Apocalypse 101

Alteriel laughed slightly at the idea of zip-lining. It was a good idea though, "I just hope that arrow holds up." He said with a chuckle, "Good idea though Ian." He took one of the pieces of rope and pulled it tightly, "I trust you." He said then out of nowhere jumps up flinging his rope over the zip line and starts flying down the cable, "HOLY SHIT!" He screams as he smacks into the fast approaching door with his side so that the echo doesn't attract more zombs. He put a thumb up and waved the others to him.
Sam sized up the rope. It looked almost like the balance beams she used to walk on in gymnastics.

"Uh... How do I do this?" Sam asked nervously

Sam looked at the distance. She knew her strength and if she just flung like alteriel it would break her shoulder. She grabbed the rope and sat on it. She flipped upside down and began inching toward where arteriel was.

When she got there she did a back flip off the rope and stood with her arms out as if to say "ta-da!". She let out a giggle trying to show off.
Alteriel took out his notepad from his shoulder pocket and quickly jotted down the number 10. He raised hit slightly to not gather the attention of the zombs. He let out a light chuckle then looked back over to the roof.
Sam stood awkwardly out of the way from the rope not wanting to get hit when Fey eventually decided to go down the rope. While waiting she let out a little yawn and noticed she was very tired. She rubbed her eyes and leaned slightly on Alteriel. She hoped he wouldn't noticed she was using him, because she was to lazy and tired to hold up her body weight.
(fair enough, we waited long enough lol)

Ian heard a noise behind him and saw a group of zombies had managed to climb onto the roof, quickly he grabbed Fey and knowing the line wouldn't be able to hold them both he quickly pulled out is knife and smashed it down on the rope, it cut, he grabbed it and jumped from the roof, the arrow held in place and it swung him and Fey towards a top floor window. Ian braced himself and kicked his legs out as he hit the window and smashed straight through it, he got glass in his cheek and leg but not much and not very deep, due to him going through first Fey had remained fine and glass free. Ian let her go and sat up, looking at his injuries.
(I sent her a message._. Maybe her Internet is out?)

Sam jumped from Alteriel when she heard the crash. She ran over to Fey and Ian.

"Are you guys okay?" She asked
Ian nodded, then grimacing he used his knife to dig out the glass, the cut wasn't deep and no veins or arteries had been hit, he was fine.
Alteriel rushed into the building through the window and over to Ian and Fey and quickly dragged them both away from the window as Ian dug the glass from his knee, "Stay low." He whispered pointing to the 25 zombs in the room, "This is usually a lot more full than this, we got lucky." HE whispered then snuck over to the door. He pulled out his key ring and selected the IDF key quickly securing the door then made his way back to them, "Can you walk?" He whispered.
Fey stood and hurried to Ian. ”You sure?” she asked, not trusting him to tell the truth. She fixed her bag on her shoulder then realized something. Tears welled in her eyes as she turned to stare through the window thay broke through, but she remained silent. (I m so so so so sorry guys, got into some trouble over the weekend and was grounded from the internet.)
((It's cool)) Alteriel saw Fey cry a little then looked at them all, "We need to clear this room quickly and quietly, I'm going to go in and try to end them quick." He looked over at Ian, "Can you cover me with your bow?" He asked. He wanted to ask Fey but this was too important.
Fey knew what happened with her was petty and unimportant, so she didn't blame anyone for not noticing. She listened to Alt and got ready, In case things got hectic. 
(Won't be on next couple days, but i will be back don't worry lolz. never partying again.)
Fey sniffled and wiped away some tears. "No, i think they'd drown." she joked, looking at Ian and smiling lightly.
Alteriel snuck behind the first two zombs with ease. He grabbed one under the chin clamping it's mouth shut and quickly jamming his knife into the base of it's skull. He held the rotting corpse trying not to vomit but moved it away form the rest slowly and carefully. He took the same process until there were about ten of them left then he saw it, Preston's zombie was waiting for him to get close to the serving counter, "Shit." was all he could get out before a massive screech echoed through the room and Preston's zomb lept at Alteriel. Alteriel shifted just in time and grabbed Preston by the shirt, "I'm sorry." He said just before ramming his knife into it's skull. The other 10 zombs began shambling onto Alteriel's position and Alteriel backed into a guard rail knife readied, "Need a hand here!" He hollered.

((The room layout is like this : There is the double doors that Alteriel and Sam @ClassiestRobin came through then next to it on the left is the window Ian and Fey broke in through on the right is another window. In the front right corner is a gated guard are, in the front left corner is a supply closet. In the back of the room there is a serving bar and behind that is the kitchen and the freezer area. Down the middle of the room are two steel guide rails to guide inmates to the serving bar and there are five tables on either side of the room. Sam Ian @Ian Drake and fey @Renee are in the back right corner of the room next to the gated guard area, there might be something interesting in there ;) and Alteriel is on the same side of the room now pushed up against the guard rail.
Ian fired 3 arrows one after the other and knocked down three zombies, then he threw one of his knives, it hit one and knocked a second down under it, the second lay there stuck while the first was on top of it stopping it from getting up.
Sam stood at Fey's side. She was glas she was okay, and as the only other girl in this awkward group she felt they should stay close. As a zombie attacked Alteriel, she didn't know what to do. This Sam had never fought before.
Alteriel swept the leg out from under the zombie that had him pinned and let it fall onto his knife. He then tossed it aside and stabbed the three ian had knocked down quickly as they were easy targets. He finished the other two that had been grounded and jammed his knife into the remaining few and wiped the sweat off of his forehead. He wiped the blood off of his hands onto his tan BDUs and put his knife back into his boot, "Thanks for that." He whispered to Ian. He looked over at Sam, she seemed confused, he was angry but he controlled himself, "Headshots." He said tapping the side of his head, "You have to hit them in the head to kill them." He explained to Sam, "Don't hesitate, or they will kill you." He said then smiled, "Just remember to stay calm, you'll be fine." He finished patting her on the shoulder then he walked over to Fey, "You alright?" He asked. The room was now clear and there couldn't be more than two or three in the back, he was hungry, but he had to make sure everyone was alright.
Fey nodded slightly and didn't meet his eyes. "I lost the kitten. One of the walkers got ahold of her." she whispered, eyeing the gate guard. She tossed her head towards it, changing the subject. "What's back there?" she asked. (Only on for a little, staying at my sister's and we're leaving to go bowling in a few.") 
Fey ventured closer to the gate, wanting to check it out but not wanting eaten. Eventually she tugged it open, wondering why it was unlocked. Glancing back she started to wander in. She made sure not to make a noise as she did so.
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Alteriel watched as fey opened the gate to the small enclosed area. She would notice that there was a table at the back of the gate small area. If she were to look closer laying on the table is a glock .40 and two spare magazines. Beside it was a list of inmates who were supposed to be working in the kitchen that day. There was a small note scribbled beside the gun and to the left of the table was a set of I.D. badges of the inmates who checked into work that day. To the right of the table was a filing cabinet and a key ring sat on top of the filing cabinet. The cabinte and the table sat side by side and to Fey's immediate left there is a blinking orange light not visible outside of the gate area. The letter CIM blinked repeatedly bringing an ominous orange glow to the dark area.
Fey gulped and slowly made her way to the table and picked up the weapon, turning it over and over curiously. She grabbed the magazines and shoved them into her bag, before tucking the gun in the waist of her jeans after turning on the safety. She turned to the filing cabinet, and grabbed the key ring. "Hey Alt, found a weapon and extra ammo thingees. And some keys." She called as she stared back over her shoulder at him.

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