Animal I Have Become, Help Me Believe, It Not The Real Me (Wolf Rp)


One Thousand Club
The beast lives out of the raging storm in the dead of night

The ravenous, blood-sick creature searches for it's sacrifice

Through the hideous darkness, it lurches, driven by death itself

Only the satisfaction of slaughter will cause it to return to

The darkness from which it came

As a Pup he was caught and experimented on, Humans dissected him

Sewed him up, then did it again, When he was barely alive they gave him a drug.

They called it Rage. He grew 3x the size of a original male

He got lose once and killed all the humans, a swift hit in the head with his paw

and they were out, he escaped the facility and ran, he ran for weeks, possibly months

he came to a dark forest, he has been hiding there for years, killing nearly every wolf he sees.

only lucky ones escape his wrath. he is 5'6and 380 lbs And Has No mercy

They call him Black Wolf Of the Woods

View attachment 5452Black Wolf Of The Woods

Black Wolf Of The Woods (Read)

Off Lickity Trail, there's the dark forest

Where many of wolves died

It's a place to run to and disappear

A place where some wolves hide

But they will tell you about the rumors

That swell around this forest

Some say there's something in the woods

Them deaths are no mistake

The fog that rides along the top

Has been said to carry the howls

Those of the dead who took the dare

And ran inside, they made bad choices

Some have seen and others heard

Many terrifying horror tales

Emanate from this one place

Several young wolves, and pups

Disappeared here without a trace

What you believe and what you don't

Is entirely up to you

But if you go up there and run alone

You'll know exactly what's true

Something's watching from the bushes

Mosquitoes attracted to the blood

They say the dark woods have no end

The water is black, even in the sunlight

Deep and dark, nightmarish

Some believe the spirits come

And bask underneath the moon

Others say they seen a large black wolf

Stumbling around the lagoon

The loons howl all night long

Sounds melodic, sings you a song

Missing wolves, swampy deaths

Mysteries are secrets kept

Staring out are snakes and frogs

Leaches living off hollow logs

Something's watching from the woods

It took all the missing wolves

The water's thick with murky mud

The ground is red like splattered blood

In this forest a spirit cries

Snakes and bugs move in the night

Some don't believe and dare to run

Something big will hunt you down

Hidden deep in the wild brush

If you know where it is then hush...

Facts On The Black Wolf Of The Forest's Daughter

She is larger then a normal Fae but smaller then her father

She stands at 4'5 and 287lbs

She doesn't live with her father, she runs through the woods alone

Some wolves claim to have seen her

other have seen her tracks

She runs through the wolf like a ghost

never in one spot for long, she barely rests.

Wolves are after her, she was made after her father was released into the woods again.

faded to black with his mate then ran, His mate had Timber and Timber was Banished

from the pack due to her size, she was a threat to the pack.

She is less aggressive then her father, but will kill you if threatened or challenged.

The Drug (Rage) was passed down to her through her fathers gene.

View attachment 5451Timber












The black wolf of the woods has a pack

Called Agony they are cold and have no

Soul teeth sharpened and eyes glowing red

They have all been captured they have all

escaped, they all met black now their on the kill


Name; Black Wolf Of The Woods (Black)

Age; 5 Years

Gender; male

Personality; meet me

Looks; View attachment 5452

Crush; no

Mate; its a secret

Pups; Hahaha(:


Name; Demon

Age; 4 years

Gender; male

Personality; meet me

Looks; View attachment 5977View attachment 5992

Crush; nope

Mate; Dead

Pups; Dead

Other; nope

Name; Aspin

Age; 4 years

Gender; female

Personality; meet me

Looks; View attachment 5978View attachment 5991

Crush; no

Mate; looking

Pups; not anymore...

