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Futuristic Another Normal Day, a Sci-Fi Superhero RP Lore (OPEN)



Harbinger of War, Chaos, and Poptarts
Roleplay Availability
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The year was 3070 and war-ravaged the Earth. Corruption had spread like wildfire, conspiracies and monopolies rampant. The first to die was the poor as the poverty levels reached record highs. Governments began to feud over land as a famine spread across the entire earth. Food was regulated, and some countries tried many plans, euthanizing the old or useless- executing students who didn't reach high enough physical and mental scores, reinstating policies that didn't allow too many children to be born in a family. One by one, each country joined alliances and began a brutal war with one another in the Third World War. What little money was being saved for the food issue was moved to the war effort, enlisting and drafts grew as people joined for the slightly more consistent food shipments provided for the military. Brother fought brother and father fought son as civil wars broke out over this pointless war and the disorganization of food. A group of radical rebels broke into a nuclear missile silo and managed to send a thermonuclear bomb toward the enemy, who swiftly retaliated, leaving half of the world uninhabitable.

The war stopped, as society broke down, settlements bartering for food and water across the world, some isolated by dangerous radiation levels. Deep in a UN bunker, some of the greatest minds scrambled to find a solution to the crisis. Few of the original world governments remained, they had no authority anymore. The rich who had been smart enough to hire mercenaries and build sprawling complexes full of supplies thrived, unaware as their security plotted their downfall, killing their masters only to realize the supplies were locked without any way to reach them, starving down there instead of venturing into the post-nuclear wasteland. The think-tank knew many had been infected with biological weapons or exposed to deadly radiation, so UN aircraft run by the last loyal soldiers began gathering the few in populations immune to these diseases and clear of radiation, careful to include the genetics of every race and country. Once the new people were gathered, a wall was built on one of the only fertile lands left in the world, and towering walls were built to prevent the outside world's raiders and anarchists from attacking their safe zones. Two gaurds were created from both volunteers and surviving UN soldiers: The Border Patrol and The Security Agency.

The Border Patrol was composed of volunteers, sending their families into the walled paradise while they would build a second city around the city christened Genisis, defending those within as they built a second world. The remaining fighting force was locked into the city with the rest of the population, maintaining martial law while both the Think Tank and representatives for the people developed a new law system. Due to the inclusion of survivors from every country and region, the debate took ten years while the Security Agency maintained the peace. Eventually, the Think Tank, respected as The Founders by the population drafted a new plan. Humans had failed to govern themselves- it didn't matter the Race, Gender, and Creed- all had corruption. The Founders proposed the introduction of a Governing Artificial Intelligence, to the representative's horror. There had been several AI insurgencies in the times of the war, most stopped but many lives were lost in the process. The idea of giving unlimited power to something inhumane was madness. The Founders negotiated this plan for months before a series of six rules were created:

1. Never Harm Genisis
2. Always Defend The Cities Citizens
3. Allow Humanity to discipline and Secure themselves
5. Always allow a board of representatives to co-create laws and regulations
6. The Board of Representatives will always have the power to eliminate the AI if all are willing.


With the board satisfied with the six restrictions, The Founders set to work on an unbiased, artificial ruler. An experiment was developed- the test of each iteration of morals and leadership. A digital copy of the City was created and each iteration was tasked with rebuilding humanity from the walled-off safety of a digital world, though the AI were unaware of the test as they began their efforts in simulation. The first Thirty-Seven failed, some corrupted and turned on their digital citizens, some self-deleting from either stress or their failure. All failed iterations were deleted, and time ran out as a civil war seemed imminent- before Prototype-38 finished her test. Prototype-38 or Evelynn as she was named was different than the rest, given the most human emotions and morals- after her success, The Founders temporarily implemented her as leader, and her actions were carefully watched for a six-month period. Evelynn's system was successfully implemented, with the majority loving both her kind and grounded behavior and the new system she had developed, allowing her plan and position as the supreme leader of the city to remain, though the threat of deletion was still present if the Board unanimously agreed. The Security Agency and several other groups were given complete independence from the AI's rule to keep the balance of power between machine and man equal. For years there was peace as Evelynn strived to preserve the human experience and order, still hindered by her many supplementary and primary restrictions. Corruption began to spread, as some had predicted, and because of Evelynn's restrictions, she couldn't do much, struggling to keep the city together before a civil war broke out.


