• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy An Unmitigated Change of Pace (An odd Adventure)

Neon Valkyrie

She Who Is Called I Am
Heroes, they say, aren't born ... Well, I mean, they ARE born, everyone is born ... let me start over.

People aren't born Great, or Heroic. They become so by merit of their deeds, and the scope of their actions. Some do so on purpose, some by accident. Some do so by fate, some against it. Whatever the case, they do it, rather than being it. It is, then, fair to say, that legends, and heroes, and even villains, cannot be made without the opportunity to perform great deeds. This is probably why there are very few legends about office workers, janitors, and bakers. There is little glory to be amassed at the sharp end of a baguette or a ball-point quill.

Our story begins in the township of Rookskellar, where our would-be Heroes are about to hear the enticing rattle and moan of fate's machinery. Rookskellar is a large, walled community located on the crossing of two major trade routes. It's cobbled streets are lined with shops and businesses of all sorts, and it is often said one can find anything there. Residents live in large apartments and side-by-side houses full of finery. It's a nice place to retire, but a boring place to live. And so, inspired by the severe lack of excitement, a few residents have banded together in a kind of loose association. It is little more than a weekend social club, but the discussion during meetings often centres around treasure, combat, foreign lands ... adventure. Things the average citizen of Rookskellar would call foolish, childish, embarrassing, if not downright scandalous.

But those people are boring.

Naturally, when the king's criers arrived in the dead of night calling for able bodied adventurers for a mission of the utmost importance, the only shapes to emerge into the night, still clad in their pyjamas, were our intrepid wannabes. The details were provided via parchment, and read as follows;

To whom it may concern,

Your King, for whom the earth and skies and sun move, has need of you. With the industrial age looming upon us, pushed ever onward by the ingenuity of the gnomes, and the magic of the elves, it is becoming apparent that progress is not without consequence. You may have noticed the increasingly warm weather in our fair region (yet more proof that the gods smile upon your glorious ruler). The Kingdom's greatest scientists and advisers have determined that this due to the smoke and steam spilled out by our factories, and indeed those of our neighbours, and that this increase in temperature is, in fact, occurring everywhere. While this may cause a slight rise in sea level, it has also begun to thaw the mysterious northern continent, revealing a previously undiscovered kingdom. Our scholars can find no evidence of any culture existing in the frozen wastes, back to the age of King Pious Zealous the First. Your mission, should your mettle prove adequate, is to travel into the north, reach the borders of this kingdom, determine whether it's inhabitants, it's wealth, or it's structures are intact, and report back to his great majesty.

The God-King of Moranmolandran
(Transcribed by Marty, Royal Scribe/Actor)

On the reverse side of the sheet is printed a map of the continent, with a large arrow pointing northward. (Ignore the symbols and place names, the general shape is what we're using)

It is now the following morning, and the party is gathering, preparing to depart.
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Application Process

Fill out the profile, post it here, and wait for approval. Keep in mind that we're starting out with low-level characters who are trained only in their mundane profession. Even new additions to the cast later will need to show clear signs of transitioning from a "normal" life.

Once accepted, you can also make use of the OOC


Reason for Adventuring:
Previous Occupation:
Short Bio:
Physical Description: (Include image for reference if you'd like)

Players - Characters

Neon Valkyrie - Juniper Phitt, The Illiterate Sorceress

Lettuce - Tesla Quinn, The Nimble-Fingered Healer

Livson - Lyle Bennet, The Kindly Necromancer

0stinato - Lull Skullface, The Busted Brawler

Nenma Takashi - Alexandra Bladefield, The Tiny Knight

Galaxy's Silver Lining - Warren Woods, The Starving Runecaster

Fuil - Grov, The Soulful Golem

Kasuu - Melody Varien, The Stalwart Barmaid



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"Juniper, is that ye?"

The lanky blonde cocked her head to the side, peering over at the innkeeper, who was, in turn, peering back at her from the door.

