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Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC



New Member

This premise section is copy/pasted unaltered from the interest check. I want to keep the explanation of the basic ideas in the OOC post to keep things more consolidated and easier to keep track of. If you read the interest check, the new stuff is under the Character Sheets header.


Here's something slightly different from the standard idea: Everyone is a wizard submitting letters to a wizard magazine of some kind, produced by a wizard academy with a printing press for its members. I say "magazine" and you think of a glossy softback in a grocery store dating back no further than 1920, but the printing press was invented in 1436, so a small-run academic periodical is not outside the standard fantasy tech level at all. So all the wizards run off and have wizard adventures in the Elemental Plane of Magma or conduct alchemical experiments to combine spiders and cats in the academy cellars or go on an expedition to verify the accuracy of the Compleat Atlas of Hell after some errors were noticed, and then they write up what they're doing and submit it to the magazine. The magazine printer gathers up every letter written in by a wizard this month and compiles it into that month's magazine, prints out enough copies for all the wizards in the academy, and everyone can pick up a copy whenever is convenient. Some wizards submit a letter and collect a magazine on a monthly basis, others return after three years in the howling wilderness of Yug'tholep to drop off a 50-page travelogue/bestiary and pick up forty issues of the magazine printed for them and left in a giant pile in their office while they were gone.

Drop-In, Drop-Out

The epistolary format means you don't have to commit to seeing the RP through to the end. If you stop writing posts, that means your wizard stopped writing letters to the magazine, that's all. That suggests they aren't doing anything interesting enough to be worth writing about, but they don't suddenly become catatonic before quietly fading out of the story the way an abandoned character in a standard prose RP will stop responding and then everyone has to figure out how to move the story past that. If you go inactive and come back after a long absence, it might be because your wizard was doing fairly boring and straightforward academy administration the whole time, it might be that they spent several months on dangerous arcane research or distant explorations and have only just now returned to report on several months of activity (not necessarily at-length - just because they spent three months doing something doesn't mean they want to spend ten pages writing about it), or it might be that they were silently involved in events that unfolded in other letters, just not in a way that ever merited being named by the authors of those other letters.

What Epistles Can Be Submitted?

The magazine is a way for wizards to communicate asynchronously with their community since many of them are only sporadically in the academy's physical grounds. As such, submissions to the magazine can be anything that the author wants to let their fellow wizards know about. It might include an update on arcane research or exploration, a call to arms to do something about some approaching doom, a diatribe about how much a wizard hates a rival academy, or anything else. Two wizards might get into a drawn out screaming match through the medium of magazine articles and counter-articles. The magazine does have an editor who can reject articles, but their role is more similar to that of a forum mod than a modern magazine editor. They might impose a ban on specific hot-button topics or refuse to accept any more articles furthering an ongoing feud between two wizards or otherwise try to keep the peace, but they won't reject anything based on subject matter or quality of submission except in the most extreme of circumstances.

There are, however, two special OOC categories for epistles: Arcane studies and travelogues. Arcane studies introduce new spells and travelogues introduce new locations. The IC wizard academy doesn't necessarily recognize these as official categories, but they're important to keeping the collaborative worldbuilding straight. An epistle doesn't have to be an arcane study or a travelogue, but if it is, it needs to follow the rules below, which are designed to prevent one player from running away with too much of the setting.

Arcane Study

An arcane study introduces a new spell to the setting. If it's a powerful and complex spell, the epistle might literally be an arcane study recounting how the spell was discovered. If it's a weaker spell, the epistle might be a study guide for younger wizards or be a completely unrelated letter that happens to bring up the casting of a basic spell. What's important is that, as an OOC rule, an arcane study can only add one spell at a time, to prevent someone from walking away with half the spell library in their first epistle.

Every spell must have a unique combination of mana, and there are six quiddities of mana: Red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and purple. So there is only one spell cast with two red and one yellow mana, written as 2R/1Y. Spells with a higher total amount of mana are more powerful and harder to learn, and the total amount of mana used to cast a spell is the spell level. So, that 2R/1Y spell would be third level. Generally, apprentices can cast level 1 or 2 spells, most trained wizards can cast level 3-5 spells, and level 6-9 spells are the domains of exceptionally powerful wizards. A spell cannot contain mana from two opposed quiddities on the color wheel, so no green and red, no blue and orange, and no purple and yellow. This also means each spell can have a maximum of three quiddities, since once you have three, it's impossible to add another without adding one that's opposite to the quiddities already present.