In the Year 3570, Two factions had developed in the last bastion of humanity, the humble minors of an underground district of Genisis with the uncreative name of The Underground, and the surface world where the middle and upper class resided. Food shortages and disease were rampant as the war broke out, Evelynn powerless to stop the war as humans killed each other, barely able to allocate funds and resources to the civilian populations of both sides, to the resentment of many. Eventually, Topsiders won the war with their force of loyal Security Agents. The Underground was punished for their crimes and order was restored and the “Heroes” won.

The already fractured relationship between the two regions was now shattered, maybe even unrepairable. The Top-Siders now saw the Underground as a haven for recourse-stealing criminals whereas the subterranean citizens viewed the above ground as wasteful oppressors that couldn’t care less, but the new stigmas couldn’t matter as something worse came.

A disease commonly known as “The Reckoning” began to spread across the city. No one was safe as an estimated fifty percent of the entire population died, with Evelyn unable to save her people send she watched hopelessly, unsure of how to cure this. Security Agents began a brutal plan, eradicating the every carrier- killing thousands to save millions. When this was done, many mourned a single positive came from this: Super-Heroes.

It is unknown if The Reckoning was truly linked to the emergence of science defying abilities and feats, but soon after the outbreak, many began to show these abilities.

In the beginning, it was chaos. Many chose to use their newfound abilities to cause havoc, harming their enemies and robbing banks. Of course, some began to use their powers for good, but these vigilantes caused damage, costing thousands in damage and killing innocents. While the Security Agency struggled to maintain order, until a group of Vigilantes approached The Board of Representatives, intending to form a more organized group.

The Heroes where given one of the abandoned buildings in the far side of an area ravaged by The Reckoning, forming the “Heroes League”. The League formed an academy for the training of Heroes and where given their own branch of The Security Agency. After the creation of the league, all vigilantes where declared illegal as corruption spread through the ranks of the Heroes League, two groups forming: The Old Guard, those who still value heroism and selflessness, while The New Guard was those who saw their as a way power to break the law and claim the power they believed they deserve.
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I would be open to this. Thinking an enhanced with strange warping powers. Essentially phasing in and out of reality. Which comes with its own benefits and downfalls.
I would be open to this. Thinking an enhanced with strange warping powers. Essentially phasing in and out of reality. Which comes with its own benefits and downfalls.
Go to the main page- will link it under "Other" from there you can find the the CS
The Two Cities

The Underground

The Underground was formed after the original city began to become overcrowded, confounding the board. They started with the current version of standards for most Middle Class buildings with the typical Cubical based infrastructure, planning to build to the maximum height of the domed wall that surrounded the Last Bastion of Humanity. When choosing the exact location for this fortress, a variable was the series of caverns located miles under the surface. The caverns where first blocked off, but after discovering the recourses, including several strange minerals created with the experimental building equipment used on the surface to create the above ground city. A mining town was created for the poorest, creating other jobs like synthesizing a cheep food substitute and the refinement and manufacturing vital materials from the raw resources.

For a time, there was peace with this situation, but it was clear that the more luxurious possessions couldn’t be transported down there as easily, with the surface that had currently outnumbered the lower levels voting to restrict the items sent to their below ground brothers. This began a bitterness against the stuck up people of the surface as more of the lower class was forced to live in the cheaper lower levels, an entirely new culture forming. Likewise, the surface began to grow annoyed by the inferior people’s resentments and occasional protests, slowing down the machine that was this city.