"I barely recognized ye without an inch of dirt on ye"

The old man toddled over, wiping his hands with a bar towel before flipping it over one shoulder. The morning sun glinted off his unclad scalp, and the white, wiry remains of his coif sprang from the sides of his head like lightning. He wasn't a large man, made lean by his hobby; heading the local jogging club. Offering a wide smile, he gave the blonde farm girl, who had indeed recently bathed, a once over.

"Well, I must say, ye make a fine young lady when yer all washed. What brings ye out here this early?"

Juniper hadn't been able to sleep after the group resolved to travel north. She'd spend the night packing and preparing, sneaking about the house gathering equipment and provisions. Her brother had roused almost immediately, asking her numerous times about her intentions.

"Hush!" She'd hissed at him, "I'm off to become a wizard, now close yer eyes or I'll glue 'em shut!"

She'd even taken the time to write a goodbye note ... or, with her illiteracy, drawn a series of confusing pictographs, an activity which occupied so many of the wee hours that her parents actually woke up before she'd finished. Her parents proved oddly supportive of her journey, with her mother urging her to better herself, her father adding "Aye, yee've a'ways 'ad a koynda ... faerie coorse ... prolly beest learn-a uuze eet." He'd never been the same after the horse kicked him ... Anyway, now she found herself sitting in front of the local inn, The Starting Point, owned by the bald man before her, Archibald Starting.

Juniper squinted up at the old man, screwing up her face in a sneer at his compliment.

"Don't ye get any funny ideas, old man, I'm off to become a powerful wizard, and I'm not above comin' back here to curse yer ass."

The old man burst out laughing, a rainbow momentarily cast in the spray of spittle from his fluttering lips. It took a few moments for him to regain his composure, his hands clapped to his knees as though he might fall without the added support.

"That's a good one, and I bet yer brother's off to become a scientist then?" The man's smile was still wide.

June's scowl deepened, and she attempted with her glare to set the man ablaze ... it was good practice for future sorcering.

Archibald's smile fell, and he straightened up. Immediately his brow furrowed, and when he spoke again, he sounded almost offended.

"But ... ye can't even read, girl!"

"What does that have to do with anything?!"

"Ye READ Magic."

"No, Ye CAST spells!"

"Spells yev learned from books and scrolls!"

"I'll just make up my own, once I'm a wizard!"

"How can someone so daft have such high aspirations?! Next thing ye know the deer'll want into the library."

Juniper leapt to her feet, "Watch yer tone ye ... ye ... wispy haired old wind-bag!"

"YOU watch yer tone, young lady! I'll have yer parents down here ..."

Juniper balled up her fists and struck the wall of the Inn, the wall offering a clatter in response, something falling loose inside. Both parties settled into a quiet scowl, avoiding any kind of eye contact lest the argument resume.

"Tea ... and a muffin"

"Two ... three silver"

June pressed two coins onto the table, which Archibald quickly snatched up. The old man then turned on his heels and sped off in a huff. Juniper, meanwhile, just sat and stewed, her face now settled into a decided frown. A clatter of china next to her suggested that Archibald had deposited her breakfast, she glanced over to see a cup of tea, and half a muffin.


Condition: Filled with rage

Location: The Starting Point Inn and Pub

Company: N/A


1 rather nice stick, 1 bedroll, 1 sleeping bag, 1 leather ruck-sack, 1 winter cloak, 20ft of rope, 3 wax candles, 1 box of tindersticks, 1 small spade, 1 canteen, 1 cooking pan, 1 whetstone, 1 small knife, 1 blank notebook, 1 automatic inkpen, 1 tin of biscuits, 1 compass, 1 spiel, 1 hammer, 1 collapsing telescope, 1 note from king/parchment map, 3 changes of clothes


21 gold - 18 silver - 5 copper


White cotton tunic - pocketed, brown leather vest - long, knit green scarf - long, dark brown canvas pants - sturdy leather boots


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(I really like the little status block you have at the end so I'm going to copy you and use it for the sake of clarity.)

