Archetypes (Exalted 2.5)

Oh boy, this seems interesting but it looks it has enough people already. I'll throw my interest chip in, just in case I can get a spot. I frankly would be able to play anything, but I would be particularly interested in either a Solar (Heroic Knight of Virtue in Shining Armor), Abyssal (Dark Knight of Death and Murder), or a Lunar (Barbarian Animal Warrior/Master of Beasts and Shapes/Animalistic Tribal Shaman).
If you don't have enough people I would be interested in any one of the Lunar slots.

I would also like to play an Archetypal terrestrial monk if you want to go that direction, but I am not interested in playing what I believe to be the archetypal terrestrial.
Whoah, Thief, if you could edit your posts to include your addendums rather than double-triple-quaddruple post that would make this much easier for me to sort through, thanks!

The leash charms exist, but not everyone knows about them or has them; that's to be worked out between bonded players.

I have some preparation to do before making the actual application thread, but assuming everyone who has posted here posts there, this is roughly the breakdown I see forming. Specific pairs are changeable, of course, this is just what appears to be going on. Once the main thread goes up, people playing Lunars or their mates will say who they want to be paired with for sure.

Alchemical: Ajax Oblige

Sidereal: Thief of Words

Abyssal: Dragnar + Lunar: Thatsmellygoblin

Solar: Goddamnbatman + Lunar: Lord-Leafar (Barbarian Animal Warrior)

Infernal: Viatos + Lunar: KG-Motte

Dragonblooded: Griever

Does that look good?
Is this set in stone? I notice it ignores several other potential applicants who mentioned interest here...
KG-Motte: Any interests or preferences you'd like me to consider? Per the archetype I'm considering a Kimbery-or-Adorjan-favoring Slayer forfeiting their humanity. They hold themselves to impossible ideals, believing that their sanity can only be preserved by the relentless arete that Exaltation has made their potential, and dream of a world seared to crystalline beauty by an incomprehensible purple light - monstrous, beautiful, and all-consuming. Motivation: Outshine the Yellow and Green Suns. Urge: Devour every faith that betrays Hell by not worshipping its sultans or its Chosen.
Sorry, but I have limited slots. While this isn't set in stone, unless someone declines or is inactive when the actual RP submission thread goes up, this is likely how it's going to go. I simply can't take everyone who's interested, this game. I am sorry.
Sunder said:
Sorry, but I have limited slots. While this isn't set in stone, unless someone declines or is inactive when the actual RP submission thread goes up, this is likely how it's going to go. I simply can't take everyone who's interested, this game. I am sorry.
Of course you can't. However, it's one thing to basically draw names from a hat like you have and another to actually allow everyone interested to give you a concept to pick from.
Oh, to Lord-Leafar in particular, you can go with whatever Lunar concept you want (provided it still embodies "Lunarness" in some way), I just tried to match concepts in a way that each bonded pair has a variety of talents, rather than combining people with the same type of build (along combat/social/magic lines) so I suggest you use your warrior concept to supplement his Zenith, but it is of course up to you.

MaHaSuchi's700 If you want to stick around in the thread and talk with people you're welcome to do so, and if by some consensus you're offered a slot, great, but you're not actually entitled to anything, so if you're going to try to start something, please consider unwatching the thread and occupying yourself with any of the numerous other threads on the site. Thanks.
[QUOTE="MaHaSuchi's700]Of course you can't. However, it's one thing to basically draw names from a hat like you have and another to actually allow everyone interested to give you a concept to pick from.

So, being unpleasant at the ST is pretty much instant disqualification for acceptance where I'm from, but as I've shared your particular grievance in the past (less vocally, perhaps), I'll write up my character sketch in 500 words or less, you can do the same, and if the ST likes your concept better I'll concede my slot to you. Fair enough?
Goddamnbatman said:
So me and Lord-Leafar are going to play exalt "bros". This should be fun.
Nice! I'll have ready some ideas for the character so we can start planning our little bond relationship. Are you thinking of going a male/female Zenith? Any ideas as to location?

Sunder said:
Oh, to Lord-Leafar in particular, you can go with whatever Lunar concept you want (provided it still embodies "Lunarness" in some way), I just tried to match concepts in a way that each bonded pair has a variety of talents, rather than combining people with the same type of build (along combat/social/magic lines) so I suggest you use your warrior concept to supplement his Zenith, but it is of course up to you.
No problem, I'll go with the Barbarian theme, it should be fun.
Hm...consummate Dragon-Blooded...

Lookshyan version of the Vermillion Legion, except with Lookshy Rangers instead. 1 Dragon-Blooded leading a unit of 5 Heroic Mortals with Enlightened Essence and power armor > :D
Viatos said:
So, being unpleasant at the ST is pretty much instant disqualification for acceptance where I'm from, but as I've shared your particular grievance in the past (less vocally, perhaps), I'll write up my character sketch in 500 words or less, you can do the same, and if the ST likes your concept better I'll concede my slot to you. Fair enough?
Honestly, I was simply calling his action out for what it was. He offered no rhyme or reason to why he picked those names, hence the "drawing names out of a hat" remark. It wasn't initially intended to be unpleasant, but I honestly couldn't care now that it was given his response.

