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Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Atlas and Grimoire



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04,07: Spindlesap Forest. A forest full of giant spiders of several different varieties. In addition to the webs of the spiders, the trees themselves extrude spindlesap, a web-like substance that coats most of their trunks and branches and blots out the sun.

05,05: Balgamor. Balgamor is a citadel of steel and obsidian rising up from the slopes of an active volcano. Canals dug through the scorched earth channel lava flows through forges, feeding the industrial production of the sprawling citadel, which produces all manner of metal tools and arms. Most famously, the citadel's forges produce the superheavy armor of the juggernaut knights who serve as Balgamor's elite fighters. More common output of the forges, however, is the ordinary spearpoints and chainmail for the teeming footsoldiers derived from the high population density allowed by the rich fertility of the lava's ash, and more common than these are the farming implements, plows and scythes and nails used by those teeming masses to raise food for the deep stores of both Balgamor's primary citadel and industrial production center and the many smaller fortresses that dot the ridges and valleys nearby, guardposts and pillboxes set to watch nearby copper and iron mines and farm valleys, densely fortified against Balgamor's enemies.

06,06: Blackthorn Pass. Blackthorn Pass is a region of the mountain range that includes both the academy and the citadel of Balgamor. It is inhabited by a hostile tribe of goblins, called the Blackthorn Goblins. Balgamor once maintained an outpost at the pass to keep the road from Balgamor to the academy safe, but they have withdrawn their forces in recent years, leaving the outpost abandoned.

07,06: Nevermore. An abandoned ancient city heavily saturated with magic and magic items. Everything known to be of significant value has been looted, but there remain many unexplored chambers as well as many lesser magical knick-knacks and detritus of a fallen civilization scattered about. Nevermore used a considerable number of golems before its fall, and many of them are still active and hostile.

07,07: The Academy. Wizards gather here to study. The academy is on good terms (at least for now) with at least one polity in the area, that being Balgamor.

07,11: The Decaying Swamp. A large swamp-like area. Full of the stench of decay. Wandering undead can be found here. As well as more unorthodox creatures such as slimes, trolls, and more. It has some sort of stone cathedral in the center of it. Which is akin in size to a small castle. Further research is required for more information.

08,04: Cammendale. A market town ruled by an independent council of guild masters who elect amongst themselves a guild lord once every five years. Maintains a town guard for day-to-day protection, but reliant on mercenaries for defense against large-scale threats and force projection, which means sellswords and smugglers pass through the area regularly looking for work. A fairly major economic center in the region.

11,02: Great Glintwood Forest. The Great Glintwood Forest is a massive forest characterized by heavy fae influence from both fairy inhabitants and a number of entries into the fae lands/fae realm. There are a number of useful plant-based ingredients for alchemy and more uses, and has clear magical springs including the transformative famed Distorted-Moon Springs, as well as a large clearing in the center known as the Greater Covenant. It's the homeland of the fae or Talian elves (thusly known for many physical similarities with fairies likely due to the density of fae blood in them), with several villages across the forest including Aoemda'Livi, Aiia'Livi, Kul-Ara-Tashim'Livi and Tyur-Ara'Livi, the latter of which Talian elves must train in to be allowed to leave the forest.

11,12: Bolothamogg. The ruins of an ancient city whose chimeric inhabitants were mummified with primordial runes of Carcassone tattooed on their skin.

12,01: Mystrise. A magically unstable region with links to multiple different extraplanar worlds, including Nemuflia and especially Cenokriau. Mystrise itself is so flush with blue quiddity magic that shared beliefs amongst large groups of people can spontaneously become real, like the totems of the now-extinct tribes of the floating islands in the region. Notable landmarks include Lightchain Tower, which guards the entrance to the Dungeon of the Sage.


The grimoire is split up by quiddity alphabetically: Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow. Spells within quiddities are listed by quiddity in the same order (i.e. G/B, then G/O, then G/P, etc.), so if you are a green mage and want to know what all the Orange/Green spells are, they will be clumped together for you. Multi-quiddity spells are listed in the section of the quiddity they have more of, i.e. 2B/1Y is in the blue section because it has more blue than yellow. Spells of exactly even quiddity are listed in both/all three sections of the Grimoire.

