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Multiple Settings Anima Studies

"No. No, no, no!"

As Marianne reached deep into him in an attempt to pull that wretched creature free from him, there was a rejection. Like a magnet that repulsed her in a way that made it clear no matter how hard she reached, she wasn't going to touch that vile, vitriolic ichor. Nikklaüs' grip tightened on her collar, and his face grew desperate and panicked. If it wasn't clear just before, it was now—

"That's not what I need you to say!"

—whatever had taken hold of Klaüs before was long gone, leaving behind a hole that desperately ached to be made whole again. Suddenly he recoiled back violently and dropped Marianne, retreating in a stumble until he fell over to be at a kneel facing away from her. His clawed hand coming up to clutch his mouth in that same grip he had on Marianne's throat, cutting into his face from his own grasp. The temperature in the air dropping much more drastically than it had before, the frost began to overtake even more than his arm. Spreading across his whole body, the ice threatened to freeze him entirely; including over his mouth and nose.

Everything we do is for you, Nikki. Why are you fighting us!?

Nikk, I don't have the time to go to this damn arcade, or that fucking rink, or the card store! I'm not doing all that with you.

I just feel like they took something away from you, Syn. I feel like I lost you to them.

There were tears that threatened his eyes, but he could not cry when they froze over the near instant they appeared. Trembling from the fire that burned in him again: that rage, that wrath; he knew better than anyone that he could never in a million years point that at Marianne. The way he'd lashed out at her already, it was fit to see him executed by the jury of his mind. Yes, that would do. What was he suppose to do with all of this anger and hate, and with no one deserving of holding it? He wouldn't wish it upon anyone in a million years,

no one except himself.

Juju Juju
Valerie Vu - It Takes Two to Tango
Interactions: seasonedcat seasonedcat


Despite the pretense of a brave and resolved face, that expression quickly crumbled as Valerie found herself the sole target of Aries's ire. Well, she always wanted to be the center of attention in everyone's eyes, but perhaps this was a bit too much heat to handle for her. Eyes widening as Aries began to charge at her at superhuman speeds with lethal intent, Valerie listened to the gut instinct screaming at her from within, and her body practically moved on its own. She moved to evade the berserker's horns, leaping and rolling to the side and spinning around to keep herself facing his direction, but indeed, the maneuver caused her to let go of the anima lasso in the heat of the moment, the rope uncoiling from its target like a reeling snake and letting him free as it began to shoot back and disappear into Valerie's hand within a matter of seconds.

Okay, this was getting pretty tense, but this was hardly any time to lose nerve. She still had options, and wherever there was a will, there was a way. Valerie began to stand back up again after her hasty roll, but remained in a hunched over posture for a moment, hand still pressed against the ground as she eyed up Aries. Green eyes darted about as it frantically scanned all over his form to ascertain what she should target next, before making a snap decision.

"Alright, fine. You wanna dance? Then let's tango!" She exclaimed, forcing a degree of bravado into her voice as she stood upright again. It was good that she was blissfully oblivious to the full extent of rage burning within Aries, lest she might sunk to her knees from the sheer storm of emotion. Even so, she persisted. Her hand moved up now to hover over her hip like a cowboy preparing to draw, as she looked at Aries and grinned.

In a flash, she thrust that hand forward, making a finger gun as she began to shoot her signature fireworks straight at Aries, specifically his feet.

"One, two, three, four! Make peace, not war!"

Pew pew pew pew! Pew pew pew pew!

She fired a projectile for every syllable she cheered, hoping to blast Aries off his feet and hit the ground, or maybe at the very least, literally keep him on his toes and make him do a little jig on the spot. Whichever kept him occupied longer. Leveling up since the first day didn't just mean developing her new handy lasso, but also that her little light projectiles packed a prettier punch than before, with a tad more concussive force behind them, but to what extent, even she found it hard to gauge for now. Hopefully, her training sessions with Cobalt would pay off any time now!
Words Unsaid Yakov011001 Yakov011001
It was no use. The anima was too stable, her own too weak. It repelled her every effort, and even had she been in full health, Marianne realized that there was nothing she could do to pry the filth from her friend. In every sense of the word, her efforts were futile. Hope sputtered out like her vision, strangled with the tightened grip, but in the flickering mess she saw something shift in Not-Nikklaüs’ expression. Something had changed in his anima too.

What was that look? Fear? Hopelessness? It pleaded for something Marianne couldn’t quite grasp. In all her eloquence she had never known the right words to say, especially when they mattered most, like now. It seemed impossible; how could she soothe another heart when hers was left to rot? She didn’t know how, or even where to begin. In every attempt, her words only left wounds.

Marianne tried to apologize to him then, but what spilled from her lips was another ragged cough. It was getting difficult to breathe, let alone speak.

Like a marionette cut free of its strings, she crumbled to the ground after her release. The best she could manage was to land in a strained crouch, her arms and legs shaking with effort as the jarring motion wracked her side in a new wave of pain. She swayed, vision flashing white, but she forced herself to look up.

If he didn’t kill her, maybe not all was lost. As she often reminded her classmates, so long as she was alive, there was little to complain about.

Using the last dredges of her strength, Marianne crawled closer to Nikklaüs. Each movement twisted the pain in her side ever deeper, but her state of mutilation was of little consequence to Marianne. She knew that when the staff arrived she would be healed, but Nikklaüs’ fate was unknown. Would it be a swift solution, or agonizingly drawn out? There was some semblance of control, of something beneath the rage, but Marianne knew better than to hinge her hopes on that.

The one small comfort she could take in all of it was that at the very least she was here this time. Perhaps it was born of selfishness, but she could be here with him, wishing on words she couldn’t quite say. It was more than she had been given last time.

Marianne wasn’t entirely sure what it was he wanted to hear, but she had something she had been meaning to say to him the evening prior.

“Wanted…to tell you…” Marianne wheezed, each word a slow and labored battle. “Last… night. Waited… couldn’t… sleep.”

Unable to crawl much farther, but finally arriving at her destination, she collapsed on the frost-ridden leaves beside him. Laid on her unbroken side, she panted with shallow, rapid breaths. No matter how much she breathed, it was never enough. She coughed again, copper thick on her tongue. Her lung would likely collapse if she was careless, but some things were more important.

Marianne understood that she was the absolute worst person for this, no matter what Leif told her or how much Mariana and Valerie tried to convince her that she was worth the time and effort they wasted on her. Even now, the bloody handprint lingered on her wrist as a reminder, just like the lingering touch of Mariana and Valerie when they had taken her hands and tried to calm her.

It had worked, loathe as she was to admit it, but it left her confused. How could they provide comfort like second nature? Share tears like those that froze in Nikklaüs’ eyes? Marianne would never know. She could never be like them, but maybe just once she could try.

Shivering from frost and pain, Marianne reached out a shaky hand and grasped for Nikklaüs’ free one. She whimpered as broken bones moved beneath her skin, though for once she didn’t care about the pathetic slip in composure. Her fingers curled around his frost-covered hand, holding it even as her skin numbed and ached. In the end all she could hope for was to be a bit of warmth when winter was closing in.

“Nikklaüs….” she choked out between breaths.

Unfocused eyes searched for his, trying to convey sincerity beneath the haze, to let him know that regardless of what happened or what he was, she wasn’t leaving. There was more than one monster here.

Marianne had thought a lot about what she had wanted to say to Nikklaüs last night, but there were too many words and too little breath. In the end she only really needed two. As she finally uttered them there was a ghost of a smile on her face, one that was tired and rusty, but true.

“Thank you.”
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Crimson & MarianaMari+Crimson-Mirror-LQ.png
Interest & Worry
Location: Forest
Interaction(s): Solirus Solirus Juju Juju Yakov011001 Yakov011001 Verite Verite

Everything happened so fast, it was hard for Mariana to keep up from within her own body. But thankfully, Crimson still had control, and her experience in fights led her to keep her cool and collected. Her eyes followed the many moving parts of the scene and she took stock of the situation. Aries was acting in a predictable manner, but Crimson didn’t know if Valerie would be able to handle him alone. But Marianne would most certainly not fare well against something that fast and unknown. Whatever was happening with Klaus, she assumed possession, made him unpredictable. He was definitely the bigger threat.

“You’re good with lassos, so use this!”

Crimson told Valerie as an anchor was summoned, but still halfway in the ground. There was no rope or chain connected, giving Valerie the chance to attach her own anima lasso to it, or pass it through the hole. Partially embedded in the ground, the anchor wasn’t going to go anywhere. She could use it to anchor Aries in place if she could lasso him again. Well, hopefully. Or maybe she could use it in a way Crimson wasn’t thinking of. Either way, she felt like she shouldn’t be sticking around here for too long.

“I’ll be back if you need any help.”

All her previous tendrils, damaged or not, had no more purpose for the moment. So, they retreated back into the ground. One large tendril was summoned, and Crimson grabbed onto it tight before it spun her once, twice, then let go, sending her soaring off in the direction Klaus had taken Marianne off in. Below her, she saw Annamarie rushing through the trees in the same direction, and it wasn’t long until she saw the two below her, Klaus holding Marianne by the neck. Mariana gasped, eyes wide and screamed out.


But velocity was something difficult to overcome. Crimson landed gracefully a few yards beyond the two, made a 180 turn, and ran towards the two at a breakneck pace. It only took another few seconds, but when she arrived, it seemed Klaus had finally calmed down. At least, compared to earlier. He wasn’t attacking anyone, and Marianne was holding his hand. It seemed whatever had happened, things were well? Crimson was confused, but somewhat thankful no one seemed to be lethally wounded.

But totally eclipsing Crimson’s relief was Mariana’s. She ran forward towards Marianne, leaving Crimson no time to protest or grab her. It was jarring, as Mariana had never essentially stepped out of Crimson’s control like that before.

“Hey-!” Crimson tried to say, but Mariana didn’t listen. Instead, the girl ran towards the possible danger with reckless abandon and fell to her knees between the two. Crimson closely followed up, keeping a close eye on Klaus. “At least get her away from Klaus. He could still be dangerous.”

Mariana didn’t say or show that she had heard Crimson. “Are you okay?!” She asked both of them. Instead of responding to Crimson, she began to look for injuries on the two that might need treating immediately. Marianne seemed incredibly pained and her movements made it seem like she was pretty hurt. Her neck obviously, but the remaining ice helped to keep the blood from flowing.

“S-Stay still!” She told Marianne, panicked, and looked at Klaus quickly. Although she seemed more hesitant, and maybe even fearful, she still did so. Some bruising and cuts to the face, but he didn’t seem to be in nearly as bad a state as Marianne. The girl moved with incredible speed and deft and confidence in this situation. Like the opposite of what she normally did. Perhaps she was one to thrive under pressure? Mariana, feeling panicked and with adrenaline flowing, felt the aching from her body dissipate mostly. Enough to feel comfortable sliding her hands under Marianne, and lifting her up, ready to head back. Marianne was surprisingly light though. Lighter than Mariana expected. Was all her physical training finally paying off?

Crimson, still weary, stepped between the two girls and Klaus, just in case. She looked down at him, her interest piqued, but with her usual gaze. There was no fear, hate, or pity for him, as some others might feel after seeing that. If anything, she thought it was pretty cool to fight the other students. Not like she’d ever say that. “Fight club’s over. Let’s head back.” She extended a hand for him to take.
Aries | Park's Forest
with the Aries free from his bindings, Aries lost all care for a conflict with her. As much as he'd love for the foolish and repulsive arcanist to be dead, he still knew his limits... or sort of. His target was Nikklaüs. He was the demon filth, worse than the arcanist he already was. Valerie's shots were not easy to dodge, mainly because instead of moving forward, he was actually moving backward, ready to disengage and chase after the other.

the scents were still thick in the air, and just before he had a chance to pursue, a gust of wind carried an old scent. Nikklaüs. This time, not diluted by demon filth. Aries's bloodlust flipped, this time turning to whoever the fuck that tentacle girl was, to that stupid doll, and then finally to that annoying dog...cat...thing? All of which, were off the menu. Stupid school rules. Just like an arcanist to partner with the one thing they claim to hate.

the bloodlust began to die like a flame with no fuel, smothered the rest of the way by Aries. His horns receded, and his eyes cleared, the hunt over. It took a moment for the line between beast and man to clear again before Aries could think clearly again. Aries dodged out of the way of the last shot with a slight roll of his eyes. "would you shut up already? Here I thought the sword idiot was the most annoying person here. Congrats on proving me wrong." Aries said dully, sending over a glare, "Can I go now? Or do you plan on tying me up again and torturing me with your voice and poor attempts at humor?"

interactions | Verite Verite
mentions | Yakov011001 Yakov011001 Juju Juju November Witch November Witch

Nikklaüs felt a warmth pass over his hand, there was a disbelief in that. That in the state he had put Marianne in, she was so delusional as to thank him. How was it that even then—

She waited for you.

It was all he could think about. When was the last time someone had done that for him? His anima bled away from that vitriolic violet and began to glow with a cyan flame; a cyan flame that burned away the ice that clung to him and Marianne, burned away the armor that had taken him. When Mariana had joined him, he flinched at the look she’d given him. The rage in his eyes dimmed to a nothingness, and suddenly no one was home. Only when Mariana lifted Marianne into her arms did he move. That hand of his she had taken coming up with her. Maybe she didn’t notice when she pulled her away but there was a sudden desperation that clutched onto Klaüs when Mariana turned away from him. Almost jumping back to his feet with a start, it only amounted to a hopping up from on both of his knees to just the one when Crimson stepped between him and the Maris.

“Fight club’s over. Let’s head back.”

Klaüs looked to the hand Crimson offered him, he supposed only a demon like her could find it in herself to support a demon like him. If support was even the word for it. But it still means something. Take it. Without words, he took that hand into his and hoisted himself up. Still, he couldn’t help the way he looked past her.

“Mariana,” He called to her, but couldn’t bring his gaze up to meet hers. His arms outstretched, he thought only about his recompense. “Please.”

Mariana hadn’t even started walking yet when Klaus spoke to her. She could see it in his eyes. She knew what he wanted without even needing to ask, or be told. But what he had done… Her gaze looked down at the energy rapidly draining from Marianne.

He did all that to her.

But he didn’t kill her.

Demons get more out of their food, drawing out a death, or making them fear death over and over. The anima is the most intense during those times.

What are you saying?

I’m saying there are many reasons he might not have killed her, he might now, or later.

Mariana saw no benefit to letting Klaus carry her. Their main priority was getting her checked out. But there was something about Klaus. His expression, his anima, his voice, his eyes. This meant so much to him. But why? What had happened? She’d never seen someone in such a desperate state before.

“Klaus.” She stared him in the eye. “Can I trust you?”

“Are you serious?” Crimson asked Mariana, incredulously. Humans were fragile and weak. Shouldn’t they be getting her to someone who could help? Humans and their choices continued to baffle her.

