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Fantasy Arystace V0.175


Alice, the Gloombringer
View attachment 72416 Dear Citizen of Planet Arystace


Subject: What would you do if you woke up one day, and the world you knew had entirely changed?

Listen up, this planet's changed and we're doing our best to tell the people about it now, before all is lost. I'm writing to tell you that your body if you look at yourself in a mirror will be changed, even if it's just slightly. These changes are no mistake of ours, but by the same token we are responsible for solving them. You've likely obtained powers far beyond your human grasp after the fall of the Immortal comet last night, passing over us for the first time in ten thousand years; also be careful, as those powers are deadly to everything and everyone around you. Using your powers too much is unsafe for now, as we know little about this, but we are taking action against the ones responsible for this, as well as against those who take advantage of this new power for bandit like purposes. I advise you to do one of three things, and they are as follows.

- Gather a group and try to survive the treachery that is sure to result from this.

- Head to a staffed facility with military, security, or enforcement personnel; preferably a combination of the above.

- Discouraged option it may be, but if you can't do anything else, then live a normal life, but be very careful.

Now, as you're well aware, you're in grave danger. I cannot give away my location, the reason for which I cannot say. I caution you to listen to your instincts, because logic is completely gone now. Nothing that life on planet Arystace has ever taught you about what should be possible applies anymore. I could only get this letter to a few people, but I hope you will be inspired by it to save those who can't fight like you. I have faith in you, young one.

~ Regards, Alice

[ Country of Almylias ][ Continent: Aliniyr ]


City of Cromitus

The City of Cromitus is well known for its low crime rates and fresh air. The pollution has never been a big issue, nor has any criminal activity, as people have always been kind, working side by side within this city. Many consider it the most peaceful place on Arystace. Cromitus is also known for being the most peacefully enforced, and the fourth wealthiest city on the continent. Cromitus is a city that spans approximately 160 kilometers, or 99.4 miles in length from east to west, and approximately 92 kilometers, or 57.2 miles in width from north to south.

Additionally, Cromitus has very advanced technological equipment, as well as one of the largest airports in the entire world. Cromitus has a moderately large police station, and a very well reputed fire department. The city is almost devoid of homelessness too, as people who are homeless are oftentimes taken in by other citizens due to the kindness they allow themselves to give to others. Cromitus is known to have meetings in the city hall more than any other city on the continent.

Furthermore, Cromitus is situated at the heart of the Aliniyr continent, in the Western part of the world. Cromitus is the middle part of the continent, and is surrounded by forest on both its northern and western side. The southern side of the city leads to a desert, and the temperatures within this desert can be harsh, though not as harsh as frequent sandstorms that have blown through since the change in our world. The eastern side of the city leads to a mountain range, with the eastern coastline for the continent just beyond that mountain.

Lastly, the city believes the party at fault for this new world to be the gods who are far stronger than us in the forms we've newly acquired. The city has a very positive outlook on this situation, because it firmly believes in the good of all that exists. Mayor Toby Falcon would likely welcome these new gods in a heartbeat if he could be sure they were kind. Falcon, who's been in politics for only 4 years, is a very young man who is now at the head of the municipal government formed within the city. Falcon is known to be very handsome, have blue eyes, brown hair, and little to no facial hair at any given time; he has a slim, muscular body to match this too. Toby Falcon believes strongly in the fact that you should never judge a book before its cover, being very generous, and kind to people; even known to be particularly brave for a politician. The city has a very youthful, kind spirit overall, and has no negativity towards this new transformation of people.

Leader: Toby Falcon

Leader Household: Black walled mansion, four stories high with iron barred windows the house also has a little known secret passage that goes underground to Toby Falcon's personal room. Toby Falcon's personal room is believed to contain a top secret set of vehicles, weapons, and other things that he finds useful. He has a lawn that takes about half a kilometer of space, but he doesn't believe in making it any larger because government money should not be spent for his happiness alone, or so he says to those working alongside him. His mansion is constantly guarded by about 10 employed guards who live their part time.

Danger Level: 1.5/10

Population: 1.552,722

Notable Locations: One, the place has a world famous airport. Two, the city has a well known zoo. Three, the city has a well known farmhouse at the northern tip of the city, hosting a friendly pumpkin picking event before Halloween each year. Four, the city has a famed amusement park.

History: Cromitus was built in 1445, and is a relatively new city in terms of the duration for which it existed. The city of Cromitus began as a colony of people sent from Augon to inhabit the area, and make some kind of life there. People built stone structures such as castles and houses, living within them in prosperity. Cromitus was an amazingly peaceful place throughout history, even in its own walls. The first leader of Cromitus was a man known as Jack Cromate, very generous and kind to his people. Jack would always act on his beliefs, and he would work very hard for his people, regardless of the situation. Jack married a lady by the name of Anne Lendon, gave his life defending a common peasant in 1482, and was known by locals as a true hero for accomplishing this. Jack's last words to the peasant were reportedly passed down through generations of that peasant's family, never told to the people outside of the direct bloodline.

Jack's castle is said to have been buried underground by some of his former servants after his death. To this very day, the castle remains undiscovered, but it is a common rumor that the castle still exists. Lee Cromitus held his father's sword he once wielded during his reign from 1482 to 1540 was Lee Cromate, Jack's son. Lee followed his father' dream, and lived in a luxurious home instead of occupying a castle. Lee always helped the poor within his community, and trained soldiers himself to fight. Lee was known to be a hero, fighting off groups of men with harmful intent, and doing so using only his father's sword. Lee Cromate was finally slain by a black knight in 1540 as he defended his town. Cromitus's history gets a little foggy here, as nobody knows what the knight did after defeating Lee. Lee's sword was buried with him according to historical records, though nobody has been able to find him, nor prove this is true.

The third leader of Cromitus, from 1540 to 1549 was a daughter to Lee's best friend, Marco Vanroi. Adalyn Vanroi took control of Cromitus as Lee had wished, and drove the black knight off with Lee's sword. It is quite possible the Adalyn, aged 15 at the time had fatally wounded the black knight, and this is why he was never heard from again. Adalyn is said to have gained a sudden burst of strength, one far beyond human and attacked the black knight at the sight of Lee dead in her father Marco's arms. Adalyn Vanroi is the greatest swordsman that ever lived, according to the history of Cromitus. Reports say she was capable of slaying 20 men attacking her at once with her single hand and a common sword.

Adalyn was feared, and for good reason, but she was loved by children because she was oftentimes extremely kind, bringing them presents too. Adalyn Vanroi lead her people with strength, and courage as the previous leaders had held. Rumor has it that she could lift a 2000 pound object with her two arms, and run for an hour straight. She was like a horse with her endless amount of stamina, and like a tiger in terms of her strength. There was never a lucky man to marry her, or have her heart, and any who tried were quickly taken out of the castle or stabbed by her sword. Adalyn lived a solitary life, leading from the shadows, and rumor has it that only her little sister has ever heard her real voice, as nobody has heard her speak to give a single order. Adalyn's little sister was the only one to speak for her when it came to giving orders.

Adalyn was also known to have a beautiful singing voice, said by her sister to be so beautiful that it could only be the voice of a goddess. Adalyn was a mystery, and was loved by men for it, though they were all afraid of her. Adalyn whipped the town's men into shape with her sword, and had them trained by her sister who was a decent swordsman too. Melissa, Adalyn's sister, was known to be inconceivably skilled at wielding a bow, and she could hit a target at well over 1000 feet away, not missing the center by an inch. Melissa could also spot, and identify people at distances of two kilometers according to reports. Melissa served alongside Adalyn for many years, but Adalyn one day ran away in the year 1547, aged 22 at the time, and never came back without any explanation. Melissa, when asked, said she would only tell General Cherche Demorique, and when the general came she said that Adalyn had said the voices were calling her. When the general inquired further, and asked as to why she specifically had been called, Melissa said that Adalyn had not only told her a goddess was asking her to go somewhere, but that she also specifically wanted to crown Cherche the queen after she was gone. Cherche was stunned, but too kind to turn down the throne, she took it in her former Lord's name.