5B: Wiinoniiw (Viewshift). An unusual illusion spell which unlike a more common illusion functions by causing the targets to convince themselves of something. It modifies their perception through their interpretation of things, twisting their logic alongside their senses to replace a certain set of stimuli with another. While this functions just as well on the distracted or suggestible as any other illusion, the trick lies in that the typical methods of combating illusions only reinforce this spell's effects. Strong willpower will make one dig in their heels about what they are being convinced of, thinking things through or casting doubt on them will only always lead to the distorted reasoning. Great calm and focus on observation are the only methods to combat the effect short of dispelling the magic, which can make anxiety-provoking uses of the spell particularly effective. Unlike some illusion spells though, this one requires a stimulus to substitute to begin with, making it much harder to make deeper or dream-like illusions.

7B: Auon'Wai Cvic // Auon Antatus (Mental layer folding // mind placement). A spell requiring an precise mental image of the mental layers, as well as great care and focus together with the great amount of blue mana needed, this spell has a two part chant which begins by warping the boundaries between the outside and inside of the mind, as well as the inner and surface parts of the mind, then it is able to extract parts of the mind and place them elsewhere with the second part of the spell. Some of the most baseline applications include memory storage or extraction and mental protection. The spell is capable of so much more though, and even failing with it can have catastrophic consequences on a mind, such as leaving it permanently unable to retain any knowledge. Use on oneself is possible, but risky and should not be attempted without due strategy as otherwise one might leak out the very process of using the spell, forgetting how to use such a dangerous spell mid-casting. One of the most powerful uses is body swapping by switching the minds of two beings.

1B/1R: Cenma Cur (Golem Core). Despite seeming like a weak spell due to the mana required for the spell itself, this one bears somewhat unusual characteristics. The spell creates a core which can be used to power a golem, automaton or similar creation, animating the first and helping the automation of the second (for readers who may be unfamiliar, golems are simpler constructs of inorganic material arranged into a specific form and animated to provide movement. Automatons are mechanically complex and theoretically able to move even without magic provided the right energy is provided. Golems are simpler to make and can better preserve functions when damaged given no part is critical to their movement, however requiring magic to compensate for the lack of a functional form means their movements are often slower and/or clumsier). The core needs to be fed mana for some time beyond its initial creation, with the kind of mana it is fed affecting the final capabilities and nature of the golem or automaton. Once complete, the core can create a body around itself or it can be inserted into an existing golem or automaton.

2B/1Y: Arcsis Cenma'Fli (Magic Breakdown). Despite also using yellow mana and not being strictly required, this spell can be instrumental in the difference between a blue quiddity apprentice and a master. The spell forcibly reveals the component elements of any form of magic it is applied to as a cloud of symbols. These symbols are formed of a spell's nature and purpose and do not constitute a true language, but neither do they automatically convey information about the spell to the caster. Instead, the caster themselves being acquainted with similar patterns is required to interpret them. That being said, while this spell itself doesn't allow one to directly interfere with the magic, it can given insight into how to break, subvert or alter the magic, beyond just what kind of magic it is.

2O: Chaos' Embrace. The caster unleases a swarm of ghostly whispers and shadows, causing a wave of unstable, chaotic magic to surge. All targets that can hear, see or otherwise sense the caster is targetted with a sudden, horrid wave of disorientation and hallucinations.

5O: Eldritch Gateway. Upon casting Eldritch Gateway, a rift tears open in the fabric of reality, and a single entity is allowed to emerge from the cosmic void. This creature is a manifestation of otherworldly power, and its nature is most commonly incomprehensible to mortal minds. Unlike conventional summoning spells, Eldritch Gateway doesn't grant the caster control over the summoned entity; instead, it acts as a conduit for the creature to briefly enter the material plane. By casting this, the caster throws the dice into the hands of Fate, and holds no sway over the nature of the creature summoned, although its nature is commonly rooted to the nature of their surroundings or the quiddity used.