The answer was no, right? Even Klaüs was wary of himself, looking upon that bruised, battered, at this point broken body held limp in Mariana’s arms. But even still, he wanted to take responsibility—no. Even like this he had a most selfish motivation.

“It doesn’t matter what I say, does it?” Klaüs started, arms still waiting to receive Marianne. “Despite everything you saw, the fact that you stopped to even ask means that you’ve already made your decision, is that right?”

“Klaus, I don't know what happened. I'm scared and nervous, but I'm asking for a reason. I would say no if I meant it.” Mariana told him sternly.

She didn't know what happened. What had gotten into him. If he had been possessed or just lost a grip on himself. So, perhaps he would know himself if he was done with all this, hence her asking. But if he didn't know the answer himself…

“I won’t ever hurt Marianne like this again. I can’t,” It was automatic, almost unnerving in the way he communicated it like some impossibly unbreakable law as governed by nature itself. “Seriously though, is me carrying her any more of a threat than me just walking beside y’all? Come on, now.” Klaüs’ arms spread out a little, becoming a sarcastic shrug. That sarcastic, laidback Klaüs shining through again just the smallest bit.

There it was. That was it. All Mariana wanted was that confirmation. While still put off by what she had previously seen, she still felt as if she could trust him, so she did. She held out Marianne for the other to take, and didn't really seem to take his last comment to heart. If anything, it further unnerved her. The sudden tone shift, and ignoring the seriousness of the situation.

“Yes, it is.” Crimson answered his seemingly rhetorical question. “I could ask the same thing! Does it really matter who carries her? But I bet you'll have some sappy human answer that it does.” She rolled her eyes, already exasperated with the current turn of events. “Now hurry up. Humans are fragile, and I bet she needs someone to take a look at her. You've wasted enough time talking as it is.” Though Crimson didn't move, as if waiting for one of the two humans to start moving first.

Crimson wanted Klaus to go first, and have his back to them. That way they wouldn't be caught off guard if he tried something again. Which Crimson wasn't convinced he wouldn't. She didn't really care what he did to Marianne, as long as herself and Mariana were alright. Well, that was a lie. She did care about what happened to Marianne. But only because of how it would affect Mariana, and she didn't need this girl going into a depression or becoming more scared of people than she already was. That was definitely the only reason Crimson somewhat cared about Marianne a tiny bit.

“Right, but first we have another mess to clean up,” Klaüs took Marianne into his arms. “It could get a little sticky, but you’re pretty good at what you do so I trust you’ll be able to take care of it if I need you.” It kind of pissed him off, looking down upon her unconscious face. How was it that she looked so peaceful now of all times?

Making a step, Klaüs flinched when his right ankle gave way, sending him straight to one knee. Looking down at it, he could see one of Crimson’s ripped-off tentacles wrapped around his ankle. Shit, looks like I didn’t make it out of that trap untouched after all. Before he could come up from his stumble though, he heard something strange, strange and close.


Suddenly by his side—from parts unknown—was a familiar cat.

“Mittens? What’re you doing here?” Without ‘words’, Mittens hopped up onto Klaüs’ shoulder and started to lick at his wounds. “Worried about me or something? Maybe you should’ve stuck with Leo,” He remarked, standing from his kneel. “Guys, look who I found!” Klaüs called back, trying to play off his injured ankle as him just finding Mittens.

It was with a subtle limp, but Nikklaüs then led the way. Not back to the starting area, or the proctor. First he marched back to where he’d left Aries and Valerie. Braced for the worst, he felt a small bit of relief when he saw what looked like Aries bringing himself down off his bloodlust.

“You get it out of your system too?” Klaüs shouted over to him. “Let’s go, it’s time to turn in, and I don’t want to have to explain how I lost my partner any more than I want to explain what’s already happened. Besides, I need to talk to you after this anyhow,” Then he regarded Valerie. “Thanks for the assist, and y’all too, of course.” He flicked his head back around to the Mirror behind him.

Then he started to trek back towards the direction of the destruction, where they had came from and back in the direction of the starting area.

Juju Juju November Witch November Witch Verite Verite seasonedcat seasonedcat Solirus Solirus
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Puppet Show Solirus Solirus Yakov011001 Yakov011001 November Witch November Witch Verite Verite seasonedcat seasonedcat
As the ice receded, Marianne couldn’t help but feel a wave of relief overtake her. It was a moment's respite, but it was all that it took to shake the stubborn will that had been keeping her going up until this point. Now that the danger had passed, it was difficult convincing her body to stay awake. Still, She fought against it, clinging to her consciousness like a match burning in a winter storm. Try as she might, there was only one destiny for a fleeting flame, and hers was tired and battered. Despite her best, desperate efforts, her heavy eyes closed.

In the weariness, there was a helpless panic. What would await her when she awoke? She had to stay awake, and so she struggled on, wheezing and breathless as she was. Pale and numb, her hand sloughed away like melted snow as soon as she was moved. Faintly, she was aware that someone had picked her off the ground and held her. Familiar waves of anima shrouded her; Mariana. Had it been anyone else, she might have panicked and struggled regardless of her wounds.

Marianne heard muffled talking, though she didn’t need words to recognize the three voices. They were like crows bickering over a fresh corpse, but in their defense, Marianne played the part remarkably well. Her unceremonious trip through the forest had completely ruined her blouse and left her back a caked mess of dirt, debris and blood. Even her hair had come undone from it all, leaf strewn and in her face. Maybe she should have taken up Mariana’s offer of a hairbrush.

The fact that Marianne wasn’t protesting to any of the cradling or exchanged sentiments was a testament to how poorly she was clinging onto consciousness. It slipped away from her like the stray thoughts and fears.

Eventually the crows finally reached their agreement, and though Marianne was only vaguely aware of it, she was handed over to another source of familiar anima. It had calmed, yet it wasn't the same. A bright blue had layered over the violet, but whether it was a good omen or ill, she couldn't say. Doubt lingered, but she found a sliver of peace in it all.

He is himself. She thought, yet there was an irony to it. Who even was he? Would she even know?

A troubling thought, but alas, it was the last of them before she slipped into the sea of unconsciousness.

[Exit Marianne]
[Enter Sam and Annamarie]

Sam was a clever one. He knew by the dwindling, yet stable anima that "Marianne!" was not dead, and by the slackened bindings he also knew he had just enough wiggle room to stretch out his claws. He could take his time, unlike that doll.

Far ahead, Annamarie charged through the forest with wanton abandon. She didn’t seem to care for the branches that snagged at her pretty dress, or even pay mind to her own dwindling anima. Sam, on the other hand, did.

It was not often that he was presented such a delicious opportunity, and the dubious little demon was not one to waste it. Who knew when he would get another chance like this?

Grinning in devilish delight, he scurried his way along Annamarie’s trail with renewed purpose. Fangs clacked together, letting him phase through vegetation and bark without so much as a sound. He might have even been completely silent if it wasn't for the distorted laughter he began to mimic.

It was unusual for Annamarie to be absent from her twin for so long, especially in such a dire state. She and Marianne were near inseparable, and yet when Nikklaüs, Crimson and Mariana dragged out the newest Montgomery corpse from the forest, her creepy doll was nowhere to be seen. It wasn’t until after Nikklaüs shouted to Aries that the reason for Annamarie’s disappearance was at least partially revealed.

The first to burst out of the foliage was Sam, his black paws a blur as he sprinted gleefully towards the group. Clutched firmly in his bright red teeth was the ebony half of Annamarie’s blades. The anima construct sparked where his fangs gripped it, flickering somewhat. Bit by bit, he was consuming the anima.

His spiral-eyes darted this way and that, first to Mariana, and then to Crimson and finally on Nikklaüs. There they settled. One could swear there was a flicker of mischief in his dizzy, swirly eyes.

Annamarie was in hot pursuit, keeping pace with the other demon despite her low anima reserves. She emerged from the woods in the same manner as Sam, sprinting after the creature with her red gaze locked on Sam and her stolen weapon. That is, until Sam abruptly dropped it. The doll skidded to a halt, stooping down to reunite with her stolen half-blade and what little anima she had to spare.

The sound of gunshots echoed through the clearing as Sam bounded towards Nikklaüs. He was grinning from ear to ear, smug as a cat, even as a tentacle emerged from the ground to swat him. Yet instead of sending the rat flying, Sam ran straight through the obstacle as if it were nothing but air.

Snickering to himself, Sam glanced over his shoulder, waiting for Annamarie to look up and then…


A bright flash of light erupted from Sam’s horn, momentarily blinding all who were looking in the demon’s direction. Using it as cover, the now hornless Sam dashed for Nikklaüs. Yet strangely, the creature didn’t even touch his 'target'. Much like Crimson’s tentacle, Sam phased right through Nikklaüs and Marianne both.

After hopping through him like a circus lion through a hoop, Sam turned around, smiled, and then began to circle Nikklaüs. He kept himself low to the ground, skittering in a circle and clacking his teeth. His tail lashed from side to side, spiral eyes locked on Nikklaüs, yet the demon didn’t attack.

There didn’t seem to be a method to the demon’s madness until a familiar unnerving laughter began to emit from beside Nikklaus. Then a voice, disembodied but conveniently placed exactly behind Nikklaüs from a certain doll’s point of view.

"Simply amazing, Marianne. You really did remember me this time."

Annamarie recovered enough from the flash-bang to focus her sights on Nikklaüs again. Sword in hand, the damaged doll walked quickly towards Nikklaüs, Mittens and her unconscious twin. Each movement was jarring and mechanical as she stomped closer, grace exchanged for conserving anima.

Sam was practically shivering with glee, trotting in place, clawing digging up the soil. Perhaps getting a little too carried away, he began to echo the unnerving laughter.

Leander’s breathing was ragged as he trudged forward, every step agonizing yet deliberate. The weight of his two friends pressed heavily on his battered body, but he didn’t falter. They had to be safe. It was all he could think about, the thought repeating in his mind like a mantra that drowned out the sharp pain of his broken ribs and the strain on his legs.

His gaze stayed fixed on the path ahead, the proctor’s bench somewhere in the distance. His once-pristine anima flickered around him, now tinged with a faded purple that seemed to ripple unnaturally, its intensity rising and falling in waves. He could feel it—this alien presence within him—pulling at his thoughts, sharpening them into a singular, unrelenting focus.

Keep them safe.
Keep them safe.
Keep them safe.

Leander’s hands clenched tightly around Cobalt and Sophia, his grip almost too firm....Safe, he muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible over the soft crunch of his uneven steps. He hadn’t realized he spoke aloud. A grimace of pain twisted his face, but he ignored it. Everything else felt unimportant.

The world seemed to blur at the edges as the strange purple hue began to pulse more intensely, his anima flaring unnaturally with each step. His broken ribs burned, but the pain didn’t matter. The strain in his legs threatened to buckle him, but that didn’t matter either. Nothing mattered except this singular goal.

“... Uh... H-Hey, Leo...”, Cobalt’s voice was heard as some resistance was felt -despite being carried off by Leander, Cobalt tried to anchor his feet on the ground so he could walk on his own. “I should be able to walk, so if you could just...”

He tried wriggling out of Leo’s grasp, but found himself unable to, his arms still being numb after suffering attacks from Eyes.

Leander barely registered the voice at first. The sound of Cobalt’s words felt distant, muffled beneath the thrum of his own heartbeat and the mantra pounding in his mind. Keep them safe. His grip on both of them tightened, his arms aching under the strain but unwilling to release either of them.

...No, he muttered softly, more to himself than to Cobalt, his voice hoarse and trembling. His focus didn’t waver from the path ahead, even as Cobalt’s faint resistance tugged against his hold.

They couldn’t run, but they certainly couldn’t fall. He couldn’t let them stumble or falter, not even for a moment. If he let go, if he slowed down, something might happen. Something could go wrong. There was no way he would let there be any new risk.

“... Leo?”

Leander’s gaze was unfocused, locked ahead as if the world beyond his friends didn’t exist. The purple-tinged anima flickered again, the unnatural ripple intensifying as his grip on them both remained unyielding. Safe. Keep them safe. Safe.

“... Leo.”

He neared the entrance, where they had last seen Jaquie, the door, and the proctor. Clutching his friends even tighter, only for his arms to ache and being forced to ease up a little bit, he approached ever so steadily. His eyes directly locked on the ground in the center area. That's a safe spot. He had thought, but upon glancing around, Jaquie wasn't there. Not… safe- His voice remained a soft whisper and he almost sounded horrified at this. He saw Isaac, damaged, resting against a tree and the proctor still on his bench.


Leo continued walking over, albeit slowly. His head turned around to make sure there was nothing around to threaten his friends. As he passed the proctor, there was a brief moment where his steps faltered. E-eyes… is melted… His voice wasn't all that pleasant, almost like he had to force himself to say it.

“... We killed it.”, Cobalt confirmed with a small sigh, having given up on fighting against Leander’s hold. “There weren’t any civilians in the area where we fought.”

The examiner put down the book he held at the student's declaration. “Very well.” The examiner would comment as he pulled out his clipboard, writing something on it before putting it away.

“Use these. They will heal minor injuries and stop any bleeding.” the examiner extended his hand towards them, offering the small vials.

An awkward silence followed as Leo seemed to hesitate in taking them. “... Leo? Um...” Cobalt alternated his gaze from Leander to the examiner, to the unconscious Sophia resting on Leo’s other shoulder. “... Could you grab them, please?” He tried to will himself to take the vials himself but his arms still weren’t properly responding, a twitch of his fingers being the only sign of them being functioning at all.

Leander blinked slowly, the examiner’s outstretched hand barely registering in his mind at first. The vials, small and glinting faintly, caught his gaze and stirred something in him—an urge that clawed its way through the haze of obsession clouding his thoughts. Help them. It wasn’t just a mantra anymore; it was direction. Slowly, carefully, he adjusted his grip on Cobalt and Sophia, freeing one trembling hand to take the vials.

His fingers curled tightly around them, the glass cool against his palm. Without another word, he trudged forward, heading to the exact center of the clearing. He set Cobalt and Sophia down as gently as his shaking body allowed, positioning himself so he could see everything around them. His gaze darted constantly—trees, the proctor, the edges of the clearing, the sky—searching for anything, any threat that might come near.

Satisfied, though not fully assured, he knelt beside Sophia first. Carefully, almost reverently, he uncorked one of the vials. His hand hovered above her for a moment as if making sure it was the right choice. Then, with surprising tenderness, he tilted her head back and gently opened her mouth. The vial's contents poured smoothly, and he ensured she swallowed before pulling back.

She’ll be fine, he muttered, though it wasn’t clear if he was speaking to Cobalt or himself. His voice still carried that strained, distant quality, as if he wasn’t entirely present.

Next, he turned to Cobalt, his movements stiff and methodical. He uncorked the second vial. He then brought the vial to Cobalt’s lips. His hands were steadier now, the process smoother, but his gaze remained sharp, darting from Cobalt to their surroundings as he worked. Once the vial was empty, he leaned back, his eyes still scanning the clearing as he repositioned himself between his friends.


