Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

Xavier stood up. He decided that it would be the best for him to head to the office. He walked upto another student and asked "Excuse me, I am new here, where is the office at?" The student pointed in the direction of the office. "Thank you." He began to walk towards it.
Olivia looked in the direction of the office door as it opened. 'Oh, it's the guy from earlier.' she thought to herself and looked in the direction of the dean's office.
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Before Xavier was able to open the door to the office a girl bumped into Xavier, he almost loses his balance.
Xavier looked down at the girl. "Are you okay there? You bumped pretty hard into me." He said as he slowly opened the office door.
Laura got her uniform on and grabbed her phone and it's charger put her charger in her bag ate breakfast put on a little make up and then put on her uniform and shoes slung her bag on her shoulder and texted Ivy. Hey Ivy I am on my way over to get you so be ready we are already a little late. She walked out and put her phone in her pocket and took out her keys and went to her pinkish Porsche that had black stripes across it. Laura got in and drove to Ivy's.

Ivy had just finished eating grabbed her charger and phone which had gone off she put her charger in her back pack put on her make up then her uniform and checked her phone it was Laura her best friend. She smiled and texted back. What how late are we only 4 minutes late but I am on my way out I will be waiting. Ivy then went outside and waited after she slung her beg across her shoulder and hugged her mom.
ouch that relly hurt...*sitting rubbing my back* 
I'm fine thanks * smiled * 
* I get up * Whats your name?
Having already said his Goodbyes (really all he said was goodbye and left his home to be driven to this enormous building), Daniel stood at the open gate of the school. "Where do I start?" He asked himself still staring at the welcoming open gate. Daniel proceeded to walk through the gate counting the seconds between every 3 steps in his head "1... 1.... 1" he slowed his pace and looked at the front door of the grand structure. He tilted his head staring through the windows on the right before forcing himself in. 'There must be some kind of registrar I mean what would a School be without one?! I don't know!-' he continued to think about scenarios for what a school would be like without a main office/registrar. 'Okay, you need to talk to people here..' he thought before following the signs to the main office as he took off his sun bear ornament and stared at it with the corner of his eye.
Claire looked at all the people around the office. "What is it with all the people around the office?" She asked.
Daniel stopped too look at the office surrounded by other people. He took his ornament and hooked it back on his right pocket while he was walking to the wonderful gathering. As everyone seemed to be paused or conversing, Daniel rudely squeezed his way through to the office to confirm his entrance and get settled in.
Xavier let Daniel pass. He turned to the whole group and said "Okay everybody, most of us are excited that we will by joining the Arcane High School so lets all head into the office so that we know which are our classes." He opened the door for the group. "Lets go."
They are greeted by the sight of Daniel being given a sheet and signing 3 forms. "Thank you!" said Daniel as he forced out a smile that came out eerie and disturbing as he hadn't socialized with people in a while. The smile reached to each end of his face as the dark lines under his eyes seemed to capture the light in his eyes. As he turned away he rapidly replaced that smile with a monotone visage. He took a seat near the desk where the other seemed to be going to and began to stare at his new schedule.
Xavier looked at Daniel then at Claire. " name is Xavier, I can apparently control earth, but I still can't dominate it. Who are you two? If I may ask."
Taking flight after flight, she finally arrived. As the black car drove up to the school, she looked at the building in awh. New school new day... She thought to her self. Reaching forward she pushed the door open, pushing her way out side of the car. Standing up straight, she reached back in throwing her back pack over her shoulder. Straightening up she ran her hands over her uniform, her ash brown hair fell in its normal position, yet a gust of wind blew it to the side, her eyes a calm red, as she took her first step forwards making her way to the front office.
Olivia stared at the group all talking and hoped that she wouldn't be thrust into in conversation. However she knew she needed to get new forms and went up to the front desk and got them. She sat down next to the crazy-looking guy.
"Huh, nice to meet you." Xavier looked at the whole group one more time. "A lot of people seem to have joined the High School for now. That is good, I guess." 
"Well I am trying to socialize with all the new people...." He said to Kayka.
Hearing the words from Xavier, Olivia buried her head in her new schedule and wished even harder that no one would speak to her.

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