The protests turned to strikes, further slowing down the manufacturing of objects and materials they wanted for needed. A fourth special division of the Security Agency was created to break up strikes and the minor fights that broke out in the Underground, further enraging the Palies as the angered Surface Dwellers called them. Soon the riots designed into riots as deaths began to stack up, further fueling the idea that the Underground where uncivilized criminals who wanted to rape and pillage the world that the Surface Dwellers has given them in charity.

These culminated in a civil war as many Subterranean revolutionary’s seized the few weapons that where either manufactured or stored to suppress the riots, though the surface had access to superior weapons and technology. Both sides gathered forces, with some Security Agents joining the oppressed Underground citizens, their family name forever tarnished while even more stayed with the surface, even as some where ordered to fire into crowds of their own family and friends. The Underground has numbers, planning guerrilla attacks and ambushes across the city, bodies stacking up on both sides. The AI tried to allocate resources and doctors to both sides, but with the majority being loyal to the surface disease ran rampant further hindering the rebellion. Eventually, the rebels surrendered- with the surface allowing them to stay in return for strict regulations to be put in place.

Not long after the last forces surrendered their arms, a disease broke out. It is unclear wether “The Reckoning” started in the crippled and disease ridden Underground or the damaged Topside, where rumors of a biological weapon was being developed before the civil war ended, but both peoples where hit hard, with the disease ding the most damage in the crowded and filthy Underground while the surface was sanitized, before the Third Security Branch began a brutal purge, killing all carriers of The Rapture to save their city, many killing them selves when the deed was done, both to atone for the massacre and the risk of them having been infected. The Underground was quarantined, with the unsympathetic above ground letting them die as long as the few immune or untouched still maintained the quickly depleting mines and crucial factory’s.
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Genesis- The Last Bastion of Humanity


Genesis is the ideal place to live in the apocalypse. No one there remembers the outside world, even the immortal AI that rules the city was developed after the walls were created, a dome simulating a Pre-Mass Pollution sky, A new world erupting from the center of the lands. Over time, humanity's last safe haven thrived, with the middle class and upper class defended from the outside world by their walls and the four security agencies that kept the peace, old world citizens passing on their skills and the arts to the next generation, the link to old world media and records further preserving parts of the outside world. While the Underground toiled to mine and refine the minerals and ores needed to build skyscrapers and create new technology, families began to honor their pre-war ancestors, a social stigma growing to continue and pass on the family business, even gathering in certain areas. In response, regents were introduced to these areas, keeping the interests of each military, art, or manufacturing district safe. Beautiful installations were added, using the technology that their AI leader used to simulate the changing of seasons in the walled-off areas, allowing families to honor their country of origin. Many recreated the beauties of the old world, creating a series of Biospheres that simulated the natural world's flora and fauna that had been saved or cloned after the evacuation to the city began.

All was prosperous until the disobedience began, the former comrades now demanding more. Many of those in the lower levels hadn't paid to go there like many of the surface residents, but because of the need for numbers to rebuild, they were let in regardless of the Genotypical Tests that the Middle Class where subjected to when they first approached the city limits, children separated from parents to ensure none possessed genetic diseases or other issues that may cause trouble later on in their bloodline. Hate began to spread throughout the topside as the unpure inferiors grew more violent Who were they to defy them, they were allowed here because of Top-Sides charity. similar ideals echoed as more enlisted in the Security Agency. As the strikes continued, some luxury items couldn't be produced for most of the public. Jewelers and Metalworkers suffered, while others screamed at the AI to stop sending the shipments containing the chemicals needed for the Undergrounds system of unappetizing food substitutes, planning to starve off the rats until they could be more reasonable.