He has friends now. How has he not fully realized this? He has friends, friends to protect, friends who actually care and help him.

It's my job to make sure they're safe.

His mind raced constantly, repeating these phrases, and slowly his thoughts blurred together.

It was recess, and the sounds of children laughing and yelling filled the air. Leander was seven, sitting at the end of the playground on a set of faded green monkey bars. He had been watching his classmates play tag when something caught his eye—a dark, misshapen figure lurking near the edge of the schoolyard, where the chain-link fence was tangled with ivy.

It wasn’t like anything he’d ever seen before. The creature stood hunched, its lanky arms stretching to the ground like tree roots. Its skin seemed to shift like liquid, reflecting faint flashes of color—blues, blacks, and sickly greens. Two hollow, glowing eyes stared out from a featureless face, each gaze sending a strange chill through him. The way it moved was the most unsettling part: it twitched in quick, jerky motions, one moment standing still and the next scuttling several feet closer like a marionette.

Leander blinked and rubbed his eyes, but the creature didn’t disappear. He should’ve been scared, but instead, curiosity gnawed at him. What was it doing here? Why was it staring at them?

Hey, guys, Leander called, hopping off the bars and running over to his group of friends, who were busy trading Pokémon cards on a picnic table. They looked up as he skidded to a stop.

“What’s up, Leo?” asked Max, the self-proclaimed leader of their little group, a chubby boy with spiky brown hair and a Digimon shirt. Beside him was Anna, her dark hair tied into two pigtails, and Felix, who was carefully organizing his cards in a neat row.

There’s something over there, Leander said, pointing toward the fence where the creature loomed. His friends followed his gesture, squinting into the distance.

“What do you mean?” Anna asked, frowning.

By the fence! Can’t you see it? It’s tall and... weird,Leander said, his voice rising slightly. It looks like a shadow, but it’s moving.

Max exchanged a glance with Anna before laughing. “What are you talking about? There’s nothing there.”

There is! Leander insisted. He grabbed Max’s sleeve and tugged him toward the fence. Come on, I’ll show you.

Reluctantly, Max and the others followed. Leander’s heart raced as he led them closer. The creature hadn’t moved far, its sunken eyes fixed on him. There! Right there!he said, pointing again.

But his friends’ faces twisted in confusion.

“I don’t see anything,” Felix said, tilting his head.

“Leander, are you messing with us?” Anna added, crossing her arms.

No, I’m not! It’s right there!He stepped closer to the fence, his pulse quickening. How can you not see it? It’s huge!

Max groaned. “You’re just trying to freak us out. There’s nothing there.”

I’m not lying!Leander repeated, his frustration starting to bubble over.

The others backed away a step, their expressions wary. “Okay, whatever you say, Leo,” Max muttered, turning back toward the table. “Let’s go, guys.”

Leander’s stomach sank as Anna and Felix followed Max without a word. He stared at their retreating backs, feeling a lump rise in his throat.

It’s real, he whispered to himself. “I swear it’s real.”

When he turned back to the fence, the creature was gone.

Leander trudged home that afternoon, his backpack feeling heavier than usual. His friends had barely spoken to him for the rest of the day, and whenever they did, it was with awkward glances and forced smiles. By the time the final bell rang, he could feel the growing distance between them, like an invisible wall he didn’t understand how to break.

The walk home wasn’t long, a familiar route through suburban streets with neat rows of houses and carefully trimmed lawns. Normally, he’d take his time, kicking rocks or counting cracks in the sidewalk. But today, his steps were hurried, his eyes darting to every shadow and corner. His mind raced with questions about the creature at the fence. Why could he see it when no one else could? Why was it there at all?

As he approached his street, the sinking sun cast long shadows across the pavement. The golden light made everything look softer, more peaceful, but it didn’t comfort him. He felt a chill crawl up his spine—a strange, prickling sensation like he was being watched.

He paused at the corner of his block, his breath catching in his throat. There, standing in the middle of the quiet street, was another one.

This one was different from the creature at school. It was smaller but no less unsettling. Its body was hunched and spindly, with limbs that seemed to stretch and contract unnaturally. Its head was elongated, almost insect-like, with a jagged crack running down the center like a permanent grin. Its eyes were the worst part: deep pits of darkness that seemed to swallow the light around them, leaving an inky void where its gaze fell.

The creature’s head tilted slightly as if it had noticed him. A low, chittering sound echoed from its throat, a noise that made his skin crawl.

Leander froze, clutching the straps of his backpack so tightly his knuckles turned white. His heart pounded in his chest, but his feet refused to move. It wasn’t doing anything—just standing there, staring at him—but the sheer wrongness of it rooted him in place.

For a moment, he thought about running back the way he came, but something kept him there. It wasn’t curiosity this time; it was fear. What if it followed him? What if it got closer?

The creature twitched, its limbs jerking like broken puppet strings. Slowly, it began to shift, its movements unnatural and stuttering as it stepped toward the sidewalk. Toward him.

Leander stumbled back, his breathing shallow. No, he whispered, his voice trembling. Go away.

It didn’t respond. Its hollow eyes remained locked on him as it reached the edge of the street.

Go away! he whispered slightly louder this time, his voice cracking. He squeezed his eyes shut, his body trembling with the effort. When he opened them again, the creature was gone.

The street was suddenly empty, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. The only sound was the faint rustling of leaves in the breeze.

Leander’s legs gave out, and he sank to the curb, his backpack sliding off his shoulders. He buried his face in his hands, trying to steady his breathing.

What’s wrong with me? he muttered, his voice barely audible. For a long time, he sat there, too afraid to move, until the faint buzz of a streetlamp flickering to life reminded him it was getting late.

He picked himself up and hurried the rest of the way home, not daring to look back. But even as he reached the safety of his front door and heard his mother’s warm greeting, the thought lingered in his mind: Why can I see them?

Leander pushed open the door to his home, the familiar creak of the hinges a small comfort. The smell of dinner wafted through the air—something warm and hearty, probably stew—and his mother’s voice called from the kitchen.

“Leander? That you?”

Yes ma'am, it’s me, he replied, forcing a steadiness into his voice that didn’t match the shaking in his hands. He slipped off his shoes and set his backpack by the door.

“Wash up before dinner, okay?”


The house felt safe, as it always did, its well-lit rooms and neatly arranged furniture a stark contrast to the unsettling encounters outside. But even here, Leander couldn’t fully shake the feeling of being watched. He scrubbed his hands at the sink for longer than necessary, staring at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. His face was pale, his eyes shadowed. He splashed water on his face, hoping to rinse away the creeping unease, but the memory of the creature’s hollow gaze stayed with him.

At dinner, his parents chatted about their days, their voices filling the room with a warmth he struggled to connect with. His father talked about work, his mother mentioned a neighbor’s new garden project, and Leander nodded along, offering the occasional one-word response.

“You okay, kiddo?” his dad asked, raising an eyebrow.

Yes sir, I’m fine,Leander lied, poking at his stew with his spoon. Just tired.

His mother smiled softly. “You’ve been working hard at school, huh? Maybe an early bedtime tonight?”

He nodded simply. Yeah… maybe.

He excused himself shortly after dinner, retreating to his room. Once the door was closed, he let out a shaky breath and sat on the edge of his bed. His gaze wandered to the window, where the curtains swayed gently in the evening breeze. He got up and pulled them shut, the memory of the creature in the street still fresh in his mind.


Leander tried to settle back into his routine. He went to school, finished his homework, and joined his friends at lunch like always. But everything felt different now, like there was a barrier between him and the rest of the world.

He stopped mentioning the creatures, deciding it was better to stay quiet. When his friends laughed and joked, he forced himself to smile and nod, though he barely heard what they were saying.

The creatures didn’t disappear.

He saw them in fleeting glimpses—a shadow shifting unnaturally in the corner of a classroom, a hunched figure perched on the roof of a neighboring house, a grotesque shape lurking at the corner of a clinic. They were always there, but Leander pretended not to see them.

He learned to keep his face neutral, to avoid letting his eyes linger on the things no one else seemed to notice. His friends didn’t ask questions anymore, and Leander was grateful for that.

But the effort to ignore them took its toll. He started waking up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, his dreams filled with hollow eyes and jerky, unnatural movements. His appetite waned, and he felt a gnawing sense of exhaustion that no amount of sleep could fix.

At school, he began sitting at the edges of groups, his laughter quieter and his presence less noticeable. His teachers occasionally called on him, startled by how absent-minded he seemed, and his parents commented on how quiet he’d been lately.

“You sure everything’s okay?” his mother asked one evening, sitting beside him on the couch.

Yeah,Leander said quickly, avoiding her gaze. I’m just tired. School’s been a lot.

She didn’t seem convinced but didn’t push him further.

The world went on as normal, but for Leander, the creatures had become a permanent part of his reality. He couldn’t explain them, and he couldn’t make them go away. All he could do was pretend they weren’t there and hope—somehow—that he’d figure out why he was the only one who could see them.

Leander couldn’t pretend anymore.

One Friday evening, after dinner, as the golden glow of the setting sun painted the walls of their living room, he found himself staring into his mother’s eyes as if her gentle expression could provide the courage he so desperately needed.

Mom, he said, his voice low and uncertain. She turned to him, spoon halfway to her mouth as she leaned back on the couch.

“Yes, sweetie?”

I need to tell you guys something.His throat felt dry, and he swallowed hard. His fingers gripped the hem of his shirt.

His father looked up from his newspaper, curiosity evident on his face. “Everything okay, son?”

Leander hesitated. His heart hammered so loudly that it felt like it might burst through his ribs. His words came in a rush, unable to hold them back.

There are monsters… things. I see them. I’ve seen them for a little while now, and I can’t make them go away.

The room felt too still for a moment. His parents froze mid-motion, exchanging a glance that felt full of uncertainty.

“What are you talking about, Leander?” His father’s voice was careful, steady. They knew Leo was creative, but he wouldn't pull a monster under the bed trick.

I’ve seen them since last week. They’re always there. I see them in school, on the streets, around those offices in my way home. I don’t know why. I’ve tried to ignore them, but they’re always there.

His voice cracked, and his chest tightened. His words came in a blur of fear and panic, tumbling out too quickly for him to stop. His father set the newspaper down and leaned forward in his chair, his brows furrowed.

“Leander, honey,” his mother said, her voice soft and soothing but edged with worry, “monsters? What kind of monsters? What do you mean?”

The knot in his throat felt like it might strangle him as he tried to explain, but suddenly he couldn’t find the right words. His hands trembled as he tried to emphasize that it wasn’t imagination—that they were real to him, even if nobody else could see them. His words came faster, more disjointed, fueled by panic.

They’re creatures, shadows, things that look like nothing and everything at once, and I know they’re real. I’ve seen them only recently, but I promise—please believe me—

His father stood, approaching Leander cautiously as if testing the air for some invisible danger. His face was unreadable, and Leander’s heart sank.

“Leander,” his father said, “are you feeling okay? Are you stressed at school or with friends?”

Leander shook his head desperately, tears starting to well in his eyes. His parents exchanged another glance—concern, fear, confusion. His mother was the first to break the quiet.

“Maybe you’re just… stressed,” she said gently, her voice hesitant. “Your father and I don’t want to dismiss how you feel, sweetheart, but let’s take you to the doctor. Sometimes these things can be caused by stress, anxiety… or other things.”

The words felt soft but sharp. Leander tried to protest, but his voice crumbled under the weight of their doubt. Before he knew it, they had scheduled an appointment.

The doctor was a calm, polite man with graying hair and a sharp smile. The office smelled of antiseptic, and the sound of a distant clock ticking on the wall felt louder than it should have. Leander’s parents sat beside him as the doctor asked him a series of questions—simple ones at first, about his sleep, his diet, and his stress levels.

But as the questions grew more specific, the doctor began to narrow in.

“Have you experienced hallucinations, Leander?” he asked, his voice even. “Visual disturbances that others can’t see? Hearing sounds or voices that others say aren’t there?”

Leander swallowed. His parents glanced at each other briefly.

Yes,Leander admitted hesitantly. “I see… creatures. I see monsters. I see them everywhere.”

The doctor jotted something down in his notebook. His parents exchanged a glance again, this time a little more visibly concerned.

The questions continued, focusing on when the visions started, if they happened every day, if they were accompanied by fear, anxiety, or any sort of emotional stress. Leander answered as best he could, but his explanations felt weak, scattered.

By the end of the appointment, the doctor leaned back in his chair and folded his hands neatly over his clipboard.

“Well, Leander,” he said in a tone that felt both neutral and distant, “it sounds like you may have a condition called schizophrenia.”

Leander froze, the words sinking into him like stone. His parents’ expressions were unreadable, and his heart pounded so loudly he could hardly hear the rest of the explanation. The doctor primarily spoke to his parents next.

“It can manifest through hallucinations—seeing and hearing things that others can’t. It’s treatable, though. There are medications and therapies that can help. I recommend we set him up with a psychiatrist to discuss this further.”

Leander’s parents nodded, though their expressions were uncertain. His father placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled faintly, though it didn’t reach his eyes.

“We’ll get through this together, son,” he said. “No worries. You’ll feel better soon.”

Leander’s life didn’t return to “normal.” Not really. His parents did their best to support him, though the atmosphere at home felt strained and careful, as if they were all walking on glass. His school life grew harder as well, the weight of his diagnosis settling on him and creating new distances between himself and his peers.

He took medication as prescribed, attending counseling sessions and speaking quietly with doctors. Though the words schizophrenia and treatment were clinical and impersonal, they offered him the first real sense that he might not have to face these creatures alone.

But the creatures didn’t go away. They never went away.

The medication dulled the edges of his fears but never erased the monsters from the corners of his vision. Leander learned not to tell anyone about them. His friends kept their distance, as they always had, and he didn’t fight to bridge that gap anymore.

His parents reassured him constantly, though their words felt hollow. “You’re okay,” they would say. “You’ll get better.” And for a while, that hope felt genuine, but as time went on, the monsters persisted.

He stopped fighting them.

Instead, he focused on surviving, on learning to live with them as they lingered at the edges of his perception, shadows of fear and anxiety and the unknown. Leander became skilled at ignoring them, pretending not to see, even as they watched him from their shadowy perches. His parents finally forgot about the issue as if he'd been 'cured'.

The days went on. Life became a routine of school, medication, counseling, and carefully managing his emotions.

And in those moments, he would remind himself: Keep your head down. Don’t let them see you noticing them.

Regardless of the fact they looked... lonely almost, he knew... The world felt fragile, but he could still fit in.

