+++And Then Everything Stopped+++

Tammy nodded, she flicked the TV off and looked up at Sam. "Yay! Sleepover." She said with a little giggle. She walked over to the basket with all of the blankets and pillows, she threw Sam a blankets and a few pillows. Then she placed a blanket and a few pillows on the chair. She sat down and looked over at him. "Good night." She said softly, before she drifted to sleep.

Dylan chuckled as e saw the look that she gae the bagel, "Dot worry I didn't do anything to it." He told her with a reassuring smile. He finished his cereal and then set it up on the table.

(I'm gonna to a time skip for Sam and Tammy)

Tammy woke up after hearing talking in the kitchen. She yawned and rubbed her eyes; she looked back and saw Dylan with that girl. She didn't know who she was, but at the time she was too tired to ask. Tammy looked over at the couch and smiled whn she saw Sam. She didn't want to be stalker ish or anything. So she looked at te clock and yawned when she saw it was 10:40 in the morning.
Melody smiled, and waited for him to finish up. She let out a happy sigh. "I'm so glad it's summer." She said. "Now I can start thinking about important things. Are you going to college when you get out?" She wondered aloud, looking over at Dylan. It was a random question, but then she was a random girl.
Dylan nodded, "Yeah. I'm actually looking for a degree in computer science." He told her with a shy smile. He knew that he didn't look like the kind of guy who would be into computer science. But he shrugged, "What about you?" He asked, returning her question.
(Fine by me. )

'Sam had been up for a bit, but Tammy was still asleep, and he didn't want to wake her. Sam watched her as she slept for about five minutes and he feel back asleep. He woke up again and looked up, he caught Tammy's gaze with a smile. "Morning beautiful," he said as he sat up. Sam was shirtless wearing only his boxers and the blanket that was covering him from the waist up.
Tammy propped herself up against the armrest of the couch. She looked over at Sam and blushed. "Good morning." She responded with a soft voice. She had changed into a grey tanktop, and athletic shorts before going to bed. She pulled her sweatshirt over her head and looked over at Sam again. "You sleep good?" She asked him curiously.
Melody smiled. "That's so cool. I wish I could touch a computer without breaking it!" She giggled a little. He asked her what she planned to go for. "I think I'm planning on going for veterinary stuff. I like animals, so I think it would be a good choice." She smiled a little. Her own major probably seemed out of character for a girl as shy as herself, too.
Dylan nodded, "That sounds like a fun job." He told her with a smile. "I swear every cat wants to kill me." He admitted with a little laugh. He looked over at her and smirked, "Yeah, I'm interested in computers." He stated with a little smile and blushed a little bit.
"I love cats." Melody said with a cute grin. She was one of those people who literally had to stop and pet every animal she passed. "I wish I knew more about that geeky stuff. It would probably be a better job than being a vet, you'll probably make more than me too." She shrugged. "It's okay. I would have to enjoy it a lot to be able to do it as a job anyway. I get too frustrated with that kind of thing."
Sam smile, "Yeah, I slept fine. Its comfier than it looks," he chuckles a little. Even though she was wearing athletic shorts and a sweatshirt she still seemed to look beautiful. Tammy made it impossible to get one thought without her face in it. All he would think about was her and how gorgeous she was. Sam grabbed his phone off the floor and looked at the time, it was barely 10AM, he had thought it was later since he was starved.
Dylan nodded, "But I don't know if I will go to university." He explained, "I may need to stay in town incase something happens to Tamms." He added with a all smile. He leaned against the foot rest of his bed and rested his hands ontop of his head. "Yeah, you probably shouldn't get a job that confuses and frustrates you." He agreed with a little chuckle.