Fear washed over the previous outrage as Riots began, reports of insurgents throwing handmade explosives into crowds of Security Agents. Families mourned and all called on the AI to finally exterminate those uncivilized pests, The Governing Board almost shutting her down as she continued to refuse the demands of retaliation. The Security Agency declared war after a group of rioters looted the arms factories and weapon stores that had been installed as the riots began. Both the Underground Militia and Security forces entrenched themselves around each surface elevator before one morning shots were fired. No one knows who fired first, but retaliations were immediate. The Underground's stockpile was mostly incomplete or hastily built, but with their superior numbers, both sides were in a deadly stalemate. Some elevators were disabled by either side, while the Surface gathered in areas far from the fronts of war, and for the first time since the walls had been completed, disease ran rampant. Medical Professionals did their best to combat the epidemics, many resenting the AI as her agents continued to transport vital food supplies and medicine to both sides, feeling betrayed by their leader.

After a long and brutal war, the city was triumphant, songs sung and hate thrown at the retreating troops as they surrendered their weapons and leaders before scurrying back to their holes like the rats they were. Order was reestablished and reinforced to the former insurgents, with the board taking away the rights to:
  • Elected Legislature
  • Native Security Agents
  • Luxury Items
  • Support from the majority of The Surface
The war was over, and people rebuilt and mourned their dead, still hating both the anarchists and criminals that dwelt below them and the governing body that had spared them. Some regulations were passed, adding the Loyalty Reports to everyone's Bi-Monthly tasks to ensure both sympathizers or spies and unaligned anarchists and anti-government groups from both sides didn't try anything that could impact the lives of the civilized and loyal. No one knows how the disease started, most thought it was the underground filth and crowding, but it killed indiscriminately, none surviving infection. The AI was unable to combat the disease that spread through the Northern area of the city where many had fled since the war. The Fourth Security Agency began a bloody purification, turning both infected buildings and people to ash to contain the disease, completely sealing off the filth-filled Underground. Due to the efforts and eventual sacrifice of most of The Fourth Agency, the disease was cleared from the City, while most of the north side of town stayed an ashen ghost town, the bodies of both Carriers and the Eradicating Soldiers lay in the streets, either in mass graves or in sites of mass suicide. The AI eventually cleaned the area, but few were desperate to visit this tainted place.

Not long after, the emergence of superpowers shook the unstable balance caused by both the epidemic and the war, some using their powers for evil or honor, many dying in the streets of either side as vigilantes fought the opportunistic villains as they tried to gain money or get revenge on either side. It was documented that some were corrupted by these abilities, turning from upright citizens to sadistic killers. A group of vigilantes struggled to band together, approaching the government to sort out the third chaos. A fifth security agency was formed to assist these heroes, rounding up and doing their best to imprison the criminals, the remainder fleeing to the Underground or Abandoned buildings of The North. Those Vigilantes formed The Heroes League, adding rules and regulations to the Vigilantes, making unregistered vigilantes illegal- either join them or join the villains in a secret prison miles underneath the city. Peace was restored and new industries were developed, developing weapons, technology, gadgets, costumes, or press for the new heroes- few noticing or having the power as more corrupt and uncaring "Heroes" Joined the ranks, soon outnumbering the just and honorable.

Primary Groups


Security Agency-


Second Division: Security and Public Safety Corps

The Second Division Concentrates on protecting those within the city walls, unlike the original task force that patrolled the boundary of the fortress, before all radio communication ceased. The fate of the First division is still unknown, with the third division that was formed in the beginning never being revealed to the public. The most common and populated branch is the Security Corps, which enforces the law and protects the innocent. The second division is usually common soldiers, occasionally receiving backup from the Fifth Division Enhanced. The second division lives in the towers that are in each sector of the city, and the underground residents live in bunkers, safe in case The Nuclear Option is explored in the case of a second rebellion.