Leander's eyes were still a bit of a foggy mess before clearing up and darting around the clearing again, but noticing no change from previous glances. It was still safe for now.
Valerie Vu - All's Well That Ends Well
Interactions: seasonedcat seasonedcat November Witch November Witch Juju Juju Yakov011001 Yakov011001


Valerie flashed a smile Crimson's way as she passed by and summoned an anchor, but ultimately it seemed the gesture wasn't needed as Aries regained his senses before too long. Just needed a few bee stings from the look of it, as he suddenly began to speak cognizantly, even taking a moment to dodge her passing shots. She stopped once she heard his voice, much more calm and measured than she'd expected, prompting her to stop, eyes wide with momentary surprise.

"Oh! Are you normal now? Sorry, I couldn't really tell!" She exclaimed, her cheerful tone seeming to contrast against the casually biting words, if she even meant them that way, and as if she'd barely noticed his horns receding. This exchange truly was much easier than she'd expected, but after the run-in with Deerhead, she certainly wouldn't complain. It was a miracle she was even still standing on her feet right now. "Uh, yeah, I guess you can go, if you're not planning on going Joker Mode again any time soon! I still have no idea how this started or why you two started going at it, but..."

Valerie blinked, remembering the other side of this conflict, just as Klaus stepped forward.

"... Oh, right! That's good, you're normal too. Marianne was so stressed out over you earlier, I didn't know what was going on. I had to see... all that to believe it!" She exclaimed, making a vague gesture with her hands to indicate the scene they'd just assuaged. Speaking of Marianne, Val looked down at the unconscious girl in his arms, having spent her body and soul for the day, it seemed. Though she seemed quite worse for wear, Valerie couldn't help but stifle a giggle. It was just like the first exam, in that little haunted house.

"Well, looks like that's a wrap, I guess. All's well that ends well," she merely breathed to Klaus, as everyone began to make their way out of the forest. But oh, they were so, so close. Out of the frying pan, and they forgot about the fire.

And then Sam popped out of the foliage like a bat out of hell. That was where all the trouble started, with that damned smile.

She froze up in confusion, watching Sam move so erratically like a dog possessed. Val had already learned to try not to mind the creature's frantic mannerisms, but this time, she could tell something was wrong. The girl gasped out in shock when Sam flashbanged them all, eliciting a deep groan from her. So that was what it was like to get a taste of her own medicine. Wow, she did not like that one bit!

And just as swiftly, her eyes shot open as she heard a sinister, unfamiliar voice ring out in the air, addressing Marianne. And as she saw Annamarie menacingly walking toward Klaus, Val instinctively stepped to his side protectively, though she wasn't sure what exactly she could do in this scenario, feeling like a child lost in the dark, and unwilling at the moment to take any reckless action.

"Uh, Klaus? This is probably a bit late to ask, but... do you know what's going on here?" She asked nervously, forming a finger gun with her hand as if preparing for another fight, but against who or what exactly, she still didn't really know.
Aries | Park's Forest
Aries rolled his eyes at Valerie's words, letting out an annoyed sigh, "Of course, I don't have plans to do that; I don't even know what those words mean. What the fuck are you saying?" Aries gave her a weird look, raising his eyebrows like she was insane. He really did not know what she was trying to say here. Was she calling him some type of clown? Which didn't really make any sense since he was clearly not dressed up as a clown right now.

when Nikklaüs returned, Aries's confused stare returned to his normal harsh glare as he whipped around to look at the other, "Oh great, more talking. And here I thought I was finally getting some peace and quiet." he said with a huff. Aries gazed at Marianne, glancing over her injuries briefly before his gaze flicked to the bush Sam jumped out of just a second before it made itself known.

Aries tensed at the reek of the demons and flinched when his eyes were assaulted with the bright light, but he didn't attack once he saw that they were the 'tamed' demons. Even if he would have liked nothing more than to remove them all. But of course, it was never that simple; none of this damn school was. Here they were, and only two of them(maybe) were not somehow partnered with a demon. So much for arcanists being the good guys defending the world from demons. You may as well just ask the demon nicely to leave you alone; after all, that's what this class of arcanists is going to end up fucking doing after inviting it for tea. Aries hated literally everyone here. But of course, he had no choice but to follow the others back, as far as possible, so that this day could finally be over.
interactions | Juju Juju Verite Verite Yakov011001 Yakov011001 November Witch November Witch
Crimson & MarianaMari+Crimson-Mirror-LQ.png
~{A happy ending?}~
Status: Concerned & Scared
Location: Forest

Interaction(s): Juju Juju Solirus Solirus Yakov011001 Yakov011001 Verite Verite seasonedcat seasonedcat

“There’s no need to thank me.” Mariana replied as Klaus turned to include her in the thanks as well. Isn’t this just what any of them would do for any of the others? Mariana sure hoped so. The human jumped and let out a small squeak of surprise as she seemingly heard gunshots echoing around the forest around them. Due to her aching muscles and fatigued state, she stumbled, but was caught by Crimson, who rolled her eyes and took control of the obviously weary girl. The tentacle she had used to attempt and stop the charging Sam helped her realize he was probably just harmless. If he was gonna jump through that, he was probab;y just gonna jump through Klaus too. So she paid it little attention and continued to walk forwards, meaning she missed the flash, but she certainly saw it reflect off of everything nearby, which earned a huff from her.

The demon would place herself between Klaus and the approaching doll, however. “She’s okay, and Klaus isn’t going to hurt her anymore, so don’t do anything stupid.” She told the doll, letting her approach and see Mariana, but a hand remained at the ready just in case the doll attempted to use those scissors. “Yeesh, you’re still in rough shape. Do you need some more anima?” Crimson mostly ignored most of what else was going on around them. Thankfully, it seemed things were relatively under control now. What a shitshow it turned out to be though. She wondered vaguely if the others had any luck as her gaze remained on the doll she was offering anima to.
Nikklaüs' gaze was unwavering and unforgiving upon Aries as he regarded him.

"Boo-fucking-hoo, bro. I don't give a shit. Let's go." He commanded with an only somewhat undue confidence. Even tied down from carrying Marianne, and even with his injured ankle, he was at a distinct advantage if Aries wanted to try some shit again: he actually had some friends, even if things were getting a little dicey between them. Things were shaping up to be pretty wrapped up until Klaüs heard something wicked descend upon them. His own frenzied laughter. It was something that made him twitch at the neck from the eerie darkness that crept up into the back of his head. Searching for the source, he flinched at the lupine demon that phased through him.

"Simply amazing, Marianne. You really did remember me this time." It mocked him as it ran circles around them, but he didn't bother in trying to track it or keep it in his line of sight.

Klaüs already knew what he was looking at. A new pet of sorts. He can't remember when he had noticed it, but there was a stench that tinged he and Marianne's dorm room for some short time. A sinister thing that clung to her, but that only he seemed to pick up on. He supposed it could've only been him anyhow, with the disproportionate amount of time with her he'd been blessed with compared to others. This thing belonged to her then? Best not kill it, I guess. Still pretty fucking annoying so—

"Are you gonna die so—"

Kicking his heel into the ground, Klaüs summoned Zantetsuken; springing up from the ground in the demon's path. Something that caused it to smack right into the flat of the blade with a momentum that made it accordion in before slumping to the ground for a half second. Seeing Crimson talking down the cracked and deformed Annamarie that approached him, Klaüs made to offer his own reassurances; shortstopped by Valerie, bumping into him so that they were back to back and arte at the ready. Her finger sparkling the smallest bit, as if to rev it up to fire at anything that moved.

"Uh, Klaus? This is probably a bit late to ask, but... do you know what's going on here?" Considering the gravity of the situation, maybe it was rude that he chuckled at that.

"At ease, soldier. We're getting the fuck outta here is what's going on. Just do me the favor of making sure he doesn't try anything stupid, hear?"

Juju Juju November Witch November Witch Verite Verite seasonedcat seasonedcat
Thoughtcrime November Witch November Witch Yakov011001 Yakov011001 Verite Verite seasonedcat seasonedcat

Annamarie halted her advance, blocked by something standing in the centre of her path. It forced the doll to shift her attention from Nikklaüs and Marianne, to the obstacle before her. Crimson. Such a simple thing seemed to stump the doll, who was made immobile from a conflict of old directions. Without Marianne, she had to consider the options herself. Without Marianne, she had to choose.

She eyed Crimson, her stare blank and silent as she listened to all the assurances and offers. Her gaze lingered on Crimson for a moment, considering the anima she extended, before sliding back towards where Marianne was held. Little changed in Annamarie’s cracked face, but there was a subtle glint in her eyes. They seemed more alive somehow, illuminated by thoughts.

Prioritization. Survival. Threat.

Where was the threat?

She watched Sam slam unceremoniously into Zantetsuken and stumble, dazed. As observed from training, there were two flaws to the crazed demon’s trick, and one of them had been exploited. The other was a lot more straightforward. Annamarie had even been directed to cover it during training exercises. And so, she waited.

With a hiss, Sam recovered from the collision and rounded on Nikklaüs. Perhaps the demon was waiting for an excuse to defend itself, or perhaps it was a knee-jerk reaction to having been hurt, but it was clear the demon wished to draw blood when it unhinged its red smile and extended those long, black claws.

Annamarie flexed her porcelain fingers around the hilt of her blade, and with one swift motion, threw it at Sam. The black blade impaled the creature cleanly through its abdomen, pinning it to the earth below.

Sam squirmed under the blade like a skewered fish, cackling with Crimson's voice, “Do you need some more anima?”

His was leaking out, pooling and dispersing beneath him like ink diluting in water. A waste.

Annamarie walked towards Sam now, her movements still sluggish and robotic. Unlike Crimson, Sam contained a source of their primary anima.

"SAM!" the creature shrieked, "Don't leave me here!"

The doll loomed above Sam, unable to grab him or the sword until he attacked or deactivated his phasing ability. All the while, his anima leaked from the wound beneath her blade. It was a standoff. Eventually, Sam gave up and tried to swipe at Annamarie's legs with a claw. The doll didn't even flinch from it as she bent down and grabbed Sam by the neck. Her blade dissolved a moment later, the stray motes of anima being absorbed by the wounded demon.

Annamarie hoisted Sam up by the neck and slowly turned towards the group, waiting. She would follow Marianne, ignoring Sam's flailing, complaints, or scratches in the meantime. Her eyes never left Marianne, crumbled like a dead thing in Nikklaüs' arms. She held Sam close to her twin, as if expecting Marianne to absorb him to fix herself like a demon would.
Valerie Vu - Who What Where
Interactions: Juju Juju Yakov011001 Yakov011001 seasonedcat seasonedcat November Witch November Witch

"We are?" Valerie only replied to Klaüs's remark about them all getting out of here already. "Someone oughta tell Annamarie that! And... whoever the heck that was," she said, eyeing the doll as it inched closer, and also looking around again to see if there would be any more of that strange voice in the air. Seriously, she thought she was done with all this funny business, so what were they still standing around here for?!

Val watched with unabashed confusion once it moved to attack Sam for whatever reason. Honestly, that thing was just so weird and creepy on its own, how was she supposed to tell if something was wrong with it that would make Annamarie attack it? Was she supposed to do something about this?

With bated breath, all she could do was dimly stare as the doll moved toward the still unconscious Marianne, intent on doing something for her with Sam, briefly turning her gaze toward Klaüs and Crimson as if to silently gauge their reaction to this whole affair, for guidance on what to even do next.

"... Um, Marianne probably just needs some like, normal medical treatment, right? A painkiller there, some apple juice there, so let's..." She trailed off half-heartedly, feeling a little out of her element here.
Last edited:
Location: Park

Cobalt sat slumped against a tree near Leander and Sophia, shoulders heavy with exhaustion. He stared at the ground as he slowly flexed his fingers. His tongue clicked on his palate, the boy doing his best to get rid of the strange healing elixir’s aftertaste. After what felt like an eternity, the effects from Eyes’ venom had finally started to fade away, allowing him to -slowly but surely, move his arms again. ’Sophia’s a tough one for having been able to move after that first slice...’, he pondered to himself. Granted, he took a lot of slashes to his arms but even a single scratch had been enough for him to feel something.

The three of them had been back at the exam’s starting point for a few minutes now, their guards finally lowering as they caught their breath and tended to their wounds. “Apart from Isaac, looks like the others are still doing the test.”, Cobalt idly pointed out. “I suppose that’s very good for us, considering we had the most difficult one.”

His voice trailed off as his gaze flickered toward Leander. Cobalt tried not to stare, but his eyes kept darting back to him. He had been acting strangely since after the fight with Eyes. It almost felt like a sudden obsession to make sure he and Sophia were safe. Of course, he was glad that Leander had been able to drag him and Sophia back to the starting point, but... something felt weird about the way he had acted. ’Should I even talk to him about it...?’ Cobalt frowned, his fingers still flexing absently. ’Maybe not now...’ They were all still exhausted from the fight, after all. Maybe it was just adrenaline. He still felt a little uneasy but he’d keep it to himself for now.

Silent Child Silent Child Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Solirus Solirus
Aries | Park's Forest
Aries glared potently at Nikklaüs but made no movement to attack, even if he looked very much like he wanted to. Aries was surrounded by the intense stench of demons and arcanists, and it made his nose crinkle in disgust. Why the hell were they all still standing around and talking?

Nikklaüs' blade smacking into Sam made Aries' mouth twitch, and he quickly suppressed the small joy he got in the demon's mistreatment. Though the comment made brought Aries' glare back up ten fold as he frowned deeply.

"Are you sure I am the one who needs to be watched? Last I checked the only one here who injured a student was you. It seems to me that you are the one who should be monitored before you snap again. The only thing I was doing was trying to kill a demon. Something that we were all supposed to agree on." Aries' glare flicked across the group at his words before turning on his heels to leave.

He frankly could not care less about this whole conversation, even if he did find Annemarie's actions slightly funny. He did not want to have some big group heart-to-heart like he knew was coming. He did not even want to be here. He had only come because he had to. The demon was dead and that meant that he could return to his dorm. So, Aries continued to walk away, hoping to not have to hear them any longer if the distance was wide enough.
interactions | Yakov011001 Yakov011001 Juju Juju November Witch November Witch Verite Verite
Crimson & MarianaMari-Glasses.png
~{Demonic Advice}~
Status: Exasperated & Worried
Location: Forest
Interaction(s): Juju Juju Solirus Solirus

“That’s the first good idea I’ve heard all day.” Crimson snarkily replied as Klaus said they were getting out of there. She started to walk back towards the examiner and where they were originally given their tasks. She listened to the conversations around her, but didn’t have much to add. She stayed silent, but stopped as she saw Annamarie struggling to even walk. Or so it seemed. The doll didn’t want her anima, which made her sigh. If she just gave that human absolute authority over her, she would end up dead at some point. Rolling her eyes she approached the doll from behind and wrapped her arms around the other, under her arms and hoisted her up, before heading back towards the area everyone was headed to. “You need to learn to think for yourself, you know that?”
From the slight elevation of the terrain Klaüs had on Aries, he lifted his chin but kept his gaze on the abomination in what was quite literally physically looking down on him.

"We can continue to disagree later, how does that sound?"