Other; no

Name; Flame

Age; 3 years

Gender; male

Personality; meet me

Looks; View attachment 5979 View attachment 6422

Crush; no

Mate; no

Pups; no

Other; no

Name; Rex

Age; 3 years

Gender; male

Personality; meet me

Looks; View attachment 5980View attachment 5993

Crush; no

Mate; no

Pups; no

Other; no

Name; Damien

Age; 3 years

Gender; male

Personality; meet me

Looks;View attachment 5981View attachment 6424

Crush; no

Mate; no

Pups; no

Other; no

Name; Luca

Age; 1 years

Gender; female

Personality; meet me

Looks; View attachment 5982View attachment 6420

Crush; no

Mate; no

Pups; no

Other; no

Name; Decay

Age; 3 years

Gender; male


Looks;View attachment 5983 View attachment 6426

Crush; Exile

Mate; No

Pups; No

Other; No

Name; Miyako

Age; 4 years

Gender; female


Looks; View attachment 5986View attachment 6425

Crush; Nope

Mate; Died

Pups; Ash


Name; Ash

Age; 3 months

Gender; Male


Looks; View attachment 5987View attachment 6419

Crush; no

Mate; No

Pups; i am one :lick:


Name; Egan

Age; 3 years

Gender; Male


Looks; View attachment 5988View attachment 6423

Crush; No

Mate; No

Pups; No

Other; No

Name; Eagle

Age; 2 years

Gender; Male


Looks; View attachment 5989View attachment 6421

Crush; Nope

Mate; Nope

Pups; Nope

Other; Nope

Name; Logan

Age; 2 years

Gender; Male


Looks; View attachment 5990

Crush; No

Mate; No


Other; Wolf Hybrid, Not full wolf.

Name Chives

Age 3 years

Gender Female


Looks View attachment 6427

Crush no

Mate Not anymore

Pups Holly, Rut, & Duke

Other no

Name Holly

Age 4 months

Gender Female


Looks View attachment 6429

Crush No

Mate No

Pups No

Other No

Name Rut

Age 4 months

Gender male


Looks View attachment 6428

Crush No

Mate No

Pups No

Other No

Name Duke

Age 4 months

Gender male


Looks View attachment 6430

Crush No

Mate No

Pups No

Other No
Black Wolf of the Forest sat next to his Daughter, "Have you seen any wolves?" he growled "She shook her head and look down at the dark red ground, blood was lighter, but it was close, she snarled and scratched the ground with her paw and snarled. "but i would love to find one." she bared her teeth, her father flexed his claws and they sunk into the ground quickly.
Name: Rosa

Age: 3

Gender: Fae

Personality: Rosa is a sassy harsh wolf who does not take no well even though she knows how to say. She was kicked out of her old pack because she refused to accept the Alpha as her mate despite the fact that she is prime material to be an Alpha fae. Deep down she is scared to trust brutes and believes that they can be the coldest and harshest of the wolf world yet she still longs for their attention. These conflicting feelings are an on going battle for her.

Looks:View attachment 5471

Crush: None

Mate: None

Pups: None


Black Wolf Of The woods he growls and sniffs the air and smells a rouge

Timber she growls and stands up and lowers her head below her shoulders
View attachment 5651

Name: Nyra

Age: 5.

Gender: Female

Personality: Blood-thirsty and a complete killing machine. This wolf is definitely something you want to stay away from. She is afraid of nothing and will kill anything and anyone in her path. Even a dear friend. She is very stealthy, and stops at nothing once she targets an animal to kill.

Other than being a complete killing machine, she is very good at fighting and has unusually long teeth and claws.

Crush: She's doesn't have those kinds of feelings. :3

Mate: She killed him.

Pups: She never had any.
Black snarls and tips back his huge head and lets out a howl for all the normal wolves to hear, and he begins to trug through the mud sniffing occasionally for a rouge or two
(Yeah She won't:P)

A high screech of terror echoed around the clearing as long, bloody teeth dug into a young wolves neck, killing it in seconds. It's neck hung limp from being shook violently from side to side. It's fur in shreds all over the forest floor around it, covered by freshly splattered blood. The wolf responsible for this horror, let go of the young pup and held her head up slightly. Enough to see the cold and dangerous look in her green eyes. Her white coat was almost completely soaked with scarlet red blood. Some even remained dripping down her muzzle and teeth. But even after all that blood shed and death of an innocent young pup, you could tell that not even a single tinge of regret shimmered in her bloodthirsty gaze.

