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Multiple Settings Anima Studies


  • A Brief Farewell

    Roderick maintained eye contact with Mittens, "Truly? Fascinating, for such a thing to occur..." eventually Roderick would break eye contact with Mittens. "Very well, I but have one pearl of wisdom, stay positive, young lad."

    Jaquie paused at Leander's further questions, but eventually, rightfully concerned about the cat going hungry. "Just, don't give it any of the food in the basket, I'll leave you some cat food for the thing." Jaquie sighed, only to have his attention switch to his phone, quickly pulling it out and checking it. "Shucks, well, I've got something to attend to. I'll be on my way, any of you can keep the basket if you want it, of course, just don't abandon it." Jaquie commented.

    "Ah but of course!" Roderick's voice boomed once more, "I've nearly forgotten, mine fellows and I have plans, I must not tardy!" Roderick explained, rushing towards the door with vigor.

    "Not like that, you aren't." Jaquie cheekily commented, seemingly teleporting next to the door, "get yourself cleaned up, as for the rest of you, I'll be seeing you all tomorrow." Jaquie would comment as he leaned back into the door, "Oh and Mariana, keep me up to date with the curse, I'll look further into it when I can." the door would swing wide open, causing jaquie to fall into the destination he sought.

    "Hm, perhaps I should" Roderick would wait for the door to shut then used the door himself, "I bid you all Years of the First a farewell, I look forward to all your growths." With his mind spoken, Roderick would walk through the door, slamming it shut.

    With the sun still high up in the sky, there was still time for the students to enjoy the rest of their days before the next day of class. For those that would stay near the abandoned asylum for a while longer, the miasma would soon disappear, signaling the success of the team of arcanists sent for cleanup.

Nikklaüs woke up with a low hiss, and clutched his wrist as he rolled out of bed. Despite having healed, why was it the damn thing still hurt like a bitch sometimes? Releasing it, he brought it up over his mouth for a yawn.

Fuck me, bruv.” Came with the yawn.

For what reason did Jaquie decide on that asylum trip during our weekend? I’d like to keep my dedicated rest days, fuckin’ Christ. And right before this self-proclaimed ‘most important class ever’, too. Slipping into his jeans, Nikklaüs thought on what should go on top. Been doing too many two-layer fits this past week, think I’ll just stick to a button up today. He said, picking up a lavender button up from his closet, and as he put it on he returned to his desk to check his phone. Looks like Jaquie actually gave them some decent time to get ready for class, time Nikklaüs didn’t really need all that much of. Guess I’ll just go over now, TikTok will keep me busy enough I’m sure. His motivation for study had waned a small bit since yesterday, maybe it was time to slow things down a bit?

Mariana would end up sleeping like a rock after the day before. After experiencing so much, especially on such little sleep. Even after the nap and going to sleep early, she barely woke up to Jaquie’s internal message. In fact, it along with a chorus of corvids woke her up. Odd. They didn’t have birds around, did they? Mariana was still waking up, and too groggy to pay it much mind. But that’s what Crimson was here for. She definitely took note of it, and would be asking Jaquie why he had yet to follow up with Mariana about curses. They were serious business to humans, right? Shouldn’t he be more concerned? Well, it wasn’t exactly new for him. He barely seemed concerned about his students at all. With a yawn, Mariana tossed the covers aside and stood up, ready to start her morning routine.

He didn’t cross paths with the Twins on his way out, whether they’d left already or were still doing their morning routine was beyond him. He didn’t particularly care today anyhow.

“I’m on the way out! I’ll catch up soon.” He called out into the dorm as he left, just in case Marianne was there. Didn’t want her to go wake him if he’d already left, of course.

Once all the mundane tasks were over, Mariana walked out of her room, and into the hall. Crimson was more quiet than usual, it was a little odd. But maybe she was tired from everything that happened yesterday… Could demons even get tired? Hm, maybe she should ask Jaquie or Marianne about it. Being lost in her own thoughts, she jumped as she heard someone call out from behind.

“Mariana, I didn’t mean to spook you,” Nikklaüs had locked onto her from that slight ‘eep!’ that she made. “You doin’ alright this mornin’?”
He was fixing his sleeves on the approach, cleaning up the creases on how he rolled them up past his elbows. He made a note that Crimson didn’t seem to be around this morning, or at least not separated from Mariana. Maybe he should ask about her? Or would Crimson only find it annoying? Fuck, this was too hard.

“Ah! Hi Klaüs…”

Mariana replied, turning around to face the boy behind her. She didn’t really see what he could do or what he had been through yesterday, as she had been mostly on her own, or with Marianne. But she wondered internally how he had fared yesterday.

“Uhm… Y-yeah.” She replied unconvincingly with a nod. “What about you?”

Nikklaüs raised his arms in an exaggerated shrug, shaking his head with the motion. Self animating like some kind of JRPG character.

“Best I can,” He started walking ahead, beckoning Mariana to join with a casual flick of the wrist. “But I tell you, they fucked me up good yesterday. That's besides it, anyhow. I see Crimson is still on the low so far. She get burnt out from everything yesterday?”

“Yesterday…” Mariana muttered, as if reliving an unpleasant experience. She shivered at the thought of the day before. It was so scary and nerve wracking… She started to follow Klaus, seemingly lost in her own thoughts now. The silence stretched on as she didn’t answer about Crimson for a few long moments. “Oh, Crimson! She’s alright. She just said she doesn’t feel like walking around in a stupid human body right now. Her words, not mine.”

“Yeah, I guess these things do feel pretty fuckin' stupid,” Nikklaüs admitted, flexing and rolling his wrist around like a nervous tic. It was kinda creepy actually. “I mean, this morning I felt like I wanted out of this fuckin' thing.” He tried cracking a joke to put her mind at ease, he could see Mariana begin stewing in her mind very much in the same way he would. “Maybe from here we can give her a chance to rest. We're here to help you, same as her. Like this we can take the load off her a little, if you rely on us.”

Nikklaüs immediately regretted those words. That wasn't right. He saw how Marianne connected with Mariana better than the others, and recognized that their struggles were similar in their roots even if they manifested differently in their actions to rectify. To ask her to rely on the others would be asking her to admit to a weakness that already spent too much time in her mind rent-free.

“Buuuut,” Nikklaüs swung back around to backpedal. “Marianne told me about what you did yesterday. Spitting in the face of danger like that? That's pretty fuckin' sick. Maybe we're the ones who need your help, y'think?”

Mariana stewed in some of the words he had said. For a few moments she wondered about them. On her first day here, it really didn’t seem like they were there for her to rely on, having ignored her or completely argued with her. She still wasn’t sure how to feel about Marianne exactly. Though from what Crimson told her, she seemed to be a girl with a very complex mix of emotions. Actually, the day before the demon had said Marianne was really similar to Mariana. It made her think maybe the two could get along once they had a chance to talk.

But the others? She would probably just have to spend more time with them. She was beginning to warm up to the others, slowly but surely. Crimson reminded Mariana to just rely on herself and Crimson for now unless absolutely necessary. Mariana still agreed with this sentiment.

“What? N-No, I didn’t do anything really. I just moved on autopilot and did something really stupid.” Mariana explained as they neared the classroom.

Nikklaüs scoffed at the way she downplayed herself. Yeah, he probably would’ve done the same; that’s their issue isn’t it? Taking the doorknob to the classroom into his hand, he made an intentional pause in attempt to get Mariana to look him in the eye from what was taking him so long.

“Y’know, you can tell a lot about a person based on that ‘auto-pilot’. I like what I’m seeing from you, keep it up.” He offered before pushing through the door. “And if that something does end up being really stupid,” He continued, no longer creating pressure by beckoning her eye-contact. “I hope you’ll trust us to make sure you don’t get hurt.”

Nikklaüs settled at his desk again, but for the first time not with any notes or study material: just his phone. Flipping it open, he just settled back onto the YouTube video he didn’t get to finish from the night before.

In collaboration with November Witch November Witch
Anima: Calm white aura​

"Woof Woof!"

Sophia was woken up not by her alarms or the sunlight that peeked through the window, but by her dog that excitedly hopped on her face. Since she didn't have a room mate, she decided to just let Taromaru be one. He knew had an entire bed for himself, though based on the fur on her bed he probably climbed her bed to cuddle some time during the night.

As she didn't want to lock him in the room during her class, Sophia spent the majority of her previous day giving her dog a tour around the campus, trying to tell him where he can and can't go. Taromaru was an active dog so she couldn't be sure if he wouldn't get into trouble, but that's a risk she's willing to take. She also planted a tracking device on his collar so even if he wander somewhere it would be easy for her to track him.

According to the announcement, today's class would be the most important. Sophia couldn't imagine what the class would entail though, everything was equally important for a novice arcanist like her. Maybe they're finally going to be taught about exorcism today? She didn't get to fight any demon yesterday. The small pinned demons didn't count and Isaac prevented her to jump on the lantern demon. She wonder what would happen if she did fight the demon... it probably wouldn't end well for her though.

"Good morning everyone!" Sophia greeted the class as she walked into the room. There's not many people there yet so she sat down on her seat and spammed the group chat with some morning memes and many photos of Taromaru playing with his toys.​
Valerie Vu - Another Day

Today was going to be one of those days.