For a minute and a half Lull had been standing there, pounding the side of his fist against his employer's door. It was a much bigger house than his own rented couple of rooms, one with three floors, too many rugs and a definite colour scheme. Lull had sweeped every floor, dusted every piece of clutter, organised every bookshelf in the place, and he knew his employer would listen to him. At his side, anchored there by her wrist secured in his other tense hand, was Lois, a worn off-cream scarf around her mouth. It somehow improved her breathing, as impurities wouldn't make it through the material.

The hell was taking her so long? Another fifteen seconds went past before Lull heard the door being lethargically unlocked from inside, then his employer's head popped into the opening. She didn't look best amused, and practically demanded to know what Lull was doing there on a day he wasn't supposed to be working. Lull pushed the door open, knocking it into her without caring and towed Lois in behind him.

"Christ, do you mind, some of us didn't get to sleep until four," his employer said. She wasn't the tallest, and often managed to get away with pretending to be a male. Her jaw was angular and her hair was short. "What's this about? You usually don't bother me anyway, and now you're here on your off day."

Lull ignored the first part of what she said and merely got straight to the point, "Look after Lois until I get back. I'll pay you if you need. Don't know how long I'll be, just do it and don't ask questions."

"Where the hell are you going?"

Lull gritted his teeth and stared hard at her, "I literally just said don't ask questions."

"I never agreed."

"God dammit. Just... look after her, I won't be around to work here right now, she can't clean, I'll pay you."

His employer looked at him with her arms folded. Above their heads, probably on the floor above, movement could be heard. It wasn't unusual - probably her brother, the con-man, or her - what Lull could only refer to him as - toyboy. Probably not her toyboy though, he tended to make more noise than her brother, and Lull hadn't heard any other voice in this place. His employer told him to sit and he told her what he wanted to. The letter never said to keep the thing a secret, but Lull wasn't about to spout out sensitive information. Eventually, they arranged for Lull to pay collateral on Lois' staying. He had to hand over most of the money he had. When he returned, he'd get whatever was left back.

And, of course, his employer assured him she'd look after Lois the best she could. Lull couldn't doubt her there - he did trust her. Bad taste in men but a sensible mind. She knew Lois' foibles, knew how obsessive Lull was over her. She took his request extremely seriously, also knowing that Lull would never let her out of his sight unless there was something huge going on. But he hated the feeling he had. Without any knowledge of what was in store, he had no idea if he'd a) be able to write to her or b) be in one place long enough for him to send something to and receive something from her. Just to tell him she was still alive, still doing well.

Before he left, he kissed Lois' hand, promised her his own life, then turned and threatened his employer with imminent death should anything happen to her. And she took even this seriously. Didn't laugh, didn't look scared, didn't tell him what he was saying was overboard - she knew he probably would come for her. He left then without another word, went home, organised himself and locked up the house, before setting off gloomily for the tavern. It seemed like the right place to be, given the whispers he'd heard. That and the not-so-subtle name of 'The Starting Point'. Of course, knowing its name all his time in the town, it hardly seemed of note but... it was a place to start. He cursed himself for the joke as he walked.

Condition: In dire need of nicotine
Location: En route to The Starting Point
Company: None
Equipment: • A good-quality broom

• Spare bandages and healing oil

• A few measly coppers

• Bedroll and thin blanket

• A new box of matches

• Two fistfuls of cigarettes
"Mom....I'm stuck." Alexandra's mother let out a sigh as she helped lift the girl from her sit her large armor making it near impossible for her to sit. Stumbling a little forward her mother stood in front of her getting her up from falling forward. Her sword on her back she thought it'd be more cool and intimidating but as she tried to reach for it she found, she couldn't really reach back to it. Her mother took the sword off her back and the sheath putting it on her side Alexandra founding it much easier to reach. "Thanks mom." Alexandra tried to walk out finding it hard but she managed to wobble and shuffle her way through the door. Shuffling her way down the road she eventually came to "The Starting Point" stepping inside she managed to get the door open only to knock over a table and chair. "Oops I'll clean that up!" She turned her sword bumping a second table knocking it over. "Oops I'll uh pick that one up also!" She tried to face the second table but tripped over herself falling forward she laid their face down on the ground. "Ummm help." She asked of the others in the inn her futile struggles to get up knocking over more tables. "Sorry!"