More experienced casters may be able to maintain the Gateway open for longer, to allow more larger or more powerful entities to pass through, although it requires a massive expenditure of energy. Less experienced casters may only keep the Gateway open for long enough for a single creature to pass through, or even worse, create a Gateway that cannot be closed, forever leaking influences of the far realm into the world. Despite being a vast, terrible rip in reality, the gate can be sustained by careful casters by repeatedly feeding mana after its initial creation. Such a sustained casting can maintain an open "portal" in reality to the abyss between stars rather than a one-off summon, allowing multiple creatures to pass through.

Creatures summoned from this spell is transported to the material plane, and act as if they have been transported to this location. A creature summoned this way cannot leave the material plane unless it either dies, or is banished, and the caster holds no sway over the creature. The caster cannot dismiss the summoned creature after the spell is complete. The nature of the creature is random and can be hostile towards the caster.

2O/1P: Seven Dreams of Chains. The caster forms a protective barrier of astral energy, targetted at one creature they can see. The affected creature, if organic, rapidly has its body mutate in increasingly detrimental effects, until movement or any magical casting becomes impossible. If magical in nature, or if the creature has no organics, the creature is restrained with increasingly layered restraints of magical nature.

With increased contact with magical chains, any magical creature will slowly fall into a magical slumber and cannot be awakened. While affected by this spell’s sleep, the creature doesn't need to breathe, eat, or drink, and it doesn't age. Divination spells can't locate or perceive the target. The target is restrained until the spell is dispelled, and it can't move or be moved by any means until then.

Despite its multitude of uses, this spell is commonly applied only towards magical creatures. Organic creatures will not suffer from the slumber, and will instead regain movement within several hours or more. Commonly used by Astrophel to defend herself against the mutitude of creatures she summons. Only the von Hyades know of the horrors she had to lock away…

5O/2R/1P: Phlegethonic Gate. The caster opens a rift in time and space and from it plucks a Phlegethonic creature. The population of that region being what it is, this will most likely be a kyton, an extraplanar creature of living metal. If a specific creature's name is known and it is of Phlegethon, they can be called upon by name. A variant on Eldrtich Gateway, using mana of more stable quiddities to aim it at a more specific target. One of the Five Plutonic Gates.

1P: Prevent/Cause Decay. Upon casting the user touches, points to, or otherwise acknowledges a nearby corpse. The corpse does not decay. And reverts to a form with the least amount of visible decay. If it is not already in this state. A corpse affected by this spell also does not attract animals that eat corpses (such as carrions). And animals will not eat the corpse. This effect lasts indefinitely or until dismissed by the caster. The spell can be removed if the spell is cast on the corpse again. Thus causing decay once more. This spell cannot be cast on a skeleton or corpse with little to no flesh.

Notes: A corpse affected by this spell can still be raised as an undead. And once it becomes an undead decay resumes at a normal rate. These kinds of undead are usually more intelligent (due to more brain matter being present) and flexible (due to less decay).

2P: Speak with Dead. When cast the user names a dead person that the caster knew personally. The caster must have a personal item that was of significant personal importance to the dead person. The selected person's souls come up from the underworld. They take the form of glowing orbs of light (or balls of darkness). The caster is allowed to speak with them for up to 5 minutes. The dead are allowed to lie, deceive, and more unless otherwise compelled not to. The dead also maintain their memories and personality. The dead communicate in the voice they had in life. And spells which force the truth or otherwise compel them to say something have no effect. The dead cannot be direct in their answers. As such usually communicate through gestures, riddles, poems, and more. The dead cannot name any person (including themself), reveal anything of grave personal importance, and similar things. The dead person can only be seen and heard by the caster.

Notes: Best used with someone you are in good standing with. Considering a dead man (or woman) can still lie. And due to their indirection towards riddles, it is advised that you perform this spell with another. And since no one else but the caster can see the dead they see you as speaking to nothing.

3P: Touch of Decay. Upon casting when the user touches a living organism that organism experiences decay at a rapid rate. Consistent with old age and eventual death. The rate of decay is consistent with the organism's maximum age. For instance, if an organism with a higher life span is afflicted it takes longer for it to die due to it. Time until death ranges from 2-20 minutes. Non-living organisms cannot be affected by this. Most commonly undead, constructs, slimes, spirits, and similar creatures.