Cherche reigned from 1547 to 1570. Cherche had began as a knight at the age of 13, and by the time she was 16 she was a general. Cherche was one of the best soldiers that Adalyn had ever known, and Cherche was given the throne at age 18. Cherche was particularly talented in her spear wielding, as she one day discovered, and so she practiced with it during her rule. For about a year, Cherche trained with Melissa's guidance before Cherche finally got into her first fight with 3 armed men, all wielding swords, and all well armored. Cherche used her spear to kill all three men in a matter of 7 seconds, according to historical records. Later in her years Cherche began to dual wield spears, and was known to be terrifying in combat. Cherche was also amazing when it came down to military decision making, and she would always be one step ahead of her opponent. In 1555, when a settlement of 150 bandits outside of the village stormed into it, Cherche lead her men along with Melissa into battle. Cherche and Melissa worked together, and they struck down 50 men before Melissa was badly wounded by the leader of the enemy group. Cherche dove in to save Melissa, and killed the man instantly, but the damage was done, Melissa bleeding out slowly. Her final words to Cherche remain unknown to this day, and likely will for all time.

After Melissa's death, Cherche began to have constant nightmares, seeing Melissa killed over and over again, seeing her mistress Lord Adalyn come back to her in an enraged state over the loss, even seeing herself in Melissa's shoes. Cherche's best friend, a Paladin known simply as John Criscund, had been by her side since her childhood, and now began to comfort her during this sad period of her reign. Cherche became mildly corrupt, and was angry at the world, always beating up anyone who dared to talk badly about Melissa or cause harm to another with no reason. Cherche was very violent, and people now more feared, than respected her. Crime rates rose, Cherche began to kill criminals, and the town became a war zone.

Many years later in 1560, when Cherche had turned 30, she finally began to see what she had done, and as such she went to the local church, then begging for forgiveness of her lord for failing her. Cherche is said to have heard Lord Adalyn's voice within the walls of the church, and it is said that those words changed her forever. Once she walked out of that church, she was kind to people, less brutal, and she began to fight for the cause that her mistress Adalyn had fought for. Cherche was a leader on the throne, and she developed an underground cave, rather than a castle for herself to live within.

In 1570, Cherche had reached the age of 40, and her body began to break down. Cherche insisted that her friend, paladin John Criscund kill her with a single fatal stab, and that the next town leader would be he who was most worthy to Paladin John Criscund. John was reluctant, and insistent on not stabbing her, so she tried to talk him into it, to which he had still said no. In the end she walked over to the ledge on the second story balcony of John's house, stood on it, and said her final words to John before stabbing herself, plunging to her death. Cherche's body was buried within the cave she owned, and it was completely caved in by her former servants to prevent grave robbers from finding it or accessing it.

In 1570, Paladin John Criscund chose Raphael Magrande as king of Cromitus, who reigned from 1570 to 1606. This decision would later turn out to be a big mistake, though nobody had guessed this at the time. Raphael Magrande passed many laws that allowed criminals to more easily operate, and began to hurt people who dared to speak out against him. Raphael was a brutal man, and he was extremely talented in wielding an axe. Raphael and his axe would constantly be seen on the battlefield, taking down anyone that dared to get in his way. Raphael had John Criscund executed in 1577 for attempting to assassinate him, and he laughed as soldiers burned the Paladin's body. People were scared, and didn't dare to go out at night, as Raphael was extremely well known for having his knights terrorize the city in the dark hours of the day.

Years later, in 1606, Raphael, now aged 58 approaching the end of his rule, told his men one day to burn down the city so that he could die ruler forever. When they attempted to do this, they did not succeed, and only one of them made it back alive. Raphael called this soldier in, and he appeared to be in shock, screaming as he wailed that it was her. The soldier cried as he said she had returned; that she was here to take revenge. Raphael got up off his throne, picked up his axe, and walked outside to find a slender looking woman in a cloak raising her twin spears to him. He asked who she was, and all that she reportedly said was "Your worst nightmare." before he charged at her with his axe, taking a swing for her neck. Before he had finished his swing, she was already behind him, spear in his back as he fell. She infiltrated the castle killing everyone who served Raphael. The one soldier who survived that incident said she had emerald green eyes, and long brown hair, eerily matching the description of Cherche Demorique, yet reports say that she appeared to only be about 21 years old when she appeared.

The next leader of Cromitus was Isaac Calacios, reigning from 1606 to 1627. Isaac took the throne at the age of 22, and began to rebuild Cromitus from the ground up after Raphael's reign. Isaac was a kind young man, having no particularly special skills other than his charm. Isaac was extremely well known for being easy to trust, and love. He treated everyone he met fairly, and empowered them with words alone oftentimes. Isaac began to focus on rebuilding many aging houses in the city, having them torn down and rebuilt, citizens living within his own house during the renovation of their households.

Isaac was known to be an active leader, and a hard working one, but unlike leaders before him he focused on the outside world a bit more. Isaac developed a stronger trade community to connect Cromitus to Gigaria, and to Augon. Isaac sent many of his strongest soldiers along with the traders to guard them, and he was very unconcerned about war, or otherwise violent things Isaac began to expand Cromitus towards the outside world, and he even successfully reconnected it to Augon. Multiple people attempted to assassinate Isaac, preferring a warlike leader to a peaceful one, but they all failed until finally, in 1627, Isaac was poisoned at one of his meals, and never woke up from his sleep that night.

Gordon Rohauss took over Cromitus at the age of 31 in 1627, and his reign lasted from 1627 to 1642. Cromitus was a married man with wife Harli Garvade, as well as kids John and Lucy Rohauss. John was a bitter man with a negative outlook on life, while Lucy was a very optimistic and kind young lady towards everyone. Gordon Rohauss focused on developing brick housing for the city of Cromitus, and he also worked towards training the army better. Gordon Rohauss constantly worked with the soldiers, even added muskets to the military arsenal, the musket having been invented by Jonah Myulon, a man in southern Cromitus.

Gordon trained the army to use a new ranking system as well, and it was highly successful in this system of ranking that he had created, so the army kept it. He then sent soldiers out with loaded muskets to the other cities to show them the weapons, and get them mass produced all over the continent. Gordon had don all of this in a little over a decade, and in 1642 he was shot fatally by a musket wielding bandit. Gordon's wife was shot in the heart, and Gordon was shot in the head as the children screamed on the morning of 8/5/1642. The mother said her last words to the children, and passed away, telling them that there was a hidden treasure somewhere that their father had stored.

After the bandit had fled, Gordon's children married each other, and became the rulers of Cromitus as a pair. During this time, they changed it so that John Rohauss was the town's mayor. Mayor John Rohauss ruled Cromitus while his sister went searching for the lost treasure, never to be seen again. John ruled from 1642 to 1650, living a long life. When his sister did not return, he resigned from elected office in 1650 to go looking for her, passing one more law that would force the city to choose mayors from that day forward. John left the town, and was never seen again.

History Log Complete - 100%


City of Augon

The City of Augon is well known for being a place where you're either wealthy or poor. People are somewhat highly generous, but there are still many homeless citizens out there. On another note, the criminal activity is on the rise in this city, and it has always been about average in terms of this before the change within this world. Criminals are pursued by an overly paid police force that does not always get the job done due to the sheer number of criminals.