Valerie grumbled lowly as she was stirred awake by the magical voice of Jacquie announcing itself in everyone's heads. Away from the prying eyes of everyone else, she stared blankly at the ceiling as their dear professor urged everyone to attend today to make sure they'd all be witness to this apparent super important lesson. It wasn't as though Valerie, then or now, had any plans of playing hooky, though the added urgency elicited a mental wry chuckle from her. Weren't they all important? Especially if days like yesterday would become the norm if she were going to keep digging herself deeper into this life. The demons, the burning, the dark. All of it.

Lumbering out of bed, as groggy as ever, Valerie began to get changed, suiting up in a new fit this time. Pink was always her favorite; that's why she'd dyed her hair that color and also wore matching clothes, but today, maybe it'd be good to shake things up just a little bit. Even if it was small, insignificant things, variety was the spice of life. With that, she dressed today in blue and white jacket over a thin red shirt, along with a brown mini-skirt and kneehighs to boot.


As she finished getting dressed up, Valerie silently stared at herself in the mirror on the dresser. This was far from the best time to suddenly stop and reflect on herself, but for some reason, it seemed to be something she needed to make time for today. Her eyes hovered over to the side for just a moment, catching a photo that she'd forgotten she still held onto, lumped in with the rest of her clothes by happenstance. A portrait of halcyon days, a time when she was happier because she was too dim to know any better back then. A portrait of Valerie when she was younger, so young her hair was still gleaming black like her father's hair, the soft, gentle faced man standing to her left with a content smile. The right side of the photo, meanwhile, was completely torn off, just so she wouldn't have to look at that person again.

And yet, a part of her still...

With her gloved hands, Valerie smacked her own cheeks at the same time, snapping herself back to reality, not for the first time and probably not for the last. She had things to do today. Everything else belonged in the box. Nothing gets out of the box.

Lowering one hand down to her mouth, covering the whole bottom half of her face, Valerie continued to stare into the mirror, willing her eyes to brighten up before her mouth followed suit, and only then did she move her hand away, as if the smile that now tugged at her lips was a magic trick. An art of her own.

Showtime then.

With everything in place now, Valerie put a spring in her step as she hopped toward class, skipping through the door and giving a wave with a wide grin on her features. "Xin chao!~" She called out to whoever else was already inside with a sing-song inflection, one of the few phrases she'd retained from her father's native tongue, as she took a seat of her own.
The door of the academy would open on the radiant day, from which Isaac would step out of. A routine he had become accustomed to, never using the room he was given in the academy itself. The idea of sharing a room with someone else was not a situation Isaac wanted to find himself in, though for all of his displeasure, it was not the main cause for his choice. It wasn't anyone's fault, just unfortunate circumstances. Circumstances Isaac could not ignore.

Last night was unpleasant to say the least, the events that had unfolded just the day prior had taken a toll on the boy. His bed had felt uncomfortable with the constant whispers and thoughts in his mind, echoing the displeasure he wished to ignore. Only through a miracle was he able to get a modicum of rest, yet even so awaking only left him tired, almost unable and unwilling to wake up. But if today was as important as Jaquie claimed, then he couldn't be late, let alone miss it.

Isaac walked through the hallways, his steps echoing the empty corridors. Among his doubts and insecurities, he could hear Crimson's words, those cutting insults, those condescending remarks. He wasn't sure if he should be angry or sad, but he could only feel regret and disappointment, what could he have said? If he had tried to retort, would it have been worse? God, he was weak, therein lied the problem. Regardless of these emotions that swelled within him, there was only one solution to his concern, to prove Crimson wrong, and to prove to everyone that he could hold his own, he needed power.

The thought sent a shiver down his spine, there was doubt in what he thought was the right path forward, such doubt would bring forth a surge of anxiety. Why couldn't he be more decisive instead of a train wreck of emotions? Isaac paused as he came face to face with the entrance to the class, he could sense all that had arrived including Mariana, yet even with Crimson somewhat missing, he couldn't help but feel the demon was merely hidden. Stepping into the class, Jaquie would greet him as he simply moved to the furthest desk from anyone, avoiding eye contact along the way.
(Collab with Juju Juju )​

Cobalt had already been awake some time before Jaquie’s announcement. He sat on his bed, deep in thought. Recent events made it hard for him to fall asleep, despite how exhausting his stay in the asylum had been. He kept replaying the fight against the demon in his mind, and let out subtle groans each time he remembered the stabs he suffered at the hand of his opponent. “Tsk, would you let it go already?”, he muttered to himself as he stood up, testing his leg on the floor (as if worried it might start hurting again) and walked toward the door. At this point, his mind would always drift away to the past as soon as he stopped moving.

And that meant he needed to move. Hopefully, today’s class would give new food for his brain to consume and obsess over.

After making sure his jacket was straightened out, and his hair attached, he opened the dorm door to get into the hallway. But not before quickly turning on his heel, his anima briefly flaring as he shot a small fireball at the dart target he had placed in the dorm to help practice his aim. Rook didn’t mind the random target occupying a small part of the wall. Probably.

As he stepped out into the hallway, he heard a familiar voice beside him. It belonged to none other than Marianne, who had very nearly run into him. Her grey eyes held a look of shock, having just been pulled abruptly from their thoughts. They were rimmed in red and shadowed in the tell-tale signs of lost sleep.

“Pardon me.” She stuttered, taking a step back after the near collision.

“Oh-!”, Cobalt let out in surprise, not having expected Marianne to almost walk into him. “Sorry, I didn’t look where I was going... I was distracted. Um, good morning.”, he curtly greeted with a nod.

He furrowed his brows and tilted his head, Marianne’s fatigued expression not escaping his notice. “... Looks like I’m not the only one who barely had any sleep.”, he remarked with a hint of an amused smile on his lips.

“Do I…? No, never mind.” Marianne shook her head, the fatigue shrinking into an agitated look. She shuffled her feet uncomfortably and straightened her stance, raising her chin slightly. “And why didn’t you sleep? Are you well?”

“... Less than I’d like to admit. I think?” Cobalt seemed a little hesitant at his own words. “I was told I did good on Mr. Jaquie’s quiz yesterday, but I can’t help but think that I didn’t do good.”, he said, letting out a sigh. His eyes glanced at the ground for a moment before he shook some stray thought away and started slowly walking forward in the classroom’s direction. “As you probably saw, I got wounded... rather badly yesterday thanks to me being careless, and I even hurt Valerie during the battle. Accidentally, mind you, but I feel a lot of things could’ve been prevented if I were more attentive.”, he explained, traces of disappointment clear in his tone.

Marianne crossed her arms, a familiar frown taking its usual place. “Well, if that’s the case, we both shall be receiving poor grades for our performance. I was in no better state than you were, and my judgment was beyond lacking. I let sentiments get in the way on two separate occasions, one of which resulted in isolating myself from the group and Annamarie.”

She spoke in a nonchalant, matter-of-fact tone as she brutally cut apart every single one of her failings with all the precision of a surgeon. Yet as she turned her critical examination to Cobalt, it was much more forgiving. “I do not know the circumstances of this accident with Valerie, but you had the proper judgment to stick to a group. As an amateur arcanist it’s natural to lack complete control of one’s anima. Especially in life-threatening situations. Perhaps we can practice during “Study Group”. Speaking of which…”

Her grey eyes flicked to the dormroom, an undeniable glint of worry in them despite her calm tone. “Have you seen Rook? They were missing from our examination.”

Cobalt tried to hide his surprise, not having expected Marianne to also have performed poorly. With how knowledgeable she was and how she conducted herself in regards to everything arcanist-related, one would expect perfection from her. But then again, those were only that; expectations. At the end of the day, Marianne was still relatively inexperienced. “Looks like we’re in the same boat, then...”, he mumbled. He raised a hand to rub the bridge of his nose in mild annoyance -a part of him wanted to skip the part where they received their grades. At least Mr. Jaquie wasn’t the strict, angry teacher he had always feared in school.

His eyes glanced to the side at the mention of Annamarie, the boy noticing the other twin standing a few feet behind Marianne. “Ah, sorry, Annamarie, I didn’t notice you. Good morning.”

The doll gave a stiff curtsy in response, red eyes unblinking. Her frilled skirt swayed to a stop and then grew perfectly still, just like the rest of her.

A thoughtful hum escaped Cobalt’s mouth. “I haven’t seen Rook in a bit, no... Last time I saw them, they were capturing all they could on video. I think they followed me before the quiz, but maybe I was wrong.”, he shrugged.

“I…” Marianne stammered, her poorly masked worry now creeping its way into her voice. “I will have to ask Jaquie about their absence. Perhaps before class? Suppose we shouldn’t delay it any longer. If you wouldn’t mind, I thought we might walk together? Seems we scarcely talk outside of Study Group and there were some questions I had been meaning to ask.”

“Questions for me?” That certainly piqued Cobalt’s curiosity. “Um, sure, I don’t see why not. It’d be nice to talk with more people outside of studying. I feel like I’ve been cooped up in my hole long enough.”, he added with a dry laugh.

“As you say.” Marianne nodded, beginning to lead the way to class at an easy pace. “Could I ask you a more personal question, then?”

Annamarie followed closely behind, watching Cobalt as he talked with her twin, adding nothing to the conversation but a silent onlooker.

“Depends on how personal it is, but sure, ask away.”, came Cobalt’s reply as stepped up to walk next to Marianne. He tried to camouflage his light exhaustion with a more casual posture, with his hands stuffed in his jacket’s pockets.

“Not too personal, I assure you.” Marianne stated primly, “I have no intentions to pry into private matters.”