Health:Ok for someone face first on the ground
Condition:Reverse Turtle
Location:Starting Point/floor
Equipment:Large Armor
Large Broadsword
30 gold 29 silvers 26 coppers
Grov was in the corner of the inn as he thought, although it looked as if he was looking off into empty space. He's thinking was interrupted by a clattering of someone in heavy armor trying to get up but having a hard time. Grov stood up an carefully walked over to the struggling person and easily lifted her back up to her feet. He then backed up and said in a deep gravelly voice. "Me Grov, nice meet you." He then started to pick up the table and put them back where they were supposed to be. "You need be carful, big armor hard at first." He looked back at the armored person. "If to heavy use less until comfortable moving then add more."

@Nenma Takashi

-Warren Meets The Gang, ft. Nightmares and Foretelling (and lots of yelling)-

Health: 00000 00000

Mood: Anxious

Location: "The Starting Point"

Equipment: }Three lesser soul gems

}Runes for aspring Runemasters By Daniel Eli


}1 canteen of water

}2 rations of food

}A journal





Rough sleep found Warren after she agreed to go North. The night began with her excitement, her craving sated for the time being. Possibilities ran through her mind, new things she may learn and relationships that could be developed. Once she calmed down, Warren lay in her bed, trying to find sleep. Instead, haunting thoughts and images of her lost parents found their way in her mind's eye. Though she pushed them away, she never really escaped the haunting image of the fiery meadow, her childhood home brunt to cinders.


Warren was tossing and turning, catching glimpses of sleep through unrelenting nightmares. Gorey faces and melting bodies, watching hopelessly as innocent people were burnt to ashes. This night, of all nights. Lucky her. 


Warren slid out of bed, occupying one of the apartments down the street from the inn. She had packed while still hyped up the night before, and was grateful for her thinking the morning of. She put on her robes, patted her hair down a bit, tried to rub the sleepiness out of her eyes, and set her hand on the doorknob. Warren yawned, and for a second, she couldn't remember what was so special about today. All she could think about were her nightmares, how tired she was, the satchel sitting on her desk chair that contained the items she needed for an adventure, work today, her unrelenting depression brought on her from the torment she found in every waking moment...

Warren paused, then slowly picked her hand off the doorknob.


"Oh.. mygod." she said, dashing down the hall and back into her room.


The woman giggled with happiness as the sunlight bounced off her pale cheeks, and grabbed the satchel off the chair. She threw her hands on her single window, looking down at the nearly empty street below. Today was the day!  Warren was heading North by request of the king, searching for a hidden kingdom. Boring 'ol tormented Warren, heading North! She bounced up and down, landing heavily on her furry feet. Once she was done celebrating, Warren could no longer feel the absence of sleep that had accompanied her in her waking moments.


With her hand crazy and her satchel over her shoulder, Warren zoomed out of her apartment, down the stairs, past her venus flytrap named Cyrus, and onto the sidewalk. It was like scene right out of a musical, except without the cheery people. Warren found herself to be humming a tune as she passed by the few people out on the street at this ungodly hour. They gave her worried glances before speeding up their pace, but Warren was too invested in thoughts of adventure as she continued on her own. 


Warren knew the people accompanying her, as she had met up with them a few times before. She didn't know that much about them, but she knew enough that she could trust her life while traveling on a life-threatening adventure filled with deadly battles and perilous side-quests.

Perfectly sane, right?


Warren rounded the corner and looked up at the sign of the inn, the group's meeting place and starting point. She stopped at the door, hearing only quiet conversation in through the door. The blue-haired woman took a deep breath and pushed her way through the door, announcing her presence with a big "I'M HERE!" and a hearty smile. 