In its most literal interpretation, it could be misconstrued as Nikklaüs offering to talk it out like he would always want to extend to anyone else. But for Aries, he delivered it with a vitriol and virulence that said something completely different. The fucking second that I have the chance; the goddamn moment I have the opportunity to do so with minimal repercussions: I will crack open your fucking ribcage like a can of spam and feast upon your—

Klaüs had since turned away from everyone, leading the way out and back to the proctor. His mind swirling like a raging typhoon that shunted out anyone else's attempts to reach him, and making his breathing pickup back into short hissing exhales that pushed shallow jets of ultraviolet flame from between his teeth. A small thing that none of the others would really notice unless they were right up against him, instead probably seeing the limp he led them with. It was some time before they crossed back into the clearing where the proctor waited for them.

"Sir," Nikklaüs made sure to close the distance before speaking, not wanting to yell. "Nikklaüs Tenshouha, Aries, subjugation of Curious successful."

For the first time since the start of the exam, Klaüs felt a mote of anxiety or fear—he couldn't really tell which. That is, when the proctor didn't say anything, simply writing down some notes and reaching into his pocket to retrieve a couple vials from his pocket to offer Klaüs. Of course, his hands were full, so Mittens offered to clasp them in his jaw for the time being. Marianne needed medical attention, something more than these vials would achieve.

"Time to go," Klaüs whispered to her. "Stay close, Annamarie."

As he turned to leave however, he was faced with all of the people he'd ignored this morning. Damn, he really had the audacity to call them his friends? Yeah, with the way that I treat them, they've gotta hate me for sure. No, no. That isn't right. They of all people would know the difficult time I'm having, I just need to treat them better going forward. That comes after I make sure she gets out of this alright first.

That didn't prevent him from scanning over them wordlessly as he passed, the state that they were in only causing that frenzy to flare up once again for that fraction of a second. He wanted nothing more than to leave this place and seek out all the demons that had been set on them and descend upon them like a fury to tear them to shreds, but his friends wouldn't be here if they hadn't already accomplished that themselves. It gave him a small amount of pride in the small ways he was able to help them. It was something that lingered in him as he crossed the threshold and back onto campus. Mittens meowing loudly at the others to follow before instead opting to stay behind when he realized that they weren't in the state to follow.

Hopeful or hopeless? For Nikklaüs, it was hard to say at this point.

seasonedcat seasonedcat Juju Juju Solirus Solirus Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Silent Child Silent Child Tiguidi Tiguidi November Witch November Witch Verite Verite
Lax Chains Verite Verite November Witch November Witch Yakov011001 Yakov011001

Confused, Annamarie looked at Sam and then Valerie and then back to Sam again. The creature squirmed uselessly, clawing at her arms in an attempt to free himself.

"You are not to harm any null or arcanist unless it is in our defense or commanded of you." Sam choked out in Marianne's voice, as if it would get him off the chopping block. He might have said more, had Annamarie not tightened her grip on his throat, silencing him into garbles.

His fate was undecided, and for the time being Annamarie continued to follow the others, holding Sam hostage and looking rather lost. Yet the oddest thing happened when Crimson grabbed Annamarie. Instead of reacting out of defense, the doll simply froze, fingers still locked around Sam’s throat. She was silent, as usual, and gave no response to Crimson’s words of advice. She just rotated her head backwards and stared at the other demon.

There was a pause, as if to consider the words of wisdom before. It was difficult to read anything in the doll's unchanging visage, but it certainly seemed like she was listening at the very least. Then her unblinking eyes snapped shut and her head lolled to the side, body ragdoll. Outwardly, Annamarie’s anima remained unchanged in volume, though it appeared to have slowed until it was like a still pool of water. Was it an attempt to mimic her twin, or to reduce the anima taken from her?

Sensing a moment of opportunity, Sam squirmed his way out of Annamarie’s death-grip the moment it slackened. Wasting no time, he scampered out of Crimson’s reach (which was rather useless, considering her ability to summon tentacles). Just to be sure, he made a shoddy attempt at hiding behind Valerie, placing her between him and Crimson as if that would protect him. Confident in his false safety, the wolfish demon giggled, as if enjoying a self-made joke.

Surprisingly, after being freed Sam no longer tried to slow down the convoy through taunts or otherwise. The demon was uncharacteristically well-behaved as he trailed behind the group, babbling to himself and occasionally giggling. Even when they reported back to the proctor, he simply paced back and forth until they were all dismissed. As dutiful as a trained hound, he followed Nikklaüs as if he hadn’t tried to bite him mere minutes ago. It was an well-timed miracle, or perhaps an uncomfortable omen.

By now his stab wound had stopped bleeding anima everywhere, but it hadn’t quite sealed over yet. He kept his hungry eyes on Marianne as they marched back towards the entrance, ears pricked and alert. Like him, the wounds on her neck and back had stopped its bleeding for the most part, though the blood was still fresh on her lips. Each breath was shallow and wheezy, and if she heard the words whispered by Nikklaüs, she gave no sign of it.
Location: Park

Rumi.pngAfter what felt like an eternity, Cobalt heard some movement in the distance, like the sound of footsteps. Rising his gaze, he immediately recognized Nikklaüs and... was that Marianne in his arms? Disregarding the fact that this image was the last one Cobalt imaged when thinking about the two, something else felt a little wrong; weren’t they supposed to fight different demons?

“I... feel like I missed something important.”, he stated, mostly to himself, as he got up from the ground. He flexed his fingers one more time, making sure he regained all feeling in them. After this small test -might've been the hundredth time he did so, he glanced up at the other student. “Hey, Nikk- annnnd he’s already gone...”, he deadpanned in a very anticlimactic manner, his voice trailing off after he tried calling out to Nikklaüs. He stared at the gate leading to campus, silent for a few moments as he awkwardly scratched his head. "Uhh..."

Slowly, he turned around as the rest of the class -including some... additions, arrived as one big group. “Um... Okay, I’m pretty sure I missed something important.”, he repeated before quickly remembering the simple fact that an unconscious Marianne was being carried away back to campus. “Ah, wait, that’s a question for later. Is Marianne okay? Is Klaüs okay?”

He looked like he had other questions, especially as his gaze lowered to meet Sam’s. Cobalt blinked, unphased at the sight of a demon he obviously had never seen before. However, the very fact it was strolling about with the others meant it was friendly. Well, ‘friendly’, quotation marks.
Valerie Vu - Familiar Faces and Worn Out Places
Interactions: Tiguidi Tiguidi Juju Juju

"H-Hey, watch it! Don't you dare look up!" Valerie only exclaimed when Sam initially ran behind her, almost seeming to nip at her heels as she instinctively pulled down her skirt while the strange familiar attempted to hide away from Crimson and Annamarie, though eventually, it seemed the joke wore thin for even him as everyone decided they were too tired to continue putting up with this ordeal.

Once they reached the silently dutiful proctor, and after Klaus had reported his completion of his assignment alongside Aries, Valerie elected to follow suit, giving an exaggerated faux salute as she stepped up to face the proctor next. "Uh, Valerie Vu, that's me. Mariana, Crimson, Marianne..." She stopped for a second, counting on her fingers before eventually reaching four. "... Annamarie. Subjugation of Deerhead confirmed!"

She didn't like that word. Subjugation. But hey, it was a little more fancy than "apprehended" maybe. Made her sound tougher.

With her report submitted, it wasn't long until Cobalt eventually appeared, trailing behind the group without another moment to spare. He seemed a bit at a loss for what was going on, and honestly, Valerie couldn't blame him. Even she wasn't wholly sure, but she figured to let sleeping dogs lie.

"Oh, hey Cobalt! Looks like at least one of us is no worse for wear. Uh, assuming, that is," Valerie said, waving over to Cobalt with an enthused smile, before taking the time to pop her neck with her hand, as if her body had just remembered it had been slammed into a tree at superhuman output. "Um, it's... complicated. I think Klaus is okay? For now? Some weird stuff has been going on with him for a while but whatever it is, I guess it's... uh, resolved," she said, continuing to rub the back of her neck, but now more out of a sheepish sense of imposition, as if she felt it wasn't wholly her business.

"Marianne will be fine too, I think. Just an appy juice later and she'll be back on her feet!" She exclaimed, seeming more confident on that front. Indeed, if there was one thing Valerie decided to tell herself, it was that all this looked a little worse than it actually was. Lowering her arms now, she folded them behind her back as she leaned toward Cobalt.

"What about you though? Are you okay? I mean, you got a little..." She trailed off, reaching out and brushing off his shoulder like she saw dirt on it. "Oh, and where's Leo? You didn't leave him behind, did you? Left him to fend against the wolves? I didn't know you had such a ruthless streak in you! This may be a park, but the law of the jungle still applies, huh?" Valerie continued, seeming to waver between genuine concern and light-hearted banter at will.
Location: Park

Cobalt waved at Valerie, relieved to see her in one piece -though his expression didn’t show much of it. “Hey. Welcome back.”

He hummed in thought as she mentioned the situation with their classmates. He assumed they all regrouped at some point for... some reason. But if everything’s been resolved, then there was no need to worry any longer. ... Maybe. Everyone looked to be alive and... relatively unharmed so that probably meant that everyone passed.

Almost instinctively, he slightly leaned back as Valerie moved closer, diverting his gaze, yet staying still as she brushed off his shoulder. “...Well, all I took were a few explosions to the face, and I nearly got my arms clawed out, so I’ll say that you look better off than I do...”, Cobalt replied, voice trailing off.

He blinked and snapped back his gaze at her, however, when she mentioned leaving Leo behind. “Huh? No, he stayed with us the whole time. Err... almost the whole time. He’s the one who brought Sophia and I back here, actually.” He huffed, turning around and crossing his arms. “Who do you think I am...?”

Verite Verite

  • Departure
    Once all the teams had arrived and all the demon threats had been confirmed to be eliminated, the examiner would finish writing something down in his clipboard before getting up from his seat. "Your results will be processed, and they will be delivered in two weeks time." the examiner explained to any student that bothered listening.

    Without further hesitation, the examiner took off his glasses and with his other hand, he would dig the nails into his skin, pulling it off in one motion. The mask came off to reveal the true face of the examiner, as subtle bits of anima that remained hidden leaked out from it. The rest of the examiners' appearance would change too from his hair, to even the clothes he wore, changing from a somewhat formal but casual clothing, to an insultingly casual and informal set of clothes.


    Calmly the examiner put his glasses back on and the mask back into his bag before opening the marked door before him and leaving. Isaac would soon follow suit, waiting for the door to fully close before taking his leave, avoiding eye contact with the other students as he tended to do. Tomorrow would be a day of recovery and preparation, and within Isaac, anxiety bubbled up as the prospect of the beach party lingered in the horizon.


Valerie Vu - Mariana Mirror - Marianne Montgomery
[Girls Just Wanna Have Fun]

Collab w/ November Witch November Witch and Juju Juju

“M-Marianne, hey-!” Mariana called out in the hallway. Class had let out about an hour ago, but she wanted to ask Marianne something about her demons. “Since yesterday, I wanted to ask,” she started. “Does Annamarie and Sam share your anima? Like, do you have control of your anima? Or does it go straight to them? Or do they have their own reserves?” She questioned shyly, but not as much as a few weeks ago. Either she was getting more comfortable around Marianne, or Valerie was rubbing off some on her. Either way, she walked up in her normal attire with Crimson nowhere in sight. Meaning she was likely inside the other at the moment.

Marianne paused mid-step when she heard a familiar voice calling her name. She stayed where she was, letting Mariana catch up to her so she didn’t have to yell out her questions across the hall.

“Mariana.” She responded in a formal tone, as if greeting a business partner rather than a friend.

The aforementioned Annamarie stood beside her, as always. Her ruby eyes followed Mariana’s approach, her expression sterile and disinterested. The only shift came when Mariana specifically mentioned her, causing the doll to tilt her head inquisitively.

Marianne crossed her arms over her chest, looking contemplative or perhaps a little suspicious. It was the first time Mariana had asked this question, though it wasn’t exactly surprising considering yesterday’s events.

“My anima is still under my control, yet it is shared with the demons under my claim. I suppose the best analogy I can use is that it’s a sort of interconnected web, or arteries, with me at the heart of it.” She explained in a matter of fact tone, chin tilted up slightly to mask the subtle discomfort at explaining her art.

As she spoke, Sam crept closer to Mariana, crouched low to the ground like a cat stalking a mouse. A sharp look from Marianne was all that it took for him to think better of it. She continued, “Sam and Annamarie have their own reserves, but they feed on my anima passively, especially when inactive. When recovering, my anima is the only source they can feed on, even if it does not match their preferred type. This is how I am able to spare them from dissipating, and likely key to my command over them.”

While Mariana listened to Marianne intently, she became more and more dejected as the girl went on. She was hoping to see if their cases of anima usage were similar, then perhaps Mariana could use her own. But it didn't seem like it.

“Oh… Okay. Thanks.” Mariana mumbled.

The fall in her expression earned her a frown from Marianne, who was now watching her with a sharp, examining eye. “I suspect that was not the answer you were hoping for?”

“I thought that maybe your way would be similar to my case, or maybe the way yours worked would give me an idea on how to use mine.” Mariana admitted. “But I guess that was wishful thinking.”

“What an odd thing to say.” Marianne scoffed, her eyes perplexed beneath the frown. She shifted where she stood. “Unless we are of the same family, it is absurd to think two anima arts work in the same manner. Even among arcanist families, the core emotion deeply impacts its manifestation.”

She tilted her head to the side, still eyeing Mariana as if to visually dissect her. There was a fleck of disbelief in the measured calm of her voice, “Mariana, the fact that your thoughts and emotions are still yours—that you have a sense of self despite your anima being inaccessible—is a sign that it still belongs to you. A demon such as Crimson should have hollowed you out into a husk, but here you are. I hope you remember that.”

Looking away, Marianne shrugged, “The more demons I claim, the more anima I require to incubate and control them. Crimson is likely ranked far above Sam and Annamarie combined, so your inability to access your anima may be attributed to that.”

She paused, placing a finger under her chin thoughtfully. “Now this is purely hypothetical…and based on a sorely elementary understanding of my own art, but if Crimson doesn’t have an anima store of her own then she is reliant on yours. If you found a way to control your anima, you may be able to control Crimson, or perhaps partially. Much like how she can control your body at whim. Even if it's just a tentacle.”

“I-I wasn't talking about anima arts. I mean anima in general.” Mariana clarified. “I-Is it really that odd? I just thought you might have a way of using your anima that I could try. All the anima I produce gets immediately absorbed by Crimson, so I don't even have a chance to use it. I can't even use refined sight without Crimson's help.”

“Crimson does have her own, which is the weird part. She's like any other demon, but just bound to me due to my art. I can't access it, only she can. My anima flows into her, so she's always getting stronger too.”
Mariana shook her head a little bit, as if trying to clear it. “S-Sorry, I'm not here to complain or take up your time. I thought something similar might be happening to you, so I thought I would ask.” Mariana said, trying to tie the conversation up and bring it to an end.