As she walked beside Cobalt she glanced at him from the corner of her eye, a hint of curiosity in the coolness of the grey. “You are a Dellamar, are you not?”

Wine met grey as Cobalt briefly turned to face her, his furrowed brows a clear hint of his confusion. “... A what?”, he asked. “I’m... not sure. Is this an arcanist term Mr. Jaquie hasn’t taught us yet?”

Her eyes shifted away from his as soon as she noticed the confusion lingering there. It was more than enough of an answer to her question. “Ah, forgive me. I must be mistaken, then. Think nothing of it. Professor Jaquie is unlikely to cover it because it’s not a term, but a family.”

The footsteps next to Marianne would stop for a moment as Cobalt froze in his tracks, looking deep in thought for the briefest of moments. “... I think I might still need to have a talk with him...”, he mumbled to himself before realizing he had stopped walking.

“I’m... not sure how deep I want to go with this, but the Ulars aren’t my blood family.”, Cobalt admitted after a pause of hesitation. “Not that I know anything else, I was too young to remember anything prior. But I do know I come from somewhere else.”

The reaction surprised Marianne, who realized by the silence of his footsteps that he had fallen back. She turned around, carefully watching how he struggled to sort out this information. A twinge of regret rose up in her chest, but there was an undeniable curiosity. Was he unaware?

“I beg your pardon if I have touched upon a sensitive matter.” She dipped her head apologetically, voice measured and calm. “We needn’t discuss this any further than you are comfortable. As I said, I have no intention to needlessly pry. I was merely confirming a suspicion I had of the uniqueness of your Anima Art. Those that relate to the soul and spiritual essence are signature of that family, after all.”

“No, no, it’s fine.”, Cobalt brushed off. Currently being next to Annamarie, the boy got a move on to walk next to the more talkative of the twins. “You might actually be on to something.”, he pondered, though he didn't let himself get lost in his thoughts. “That’d give me something to research when I’m not lobbing fireballs everywhere as training.” Despite his more amused tone, there was still a hint of puzzlement in his voice. “I suppose that’s on me not being as curious as I should’ve been when I was younger.”, he muttered. “What’s it even like? Being raised in a family of arcanists, I mean.”

It was Marianne’s turn to go on the defensive. Though her pace remained at its steady rhythm, there was a slight narrowing of her eyes and a twitch at the corner of her lips. Her answer was curt, “That is entirely dependent on what family it is you are talking about. Each has its own vision, and thus operations.”

Cobalt didn’t look like he noticed Marianne’s shift in expression, only nodding slowly at her response. “That makes sense... I guess the values and such are different from a regular, non-arcanist family.”, he pondered with a hum. He got a hand out of his pocket to scratch his chin. “Now you made me very curious about arcanist clans -I did not think that’d be something I’d ever say. After seeing Percival, I told myself I wanted nothing to do with arcanist society. Properly studying it, I mean.”

“The longer I stay here at Anima Studies the more I realize how starkly different our worlds are. But like it or not, your life is forever tied to arcanist society now. You’d do well to learn of the families and their hierarchy.” She explained.

The mere mention of Percival seemed to agitate her greatly, making her noticeably flinch and tense her shoulders. Once again, she was reminded of the matter that had stolen sleep from her. “Percival may lack tact, but he is a Richter. They are the largest of the four pillars of Arcanist society, charged with enforcing the rules that govern arcanists globally. Not a family you’d like to make enemies of.”

“Still a prick...”, Cobalt mumbled under his breath. Other family bigshots hopefully weren’t like him.

There was a silence that followed that, serving to highlight the elephant in the room.

“... Speaking of learning...”, Cobalt spoke up again after a few moments. His eyes glanced up to the wall, where a clock had been placed. “I’d love to keep talking about families and such but -assuming the time on the clock is correct, we’ll be late in less than two minutes so we might want to hurry up.”, he added with traces of urgency in his tone. Being late in Mr. Jaquie’s class wasn’t something he’d want to experience right away.

Marianne had been so engrossed in their talk that she had nearly forgotten the objective at hand. Clearly, the lack of sleep was already hindering her performance. With an equal tone of urgency, she widened her eyes at Cobalt. “W-what!? Talking can wait! We’ve got to go!”

What was once a walk became a jog as she took off down the hallway, only slowing to look over her shoulder to ensure both Annamarie and Cobalt were following.

He was close behind, also glancing behind him to confirm if the mute twin was still there; she was as silent and expressionless as ever but she diligently followed, sharing none of the other two’s promptness to come to class on time. Fortunately, the classroom wasn’t too far away, but two minutes still felt like a tight time limit. “I think we’ll be fine-!”

Cobalt slowed down once the trio reached the door, letting out a tired ‘Whew...’ as he opened the door. “Urgh, I’m too tired for this...”, he let out to himself before clearing his throat and adjusting his posture as he entered the classroom. As he usually sat near the back of the class, he walked the twins to their desks in the first row, muttering quick ‘good mornings’ to the others. “So, um, talk to you later?”, he asked Marianne.

Marianne was just as winded, already feeling her lack of sleeping coming back to haunt her. She takes a moment to catch her breath before giving a slight nod, “I suspect we will. If you require any additional information please seek me out.”

With that said, she held out a chair for Annamarie to sit in and then followed suit. As usual, she took her place in the now vacant seat where Rook usually sat.

"Looks like almost everyone's here." Jaquie would offhandedly mention as Marianne and Cobalt would enter the class at the last possible moment, rather odd for Marianne who held herself to high standards, then again yesterday was a stressful day for most of them.

Without further delay, Jaquie would calmly stand up from his seat and quietly grab a piece of chalk and begin writing down roman numerals, each increment placed atop each other before finally ending at V. "Since we're still missing a few students we'll save the important bit for later to give them a chance to arrive." Jaquie commented, turning to face the classroom. "For now, however, we will discuss ranks. Most of you should be aware of ranks, especially if you've used the app or have prior knowledge of arcanist society. However, are any of you truly aware of what each rank represents and their capability?" Jaquie asked briefly, waiting to see if any student would want to chime in and answer the question.
Now that things had settled down, Marianne was finally granted a chance to gather her bearings. With class in session she was given an excuse to focus on something other than her thoughts, and so she jumped at the first opportunity that presented itself.

"Ranks are assigned to Arcanists and demons based on a set criteria to define their destructive capabilities. It ranges from I to V but sequential ranking is not completely linear. Especially after Rank II." She answered Jaquie's question in prim and proper fashion, standing from her seat as she spoke. "Arcanists increase their rank via official examination or referral, while demons are categorized by intensity, intelligence, growth potential and aggression to humans. Generally speaking, I represents harm to a single person, while V could result in a nation-wide catastrophe."

Solirus Solirus
Apt Response
Juju Juju

It would be the knowledgeable Marianne who would answer Jaquie's question, responding in a precise and apt fashion. "Great response, almost feels like it came straight out of a textbook." Jaquie remarked, "To give further context about each rank: Rank I represent a danger to singular individuals, meaning that a rank I arcanist or demon can easily kill a single person. Then for rank II the danger turns to several humans, rank III then jumps to an entire town, rank IV goes further into cities, and rank V is a nation."

There was a pause to his last statement before resuming calmly, "However, ranks don't simply represent which demons one is suited to kill, but it also represents one's place in the hierarchy of arcanist society. Rank IV only make up one percent of arcanist society, they are few, but they are individually powerful. Power is a form of authority, it is the authority that keeps arcanist society in check, and it is the authority that gives the families of arcanist society influence. In essence, The more high ranked members a family has, the more influence and privilege they will receive, even individuals who attain rank IV and especially V are treated differently for better or worse." Jaquie finished explaining, attaining an almost blank expression. Taking a deep breath, Jaquie switched to a more focused and energetic demeanor.

"Right, moving on from that tangent, as fresh students, you all are categorized as rank I. This means that to ascend you must pass a simple examination, but considering ranks are a reflection of your strength, you will in essence have to become stronger which brings us to the main and most important topic of today's class." Jaquie turned to face the door before looking back at the students, hoping to give the late students a bit more room to arrive, "However, before I move along with that, do any of you have any further questions about ranks?"
Unsure if she should take the comment as a slight and too tired to figure it out, Marianne pressed her lips together and sat down. Her anima swirled in jagged spirals, exhaustion heightening her frustration.

She glanced at Rook's empty seat beside her, the sight only serving to increase her stress. Just where were they? Did they not possess the common courtesy to announce their departure? Why did they leave? Were they OK?

Since Rook wasn't here, she began to write down her notes in simplic, angry script. They would need to do a lot of catching up, and Marianne wouldn't let them hear the end of it.
Location: Classroom

Ranks were already something Cobalt knew somewhat well thanks to the Study Group. But Marianne had already answered Mr. Jaquie’s question before he had a chance to. Still he idly noted the teacher’s additional explanation, just in case.

The talk about hierarchy and families almost made Cobalt get lost in his thoughts again, as his mind briefly drifted to the earlier conversation he had with Marianne. But he repelled those thoughts away for the moment, instead raising his hand to ask a question.

“This is mostly out of curiosity, but what rank are you, Mr. Jaquie? I'd like to assume Rank V?”

Solirus Solirus
Mariana MirrorMariana_Mirror_Crimson_LQ.png

Status: Distant & Dismissive
Location: Classroom
Interaction(s): Solirus Solirus

Mariana was in her head and silent as Klaus said his final words and they both entered the classroom together. She headed to her usual seat, and sat down, lost in her own thoughts.