Argon is the second wealthiest city on the continent, and is known for being clean despite the crime rates. Argon is approximately 250, or 155.3 miles across in length from east to west, and 220 kilometers, or 136.7 miles wide. The city is also known for having large ships and coastline access. Argon is technologically somewhat old fashioned, but modern enough to pass as a somewhat average city.

Argon is over the mountains to the east of Cromitus, and can be found at the eastern side of the Aliniyr continent. Cromitus is surrounded by mountains on both the north, and western sides of the city. Cromitus also has an active volcano that is overlooking the northern side of town; and a forest, as well as a 8000 foot mountain climb between town and that volcano. This particular city is far enough east that a hurricane is able to hit it once every so often.

Lastly, Argon is ruled by Samantha Miora, one of the 20 richest people in the world. Samantha has blonde hair growing down beyond her shoulders, and owns a guard dog; a German Shepard who is known to be particularly vicious. Samantha is a girly girl, and isn't afraid to show it to others; though extremely mean as well. Samantha is lawfully evil, mean to people within a somewhat morally acceptable limit. Samantha also believes these new godlike beings that have come to our planet along with the powers we've inherited are evil, and as such should not be welcomed at all. Samantha does what she has to do, and isn't always nice, but by the same token she does care about saving lives when she needs to. The city she runs reflects her personality, and is very tough, but still remains somewhat kind. Argon is one tough town, and many people know it.

Leader: Samantha Miora

Leader Household: White walled mansion with a kilometer of yard space. Her windows are not barred, as she doesn't believe in it, and her mansion is believe to house a security dog that stays by her at all times when she's out of the house. If that's not enough for you, then she also has about 25 security guards on the premises at any given time.

Danger Level: 4.5/10

Population: 6,771,659

Notable Locations: One, the city has a world famous biosphere complex that houses wild animals, and acts as its own ecosystem. Two, the city has a recreation center known around many parts of the continent. Three, the city has an extremely large, world class mall known for being downright beautiful. Four, the city has a volcano north of the city, one that is known for being the highest volcanic peak on Aliniyr.

History: Augon was built in 801, and is the second oldest city on Aliniyr. Augon's first leader was Kaiden Aughone, who ruled from 801 to 806. Kaiden was a very lawful, but also very cruel leader. Kaiden organized the people and built the city in 801, but made a very clear financial gap between the rich and the poor. There were six small castles, a seventh large castle, and many houses constructed across the city. Kaiden lived within the largest of the castles, looking down on his people constantly as he would have his men take orders throughout the streets. Kaiden did not go outside unless he needed to speak to his people, and often invited the 6 rich families from the other castles over for dinner. Together these families ran the city of Augon, and they did not care if anyone else disliked it.

Kaiden called a meeting of the 6 families in 806, and suggested sending someone to speak with the Gigarian leader. When nobody else was brave enough to speak with the Gigarian leader it was decided that Kaiden himself would travel to Gigaria, and so he prepared himself that night for the trip that would follow. Kaiden was feeding his horse that night when a mysterious man came up to him and asked if he was going to Gigaria tomorrow. Kaiden did not know how this men knew what he did, and he ordered the guards to arrest the man, and interrogate him. When the guards arrested him, he wouldn't speak, and simply laughed when they used a knife to cut open his arm. Once they realized this man would not talk, they patched him up and let him go, Kaiden deciding to go to sleep for that night.

The next morning, Kaiden departed for Gigaria on horseback, and the leader of the second most powerful family took over Kaiden's duties for the time being. Kaiden knew that the Gigarian leaders had a reputation for being mysterious and at times fierce, so he was a bit nervous about this trip despite suggesting it himself. Kaiden rode through the wilderness for three day, and he finally reached Gigaria in the evening on the third day. Kaiden walked through the town, and asked people to point him in the direction of their leader, with many people replying very politely as they gave him directions that allowed him to locate the leader of Gigaria.

Kaiden reaching the Gigarian queen's house, and rang the bell, only to be answered by an absolutely beautiful woman, the likes of which he had never seen before. She invited him in, and the two talked over coffee at the kitchen table for two hours straight, securing not only an alliance, but each others hearts too. Kaiden returned with her to Augon bearing news of this alliance, and had promised the Gigarian queen his return. Kaiden put his right hand man, Adam Eleen in charge of Augon, riding off to Gigaria to live with the queen, ruling by her side.

Adam was an amazing leader in Augon, reigning from 806 to 846. Adam was 20 at the time he took the throne, and he ran Augon quite peacefully compared to Kaiden. Adam was a little more fair towards the poor, and even started a project to build better housing for them. Adam was well liked, and displayed kindness in every way he could, even talking to Kaiden, as well as the Gigarian queen during his rule a few times.

Adam, once he had reached the age of 30 saw the completion of the project that improved the living conditions for the poor, and so he now worked on the poverty by getting people to run farms at the north end of the city near the forest. These farms turned out to be somewhat successful, and cured some of the poverty these people were facing, but it didn't completely stop it. Adam then started a charity to give to the poor, which the rich families participated in a bit, as a taxation of sorts, proving to be highly successful this time.

One Adam reached the age of 40 in 826, he began to invest in the city military, and recruited many knights to the force, all of which he trained to fight by himself. Assembling his army, Adam quickly capitalized on his new resource, and used it to guard the city, as well as his castle. At the age of 42, in 828, Adam heard from a citizen coming to his castle that bandits were attacking the village, and so he dispatched his knights to kill the attackers or drive them off. Though multiple knights perished, the plan was successful, and the attackers were driven off quite quickly.

In 636, at the age of 50, Adam now had a strong military, and the economy was boom. People hailed Adam as leader of the millennium, and called him a hero. Adam was loved, the 6 families not as supportive of him anymore, though compliant, and the people outside of the wealthy class adored him. In 839, a rider on horseback told Adam that Gigaria was at war, and required his assistance. Adam sent half of his military to Gigaria to support them, and had the other half focus more on guardian the castle to make up for lost manpower.

Two months later, Adam' soldiers came riding back alongside the Gigarian queen herself with good news, saying that they had won the war. Adam was pleased, and the queen of Gigaria stayed overnight before heading back to Gigaria for her husband who was waiting. That evening Adam sat down with one of the Gigarian soldiers who had stayed behind instead of going back, and the two had a particularly unusual conversation, this Gigarian woman truly coming to like Adam's personality despite their age difference. This lady, by the name of Hannah Josetta soon became the head general in Adam's army, and his best friend. Hannah sat down with Adam often, and the two talked about anything, everything they could think to talk about.

In 841 tensions began to rise as the six families became less happy with Adam, and he knew it, so he sat down with Hannah one morning to have a very special talk, requesting that she be his bodyguard for the time being. Hannah accepted this job as his best friend, and she protected him from multiple would be assassins, even killing about 3 of the 5 assassins that attacked him within the next 5 years. Finally, in 846, one assassin tried to kill Adam, and when Hannah tried to stop him he wounded her badly. Adam saw his best friend about to die, and so he took the strike himself, holding the blade that was impaled in his chest long enough for Hannah to kill the man. As Hannah looked at her dying friend he called her close, and uttered a few dying words to her. Rumors say that the two even kissed at that moment, and Adam passed away, leaving Hannah as queen of Augon.

Hannah reigned queen of Augon, her rule lasting from 846 to 888. Hannah was a noble woman, and she took the throne aged 24. Hannah was a strategist who rarely talked. A bandit city had begun to form to the west of Augon where modern day Cromitus is now, and this bandit city was seeming a potential threat to continental stability too.

