, Lucy, but I call her Lala. Only I do. She doesn't like it when other people use that name. She's very possessive about it." Adrian smiled brightly.

"Night, what are you doing?"

Adrian looked over to see Lucy standing there. Her violin case was in one hand, the other was holding her shoes. He could tell from the state of her white dress that it was completely wet. It was nearly transparent. Thank god for the cardigan she was also wearing that concealed her torso. Her feet were getting muddy and her hair was dripping. The loose curls fell loose from the braid they were in when he had seen her earlier.

"L-lala, what happened?"

"I fell in the lake. You didn't answer my question."

"Oh, I was just looking for you and getting to know our little neighbors. This is quite the scary guy you live with. Doesn't he look like a killer?"

"If he were a good killer, he wouldn't look it would he? And I see. While I was racked with boredom in his place, you were busy flirting and socializing."

Lucy looked Flower up and down. This girl had bleached hair. It looked nice though. She pulled on one of her curls. It'd be nice to have straight hair like Flower did. Lucy's curls may be in fashion this year but straight hair was so much easier to manage. Okay, now tell her you like her hair, Lucy thought. "That mop you call a head of hair looks damaged and boring. You should try a fashionable style instead of simply dunking your head into some chemicals. It'd do us all a favor." Damnit, her mouth struck again. This is how she got in trouble at her old school to begin with. If she could, Lucy would just dig herself a hole and never speak again.

Adrian smirked at Lucy's comment. To think he was worried for nothing. With Lucy's mouth and personality, there was no threat of anyone even wanting to take her away from him.

(Yeah . . . Adrian and Lucy are extremely dependent on eachother. I feel bad for anyone who wants to go for them. It's going to take a while.)
Flower looks at this Lucy and then smiles. "Deathwish..." She puts a hand on his shoulder almost about to laugh. "I feel really bad for you." she said and then broke out in a laugh. "This girl has a mouth." She said and then patted his shoulder. Deathwish looks at her and then drops his head. Flower looks at Deathwish and then looks at the two of them. She rubs the back of her head. "I told your friend it was almost white to begin with it doesn't take much to color it. I don't care what you think of my hair I like it and that's that. Besides you don't look much better right now." She looked at this Lucy. She grabbed a strand of her hair. "Hmmm yeah my mop of a hair could use some work but what the heck." She shruged.

Deathwish looked at Flower and then looked at Lucy. "I wouldn't insult her more then once..." he sugested but then looked at Adrian. "As for're not making a very good impression on me...I don't like many people around flower." He said and then glared.

Flower looked at Deathwish and then lightly smacked his arm. "Come on be nice...." She looked at Lucy and then at Hunter who was standing beside her. Flower stroked Hunter's head.
Keegan thought "Wherever" she paused "Wherever we end up is where we were going" she stated with a smirk. She began to walk aimlessly with Nick. She looked at him, then the sky, and the terrain before them. She wondered where they would possibly end up.
Adrian just smiled back. "And I just don't like people. But to threaten a little girl like that isn't really going to help with your image isn't it?" All of this he said in a whisper though, inaudible to Flower or Lucy. Adrian then took his jacket off and put it over Lucy's head. "Come on. We should get you dried and into some new clothes."

Lucy looked down at her ragged appearance. It was probably best that she changed. She wasn't effected by Jake's threat. She was used to it. Rich preppy girls were very catty and spared no expense with their daily threats. Who cared if there was yet another person who hated her. Flower seemed to take it well though. She didn't seem effected by Lucy's sharp tongue. Still, Lucy was wary people who seemed nice. Beneath their masks, they all hated her.

"I should probably go take a shower."

Adrian smiled and jokingly added, "Maybe we should bathe together like we did as kids. What about it, Lala?"

Even though he was joking, Lucy elbowed him in the stomach. Her eyes were filled with disgust. "Don't even joke about that sort of thing, Night. Hateful pervert." She then ran into her house, slamming and locking the door behind her.

Adrian burst out into laughter. She was embarrassed. He looked up from his hunched position to look at Flower and Jake. "So I take it you two know eachother?" He laughed softly to himself. It was clear that this Jake guy had a thing for Flower. But as long as his feelings were preoccupied with her, he wouldn't even look twice at Lucy. The grin on his face was hard to find.

Lucy came out shortly. Her hair was still wet and in a side ponytail. She had on a gray hoodie, white button down blouse with a black cami underneath, and black shorts to match. She went up to Adrian and tugged on his sleeve. "I'm done now."

Adrian knew that code as well. She was bored. He again turned to the others. "Well, do you guys have any big plans for tonight? If so, Lala and I can just go shopping by ourselves. The shops along the way here seemed interesting."
Flower raised an eyebrow at Adrian. "Does he remind you of Nick?" She asked and Jake nodded. Flower looks up at Jake who looked at her with worry. Flower glared. "Oh stop that....I'll be fine you over protective dog." She said and crossed her arms. She looked at Adrian and Lucy. "No not really." she said and then looked as Jake looked away. Flower sighed. "Deathwish..." She pleaded with him.

Jake looks at Flower as she sighed. "Fine I'll go....I just wanted to finish my book is all." He said and then looked at Adrian and Lucy. He crossed his arms and then looked away. "I just got to the best part where the killer finds the last victom..." He drops his head. "I was going to polish my guns too." He said and then looked as Flower elbowed him in the ribs. He grabbed his ribs and then stumbled. " hit ....that hard?" He said trying to catch his breath.

Flower held up a fist with a smirk. "I could punch you in the face with you preferr....what are you trying to do....scare them have to death? How did you even sneak those in here, I thought they didn't want you to bring those here?" She asked and Deathwish didn't answer. Flower let out a deep sigh. She cracked her knuckles and then punched him in the face. Deathwish fell like a giant.

Jake looks at Flower and thne wipes his face. He slowly got back up and then crossed his arms. "That was harsh." He said and then rubbed his face. "You hit hard didn't hold back that time." He looked at Adrian as if to say that's what you'll be going through. Although that was a bluff. Flower would never hit someone else like that.

Flower chuckles. "Don't worry, he's just being a baby today. Deathwish and I have a......understanding. It hardly hurts him." She said and Deathwish sighed, there goes his bluff. Flower saw Nick comming around the corner. She glared her gaze turning deadly. Deathwish looks at Flower and then at his twin brother.

Nick looks at her and then smiled. "I don't know." He said and then looked and saw Flower. His eyes widen and then he smirks evily. "Oh look who's here." He looks at Flower and then walks over almost forgetting Keegan. "An old friend." he said.
Keegan looked up at him, then to the girl a few meters infront of them. She nodded and followed Nick, not very close, but a decent arms length away. She could feel tension in the air, a feeling she was so used to, it didn't bug her at all. She pulled some of her hair behind her ear and then scratched her forehead.

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