‘Why does everyone keep acting like that?’


‘Like we can’t take care of ourselves? Why do they want your trust so bad? He’s not the first to ask you to trust them to help.’


Was Mariana’s only reply to Crimson. She rested her chin on one hand and looked out the window to her right in the classroom. She seemed to be in thought and distracted by something.

‘What’s with you? You’re normally not this dismissive of anything.’

‘I dunno.’

Now Crimson was silent, and deep in contemplation herself. Why was Mariana acting this way? Humans were so complicated. Such a handful… Mariana looked out of the window most of the time while the class went on around her about ranks and such. Her left hand was balled into a fist, and her right moved to her pen and started to take notes without even looking at her notebook. She had no questions or comments on this subject. Mostly because she wasn’t really even paying attention at the moment. Definitely something out of the ordinary.
Tiguidi Tiguidi
Much to his disappointment, it appeared that none of the students were filled with any questions, some even appeared absent-minded, Mariana especially appearing utterly zoned out. It would be Cobalt however the one to come forth with a question, a question which made Jaquie pause, frowning for a second. "I'm glad you're curious, Cobalt, however due to unique circumstances placed upon me and other select few, I don't have a rank nor can I directly communicate to you my estimated rank." Jaquie explained in an almost exasperated voice, as if he had to repeat these exact words previously. "I can tell you, however, that the majority of staff are rank V, in case any of you were curious."

Jaquie turned back to erase what he'd written down, "Now if none of you have aaaaaany further questions, I will resume." He explained drawing a simple body with a circle on the chest area, representing the soul. "I know some of you have not been paying as much attention, but if there's anything I want you to pay attention to, even if you ignore everything else in the future, it's this." Jaquie slammed his hand onto the board, causing a loud thump.

"An arcanist is born with the potential to develop an anima art, a wholly unique manipulation of reality based upon one's soul. Yet within anima itself there are fundamental techniques that all arcanists can utilize, the first technique you all learned was refined vision, as I like to call it. There are dozens if not more of these fundamental techniques, but there are three foundational techniques, that if mastered can in theory turn even an arcanist with the weakest anima art into a veritable demigod." Jaquie paused, turning back to face the students, his eyes deadly serious.

"Though you may all be stronger than the regular person, the knowledge I share today will widen the gap tremendously, you will no longer live in a world of equals, they will be to you as babies are to them, weak and fragile. And as you grow in strength, this will only become more apparent. That is to say, never use your power on them. Arcanists are not the masters of this world, they are the servants that protect those that cannot protect themselves from the unseen." Jaquie calmly explained, but his intention remained clear.

"Right, I hope that was clear enough." Jaquie returned to a more positive tone, turning back to the board, "All three techniques are a form of amplification, targeting a core part of your being: Body, Mind, and Soul." he stated writing them onto the board. "Amplification of body allows an arcanist to go beyond their own physical limits, whether it be strength to lift a boulder, blinding speed, or durability to surpass steel. Amplification of mind allows an arcanist to process the world to the point the wings of a bee may appear slow. And finally, amplification of soul may strengthen an anima art or may evolve it."

"Amplification is one of the many names these techniques have, but it is the one I use. Amplification in theory is simple, one redirects any anima they produce into their body, mind, or soul, and then they reap the benefits, but in practice it is far more complicated. For now, we will focus on the body as of the three, it is the simplest and most practical at this stage. If any of you have questions, you can ask them along the way."
Jaquie explained, his anima becoming clear, like a smooth cascade flowing and crashing against the floor, "For fundamental techniques, any emotion will work, which helps with its consistency. For body amplification attempt to feel any emotion and instead of suppressing it, try to expand it, increasing the amount of anima you produce. However, anima alone will not be enough, that anima cannot act without purpose, so what you need is to create that purpose. For example, try to lift the desk in front of you with a single hand." Jaquie placed a hand under his desk, "At first you might struggle, but with enough anima and purpose." Jaquie's anima now flowed into his body, granting him strength to easily lift the desk up high with a single hand, "the desk will feel lighter." Jaquie gently placed his desk back in place, "Now I don't expect you all to lift your desks up with ease, but if the desk becomes lighter and lighter as you try, then you're in the right direction."
Valerie Vu - Class is in Session
Nearby: Solirus Solirus November Witch November Witch Tiguidi Tiguidi Yakov011001 Yakov011001 Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread and others


Valerie tended to act rather differently than usual in the classroom. Much more silent and reserved. Simultaneously, a lot went on in her mind, and very little at all. Even when she used to go to normal school, she would always find herself trapped in a vicious cycle of trying earnestly to comprehend the class material, and then somewhere along the line getting overloaded by the influx of information until she started hearing actual static in the air.

She didn't have any questions to ask when prompted; being an outsider to this sort of society, she didn't even know what she didn't know, but she tried her best to keep up with Jacquie's lecture and subsequent answers to any questions that the others did have. But before too long, Val could already almost start to feel steam rise out of her ears like an overloaded steam engine. Or a tea pot. Fundamental techniques like refined vision, not to be confused with foundational techniques. Okay. Amplification. Three of them.

Though she wasn't anywhere close to actually doing it, Valerie started imagining herself drooling as if her brain were turning to sludge, before suddenly shaking her head back into gear as Jacquie turned the demonstration around on the class, prompting them to try and lift their desks with just one hand. Okay, fine. That was something she could grasp. Times like these, Valerie realized she truly was more of a hands-on learner, and how that had badly crippled her throughout school, but that's how it was.

"Okay! Uh, I guess I'll go first," Valerie announced, standing up from her seat before flashing the rest of the class a wink. "Hope I don't get performance anxiety!"

With that, the young woman placed her gloved hand underneath her desk and closed her eyes, attempting to focus her emotions. Specifically, the singular emotion that was the foundation of her anima. The desire to be seen. To be noticed. To shine so bright that no one could ignore her even if she tried. That's what she'd wanted for her entire life, all because of that person. That's right. That all happened in the past because she wasn't worth being seen back then, but that was then, and this was now.

She pushed up against the desk. It was heavy, as expected, especially with just one hand. She managed to just barely get it off the ground, but surely, she could do better than that, right?

If that was the limit of her abilities, then that meant this was the limit of how much she deserved to be seen too. The limit of how much she deserved to shine, to be noticed, to be adored. If she turned out so weak, then it was only natural. No, of course not. Of course she could do better than this.

That was the emotion that powered her anima. It was the emotion that drove her very being. A wish to be looked at. A wish to be admired. A wish to take the spotlight. To shine bright like a star, burning so beautifully that people would want to go out of their way to look upon her, even if she dazzled too bright. A wish to be loved.

"W-Whoa!" Valerie gasped out as her arm suddenly shot up, the desk suddenly teetering over her head as it became as light as a feather to her. With wide eyes, Val gave a sheepish chuckle. "Uh, I guess that's a passing mark, right?"
Mariana MirrorMariana_Mirror_Crimson_LQ.png

Status: Out of Breath & Disappointed
Location: Classroom
Interaction(s): Solirus Solirus

Crimson was silent, and continued to take notes for the obviously distracted Mariana. She was mostly tuned out to what was happening in the classroom until Jaquie hit the chalkboard, causing a loud noise to sound around the room. She didn’t move her head or even her eyes. She had been looking out of the window before, but she simply refocused her eyes onto the glass itself, which she could see the reflection of Jaquie on, and watched him through this as he went on. If it was really that important, she’d try and focus for a little bit.

Jaquie went on about the distinction that would not separate them from normal people, and to never use their powers on them. Though Mariana was surprised it had to be said aloud. Surprised enough to turn and look at the teacher. Was it really necessary to say? Did people actually do that?

‘Of course. Humans are idiotic after all.’

He went on to explain the amplifications, and the three main types, before telling the class to do so on their own. Physical amplification specifically. She would take her journal and pen in her hand and move them to an adjacent desk so they wouldn’t fall. She would take her left hand and place it under the desk before attempting to lift it. She tried focusing on something like happiness. That was a good emotion to try and focus on, right? After focusing for a few seconds, she attempted to lift the desk. Only for it to not budge. It wasn’t feeling any lighter as she continued, and eventually gave up after tiring her arm out.

‘Sorry, I don’t have a physical body. I can’t help you with this.’

Crimson chimed in. Mariana placed her arms on the desk and her forehead on them, hiding her face within. She let out a long sigh. The ease at which Valerie was able to accomplish the task only made her inability to do it sting even more in the moment.
Anima: Calm white aura​

Sophia nodded as the Professor finally explained the rank and what it meant to the students, turns out her guess about the demon's rank representing their danger to people wasn't that far off. Its just the danger potential would grow exponentially as the rank goes up, not accumulative as she thought. The jump from harming several people to harming a town was crazy though.

Next the professor explained to them about amplification. Sophia had heard about it before and was excited to try it. Putting her hand on her own desk, Sophia intensely stared at her desk as if she's trying to burn a hole through it with her laser eyes. Once she thought she's ready Sophia gradually poured more anima into her hand. Get lifted! Go purpose! Go anima!

It took some second but she managed to lift her desk a few inches up. Sophia's face brighten up when she saw this, though her expression quickly turn into disappointment when she realized that she's merely tilting one side the desk up with her muscle and her anima was leaking through her hand. She let out a sigh and put her desk down.