A wizard has a quiddity themselves, and every spell the wizard uses must have at least one point of mana matching their quiddity. You can only write an arcane study for a spell your wizard can use. This means that single-quiddity spells can only be used by wizards of that quiddity, so if you're the only wizard with that quiddity (i.e. if no more than six people join this RP), you get to define all nine of the spells for your quiddity. For that reason, the usual rule about only defining one spell per arcane study is lifted for spells that use only your own quiddity. You can make as many of those as you like all in one go, since you're not taking away slots from other wizards when you do.

Mana is not consumed when cast and comes from magical creatures, locations, and objects. A wizard is themselves a magical creature and has one point of mana from their own quiddity. Additional mana comes from magic creatures and items they carry with them, usually familiars and wands or staves. Some wizards might source their mana from magic rings, magic swords, magic mounts, or any other number of magic things. The only thing they probably don't source mana from is magic locations, because it's hard to pack up a dolmen with you.

Exactly what quiddities mean will be defined in play. Some amount of reasonableness will be enforced. Blue quiddity cannot be the source of all fire magic, because if the quiddities are going to have elemental associations, then clearly fire magic should be red. However, quiddities don't have to have elemental associations. As quiddities get more defined, overlap between them will start to get more rigidly enforced. If the first healing spell uses green quiddity and you want to make a blue quiddity healing spell, that's fine - blue just has to heal in some noticeably different way from green. Maybe green is direct healing while blue is a life-steal, for example. However, if there are eight healing spells and they all use green mana and no healing spells that do not use green mana, then healing magic is green and if you want a blue healing spell, it needs to include some green as well.


Behold, the glorious map of the local realm:

View attachment 1131399

This is a 13x13 hex map with the academy located at 7,7. When you write a travelogue, you define one of the hexes on this map, or else you define a distant realm.

Each hex is 24 miles across, which is about the range that cavalry manning a castle can patrol. This means each hex either has a castle or else has something else instead of a castle. Maybe it's troll country and no one can build a castle there. Maybe the castle is surrounded by a market town or a bustling trading port. Maybe there's a city there instead of a castle, by some ancient agreement at the kingdom's founding. Maybe the castle sits as a lonely outpost on a border march. Maybe there's no castle because the hex is an underwater holding of the merpeople. Regardless of the details, a 24 mile hex is big enough to be its own fiefdom with its own problems, and a 13x13 hex map with each hex being 24 miles across is about the same size as Great Britain in total. When you define a hex, you can decide who rules it, who lives there, what's going on, etc. etc. If you define a hex adjacent to the academy, they probably have some kind of relationship with the academy. If you define a hex adjacent to a bunch of previously defined hexes, then what's going on in that hex probably has something to do with what's going on over in those hexes, but 24 miles is far enough away that they aren't necessarily directly impacted. If you define a hex in the middle of the grey, then who knows what's going on over there.

The more of the local realm gets defined, the more other hexes need to fit in with what's already been defined. At the beginning, however, the only thing defined about the local realm is that there's a wizard academy in the middle of it. Does the wizard academy rule some or all of the local realm? Are we a hidden enclave in a land where magic is outlawed? Is the local realm split between many small kingdoms or united into one larger one?

A distant realm is in a different region of the world. It might be the neighboring kingdom, another continent, the South Pole, or another dimension. There are 168 blank hexes on the standard map, so we definitely shouldn't have to create distant realms due to running out of space, but if someone wants to write an epistle about venturing to the South Pole or a Japan expy or whatever, I'm going to make a new map instead of adding 400 hexes to the east/south edge of this one.

When you are defining a distant realm, you can define as many locations in it as you want. You don't have to limit yourself to one hex. Once a distant realm is defined, however, it must be added to one hex at a time just like the local realm.

Character Sheet






3 spells/hexes:

How To Character Sheets

Name, gender, age, personality, backstory, and appearance are self-explanatory, quiddity is explained in the magic system above.