History Log Complete - 13%


City of Lensieg

The City of Lensieg is well known for having many street gangs, and for housing citizens that tend to trust few people, if any. Lensieg has a fairly corrupt police force, some officers even taking bribes from gang members to stay quiet. This particular city is known to be especially dirty, though being moderately wealthy; not all that poor, not all that rich. Lensieg is known to have a military base owned by the continent's government, and it is not uncommon for the base to send vehicles as powerful as armored personnel carriers to stop criminals within the town.

Lensieg is neither very wealthy, nor very poor. Lensieg is extremely dangerous, especially with the high frequency of criminal activity. Lensieg has somewhat old fashioned technology within the city, though the same does not hold true of the military base nearby. Lensieg is approximately 150 kilometers, or 93.2 miles across in length from west to east, and 125 kilometers, or 77.7 miles wide from north to south.

Lensieg is located in the Northern part of the continent, past the forest found north of Cromitus. Lensieg is somewhat remote, and is incredibly cold in the winter due to the fact that it is in a valley. The higher end of town is on the hillside, or atop the valley, where the house of the town's political leader can be found.

Lensieg is ruled by Jake Phoenix, possibly the world's coolest ruler. He is very carefree, and is generally kind according to the people, but for some reason he also can be seen wearing a black vest oftentimes; as opposed to proper government attire. Phoenix is known for these good things, but there are some rumors circulating about him being a powerful man within the town's most powerful gang. Jake also believes that the godlike beings appearing around the world since the incident are neither good nor evil, and he will meet them with hostility or kindness depending on their actions. The town reflects Jake somewhat, but the citizens are very rarely able to trust people.

Leader: Jake Phoenix

Leader Household: Silver, black, and red palace with 75 heavily armored guards at all times. The guards are dressed in palace colors, and the palace has heavily barred windows with metal shutters throughout the place, and a frontal lawn about two kilometers in length. Jake is said to keep an underground cache of supplies too, but nobody can confirm that.

Danger Level: 8.2/10

Population: 1,749,221

Notable Locations: One, the city has a mine known for having many kinds of rare gems. Two, the city has a diner known for being a world famous place for class, and gang hangouts. Three, the city has a cave near town that goes 25000 feet underground, made by the comet crash. Four, the city has a very well established museum. Five, the city has an extremely powerful military base at the command of Jake Phoenix.

History: ???

History Log Complete - 0%


City of Elhiedan

The City of Elhiedan is located at the northern tip of Aliniyr, on the edge of the continent close to the arctic. Elhiedan is completely isolated, even more than Lensieg. Elhiedan is a very comfortable place that is warm indoors. Elhiedan is located in arctic climate, where it can reach temperatures cold enough to freeze a man within one minute of being outside. This could be a problem in the winter, but during the summer everyone is outdoors, even if it's a rather chilly place. Elhiedan is also a city that seals itself off from the outside in the winter with a biosphere that keeps the city much warmer than the frozen climate beyond it.

Elhiedan is a very technologically advanced city, and is surrounded by arctic cliff side, making it almost inaccessible to most people. Elhiedan is completely free of crime, completely clean, and is known to punish any criminal activity with death. Elhiedan is very trusting of people, the reason being that they know you'll die if you even try to go against their city. Elhiedan's people are well armed at all times, and if you mess with them you'll learn just how well they're trained in the use of these arms. Elhiedan's people are forced to take combat training courses within their life, and learn to operate most types of weapons within the city.

The city is an amazing 300 kilometers, or 186.4 miles across in length from east to west, and 300 kilometers, or 186.4 miles wide from north to south. The city's equal length and width across make the territory an almost perfect square area. The city is so large, yet has a very small population, thus meaning that less people are spread over a wider area in this case. People around this city often find its personal subway system to be quite convenient too.

Elhiedan's leader has never shown his or her gender. He or she wears a white cloak, and is simply known by locals as The White Ruler. The mysterious ruler of the city also never speaks, and even his closest followers have had to receive letters written from across the room, rather than direct orders from him. The White Ruler will never show his face as far as we know, so there is no known description of his face, though someone who's gotten close to The White Ruler claims he or she actually makes the environment around him or her feel colder by about twenty degrees, oddly enough. The White Ruler seems more than open to the acceptance of these godlike beings walking the corners of this world now. Elhiedan's civilians reflect the mentality of this white leader, mysterious and secretive while being honest too. Elhiedan's people are kind, secretive, protective, and secure.

Leader: The White Ruler

Leader Household: Spherical dome above the city, and nobody has ever been inside of it. Rumor has it that the inside of this dome is extremely comfortable, luxurious even. The dome has no guards, indicating that the city leader believes he or she can fight off any invader alone. The dome is quite well known by rumors to include a personal cafe of sorts, a personal lawn, and more.

Danger Level: 0.4/10

Population: 137,304

Notable Locations:
One, a legendary dome hanging from the biosphere of the city, said to be the leader's household. Two, the city has a mansion on an ice island off the coast that is said to be owned by one of the world's 20 richest people. Three, an amazing underwater military base. Four, the city has an absolutely breathtakingly beautiful subway system, world famous.

History: ???

History Log Complete - 0%


City of Iphiliut

The City of Iphiliut is located at the western side of the continent, across the widest stretch of forest to the west of Cromitus, between the South and the Arctic. To the north of this city is the subarctic desert, and to the south of this city is a forest. This city is known for being rather poor, and having a somewhat high crime rate as a result of such. This place is the Wild West, and all kinds of weapons have been legalized, adding to the chaos that already ensues around the city.

Furthermore, Iphiliut is old school in terms of technology, and prefers not to use overly modern technology as a city. The citizens have no trust whatsoever in most people they meet, this taken to extremes only seen in a few other places around the continent. Iphiliut is seen as a somewhat clean city, but is not all that clean. Iphiliut is highly reliant on the support of the government for the continent, particularly due to how poor it already is. Iphiliut has a military base within 20 miles of the city due to the crime issue as well and more than once the municipal government has called in federal attack helicopters to stop outlaws.

Additionally, Iphiliut is approximately 185 kilometers, or 115 miles across in length from west to east, and 142 kilometers, or 88.2 miles across in width from north to south. The city has a large land coverage area, but the landmass to population ratio is lower than in other areas of the continent, population spread further apart. The population of this city is not the largest on the continent, but they are a tough bunch, often learning on their own how to use weapons due to the fear of criminals wandering around this continent.

Lastly, Iphiliut's leader is a man known as Clarke Satira, who lives in the military base near the town for fear of his own life being taken by assassins or otherwise deadly thugs. Clarke Satira is a timid man, though he is a sensible one in terms of leadership. Clarke is highly cautious, and not quick to trust anything or anyone, just as his people are. Clarke doesn't trust these newly discovered beings with godlike powers above us either. The city he leads definitely reflects Clarke's personality, both afraid, and nervous.

Leader: Clarke Satira

Leader Household: Clarke Satira lives in the military base near town, and has his own underground living quarters. The place is a bunker, both heavily armored, and luxurious inside. 200 armed guards are guarding his bunker at any given time, and he is more than ready with traps he's set in his own bunker to stop would be assassins.

Danger Level: 7.2/10

Population: 2,945,262

Notable Locations: One, a well established military base. Two, the city has a well established farming community for crops that grow in drier climates. Three, the city has a well known and established mall. Four, the city has world famous blacksmith shop that makes some of the highest quality blades.

History: ???

History Log Complete - 0%


City of Alnyr

The City of Alnyr is the capital of Aliniyr. Alnyr is the largest city within the country of Almylias, one of only two countries on the continent Aliniyr, home of the continent's government. This city is to the south of Cromitus, and is the city with the highest crime rate on the entire continent. Government forces and gangs wage war within this large metropolis, often even harming civilians in the process. The government has two military bases, one on each side of town, and the metropolis also has three airports for the people to access in times of need.