Fourth Division: Sanitation and Weapons of Mass Destruction Division "Inferno"
The Fourth Division was active following the outbreak of Reckoning, using flamethrowers and chemical weapons to suppress the spread of The Reckoning, gathering hundreds of infected civilians before turning their weapons on them, many turning their weapons on the commanding officers and themselves out of guilt and rage. Only the most hardened and emotionless agents remain, protecting both Biological and mechanical weapons that may be released, intentionally or accidentally. The Fourth Division also is the leading researcher of said weapons, recently sending some of its forces to assist the Sixth Division with a secret project. The task force resides within a series of bunker-like secret complexes, rumored to be thousands of miles under the service, their agents only appearing following some odd incidents.
Fifth Division: Enhanced Recruitment and Security "Trinity"
The Fifth Division concentrates on the capture and recruitment of Common Enhanced, taking the few that don't join The Heroes League. Many have minor abilities such as Elemental manipulation, Illusions, etc. Trinity is the research coalition that backs up the Fifth Division, creating advanced weapons and equipment that rivals every other division. The coalition claims that they do not have a hand in leading the soldiers, but this is likely false, with many seeing them as Trinit's private army instead of an actual task force. Trinity will usually contain enhanced until they are sent to the Seventh division, experimenting and researching enhanced abilities for their purposes, claiming no real breakthroughs.
Sixth Division: Special Operations and Black-Ops "Whispers"
The Sixth Division is a special operations division, that does the dirty work for the other divisions. Many unsavory missions are carried out, staying in the shadows and out of the public eye when possible. A revamped Security Tower within another dead zone caused by the outbreak on the eastern end of the city is where the men reside, rebuilding the crumbling complex with advanced technology, far from most action but away from the media. The Division is led by The Revenant, possessing the best stealth equipment and snipers from any division, the skull helmets infamous in the underground where their private trains transport them across the city to secret platforms, allowing them to arrive on-scene as soon as possible.
Seventh Division: Criminal Containment Taskforce "The Wardens"
The Seventh Division is the main incarceration force, running two super-prisons, one for common criminals and Enhanced Villains. The Seventh Division maintains common riots outside and within the prison, rarely stepping outside the two complexes except for riot control and prison transports, which have been successful except for one incident regarding the Fourth Division, with the report indicating that the prisoners died in the escape, but some officers that where recorded as killed in action have been seen in the prisons.

Illegal Groups:


Nova Team
Nothing was known about the Nova team. Many thought they were like The Heroes League, who like them had started as vigilantes before becoming official agents of Genisis. Nova Team remained an anomaly, refusing attempts by many Heroes League Representatives to recruit individual members, even the founding members ignored or outright reused. Nova worked outside of Heroes League regulation, but never abused this- sure they would break into places they suspected harbored illegal contraband or criminals, but they never killed. Nova Team would even heal the enemies they detained before leaving them outside of the nearest security Tower. It was never known how many members were on the team, with the nearly identical uniforms, except for some alterations. The known members were:
  • Valor, the Leader- able to temporarily replicate Enhanced Abilities, along with superior strength.
  • Hope was the healer who indiscriminately healed any who was wounded during missions, whether it was her lover, Valor- or a fallen foe.
  • Candor, The telekinetic able to find information in the minds of bystanders and enemies and move debris off of trapped civilians with his mind.
  • Martyr, was able to temporarily sacrifice and transfer her and her comrade's health or abilities to those in need.
  • Stoic, the invulnerable hero who would burst into flaming buildings, ignoring the pain that remained without any injury or wounds to rescue innocents.
  • Insight was able to feel the pain of the world around them to replicate past traumatic events to help the team investigate past crimes.
  • Defender, able to create walls of energy to protect others from harm.
  • Awe, able to inspire her comrades to fight, and villains to do the right thing, allowing them to see the possibilities of being a hero.
  • Frost, able to heal burns and non-lethally freeze enemies
  • Void, was able to instantly transport his allies across the city.
  • Chem was able to manipulate poisons and chemicals- removing toxins from people's bodies or using her compounds to create truth-deriving serums.
  • Scrier, able to see disasters before they happened
  • Shade was able to control people's shadows, creating weapons or minions before disappearing into the shadowplain.
Although some members had been given names by the public following encounters, their leaders gave their aliases to The Heroes League when asked about their identity, an unknown number was kept secret. Nova team spent years fighting corruption, hunted by Inferno and The Whispers, before their sudden disappearance. Some have found their abandoned bases hidden throughout the city, but no trace of the heroes has been found, doubly hard since their identities along with their current status are unknown.
The Reapers
The Reapers are a mostly enhanced rebel group. The Reapers are a small group, with several chapters across the city, commanded by a former Security Agent to resist the corruption of the city. The Reapers operate in cells, usually a team of enhanced with some ding other jobs such as surveillance or coms. The Reapers prioritize their objectives to cripple the Security Agency above all else, willing to harm civilians to reach their goals. Reapers are less known by the public, only operating small/covert missions- with the recent events being an exception.
The Aurum Gang
The Aurum gang is the most powerful crime syndicate in the underground, led by the Enhanced Criminal Midas. Midas can turn objects to gold, funding the gang's operations in Sub-B, relying on the more corruptible guards and the fear power they own, turning one of the first mining caverns into a fortress, with the crater used as an arena that is the main source of entertainment for Sub-B, where brutal death games are lead by Smiler, forcing those who owe Midas money to fight for their lives. Midas also possesses the most land he can legally own, including some land he has purchased under false identities.

