Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Alie was decorating the dance along with Alex. "Hey Alie, so how have you been?" he asked. "I'm okay I guess. Made some new friends." she replied. There wasn't much small talk as the decorations went up. About an hour before the dance, Alex got a phone and stepped down for a ladder. Alie decided to finish up the banner being hung as he talked. Alex looked up, seeing Alie up top yelling, "Is it straight?" Alex replied, "Perfectly straight." "That was the band, they are unable to play tonight. Do you think you can play a bit?" He asked. Alie felt nervous and surprised as she began to speak, "I...I'd...." Unablee to finish, the ladder was shaking and threw Alie off....
Adrian stood in front of a mirror his hair had grown longer then he had wanted it to. It now hung at his shoulders and when he walked its loose strands would tickle the bottom of his neck. He should let Eliora cut it when she came to visit. The thought crossed his mind as he turned and took a seat, near his suit.
Cady took a deep breath and slipped into her dress, looking at herself in the mirror. Her hands shook violently as she took in the red marks criss crossing up her arm. The dress was long, slender and dark blue, the opposite of her milky white skin. Her long dark brown hair was up in a bun, her green eyes exaggerated by her makeup.
Adrian stepped into a room which turned out to be a bathroom and began to change into his suit. The fear of Cady not going still apparent in his mind.
"Ashalie!" Alex yelled while hurrying to her side. Catching her, a tear escaped from each eye flowing towards the floor. "I'm sorry.." she said putting her head on his shoulder allowing more tears to fall. "Thanks." she said again as he put her down. "Let's get back to work, everyone will be here soon." Mia hurried towards a nearby room where all the snacks and drinks are being held and returning to set them up. "Hey Alie. Will you play a bit till we find another band?" Alex asked again a bit later. "Oh, I..I'd love to." she replied
Alie texted Apollo. "I'll see you guys at the dance. Alex asked me to play a few songs. You guys are going to love the dance!"

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"Awesome, I'm just waiting now" Apollo text back

(Where'd everybody go? Lol)

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(Idk. But I wanna get this one going again.)

"See you guys soon." She text back. As she said, "I have to go get my guitar." Towards Alex.

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(I miss this rp..)

Adrian finally stepped out of the bathroom in his full formal wear, and sat down on the couch as he waited for Apollo.

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