"That's amazing, Val. You're a natural at it!" Sophia applauded when she saw Valerie easily lifted her desk.​

Leander lay in his narrow bed, the moonlight casting a silvery glow across the room. The events of the weekend replayed in his mind, each detail etched into his consciousness. Sophia's graceful movements as she dispatched demons with her barriers of light. Isaac's trembling hands, yet somehow managing to channel his anxiety into powerful strikes. And then there was Leo, standing on the sidelines, a mere spectator to the chaos.

"What... Could I do-?" Leo's thoughts spiraled, a whirlwind of self-doubt and frustration. He clenched his fists, feeling the weight of his own inadequacy. "Nothing" he scoffed bitterly at himself, not fond of himself. "What good is being able to sense emotions when demons threaten our existence?"

The room seemed to close in on him, the walls pressing against his chest. He imagined Mr. Jacquie's disappointed gaze, the unspoken question hanging heavy in the air:
-Why didn't you fight?-

"I can't,"
Leo admitted to the darkness. "I watched, analyzed, felt their pain—but I did nothing." His heartbeat echoed in his ears, a relentless rhythm of depreciation. "I'm not a fighter..."

He turned to the window, where the night sky held its secrets. Stars blinked, indifferent to his turmoil. "Maybe I'm not cut out for this," he whispered. "Maybe I'm just a vessel for other people's emotions, a conduit for their strength... And that's it..."

The weight of his own insignificance settled upon him like a leaden blanket. "Tomorrow," he vowed, "I'll tell Mr. Jacquie. I'll confess my weakness, my inability to do anything... Ask if there's anything to do." But even as he made the promise, doubt gnawed at his resolve. Would the teacher understand? Or would he, too, see Leo as a disappointment?


Leo never quite found sleep, remaining weary eyed, staring up on his bed as the light shifted into brighter tones, hear slowly creeping as night became day. His thoughts, still a jumbled mess welcomed seemingly one more as it chimed in.

"Morning students, you all know the drill, however for this day in particular, I want you all to attend, this will be one of the most important classes, so I'd recommend none of you to miss it."

It took Leo a solid four minutes to realize he wouldn't call himself 'students' as he sat up in realization, already feeling the effects of his lack of sleep. "Another day of school in a world I barely know anything about..." He said as he slinked off the bed, speaking to no one in particular, but Mittens came over, rubbing against his ankle, eliciting a smile from the boy. He reached down and scratched behind the cat's ears, smiling softly for only himself to see. "I still have no idea where you came from... But I'm glad you're here-" He spoke softly as he picked up Mittens, clutching it to his chest and squeezing softly. Mittens truly felt like a plushie, no bones seemingly in its body, which should have concerned Leander, had he not had a million other things on his mind. After a minute of hugging the cat, he set it down, giving one last scratch behind its ears before going to get dressed.

He often found that by attracting ones attention to something else, they often wouldn't automatically notice the tiredness that was so obvious under his eyes. His outfit consisted of his black turtleneck, snug against his body, soft to the touch and quite comfy. Pair that with a slightly darker black trench coat, and it was already more attention grabbing than his face. He added some black slacks to the outfit, his steel toed black tennis shoes, and finally brushed his hair. Today he chose to tuck it behind one of his ears, what he might usually do if he's paying more attention to something and doesn't need the distraction of hair getting in the way. "All set..." He spoke softly, once again to himself.

The walk to class was silent, he only heard the sound of his own footsteps as he made his way down the hallways. He hadn't come late, instead finding himself rather early with only two classmates having beaten him there. "The perks of having already been up." He mused internally, finding his usual seat and sitting. He glanced towards Jacquie, who he was sure would give some look of disdain, but was met with only a nod instead. Truly surprising how rare it is to find those that think the same as oneself does.


Minutes passed and the rest of the class filed in one by one, or rather on some cases by two. He gave each a small smile as they entered, whether they looked to him or not, it didn't matter. He did however, take note of how some of them dressed quite differently from what he was used to, Valerie in particular. Her usual warm color scheme was no longer present in her clothing... Instead being cooler colors that made her bright hair stand out all the more. Truly attention grabbing as she seemed to enjoy-

He quickly pushed his thoughts away from overexaminating his classmates appearances though, forcing himself not to stare, although he feels he may have for too long already.

"Looks like almost everyone's here."
Jacquie spoke aloud, interrupting the silence Leo had grown comfortable to. His attention quickly went to the teacher, his hand already hovering above a proper notebook this time, a pencil between his fingers.

"Since we're still missing a few students we'll save the important bit for later to give them a chance to arrive." Jaquie commented, turning to face the classroom. "For now, however, we will discuss ranks. Most of you should be aware of ranks, especially if you've used the app or have prior knowledge of arcanist society. However, are any of you truly aware of what each rank represents and their capability?"

Nearly immediately, Marianne responded, to all of which Leo wrote down. She even stood up to deliver this response. This only solidified his thought of her as the class rep if they ever had to choose one.

"Ranks are assigned to Arcanists and demons based on a set criteria to define their destructive capabilities. It ranges from I to V but sequential ranking is not completely linear. Especially after Rank II. Arcanists increase their rank via official examination or referral, while demons are categorized by intensity, intelligence, growth potential and aggression to humans. Generally speaking, I represents harm to a single person, while V could result in a nation-wide catastrophe."

"So we're probably all rank I then... Granted, I doubt I'd be able to hurt anyone in general..." Leo thought to himself, writing small notes next to his larger, much more important notes on his pad. He barely got a glance to glance upwards before Jacquie responded.

"Great response, almost feels like it came straight out of a textbook." Leo leaned over slightly to glance on Marianne's desk, verifying that she didn't actually have a textbook in front of her.

"To give further context about each rank: Rank I represent a danger to singular individuals, meaning that a rank I arcanist or demon can easily kill a single person. Then for rank II the danger turns to several humans, rank III then jumps to an entire town, rank IV goes further into cities, and rank V is a nation.

However, ranks don't simply represent which demons one is suited to kill, but it also represents one's place in the hierarchy of arcanist society. Rank IV only make up one percent of arcanist society, they are few, but they are individually powerful. Power is a form of authority, it is the authority that keeps arcanist society in check, and it is the authority that gives the families of arcanist society influence. In essence, The more high ranked members a family has, the more influence and privilege they will receive, even individuals who attain rank IV and especially V are treated differently for better or worse."

"Likely depends on their reputation." Leander told himself, putting an extra note about that to the side, adding a question mark next to it.

"Right, moving on from that tangent, as fresh students, you all are categorized as rank I. This means that to ascend you must pass a simple examination, but considering ranks are a reflection of your strength, you will in essence have to become stronger which brings us to the main and most important topic of today's class."

This confirmed his assumptions previously, though he doubted he could even be considered rank I at all.

"However, before I move along with that, do any of you have any further questions about ranks?"

No one seemed to chime in for a while, until it seemed Jacquie was about to speak again, looking disappointed. At that moment, Cobalt chimed in with a question more personally curious than Leo has expected.

“This is mostly out of curiosity, but what rank are you, Mr. Jaquie? I'd like to assume Rank V?”

"I'm glad you're curious, Cobalt, however due to unique circumstances placed upon me and other select few, I don't have a rank nor can I directly communicate to you my estimated rank."

Leo sat up slightly, intrigued at this. He enabled his Anima sight to gaze around the room briefly, taking physical notes of how everyone's anima felt and looked. It may be important later for all he knows.
"I can tell you, however, that the majority of staff are rank V, in case any of you were curious."

This immediately went down into his notes, being the final text to be hastily written down before he had to flip the page and use the back.
"The majority is rank V? If rank V is a nation level threat-" He didn't want to take a guess at how Jacquie was exempt from the level system. If Leo's suspicions were right, that would likely make him much more powerful to the point they haven't made a rank for him. Either that or he was simply never ranked in general. Leo shrugged off the thoughts at Jacquie spoke again, opting to leave those thoughts for later when he was allowed to make theories.

"Right, I hope that was clear enough." Jaquie turned back to the board then. "All three techniques are a form of amplification, targeting a core part of your being: Body, Mind, and Soul." Everything he wrote on the board, Leo copied to his notes. "Amplification of body allows an arcanist to go beyond their own physical limits, whether it be strength to lift a boulder, blinding speed, or durability to surpass steel. Amplification of mind allows an arcanist to process the world to the point the wings of a bee may appear slow. And finally, amplification of soul may strengthen an anima art or may evolve it."

"Amplification is one of the many names these techniques have, but it is the one I use. Amplification in theory is simple, one redirects any anima they produce into their body, mind, or soul, and then they reap the benefits, but in practice it is far more complicated. For now, we will focus on the body as of the three, it is the simplest and most practical at this stage. If any of you have questions, you can ask them along the way."

To Leo, the idea of amplifying the soul sounded almost familiar. The ability to strengthen one's own anima and evolve the arts was exactly the thing he hoped to be able to do for others. As the thought crossed his mind, he suddenly felt the pull of everyone else's anima, emanating from their own body's. He glanced over, much to his surprise, finding none disturbed, looking quite the same as when he had written his notes on them. The feeling of tugging still resonated within him and he quickly wrote down the feeling, circling it three times. It felt like something that needed to be addressed. Perhaps it was from Jacquie's powerful anima cascading with the floor, yet the feeling remained.

"For fundamental techniques, any emotion will work, which helps with its consistency. For body amplification attempt to feel any emotion and instead of suppressing it, try to expand it, increasing the amount of anima you produce. However, anima alone will not be enough, that anima cannot act without purpose, so what you need is to create that purpose. For example, try to lift the desk in front of you with a single hand."

