Anathema Ascendant: Now Recruiting!


Junior Member
The Forsaken. The Blasphemous. The Unclean. The Wretched. The Deceivers.

The Anathema now scourge the lands of Creation in greater numbers than they have in eons, since their overthrow at the hands of the righteous Dragon-Blooded Host. The Dynasts, bereft of their leader, scarcely comprehend the looming threat, even as the Viziers of Yu-Shan and the Silver Pact scramble to gather their strength against those who were once the most powerful of their number, for the Anathema who walk the lands are no longer Lawgivers, no longer Solars, but terrible Green Sun Princes and Deathknights. If the former Chosen of the Unconquered Sun will be the ruin Creation in this, the darkest hour of the Age of Sorrows, who will rise to challenge them, and are they up to the task?

Hello, everyone. I'm Knightfall, and I'm looking to start an Exalted 2.0 PbP Campaign in which few-to-no Solars remain. In a deviation from canon, the Deathlords succeeded in capturing the Solar Exaltations as they escaped from the Jade Prison, and now the Neverborn and the Yozi both hold about 150 corrupted Solar Exaltations (a slight adjustment to the canon agreement between the Ebon Dragon and the Neverborn). Most extant Solar Exaltations which were not trapped in the Jade Prison have been captured by either the Abyssals or the Green Sun Princes, and corrupted.

The Scarlet Dynasty is taking the same position against the Anathema as it does in canon. A tiny Gold Faction and the Seneschals of the Sun Kings are independently working to find a way to redeem the corrupted Exaltations, but the ranks of the Bronze Faction have swelled, and the rest of the Silver Pact is ready to act against their former Lawgiver mates as the Stewards of Creation.

There will be no Solar PCs at this point (though renegade Abyssals and Infernals may work towards redemption and eventually return to being Solars), and, At the moment, I will probably not allow for Alchemical Exalts, Dragon King, Raksha, Mountain Folk, or Enlightened Mortal PCs, though both they and even the few rare Solars may make cameos as NPCs. Akuma may be allowed as PCs at a later date once more xp has been accumulated, or PCs may even eventually seek to become Akuma.

The main possibilities I foresee for a campaign in this setting would be the following:

- A circle of loyalist Abyssals working for the Deathlords, the Neverborn, and Oblivion.

- A coven of Green Sun Princes working towards the Reclamation for the Yozis.

- A group of Abyssals, Green Sun Princes, Gold Faction Sidereals, Sun King Seneschal Lunars, or a mixed group of the above, working to find redemption for the ex-Solars

- A group of Bronze Faction Sidereals, Silver Pact Lunars, Terrestrials, or a mixed group desperately working to stave off those bearing the corrupted Solar Exaltations and save Creation.

I am willing to ST up to three different groups working towards separate goals, but I will need at least 3 players interested in a part kind of story in this world first.

Currently interested:

Axelgear: Abyssal (loyalist, Dusk caste)

CrazyIvan: Abyssal (loyalist... ish, Moonshadow Caste)

Karregan: Abyssal (Dusk caste)

Lochar: Abyssal (loyalist, Daybreak caste)

Melcairiel: Abyssal (loyalist... ish, Midnight caste)

MorakisChosen: Abyssal (renegade, Midnight caste)

Myllinnia: Abyssal (Midnight caste)

Sherwood: Abyssal (loyalist, Daybreak caste)

Xarvh: Abyssal (loyalist...ish, Day caste)

Feantari: Green Sun Prince (Defiler caste)

Grey: Green Sun Prince (Fiend caste)

Mnemonsyne: Green Sun Prince (Fiend caste)

Noisy Cricket: Green Sun Prince (Scourge caste)

Luck: Lunar (No Moon caste)

Shadow Red Claws: Lunar (Sun King Seneschal, Full Moon caste)

Gryffon: Sidereal

Haku: Terrestrial (Wood aspect)


• Everyone gets one free purchase of Ox-Body Technique per dot of Essence (or Hardened Devil Body for Infernals) for free. You can purchase the Charm, but can only possess it a total number of times equal to the lesser of your Stamina or your Resistance (Thus, an Essence 5 Exalt with Stamina 3, Resistance 4 would only have 3 copies of Ox-Body Technique). At Essence 6+, you stop gaining the Charm for free. (N.B. The same goes for NPC Exalts.)

• Artifact Articulated Plate costs 3 dots. Artifact Superheavy Plate cost 4 dots.