Your position is your position in the academy. These are usually going to be professor or dean. That's not an exhaustive list, but those two are the most common. A professor is in charge of some combination of conducting research and teaching students, while a dean is in charge of one of the component colleges of the academy overseeing a broader area of study, probably an entire quiddity of magic. Students can't submit to the magazine themselves, but one or more students might be brought along on a research expedition by a professor, and a research assistant might be given the job of writing down what happens so the professor can submit it to the magazine. Plagiarism is not generally looked upon favorably in academic circles, so it would be a scandal for a professor to claim their student's writing was their own, but it's completely normal for a professor to send in a student's writing with a note attached saying "I vouch for the accuracy of this report." Other positions can exist, but don't need to.

Abilities is mostly self-explanatory as well, although it's worth noting that if you create a character who is an orc or a dragon or something and no one else has made one of those before, you are creating a precedent for what those creatures are like in this setting. It is also worth noting that the level of power allowed is both wider than you might be useful and has a higher cap. Wider, meaning it is okay if some characters are much more powerful than others, because they are not usually traveling together, so the weaker character faces smaller problems far away from the stronger character. And a higher cap because all characters are expected to be wizards of at least 3rd level, often 6th or higher, which means they can cast a lot of spells, some of which are very powerful. These are the foremost experts on magic for hundreds of miles and because they undertake most of their adventures alone, they do not need major weaknesses that allow other characters to shine. Other characters shine because they are doing other things in other places.

With that being said, it is still important to keep character power below the level where they can solve problems trivially or at great distance. Like, if you want to play some kind of dragon, that might work, but you can't be the kind of hyper-powerful ancient wyrm demi-god dragon whose aura of power alone solves all problems within a 100-mile radius. The premise allows for more power than you might be used to, but don't go completely insane here, wizards aren't gods. Also, your character's natural abilities shouldn't eclipse or replace the magic system. Open-ended things like "psychic powers" or "genie conjuration" or "natural fire magic" aren't allowed because they make it too easy for a character to completely ignore the magic system, which is one of the main ways that characters interact with each other. Your abilities can be individually strong, but there should be a short and specific list of them, so that the bulk of any given character's problem-solving toolkit will still be spells.

The spells/hexes should define some part of the spellbook or hex map which isn't already defined. This is for three things: First, it doublechecks that applicants understand how the collaborative worldbuilding works, since that part is new and I'm not sure how well I explained it, second, it lets people signal how much they plan to focus on spells vs. hexes, and third, people are pretty eager to get rolling and I don't want to shut them down completely but I also don't want half the spellbook and map to be filled in before our first in-character post.
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Name: Nyraloi Heteri
Gender: Female
Age: 468
Quiddity: Purple (Necromancy and Death)
Position: Professor
Species: Revenant
Relationship W Academy: Earned her position through magical prowess and ancient knowledge. Before she was employed she was a lone sorcerer. learning about the spells of the Purple Quiddity. Harnessing magics unknown. Since her employment, she has continued her studies. Which are (unofficially) sponsored by the Academy. Students whisper about what she could be experimenting with. With some suggesting she may be figuring out a way to harness death itself. Her relationship with students is interesting. Most students respect her (or at least don't get pissy at her). Both due to her great knowledge and the fact she can turn them into a rotting corpse.
Personality: Cautious, ambitious, logical, introverted, reserved, curious, intelligent, non-social, deceptive, quiet, and preceptive. Speaks only when spoken to. Secretive about various unknown things. When teaching usually lectures. Excited when talking about something she is very into. Very curious about magic and the undead. Seeks to learn patterns and relations between varying different things (mainly magic). Very logical (as in everything can be explained logical). Has basically zero drive for anything. Has a rather grim outlook on the world. Very paranoid almost all the time. Making defensive measures for every plot she can think about that could be against her. Gradually toughened up as people started dying around her due to old age. Very anxious almost all the time likely due to her experiencing death. Prone to fits of rage when aggravated too much likely due to her hatred for her killer. Very secretive. Doesnt spill secrets (her own and others) to anyone. Keeps personal information (her own) to herself mainly. Hard to get close to.
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Backstory: Raised in the suburbs on the edge of the city her story is rather grim. When she was young her father was murdered. And later her mother by the same person. And later her by the same man. At one point a group of witches and sorcerers performed a forgotten ritual. Which is now known as the Revenant Ressurection. They brought her back to life. To enact her revenge on her killer. But what the sorcerers did not anticipate was the change of her mind. Death had changed her. Mentally, physically, and most importantly magically. She was gifted (or cursed) with the power over purple. Previously an area of magic ill sought after and even less understood. To this day she has still not enacted her revenge. Her killer is somehow still at large. Having obtained some form of biological immortality. Unbeknownst to her killer is much more than he seems. He was a great sorcerer. A warlock who made a pact with an entity long forgotten. For its service in exchange for immortality and magical power.