If only she could be so lucky.

Just when it seemed the two’s brief exchange was about to wrap up, the beloved wildcard herself suddenly popped up, calling out to them from the distance and waving at them.

“Oh, you two! Yoo-hoooo! There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you guys!” She exclaimed, jogging over to Mariana and Marianne, before remembering Annamarie was also there too. “Uh, I mean, you three.”

Or did Crimson make it count as four? Ugh, anyway.

Placing eager hands on both of their shoulders, Valerie gave a toothy grin as she always had. “You guys hear about the beach trip Teach has planned? Honestly, I really didn’t expect that kinda generosity from him… unless he’s just an old perv, but we’ll talk about that later,” she began. “I mean, we could definitely use that after what we all went through with the exam, but…”

Val trailed off for a moment, getting a good look at Mariana and Marianne’s forms.

“I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess you two don’t exactly have stylish swimsuits on hand. So! I was thinking… why don’t we go out on the town together? Shop for something cute, maybe a little something that’ll knock the boys on their feet if you’d like, eh?” She asked, nudging Marianne in particular with her elbow.

Marianne already had a frown on her face before Valerie arrived, but it deepened into a scowl at her lewd suggestions of pervert teachers and ogling boys. She flinched away at Valerie’s prodding and crossed her arms again, angling herself away from the two.

“I have no interest in such depravity!” She objected with a posh and disapproving snort. “Regardless I have no need of a swimsuit since I will not be attending this vacation. There is too much to do and too little time. I wish you and Mariana a wonderful trip, but as for myself I had best be off.”

With that, Marianne was quick to attempt her retreat. Annamarie followed after her dutifully, while Sam stayed where he was. He sat beside Mariana and looked between the two girls, tail swishing slowly.

“You have?” Mariana asked. Why would Valerie be looking for them both? But it didn’t take long to get an answer. She wanted to take them shopping for swimsuits. While Mariana had a pair or two of her own, getting something new wouldn’t hurt. But, well, she wasn’t sure about looking good for pervs or getting the boys to google them. That would just be embarrassing. “Well… I suppose it wouldn’t hurt…”

Mariana trailed off as she saw Marianne say her peace and begin to leave. But just like that, Crimson rounded the corner in front of Marianne and stood in her way. How she got there was unclear. But she blocked Marianne’s only escape down the hall. “Nope, it's a mandatory trip. Besides, you take yourself waaaaaay too seriously. Did you even have a childhood? Just relax for a day. What is 10 hours out of one day gonna do in comparison to your whole life so far?” Crimson looked down on Marianne with a smile. She had no interest in doing any of this herself honestly. But she enjoyed teasing others, and putting them into difficult situations. She definitely didn’ think she’d be on Valerie’s side for once, but here she was.

Marianne’s death glare shifted over to Crimson this time, who was now blocking her path. Though brief, her eye twitched at the comment, a small indication that the chiding had struck a nerve.

“I heard no mention of this trip being mandatory.” She scoffed, taking a step to the side in an effort to find some opening she could use to slip past Crimson. “Every hour counts. Now isn’t the time for vacations!”

“Aw, c’mon! Don’t be like that! See? Even Crim’s telling you to take it easy!” Valerie whined to Marianne, though she had totally expected this sort of reaction from her. It would have been one thing if this trip had been sprung upon them during a lull in the academic year, but as things stood, immediately following the exam that they had just survived, a refusal simply wouldn’t do.

“You know, you really shouldn’t keep pushing yourself like that. Especially ‘cause, coming right off the exam, it’s the perfect time to get some R&R going on. If you’re on that grindset forever and ever, you’re gonna burn yourself out at the worst possible time!” She continued, wagging her finger at Marianne like a teacher reprimanding her student.

“It’s just like working out. You gotta take an occasional rest day to let yourself breathe, ‘cause if you keep trying to work it every single day, your body’s just gonna shut down eventually. Know what we’re saying?”

“I am perfectly fine with my own energy management, thank you kindly.” Marianne retorted hotly, her eyes narrowed in offense to the notion that she should slow down over something so redundant as exhaustion or burnout. She was fine!

“Please Marianne? I know how hard you work all the time. If not for you, for us.” Mariana chimed in.

“After all that trouble we went through to help you after the exam was over. And you’re not gonna spare us a second thought?” She then pointed at the girls behind Marianne. “Spare your friends a second thought?” The demon was well aware no one here considered her a friend. And it was fine by her.

“Why would I…?” She uttered, only to cut herself off with a long hiss through her teeth.

Agitatedly, she ran a hand through her hair, which although was tidied up after the exam, had not been tied back into her signature pigtails. It was loose around her shoulders, which had tensed up like the hackles of some cornered stray.

Her glare settled onto Crimson for a moment longer before she turned around and faced Mariana and Valerie, “Speak plainly; is this trip mandatory for all students?”

Valerie’s eyes practically sparkled when she heard Marianne finally begin to give an inch, clenching her fists with excited fervor. “Uh, yeah! Definitely!” She lied. “Would I ever lie to you?”

Honestly, she really didn’t know if it actually was mandatory. She kinda doubted it to be honest, but you never knew. Judging by Marianne’s glare, it seemed she was just as doubtful. Probably more.

“So! Since you coming to the beach is inevitable, you may as well look good while you’re there anyway! And with me by your side to pick something out, I promise I won’t lead you astray!” Val went on, pointing her thumb at herself in a self-satisfied manner.

“I’m going to assume the exam has taken it’s toll on you all, because the answer is yes. Jaquie said it’s mandatory.” Crimson would clarify. “You’d think one of you three would remember…” She looked at Val, knowing the girl had just pulled her previous statement out of thin air.

“He either said it whilst I was unconscious or in the ward, or not at all.” Marianne bristled at Crimson’s comment, her mood souring. She might have whipped back around to continue the argument, until Mariana spoke up.

“E-Even if you don’t want a swimsuit, just come with us. You could give Annamarie more practice in blending in, right? You could still get something out of this, even if it’s not training.” Mariana tried grasping at any reason she could to appeal to Marianne’s wants.

Marianne gave Annamarie a side glance as the doll was mentioned, and for a moment the twins exchanged a look. It seemed that what was said had in fact caught Marianne’s interest, for soon her gaze narrowed into one of concentration. Just like how she had sized up Deerhead, the sharpness in the grey was a sure sign that the girl was mapping out a strategy.

“Annamarie shouldn’t be a concern. Nor being ‘led’ astray.” She said finally, stance relaxing somewhat. “What is, is the short notice. How can you expect to arrange for a tailor? Even if we could get a fitting, most do not answer to demands sprung so suddenly on them.”

Marianne reached into her purse and withdrew her phone. Her nail clicked against the screen as she scrolled through a list of contacts, frowning over her screen like some gargoyle perched above a church.

“Tailor?! Oh, no no no, that won’t be necessary!” Valerie exclaimed, barely stifling a giggle in response to Marianne’s words as she raised a palm right in front of her face like a stop sign.

“I dunno how you do it in fancy pants world, but in the normal world, if we want some new clothes, we can just stop by a store to pick something up! And the designs they have aren’t half bad either! That’s what we call modern convenience for the average consumer,” she explained, at the risk of sounding like a walking sales pitch, before pulling at the collars of her blue and white top with self-satisfaction.

“I mean, you think I custom made this drip? I’m flattered you think so, but no ma’am! It’s just some stuff I bought on a whim! And knowing how good I normally look, I bet I could get you a swimsuit that you’d just love too! Whaddya say?” Val capped off with a toothy, eager grin.

“A tailor?” Mariana echoed. Marianne had to be loaded in order to have people custom make everything. “If only they weren’t so expensive…” She mumbled, mostly to herself. In honesty, she really didn’t know how expensive something like that would be. She just assumed it would be something outside her price range.

“Sucks to be you guys. I can change my appearance at will.” She said smugly, before looking down at Annamarie. “You can do it too, right? Alot of demons can.” She looked at the doll expectantly.

Marianne glanced up from her phone, her scrolling halted entirely by the hand held out in front of her. She quirked a brow, eyes flicking over Valerie’s outfit as it was mentioned.

“No, I did not have the assumption your clothing was tailored.” She said bluntly before turning her attention to Mariana, confusion clear on her face. “Expensive? Hardly. Yet if budget is a worry then I can cover the fee.”

While the three discussed, Annamarie looked up at Crimson. Her blank expression did little to answer, as was her signature silence. With her head tilted to the side and a finger raised to her chin, it seemed that the doll had to ponder the answer to that question.

“Annamarie is a unique case.” Marianne answered for her, stepping closer and guiding the doll away from Crimson. She seemed tense, eager to change the topic. Her eyes settled on Valerie. “I doubt any commercial brands can compare to tailor-made, but there is bound to be something… suitable.”

She pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head, “Go on then. Before I regain my senses. I have other errands to attend to today so the sooner we set out, the better.”

As Marianne finally gave her consent, Valerie clasped her hands together in delight. “Perfect! I knew you’d see things my way! Trust me, with my eye for fashion, I’m sure I’ll be able to pick something out that’ll knock you right off your feet! That goes for you too, Mariana! We’re gonna have so much fun together!” She exclaimed, reaching with both her arms to clasp the two other girls’ hands.

Of course, she had a different idea of fun than the other two might have assumed, but they’d cross that bridge when they got there.

“Now follow me!” Val said without giving either of them a real choice either way. “Next goal, figuring out how to make one of those door portals lead to the mall!”

This was going to be just fine.


Before too long, the three plus Annamarie would find themselves in the midst of a shopping mall, populated by the so-called nulls, entering the building through one of the school’s portal doors. And from there, Valerie led her dear friends to one of the many clothing stores within, one that focused on women’s fashion.

Standing within the swimsuit section together, she began to browse the section for what the store had to offer, while also giving Mariana and Marianne room to look for themselves. After a short minute though, it wasn’t long before Valerie stepped from behind both of them with a wide grin.

“Oh, I’ve got the perfect one. Surely, this will fit at least one of you!” She exclaimed, holding up a bikini patterned after the American flag. “Not necessarily political unless you want it to be, somehow, but the bold colors and personality make it a staple of hot to trot summer fashion. It’d look hot on both of you guys, don’t ya think?!”

Obviously, Valerie was just joking around… Right?

“Uhm…” Mariana blushed at the thought of wearing it. “I-I’d prefer something that covers a little more. M-Maybe a one piece suit?” She suggested.

“Isn’t the point of the beach to show off your appearance? I also thought some people went to the beach naked?” Crimson asked. Clearly she didn’t know there were different types of beaches… “So does it really matter if you wear something like that?”

“Absolutely not!” Marianne shrieked, swatting at the offered bikini like it was some diseased thing. “This is a school outing, not a…a nightclub! Get that hideous thing out of my sight! I do not care what Americans wear to the beach! Swimsuits should be sensible. Bloody hell.”

Huffing angrily, the posh and flustered Marianne turned away from Valerie and the bikini, prowling through the racks of swimsuits. As she combed through the display she muttered some choice words under her breath in what sounded like French.

Her hunt didn’t seem to be successful, for she soon recoiled from something, “What are these designs!? Cheap and-and vulgar! Disgraceful! Is there anything that covers the navel, let alone anything important!?”

Valerie’s grin widened and she couldn’t help but snicker at Marianne’s reaction in particular. Mariana was one thing, but seeing the calm and cool Marianne get flustered like this was priceless.

“Crimson’s right… kind of,” she said, choosing not to answer the naked question. “If anything, a swimsuit will be one of the few times that people will be looking at what you are wearing rather than what you aren’t, so you may as well look good while you’re there!”

“A one piece could be cute, but you gotta be careful what you pick out. The wrong one will make you look like a little kid in need of some floaties!”
Valerie went on, nodding at Mariana’s earlier words. “No, what you need to be at the beach is daring! You wanna be there to make an impression. A splash, you might say!”

As she spoke, Valerie continued looking through the racks, putting back the crude flag swimsuit in silent assent, before one certain swimsuit caught her eye, causing a catlike smirk to tug at her features.

Taking that certain swimsuit off the rack, she showed it off to Mariana and Marianne next, grinning impishly. It was an even more crude and risque piece, leaving even less to the imagination than the last piece she picked.

“Now, this one!” She exclaimed, holding what practically looked like two strings barely holding each other together. “This one is called a slingshot bikini--” She began, but she never got to finish her sentence, for she was immediately interrupted by one of the other girls.

Surprisingly, it was Mariana who spoke up. “W-Why don’t we start with things you would wear, and go from there…” She said, her face red as she looked at what Valerie was holding. Surely, surely this isn’t something Valerie would wear… right? Crimson just looked smug as Valerie called what she said correct. “I-I do want something different… B-But not because it shows more than others!”

“Do you think this is some joke? That’s it! I knew this whole set-up was suspect from the start! You’re trying to dress us up like… like some harlots!” Marianne snapped. She pointed a shaky finger at the ‘slingshot bikini’, cheeks puffed up in anger and her eyes flashing in unfiltered rage. “I don’t care what that appalling thing is called, you’re not getting us to wear it! Not over my dead body! In fact, if I was dead, I’d crawl out of hell as a spirit just to make sure both my body and that impractical set of strings were burned to ash! Then, I’d find the designer responsible and cremate them too!”

While Marianne shouted at Valerie, catching the attention of a few nearby shoppers, Annamarie busied herself with quietly looking through the rack behind her. The doll meticulously dragged out each swimsuit, inspected it closely, then returned it back to the rack.

Once again, Valerie could only snicker in unabashed amusement at Marianne’s flustered reaction to being played with like this. Honestly, she’d expected a bigger reaction from Mariana, but perhaps she’d spent enough time with her by now to know she was just playing around.

“Okay, okay! I’m just joking, I’m sorry! I’ll be serious now!” Val exclaimed to Marianne, though her apology might have sounded just a bit less sincere thanks to her continued laughter in between her words. “I don’t even know what you would wear, so let’s take it from the top with Mariana’s suggestion!”

Putting back the slingshot bikini onto the racks like putting away a live bomb, Valerie continued to comb through the store’s generous selection, before picking another bikini out. A more standard swimsuit, colored in pink a few shades darker than her hair, still a revealing look but not unusually so.

“Well, I really like this one for myself, but I doubt this’ll do for either one of you guys,” she said, holding the piece against herself to feel it out for a few seconds, before hanging it at the edge of the rack, as if to save it for safekeeping.

She combed through the wares some more, before pulling out yet another swimsuit, an actual one piece with a dark color that covered up most of the body down to the forearms, along with sleeves for the legs as well.

“Hmm, how ‘bout this, you two? If you’re eyeing for something modest so bad!” Valerie suggested, showing it off to the two of them. “It’s even got leg sleeves too, maybe to make you more… I dunno, aerodynamic?”