She took a few steps forward, sniffed the air, and than vanished like a ghost.
Black And Timber they hear the screach and bound throught the forest and come to the murder site.

Black sniffs the body of the pup and licks its bloody body, he licks is jaws and tore into the pup quickly sending shreads of flesh around the body, he swallowed it fast blood covering his large jaws, that were cappable of killing a wolf with one bite onto its back or throat, he licked he jaws and looked around the clearing hoping the wolf that had killed the pup had seen him, since he was much larger then any wolf known in the forest he howled "Nice work you did, Your gonna go far, But we will go farther." he snarled and smirked looking around fast, knowing the wolf is still near.

Timber growls and gets into a prepared possition of a fight, he father stood an all mighty 6'1 while she stood a hight of 5'6 while a normal wolf was so much smaller, she smirked and swished her tail quickly flicking her gaze across the clearing fast.

Name Coal

Age 4 years

Gender male

Personality loving and affectionate, but when the fire is lite he is aggressive, and has no mercy and has no problem with killing any wolf in his path

Looks View attachment 5693

Crush its a surprise

Mate Hahaha

Pups Shhh, its a secret(:

Other He has large sharp teeth that has puncture quickly, his claws are not long, but they are very sharp, they shred through fur and skin. He is unforgiving and brutal.

Name Chives

Age 3 years

Gender female

Personality sweet and loving, but is not afraid to fight, she will not start a fight, but will fight in one if challenged.

Looks View attachment 5695

Crush Hmmm

Mate looking

Pups Not anymore):

Other nope
Nyra grinned crazily and silently took a few steps forward before stopping completely in her tracks. She lowered her head, still grinning and soon laughing evilly as she looked at the blood tainting her black claws.

"I don't care about who goes further or not.. The only thing I will ever do is kill. Nothing more." She snarled with fresh blood dripping off her long fangs and onto the forest floor.
The sway of the dark forest kept Rosa on her toes, she knew that dark forces were at work in these trees and she even knew the legends yet she still ventured. The smell of blood was potent in the musky air, she could barely scent anything over that which made hunting difficult. The fae had stayed on the edge of the black forest never venturing too far from what she knew even though she no longer belonged. She stood by her decision even though she had never decided anything she had accepted her packs decision to kick her out. She had said her peace and they had take action, and for such a backwards pack she was luck to still be alive.
Timber growled at the scent of another rouge he ran into the woods, towards Rosa, he heavy paws thudding hard on the moist ground, leaving large paw prints.

Black sat down and looked around the clearing he lifted his paw and licked the blood from it, He smirked exposing his jagged sharp teeth "Well?" he growled loudly to Nyra "Are you going to come out.?"

Coal and chives run through the woods until they leap onto large rock that is over looking a small part of the woods and Coal spots Rosa and barks towards her
Nyra chuckled slightly in an evil manner and silently padded towards him, appearing out of a dark group of bushes. Her bloody white coat seemed to glow in the moonlight as she circled him with a wild glint in her green eyes.

She bared her fangs and growled a little, showing no fear whatsoever.

"You don't think I'm actually scared of you do I?" She growled in a low voice, her white fur bristling slightly.
Black smirked, he loved her attitude and her fierce attempt to show no fear, he watched her slowly walk around him, not giving her a chance to catch him off guard her was taught to well for that. He stood up and watched the Aggressive Fae. He examined her fine and muscled body, "i would think not." he said in a calm voice, showing he had no interest in attacking her.


Name: Lakota

Age: Two and A half Years old

Gender: Male

Personality: Lakota has a positive attitude and open heart, although he never stays in one area too long. Still having the energy of a pup, Lakota rarely takes things seriously and is a poor hunter. Lakota’s father was killed while hunting and he was raised by his mother. Lakota took rank as an Omega and was the laughing stock of the pack. Finally he decided to leave to become a lone wolf.

Crush: No one, yet. Anyone interested?

Mate: N/A

Pups: N/A

Other: I hope its not too late to join!

