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Fandom ╔════════════╗ As it all fell ╚════════════╝ [Apocalypse Au Bokuaka rp!!]

He smile and nodded,slowly starting to cut his hair. after a few minutes. he put the scissors down and looked at him. ‘How does that look or feel?’
He smile proudly,glad to help his friend and nodded,not noticing or hearing the nickname. ‘Ur welcome Kaashi! glad to help!’
‘Dunno and oh- i might have accidentally cutted ur shirt.. i’m sorry.’ He sigh as he putted the scissors in his bag. ‘And you don’t have to cook,i can try to find a can of something around here.’
Bokuto nodded and snickered alittle. ‘Pft,if you want i can give you a better shirt then that!’
He nod and smiled slightly,watching him fix his shirt and listened to him hum. he kinda got lost in his mind and wasn’t listening to anything.
The boy shook his head,getting pit of his trance then layed his head against the wooden wall. ‘So. what should we do now? we can go to that cabin you were talking about if you want.’
‘Hm. we can ask each other questions about us?’ He turn his head and smiled,sitting up and he crossed his legs to get into a comfortable sitting position.
He smile and nodded. he think to himself for a question then looked at him. ‘Did you have any other pets before this thing happened and before Vican?’
‘Wow! thats cool! i always wanted a cat.’ He sigh then looked out the window. ‘I had a dog and a rabbit. they were amazing. the dog was actually a service dog for my mom but i don’t think she made it through this..’ He frown as he remembered his dog friend
The owl head looked at him and slightly smiled. ‘Its fine. i just hope she’s in a better place or if she is still out there. i hope someone is taking well care of her and you do?.. did you lose someone or a pet too?.’ He turn his head slightly.
‘Oh.. i’m sorry about ur sister. she’s in a better place now.’ He put his hand on his to try to comfort him. ‘Vican is a nice owl,i’m glad he helps you.’ He smile slightly,letting him lean on him.
He nod and smiled again. ‘I just hope this ends soon tho. its already to disgusting for me to watch now..’ He sighed then looked at his hand and quickly moved it. ‘Oh- i’m sorry about that- i should have asked..’
He smile and putted a jacket over him,he look out the window as he watched a few zombies go by. nothing new much then yesterday night.
He yawn,another night without rest. he look over at him and smiled. ‘Oh good morning Kaashi! how did you sleep?’ He sit up and stretched.
‘Thats good!’ He smile again then scratched his neck,laughing nervously. ‘Uh- i kinda didn’t sleep last night..’ He close his eyes as he giggled slightly.
He shake his head and sat up. ‘I’m good! i don’t need to sleep! i’m not even that tired!’ He smile as he got into a more comfortable sitting position.
He nod. ‘i will! i will probably sleep after all these zombies move away and go somewhere else.’ He watch as some of the zombies walking around at the base of the tree.
He look at him and turned his head. ‘What happened to your wrist,if you don’t mind me asking.. i have some bandages you can use.’ He grab his bag and pulled out a roll of bandages and handed it to him.
‘Oh. well i’m glad ur okay.’ He smile alittle then looked into his bag. ‘Would you like some pain medicine so its doesn’t hurt as much?.’
‘You sure? if you ever need something to stop pain for a while,feel free to grab it from my bag.’ He smile brightly
He smile then frowned whenever Akaashu started biting his lip again. he get up and putted a hand on Akaashi’s face. ‘Kaashi,you can hurt urself from biting ur lip..’
‘But still,it could bruise ur lip and make it swollen..’ He frown as he moved his hand away. ‘Just don’t bite ur lip to hard..’
‘Yea kinda. i kinda used to much hair gel during my second year of high school so it just stayed like that till now’ He smile and laughed slightly
‘Pft yea we haven’t. have any other questions? i got none’ He laugh as he hugged his knees.
‘I was a good friends with a few! i was very good friends with Nekoma’s captain.’ He smile ‘He was a very good friend.’

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