Even Mariana was a little amused at Marianne’s reaction. Crimson most certainly was, as she stifled laughter of her own. Though Mariana started to mimic the doll, looking through nearby racks to see if she could find anything she’d like. She shot a glance over at what Valerie said she would wear. That was definitely better than the first two suggestions, but still something Mariana felt like would be too much. As Valerie pulled something else out, she eyed it curiously. A sleeved swimsuit with some sort of socks or thigh highs? It covered more than enough, and certainly looked different. It was weird enough, Mariana thought she might as well give it a try. She hadn’t seen anything like it before. “It’s definitely weird, but I think that makes it kinda cool.” She took it from Valerie’s hands and studied it before nodding. “I’ll try it on once we all find something.”

“What about this for the picky one?” Crimson teased Marianne, pulling out a one piece that was striped white and red. However, the abdomen and stomach had a window on each side. Under the armpits to the waist with red thread crisscrossing what could be seen on both sides. It was definitely modest, with some different styling.

Still stewing, Marianne turned a critical eye towards the newly offered piece. By the way her hackles lowered somewhat, it was clear that this was a more suitable match. A shame that picky was an understatement.

“It’s still much too revealing for my tastes,” She said uncomfortably, arms crossed as she still stood a step or two away. It was as if by associating too closely with the revealing swimwear she would be accused of adopting such a fashion. “Granted, it’s a hell of a lot better than what Valerie has been offering.”

Her grey eyes scanned over the racks with a certain forlorn look. Anger faded and hope was dying. “There must be something with more coverage. Or perhaps an overcoat of sorts. Lace? Chiffon? Hell, I would kill for my old sewing kit right about now. I cannot stand modern swimwear. I’ll also need a hat and some lotion. Everything was left behind at the estate…”

Annamarie plucked a swimsuit from the rack, and after watching what Valerie had done, held it against herself curiously. It was striped black and white, a one piece without straps or sleeves and a bottom akin to shorts. With Annamarie’s gaudy white shades already covering her creepy eyes, she looked ready for the beach.

“An overcoat? What are you, a maiden in mourning?” Val asked as part of the banter, imagining the sight of Marianne wistfully walking along the beach with the wind blowing her thin coat around. The idea made Valerie cup her chin in thought. “Hm, actually, that might not look so bad too. Especially with a cute little sunhat… Totally cottagecore.”

The brainrot was real.

“At some point, maybe we oughta give you one of those classic school-issued swimsuits you see in anime,” she breathed half-jokingly, an amused grin tugging at her lips. “I mean, even Annamarie’s picked out an outfit already! You gotta be like her and loosen up a little, step out of your comfort zone! Who knows, maybe you’ll like a new, daring look on yourself if you give it a shot?”

Marianne didn’t know what cottagecore was, or any of the cores, for that matter. Yet being called cute in combination with the wistful look in Valerie’s eyes made her suspicious of it all. Perhaps a little confused too. She wasn’t quite sure how to respond.

“I am perfectly capable of finding a swimsuit…” she grumbled, her doubts as clear as the hopeless look on her face as she spotted yet another bikini on the racks beside her. Thankful for a shift in topic, she took a few steps closer to Annamarie, who was still proudly holding the swimsuit in front of her.

“Ah, and here I was beginning to believe there was a shortage of fabric, cheap as it is.” She huffed sardonically, inspecting the swimsuit that Annamarie had chosen. Her judgemental gaze lost all its sharpness as soon as it flicked up to her twin, “Is this the one you’d like to wear, Annamarie?”

The doll slowly nodded her head.

“Very well then. The fabric is atrocious and the stitches even more so, but I suppose it is the best you manage at a store like this.” Marianne sighed, crossing her arms and taking another gander at the limited options around her.

Something Valerie said made her eye twitch, “I don’t much like change, and as far as I’m concerned this entire trip is well beyond what is considered comfort. The beach is much too warm and bright. On that matter… I should prioritize sun protection before anything else. I’ll need a hat, some lotion, and something to cover everything else.”

Steeling herself, Marianne got to work. Her grey eyes flicked as quickly as her fingers as she combed through the rows of swimwear and accessories. It was clear by her frown of concentration that she was not taking any more recommendations or help at this time. Still, she was quick and efficient. Remaining true to her resistance to change, the loot she returned with was all black fabric, one a lace cover-up and the other a swim dress. It covered up the chest up to the neck, though the back was bare aside from criss-crossed straps. For good measure, a wide brimmed sun hat was in the mix.

“This should be… suitable.” Marianne sniffed, wearily eyeing the chosen garments in hand, “Though it is ridiculous finding something that fits without exact measurements. Must you always estimate in stores such as these?”

Crimson and Mariana turned to look through another rack as they both stifled giggles of amusement and hid their smiling faces. For Mariana, it was quite amusing to see Valerie teasing someone that wasn’t her for once. Crimson continued to look at the swimsuits curiously. When Marianne came back complaining, Mariana couldn’t help but feel a little tinge of envy, but she bit her tongue and said nothing.

“Marianne, this is how 99% of the humans live. It’s all Mariana has ever experienced. I’m willing to bet it’s the same for the others too, so can you stop with the slights at everyone who isn’t as rich as you?”

Marianne frowned, one of confusion more than anything else. She clicked her tongue, “Why would I be slighting either of you? You clearly are not responsible for these ridiculous sizing methods. Here, take a look at this.”

She held out a tag and clicked her finger nail on the list of US, UK and AU sizes, all in different numbers. “Explain how women use different sizes in different countries? Ludicrous! It is numbers! America, I could understand, but Europe and Australia both use the metric system. Not only that, I saw a tag listing a completely different set of measurements than this one here! Is this meant to be some puzzle? Just who designed this mess?”

Hissing to herself, Marianne pulled back the tag and squinted at the fine text in search of addresses or contact information. Instead, she found something else. “What on earth do these symbols mean? And if it is made in China then why are there no sizes listed for Asia?”

All the while, Valerie joined Crimson and Mariana in continuing to giggle to herself, never tiring of Marianne being exposed to the labyrinth of consumerist culture. She was asking so many questions at such a rapid pace, Val didn’t even attempt to answer them, not that she’d even really know the answers to most of them off-hand. Maybe she ought to look up those questions later when she had the time. In the meantime, an idea came to her mind.

“Hm, actually, if this is like your first time in a normal store, do you even know what your size is meant to be? Maybe we ought to grab a few outfits of different sizes and test out what fits you best in the fitting rooms!” Valerie exclaimed, one hand clamping onto Marianne’s shoulder while another pointed in the direction of said fitting rooms in the back of the store, eyes sparkling with excitement for one reason or another.

Crimson listened to Marianne’s rant before laughing to herself. The other really was just entirely clueless. So different from how she seemed in battle or when it came to their studies. Such a juxtaposition was an amusing thing to her. “Thankfully I don’t have to deal with any of that crap.”

“Y-Yeah!” Mariana agreed with what Valerie had said, and headed that direction herself. “I need to try this on, myself. We can all dress and show them to each other at the same time.” She suggested. All fitting rooms were open, so they three could all change at the same time as Mariana suggested.

After hearing the giggles and justified accusations, Marianne’s face pinkened. This of course was poorly disguised with a scowl. “Of course I’ve been to normal stores before! Occasionally. But that’s besides the point. Measurements are measurements! Regardless of what hair-brained system the retailer chooses!”

She shrugged off Valerie’s hand like her family evading taxes and took a suspicious step away, “I can try it on in a fitting room, but you are not bringing me any more swimsuits! If you can even call them that!”

Marianne shuddered as she recalled the infamous ‘slingshot’ bikini. Her eyes then looked down at the more sensible option in her arms. “Honestly, I can count my blessings that I found this one at all. If it does not fit, I can just make a few adjustments when we get back to the school.”

“Hopefully we won’t have to resort to that,” Valerie chuckled, picking out another outfit she had her eye on, on top of the simple but frilly pink one she’d previously chosen. One that had a green top, but with jean shorts as the bottom and finished with a tiny jacket.

“Okay, girls! Ready to try out our big finds?” She asked, not for one second letting Marianne’s demeanor ruin her groove.

“Mhm.” Mariana nodded, heading for the changing rooms. “I say once we are ready, we all come out at the same time so see how we each look.” Mariana suggested, opening the door to her changing room, stepping inside, and starting to try it on. It was really different from any swimsuit she’d ever worn before, but it made her eager to see what it would be like, and what the others would think of it.

“Is that really necessary?” Marianne muttered, frowning in discomfort. “If the swimsuit fits then why—”

She interrupted that thought with a long, drawn-out sigh. Something about what Crimson had said earlier. “Fine. Annamarie, you take that stall over there. I’ll be just beside you if you require assistance.”

With that, Marianne entered her changing room with about the same enthusiasm as livestock entering a slaughterhouse. Annamarie headed into her own, still holding up her swimsuit proudly.

“That sounds like a great idea, Mari!” Valerie nodded with delight, and with that, stepped into her own changing room, secure in knowing that Marianne knew better than to go against the flow.

After a few minutes of changing into the swimsuit she’d chosen, she spoke up from her booth, moving to unlock her door. “Okay, guys. You all ready?” She asked, confident that they’d all been afforded enough time.

“Ready… Go!”

With that, she stepped out of her stall, showing off her beach bod for the other girls to see. As mentioned, hers was a simple pink bikini. Specifically, pink and red stripes that matched her hair. It might not have been outwardly flashy, but if Valerie could say so herself, it was sure to catch people’s attention all the same, the way it complemented her curves quite well.

After managing to get it on herself, she studied herself in the mirror. A swimsuit with sleeves and thigh highs… It reminded her of those wild outfit designs from games and anime. It was certainly weird, and teetering on the edge. But it was something she enjoyed enough, that she felt as if she’d pick this one. It was weird, and would draw eyes, not because of her body, thankfully. On Valerie’s common she exited, looking a little sheepish as she stood there. “You look great Val.” She commented. There was no doubt that going with such a normal choice would look good on her. She just wondered what the others would think of her swimsuit.

She got her answer the moment Marianne exited her dressing room. All it took was one quick look at both of them for Marianne to turn a lovely shade of pink.

“Oh good heavens!” She exclaimed shrilly, quickly averting her eyes from both of them.

For good measure, she held a hand over her eyes as a physical barrier between herself and the scandalous view. Although shocking, she wasn’t exactly surprised by Valerie’s choice of garb, but Mariana’s took her by surprise.

“Mariana! That—that looks p-precarious!” Marianne stuttered, voice cracking. She cleared her throat, her 100-yard stare locked on the tile floor below, “Mayhaps even a little *ahem* impractical…”

Was this truly how 99% of the world shopped?! Here she thought it was risque by wearing a swimdress that ended at her upper thighs, even with its built-in shorts. Her bare shoulders and arms had also been concealed with a sheer black cover-up, though that was mostly for the sun protection.

As Mariana and Marianne stepped out, Valerie gave her signature enthused grin as she got a good look at her friends. “Wow, you too, Mari! Honestly, I never thought you’d go for a swimsuit like that, but I for one think you fill it out nicely!” She said, giving an approving thumbs up.

To Marianne, Valerie’s grin turned a bit mischievous as she bore witness to the prudish girl’s reactions. This was just too much fun. Deciding to take it a bit further, Valerie took a closer step toward Marianne, making sure to take up more of the other girl’s line of sight and make it harder for her to avert her gaze.

“You look good too, Marianne! It’s very… you!” She said, as politely as she could. Though of course, for her tastes, she couldn’t deny she was curious to fathom how Marianne might have looked if she’d gone with something a little less conservative. Platonically speaking, of course.

“My outfit fits me pretty well. I think I’d be good to go with this pair,” she said, spinning around in place to give the two girls a good all-around look at her body. “What about you guys? Your suits fit you just fine?”

“Really? I-It feels fine…” The girl replied to Marianne, looking down at herself. “I don’t think swimsuits are meant to be practical, or we’d all be walking around in those skin tight diving suits. I just like how different this one is.” She looked over Marianne. “Yours suits you… Though it makes me think of those swimsuits in the old movies.”

The girl would flush a little as Val complimented her, but she didn’t really hide or avert her face. It seemed she was getting used to being teased so often. “I think it fits well, I’m ready to go.” She nodded, heading back into her stall to change. “Don’t pick on her too much Val, I don’t know if she could handle it.” She teased a bit.

After all the comments, Marianne’s brain short-circuited a bit. Catching her off-guard was the surest way to keep her quiet, and this was no exception. She blinked, processing what Valerie and Mariana had said. Very her? Very old. What did they mean by that, exactly?

“I most certainly can handle it!” Marianne retorted in a knee-jerk response to the teasing.

Annamarie peeked out of her changing room. Her ball-jointed fingers curled around the doorframe as she opened it just enough to stick her head out. Her shades still covered her eyes, though it was a little silly considering the inhuman features that were comparatively a lot more obvious.

After noticing her twin, Marianne cleared her throat. “I think we’re finished here. I’d rather not draw too much attention…let’s get dressed.”

With that, she followed Mariana’s lead and headed back to her own changing room.

Valerie was certainly tempted otherwise when Mariana advised she take it easy on Marianne, but the way the other girl was practically self-destructing on her own, the pinkette decided to honor her side of an imaginary non-aggression pact and let it lie. She’d had her fun… for now.

“Yeah, yeah, alright…” She said to the both of them, stepping back into the changing room again with satisfaction.

Once she changed back into her ordinary clothes and stepped out again, holding the swimsuit in her hands, Valerie gazed at Marianne once she and Mariana sauntered out again.

“Hey, Marianne… you’re like, stacked, right?” She abruptly asked, letting the question hang and any possible implications be picked up by the receiver however they’d prefer.

Now that they had to actually think about who’d be paying… Well, Val’s allowance wasn’t bottomless, so if she could get away with asking Marianne for one little thing…

Mariana stifled a giggle as she retreated to change into her normal clothing. After a minute or so, she would step back out, stopping at Valerie’s side as they waited for Marianne. It only took a moment though, and the twins had rejoined them. While Mariana knew what Valerie meant, it was only because she knew the other could have too much fun sometimes, running dry on funds. Mariana stood by silently, ready to pay for her friend if she really needed it. But Valerie was right, at least, the girl thought so. Didn’t Marianne come from a rich family? Or was is a ‘make it yourself’ kind of family?

It was a natural question, which unfortunately was asked of Marianne. The girl tilted her head, frowning lightly, “Pardon, what do you mean by ‘stacked’?”

For any other person this counter question might have come across as a joke, but the genuine confusion on Marianne’s face said otherwise. Her family was certainly something.

Valerie bit her lip for a moment, for once not wanting to get straight to the point. She didn’t want to come off like a mooch or anything, but… well, one has to think smart about these things after all.

“I mean… You got a lot of money, right? I mean, no offense, you’re like a walking aristocrat stereotype, so I figured…” Valerie trailed off, casually resting her left hand upon her hip as she spoke, while her right made a gesture of rubbing her thumb against her middle and index fingers.

