Anime RPG (Open To All)

"Alright...Canada it is I guess..." Kyle murmured, suddenly feeling uneasy. 'Why should i be nervous about going to Canada?' He wondered. 'You know why.' A voice hissed. Kyle looked up, than realized that he was the only one that had heard it. Someone was speaking in his mind. 'Yessss. I have broken your mind barrierssss. You know why you do not wissssshhhhh to go to Canada, for I am here.' The voice hissed again. Kyle rolled his neck nervously, trying to shrug off the nervousness, telling himself the voice was just his imagination. 'I am real, Flame. You cannot esssscape me. You will never essscape me.' The voice sneered...
"No...I'm fine." Kyle replied, trying to ignore the voice. 'You will never be fine while I am around, Flame. You sssshhhhall die by my handssss.' The voice snarled.
Uhhhh... this thread is REALLY cheesy, but I'll give it a shot....


Name: Mia

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: Short with long black hair and elf-like ears and green eyes

Power/What Creature?: An elf with wings that can actually be used to fly

History: Bad

Other: :lick:
Uhhhh... so can Mia just know them or should they meet somehow?

Mia walked along the streets of a human city. She was disgusted by all the pollution they created in just this tiny town.
Hello! Can I join in on this jolly merry roleplaying train ride?

Name: shadow.

Age: 15

Gender: male

Appearance:View attachment 1272

Power/what creature: is a vimmppee (variation of vampire if you want me to go into detail about them, just say so. :8D:), Necromancer in training

History: he was bitten one year ago, he can't remember anything about himself from before he was bitten, he likes to sit on roof reading books with one leg hanging off the building as he finds it the most relaxing position to sit in.

Other: prefers hello to hi, speaks his own language, as well as English.
HelloI'm sure they'll love it now that new people are joining. As Mia walked along the street, she started to notice odd things about the town. First off, there were a lot of things there that weren't... Human. She saw another elf and gestured hello in elf speech. He nodded back and wished her safe travel. She did the same. She saw more and more creatures, and ended up coming to a conclusion: maybe this was where all the odd ones came when they woke up. Mia herself had no clue why she was here, be ause she had a bout of memory loss and couldn't remember the last three months.
Ooc: thanksIC: shadow sat on the roof of a tall building and looked down, he put his book down to the side and watched the life through the smoke, he smiled with joy as the lives wandered around, doing living things, talking, hugging, laughing, walking, waving and other things people do. He looked at his book, he pushed it deep into his pocket. Because of the smoke he couldn't judge how high up he was, maybe it wasn't smoke, maybe he just wasn't focousing properly. Despite his lack of vision he stood up. The lives he saw kept the smile on his face. The building infront of him was lower than the one he was standing on. He ran forward until he felt nothing underneath his feet, he looked at the other building infront of him, he landed on it in silence. He likes this place as the building were like stairs, they get lower and lower until they are essentially not there. Shadow jumped from one roof to another until he was On the ground. He couldn't see wether he was on the path or not because of the smoke, he looked around with the same smile On his face.
Mia smelled smoke. She looked to the right and saw an alley filled with smoke from a factory. She saw a person walking through it and wondered how they could stand being anywhere near the horrible pollution that building was emitting.Sory, my enter key doesn't seem to be working, unless it looks like it from your point of view. I can't tell, maybe the phones making it weird.......
OOC: I'm having the same problem on my iPod.IC: shadow rubbed his eyes and tried to get rid of the smoke, but it didnt vanish. The smile vanished from his face again and he pulled his hood back up. He looked around wondering where all the smoke was coming from, he saw the outline of a large building were he assumed the smoke was emitting from. He looked around and saw the outline of a person, he couldn't see the life coming off them, but he could see the person non the less. He walked over and out of the smoke. He sighed with relif.
Mia sensed the vammppee. ( I think that's it) before she saw it. He stepped out of the smoke with a hood over his al ost white hair. She blushed abit when she saw him. "Hello," she said intelligently.OOC. Try My thread Animels, it needs some lovin cause it's lonely.... No one seems to like Animels much.
He didn't smile when he saw the elf, nor did he look up, "hello" he replied. OOC close enough 'vimmppee'
Ooc. Okay.............Ic. Mia frowned. 'manner, jeez,' she thought to herself. She turned away and started walking in the direction of a forest she had seen before. She was itching to start flying after days stuck on the ground. She couldn't risk being exposed by taking off in public places, so she was forced to a treacherous woodsy take off.Ced
OOC :D IC shadow followed her, without raising his head. He was covering his skin from the sun.
Mia walked until she found a clearing, oblivious that he was following her. She unfurled her black wings that had speckled white on them and stretched them as far as they could go ~ a total of ten feet long. She fanned them with ease, feeling the wind seep through her feathers. She decided to practice her vertical take off, so she bunched the muscles in her back and jumped as high as she could. Her jump boosted her an amazing distance of four and a half feet or so, and her wings pushed down with all their might. She started rising into the setting sun. Once she was high enough, she skimmed the tree tops, heading for the heart of the woods where she could be a,one with her thoughts.

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