Leo quickly looked down to the desk. This sounded like a challenge he would have given himself in middle school. These desks were quite different from the desks he remembered from middle school though, and clearly leverage wouldn't work to help him lift these. It needed to be his anima strengthening him. "But does mine do that?"

Valerie was the first to succeed, and did so with great vigor, attracting his attention once again to her. "W-Whoa!" The desk was over her head, looking quite light atop her hand, though her balance definitely wasn't to be desired. He watched as it teetered above her.
"Uh, I guess that's a passing mark, right?" "That's amazing, Val. You're a natural at it!" Sophie chimed in, sounding equally as enthusiastic as she gave Valerie a small applause. Leo also gave a few claps, eager to cheer on someone he could call a friend. "That's awesome-" He said, loud enough to be heard, though not nearly as loud as either of the girls had spoken with enthusiasm. He glanced over, noticing Mariana slinking down in defeat. He felt a twinge of sadness for her, not quite pity... He believed she of all people would be able to do this. He looked back down at his desk, contemplating making his attempt. He certainly wouldn't want to embarrass himself. His fingers tingled as he felt his exhaustion ever creeping through his body. That would certainly put a dampener on his abilities.

His breath slowed as he went into his own zone, completely oblivious to the others around him now. His anima concentrated, or at least a part of it. He manipulated that part he could control, forcing it to follow the same pattern Jacquie's had, flowing to the ground and going up and through his hand as he tried to lift the desk with one hand. He was using his right hand of course, his dominant hand.

One push, no luck. A second time trying to lift, still nothing but the slight balance issue you'd try to get normally. The third attempt is when his anima was a lot looser, his flow interrupted.

Those that had their anima sight active would be able to see his familiar white pure glow was reaching out for them, unrestrained now. If they allowed it access, it would come close to their anima, changing form to match their own, though keeping the pure white color. They would likely see he's taken no notice of it, simply trying to lift the desk with little to no anima usage anymore, likely more so out of frustration.

Those that his anima was permitted to fuse with would feel as if they were empowered suddenly. When they used their anima at the time it connected would feel a surge as their output has increased slightly. His anima seemed to attach a tether to those it connected to as well. It was reaching for everyone within the room, even Jacquie.


Mentions: Solirus Solirus Verite Verite Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Yakov011001 Yakov011001 November Witch November Witch Tiguidi Tiguidi Juju Juju
(Quite literally everyone)
╔══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╗
╚══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╝

Solirus Solirus November Witch November Witch
Marianne brooded with arms crossed tightly across her chest as she listened to the rest of the lecture. Though she did well to outwardly appear calm, her leg bounced impatiently up and down as she listened to what was an unsurprising summary of something she was keenly aware of. She knew all too well of the power imbalance between a high and low ranked arcanists, let alone a null. Briefly, her thoughts turned to her grandfather and the various displays of strength he had managed despite an aging body. Her leg stopped bouncing.

Grey eyes flicked to the front of the class, eyes narrowed at the emphasis on sparing nulls from anima arts. Though she agreed wholeheartedly with the duty of protecting innocents — as was the basis of her core emotion and life-long devotion — she held an internal schism on matters concerning nulls with evil and cruel hearts. Did they not spawn demons in the first place? If so, would eliminating them be a mercy to all others? She blinked, surprised by her own thoughts, then buried them.

It was soon time for the latest class exercise, and Marianne couldn't help but flinch at its suggested application. Internal focus was not something she had in bountiful supply today. It was hard enough following along to the lecture, let alone sorting out the mess that had become her anima. Even now, it spiralled like her restless thoughts.

If it was not for Annamarie, she might have stayed at her desk, glaring at the ground as she wrestled the same dark thoughts that had poached her sleep. Alas, the flutter of a skirt and the sound of a moving chair caught Marianne's attention. She raised her eyes to watch as Annamarie copied the action of her peers and lifted the desk in front of her with a single hand. Her head tilted curiously at the desk, her hand, and then Marianne, whom she eyed in silent expectation.

"Ah, well done, Annamarie! A simple task for you, no doubt!" Marianne nodded in approval, her own troubles falling second place to the pride she felt towards her twin's flawless performance.

Obviously, Annamarie was not actually using the amplification as Jaquie was instructing the others to use, but it was always heartening to see her actively trying to imitate the surrounding humans.

"Suppose it's my turn then." She sighed as she rose from her desk, feeling the exhaustion coming back around to bite at her heels.

Just as her twin had done, she placed a hand firmly beneath the desk and focused her anima. She thought of a singular purpose; duty. This idea she kept in her mind, remembering old promises and familial tradition like a mantra. Yet as she spun the same old words and images in her mind, she felt the edges fray. A gnawing shame circled the edges of this thought, staining her once crystal clear purpose. Her very anima was testament to a fault in her duty, tainted as it was. She could feel IT, That thing inside her. A parasite she had foolishly welcomed in.

With focus and purpose out of sync, Marianne struggled to lift the desk at all. Her face flushed red, a self-directed anger bubbling up like hot magma. Frustrated, she let go of the desk and scowled at it, folding her arms across her chest and pursing her lips. The sounds of triumph from a nearby Valerie only made the shame and growing anger worse. How was she unable to do such a simple thing!?

Annamarie put her own desk back on the ground and walked over to assist her, only for Marianne to click her tongue and shake her head. "No need, Annamarie. I must do this myself. Eventually..."

Her grey eyes scanned the room, examining the success and failures of those around her. It was then that she noticed a particular girl with her head buried in her arms. Marianne's frown deepened, and before she knew it, she was en route to Mariana. Her heels tapped against the floor with each step, announcing her arrival before she even spoke.

"Mariana?" She said curtly, chin raised as she eyed her down the bridge of her nose. "You're not giving up, are you?"

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she examined her, wondering if she was lacking sleep too. There had been mention of a curse, but as far as Marianne could tell, there was nothing unusual about her anima. She would try examining Crimson, but it was difficult to see any change while she was currently sheltered within Mariana. She would have to ask about it later. For now, there were other matters to attend to.

"It would be a shame if you were. You did exceptionally well during our examination yesterday." Arms still crossed, Marianne dipped her head in approval as she praised Mariana's performance. Giving a small shrug, she added. "Reckless behaviour notwithstanding, of course."

She tapped a fingernail on Mariana's desk, "This exercise is all about clarity of purpose, so if you're struggling, why not try recalling that feeling you had during the battle?"

Marianne hesitated to say more, thought about her words, and then finally said them. "I'm having a rather difficult time myself. Perhaps if we make another attempt together, we might find enough purpose to succeed?"
Collaboration: Arcanist Ladder

Nikklaüs had been checked out for the opening notes of the lecture, his legs still kicked up on the desk and on TikTok. He’d heard the whole thing about ranks already and he was waiting for something new. That was amplification.

Raising his eyebrows, Nikklaüs lowered his phone and refocused. He liked to think of himself as pretty strong already compared to the average null, so what would it look like if he could augment himself beyond that? Would he still be stronger than the average Rank I? Does physical training help scale the boost, or was it entirely tied to the strength of someone’s Anima? That’d be pretty fuckin’ trash, if all the physical training Klaüs had done since he started in the HEMA scene was rendered moot in the face of someone with a stronger Anima than him. More interestingly was the prospect that Anima could be to amplify the soul. Doesn’t that just become a positive feedback loop of your soul just strengthening itself many times over? If not, why not just make that amplified soul the default state? That was besides the point, since Klaüs had some confidence in Zantetsuken the way it was. He just needed to be able to move faster to support his role as a tank.

“Wait a fuckin’ second…” Nikklaüs dropped his legs off the desk and leaned forward, pointing an accusatory finger at Jaquie. “Bastard! You couldn’t’ve taught us this before we went hunting yesterday!?”

I could’ve saved my wrist from the fracture. He frowned, clutching his wrist at the thought. Why do I feel like we find out about important shit later than we should?

“Whoa!” Nikklaüs looked up to see Valerie’s eagerness of course made her the first to try it out, her desk.

“That’s amazing, Val. You’re a natural at it!”

Nikklaüs thought it a good enough cue to try it out himself. Taking his palm flat underneath his desk, he made an effort to lift. Why these things were as heavy as they were without amplifying, who could say? While he might’ve been able to get it over his head with one hand with his own strength, Klaüs doubted anyone else would. As he flexed, he invoked his Anima and forced it through to his arm like they were additional muscles. The image of his Anima as just an extension of his body—rather than his mind or emotions—helped ease him into the motion. Soon he matched Valerie’s pose, arm straight up in the air. As his Anima flexed, it transformed away from its vacuum effect and held a shape much closer to an ultraviolet smoke pulling off him like he was smoldering.

“Uh, I guess that’s a passing mark, right?” Valerie piped back up, and it put a devious thought into Nikklaüs’ mind.

Like this, the desk felt near weightless in his hand, and judging by Val’s excited energy and nonchalance he doubted she felt any heft from the desk either.

“Nah, you gotta go for extra credit! Check this.”

Nikklaüs felt the energy in his legs, and the rush felt like he would tear his own body apart if he used too much. With a launch off the floor, Klaüs twisted and spun in the air with a flourish (with his extra ass) before landing in a seat on Valerie’s desk. He didn’t quite account for how low the ceiling was, his head bumping a tile up out of place.