Alnyr is the second most technologically advanced city on the continent, and the wealthiest of them all. Alnyr is very clean due to actively working government forces, and generally is a hangout for gangsters too despite this. Citizens of Alnyr are rarely trusting, as it seems everyone is out to get them, which couldn't be further from the truth if not for the gangsters roaming the streets. Alnyr also allows citizens to carry a variety of personal defense weapons, due to the crime rates of the city.

Alnyr is approximately 650 kilometers, or 403.9 miles across in length from west to east, and 757 kilometers, or 464.2 miles across in width from north to south. This city is crowded to some extent, even with such a large spread due to the huge population it contains within it, being well over double the amount of people that any other city has. Alnyr is a popular place to live for gangsters, yet most of the population just wants to live there because it is a place with many commodities and a caring military. Some residents live there just to be in the military.

Lastly, the leader of Alnyr is a mysterious man in a black cloak who commands the continent's government. Little is known about this man who rarely speaks, other than the fact that he is dangerous, and has single handed, brought down entire blocks before without the assistance of his men or any technology. This black cloaked man has purple eyes, a red skull belt, and a white shoulder piece of armor on his right arm that has an angel wing on it. People have come to call him The King Cobra, as he is rumored to use poison when fighting others too. The King Cobra has not stated whether he trusts the godlike beings walking this planet since the comet strike yet. He is deadly, mysterious, and sinister, just like the atmosphere of his capital city.

Leader: The King Cobra

Leader Household: The King Cobra resides in an underground bunker beneath the surface of the city. Little is known about him, but he reportedly has a luxurious household bunker.

Danger Level: 9.2/10

Population: 16,645,570

Notable Locations: One, the city has two very well established military bases. Two, the city has impressive, continent famous farmhouses that compete. Three, the city has a world famous recreational center. Four, the city has a world famous science and researching facility. Five, the city has a continent famous mine with many types of jewels near the city side. Six, the city has a mansion in the heart of the city that is believed to belong to one of the world's 20 richest people.

History: ???

History Log Complete - 0%


Noteworthy Locations Not City Related

1: The Cascade Forest found north and west of Cromitus.

2: The Senkhara River running from the eastern Cascade Forest to the western Cascade Forest.

3: The Encyrus Glacier to the north of the Cascade Forest, and to the east of Lensieg.

4: The Grand Talon falls to the west of Augon.

5: The Kalroy Mountains separating Cromitus from Augon.

6: The Condre Desert to the south of Cromitus, and to the west of Cromitus beyond the Cascade Forest. The south side of this desert separates Cromitus from Alnyr.

7: The Solhanu Volcano to the north of Augon.


[ Country of Zonyra ][ Continent: Aliniyr ]


City of Equeras

The City of Equeras is an isolated forest city that is modern in its technology, yet one with nature at the same time. This is the wealthiest city on the continent of Aliniyr, and has an extremely low crime rate to boot. Equeras is not only the richest city, it is also the cleanest, having never seen a single littering incident. Equeras is clean, modern, and 99% free of gang wars. Equeras is a tropical city too, being in tropical forest areas south of Alnyr.

Equeras is also the site of the continent's space program facilities, making it an extremely attractive place for wannabe astronauts or space explorers. This city is known to be a hotspot for hurricanes too, so the technology here has to be very strong due to it being on the southern coastline of the continent.

Equeras is 550 kilometers, or 341.8 miles across in length from west to east, and 500 kilometers, or 310.7 miles across in width from north to south. Equeras is known to be a large place with a spread out population, though the population still numbers well over a million. This city is home to many a nature lover, or high class individual in general. Creative writers are also said to reside here due to the peace and quiet of this natural forest area, with norther Equeras having somewhat average forest, and southern Equeras being tropical. Apparently Equeras also has the strongest housing of any city within the continent due to the frequency of hurricanes and tornado occurrences.

Equeras is lead by Diana Kiymede, an antisocial young lady with a caring heart despite her quiet nature. Diana is a brilliant strategist, and a leader who loves to outsmart anyone, if not everyone she meets. Rumor has it that Diana has yet to be outsmarted by anyone on the continent, with the exception of the Gigariate, and it will probably stay that way for a long time. Diana also has a highly advanced team of special forces soldiers at her command, Equeras leading the continent's special forces division within the military. Diana believes that the godlike beings walking this continent are friendly, and should be welcomed at any rate. Diana's people reflect her mentality, being strong, trusting, and kind, though not afraid to use force when necessary.

Leader: Diana Kiymede

Leader Household: Diana Kiymede resides in an unknown household, one which has only ever seen the light of day in form of rumors that haven't been confirmed.

Danger Level: 0.5/10

Population: 1,250,920

Notable Locations: One, the city has a continental space command center. Two, the city has a special forces military command center and base. Three, the city has the largest library on the continent, housed within a singe gargantuan tree. Four, the city has a luxurious mansion sticking out of a cliff side at the south end of it, believed to be owned by one of the 20 richest people in the world. Five, the city has an atomic bomb proof building for citizens to take shelter in during large hurricanes. Six, Equeras has an extremely well established shopping mall.

History: ???

History Log Complete - 0%


City of Gigaria

The City of Gigaria is a city on the south eastern coast of Aliniyr, with a highly clean environment and somewhat low to moderate crime rates. Gigaria is the third richest city on the continent of Aliniyr, and has the best technology on the continent. Gigaria is even more prone than Equeras to violent weather, and is overshadowed by a large mountain that is said to be almost completely hollowed out by caves.

Gigaria is extremely well protected with the continent's navy base being in the city, and it also has a continent famous police force. Gigaria is a city that can adapt to anything, and it has many ships within its gulf, two airports, even its own train system consisting of not only a train, but a secondary monorail for people at street level. Gigaria is the ultimate city for sky travel, due to the fact that it even has a rail running all around the city that you can purchase special boots to ride on.

Gigaria is approximately 245 kilometers, or 152.2 miles across in length from west to east, and 180 kilometers, or 111.8 miles across in width from north to south. Gigaria is known to be a place that strikes fear into even the toughest of men, them not daring to commit, much less try to commit a crime. Gigaria punishes any severe crime with 100 years of torture straight, and makes no exceptions to this rule at all. This is the most brutally punishing city in terms of the way it handles criminals.

Gigaria's leader is simply known as The Gigariate. She doesn't give any other names to her people, and only speaks through a voice modifier that she wears in the form of a black mask over her mouth. This visor has glowing slots between the metal, and it only makes her face that much more frightening to behold. The Gigariate never tells anyone a single secret about her, and she is never happy for whatever reason. She's known to lack any visible weakness according to all who have tried to assassinate her. They say she is impossible to trick or kill, and is possibly even more intelligent than Diana Kiymede.

Leader: The Gigariate

Leader Household: The Gigariate has been said to live within the crystal cave that goes to the center of the planet. nobody has lived long enough to confirm these rumors.

Danger Level: 3.5/10

Population: 1,552,686

Notable Locations: One, the city has a crystal cave that runs down to the core of the planet, said to be cursed by the locals, as nobody has ever gone down there and been able to return home. Since the incident, it's said that one of the godlike beings resides in the core of the earth. Two, the city has a world famous mall, best on the entire planet according to those from outside who've visited, and it's made of crystal in part. Three, the city has the biggest city hall on the continent, and it is a castle, as opposed to a city hall. Four, the city has the most technologically advanced military base on the continent, home to its navy. Five, the city has the most haunted house on the planet, an abandoned mansion near the crystal hole.

History: ???