Abilities: Unlimited endurance, night vision, does not require air, water, or food, super speed, super strength, Dead speak (can speak to undead), Dread Stare (incites fear in those who look into her eyes to long), extreme reaction times, soul sensing (can see into people souls to tell intent, alignment and similar things), immune to poison and disease, does not age and cannot be affected by aging spells/effects, spectral sense (capable of sensing other undead in the nearby area), The Black Scream (screams at a target within 5ft, if a living creature the target experiences intense pain in their ears, if a non-living creature the creature experiences great amounts of terror).

Appearance: (Picture)

Spells: Touch of Decay (3 Purple), Revenant Ressurection (5 Purple)
Touch of Decay: Upon casting when the user touches a living organism that organism experiences decay at a rapid rate. Consistent with old age and eventual death. The rate of decay is consistent with the organism's maximum age. For instance, if an organism with a higher life span is afflicted it takes longer for it to die due to it. Time until death ranges from 2-20 minutes. Non-living organisms cannot be affected by this. Most commonly undead, constructs, slimes, spirits, and similar creatures.
Revenant Ressurection: Upon performing this ritual on a recently deceased corpse (2 days-5 years) it resurrects the corpse as a Revenant. The Revenant maintains all memories it had in life including skills and magical knowledge. The Revenant is driven to enact its ritual purpose. Upon the completion of this task, the Revenant is free from binding and can do as it wishes. To perform this ritual the following criteria must be met. You must know the deceased personally, you must have an item of personal value to the deceased, a probable cause for their spirit to inhabit their body, and must chant ritualistic Dead Speak. Common reasons a deceased will choose to inhabit include the following. Revenge, Knowledge. Personal Objectives, FInishing a life's work, and Saying goodbyes.
Hex: (4 beneath the university) A large swamp-like area. Full of the stench of decay. Wandering undead can be found here. As well as more unorthodox creatures such as slimes, trolls, and more. She has taken to calling it "The Decaying Swamp". It has some sort of stone cathedral in the center of it. Which is akin in size to a small castle. Further research is required for more information.


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Nyraloi is deceptive and honest? One of those seems like it's probably a typo.

If she's over 400 years old and to this day has not enacted her revenge, then the guy who killed her is already dead, isn't he?

Is she supposed to be ethereal all the time, or can she switch back and forth? Either way, why is this an inherent revenant power? Revenants are corporeal. Likewise, why are levitation and undead command part of a revenant power set and not separate spells? This is a lot of powers to be lobbing into a creature made with a 5th level spell. Undead command alone seems like it would be a 8th-9th level purple spell, since it lets you yoink other purple mages' stuff. You don't have to cram every power you ever want your character to have into the character sheet, just wait until the IC thread gets started, define some spells, and use those.

Also, the purple/red undead are supposed to be vampires, I brought it up when I was defining red.
    • Wizzicon
      Epistalists of All Kinds, An Encyclopedia of the Famous, Infamous and Obscure Publishers
      Obsiniam Aquantis
      Relationship with the Academy
      Although infrequently seen on academy grounds, Ms. Aquantis is the dean of the blue quiddity and a major sponsor of the academy (funded by the sale of her highly sought-out golems and automatons which she crafts as a form of art piece in itself), including for a number of scholarships. She reached her position through remarkable research and making a name for herself as one of the educators responsible for the fundamentals of magic lessons taught to new students in the youngest brackets of the academy's formal education.

      Basic Personal Information
      Ms. Aquantis's age is the subject of debate, though her lack of features of common long-lived races despite her long presence in the academy and lack of apparent aging do make it evident that she has employed a method to increase her lifespan, though remains secretive about the exact process. What has been found suggests Ms. Aquantis has placed her own mind inside of an automaton. If true this might constitute one of her greatest achievements as an automaton crafter, seeing as the young-looking white-haired presumed automaton appears indistinguishable from a human.