“Sorry about that, boss,” He apologized to Jaquie for the tile. “I’ll put it back. How’s that for a passing mark, Val?” Klaüs called to her from above.

“H-Huh?!” Valerie blinked, gasping out in surprise as Nikklaüs suddenly leapt into the air, far beyond the capabilities of any normal human, landing roundly atop her uplifted desk like he was performing at the Olympics or something.

The girl gave a pout once she realized what had just happened, her cheeks puffing out in a display of momentary irritation at the notion that she was suddenly being upstaged out of nowhere.

“Oooh, don’t get ahead of yourself, buddy!” She exclaimed, before suddenly dropping her desk right back into its place with the intent of making Nikklaüs fall and follow suit as well, though rather than let his ass take the full force of hitting the ground, she caught him out of the air in her arms, bridal style, her arms still empowered by her amplification as she gave a cheeky grin at him.

“Ah fuck!” Nikklaüs shouted with genuine fear, the fear that comes from the weightlessness of the ground falling out from beneath you. He still made a point to hold onto the desk he had lest it crash down on someone else.

“Don’t get too big for your britches now!” Valerie said triumphantly, seeming to show some display of competitiveness for the first time at Anima Studies, before letting a short silence follow as she suddenly gave a deadpan look.

“... You’re heavier than you look, by the way.” Nikklaüs feigned indignation at her words, but it seemed a bit more like—

“One-eighty is not that heavy!” —pouting. He set his desk down, remaining in her arms. “This is nice though, I can see why it’s such an enviable position to be in.”

For all her general cheer and pomp, Valerie paused and blinked as Nikklaüs’ words seemed to catch her off guard for just a moment, though it didn’t last a second too long before her lips curled back into a wry smirk as she recovered herself. “Yeah, I tend to have that effect on people. Though I’ll have to ask you later who’s been talking about my arms like that,” she said coolly, before helping to set him down on his feet after he’d also set the desk down.

As she did so, Valerie—having recovered by groove by now—grinned and held up a peace sign toward Leo and Sophia as they both cheered her on. “All in a day’s work!” She exclaimed, eating up the attention. She didn’t foresee that she’d be getting exceptional moments like this very often, so she may as well live it up while she could.

Nikklaüs chucked to himself at Valerie's self-satisfaction, before resetting his desk. He glanced about at the others, and saw their struggle: Mariana, Marianne. Maybe it was his inherently higher attunement to his body from many years of shaping it that gave him a leg up in this regard. Maybe he would struggle as well when it came time to expand on the ideas of amplification and learn to augment the metaphysical aspects of himself. Nikklaüs began to rummage around in his mind, shifting his soul around in his body. Or at least he imagined what it would be like to do that, but he couldn't imagine amplifying those parts of him since he couldn't imagine what the intended effects would be.

That is until he felt Leander beside him. Well, he wasn't beside him, it was Leo's Anima that began encroaching upon him. Leander himself didn't seem to be cognizant of how his Anima reached out for everyone in the room; and while Nikklaüs didn't know much of him, he couldn't imagine it would be any harm to see what it was like to interact with it. It was certainly a highlight of the class: as Nikklaüs opened himself up to it, it pushed its way into him and gave him the feeling that his lungs were expanding. More than that, all of him was expanding. A strange pin-and-needle-esque feeling passed through his mind for a fraction of a second. He couldn't help the dumb grin that smack him in the face. Do you feel that?

"Whoa... That is—oh—this is nice."

Everything felt heightened and intense, but for some reason so far away as well. Nikklaüs flexed every part of himself slowly, even the parts of him that couldn't reasonably be flexed: his mind, his soul. Maybe with this better inner perception, amplifying his mind or soul wouldn't be nearly as difficult. Before he could try it, he heard a tearing sound that snapped him out of his meditation. Letting go of Leo's Anima, Klaüs looked down to his bicep where he had apparently flexed a little too hard. The inseam of his right sleeve had opened up.

"Fuck! I just bought this one!"

In collaboration with: Verite Verite

Silent Child Silent Child
Gifted Ease
Interactions: Yakov011001 Yakov011001

"That's a good question, Nikk, I wonder why." Jaquie playfully responded to Nikklaüs's complaints, avoiding any responsibility in answering the question itself, intentionally and blatantly mocking him. Returning to his colder demeanor, Jaquie quietly observed all the students who attempted the task, varying wildly between abject failure and gifted ease.

Jaquie eventually set his gaze upon Isaac, who had attempted to remain inconspicuous. Isaac immediately understood that gaze, almost a declaration that Isaac would be put front and center should he not act quickly. With a clear motive, incentivized, Isaac stood up from his desk, placing his hand under his desk. Thoughts crept around along with doubts, how come they learned of this now and not later, why hadn't any of the students accidentally done this, was motive really that important? Perhaps since they weren't knowledgeable on it, they struggled, but then what about those aware of anima? Isaac couldn't come up with a convincing answer, yet in his pondering, he noticed a small streak of anima travelling not only to him but to all others in the room and emanated from Leo.

From the clear display shown when it attached to Nikklaüs, it seemed to grant some extra power. Power which Isaac considered for a second, but eventually inherently rejected, he couldn't get help, at least not in this form, he had to develop this himself. He just had to prove it. Isaac attempted to focus on his arm and lift the desk, only to struggle initially with it. Without seeing, he could feel everyone's eyes on him, failing was one thing, but he couldn't ridicule himself, he couldn't be a reason for others to laugh, especially not towards him. With the expected surge of anima and purpose, Isaac gained a surge of power, only for his hand to slip tossing the desk through a window instead of simply lifting it up.

"Woah there, Isaac, careful where you toss those." Jaquie remarked, noting the desk now laying outside.

"Sorry." Isaac muttered quietly.

"Ah no need, toss as many desks as you need, just don't toss them at the other, ok?"

Isaac felt compelled to respond with another sorry, but simply stopped himself, sitting back down and opening his notebook, pretending to write something.

"Looks like we have varying degrees of success today, that is ok. Some people may have an easier time with body amplification due to already being accustomed to working on your body, so after the class is over, I would recommend for you all to go do some physical exercise. Not only will this benefit it the ease of use of body amplification, but the technique itself works better the more physical capable an individual is. Body amplification multiplies the strength of the user, as such the stronger you develop your body, the better mileage you get from the technique. Additionally, exercising is good for your health." Jaquie elaborated.

"Some people find it more difficult to use body amplification with certain actions like lifting." Jaquie turned to face towards the wooden dummy next to him, "So if you're struggling to lift the desk, maybe try a different exercise." Jaquie quickly throw a jab at the dummy, shattering its head into smithereens and causing the window behind the dummy to crack. "Like a punch or anything that will require physical exertion." Jaquie explained, scrubbing away any splinters of wood that might've ended up on his clothes.

Though one of Leo's connections had made its way to Jaquie, the effect appeared completely negligible and Jaquie didn't appear to notice.
Mariana MirrorMariana_Mirror_Crimson_LQ.png

Status: Frightened, Nervous & Emotional
Location: Classroom
Interaction(s): Solirus Solirus Juju Juju

Crimson was about to dig through Mariana’s feelings and emotions, in order to try and get to the bottom of Mariana’s strange behavior, but before she could, she could sense something approaching. A foreign anima. Well, foreign to this body. It was recognizable as Leander’s, and Crimson scoffed at the idea of letting some other anima intertwine with hers or Mariana’s. It was laughable, really. The idea of help in this situation. If they didn’t learn how to do it without help, how would the two be expected to do it on their own, without help or a handicap of some sort in the future?

‘We don’t need your charity.’

Crimson mumbled to herself with a hint of disdain seeping in. Did he really think they needed his help? What a joke. She rejected the anima without a second thought.

Mariana, meanwhile, couldn’t help thinking about the previous day. Just how close her and the others had come to death. Just how powerful the demon was. Just how scary and stressful it had been. She’d been much too distracted by the thoughts of the previous day to focus properly and concentrate on the class, let alone her own emotions. It gnawed at her mind, continuously drawing her attention and tinging any current emotion with that of stress and fear. Her anima resembled a stormy, tumultuous, chaotic sea. Most emotions were drowned out and overpowered anytime they managed to surface. Mariana shivered, feeling like she could still hear the footsteps echoing throughout that dark, destroyed corridor from yesterday. They sounded real, actually…

She tensed, then shot up sitting straight as she heard her name get called. It was obvious Marianne had just frightened the poor girl. Mariana held Marianne’s gaze for only a moment before looking away from the other as she was chided about giving up.


The girl mumbled, and it was true. She wasn’t going to give up. But how could she possibly do something like this when she couldn’t focus? She would just have to try again when her thoughts weren’t always reliving the previous day. When exactly that would be, Mariana didn’t know. She hoped it was soon, but she honestly didn’t think it would be anytime soon. Her eyes glanced back at Marianne as she was given… Was that a compliment? Only for it to be followed by an insult.

“I-I’m sorry…”

She muttered, looking down at her desk. Mariana knew she had been reckless and could have gotten herself hurt or worse. Though, she didn’t know how or even why she had done it. Just thinking about the situation made Mariana want to run and hide. So why didn’t she when she was actually there and experiencing it all? She couldn’t answer it at all. It was so confusing…

Her hands on the desk balled into fists.

“That’s the problem! I-I don’t know what I felt… I just acted without thinking or feeling. Like I did the first thing that came to mind. It’s like I was on autopilot.”

