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Futuristic Angelic Dome

The boy who had just asked him about the tournament seemed quite interesting to Cory. "Yeah it is. Hey if you want, were all going out for ice cream you can come after you sign up."
"Yeah, I could actually go for some ice cream, It took half an hour to find this place, and its like an oven here." Shade responds as he reaches the group.

Dragneel nods his head and stops behind him.
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"Alright follow me inside, I'll show where the registration is." He pointed to a wall with a little sheet a paper on it. "Just sign your name and your Angel name and your good to go."

It was about this time he noticed a dirty blonde headed girl standing by herself. He walked over there to greet her "Hi my name is Cory" he put his hand out as a gesture for a hand shake.
Shade heads over to the registration sheet and, after signing his and dragneel's name on the sheet, returns to see the now named cory greeting a newly arrived women, most likely another person planning on joining the tournament.
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Nidelia looks down at Cory from her Angels shoulder and smiles. "Hi!" She says cheerfully and waves as her Angel sets her down. She then looks over and sees the other boy and waves at him.

"My names Nidelia, how about yourselves?" She asks happily.
Raven moves out of the angle shops. He had bought a few rounds for his angel's sniper and had signed up for the tournament. Upon exiting the shop his eyes widened as he looked at the that had just dropped down the girl, it seemed as if the angle had descended down from heaven itself. He slowly walked towards it and began to poke at its leg. " Magnificent !" he said as he gazed at the angle. Raven was surely fascinated by it. He did not care who owned it but kept on poking the angle and looking at it with a continuous gaze, looking at what it is made of and how nicely it was built.
Nidelia looked at him blinking. "Could you not poke her like that please?" She asks with a smile as she looked at him. She didn't appreciate him.poking her Angel, but was glad that he was impressed by her.

"And thank you, I hand picked every part she has," she says cheerfully. "My name is Nidelia and her name is Zabaione," she adds.
" Oh! my apologies but i sadly lose control over myself when near new angels. Hand picked well it seems your hard work paid out well erm...miss nide-lia " he said pronouncing her name in a little awkward way, maybe Raven was confused about how it was pronounced. " Well i would be Raven and this guy here is Thanatos " he said with a grin as he moved his hand forward. " It is verily a pleasure meeting you " he added.

She nods at him smiling. "Thank you, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," she says taking his hand and shaking it happily.

"So where are you from?" She asks curiously.
Shade steps back torwards the group again, having stepped away when raven had showed up, and introduces himself. "I am Shade Blackstone, son of the current mayor of blackstone, and this is dragneel, pleasure to meet you both."
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( OOC : i know the pronunciation its always fun saying it weirdly :D )

" I am from Riven-dell "
he answered with a smile, which was halted on the entry of the new guy who called himself as Shade. " Well nice meeting you too, I am Raven " he told Shade. " So you all are ready for the tourney?" he questioned. A grin came to his face and his golden eyes glowed when he said 'tourney', he had been waiting for the tournament for a while now maybe even about a few years. He was surely ready but maybe was looking for a little fun and so he asked. " Anyone want to do a pre-tourney spar? " he asked.
Nidelia pondered it. "I would love to right after I register for the tournemant. I just got here do I haven't yet. Do either of you know where to go?" She asks.
Shade beams forward with an excited grin and looks torwards dragneel, dragneel returns the look, then pulls the large sword off his back. "I would love to have a spar." Shade yells out in an excited manor. 
...For a moment,his excitment dies down when he realizes, he had no idea how to get anywhere in this city. "No" Shade sighs in a glum way. Dragneel reshoulders his sword.
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" Oh yea i know i just registered " he told Nidelia as he walked towards the the the wall with the sheet, " just sign your name there and voila it would be done " he added with a little smile, he turned to Shade, " Well we can just spar in the test ground of the angle shop " he said with a gran grin, " we can take a tour of the town later if you want " he finished his speak and hopped for a reply
"...Well at least someone knows where to go." Shade states in a glum way. "I really need that tour, thanks." He says in a slightly less glum tone.
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" well I think there are mini drones that help you with it near the station" he said pointing towards it. Raven had taken of the tours on his last visit. It was hard learning all about the huge city at start but soon he had a rough map drawn in his head all thanks to the tour.
"Seriously, it took me half an hour to find this place, and I could have asked a drone... I need to focus on my surroundings more." Shade whines. Dragneel shifts a step away from Shade.
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Nidelia ran over and quickly registered. Once she was done she walked back to the two of them. "I'll take you up on your spar," she says beaming happily and looks at the other boy.

"Hey glumy cheeks, there's nothing to be sad about," she says cheerfully and smiles widely at him.
He laughed on the guys poor luck, it was kind of a funny situation that had befallen him. Raven was excited when Nidelia agreed to spar. " I hope you wont mind a few scratches on you angel " he commented with a wink, it was just a was to tease and intimidate his opponent pre-battle.
"Well, lead the way raven" Shade says, mainly do to the fact that he still had no clue where he was going. "You seem to know where your going." He beamed.
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" well i have visited the city once before" he told, " follow me" he added as he walked towards the back of the angel store. The pathway lead to a stadium that was huge was us tiny humans but moderate in size for our angels but nothing compared to the grand stadium that everyone would participate in later. He moved toward the white room that resides at the left, " Well lets change into battle cloths shall we? " he asked as he pulled out his suit. " When you done move to the rooms at right to get control over your mecha " he said as he walked towards that place.
After looking around at the massive stadium he was led to, Shade turns and enters a room similar to the one Raven entered to put on the black suit that came with dragneel, he then went over to the room that raven pointed out.
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Nidelia followed both of them, putting on her own suit and a pair of red and black goggles. "I'll watch you two first," she says smiling.
( we can have 3 mecha battle :D , aww u are watching )

He closed his eyes as he realized the senors scanned him when his eyes opened he could see through Thanatos's eyes, his head titled as he looked towards his palm clenching them knowing the power he had under his command now, he waited for others to enter the arena. " YOU READY!" he yelled as he waited for the others to come and join. He pulled his sniper down and tested his jets. he was ready to take down another angel

( well, before i start i would be about 75 % of ur size but way fast. )
Shade triggers the head piece and begins the process that syncs him to dragneel, within moments, his point of view changes to that of dragneel's, and with a fluid motion, draws out his sword. He then readies himself to fight against the mech that Raven uses. He calls out.

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