• If you want to make a new combo that is simply an expansion of one you already know, you only have to pay xp for the new charms you are adding–if you knew a three-charm combo worth 13 xp, you could make a new combo including those three charms and an excellency for only 1 xp, not 14. Training times are unchanged.

• For purposes of Supernatural Martial Arts, the “heaviness†of Artifact armor is equal to its non-Artifact equivalent (i.e. Artifact Reinforced Breastplate is still considered heavy armor).

• The minimum Speed any action can be reduced to by any combination of effects is 3 unless explicitly stated otherwise.

• Background dots cost 3 xp at character creation, but past that point, you will not be required to spend xp on them.

• There are ten Craft types: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, Fate, Genesis, Glamour, Magitech, Vitriol. New fields of Craft can be opened by paying the cost of a one-dot Craft specialty. Anyone who buys dots in Craft starts with one free field. However: Craft (Magitech) can be no higher than the lowest of Occult and Lore. Craft (Genesis) can be no higher than the lowest of Medicine, Occult, and Lore. Therefore, a Craft (Air, Fire, Magitech) 5 would cost the same as Craft (Air) 5 with two specialties. However, if the character only had Occult 2, Lore 3, while Craft (Air) and Craft (Fire) would act at Craft 5, Craft (Magitech) would only act as Craft 2.

• If Sorcery/Necromancy/Protocol is taken during character creation, you may automatically learn a spell of the level you attained. However, all levels of Sorcery, Necromancy, or Protocol learned during the game do not automatically grant one spell of said level. Please detail your Five Trials in your backstory, especially if you plan to attain a higher level of Sorcery, Necromancy, or Protocol during play.

• Allowed sources are all canon 2e Exalted sourcebooks, as well as all canon pdfs (Imperfect Lotus, Glories Most High, etc.) and Ink Monkeys, all using current errata. Non-canon/fanmade materials will be reviewed and accepted or denied on a case-by-case basis.

• Flaws are not allowed.

• All experience points are to be spent after bonus points.

• In case of character death, players will be allowed to make a new character with starting xp for the Exalt type they choose, plus one half of all experience points accumulated in play by the deceased character.

• Try to post once every two days at least. If your turn comes up and you do not post in three days, you will be skipped or your character’s actions will be chosen for them. If you go MIA with no notice for more than two weeks, expect your character to be removed from the game sometime during the third week.

• Players will be awarded up to 10 extra starting xp based on thoroughness and depth of backstory (including First Age persona), personality, and other non-mechanical considerations. This will not be based on word count, but on quality.

Character Creation


• Starting experience: Chargen + 50 xp

• Motivation: Remember Abyssal Motivation must always be defined in terms of what he or she seeks to eliminate from the world and/or the means by which the Abyssal wishes to bring about submission to Oblivion.

• Those who have the Bishop of the Chalcedony Thurible, the Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Waters, Mask of Winters, or the Walker in Darkness as Lieges may learn Obsidian Shards of Infinity style or Prismatic Arrangement of Creation if they take Mentor 5 for the Green Lady, assuming they meet the prerequisites.

Green Sun Princes:

• Starting experience: Chargen + 50 xp

• Green Sun Princes may learn Sidereal Martial Arts in the same manner as Abyssals and Solars.

• Rogue Green Sun Princes do not receive the free dot of Backing and Influence, but keep the dot of Cult.


• Starting experience: Chargen + 75 xp

• Two Favored Attributes from the three related to your Caste, two more chosen from any of the remaining seven.

• Background dots do not cost any more for Lunars than they do for Solars; e.g., a Lunar can take up to 5 Influence without spending twice normal bonus points.

• Lunars are allowed to take the Extra Favored Ability Merit, though, as normal, they can only have a maximum of five favored abilities, including Survival.


• Starting experience: Chargen + 75 xp

• Colleges belonging to your caste benefits from a 1 xp discount for increasing them past chargen, that is, (current*3)-1.

• Gold Faction Sidereals may not start with more than 3 dots in Salary.

• Without Solars, taking Connections (Cult of the Illuminated) is possible, but ill-advised.