On The Enhanced- A Report by The Scholars and Academics United

For the last few years, we have seen the laws of nature that have held for millennia defied. We have fond evidence of a realm that connects with our own, men have been able to conquer the skies without mechanical help. We do not know what caused these abilities, but we must evolve to survive this new age. All Heroes have an Achilles heel, a way to neutralize their abilities. It is unknown how these abilities relate to the individual Enhanced, but our work with The Security Agency's prisons has allowed us to find that Materials, Ideas, or even people can be a weakness. Although the records of both inmates and enhanced personnel are one of the most protected documents in the city, we have found many: One subject had a weakness to increased heat, another's invisibility was neutralized whenever they are perceived by other means. The origin of these individuals peculiarities and anomalous effects are developed naturally over time, either born with or randomly emerged, or the flashier "Origins" where the subject experienced some hazardous or even deadly event where their abilities emerged, usually with some correlation to the event such as a Fire Elemental walking out of a burning building without any negative effects or one being able to summon weapons made of gemstones at will during a confrontation where said gemstones where about to be taken. Over time we have seen and catalogued these individuals, and even though some abilities escape our attempts of categorizing their abilities we have developed a current list:

Natural Element or Phenomena Manipulators "Elementals"

Elementals cover those whose abilities effect natural world, summoning fire, manipulating water, creating heat- one of the broadest of categories, Elementals are a large portion of the enhanced, particularly those born or living on the surface, even if there has never been evidence that the overall manifestation of abilities (In exception of the second accepted origin) is geographically related or born.

Mental Manipulators "Psyches"

Psyches are within a smaller category, though some have considered including Technopath's and their Cyberlinguist brothers it is still under debate. Psyches manipulate the human mind, whether an Illusionist creates fanciful images on the streets, a Telepath Security Agent probes the minds of criminals for useful information, or the (Mostly) Illegal "Hypno" manipulates their victims to commit crimes or eliminate their minds and use the zombie-like husks to do their bidding. Another group that could potentially join this category are the rare Oracles and Past-Singers, able to peer into the future and past.

Shadow Walkers and Transporters

Through largely unknown means, the population of Transporters and their rarer cousins the Shadow Walkers can move across the city, (With tests attempting to leave the walls being forbidden.) Transporters rely on their limited energy to move across the city, while the Shadow Walkers require no such limits, instead walking into a Void like copy of our realm known as The Shadow Plain, a twisted and inverse version of our world with a shadowed sun and terrifying creatures.

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