Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

" Now, Claire follow me to my office." Mr. Walter said as he helped her up . "You aren't in any trouble." he said as he put his hand on her shoulder. He smiled at Claire to let her know everything would be alright.
Sarah looked up and the stream of water splashed back into the water. "Gahh!" She shouted from getting wet. She got up and brushed as much dirt as she could off of her. She was walking to her dorm when she saw a big group of people in the way. What is going on? She thought. Then once she saw what was the problem, her eyes got big and she shouted, "Sorry."
Mr. Walter motioned for Claire to sit when they got to his office. Mr Walter sat in his chair. He stared at Claire for a few minutes and then started talking. "How long have you had it?" he asked.
"Well, that is when a fire elemental and a water elemental are best friends..." I said. "It's hard to explain."
Seeing the garden burning and trying to heal itself at the same time Olivia freaks out. She goes into a crazy fray and doesn't know what to do. Clenching her books to her chest she stops and tries to calm herself down. "I have to concentrate, or else this won't go right." she took a deep breath and hummed a melody she made up to help keep her powers under control. Suddenly a super strong wind blew and the fire rose then died out quickly. The gardens healed themselves quickly as Olivia took each step towards her favorite sitting spot. She climbed up the three trees in the corner and sat near the top, watching the entire garden and humming to herself as a slight breeze blew.
Kato laid on his bed. He felt guilty about doing that to Claire but he was curious. He thought about how Claire felt. More tears started to stream down his face. Kato grabbed the remote off of his night stand and went to netflix. He put it on Fairy Tail and pulled the cover over himself. He watched episode 32 and fell asleep on it.

"Who?" Mr. Walter asked Claire."Who did this."
"A close friend of mine when we were young. He didin't knew about his powers..." I said. My wrist hurting me more than ever.
She took the shirt thankfully, putting it over her tanktop. "Thank you" she looked up at him and smiled. Taking his question to note, she thought about it. "Eh sure if you would like" she smiled "I need to give you your shirt back anyway".

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