Tammy noticed him picking up his phone, probably for the time. She put a hand on her stomach, and then yawn a little. "Hey, you want something to eat?" She asked him with a smirk. She could hear Dylan's conversation and then turned back to Sam. Even though he was wearing a white tshirt, he still looked great, and all of his muscles were clearly defined. Tammy felt herself blush and smile as that thought came into her mind. She began to stand up, just in case he wanted something to eat.
((I think I am going to have to drop this [MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION] . I'm sorry. I have a lot going on with school since we're getting near the end of the semester and I want to drop some of my less active RP's so that I have less to worry about. It was really fun though :3 Thanks for letting me RP with you so far.))
"Defiantly, I'm starved," he says with a smirk. He stood up, stretching out a bit. He noticed Tammy staring and he chuckled, "Like what you see?" he said as he wiggled his eye brows a her. "So are you going to cook something or would you like me to take you out to breakfast, if you left me," Sam he said the last part under his breath. He thought it would be nice to go on a breakfast date with her.
Tammy stretched her arms back, she yawned a little bit, and then blushed bright red at his comment. She blinked and laughed a littler bit, "Possibly." She told him with a little smirk. She put some socks on, and pulled her sweatshirt over herself again, "Im in the mood for going out today." She exclaimed as she looked outside. He hadnt heard the last section of Sam's comment, so she walked to the door. "Anywhere specifc?" She asked as she began opening the door for him with a smile stretching from ear to ear.
Sam smiled wide as she said yes, "How 'bout IHOP?" he asked. It was't that far from here, but of course he had to get his car and drive there. "We would have to walk to my place to get my car," Sam says as he grabs his jeans form the floor and pulls them up. He walks over to the door were she is standing and waits for her to answer him.
Tammy nodded in agreement, "Sounds good." She replied, as she ran her fingers through her hair. There were a few kinks in her hair, but nothing too big. She opened the door and took a step out of the door. "Lets go slow poke." She teased with a little smirk. She took his hand and pulled him out side. She grabbed her sunglasses from the counter and began to walk down the side walk. "Hey do you know what tomorrow is?" She asked, just now remembering the extreme, tragic event that had happened a year ago.
Sam chuckled at her comment as they went out the door. As they were walking to his house he swung their hands back and forth in between them. "You know what? I actually don't," he said running his free hand thew his hair. He was trying to remember, a year ago... A year ago... Then it hit him. He had forgotten all about it. "Wait, yeah i do. It was the day that, the helicopter crashed into the freeway.. Killing many people... Including my dad.." he said. He let go of her hand and ran it threw his hair, pulling a bit on it. He had been so stupid and careless he forgot about his dad's passing.
melaniebaby said:
Sam chuckled at her comment as they went out the door. As they were walking to his house he swung their hands back and forth in between them. "You know what? I actually don't," he said running his free hand thew his hair. He was trying to remember, a year ago... A year ago... Then it hit him. He had forgotten all about it. "Wait, yeah i do. It was the day that, the helicopter crashed into the freeway.. Killing many people... Including my dad.." he said. He let go of her hand and ran it threw his hair, pulling a bit on it. He had been so stupid and careless he forgot about his dad's passing.
Tammy saw Sam's mood change at her question. She stopped walking and looked back at Sam. "I know how you feel Sam." She told him, hoping to be a little comforting. "Dylan and I lost both of our parents in the crash." She told him softly. She noticed him tugging on his hair and felt bad. "I'm sorry about your dad, Sam." She said to him as she took a step towards him. Despite the look of sadness and anger on Sam's face, Tammy don't hesitate to give him a hug." She pulled back from the hug a little bit and took a step back. "Will you be ok tomorrow? Do you want me to walk you down to the memorial tomorrow?" She offered, kindly. She looked up at him, and gave him another hug, hoping to cheer him up a little bit.
Coedy said:
Tammy saw Sam's mood change at her question. She stopped walking and looked back at Sam. "I know how you feel Sam." She told him, hoping to be a little comforting. "Dylan and I lost both of our parents in the crash." She told him softly. She noticed him tugging on his hair and felt bad. "I'm sorry about your dad, Sam." She said to him as she took a step towards him. Despite the look of sadness and anger on Sam's face, Tammy don't hesitate to give him a hug." She pulled back from the hug a little bit and took a step back. "Will you be ok tomorrow? Do you want me to walk you down to the memorial tomorrow?" She offered, kindly. She looked up at him, and gave him another hug, hoping to cheer him up a little bit.
Sam gave her a weak smile. All the memories were just too much. He hugged her back. "You know, I would love that. My mom and my sister would have to join us though," he said. Him and his sister were the first o find out what happened, their dad texed them that he was on his way home, and he was bringing Chinese food. They were watching TV when the breaking news popped up and showed what was happening. Tammy hugged him again, he sighed and hugged her back, not wanting to let go just standing there with her in his arms.
Tammy looked up at him, she extended her hand so it reached his hair, and then she ran her fingers through his hair. She could tell that memories were flooding back to him. She laid her head on his chest and rubbed his back gently. She didn't want to stop hugging him, she knew he needed comfort and so did she. She looked up at him and tilted her head up. She kissed his lips and then hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry about your dad Sam." She whispered in a flowing voice of comfort.
Sam smiled as he took in her scent. She smelled like peaches, or just something sweet. He breathed in deeply, as he melted in her touch. He let out his breath and let go of her, "It's fine. Not like we can change what happened," he says looking into her eyes. He pulled her close to him and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Sam kissed her check.
Tammy nodded, "That's true." She agreed, as she turned to begin walking again. However, despite whatever her mind's preset was, everything stopped when they looked into each other's eyes. When he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, she linked her arms behind his neck. She stood on her tippy toes and smirked, she looked into his eyes again and softly kissed his forehead in a swift movement. She stood normally and looked infront of them, "You still want to go to iHop?" She asked sweetly.
Sam smiled as she kissed his forehead. "I do. I need something to get this all off my mind," he said as he reached for her hand and rubbed his thumb over it. They started walking again, this time in silence, as the reached the corner, Same motioned to left.
Tammy nodded, she hummed a little song as they walked down the street. She swung her hands back and forth, and turned left as they tracers the corner. The IHop was only a good three minutes away, so they walked. Tammy smiled as they walked and stopped humming as they walked up to the the resturant. She opened and held the door open for Sam with a happy and giggly smile spread across her face.
John awoke from another nightmare, the same nightmare he had been having for over a year now. He was covered in cold sweat and in a lot of pain, his leg, his thigh, that scar. It was a mixture of pain, a cold, piercing electrical pain of injured bone and the hot flushing ache of muscle pain. He reached over to his right, grabbing the cane. Using it to support his weakened right leg he got out of bed, took a handful of painkillers and got dressed. He had been home educated for the past year, the idea of crowds far too terrifying for him to face but now it was summer. Dammit, what were the names of his friends again? He left his room and made his way slowly and unsteadily down the stairs. Arriving at the front door he murmured a goodbye to his family and left the house. Needed exercise to get to a point that could be associated with healthy. He needed painkillers to last him another month. Slowly with a loud tap... tap... tap of his cane on the pavement he made his way downtown.

Upon reaching the chemist he bought all the medication he needed. The woman behind the counter made a joke about them being for his grandfather, he was not particularly amused but smiled along anyway. Pain killers for the pain, anti-depressants from lack of sunlight and his dreams being crushed. Tranquilizers for the muscle spasms and anxiety. The list went on and on, newer medications to regulate the side effects of the older medication. He stood outside, the sun making an unearthly glow of his pasty skin. He didn't want to go home and stay in bed all day like he had done for a lot of the year. So putting his medication in his messenger bag he made his way over to the area of the town with cafes.

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