Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

"Oh...okay" she nods and looks at her feet, she felt nervous around people so she made a small water ball to calm herself down

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Brandon's eyes shot open and slowly adjusted to light in the arena. 'I need to get out of here' he thought while struggling to get up. Barely standing, his tired eyes scanned for an exit. To his left was Daniel collapsed on the ground. 'A favor for a favor' his mind said as he staggered over to his unconscious body. Pulling strength from some a strange untouched reservoir, he put him on his shoulder and shuffled toward the stairs. He collapsed on the ground, but maintained the will to get out. An exhausted thought occurred in his mind while he staggered onto his feet 'the ladder.. how.. will I... climb'.
Daniel's eyes began to flutter as his lashes whipped out the last pieces of burnt stone from them. 'Where am I? I should ask this person carrying me.' not knowing that Brandon was "carrying" him. "W- Wh- Where?" mumbled Daniel as the injured ally was slugging forward.

"Where is Olivia?" he asked without thinking. He swung himself off of the patrons shoulder nearly pushing the other down. His body was shaky as he stood by the ladder without any kind of smug grin on his face, but visage filled with rage. "Is she in there?" he threw his view over too the tunnel before turning back and realizing that the victim of his anger was the damaged opponent from earlier. "I'm sorry. Please tell me where Olivia is, or maybe even Rose..."" His look of aggression returned as he spoke out the scape goat's name.
Brandon heard Daniel, but could hardly reply in time with his mind working rapidly on how to get up the ladder. The guy pushed off his shoulder almost making him hit the floor. Leaning on a wall, he watched as the student's eyes filled with rage. Daniel yelled something at the tunnel then stared back at him. The look of anger seem to disappear when he looked at Brandon. The student asked him something about Olivia and Rose. "Olivia is.. fine.." he gasped then looked up the ladder and continued "R-Rose is gone... He.. Took her". Hearing what he just said repeat in his head he noticed a great amount of hate when he said "He". 'I feel so numb' he thought almost sliding off the wall.
Claire runned to the ladder and she got to her dorm room. She took her handbag and looked for her pocket knife. She took it out and putted it in her jacket pocket. She runned to a forgotten pond of the shcool, there was no water in it so she jumped in it and found the portal. She then entered in the portal and quitted the school. She looked for information about that Damen Garten.

It's been 5 hours since he left the battles. Walking through the portals, he entered the human world, a city known as New York. His gaze reached out to a empty parking lot, yet only a single Vehicle was in the corner under a light above. Walking over it came to focus, a black gun metal, some parts a shiny black, motorcycle, modern, sleek. He loved it, and why shouldn't he? I mean he made it. Walking over jake wore his usual , black t-shirt, jeans, boots, and his dark brunette hair slightly messy. Reaching his bike he picked up his helmet, sliding it on with ease. A black glass frame covering his face, as the rest was a dull black. Moving to the side, he raised his foot, moving on it, he sat down. Now this bike was different, putting his hands on the handles, a invisible smile appeared on his face, to anyone who might of been looking. Flames coated the handles running down to the engine, it roared. Testing the gears, he looked forwards. "Home sweet home here I come..." And he was off, making his way back to his apartment.

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-Present time-

Claire had been looking for hours but she wouldn't find anyone who would answer her. She continued walking when she remembered something. She runned to an alleyway and then into a strange, dark place. She took two twin blades from a box. One of the blades was white and the other was black. She hid the two blades in her black leather jacket. "Where are you Rose..." she said, even if she knew Rose couldn't hear her. She got back to the streets and continued looking for some clues. She collapsed to the ground.

-In Claire's past-

Claire brother just camed back from a hard fight to protect their village. As soon he camed back, he offered a box to Claire. "That is for you Claire, I know you will like them," he said.