      In her interview, she has neither confirmed nor denied the truth of the rumor. Some have suggested she might even be able to survive potentially fatal injuries or situations by finding a new body in the event of her current one being compromised.


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Changes will be made. Figured revenants would be red and purple since they sorta fit in with the industrial environment (HP Lovecrafts Pickmans Model for example). Or the D&D Revenants.
Nyraloi is deceptive and honest? One of those seems like it's probably a typo.

If she's over 400 years old and to this day has not enacted her revenge, then the guy who killed her is already dead, isn't he?

Is she supposed to be ethereal all the time, or can she switch back and forth? Either way, why is this an inherent revenant power? Revenants are corporeal. Likewise, why are levitation and undead command part of a revenant power set and not separate spells? This is a lot of powers to be lobbing into a creature made with a 5th level spell. Undead command alone seems like it would be a 8th-9th level purple spell, since it lets you yoink other purple mages' stuff. You don't have to cram every power you ever want your character to have into the character sheet, just wait until the IC thread gets started, define some spells, and use those.

Also, the purple/red undead are supposed to be vampires, I brought it up when I was defining red.
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Nyraloi is deceptive and honest? One of those seems like it's probably a typo.

If she's over 400 years old and to this day has not enacted her revenge, then the guy who killed her is already dead, isn't he?

Is she supposed to be ethereal all the time, or can she switch back and forth? Either way, why is this an inherent revenant power? Revenants are corporeal. Likewise, why are levitation and undead command part of a revenant power set and not separate spells? This is a lot of powers to be lobbing into a creature made with a 5th level spell. Undead command alone seems like it would be a 8th-9th level purple spell, since it lets you yoink other purple mages' stuff. You don't have to cram every power you ever want your character to have into the character sheet, just wait until the IC thread gets started, define some spells, and use those.

Also, the purple/red undead are supposed to be vampires, I brought it up when I was defining red.
1: Fixed
2: Explained
3: Changed
4: Explained

  • 1703039315738.png
    Name: Astrophel von Hyades
    Gender: Female
    Age: Quite young. The enigmatic Hyades family prefers to keep their heiress' age undisclosed, although Astrophel(or Astra as she prefers to be called), is known to be quite young, barely a graduating student. She is mostly known for her prestigious family's aristocratic influence and her powerful, if unstable capabilities. Her youthful additions are often quite endearing for the younger students.
    Quiddity: Orange

    Position: Graduated student/young Field Professor(she claims to be a field researcher professor, but hell, her family’s funding all the research grants anyways, and her "research" involves a lot of field trips, surprise travels, and explosions.)

    Species: Human(or say the von Hyades claim, although rumours persist that they are actually Tieflings in human form. The von Hyades refuse to acknowledge these claims.)

    Alignment: Chaotic Good
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Figured revenants would be red and purple since they sorta fit in with the industrial environment (HP Lovecrafts Pickmans Model for example). Or the D&D Revenants.
D&D revenants are the standard corpse reanimated by desire for revenge, and Lovecraft's ghouls are subterranean corpse-eating hyena mutants who aren't undead. One has nothing to do with cities, and the other has nothing to do with revenants. Revenant Ressurection might be a purple/orange spell but it mostly seems like a pure purple spell.


This works.

Eldritch Gateway[5 Orange or 4 Orange and 1 Quiddity of choice]:

This is five spells in a trenchcoat. If you want all 4O/1X spells to summon a specific type of creature, then that sounds cool to me, but you can't unilaterally declare it with one spell, you've gotta go one spell at a time so people have a chance to talk about it. For purposes of the character sheet, just 4O/1Y is fine, provided that ithinkcat doesn't mind yellow being associated with celestials (and I'm not sure where else we'd put them).

It's also not really clear what Astrophel's ongoing relationship with the academy is? If she's supposed to be contributing to ongoing research using academy resources, she's a professor and she will have to teach some classes as part of the deal (most professors do not want to teach, they get roped into it in exchange for access to laboratories and teleportation circles and so on). If she's graduated but not a professor, then why and how is she submitting articles to the academy staff's magazine?

