Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

Whilst she was assessing the situation Daniel looked for the source of the fire. He came to a halt as he watched Kayka defile his domain. "Stop!" he yelled as he made a wave of the debris hit her to the ground in an attempt to engage as peacefully as possible.

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Turning around she noticed a girl, her eyes a blazing red, her cloak becoming a hotter. "You started this?! You killed all of this life?! How could you!!" She glared at her angry.
w-what are you doing? *angry* i want to burn all the garden........ 
because thats the way of the fire....thats my way..*angry* and you kill my way 
because thats the way of the fire....thats my way..*angry*
Daniel looked down at his feet and began chuckling. His chuckle turned into a sick laugh as a smile went from cheek to cheek. "I don't understand!!!" he mumbled still laughing for some reason.

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A wave of exhaustion hit her, holding in her powers for years was taking a toll. She began to sway the cloak beginning to due around her, her eyes becoming a cool red. She smiled slightly speaking softly "it's not always destruction..."
it needs to be destruction...i..i....kill everything...i burn everything....its a good sacrifice *sad* all its a good sacrifice 
*the flames dont do anything to me so i I wrap myself in flames*
Rose looked up at the girl. Sadly. "Do you really think that?" She looked at her, her eyes half closed "fire isn't allways can't be."
Alice came late to the school, she looked around shyly and saw how big the school was, she was in her uniform and walked to her room, she came back down after packing and saw orange light at the green house, she walked over and realized it's fire, she just stayed back and watched. Eventually she threw a water ball at the girl who was producing the fire
Daniel walks up to the inferno bundle and crouches. The heat is ridiculous and he is 5 feet away. He puts down his sun bear ornament and lies down attempting to ignore the heat. "See,I'm fine.. Not dead!" he says staring at Kayka. "Now if you would turn off the fire we could all relax and talk... I'm pretty sure we missed our second class anyway"

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Weakly walked back to her bag. Rose fell next to the bench she reached in her backpack, pulling out a pair of grey gloves with a black trim "good think I always carry a spare.." She smiled weakly, she leaned against the bench. Holding out her hands with the gloves in it, in a gesture for her to take them. 
Sorry have to go be on tomarrow :D ))
The black mercedes stops right in front of the entrance of Brandon's new high school. He looks outside the window to see small ashes and embers rising into the air. He steps out of the car thinking about how late he is. He shrugs it off and heads toward where he believes there is a fire. He arrives at an interesting scene with two girls talking admist a schorched garden. A strange guy putting an ornament by one of the girls. He seems a little uncomfortable by the fire. Brandon looks around and sees a tree and bench and decides that since he already missed half the school day that a little nap wouldnt hurt. (12am~~ i'll be back tomorrow)
Xavier arrived at Agricultural Studies just in time, the teacher wasn't even in the classroom yet. He looked out the window and saw a man sleeping on a bench. He decided to prank him a bit by making a small rock arise from the ground and then that rock flew against the sleeping boy's face.
(That's not cool)

Claire quitted her class as the bell ranged and looked at her schedule. There was nothing left for today as she missed the first class beacause of an idiot. She went to the library, hoping she could get some calm in there.
Brandon was dreaming of walking through a dark city when something hit him in the face. He rubbed his eyes and looked around to see if anyone was around. He saw alot of windows with students starting to leave. He then saw a guy in one of the windows staring at him. Brandon can't out right blame him for it so he just leaves to talk to the dean and get his schedule.
A small proud smile was drawn in Xavier's face. He didn't thought he would have been able to hit the guy. He then gave his attention back to the teacher who had just entered the classroom.
After a stern lecture from the dean Brandon sat down in a chair near the corner of the the office and stared at the papers he was given. One was a schedule that said his first class was chemistry. "well I missed that..." he mumbled under his breath. He got up and left for his room to study and finish the make-up work he was given.
Leaving the gardens that day put a toll on her. Walking over to her apartment felt as though her limps would simply fall off. "I will not be using my powers again for a long time" she thought to herself. Half way there she looked up, seeing the steep hill to her apartment. Looking to the side she noticed a tree. Walking over she put her hand on it for support, slowly sitting down, leaning her back to it. She closed her eyes dozing off, as the wind blew, blowing her hair. 
Notes: (the gardens grow back extremely fast, there is magic set upon it, knowing that something might happen one day)
Claire borrowed a book at the library, she putted it into her handbag and went to the garden. She took out the book from her handbag and started to read.'Everything is so calm,' she tought while reading.

She don't see time passes as she was reading. When she finished her book, she just laughed at the end. "How an horrible end! They found their love, how impressive!" Claire never believed in true love. She putted the book in her handbag as she sighed. Well, her cold personality kept the others away. She looked at the tree.

~Times slowly passes~
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Xavier was finally done with his class. During the class Xavier had introduced himself to the rest of the class. The class had left him tired so when the class was over he felt glad it was over. As soon as he walked out of the class he noticed how hungry he was. His stomach growled, which made Xavier blush in embarrassment. He began to search for the cafeteria.
Brandon finished work relatively fast since it was just first day work. He shuffled around his room curious to what he can do to pass the time. "Just the necessities, I guess" he said to himself. Brandon looks over towards the open window and sees the garden. Slightly surprised He scans the area outside and sees a small scorched piece of earth quickly grow verdant with tufts of grass. "Strange..." he mutters. He catches a glance of a familiar girl laying under a tree. 'She seems exhausted' Brandon thought to himself and decided that he would help this person. He jumps out of the window and lands on the ground with both feet. It was 6-7 foot drop and Brandon felt a slight pain in his right ankle. He kept walking and stopped in front of the exhausted girl. "Hey" he greeted the girl.
Claire looked up as she was concentrated looking at the ground. "Hello?" She replied, very not sure of what she should do.
"you seem kinda beat up" he said." I think I saw you and another girl talking when I got here. It seemed a little heated" he continued. He stopped and thought about what he said 'oh god, I just said a pun'.

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