Archetypes (Exalted 2.5)

You can do pretty much the same thing in 2.5, it's just less likely to break the game. What was the core of the character? Can you start from her Motivation and Intimacies to build a snapshot of who she was, and move forward that way?

If you want to, of course! Competition is fun too.
I don't. Think you get it. My character wasn't gamebreaking. Doing that was legitimately the only thing I to keep up or be anything but irrelevant in a game with higher-essence Solars. They were the gamebreaking ones.
Right, no, I got the keeping-up-with-Solars part, just observing that moteless instadeath is gamebreaking in the "game cannot function this way" sense. So were high-Essence Solars, of course, but things like instantly lethal attacks were what 2.5 aimed to cure specifically. THAT ONE PART is likely to be very difficult if not impossible to restore. The idea of an incredibly powerful, physical Lunar who relies on heavy single attacks remains workable, though, and the character's vital non-combat qualities can still be imported intact. I'm just saying, IF you're interested in salvaging that character, it's likely doable.
That sounds cool, would love to play a solar for this.

edit: Thinking of a Solar, who would be the kind of Lawgiver that are basically the Sun God King, as in walk into a room and everybody knows that he is a lord of creation, strong, cunning, tough and charismatic. Most likely Zenith caste.
Viatos said:
Right, no, I got the keeping-up-with-Solars part, just observing that moteless instadeath is gamebreaking in the "game cannot function this way" sense. So were high-Essence Solars, of course, but things like instantly lethal attacks were what 2.5 aimed to cure specifically. THAT ONE PART is likely to be very difficult if not impossible to restore. The idea of an incredibly powerful, physical Lunar who relies on heavy single attacks remains workable, though, and the character's vital non-combat qualities can still be imported intact. I'm just saying, IF you're interested in salvaging that character, it's likely doable.
What instadeath? Did you miss the part where her combat charm was expressly chosen for being incapable of killing?
And rather perversely, you mistook the part I.was referring to. Her own survivability is what got keelhauled. With more expensive perfects and less mote regain options, the one-hit KO part works better than ever.
As for the Motivation, it was to end the threat of the ravening dead. And, onc e she discovered them, the Deathlords. Her son and husband died to a group of abnormally coordinated hungry dead. She survived the ambush. Hence her Exaltation.
Well perfect defences and mote regain may be more ineffective now but most weapons and OHKO combos have been nerfed. It's still possible, yes but since people don't have to pay experience or willpower for combos and such but for example your Grand Goremaul have been nerfed to the extreme so that it isn't the most overpowered thing in the world anymore.

And yeah, Lunars Overdrives sort of suck.
Intimacies...she had one in favor of traditional Icewalker society. A corresponding one against Yurgen Koneko. And against Solars as a whole. She had one in reverence if Luna in her Huntress or Watcher forms. She hates the rapacious dead. Respects ghosts by default proposition, though, being an ancestor-worshipper.
ThatSmellyGoblin said:
Well perfect defences and mote regain may be more ineffective now but most weapons and OHKO combos have been nerfed. It's still possible, yes but since people don't have to pay experience or willpower for combos and such but for example your Grand Goremaul have beennerfed to the extreme so that it isn't the most overpowered thing in the world anymore.
And yeah, Lunars Overdrives sort of suck.
Yeah, I know they did. I lamented the loss of my favorite base artifact weapon.
Thought of a few extra details on my solar concept.

Was planning for a Zenith caste who wants to rule the world. Not for their own benefit of course. They merely know for sure that the world would be far better off if they ruled it. Intends to conquer the world mostly through diplomacy (after all who wouldn't want to join them ?) and keep military methods for the truly evil (deathlords, yozis, fair folk...).

On the plus side, they would be generous with their followers and actually respect them. Lead through example and all.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Well, except that Lunar Overdrives sort of suck.

that they do BUT Just ignore that erasing of something useful to be replaced by something utterly useless crap: Use Might Bolstering Blow, Lunars aren't just protectors they are also hunters so it fits thematically and anyway the game explicitly allows for Custom charms, what's stopping you from make one that just happens to do be "Might bolstering blow"... just give it an overdrive Keyword and 10m Overdrive bar so you can't recharge your real essence pool and call it a day or something!
I have a concept for a Changing Moon as well...


...inspired by the medieval legends of swan maidens, obviously, with just a dash of the swanmays from D&D. Rather than being a trickster/thief, she would have high Performance and Presence, Charms focused around song (Silver-Voiced Nightingale?), and a tragic romance with her bonded mate, who she flew away from long ago...
I have a nice concept for an Infernal (Ebbie-favored Malefactor - Faustian bargains FTW).

Or I could take a Lunar if I lose the Infernal auction. Mate Bond FTW.
[QUOTE="KG-Motte]that they do BUT Just ignore that erasing of something useful to be replaced by something utterly useless crap: Use Might Bolstering Blow, Lunars aren't just protectors they are also hunters so it fits thematically and anyway the game explicitly allows for Custom charms, what's stopping you from make one that just happens to do be "Might bolstering blow"... just give it an overdrive Keyword and 10m Overdrive bar so you can't recharge your real essence pool and call it a day or something!

[/QUOTE] The LAST thing Lunars need are more Silver Solar charms.
Anyway...I have a number of truly monstrous Internals for my preference. Lacking that...I'm willing to settle for Full Moon or Sidereal. I do so love my martial arts. :)
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]The LAST thing Lunars need are more Silver Solar charms.

