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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

I look annoyed and approach my arms still up and get to about 5ft from you and say "okay friend what do you want to talk about i heard something about trade or wanting a women or something. And can you turn the music down so we can talk and not yell at each other."
Dice would cock his ear a bit as the man talks noding, he'd turn the volume knob only a bit so it'd be better to talk. "Yeah I can trade....depending on what you got." Dice would tap his rifle a bit waiting for a response.
I start to lower my hands slowly and say "what do you have for trade and also why have you chosen to come to this city and what makes you think any survivors would be hear." .
Looks up at the man a bit surprised "Whoa whoa there! You're going a mile a minute." Dice would lower his gas mask a bit. "A mans gotta make ends meet somehow friend, I'll do that however I have to." He'd say. "I got ammo...food and drink. No slaves I dropped my last off in Canada." Dice would put his ankle on his leg looking up at the man.
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Dice would put a finger up at the man "Don't move." Dice would pick up his rifle and go inside, he'd return a few moments later with a few cans of foodstuff and two bottles of water.
"There are other means to murder...for instance I could perhaps shoot the blasted music box or the speakers which make the music. Or I can help here in the building however." His stomach growled slightly. "Maybe you could have some food to spare for a meal? I can cook for everyone if it pleases the comrades."
As you come out and show me these i items i look at them intently and say "i may take them and do you by chance have a sniper rifle you would be willing to trade with some ammo do you."

(hey i have to go but will be on later sorry.)
Dice put the foodstuff back and sat back outside turning the music back up. Dice would sit tapping his rifle to beat, waiting for whatever happens next.
I scratched my chin and began to hum a comforting song my brothers had shown me. I shut my eyes and remembered when my brothers and I found an MP3 sitting in an overly decorated room within some random house. Slowly I went from humming to actually softly and almost silently singing. 'Up on the mountain, I see down below. It's easy to lose yourself I know. Can't hear what you're shouting, I'm deaf to your show. It's easy to lose yourself control. Everybody gets high everybody gets low.. Life can be such overdose. Up on the mountain I see down below, it's easy to lose yourself I know- in the in between....'
Simon ran as fast as he could, making sure his hoodie covered most of his face. "I owe you one... Goodbye, pal." His one and only friend warned him about his assassination. Now he has to flee from his own kind, and he'll probably never see him again.

Both humans and zombies despise him.

Both want to see him dead. As dead as a zombie can be.

Just great...

He slowly lifted his head, trying not to accidentally look into the sun.

He saw an old building about 50 feet away. Maybe there were some corpses He could take a bite out of...

He swore to himself that he'll never kill an innocent human being ever again. Instead, he'll take what's available...

Well, he didn't know there were survivors inside.
Mumbling to himself as sorta talking to the group. "Well, if no one objects I'll...just be in the corner, setting up my little camp...food fire and all...cleaning my rifle." he shuffled over towards a corner. He set down his ruck and pulled out a small metal pan and threw some small twigs in for a small fire with which to cook some game hens he caught before coming to the city. He started to softly sing one part of a choral tune he had learned from his grandmother. An original Russian prayer. started softly singing.

"Bogoróditse Dyévo, ráduisya, Blagodátnaya Maríye, Gospód s tobóyu. Blagoslovyéna ty v zhenákh, i blagoslovyén plod chryéva tvoyevó, yáko Spása rodilá yesí dush náshikh."

It is the russian equivilant to Ave Maria. He sang it in times when he felt most vulnerable, and depressed.
"Oh come on..." He thought as he tried to enter the building through the main entrance. Locked... There has to be another way.

It didn't take long until he noticed an open window on the first floor.


It took him seconds to climb up to the window.

He leaped over the windowsill and found himself standing in...

A classroom?

This was a school!

Oh hopefully there weren't any corpses of children laying around...

He peeked into every classroom as he walked through the hallway, hoping to find something useful.

Then, he stopped walking.

His eyes widened, and a chill went down his spine.

Was that... People talking...?

The already cold blood in his veins froze when he heard it again; people talking to each other.

This was a problem.

If these voices belong to zombies, he's in serious danger. Even if they belong to humans, he's still in trouble. A stranger just breaking into their hideout? Bad!

He held his breath as he slowly turned around and--


"Oh fuck!"
He thought as he watched the bucket he just accidentally kicked over rolling into the room where the voices came from.

He held his breath as he stood in the hallway, thoughts running through his head.

Should he run? If they are zombies, they'll probably catch up and tear him apart. Maybe they won't care... Maybe they won't notice... It was pretty damn loud, though! No, just stay still and wait... If they are humans, he can still pretend to be one of them...

(You guys are in a school building, right?)
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My head snaps in the direction of a can rolling into view and pull out my bow aiming it at the doorway and dropping into a hunter's crouch, slowly approaching the doorway.
Lilly bit her lip as felix went towards the door. Her hand was held surprisingly still in the pocket where she kept her knives. Just in case.
i glance at Lilly and nod my head, I then press my back against the door frame and knock an arrow.
It was dead silent.

Simon heard somebody approaching the door...

He stepped back, realising that they noticed.


The next thing he saw was the tip of an arrow, pointed directly at his face.

He stood still, staring at the guy standing in the doorframe

What should he do?! Is he human? Damn!
Lilly went next to the other side of the door pressing her self against the wall, she took two small knives, both very sharp, and held one in each hand. She was close enough to the door to see into part of the room, "Felix." She said quietly "Somebodys there. I see them."
"You can run and take your chances with the arrow, or keep still and start talking." I say staring dead into his eyes, I open my sense of smell and smell that he is a zombie, my eyes widen temporarily and go back to normal.
Simon raised an eyebrow. He smelled that he was a zombie... He expected him to kill him immediately, but instead, he let him talk?

His facial expression went from shocked to neutral, as he looked past the arrow and into the guy's face.

"I doubt that the arrow is going to do any critical damage. It probably won't hit me anyway." He said, smiling.

"I'm not here to wreak havoc. I'm just..."

There was a small pause.

"Actually, i don't know what the hell i'm doing. So, are you going to shoot me in the face or what?"
Simon let out a sigh, raising his hands.

"I don't carry anything deadly around with me. I'm completely unarmed. Please get that thing out of my face."
Lilly heard the voice. And Felixs response. She connected the dots and figured it out. "Zombie?" She asked Felix.

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