The little kid that Claire was at this time openned the box and saw the twin blades. "Thanks! I like them! Can I try them now?" she asked. At this time, she was only four. Since then, she learnt how to fight.
As the bike roared, the wind flew by, as the city's lights hit the black lens on the helmet. He began to slow his bike down, as the light ahead turned red. Coming to a halt, he looked down checking a piece on his bike, happy with how it was he looked back up slightly to his right side. At first not noticing anything then a form came into view, looking back to the right, he noticed a girl collapsed. His senses telling him she was a elemental. Under his breath he cursed, starting up his bike again, he made a quick u-turn, making a slight squeak. Moving to the edge in the sidewalk he turned into the alley. Jumping of the bike, he put the stand up. With the helmet still on he rushed to her side. Knowing he had to get out of sight quickly he reached down picking the girl up he walked back to the alley, were he knew the shadows would cover them.

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-In Claire's past-

There was nothing left, nothing... Her family just died... Claire had to make it alone from now. The six years old child did not even cry a little. She learnt how to block her emotions. She picked up her twin blades, her pocket kinfe and left everything behind her. It was not hard.

-Present time-

Claire felt like someone picked her up. She was still not having all her senses back but she took her pocket knife in her hand silently, just in case that something hapenned.
Setting her down on the black leather seat of his bike, his hand still on the middle of her back just incase she fell, he looked her over for injures in which would cause her to faint. Head to toe yet there was no sign at all of a injury. " okay?" His gaze falling on the knifes he opened her hand, taking them "what the hell are you doing in the city?" He set the knives a side. "And where did you get these?"

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"Rose..." Claire said hardly since her senses were not totally back. She was unable to answer anything else.
His eyes opened when he heard his sisters name. His hands moving to the sides of her arms, he took hold of her gently, and shook he slightly to try and wake her, his voice deep yet not to deep. Curiosity and wonder in how this girl knew his sister. He kneeled, now face to face. "Rose? Why would Rose be here? Is she okay?" Knowing he wouldn't get anywhere in a alley, he sighed standing back up. He whispered "it's not safe.." Moving over to his bike he moved her to the front. Getting on behind her, he made sure she wouldn't fall off, letting her lean on his chest. He put her two knives into a side slot on the bike. Reaching forwards, his hand grabbed the handles. The mystery girl in the middle. His power flew through the handles reached the engine. Making the bike roar. Kicking the stand back up, he took off. Now on the street, the wind blew, the city light once again reflecting of his helmets black lens. Taking a turn he began to make his way back to his apartment. He thought "almost there...why...did she say Rose?"

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Looking down slightly, his gaze raised quickly back on the road. Panic went through him yet, he remained calm the next. He spoke calmly "shhh, it's not safe to talk now, will talk when we get to my place." Making a turn he went down another alley, coming to a halt he hit the kick stand. A few flight if iron stairs going up the side of the building, his was on the top floor. His power leaving the bike now silence through the air. Moving of the bike swiftly, he went to the girls side, holding her slightly the whole time. One hand on her back the other reached up, as he took his helmet off. His helmet causing dark brown his hair to become slightly messy. Yet he didn't care, knowing it was how it normally looked. Putting the helmet on the back if his bike, he moved the girl to the side of his bike. Looking down, his height easily towered over her own. He spoke calmly "can you walk?"

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Quickly his hands shot out, catching her before she fell. Using his other hand he picked her up with ease. Almost in a cradling way. Moving around his bike, he began to make his way up the flight of stairs. Yet never broke a sweat. Reaching his door, it looked crappy and worn down. Using one hand he opened the door with a key, kicking it with his foot it opened. Inside was huge, and modern. Grey wooden floors, top of the line tech. Top of the line everything. It seemed kinda dark for a most people, yet it was him, and he didn't care what others thought. Some girls want to paint the walls, pink or blue, instead of the white ones already there. Yet he told them no. Looking down at the couch, he turned making his way to his bedroom. Moving to the side of the bed, he set her down gently. Looking down at her he sighed, "once she wakes up....I need to figure out what's going on" he thought. Walking away, he took of his shirt. His skin slightly tan. All the days at the gym, paying off, as his muscles were toned and easily noticed even from his shirt. Walking to the bath room, he decided to take a shower. Starting the shower steam began to rise.

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