History Log Complete - 0%


City of Alphierem

The City of Alphierem is located at the southwest end of Aliniyr, right near the coastline. Alphierem is a city with low crime rates, and modern technology. Alphierem is somewhat old fashioned in many ways, having swords and other medieval era weaponry more commonly utilized than ranged weaponry. The city is also known for being moderately clean to a certain extent, but nothing special in those terms.

Alphierem is not heavily guarded in terms of law enforcement or military personnel, and sadly cannot fight criminals all that well, even if it doesn't have many of them. The citizens of Alphierem are generally both quite trusting, and kind hearted, with rare exceptions to this. The city is extremely well known for public action being taken when something displeases the people. People have tracked down serial killers within the city, and put an end to them when the police couldn't, which definitely takes a whole lot of courage.

Alphierem is approximately 500 kilometers, or 310.7 miles across in length from west to east, and 300 kilometers, or 186.4 miles across in width from north to south. Alphierem is a place that is known to convey its courage to even the more fearful of men, its people always demonstrating the utmost compassion. The love between people makes this city amazingly well held together, even when criminals walk all corners of the road. Alphierem is truly a wonderful city, and believes in doing the right thing regardless of the circumstance.

The leader of Alphierem is Alan Seuratev, a courageous young man with little to no fear at all. Alan Seuratev is an experienced archaeologist, and is well versed in terms of politics. Alan has also had the experience of once being a firefighter, and is well versed in emergency planning. Alan is highly skilled, somewhat middle aged, and sharp witted overall. The city reflects the spirit of its leader, courageous, prepared, and strong.

Leader: Alan Seuratev

Leader Household: Three story mansion inhabited by Alan, and constantly guarded by 15 men at his command. The mansion is warm beige from the outside, and has barred windows on the lower floors.

Danger Level: 2.21

Population: 4,845,542

Notable Locations: One, the city has the Alphierem museum, which is one of the best in the world. Two, the city has a reportedly amazing amusement park. Three, the city has a decent mine. Four, the city has a famed go karts track.

History: ???

History Log Complete - 0%


Noteworthy Locations Not City Related

1: The Equeras valley, known to have many cave systems within the walls of itself.

2: The Gigaria mountain cave systems.

3: The Gigarian pitfall to the center of the world.

4: The Gigarian gulf.

5: The Alphierian forest to the north of Alphierem, separating it from Iphiliut.


~ This is the end of the alpha in terms of maps. I promise to add more soon, and you should by all means act as if there are more towns, it's just that I'm adding things one step at a time for now. Please keep all activities to this continent too for now. If you can think of another location, then by all means use it if it's a natural location that I don't have to write a whole city description for.

~ No being too overpowered. I advise you to limit yourself to attacks about twice as strong as those of a normal human until your RP character honestly begins to grow stronger, and even then I would want to check in with you before your power increases to make sure all of us RP goers grow at a reasonably accurate rate. I wouldn't want to call someone a third stage creature, and give them enough power to obliterate a stage five, now would I? In fact, I'd rather not be growing a stage five creature's power levels faster than those of a stage three creature either, as higher stages are supposed to grow past, and for good reason.

~ No bending the rules of this RP beyond the continent you're in, and you cannot destroy the entire continent, a city, anything without the consent of other RP members of this RP room in non RP talk, or another form of communication. There's a reason I limit you, you know.

~ You cannot play as any of the godlike super beings, or leaders of civilized places without my consent. Doing so is against the code of conduct I set for this RP specifically.

~ This is a mature RP, and you are not to act outside of the RP towards others by harassing them, sending bad links, even breaking this website's rules.

~ You are not, under any circumstances, allowed to break the law, or commit cyber crimes by black mailing, threatening, soliciting, and so on.

~ You're not superman, your character can die. The same can be said about immortality as can be said about overpowering. I don't think anyone minds if someone can spiritually seal your character away, even if he or she cannot be killed, but at least give them that. Be reasonable. If you think it's unreasonable, it's probably unreasonable. Use common sense.

~ You are here because this RP is your own little adventure. Enjoy, play by the rules, and stay safe. You're awesome.

Role Play Introduction: Overview of RP Style Used



| Brief Overview



| N.P.C: Non Player Character


| "Talking/NPC"

| *Actions/NPC*

| (Thinking/NPC)

| "Talking/Self"

| *Actions/Self*

| (Thinking/Self)




Role Play Chapter One: Immortal Night in Cromitus


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

Toby?!?! Toby?!?!?!"

*Fully aware that he is in danger, I come into his room to wake him up, sliding the door sideways as I step in.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

*I heard someone calling my name, and so I decided to reply.*

"Ugh... Five more minutes, what is it?"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

Toby, the comet has entered the atmosphere!!! Toby!!!

*I yell at him frantically, worried that he is obviously in great danger beyond his own realization.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

*The female voice calling suddenly clings onto my body as I'm laying there.*

"Damn it Juliet, I've told you not to come into my room a thousand times!"

*I sit up as I say this, looking towards the window.*

So what's with the Immortal comet? Scared it will 'live forever' are you?

*I chuckle at my own statement, looking out the window.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

"Toby, get down, it's dangerous!!!"

*I tackle him down, and pull him under the bed as quickly as I can.*

(Toby, you're lucky you're practically the hottest nice guy in the world, or I'd be really mad right now!)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

*As the comet passes overhead, I'm tackled to the floor by my personal assistant, Juliet, and in a rather awkward position if I may*


*I speak in sudden disbelief as I fall to the floor, and she pulls me under the bed with her*

"What's the big id-..."

(Oh dear... Not good...)

*I'm silenced by a loud explosion, the comet making impact miles away, and emitting a shock wave that is so powerful it even blows the windows off nearby buildings from this distance. The sound goes on for about 15 seconds before I hear people running from their houses in panic, and screaming.*

"Juliet, stay here... I have to help the people..."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

"Toby, don't!! You'll get hurt, killed, or worse!!! Don't go, Toby!!!"

(No, don't get yourself killed, you fool!! Toby!!!)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

*I finish putting on my hooded sweater with a zipper, and I slip a tank top under it as quickly as I can before moving for my pants in the closet. I finish getting dressed by putting on my track pants, and running shoes, both of which are extremely well made. As she tries to stop me, I throw her back and run out the door, desperate to help my city I run down the hallway, and I pick up my broadsword before running out the door towards the town hall.*

(Damn it, I've got to call Marcus, he can round up the people better than anyone. Please pick up you idiot...)

*I pull my phone out of my pocket, and I dial the number of Marcus, the city's police chief.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marcus Ailzheim

(This truly is nice, just laying in bed right now, wife sound asleep and kids tucked in... Sigh... Daddy just needs to fall asleep now, huh?)

*Before I can continue my thoughts I hear a loud crash, and people screaming moments later as the shock wave blows the glass off my window. Without a second thought I defend my wife, taking multiple pieces of glass into my back as she awakens. I hold her tight until glass stops flying, and then slowly get up.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Giana Ailzheim

(What was that noise!?!? Why is glass flying?!?! Why is it not hitting me?!)

*I open my eyes to find Marcus taking glass into his back and holding me in an instant.*

(Marcus!!! No, don't be hurt, don't die, please!!!)


*I scream, holding onto my husband as glass flies. I cry into his chest, and hope he'll be okay as I do. About 10 seconds later the glass stops flying and we get up slowly when it dawns on us.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marcus & Gianna Ailzheim

"The kids!!!"