Thanks for the offer, but I've dealt with enough similarly-minded asshats in my life to know when something isn't worth my time, especially not several months of it. He can play favorites or use whatever other bizarre and inane means picking folks as he so desires for his own games, and I'll see myself out.
Viatos said:
Motivation: Outshine the Yellow and Green Suns. Urge: Devour every faith that betrays Hell by not worshipping its sultans or its Chosen.
To this I can Simply answer: No Moon Sorcerer/Archer Motivation: Help All life Survive in the long run by Enforcing "Natural" Selection: The Weak must Be culled for the whole to survive (And compared to an Infernal Mate there are a lot of weakling out there, and all the better if it helps his mates goals along) Yep this can work, I will look forward to working with you!
[QUOTE="MaHaSuchi's700]Honestly, I was simply calling his action out for what it was. He offered no rhyme or reason to why he picked those names, hence the "drawing names out of a hat" remark. It wasn't initially intended to be unpleasant, but I honestly couldn't care now that it was given his response.
Thanks for the offer, but I've dealt with enough similarly-minded asshats in my life to know when something isn't worth my time, especially not several months of it. He can play favorites or use whatever other bizarre and inane means picking folks as he so desires for his own games, and I'll see myself out.

While I cannot say that your comments about not getting in are necessarily invalid. I must remind you as a Staff Member that Storytellers have the right to dismiss anyone from their games for whatever reason as long as it is not discriminatory in the traditional sense (like not allowing female players or something similar). It is their game, they are going through the work of getting the game submitted or hosting it, they have the privilege of choosing who gets to play within it.

How they select their players is not up to those interested in their game. The Storyteller can choose any method that fits their fancy, whether that is picking names out of a hat, consulting a higher power or just allowing people they know. You have no entitlement or privilege to object to this, but you have the right to dismiss yourself and join another person's game or start your own.

If you have any personal grievances with the Storyteller it is better to handle that privately, through private message or some other means, not publicly. If you believe that you have been wrongfully dismissed from a game you can report it to a Staff Member. However I must remind you that Staff Members do believe in the rights mentioned above held by Storytellers.

Granted, you are not wrongful to complain and plead with the storyteller to let you into the game, but insulting their person and their work because they have not let you into the game is unacceptable. There are many more games to join, and there are always many more chances to join this roleplay.

Nevertheless you are allowed to decline the offer made to you by your follow member (Viatos) but do it politely as there is no need to get nasty.

Place nice, this is all for fun. :)
What i have so far is this as a concept:

Yurgen Steensson "The stalwart watcher on the peaks"

No Moon caste Lunar sorcerer from the north

Totem animal: A great gray mountain ram

Motivation: To stand besides his solar mate at the top the world.

A little doodle i made as inspiration to myself:


My Archetype is gonna be the helpful Steward guide. Tending to his Solar(or abyssal/infernal) mates every need, coming with advice and support when needed and such. An archetype more normal back in the First Age but still valid in my head.

An idea i have is to give him three dots in Solar bond so that no matter what sort of cruel and grotesque action his mate might take, it always has a bright side to it in his head and two dots in Past Life so that he will remember the glorious Solar of awesome that his mate was once and, after his opinion, has the opportunity to become again. He's an optimist.
So, I'm going to assume this is happening in creation. Thereby requiring me to have a reason for being there and all that good stuff? Nice to meet all of you by the way.
Malfeas and the Underworld are totally allowed. Various parts of the plot will happen in different places. So the Abyssal gets to deal with the ups and downs of the dead, and the Infernal has all the burdens of demonic expectations, etc.
Whether or not you take Solar Bond is between you and the player you're bonded to. As for Dragonblooded, there's no limits I'm going to put in place. You'll have some perks to offset the differences in power when compared to other Exalts, but I haven't figured out what exactly those perks will be. When the main thread goes out I'll let you know!
Sunder said:
Sorry, but I have limited slots. While this isn't set in stone, unless someone declines or is inactive when the actual RP submission thread goes up, this is likely how it's going to go. I simply can't take everyone who's interested, this game. I am sorry.
This is totally cool with me, and even though I was late to the party I would like to say thank you for running the game.

If someone is unable to play for whatever reason if someone could send a PM that would be awesome.

Like I said I am most interested in the Lunar (Initial idea is a Snake themed shaman.)
Sunder: in the spirit of fairness, I have to warn you that I'll be a bit of a wait to make my Sidereal. My copy of the errata another city, and from what I was.given to understand, you rewlly shouldn't try to make one without it.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Sunder: in the spirit of fairness, I have to warn you that I'll be a bit of a wait to make my Sidereal. My copy of the errata another city, and from what I was.given to understand, you rewlly shouldn't try to make one without it.

If you want, i can give it to you over Skype pretty easily. PM me if you want it and i'll tell you my Skype name.

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