Wait what do you mean "Silver Solar charm" ? Might Bolstering Blow is from the manual of exalted Power: the Lunars, I have the Hardcover Original copy of it right here next to me... the horror they replaced by in the latest Errata is MUCH more solar like, it's basically just a massively nerfed down version of the solar Resistance charm Essence-Gathering temper, as in same thing but only works if you waste your action doing a defend an other action(on someone that might not even get attacked, the opponent's attack has to beat BOTH your DVs combined and damage your ward, and that's if he doesn't just decide to hit you in stead once he's beat your DV alone (because ya he can change target while attacking), and to cap it all off you can do nothing but stand there while hoping for all this to happen...

Also to Arynne: to start Very Nice image, but...

Arynne said:
...inspired by the medieval legends of swan maidens
Weren't Swan Maidens just an other name for Valkyrie? I seem to recall they being called like that because of the Feathery Cloaks they wear when they're off duty and want to go relax in Midguard, it turns into great White wings giving them the name... I also seem to recall that if you steal it from them (Like say while they bathe in a stream in one story, Olrun, Alvit and Svanhvit were the three that got caught tat way in that story) you get to wed them if you like... Still nice Image, and good character concept, though not quite a Valkyrie;)
[QUOTE="KG-Motte]Wait what do you mean "Silver Solar charm" ? Might Bolstering Blow is from the manual of exalted Power: the Lunars, I have the Hardcover Original copy of it right here next to me... the horror they replaced by in the latest Errata is MUCH more solar like, it's basically just a massively nerfed down version of the solar Resistance charm Essence-Gathering temper, as in same thing but only works if you waste your action doing a defend an other action(on someone that might not even get attacked, the opponent's attack has to beat BOTH your DVs combined and damage your ward, and that's if he doesn't just decide to hit you in stead once he's beat your DV alone (because ya he can change target while attacking), and to cap it all off you can do nothing but stand there while hoping for all this to happen...
Also to Arynne: to start Very Nice image, but...

Weren't Swan Maidens just an other name for Valkyrie? I seem to recall they being called like that because of the Feathery Cloaks they wear when they're off duty and want to go relax in Midguard, it turns into great White wings giving them the name... I also seem to recall that if you steal it from them (Like say while they bathe in a stream in one story, Olrun, Alvit and Svanhvit were the three that got caught tat way in that story) you get to wed them if you like... Still nice Image, and good character concept, though not quite a Valkyrie;)

The worst, most damning thing they did to Lunars was to in several points emulate Solar charms. Might Bolstering Blow is one such point.
When it comes to lunars must admit, there is only one charm that I would love to use one day , Heaven-Spanning Staff of the Monkey King, wielding a weapon of any size without fighting with a pillar of heaven or a weapon that can become as big as a mountain always had some very impressive and cool visuals to me.
On second thought (and some sleep - good lord, 3 pages in the time it took me to wake back up!) I'm thinking of an Abyssal. Partially due to lack of interest shown there, and it would be a shame if no one wanted that spot, and partially because I've got an Abyssal character kicking around that I think would fit well.

He's a renegade, though not of the sort that wants 'redeemed'. He simply has idealogical differences with his Deathlord, the Lion: Sees war on Creation as little more than a waste of resources that could go to making the Underworld a proper mirror of life instead of a pale shadow. So instead, he uses necrotech to raise an army to one day throw down both the Neverborn and the Deathlords. Not a kind man, nor a peaceful one - but his creators asked for a weapon, and that's exactly what he'll point at their throats, for the betterment of undeath.
umm there's only two other charms that do about the same thing (mechanically) as Might Bolstering Blow, Neither is Solar, and fluff wise they do so for different reasons, one of them is Ravening mouth of (Ability) which let's Abyssals Feed with their Martial arts, Melee, Thrown, or Archery Atacks for a scene, only recharges them for damage dealt not Accuracy like MBB... and the other is Gruesome Wood King Revelry Technique from the Even Blade Style, which again only refills you from damage dealt not accuracy, it also works by feeding off the blood of your victim... Where MBB recharges your Essence simply because of the Pride at proving your superiority over your prey by first landing a hit then Watching him squirm IF you did any damage (but just hitting is enough to to recharge a bit). And originally the three only three solar charms that allowed you to recharge Essene were Imminent solar Glory (And that one was slow and required you LEAD some group), Essence Gathering temper that refills you as you take damage (Very dangerous if you don't have big Medicine combos, Lunar self healing charms or White reaper Style), and finally Ghost eating technique, which Is the closest, but again you feed off what your opponent is made of and only works on ghosts and spirits... Anyway we're leading this thread WAY off topic so I'd suggest that if you want to keep talking about this we take it to Private Messages or move it elsewhere or somthing...
Weren't Swan Maidens just an other name for Valkyrie? I seem to recall they being called like that because of the Feathery Cloaks they wear when they're off duty and want to go relax in Midguard, it turns into great White wings giving them the name... I also seem to recall that if you steal it from them (Like say while they bathe in a stream in one story, Olrun, Alvit and Svanhvit were the three that got caught tat way in that story) you get to wed them if you like... Still nice Image, and good character concept, though not quite a Valkyrie;)

There are swan-maiden legends from all over Europe (and Asia, though they are usually called crane maidens there) not just the Norse countries. The Valkyries are sometimes said to be connected with swans, but just as often with ravens. Though there was a Valkyrie named Kára who could take the shape of a swan and aided her lover with her magic songs. Sadly, the epic that tells of their adventures is lost; we only have the story of their last battle...
I would be interested in the Alchemical slot. Is this a forum game? Sorry, I'm not very well versed in this website yet.

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