• Starting experience: Chargen + 100 xp

• Enlightenment charms are part of the Immaculate package. Those who start as Immaculates begin with Pasiap's Humility, Moment of Danaa'd, and 5 Immaculate Martial Arts Charms, all of which must be from the same elemental tree.
Though I may be over extending myself by joining another game, the setting sounds very unique and opens it up for several character types I've had interest in, so I am voicing interest at this time. I've yet to create an infernal and would be interested in trying it out, or I have a concept for an extremely mutated No Moon lunar of either faction, and I'm always up for terrestrials no matter what.
would be up for playing a Lunar, probably a full-moon Sun-seneschal, out to try and redeem his mate, or take him out before he can prove too much of a menace.
Tempted... so very tempted to has a DB... or Lunar application.

Althou... does this mean that Lyta is an abyssal or infernal? :lol:
Haku said:
Tempted... so very tempted to has a DB... or Lunar application.
Althou... does this mean that Lyta is an abyssal or infernal? :lol:
Tempted, you say? Excellent. *steeples fingers* :twisted:

Presumably, or perhaps, as the Exaltation was controlled by a demon or a Deathlord, she didn't Exalt at all.
knightfall said:
Haku said:
Tempted... so very tempted to has a DB... or Lunar application.
Althou... does this mean that Lyta is an abyssal or infernal? :lol:
Tempted, you say? Excellent. *steeples fingers* :twisted:

Presumably, or perhaps, as the Exaltation was controlled by a demon or a Deathlord, she didn't Exalt at all.
Well... if you go by certain fluff in the Dawn book, she might have exalted prior to the outbreak.
She may be a rare Solar, then, but equally likely is that she's either a Deathknight or an Akuma. I don't remember her very well, of the top of my head, so I couldn't say which.

Same possibilities apply to the Bull of the North, incidentally.
I am interested in the Deathknight idea... I've had enough running good guys; I want to be bad and get away with it. give me some time to make up a character and run a few concepts past the ST and see what you think.
Quick new thought: Can the Abyssals buy their Lunars as allies if they are dark and twisted by the power of the Neverborn?
I'd need fairly good reason for why the Lunar would turn from Stewardship to Oblivion, but if you can write good enough justification, sure, go for it.
So my idea of a heavily mutated Lunar is based around taking the Hive mutation twice.

I wonder if you would allow the character to get away with surviving in creation. Though it does give guidelines, it's ultimately up to the ST what constitutes being too Wyld.
I guess it would also depend on how the Abyssal is being played. Am I loyal to the Deathlords or trying to redeem myself in the eyes of creation? The character I'm thinking of would work in either case, so it would depend on what team I'm on.
I would love to being mated with a Lunar that tries to redeem my bloodlusty and deranged Abyssal. =)
Hmmm I could do an Abyssal (I've never had the chance to play one) Plenty of Infernals that never last long but never an Abyssal xD
i would like to play with xarvh and melcairiel.

It is possible, even if i'm gonna play a lunar?

And should I post here or on GitP?
This sounds fun. Definitely Abyssal here (seeing as I've only got Core and Abyssals...), I'm willing to try my hand at either Loyalist or Renegade.

For a Loyalist I'd probably be looking at a deranged Daybreak Necrotechnician/Necromancer, Renegade... not so sure.

There's one concept kicking round in my head that plays on the Dark Messiah concept (the idea, not the martial arts style...)- an Abyssal (Midnight, probably) that was persuaded to Exalt because the Deathlord told them they'd be helping to throw off the tyrannical chains of existence, but realises that they're being just as oppressive as the oppressive oppressors they hate and decides to try and destroy the Deathlords and their power over the dead. Goes round preaching respect for the living and the dead and defiance of oppression, and beating seven flavours of the Abyss out of anyone who crushes people underfoot.

I didn't think that'd work so well in this game, but looking at it... yeah. I can go with either.

EDIT: Just to be clear, working to free the rest of the corrupted Solar Essences from being bound to the Deathlords and Yozis is definitely the sort of thing this guy'd go for.
Hey knightfall would you prefer I post my character here or on gianitp? I don't have it ready to post yet but hopefully I will have it done in a couple of days.
I'll probably have a look at working out both of those characters (as an intellectual exercise if nothing else, I'll probably use the one I don't use here at some point...)- watch this space.

Name-wise, they're the Artisan of Innovative Agony and the Voice that Speaks of Shadow at Mid-Day (unless I have a better idea, of course).

Background-wise, how similar is this to Core? 'Cause if Thorns still fell, I might go for the Amusing Irony of having the Voice being a native of said city, with his totemic anima an angelic being bound with brambles.
New post 'cause of this.