Looks(Picture is not mine):

View attachment 5780

Upon hearing another wolf approach Rosa made her escape from the musty forest. She lunged for the light her paws digging into the muddy soil. She pins her one good ear against her ruddy fur as she hears another wolf’s bark and angles her path towards the sound. The fae then swivels her head trying to find the exact location of the wolf.

coal snarls and leaps down his paws sinking deep into the mud but that didn't slow him down he ran towards Rosa "Run." he barked as Chives howled and Timber busted from the forest and dashed for the two wolves (Coal and Rosa) Coal rammed into Rosa "Run!" he barked louder his pelt bristling and teeth drawn


coal snarls and leaps down his paws sinking deep into the mud but that didn't slow him down he ran towards Rosa "Run." he barked as Chives howled and Timber busted from the forest and dashed for the two wolves (Coal and Rosa) Coal rammed into Rosa "Run!" he barked louder his pelt bristling and teeth drawn
Lakota felt the cold earth beneath his feet as he moved into unfamiliar territory. His instincts told him to turn and run but something about the land drew him in. It was as if a great evil owned the land and it felt unlike any other forest he had traveled in. Still, he couldn't turn away. Slowly he stepped foot in the dark forest, then took off at a sprint to explore the new territory. He smelt the air and pawed at the hard ground, trying to get a feel for the area.

"Run!" Lakota heard another wolf shout in the distance. He had smelt the wolves before, but he intended to avoid them. Now he could hear their voices closer than he'd care to admit. Instead of turning and running in the other direction, Lakota stood frozen in the clearing, unsure of what to do.

(ooc: Sorry if it's a little rough, I'm typing this on my phone.)
Chives runs through the forest and runs into Lakota, she stumbled backwards and looked up at him, Her pelt fluffed out immediately and she bared her teeth, she crouched into a fighting position looking as frightening as possible, she was taught to trust no one but her kin (Coal), and Lakota, wasn't her kin. She growled and snarled moving back slowly, He was larger then her, But she was still able to kill easily.

Suddenly another wolf crashed into Lakota. He slid onto the dirt until he collided with the trunk of a tree. By the time he got on all four paws, the other wolf was in an attacking stance. Lakota tried to back up, but the tree he had crashed into was blocking his path. The wolf looked vicious and ready to kill, something he had not anticipated. He wasn’t expecting a warm greeting from the territory’s wolf pack but he wasn’t expecting the hostility he was currently receiving either.

His tail against the tree, he looked for an easy way out of the clearing. His brain told him to bolt off in the other direction but his legs wouldn’t move. He stood face to face with the hostile wolf, frozen. Finally he was able to get a few words out. “Is there a problem?” He asked nervously, hoping that maybe she’d let down her guard once she realized he was harmless.

Chives pelt went smooth slightly but her body remained tense and ready to fight is he made a move, Timber Spotted Chives and Ran for the wolves "Run.!" Chives whined At Lakota "Hurry!" she barked slamming into his side
Name: Exile

Age: 4 years

Gender: female

Personality: she can be sweet and kind when she gets to know you. You have to earn her trust. If you cross her she will be the most terrifying thing you ever saw. She can rough and mean at first but she is loyal to her alpha.

Looks: (My computer broke down so I can't get a photo.) she's rather large for a female. She has pure black fur and dark blue sapphire eyes. She is rather beautiful but her one flaw is a large scar covering her left side. (Normaly hidden by her fur) she is slender but also muscular but not to much.

Crush: none

Mate: dead. (not really looking but is open to a relationship)

Pups: dead.

Other: she is known as the Angel of Death, daughter of Morgan the black night. Morgan is a ruthless killer and will do anything to anyone if it benefits him. Exile is also known as one of he best killers but has recently diffracted fate he death of her siblings, mother, mate, and pups. (All were killed by her father.)
(Thank you lol) Exile was walking around sniffing the muddy ground. She looks at a few new wounds on her legs and neck. She growls lowly. She looked around for her chasers. Somehow they stopped chasing her. She shook her fur and sniffed the air. Something felt off. She licked her nose, her sapphire eyes looking around for danger. Her senses were telling her to bolt but...her chasers were back there. She ignored her better judgment and continued on very slowly, silently. Her ears were perked, her fur standing up. She was on fill alert.

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