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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

(How the fuck. How is Alistar fighting these guys and a horde of zombies when we were just fighting off like 12 zombies? Also, what happened to me?)
Dmytri stepped from the shadows slowly, hands raised about shoulder height and cigarette hanging from his mouth. "Well, I see you have seen me, though only from the dim light of my bad habit." he takes the cigarette out and crushes it beneath his foot. "I mean no harm, least you mean me harm."
"Da, clever i thought." He lowered his hands. Feeling that though the hard times have passed. Still airing on the side of caution.

(I will be on tomorrow. goodnight all)
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(@Hazeron Alistar attacked us by attracting a horde of zombies, setting the things on fire, coming into the building, shooting Felix, Threatening Lilly after she called him a lunatic, and then got the crap beat outta him.)
Dice would be sitting in the back of his house boat, humming as the candles inside burnt and the noise of the engine stopped. He stood up and walked to the front tossing his weight to the docks, before stepping onto them and tie it down. He'd look around the dead city and nod his head, his mask shaking slightly doing so "This is the place..." he said aloud as he stepped back inside. Dice retrieved his Mossberg and got a chair sitting himself in the front, he went to the speakers nestled onto the side of the boat and turned the music on. The sound would blare from his boat as he'd sit down in his chair and wait. The sound would attract something, he had perfect vision down the dock and the wrecked boats next to him gave him cover from snipers. Depending on who showed up he'd make the choice of either helping them or stealing their shit. Dice adjusted himself and picked up the microphone connected to the speakers "Helllllllo hell-hole! Come on down, I gotta plenty to tradeeeee!" he dropped the microphone and sat back now waiting.
Lilly was caught between the blaring sound across town and the current situation. "Are you kidding me?"
I look in the direction, "Ignore the sound, if he wants company, we are not giving it to him."
I chuckle, "If it's annoying for you, imagine how it is to me, or the zombies who haven't learned to control their senses, they will all be gunning after him."
"He's got a death wish then." Lilly shrugged. "Who's dumb enough to make enough noise that we can hear it here."
Marcus tapped his chin. "Survivors hmm? What if we were to build a town? The forest is still full of fauna, theres plenty of materials around to build with, and plenty of people to guard. Of course, wed have to be very careful with leadership.

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