Angeloids on earth (Zhia and Bluegem, French-Frey too! ^^)

Elliot sighed. "What to do about this..." He mumbled. What would he do with Skye? He wanted to help her but how could he? He would only see her at school mostly and he knew if he didn't have a reason to be so close to her it would seem..odd. He thought for a moment. A-ha. That's right, Summer thinks I like Skye. Becoming Skye's 'boyfriend' would be a good reason to hang around her. He thought- because he certainly wasn't going to tell Summer he was an Angel.

"Skye," he said hesitantly. "How would you like to start dating me?" He held her hand in his gently. Just as a cover up so it's not weird to others that we are so close he added silently. Skye nodded not entirely sure what 'dating' was but she figured she could ask about that later. "okay."
Tyler's ears definitely picked that up. His eyes darted towards Eli, then to Skye, then between the two. That was...quick, he thought to himself. He didn't know how exactly to feel about it. Jealous? It had taken him years after he met a girl to even consider asking that question - and he still hadn't done it.
Summer heard the question as well. That was unexpected, she thought looking over at the two of them. I wonder if Skye knows what she's just agreed too? I should definitely talk with her. Standing up Summer asked, "Hey Skye, can I talk with you for a second?" She edged towards the door as she spoke.
Skye looked over at Summer and nodded. As she got up and walked towards Summer Elliot spoke to her mind Don't tell her about me. Make up anything but not the truth.
After leading Skye just out the door Summer pulled it closed asking, "You know what dating means right? Because, not to complain, but you barely know Elliot."
"Okay," Summer said leaning against the wall, "We need to talk my mother into letting you stay tonight so as soon as the others leave we'll need to talk with her okay?"
Tyler looked up. He'd been having about the same conversation with Elliot. (If that's cool). "Uh...what time is it?" He asked, sort of impromptu.
"Its around 4:30 or so," Summer said as she crossed her arms, "If you two need to leave I'll give you both a ride home if you want it."

(Good luck with finals Frey)
Elliot nodded "Yeah, okay." He said. Nothing Tyler had said really made a difference to him but to put him at ease Elliot agreed. He looked over at Skye. "I should be going but I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled and got up and left.
The entire room had gotten odd. Shows what eavesdropping can do, Summer told herself as she watched Elliot leave. Summer's phone vibrated and she gave it a quick glance, seeing her mother on the lock screen she said, "Hate to be this way, but Mom's about done with dinner. So, Ty you want a ride or what?"
Tyler shook his head. "Nah, you eat. I'll just board home. Maybe Skye will take you up on that offer though?" He looked over at Skye expectantly.
Skye looked at Summer. She hoped Summer answered for her because she didn't know what to say. It wasn't like she was leaving after all and if she said yes Tyler would be expecting them to be leaving then too.
When Skye didn't make a move to answer Summer stepped in. "All her stuff is still in boxes," Summer said, "She's sticking around for dinner and maybe a sleep over." She shrugged as though she thought Tyler knew that already and stood next to the door, hoping to rush him out before he asked more questions.
Tyler stood still for a second but nodded slowly. "Right, yes of course." He shook his head. "See you tomorrow." He exited, grabbing his skateboard on the way. "Thank you, Mrs. Kay!"
Summer followed Tyler down the stairs and waved as he went out the door. She could hear her sister in the living room watching tv, she ventured a guess her mother was there as well. "Hey mom, Skye wants to stay over," she said as she turned the corner into the room. Her mother was sitting on the couch a cushion away from her sister. A cartoon was on the screen, her mother was reading a magazine. The look she got from her told her she was going to pay for this. Setting the magazine to the side her mother asked, "Has she cleared it with her parents?"

(Wasn't sure how far to go into this conversation, don't want to bunny Skye and figured avoiding that and asking was the right way to go)
(it's fine, it's actually a really good post)

Skye nodded, "T-they don't mind." She said, guessing that was the right thing to say. She didn't have parents but that was a little hard to explain in the human world. Quietly she added, "Sorry to intrude so suddenly like this." Though she didn't understand most things about interacting with humans and what to say and do, she knew to have manners.

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