I've worked out the stats for the Voice, background will follow once I've got it written up satisfactorily.

Name: The Voice that Speaks of Shadows at Midday

Concept: Dark Messiah

Player: MorkaisChosen

Motivation: Cast down the tyrannical rule of the Deathlords

Caste: Midnight

Anima: An angelic being bound in thorny vines (because it's cool, the irony picks up if he's from Thorns)




[ ] Strength-------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Dexterity-------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Stamina -------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Charisma-------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Manipulation----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Perception------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Intelligence-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Wits------------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]





[ ] Archery--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Martial Arts----[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Melee----------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Thrown--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] War-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

ZENITH (Caste Abilities)

[ ] Integrity------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Performance---[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Presence------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Resistance----[X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Survival-------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Craft----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Investigation--[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Lore----------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Medicine------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Occult--------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Athletics------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Awareness----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Dodge--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Larceny-------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Stealth--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Bureaucracy---[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Linguistics-----[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Ride-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Sail-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Socialize------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] _______________ [ ][ ][ ]

[ ] _______________ [ ][ ][ ]

[ ] _______________ [ ][ ][ ]




Flaws and Merits




Cult [X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Whispers [X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Artifact [X][X][X][X][ ] (Soulsteel Superheavy Plate, "Shroud of Eternal War")

Artifact [X][X][ ][ ][ ] (Soulsteel Daiklave, "Liberator")

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]




1. 1st Melee Excellency

2. Blade-Summoning Gesture

3. 1st Integrity Excellency

4. Eternal Enmity Approach

5. 2nd Performance Excellency

6. 2nd Presence Excellency

7. Injury-Absorbing Discipline

8. Spirit-Hardened Frame

9. Spirit-Sensing Meditation

10. Armour-Calling Kata

11. 1st resistance Excellency

12. Dread Lord's Demeanour

13. Wounds Mean Nothing

BONUS Ox-Body x4 (-0 x2, (-1 and 2x-2) x2)




Liberator: Speed 5 Accuracy +5 (Pool 11) Damage +6L (Total 9L) Defence +2 (Parry DV 4) Rate 3 Steals 4 motes on damage




[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }




Compassion Conviction

[X][X][X][ ][ ] [X][X][X][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { }{ }{ }{ }{ }

Temperance Valor

[X][X][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][ ][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { }{ }{ }{ }{ }


Dodge DV 2


Dodge MDV 7


Parry MDV 4




B21 L19 A17




Powers: Raise Zombies (5 motes each, automatic at 11+ Motes), kill Mortals with 4 dice Aggravated for 5m




~0 [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ]

~1 [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ]

~2 [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

[X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

~4 [X]

Incapacitated [X]




[X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

Personal 18|____

Peripheral 44|____

Committed 13




[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ]


Flawed Virtue:






Hates Slavers


Hates Tyrants








50 spent: 24 on Charms

6 to raise Conviction to 3

5 to raise Presence to 4

7 to raise Resistance to 5

3 on Artifact Background

5 to raise Melee to 4

BPs: 14 on Essence, 1 to raise Resistance to 4.

I really don't know how to deal with mundane equipment. Of course, he's got no Resources after fleeing the Deathlord (I'm thinking Mask of Winters, by the way), so he probably doesn't have any...

I realise it's a little cheeky to split the cost of an Artifact between Experience and base points- if that's not allowed, I'll drop the Superheavy Plate to Articulated and spend the extra three XP on something else- maybe a dot in Occult or another Background.

Other than that, it's background-writing-up time. Let's see how this comes out...

EDIT: This is all subject to a rogue-Abyssal-friendly group happening, of course. I tend to go off on one and work everything out like this, don't worry... :lol:
I'd be totally down with either an Abyssal (never had a chance to play one) or more preferably, someone's Lunar mate. Depending on which way we go, said Lunar could be more than a little broken, or alternately doing the "I can redeem you" thing. Although looking at the interest so far, it seems there's *alot* of interest in that particular role. So I'd also be down with *being* someone's Solar bond. If by Solar I mean blood-soaked Abyssal ;) . Like xarvh, because that would be hilarious.

I'd prefer Abyssals to Infernals generally.

Right now I'm thinking a War/Combat and slight Necromancy dabbling character would be fun. Something along the lines of a Beautiful and Terrible Abyssal Queen.

Any notion of what power level you're thinking of having us start at?

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