*We race into the kids room and find them badly cut up by the glass.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marcus Ailzheim

"Brian!!! Oh my god, are you okay!?!?!?" *I pick up our four year old son, Brian, and carry him out of the room as he cries. He holds tightly onto me and I bring him to the living room, getting a first aid kit along the way.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gianna Ailzheim

"Michael!?!? Michael!!! Please be alright!!!" *I race over and hug Michael, our 9 year old son, before leading him downstairs to get first aid, which I'm sure my husband has already pulled out. Once I get there I see Marcus patching up Brian as I take a few things from the first aid kit to patch up Michael too. I get to work on patching them as Marcus begins to speak.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marcus Ailzheim

"Damn it... as the police chief I'll probably have to deal with this Gianna... Can you deal with the kids until I'm back?"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gianna Ailzheim

"I can handle our children Marcus, you just do what you've got to do, alright?"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marcus Ailzheim

"Thanks Gianna..."

*I begin to get dressed for duty as the phone rings.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marcus Ailzheim

"Mayor Falcon, what's going on?!?! I just woke up and my kids were injured by flying glass that nearly got my wife too! Would've hurt her bad if not for my protecting her!"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

"Yeah, and I'm sorry to hear that, but I need you to do something for me Marcus!! The people are in a panic and they're running all over the place!! Get the police force moving and form a crowd up at the city hall!"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marcus Ailzheim

"Much as I hate to leave my family right now, I will..."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

"Marcus, I really do hope your wife's okay, but we've got bigger fish to fry for now!! Please get to city hall with the police force and round up the people as soon as possible!! I'm going to need your help with this and you know it!!"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marcus Ailzheim

"I'll be at the city hall in the next half hour with your citizens Mayor Falcon."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

"Good, please hurry, because I have a feeling that the longer we wait, the worse this will get!!"

*I hang up the phone and look to my left and right to see people screaming."

"Citizens of Cromitus, please hear me!!! This is your Mayor speaking, head to the city hall and I promise to talk about this issue once we get there!! Just move as fast as you can, because I'm not sure how much time we have befo-..."

*A truck nearly hits me, swerving out of control down the streets as I dive to the left*

"Reckless bitch!! I've got to move to city hall, can't lose focus..."

*I continue to sprint, and after about ten minutes I arrive, people slowly heading towards the hall with officers guiding them into the building. As I walk into the city hall, an officer stops me.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kyle Lamortez

"Mayor Falcon!?!? You made it to the hall!! Glad you're here, chief was starting to get worried you wouldn't show up!"

(Whew, chief said he'd show up and he did! Good show Mayor, now we've just got to get you the hell into this building and upstairs...)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

(Almost got hit by a truck, genius... Damn, this police officer is honestly quite the idiot, but this is no time for that...)

"Officer Kyle Lamortez, get me to the second floor of this build as soon as possible!! These people are in a frenzied state, and I need to be there as soon as possible! We'll talk later, but right now you need to get me up there!!"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kyle Lamortez

"Yes sir, right away!!"

(Damn is he ever blunt... I'm starting to think of voting for another party... If I did, I'd probably get my ass kicked though...)

*I escort him, assault rifle in hand, up the stairs of the building and onto the second floor speaking platform used exclusively by the government.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

*I am escorted down the hallway, and I take a look to my left as officers clean their guns and ready up. They realize as much as me that this could turn violent, which I'm actually half glad about for once. I'm lead up to the staircase, and I greet a few people as I walk. Once I'm up the stairs, I hurry over to my speaking post, and look down on my subjects. I know they need a voice of reason right now, so I ready my lungs to speak.*

"People of this city, can I have your attention please?!"

*I'm really glad that people love me so much, because every head in the room turns to me, the entire crowd silenced with my single sentence. I warm up my throat muscles to continue the speech.*

"Listen to me, you're probably panicked because of this, and I get it, but trust me when I say you'll be okay!! I gave you my oath to protect and care for you, which I will not stop upholding today!"

*I look at the people who even begin to cheer for me a bit before I raise a hand to silence them.*

"Now, the police don't know why the comet came into our atmosphere as of yet, but we're working on it! Tomorrow I'll get in touch with the Lensiegian Mayor and talk with him! The comet had to have struck near that area, and once he can identify what it was I'll will tell you at once! If anything else happens, please meet at city hall, as I will be staying here overnight!! This hall has over 2000 bedrooms due to my emergency planning, so some of you may stay here tonight if you must! I'm making this exception because I understand that you are scared, and nervous about this! Please do not be frightened, as I'm sure this incident is over now, or at least the worst of it for the time being has passed!"

(Damn... These people need somebody to calm them down, and I know I'm the only one who's capable of doing that... I've got to get this under control, and I've got to do that very quickly. May be calmed down for now, but I'm sure people will be concerned about the long term fallout of this.)

*I silently wait as the audience members converse, before finally speaking again to hush them.*

"Now, you can sleep! Get some sleep Cromitus, and report here tomorrow if any further complications happen! Police have fenced off this city, and I can promise you that I'm doing everything in my power to keep this from getting worse! You're safe and sound as long as I'm here, as I've said, so please trust in me! Goodnight everyone!"

*I walk off the speaking platform as the audience cheers, heading for my room in city hall as the police chief takes his turn to speak to the people. I go to the door to open it, but before I can I hear a voice behind me.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

*I am at city hall in my car, and I get out, sprinting past the police men as I show my identity. I am his personal assistant, so naturally they let me through to him more easily than his other employees. I sprint up the stairs as his speech finishes, and race down the hall after him. After turning about three or four corners I find him, and as I do I think to myself.*

(Damn it Falcon, you always try to be the hero!! Just take a rest for once, and stop worrying me!!!)

"Damn it Falcon, you selfless idiot!!"

*I hug him from behind with all of my strength.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

"Juliet?!?! What are you doing?!?! This is a public place!!"

*I am a little embarrassed to be seen with my personal assistant hugging me from behind, hanging on my every word like she's my dog.*

(Some things never change. You really do worry about me too much.)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

*I sigh to myself, and decide to let go of him against my better judgment.*

"Listen Toby, we all worry about you when you do these stupid things for the sake of your 'people' as you say! I just don't want you to get hurt, you idiot!"

*I don't care what he thinks, and so I just say it out loud, and put my hands on my hips, expressing my worry in a way that probably seems more like anger to him, though I know he's smart enough to see past it.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

"Juliet! I never planned on getting hurt, or leaving you in this world alone!! I just wanted to help those, whom I promised that I'd always care about them! Every one of these people, every child, every man or woman within the walls of this city needs me so much, and I can't let those needy souls down while there's still someone who's scared or crying out in pain!!"

(I'm going to wish I hadn't raised my voice later, I'm sure... Well, that's life! Sometimes I have to feel a little emotional, or I wouldn't be much of a functioning person at all.)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

"Toby, I'm just scared that you're going to get hurt... I don't want to lose you from my life, if nothing else matters at all!"

*I begin to cry as I look at Toby through teary, and pained eyes.*

(Toby, stop hurting yourself for the good of others!! Please Toby!!!!)

*I hug him, breaking out into a long sob.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

"Juliet?!?!?! Aw hell... Fine, come with me, and I'll talk to you for now... Look, I get that it's hard sometimes, and I know there's always a what if in even the smallest risk I take. I need to take those risks because if I don't there's nobody else who will be able to! Nobody else knows how to be Toby Falcon other than me, and I can't change that... Someone will always need a hero, and since I've never had much of a hero, I guess I just can't let anyone else suffer in that way."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

"Just please don't die!!!"

*I hug him even tighter, in an emotional breakdown against his chest.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

"Juliet, I'll be fine..."

*I repeat this multiple times, and I stroke her back with my left hand, right firmly around her waist as I sit down on my bed.*

(You really do care for me too much Juliet... Damn it, you're always such a little sister to me... If I could speak right now, I'd be begging you to stop worrying, because you're crying like this, and it's killing me to see you in this kind of pain...)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

*I wrap my arms around Toby even tighter as I close my eyes, and he proceeds to lay back with me in his arms.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

*Laying back, I close my eyes, and softly stroke Juliet's hair as I cuddle with her to make her feel better I do this for about 20 minutes before I finally fall into a deep sleep.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

(Somehow, it feels better knowing I'm with him...)