And to get my own character sheet on record:


Name: Sinnvane
Gender: Male
Age: 47
Quiddity: Red
Position: Professor

Personality: Sinnvane is a sternly focused man, obsessive and relentless in the pursuit of his goals, whether they be academic, political, or personal. He has a fierce loyalty and a predisposition towards using straightforward, concentrated force to solve problems. Though highly intelligent, his intelligence is bent towards matters of things like logistics and manufacturing at scale, contingency planning and meticulously thorough preparation, such that when the moment of decisive action arrives, obvious solutions are near at hand and in abundance.

Backstory: Sinnvane is a gifted sorcerer from Balgamor, a citadel built on an active volcano and manned by heavily armored juggernaut knights. Sinnvane's talent for sorcery made him an early candidate for magical training, and when he excelled past the abilities of the Balgamor mages' instruction, they sought out a place for him at the academy to continue his education. Sinnvane became a professor at the academy after his graduation in order to deepen the ties between Balgamor and the academy. He participates in both the academic mission of the academy as well as participating in the militant industrial projects of Balgamor, and spends significant time at both citadels. The two have not been in conflict in living memory, and both remain uncertain as to which Sinnvane would side with if they ever were.

Abilities: Besides being a powerful red wizard, Sinnvane is an ordinary human. He is adept enough with the Six Chivalric Arts of Balgamor to avoid embarrassing himself at the volcano, but his skills in these areas are adequate rather than exceptional.

Appearance: Sinnvane is a tall and thin man whose dark hair and beard sometimes glow faintly with phantom embers. His outer robes are woven from threads of blackened steel and red brass, creating a fine metal mesh that flows like cloth.

3 spells/hexes:

Fireball (3R). Red mana is concentrated into a tiny bead, which can only hold together for a few minutes before detonating into a blast of fire and concussive force. The beads also detonate on hard contact, which means they can be hurled as a projectile or attached to arrows or ballistae. Because amassing the fire bead takes only a few seconds but they last for 2-3 minutes, it is possible to gather about eighteen of them into a single blasting cluster without risk of setting the thing off in your hand. Clusters can get as big as thirty in theory, although the further over the standard limit of eighteen you go, the more likely the cluster is to explode in your hand as the first bead runs out its clock and takes the others with it.

Enchant Metal (4R). The caster can forge or reforge a metal object with red mana, considerably increasing its durability and flexibility. Different metals alloy with red mana into different magical composites.

-Enchanted lead becomes sanctium, the heaviest of all metals which shuts out all divination when used to line a chamber or container. Despite its weight, it remains fairly soft.
-Enchanted tin becomes vorpal, which can be forged into an edge or point of such infinitesimal sharpness as to cut through almost anything.
-Enchanted iron becomes adamantine, the hardest of all metals, and extremely heavy (though sanctium is heavier).
-Enchanted gold becomes devil's glass, an iridescent, reflective black metal with a mesmerizing effect on most creatures.
-Enchanted copper becomes orichalcum, a living metal capable of wriggling itself into new shapes of its own volition.
-Enchanted mercury becomes red mercury, an unstable metal prone to shattering and sending shrapnel flying in all directions.
-Enchanted silver becomes mithril, which is as hard as iron and as light as cotton.

Balgamor (05,05). Balgamor is a citadel of steel and obsidian rising up from the slopes of an active volcano. Canals dug through the scorched earth channel lava flows through forges, feeding the industrial production of the sprawling citadel, which produces all manner of metal tools and arms. Most famously, the citadel's forges produce the superheavy armor of the juggernaut knights who serve as Balgamor's elite fighters. More common output of the forges, however, is the ordinary spearpoints and chainmail for the teeming footsoldiers derived from the high population density allowed by the rich fertility of the lava's ash, and more common than these are the farming implements, plows and scythes and nails used by those teeming masses to raise food for the deep stores of both Balgamor's primary citadel and industrial production center and the many smaller fortresses that dot the ridges and valleys nearby, guardposts and pillboxes set to watch nearby copper and iron mines and farm valleys, densely fortified against Balgamor's enemies.
This is five spells in a trenchcoat. If you want all 4O/1X spells to summon a specific type of creature, then that sounds cool to me, but you can't unilaterally declare it with one spell, you've gotta go one spell at a time so people have a chance to talk about it. For purposes of the character sheet, just 4O/1Y is fine, provided that ithinkcat doesn't mind yellow being associated with celestials (and I'm not sure where else we'd put them).