She replied quietly, still looking down at the desk. All of a sudden, her eyes felt warm and heavy, and she had to blink fast to keep tears from spilling out. Mariana was about to look up at Marianne as she continued, but she stopped herself. Everyone here was fine after yesterday! So, she should be too! She’d just be showing weakness or hold the group back if she wasn’t, right?

‘Why are you always thinking about them? What does it matter if they see you cry or something? N-Not that you’re wrong though! Crying is stupid, and you shouldn’t do it.’

“W-Well, I don’t know how I could possibly help someone like you.”

Mariana replied. Marianne was the most experienced and studious student, according to Crimson and what she saw herself. What could she possibly do to help? If Marianne was having a hard time, she might as well not try, right?

‘Don’t think like that. You’re better than all of them. Especially with me to help.’

“I’m… Uhm…”

Mariana wiped her face with her sleeve and shook her head as if to reset her thoughts and clear her mind, though that was impossible right now. She raised her head back up to meet Marianne’s gaze.

“I-I mean if you think that I can help, th-then I can try.”

Mariana’s mind was too scrambled with thoughts, trying to not get emotional, and speaking to Marianne to really hear her instructor, but thankfully Crimson was at least being attentive enough to hear it and take note.
AuraTransparent.pngCOBALT ULAR
Location: Classroom

Cobalt hummed and nodded as Jaquie answered his question. It felt strange to think about the sheer number of ‘nation busters’ nearby, and even more so to realize that Jaquie wasn’t one of them. Was he perhaps even higher than Rank V? He did seem to have a reputation... of sorts.

He idly listened as Jaquie continued the lesson, delving into a trio of fundamental techniques -that is, things that all arcanists could theoretically do. In other words; the basics. Amplifications of the body, mind, and soul. Increased physical strength, the ability to process information faster, as well as amplification of one’s Anima Art. Definitely indispensable tools for fighting demons.

’Would’ve been nice to have those before the quiz...’, Cobalt thought to himself with a deadpan expression, mirroring Nikklaüs’ complaint as he jotted down notes on the amplification methods. Jaquie probably wanted to test their raw abilities before teaching the basics. At least, that was Cobalt’s guess.

The air seemed to get heavier as Jaquie explained the arcanists’ role in society, and pretty much compared normal humans to helpless infants in terms of threat level. Of course, Cobalt had already realized this, but hearing it stated so bluntly was unsettling. It seemed obvious to use their power for good, but... well, humans are humans, after all... The chances of arcanists having turned their backs on society and having some dark agendas were definitely higher than zero.

Thoughts for later. For now, he’d need to focus on the task at hand. Lifting his desk using body amplification. It sounded somewhat simple in theory... ’So I need to channel and expand my emotion...’, he reminded himself, taking a deep breath and recalling the meditation exercises he’d practiced over the past week.

He stared at his desk for a few moments, putting his hands under it and contemplating how he’d proceed. Even though Jaquie asked to do it with one hand, Cobalt decided to play it safe and ease himself into it, starting with both.

Just as he was about to begin, he noticed Valerie’s attempt, showing her proficiency with body amplification and easily lifting up her desk above her head. “Whoa, that was quick.”, he commented, impressed. Though he blinked when Nikklaüs also butted in, with great results of his own, which evolved into a whole impromptu gymnastics show with Valerie. Cobalt gave a few rounds of slow claps at the display. “Bunch of show offs.”, he huffed in mild amusement.

Well, time to see if he could do something similar. Letting his anima surge through his body, Cobalt took a deep breath as he started to apply some force in order to lift the desk. There was no danger, no stress, no actual risk of failure; a perfectly calm state of mind for him, despite his fatigue from lack of sleep. His anima morphed into a familiar fiery effect as he lifted the desk, raising it above his head with relative ease. The sensation of having his physical strength enhanced just by... willing it was strange, to say the least, yet exhilarating. But he wouldn’t celebrate early. While he did lift the desk, it was with two hands. Just a practice run to ease himself into the feeling of using body amplification.

Gently setting the desk down, Cobalt briefly glanced at his hands, flexing his fingers and nodding with a thoughtful hum. ’So that’s how it works... Easier than I thought, though I wonder if it’ll be as easy in combat situations...’

He tried again, this time by using only one hand. He took another deep breath, cleared his mind and focused his anima once again to empower his body. “Err...” He furrowed his brows in mild disappointment; while he did manage to lift the desk, he was only able to lift it a few feet off the ground, not quite above his head like he could with two hands. “Well, good enough, I suppose...”

That was when he felt something tugging at him -not something physical like someone tugging at his sleeve. It was more spiritual in nature. He glanced toward the source of this tugging, only noticing Leander who was having a bit of trouble with the task. “Leo...? What are you...?” Still, he allowed access, his curiosity piqued. Leander was far from the malicious type -though funnily enough, he didn’t even seem aware that his anima was seeping all around him.

Almost immediately, Cobalt would feel his mind become even more at ease, followed with an additional surge of power going through his body. The desk in his hand would suddenly feel much, much lighter, allowing him to properly lift it above him like some of the others have done. “Whoa-!” Nearly losing his balance, Cobalt set the desk down, wincing at the noise it made when touching the ground. ’Oops... hope I didn’t break it...’ He wondered if this counted as a success, given Leander’s unintentional help.

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of shattering glass. Cobalt whipped his head around to see Isaac had thrown his desk out the window. Though, with what little he knew of Isaac, he figured it probably wasn’t out of frustration. “Whoa, we need to be careful with those strength surges...”, he mumbled to himself, wincing at the thought of someone being in the path of a random flying desk.

Solirus Solirus Verite Verite Silent Child Silent Child Yakov011001 Yakov011001
November Witch November Witch
Marianne blinked back surprise. First Cobalt and now Mariana. Did people seriously think that she was the most experienced of the bunch? Just the thought made her face redden with embarrassment and her chest run hot with shame.

There was some truth in the matter; she had received a formal education on matters concerning anima arts and demon kind, but in terms of actual usable experience... well she was rather lacking. Unlike all her cousins, she had no interactions with 'wild' demons. In fact, her first encounter with them was the ones that Jaquie had unleashed upon them.

"Enough with this talk. We are both students enrolled in Anima Studies, which means we are equals, regardless of whatever preconceived notions you may have of me." She sniffed, crossing her arms and tilting her head up in a fussy manner. "You deserve to be here just as much as I do. So no more excuses."

She turned away from Mariana for a moment, placing her hand under the table. With all her own anxieties and regrets, it was difficult to find a steady purpose. Despite Mariana's doubts about providing any help, she was exactly what Marianne needed at this moment. Not that she would admit such a thing, of course.

"Right. Here we go. Just place your hand under the desk and think of a singular purpose. One that can give reason to our anima. To flow out and condense into a fine point." Marianne explained, narrowing her eyes in focus. If she could not find a reason for her anima to work for herself, perhaps instructing Mariana would do the trick? Then she could finally pass this stupid hurdle.

No, it was more than that. She didn't want to succeed in the test alone. What she really wanted was to show a way for Mariana to follow. If she could figure this out, she could help her peer. The selflessness Mariana had shown to her yesterday still shone in her memory like gold. She wanted to repay that kindness somehow.

Filled with a determination to help her friend succeed, Marianne willed her anima and body to work in unison. Much to her surprise, the desk felt remarkably lighter. Just when she began to lift it, a shadow of a doubt crossed her mind. Was this for Mariana or herself? Were they really friends?

Just like that, purpose and anima fell out of sync and the desk flopped back down. Marianne's face reddened, face filled with a frown. "Dammit. Almost had it that time, I think. Let's... Let's try that again?"
Mariana MirrorMariana_Mirror_Crimson_LQ.png

Status: Frightened, Nervous & Emotional
Location: Classroom
Interaction(s): Juju Juju Solirus Solirus

Mariana wasn’t so convinced in what Marianne was telling her. Did she really belong here? The only reason she was here is because she had a demon inside her. She wasn’t born into the know, or even with a power or ability she could master. Outside of that, yesterday still left her with a scar. Mariana never thought that she would be so close to death, let alone something like this. Monsters and scary beings. She slept last night, sure, but she dreamed about that place again, and more beings trying to kill her. But here everyone was. Seemingly not affected by any of that. Especially those like Marianne who were probably born into it. This was probably nothing for her, or anyone else. How did she belong here when she could barely keep herself together after their first test?

Despite this, Mariana would place her hand under the desk as well, next to Marianne’s. She would take a deep breath in and wait momentarily before attempting once more. She willed her mind, body, and anima to work together as one this time, and the desk got lighter!

Wait, no, that was Marianne.

She sighed, and tried once more, focusing on one singular purpose and emotion… However, whether she was still too distracted, or unable to for some other reason, nothing came of it again. Not even any lightening of the desk.

“It’s okay Marianne, I don’t want to drag you down. I’ll ask Jaquie after class for some help.”

She mumbled, defeated, and put her head down on her desk again with a sigh.

"Alright." Jaquie spoke to none in particular, "I think that's good for today, everyone's dismissed." Jaquie explained, walking over to the mannequin whose head he'd just destroyed. Picking it up, Jaquie carefully placed it back to where it originally was. "Be sure to practice and get used to amplification, use it liberally in school grounds even if you break stuff, just don't use it on others. You want to get that extra practice in, as in three weeks you will all have to worry about the rank II ascension examination." Jaquie calmly sat on his chair, feet resting atop the desk. "If you have any further questions or whatever else, I'll be here for a while to answer anything."

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