*I fall gently to sleep in his arms as I finish crying.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marcus Ailzheim

"Hm... I'm awake it seems... Good to be back in my own house for once, gosh... Sigh... Time to get ready, may as well go take a shower."

*I get out of bed, and walk towards my bathroom, but I can immediately tell that something's off when my body feels a little different, even though I try to tell myself that it's just me being tired. I go to the mirror, and a single glance confirms that my body isn't the same anymore.*

(Holy hell... What in the name of Cromitus has happened to this city...)

*After a moment of silence, I take a few seconds to express my reaction out loud*

"H-how?... How could this happen!?!?!? Why!?!?!? Who did this to us, and how could science just be so wrong like this?!?!?! How?!?!?!"

*As I finish my sentence both of my kids come into the room with my wife, and they see their own reflections surely enough. Everyone screams, and we then sit down for a minute before deciding what to do. I race over to my phone, and I call up Toby.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

*I awaken softly, and a gentle ring of my phone signals that someone's calling. I reach over to it and pick it up. As I hold it to my ear I am rudely awakened by the police chief yelling to me about people transforming into odd creatures. I notice that my body is a slight bit different, and I reply to his rambling to silence him.*

"Call the town's people to the city hall in one hour on the dot! I need to have a meeting with them! Assemble the entire police force, and move at once! That's an order!!"

*I hang up the phone, and I turn over to Juliet, whom I proceed to wake up with a nudge from my right arm*

"Juliet? I need you to get up, something's gone wrong."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

*I wake up as Toby Falcon nudges me. The Mayor of Cromitus is nudging me, and I feel like an angel has visited.*

"Yes, Toby? What's wrong, and why do you need me?"

(Oh my gosh, Toby needs me!! Yes, I have to do this!)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

"Look at me, and look at my body, then you'll know what's gone wrong..."

(Way to sound like you enjoy being a pervert's toy Toby.)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

"Look at your body? With pleasure..."

*I raise my eyes, and look at Toby's amazing body with them, only to realize that he is some sort of mutated freak. Toby now seems to have many new features, starting with a small pair of black angel wings on his back, too small to fly with obviously. The wings look like they were designed for an animal half his size, and I wonder why Toby has them at all now, but before I can complete that thought I notice his eyes are also slightly glowing.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

"So, how do I look?"

*I say this knowing that I probably look a tad weird, and Juliet looks odd too, her body now having a pair of small horns and yellow eyes.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

(Toby, you actually look hotter than ever with those new wings!)

"You look kind of weird, in an unnatural sort of way..."

*I then begin to wonder if I look weird too, so I get up without another word and go to the bathroom before I scream.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

"Juliet, it's alright!!"

*I run over to her*

"Look, I don't know how this happened either, but we're okay... Don't let this get to you Juliet...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

"Look at me, this is horrible!!"

*I swing my arm outwards to softly hit Toby so he'll know I'm serious, but what I figure would've been a soft hit knocks him right over*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

"What was that for?!?!"

*I fall over as I'm hit, and I look up at her*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk


*I pick him back up, figuring I must have some kind of inhuman strength*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

"Damn, you hit me hard!! That still hurts!"

(I really want to heal the bruise that's going to leave...)

*Looks down to see my bruise, but as I stare at it with the intention to remove it, it begins to fade.*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

"Toby, your bruise!!!"

(Oh my god...)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

Well I'll be damned...

*Half an hour later I had eaten breakfast with Juliet, and we walked out onto of our room*

(Yes, this is Toby Falcon, your Mayor speaking! I'm here to inform you that you're all superman now... My gosh...)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juliet Lavyk

*Holding onto Toby's side for comfort, I reach the speaking platform with him, and we have a huge crowd below. Toby looks towards the crowd, and begins to speak as I cling to his side silently*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toby Falcon

"People of Cromitus, look over here!!"

*I wait for them to do so as the crowd goes silent, before continuing to speak*

"Now what do you see?!?! Tell me that!!"

(Now let me tell you instead.)

"I'll tell you what you see! You see what we once believed to be supernatural, impossible, even make belief in person! You have become the very thing that we would have once not believed in, and you are powered up with some sort of inhuman energy too! Try hitting your friend lightly, and I'm sure he'll fall right over now if you don't believe me! This is a major change, but it will only be a major catastrophe if you let it! Surely bandits will arise to use this power for their own selfish gain, but you as the people have the power to in turn use your gift for the right reason! You choose whether this is a good or bad thing, so please stay calm!! I assure you that this will all be okay in the end, and that none of this is for the worst if we hang onto love and virtue! Happiness is not a given, but we can be happy so long as we have each other! Don't let this separate you, care for your fellow man, and stay near each other! Believe me when I say that this town's lifestyle will not change because of this! We will just have to adapt ourselves to these new bodies, and find out just how much our world has changed! We can later focus on finding out why we became like this, but for now let's just focus on living like this until we're more sure of what we are dealing with!"

(I know they need time to practice with these new powers anyways, and besides it could be dangerous to utilize them blindly for ourselves, especially without knowledge of the consequences.)

"Starting today I'm not just your Mayor anymore!!"

(You've got that right...)

"Starting today I am the man who will get to the bottom of this at any and all costs!!!"

*I finish my speech, letting the crowd cheer as I walk off the stand, leaving them to get back to city life.*

(Yep, they know I'm serious... This is the start of the new generation... People of every sort, people who have been warped mentally, physically, emotionally, magically... This could become a chaotic or prosperous time for many, even a mix of both if the conditions permit it as they do now. Oh boy, you've got your work cut out for you this time Falcon.)
AlipheeseFateburnXVI updated Arystace V0.125 with a new update entry:

Arystace Patch 0.125

The world of Arystace has already been grown. Now it has another city, and the current cities from the version 1.0 Pre-Alpha have been made into one country. This world is continuing to grow, and if you're following me still with this, then I think you deserve to know that chapter one of Arystace's story has been written. That's right, you get to see how it all began from the eyes of none other that Cromitus's own Mayor Toby Falcon. Read the chapter, and immerse yourself in the truth behind how...
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AlipheeseFateburnXVI updated Arystace V0.125 with a new update entry:

Arystace Patch 0.125

The world of Arystace has already been grown. Now it has another city, and the current cities from the version 1.0 Pre-Alpha have been made into one country. This world is continuing to grow, and if you're following me still with this, then I think you deserve to know that chapter one of Arystace's story has been written. That's right, you get to see how it all began from the eyes of none other that Cromitus's own Mayor Toby Falcon. Read the chapter, and immerse yourself in the truth behind how...
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AlipheeseFateburnXVI updated Arystace V0.125 with a new update entry:

Arystace Patch 0.125

The world of Arystace has already been grown. Now it has another city, and the current cities from the version 1.0 Pre-Alpha have been made into one country. This world is continuing to grow, and if you're following me still with this, then I think you deserve to know that chapter one of Arystace's story has been written. That's right, you get to see how it all began from the eyes of none other that Cromitus's own Mayor Toby Falcon. Read the chapter, and immerse yourself in the truth behind how...
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AlipheeseFateburnXVI updated Arystace V0.1.5 with a new update entry:

Arystace Patch 0.15

Arystace now has a second city within the second country on the continent. Welcome to Gigaria, the most brutally punishing city of them all in terms of crime, and the most mysterious city of all in terms of leadership. Gigaria also has the most advanced technology on the entire continent, and is said to be the only city that can truly scare the evil out of someone. Enjoy!
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