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Fandom Ao No Exorcist

"That's good" Kosiko says through a yawn "So I guess if we're gonna be table buddies for a bit might as well learn your name" he says extending his hand across the table "My name's Kosiko, it's nice to meet you..."
'Kosiko....nice name. I'm Saki." The girl answered, shaking hands with the other. "Its a pleasure to meet you~"
"Saki? Such a pretty name" Kosiko smiled "I like it. It's a pleasure to meet you too. So what's your meister?" Kosiko asked interested in this subject for no real reason, he just was
"People tend to hate me because I trust only my familiar." Anthony looked at him both hands were on his guns and he looked at the other guy's hands. "I hear you have unique interests here. Our knife throwing friend said you smelled familiar."
"Oh thanks." Saki responded with a light smile. "I'm learning how to be a knight. I like up close action rather than guns. It's easier for me." She explained which was rather true. The bluenette had chosen to be a knight because the upclose melee action was much preferred than distant ones with guns. "And what about you?"

@Yukio Akuma

Ayase nodded with a light smile that appeared on her face, "Yeah, I'd love it you could show me. However, if you got to go somewhere with your girlfriend then please, don't mind me."



Denjiro furrowed a brow, "Unique interest here? I'm here to become an exorcist and that's it. I want to be able to protect her." He said shooting a small glance at Saki from the table then back at Anthony. "Knife throwing friend? You mean that ninja girl?"
"You lie like all the suspicious people i've met. Which is to say horribly. I don't believe you." Anthony said looking at the guy with a glance at the girl who was sitting by a window with a few people watching her intently. "Yes the one who was supposed to be working for the illuminate."
Denjiro chuckled lightly, "I lie? And what the hell gives you that damn idea?" He said as he looked straight into Anthony's eyes. "I don't really care if you believe me or not. It's none of your concern why I'm here anyways. If I want to protect a girl, I will. I don't expect you to understand that concept of love."

//and that is Denjiro going from calm to sassy in 0.2 seconds.

"I don't mind at all." Kazuki answered.
"Oh that I believe. I just think you're working for somebody else." Anthony gave a sly grin at the guy. He then set one gun on the table showing that the chambers were empty. "I say we swap secrets. I think you might want to know how I can fire a empty gun and I want to know if you're working for the illuminati. I won't tell if you are. It's none of my concern."
"I might or I could just be looking for a place where I can feel safer. But you don't want to talk. So neither do I." Anthony put one hand on the gun while the other started to lift an apple to his mouth. "That is unless i'm wrong."
"Hmm, there's no way I can trust you so I won't let you in on any of my secrets. You might as well move that hand off the gun, you would do no good by firing it in the school." Denjiro replied. @Apollogy8 @Alldahluvlybad1s

Ayase glanced at Opal, "Can I steal your boyfriend just for five minutes?"
"I was wondering if you needed help with anything..." Jin asked blushing a bit. 'Keep it together Jin... Keep it together...' He thought.
"Help? Oh well....I don't actually need any help. I'm just about to go out for lunch though. Did you want to come?" Izumo asked.
"I don't trust you either so consider this an olive branch." Anthony said spinning his gun's cylinder so it was obvious that not a single round was in it. "Too bad I have a hell of a party trick with this."

Anthony then have a smile and looked elsewhere. "Hey Opal don't ditch me later ok?"

"Awesome!" Ayase smiled, taking Kazuki hand. "So let's go?"


@Godric Testarossa

Izumo nodded, "Alright then. Is there a place you prefer to go?"

"Alright. Thanks." Kazuki said to Opal before leading Ayase to the lunch room. "Uh here it is. Be careful, some people aren't nice. I would stay away from Cyril, Taro, and Anthony." He said, pointing to the certain people. "Saki and Yuki are pretty nice. You should sit with them."

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