It's also not really clear what Astrophel's ongoing relationship with the academy is? If she's supposed to be contributing to ongoing research using academy resources, she's a professor and she will have to teach some classes as part of the deal (most professors do not want to teach, they get roped into it in exchange for access to laboratories and teleportation circles and so on). If she's graduated but not a professor, then why and how is she submitting articles to the academy staff's magazine?

And to get my own character sheet on record:
What I essentially meant is that with 5O, it's completely random. You have no control over what is summoned, only that it does get summoned. With 4O/1Y, there's some degree of control caught over the summoning, but it's still very random. For instance, a full 5O spell would be like spinning a roulette wheel. A 4O/1Y spell would be like spinning a roulette wheel except having it slightly skewed in one direction. If you had a 10% chance of summoning a Celestial(with no control over the type or whether it's hostile towards you or not) with the 5O, there's now a 20% chance of summoning a Celestial with a 1Y.
I removed the 4O/1 choice part just in case it was too messy.
ChamomileHasWords ChamomileHasWords maybe there could be an actual OOC thread or some other place dedicated to discussion? So far we've been using the interest check / PMs for it, but I fear if we start doing it here things will get flooded.
D&D revenants are the standard corpse reanimated by desire for revenge, and Lovecraft's ghouls are subterranean corpse-eating hyena mutants who aren't undead. One has nothing to do with cities, and the other has nothing to do with revenants. Revenant Ressurection might be a purple/orange spell but it mostly seems like a pure purple spell.

This works.

This is five spells in a trenchcoat. If you want all 4O/1X spells to summon a specific type of creature, then that sounds cool to me, but you can't unilaterally declare it with one spell, you've gotta go one spell at a time so people have a chance to talk about it. For purposes of the character sheet, just 4O/1Y is fine, provided that ithinkcat doesn't mind yellow being associated with celestials (and I'm not sure where else we'd put them).

It's also not really clear what Astrophel's ongoing relationship with the academy is? If she's supposed to be contributing to ongoing research using academy resources, she's a professor and she will have to teach some classes as part of the deal (most professors do not want to teach, they get roped into it in exchange for access to laboratories and teleportation circles and so on). If she's graduated but not a professor, then why and how is she submitting articles to the academy staff's magazine?

And to get my own character sheet on record:


Name: Sinnvane
Gender: Male
Age: 47
Quiddity: Red
Position: Professor

Personality: Sinnvane is a sternly focused man, obsessive and relentless in the pursuit of his goals, whether they be academic, political, or personal. He has a fierce loyalty and a predisposition towards using straightforward, concentrated force to solve problems. Though highly intelligent, his intelligence is bent towards matters of things like logistics and manufacturing at scale, contingency planning and meticulously thorough preparation, such that when the moment of decisive action arrives, obvious solutions are near at hand and in abundance.

Backstory: Sinnvane is a gifted sorcerer from Balgamor, a citadel built on an active volcano and manned by heavily armored juggernaut knights. Sinnvane's talent for sorcery made him an early candidate for magical training, and when he excelled past the abilities of the Balgamor mages' instruction, they sought out a place for him at the academy to continue his education. Sinnvane became a professor at the academy after his graduation in order to deepen the ties between Balgamor and the academy. He participates in both the academic mission of the academy as well as participating in the militant industrial projects of Balgamor, and spends significant time at both citadels. The two have not been in conflict in living memory, and both remain uncertain as to which Sinnvane would side with if they ever were.

Abilities: Besides being a powerful red wizard, Sinnvane is an ordinary human. He is adept enough with the Six Chivalric Arts of Balgamor to avoid embarrassing himself at the volcano, but his skills in these areas are adequate rather than exceptional.

Appearance: Sinnvane is a tall and thin man whose dark hair and beard sometimes glow faintly with phantom embers. His outer robes are woven from threads of blackened steel and red brass, creating a fine metal mesh that flows like cloth.

3 spells/hexes:

Fireball (3R). Red mana is concentrated into a tiny bead, which can only hold together for a few minutes before detonating into a blast of fire and concussive force. The beads also detonate on hard contact, which means they can be hurled as a projectile or attached to arrows or ballistae. Because amassing the fire bead takes only a few seconds but they last for 2-3 minutes, it is possible to gather about eighteen of them into a single blasting cluster without risk of setting the thing off in your hand. Clusters can get as big as thirty in theory, although the further over the standard limit of eighteen you go, the more likely the cluster is to explode in your hand as the first bead runs out its clock and takes the others with it.