Marianne quirked a brow, “I’m not sure I follow.”

“These swimsuits would be peanuts to you in terms of cost, right? Or is it all like… weird arcane coins that nulls wouldn’t recognize?” She said, once again letting her thoughts run away with her. “Like that dumb old wizard book for kids. Where they call their coins like knuts or something. Are you gonna pull your knuts out in front of us?”

Mariana watched this play out in front of her, and just as she was recovering from almost laughing out loud from Valerie’s first question, she threw another one at Marianne and Mariana had to turn away from the two of them, her shoulders trembling as she tried to keep herself from laughing and keep her cool. Was it this amusing to watch Valerie tease her? She certainly hoped not…

“Knuts? Wha— oh honestly! You’re just being ridiculous!” Marianne’s voice was shrill, her arms crossed, “If there was a secret currency, it would be a hell of a lot more aptly named than that!”

Oblivious to Mariana’s held-back laughter, she continued in a haughty, manner-of-fact tone, “And if you must know, I personally do not possess any amount of wealth. The Montgomery family pools their finances together, and as a member I have access to it.”

She looked away from the other two, eying the ground in contemplation for a moment. Then she shook her head and answered with a click of her tongue. “I will cover the cost of today’s purchase. Bring your items to the till, and don’t dally. I’d like to get some training in today.”

Valerie pouted a bit when Marianne seemed to indicate at first that she didn’t have any personal wealth per se, but her eyes sparkled and brightened when the girl eventually gave way and offered to cover the costs for them.

“Yay! You’re the best, Marianne!” The pink-haired girl exclaimed, opening her arms and pulling Marianne into an affectionate hug for a moment, threatening to smother her before she just as quickly pulled away.

“I’ll try to find a way to make it up to you. Somehow, somewhen,” she said with an eager grin, before heading off toward the register.

Mariana had managed to calm herself down and return her attention to the conversation at hand after a few moments, but she did speak up after Valerie had thanked her. “I appreciate it Marianne, but I can cover myself. After all, I think I’m the only one in class who still manages to hold a job and attend classes.” She said, waiting for Marianne to start walking before she did as well, following by her side.

“Think nothing of– ack!” Marianne froze up as she was pulled into an impromptu hug, eyes wide and shell shocked.

You’d think she’d have built up a tolerance to all the PDA she was exposed to by certain classmates, but much like a Victorian child given a sugary drink, it was still an overdose.

Once freed, Marianne quickly straightened out her dress, running her hands down her skirt to flatten out any wrinkles and to soothe herself from the jump-scare. After Val scampered off to the cashier, Marianne was given a precious moment to recover.

At first she looked uncomfortable at Mariana’s suggestion. Still flustered from the hug, her unguarded face showed signs of confliction. Did she want to cover the cost? “It is… hmm… ‘my treat’, as they say. Of course, if you are capable of paying, you are more than free to do so.”

She left it at that, avoiding eye contact. Uncertain of what to do now, she cleared her throat and then wandered over to the cashier, Annamarie following behind.

As the others caught up to Valerie, she turned toward them again, overhearing Marianne’s words. “You should take her up on her offer, Mari! Who knows when will be the next time she’ll feel so generous?” she giggled playfully with an impish grin, before just as quickly changing the subject.

“Man, it’s a good thing anima training helps us tank hits better though. After the way Deerhead flung me around earlier, I’m just lucky I don’t have any battle scars in plain view later… or maybe the others would be into that,” she mused.

“Speaking of… You guys ready to make the boys drop their jaws later?” Val asked confidently, puffing her chest with pride.

“Alright.” Mariana said, giving Marianne a nod and a smile. She’d pay for her own stuff. It wasn’t a huge deal really. She brushed off what Valerie said about Marianne being generous, and was silent at the next joke about people being into scars. But she’d speak up for Valerie’s final comment. “I-I don’t really want to make anyone’s jaw drop…” Well, at least not with clothing. “But it seems like you are.”

“Why would you have scars in the first place?” Marianne scoffed, giving Val another disapproving look as she caught up with the other girl, “Anima arts can heal major wounds quickly and perfectly. There is no sense in wasting time to recover naturally.”

She paused, frowned as she mulled over something in her mind, and then shook her head as if to dismiss them, “Nevermind, let's just get this over with.”

Dutifully she placed her items on the counter and allowed for Valerie to do the same. That's when the delicate keys of a piano echoed from within Marianne's bag. She pulled out her phone and answered.

“Marianne speaking.” She said curtly, stony expression set, at least until whoever was on the other line said something enough to make her frown. “Pardon, sir? You need what?”

Aware that she was holding up the process, she withdrew something else from her purse and placed it on the counter for the cashier to use once Val had brought her things. It was a matte black card, lacking any sort of name or numerical code that might be on a typical credit card. Judging by the click, it was also made of metal.

As precious as it seemed, Marianne left it on the counter while she walked off to the side, facing away from the other three. A sign of trust, or perhaps just privilege.

She briefly glanced back at the other two before looking away again, her voice low and sharp, “Why ask me?”

Valerie blinked as Marianne picked up the phone while checking out, mildly surprised that someone would be calling her out of the blue like this, not that she had any reason to be surprised perhaps. Though whoever was speaking to her seemed to be delivering some less than pleasant news if she had to guess.

Still, she decided to mind her own business, at least for the time being, and took the liberty of sliding the card over to the cashier to use. Trying to ease the potential tension of Marianne’s hisses on the phone, Valerie could only give the cashier a charming smile as their items were scanned and bagged, before they slid the black card back to her.

With that all taken care of easily enough, Val took the plastic bag of their swimsuits stuffed inside with one hand while the other held on to the card. Now that she got a good look at it, she couldn’t help but let out an impressed whistle. Talk about fancy. She’d held metal cards before but it was always an amusing experience when she did it.

From there, she stood behind Marianne, trying not to eavesdrop too hard while waiting expectantly to give the card back.

Mariana patiently waited just behind the two at the same check out counter. Normally, she would just use the self checkout to avoid interacting with people, but her friends were here, so she figured she could suck it up this time. She glanced at Marianne as the phone call was answered and the other began speaking. Though she decided to mind her own business, placing her swimsuit upon the conveyor.

Crimson, however, got a sneaking suspicion about the call. Specifically after Marianne looked towards them, and posed the three worded question. Perhaps it was one of their classmates asking for a favor. Perhaps even Jaquie, or another staff member. Her eyes narrowed, somewhat suspicious, but mostly out of concentration as she thought about what was going on. An annoyed sigh was suppressed. If only she wasn’t tethered to Mariana… She could figure out where some of their classmates disappeared to at night. Their rooms were close enough, and she didn’t sleep. She could sense when anyone left, and some of them left like clockwork. On predictable schedules… Perhaps this was about something more personal, or training related. Crimson rolled her eyes. Marianne sure loved her training.

After she finished up, Mariana walked to Valerie’s side with her own bag in hand. “I’m surprised you held back this time. Usually when you buy something, you buy a lot of things.”

Valerie perked up as Mariana approached her side, her bright smile rejuvenating at the sight of her friend.

“Oh yeah? You’re right, actually. Maybe I shoulda picked up some shades or sunscreen lotion while we were here. But I’m sure I have some of both tucked away somewhere anyway,” she mused, slinging the plastic bag further down her wrist to free her hand before taking both of Mariana’s hands, their palms in direct contact with each other as Valerie playfully rocked their arms together like a parent playing with their child.

“When we get there, would you be willing to put some sunscreen on me, Mar-Mar? I’ll do the same for you too! I bet your skin is pretty sensitive, so you gotta take good care of it, y’know?”

“Ah, y-you’re right…” Mariana replied as she was reminded of sunscreen. Being someone who didn’t really go out, she didn’t have any herself. Worst case scenario there would be a place on the beach selling some, right? The thought didn’t stay in her head long as she became embarrassed once again as Valerie took her hands, and even more when Valerie gave her a new nickname. “M-Marmar?” She echoed, confused. She racked her mind for a moment. Was this some kind of reference or just Valerie doing her normal embarrassing stuff? Surprisingly this nickname seemed to get more of a reaction than anything else Valerie had said. “I-Isn’t that a star wars character or something?”

“No clue! My dad was always more of a Trekkie, personally.”

Crimson took a pace closer to the twins, her eyes shifting to the smaller one and she gestured at the phone with a thumb. “You know who that is?” It was a rhetorical question. Obviously the doll had never responded to a question from Crimson, so she wasn’t expecting a response.

The doll trained her eyes on Crimson, stared for a moment, and then slowly shook her head. Yes and no answers were the easiest for the mute demon, despite all the lessons in sign language.

Marianne still had her back to them, haunched over her phone like a gargoyle while doing her best to sound less annoyed and more courteous. “Fine, if you insist. I’ll be there shortly. Farewell.”

Her fingernail clicked against the screen, ending the call, and she heaved a sigh as she placed her phone back into her bag. When she turned around the first thing she saw was Crimson fraternizing with Annamarie. She quirked a brow, perhaps a little suspiciously, but gave it no further thought.

“Apologies for that,” She gave a regretful look to Mariana and Valerie, straightening up her posture, “Thankfully we managed to finish up our shopping before any untimely interruptions.”

Her eyes flicked to the counter, noting the lack of her card, and then settled on the one currently holding the bags. She extended an open palm to Valerie, waiting expectantly. “If we are done here, we should return to the campus.”

“Right, sounds like a plan,” Valerie nodded to Marianne, handing back the black card when the other girl gestured for it.

With their business concluded, Val began to lead the others out of the store, but not without speaking up again. “Soooo… Who was that that called you? Sounded important,” she asked.

Valerie was intelligent enough to figure that indeed, the call seemed to be that of a sensitive nature, but that didn’t make her any less curious, and she figured that her own temperament meant she could ask without coming off too unusually nosy, because she was always just nosy in general.

Crimson’s eyes flicked back to Marianne after the doll’s response, no closer to the truth it seemed.

“Sure…” Mariana replied to the twin uncertainly, eyeing Marianne with concern in her gaze. Marianne had just barely recovered, and she was already off to do… something apparently. It had to be some training. It seemed like that’s all Marianne did. Surely she hadn't recovered enough. And if she was, did she really want to jump right back into training? It’s as if she never did anything else…

“Probably Jaquie, or Percival. Or maybe her guardians.” Crimson tried answering Valerie’s question. If it was someone who could beckon Marianne with a simple call, it had to be school staff or someone with sway over her, like her parents, right? As always, she watched Marianne’s anima for changes to see if any of her guesses were right.

Marianne didn't seem all that bothered by Val's inquiry, but Crimson's theorizing was quick to put her in a foul mood. She tensed up, eyes narrowed and lips pursed in a look of detestment. The girl's anima was tightly wound up on a good day, and now it bristled at everything that was uttered after Jaquie.

“Must you be so nosey?” She hissed, placing her card back into her purse in a quick, irritated motion, “It's just an errand from the professor. Can we go now?”

Picking up her pace, she stalked ahead of the others so that her back was to them. Annamarie followed dutifully behind, creating a convenient barrier between the two parties.

A catlike smirk couldn’t help but tug at Valerie’s lips for a brief moment at Marianne’s adverse reaction to Crimson’s guesses. She knew she shouldn’t think it, but Val couldn’t help but just found it endearing at this point to see Marianne like that.

Even so, her expression returned to its normal cheery form as she began to follow after Marianne, bag still clutched in her hand as she sauntered forward.

“Seriously though, I’m really excited to show off our swimsuits later. We’re gonna have so much fun at the beach, Mari,” she said with a wink and a grin toward her friend. “I guess you could say… it’ll be a real splash!”

Mariana shook her head at Val’s attempted pun. She was a lyricist and it hurt her soul to hear something so drab and predictable. But, she admired that about Valerie. She could seemingly say whatever and not care about how others saw it. Especially cringey stuff like this. “If you set the bar any lower for your jokes, they will be in the Marianas Trench, Vee.” Mariana warned her.

Valerie maintained her grin and merely snickered at Mariana’s words, highly pleased at having the banter be returned to her.

Crimson, on the other hand, was more interested in Marianne, and she stepped past the doll, walking between her and her twin. “Is that so?” A hand raised to Crimson’s chin as she thought for a moment. “Well, you’ve never mentioned training and him before. Or studying, for that matter… Could it have to do with family politics? That whole convoluted family social aspect is so stupid.” She rolled her eyes. “Or perhaps you asked for more experience? You do so much training and your life revolves around being an arcanist so much, I could see you doing arcanist missions on the side… Or perhaps this is the ‘extra credit’ in those manga things that-”

Before Crimson could finish, Mariana lunged forward, putting a hand over Crimson’s mouth. “That you have to filter through to find the good manga!”

Marianne was never one to discuss private matters, especially those relating to her family. Once again, the sour look on her face was sharpened into a harsh glare. It was clear that Crimson was prodding at the wrong topics, and she looked ready to boil over until Mariana interjected. The brief moment of confusion was enough to halt an outburst for now.

She glanced between the two, arms crossed tightly and voice taught. “What I choose to do on a daily basis is none of your business. Now if you would kindly excuse me, I have places to be…”

With that, Marianne rushed ahead of the group, heels clicking as she stalked her way back to the doorway linked to Anima Studies. Annamarie had to half jog to catch up, matching pace with the irritated walk.

As Marianne trotted forward, Valerie gave Mariana a good-natured shrug. “Well, guess that’s the end of that,” she mused, before taking her hand and giving Crimson an acknowledging nod.

“C’mon, she’ll probably leave us behind if we get too far!” She exclaimed, before dragging Mariana forward, closer to the doorway, step by step closer to the promised day of relaxation.

Tomorrow, the real fun would truly begin.
Valerie Vu - Sunday, Monday, Happy Days
Interaction: Solirus Solirus

As the promised day at the beach finally came, Valerie was more than excited to get the show on the road. Though, rather than showing up in swimwear, Valerie had come sporting what appeared to be a loose-fitting sundress, no doubt with her actual swimsuit hidden underneath. As she arrived at the entrance, she spotted Aster standing there, and no one else from the look of it.

"Oh, Aster! Hi hi!" The bubbly young woman waved at them as she jogged over to them with a bounce in her step, standing with her feet perking her upward like an enthusiastic schoolgirl. "Are we really the first ones here? Damn, everyone else is late! Or are we just early?" She mused, folding her arms behind her back. "I guess it's just as well. This way, I don't have to give away what I'm really wearing underneath this until everyone else gets here, so I don't have to spoil the surprise just yet."

She briefly pushed herself up for a second with her toes, making it look like she gave a bunny hop.

"You look great too, by the way! GNC as heck! Looks like you've managed to build a nice Summer bod!" Val gave a toothy, cheeky grin. It was honestly true that Valerie found Aster really good-looking as they were, but for once, she decided to show a little restraint and not lay it on too thick right now.

"Anyway, are you excited for our very deserved fun in the Sun?"

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