Summon Lesser Undead. Before casting the summoner chooses a nearby corpse. The corpse animates as a skeleton (if a skeleton) or zombie (if recently deceased). The undead is controlled by the summoner via a form of telepathy. The undead stays indefinitely or until dismissed. Its instructions must be crafted carefully. For if the creature sees any living entity (other than its summoner) it will kill it. Unless explicitly told not to. And while it can perform complex tasks. It must be given careful instruction on how to do so. The less brain matter the creature has the less intelligent it is. With skeletons being by far the most unintelligent. The creature does not maintain any memories of its former life. And is incapable of speech. However, maintains the skills (non-magical) it had in life. Such undead also cannot (and will not) move against its summoner in any way.

Notes: Skeletons are fragile and large kinetic forces can crack or break their bones. Effectively killing them. Since they maintain their skills ideal targets for reanimation are swordsmen, archers, and other non-magical professions.

5P: Revenant Reanimation. Upon performing this ritual on a recently deceased corpse (2 days-5 years) it resurrects the corpse as a Revenant. The Revenant maintains all memories it had in life including skills and magical knowledge. The Revenant is driven to enact its ritual purpose. Upon the completion of this task, the Revenant is free from binding and can do as it wishes. To perform this ritual the following criteria must be met. You must know the deceased personally, you must have an item of personal value to the deceased, a probable cause for their spirit to inhabit their body, and must chant ritualistic Dead Speak. Common reasons a deceased will choose to inhabit include the following. Revenge, Knowledge. Personal Objectives, FInishing a life's work, and Saying goodbyes.

3R: Fireball. Red mana is concentrated into a tiny bead, which can only hold together for a few minutes before detonating into a blast of fire and concussive force. The beads also detonate on hard contact, which means they can be hurled as a projectile or attached to arrows or ballistae. Because amassing the fire bead takes only a few seconds but they last for 2-3 minutes, it is possible to gather about eighteen of them into a single blasting cluster without risk of setting the thing off in your hand. Clusters can get as big as thirty in theory, although the further over the standard limit of eighteen you go, the more likely the cluster is to explode in your hand as the first bead runs out its clock and takes the others with it.

4R: Enchant Metal. The caster can forge or reforge a metal object with red mana, considerably increasing its durability and flexibility. Different metals alloy with red mana into different magical composites.

-Enchanted lead becomes sanctium, the heaviest of all metals which shuts out all divination when used to line a chamber or container. Despite its weight, it remains fairly soft.
-Enchanted tin becomes vorpal, which can be forged into an edge or point of such infinitesimal sharpness as to cut through almost anything.
-Enchanted iron becomes adamantine, the hardest of all metals, and extremely heavy (though sanctium is heavier).
-Enchanted gold becomes devil's glass, an iridescent, reflective black metal with a mesmerizing effect on most creatures.
-Enchanted copper becomes orichalcum, a living metal capable of wriggling itself into new shapes of its own volition.
-Enchanted mercury becomes red mercury, an unstable metal prone to shattering and sending shrapnel flying in all directions.
-Enchanted silver becomes mithril, which is as hard as iron and as light as cotton.

1R/1B: Cenma Cur (Golem Core). Despite seeming like a weak spell due to the mana required for the spell itself, this one bears somewhat unusual characteristics. The spell creates a core which can be used to power a golem, automaton or similar creation, animating the first and helping the automation of the second (for readers who may be unfamiliar, golems are simpler constructs of inorganic material arranged into a specific form and animated to provide movement. Automatons are mechanically complex and theoretically able to move even without magic provided the right energy is provided. Golems are simpler to make and can better preserve functions when damaged given no part is critical to their movement, however requiring magic to compensate for the lack of a functional form means their movements are often slower and/or clumsier). The core needs to be fed mana for some time beyond its initial creation, with the kind of mana it is fed affecting the final capabilities and nature of the golem or automaton. Once complete, the core can create a body around itself or it can be inserted into an existing golem or automaton.
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