Enchant Metal (4R). The caster can forge or reforge a metal object with red mana, considerably increasing its durability and flexibility. Different metals alloy with red mana into different magical composites.

-Enchanted lead becomes sanctium, the heaviest of all metals which shuts out all divination when used to line a chamber or container. Despite its weight, it remains fairly soft.
-Enchanted tin becomes vorpal, which can be forged into an edge or point of such infinitesimal sharpness as to cut through almost anything.
-Enchanted iron becomes adamantine, the hardest of all metals, and extremely heavy (though sanctium is heavier).
-Enchanted gold becomes devil's glass, an iridescent, reflective black metal with a mesmerizing effect on most creatures.
-Enchanted copper becomes orichalcum, a living metal capable of wriggling itself into new shapes of its own volition.
-Enchanted mercury becomes red mercury, an unstable metal prone to shattering and sending shrapnel flying in all directions.
-Enchanted silver becomes mithril, which is as hard as iron and as light as cotton.

Balgamor (05,05). Balgamor is a citadel of steel and obsidian rising up from the slopes of an active volcano. Canals dug through the scorched earth channel lava flows through forges, feeding the industrial production of the sprawling citadel, which produces all manner of metal tools and arms. Most famously, the citadel's forges produce the superheavy armor of the juggernaut knights who serve as Balgamor's elite fighters. More common output of the forges, however, is the ordinary spearpoints and chainmail for the teeming footsoldiers derived from the high population density allowed by the rich fertility of the lava's ash, and more common than these are the farming implements, plows and scythes and nails used by those teeming masses to raise food for the deep stores of both Balgamor's primary citadel and industrial production center and the many smaller fortresses that dot the ridges and valleys nearby, guardposts and pillboxes set to watch nearby copper and iron mines and farm valleys, densely fortified against Balgamor's enemies.
1: Yes I know I'm a DM. 2 said ghouls live in Arkham (a giant city).
Alright, Nyraloi and Astrophel are cleaned up and ready to go, we now have a main thread with a first post, and I'm going to get a lore thread with a spellbook and hex key hopefully by the end of the night. It's right around Christmas so I may be unavailable or extremely available for the next 2 weeks, hard to tell until it's happening, but I'll try to keep the lore thread updated so that we can have hex and spell descriptions in one easy to set up place. Also, I've got a new version of the hex map with a coordinates printed on each hex, which will hopefully make it easier for people to define hexes.
Alright, Nyraloi and Astrophel are cleaned up and ready to go, we now have a main thread with a first post, and I'm going to get a lore thread with a spellbook and hex key hopefully by the end of the night. It's right around Christmas so I may be unavailable or extremely available for the next 2 weeks, hard to tell until it's happening, but I'll try to keep the lore thread updated so that we can have hex and spell descriptions in one easy to set up place. Also, I've got a new version of the hex map with a coordinates printed on each hex, which will hopefully make it easier for people to define hexes.
Just made my 1st post
Come on, man, wizards should not be attaching Shutterstock .jpgs to the letters they send in to the academy's magazine.
I couldn't figure out how to attach them properly. Plus it's safe to assume at least one of the crew members is an artist and/or divinator of some kind. Hence the photos.
You don't. There is no formatting of that image that would be appropriate in an in-character document.

Surely there are ways. Like it could be an illustrator doing it for the article or some form of magical printing, similar to how a photo works (where it captures the visual). Maybe changing the image to black and white or sepia might make it better there, but I do think in a world with the red quiddity making a mold for new images would be a lot less complicated a process than in our world, allowing such images to occur even in the ancient forms of the printing press.
Surely there are ways. Like it could be an illustrator doing it for the article or some form of magical printing, similar to how a photo works (where it captures the visual). Maybe changing the image to black and white or sepia might make it better there, but I do think in a world with the red quiddity making a mold for new images would be a lot less complicated a process than in our world, allowing such images to occur even in the ancient forms of the printing press.
Just because you can come up with excuses why a fantasy setting would look and feel exactly like modern email doesn't mean you should. It's not like the cathedral has a particularly visually complex layout that would be difficult to communicate in words.

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