+++And Then Everything Stopped+++

(Thank you)

Charlie shrugged, trying to force her cheeks to cool. "I would love to go to The Panera!" She replied, Charlie allowed a small smile to tug a the croner of her mouth. He pushed back her hair once more, before standing to her feet. "Shall we?" She asked, holding out a hand.
Corey smiled, he took her hand and nodded. "We shall." He agreed, as he walked down the street with her. He looked down at her, and then back up the rode. "Thanks for hanging out with me." He said, as they neared Panera. He opened the door for her walked in. They found a booth set, and he sat down across from her with a smile on his face.
Charlie smiled politly. She gazed around in awe, the place was the fair smell of dough. Charlie glanced back at Corey. "Truthfully, I'd never been here before." Charlie announced, she looked down at the menu's and strolled through the options.
(Arin: you can start role playing:))

Cory fake gasped, "What!! You have not lived!!!" He told her, as he gave her a little chuckle. "Don't worry, basically everything here is delicious." He said, giving her a flashing smile. He stepped up to the register, and ordered. "I'll have a blueberry muffin and a blonde roast." He said, "and she will have..." He trailed off, looking at Charlie.
Sam looked over at her with a wide grin on his face, he chuckled a little as he looked up at Tammy. "Want to join me?" He asked as he motioned for the empty chair across from him. He looked up at her, from were he was siting she was taller than him by an inch or two, her eyes were shining and she had a smile on her face?

"I'm a Senior, well going to be in the fall. You?" She asked as she looked over at her brother who was hypnotized by Tammy. She laughed a little bit to herself, he was so slick when it came to girls. She looked back at Ezra and flipped her hair behind her shoulders.

(On my phone sorry if any typos or anything)
Tammy turned around and smiled, "Love to." She said as she walked to the other side of the table. She pulled the chair out, ad sat down. She looked over at him, and gave him a happy smile. "I'm Tammy." She said, sticking a hand out to him. "You are?" She asked with a smirk. She studied his features, trying not to get caught looking him over. She looked into his eyes, and felt herself smile without even knowing it.

(Well, Corey and Charlotte are at Panera. Dylan and Melody are at a bounce house. Grace and Ezra are at the same cafe. As Sam and Tammy... A lot of flirting... And today is the first day of summer :) )
Charlie smiled at his wise crack. "Then this place should be good." Charlie followed Corey, "I'll have a Chocolate chip muffin, and a sweet tea.... I mean, if you have that." She glanced at Corey, approvingly.
The lady smiled and nodded, "Yes, we have that. Please find a seat, and your food will be brought to you." She said to the then after Corey paid. "You order like a pro." He said to her, as he walked into the eating area. He found a table and sat down with her. He hoped he was having a little fun while they were at Panera.
Charlotte giggled at his reply, "This place is cool!" She replied, happily. "Where'd you go to school?" She asked, Charlie was trying to bring up a good conversation. She smiled brightly. Charlie laced her hands together and crossed her leg's. She liked hanging out with Corey. A lot really.
Corey nodded, he leaned back in his chair a littl bit, and placed one hand on the table. He looked at her and smile. "Kellogg HighSchool." He said with a little smirk. "What about you?" H asked with a curious smile.
"I'm Sam," he said as he took her hand in his and shook it. He smiled as her hand was smaller in his even though it was only for a short couple of seconds. "You to school down the street right? I've seen you around," he said as he pulled his hand back and places both of them on the table.

Grace noticed he looked over, "Same as me," she said with a smile. "Thats my brother other there if your wondering why im looking at him," she said with a small giggle.
Tammy smiled, "Nice to meet you, Sam." She said with a little smirk. She placed her hand on her knee as looked over at Sam. "I do." She said with a small smile. "I've seen you around too." She said with a little chuckle. She leaned back in her chair a little bit, and let a smile stain her face. "You play any sports?" She asked curiously.
Melody cracked up laughing. "Oh my gosh," she said with a grin. "This is so crazy. Where the heck did this even come from?!" She laid her bag down right outside and went in with Dylan. "Seriously this is nuts!" She giggled.
Dylan smiled and walked inside with Melody. "Hey, sometimes you have to be a little nuts." He said, chuckling softly. He paid for the two, and then walked over to the cubbies where he removed his shoes, and was given a Velcro suit. He looked over at Melody and smiled, "You ready?" He asked smirking.
Sam smirked, "Well i run every morning and i play basketball sometimes. Do you play any?" He looked at her remember she had on a pair of basketball shorts, he looked over, not wanting her to see him looking or think that he was being a perv. He also remembered that he was also in basketball shoes and running shoes.
Tammy smiled, "I do track, volleyball, and basketball." She said, meeting his eyes as he looked at her. "I can tell your an athlete." She told him with a chuckle. It was true; perfectly toned skin, defined abs and muscles, and a built figure were all easy to see.
Amelia walked out of her house and took a deep breath the breeze blew around her, she wore a black tank top and skirt, her high heals she wore on her feet were black also, she made for quite a sight with the all black and the bracelets covering her wrists which she had cuts all the way up.
Jordan had stood up off of her couch, she walked outside to try to find someone to talk to. As she grabbed her long board, she saw Amelia, and figured why not go and said hi. "Hello." She said, as she rode on the sidewalk, not too far away from Amelia.
"Hey," she greeted back looking down at herself, she had been so torn up since the wreck hadn't been outside the light was blinding. she put on her sunglasses. The girl looked nice, maybe she could make a friend. "How are you?"
Jordan looked at the girl friendly, "I'm good, how are you?" She asked her curiously. The girl seemed very quite, but why not make a new friend "I'm Jordan." She said softly.
"I guess I am okay, I'm Amelia," she responded barely audible. She looked up then down at the floor brushing her blond hair out of her face letting the bracelets slide down her wrist exposing the cuts, she lowered her arm quickly.

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