She startled the few bystanders, but figured it would do wonders in waking her newfound friends up. 
It had been a long night. 

Not long as in boring, as the saying leads one to believe, but long in the sense that so much had changed. In one night, a few hours, all of Lyle's problems had been solved.

Well, not all his problems. And even if it had been, he knew logically more would spring up. 

But he was too elated, and severely anxious, to be logical. And so, he could see the night as nothing less then a miracle.

Experience on the field, check. A future in necromancy, check. A chance to talk once again to his beloved sister, check.

Ever since the news arrived he had been packing. Packing and preparing, with his Necromaster's help of course. The well meaning, if majorly creepy, old man was almost as exited as Lyle himself.

"Now don' forget, boy," he had said, "there'll be plen'y o' young womens there fer ye'. Don't screw it up."

Lyle wasn't much interested in 'womens'.

He had arrived at the meeting place (a hole of a pub were his parents claimed they had met) earlier then even the sun. Unfortunately, he had to rush back to his hole again after realizing he had forgotten bandages (he had no healing experience whatsoever, but one could never have enough bandages) and he had only made it halfway to the pub again when he realized he had forgotten the tea leaves (the horror!!). And as he was walking out the door, he accidentally dropped spilled water on his bag, undoing the spell cast on it to hold much more then it should and sending his packed items all over the place.

It was a curse of his, it seemed, to never be early.

He entered the scene too disheveled to even be as anxious as he usually was when entering a crowded area, but it all flooded back to him when a crash of armor falling, a flipping HUGE creature and a yell of


seemed to shake the room.

Lyle shuddered, mentally gave himself a mini pep talk, began to approach the madness, backed out again, mentally scolded himself and slid up alongside the other inhabitants, giving them a small wave and a smile he knew could not be seen behind his cloak. It was the though that counted, really.

Health: 00000 00000 

Location:  Starting Place

Condition: Disheveled and anxious, but alive

Company: Warren, Juniper, Grov & Alexandra


An enchanted bag holding:

Several canteens of water, more food then necessary, bandages, rubbing alcohol, tea leaves, a billy, spare billy, flint and steel, tea leaves, small knife for cutting hair, spare clothing, spare cloaks, bedroll, sleeping bag, spare sleeping bag, tea leaves, money, several books, candles, tea leaves, compass, spare compass and several other things that his Necromaster must have added, including a box of chocolates, some mints and some roses with a note that said 'To my Beloved'. Subtle.


18 Gold, 15 silver

Outfit: Standard Necromancers cloak

((unedited as it is late and I need sleep. Sorry for any mistakes and if it's badly written)
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"Now, promise me you won't get too carried away."

"How bad could it be..?" 

Her blue eyes looked up to Archibald, the Starting Points tavern owner. His

hands were uncomfortable, not sure where to go, from being crossed along

his chest to on his hips- he was restless. This girl had worked for him for almost

a decade and she was finally working. Most of the women came and gone, but

not the blonde. She was stuck there, for years she was stuck in the tavern as

she saw people of all kinds, going from place to place. She is- was envious. But

she was startled when she was handed the makeshift axe. Archibald put it into

her hands with his own wrinkly ones. 

"Don'y ye' worry none. Juniper is a good girl. She'll lead ya the right way."

Melody gave him a light smile, her fingertips wrapping around the shaft of the long

handled axe. She looked over it with her pale gaze for the moment and noticed the

worn head. It was old and worn, but she still cherished it. 

"T-Thank you, for everything."

"I could've done more, but didn't. There's no need ta' thank me."

Melody offered a slight smile, her eyes beginning to well up as her cheeks flush up

with peachy color. He wasn't perfect, bt she didn't need him to be. He did more for

her than her family ever had, and for that she couldn't thank him enough, because

after all the years she spent with him, he was more a father to her than she could

remember hers ever was. 

"D-Don't say that.." 

Archibald soon sighed as he hunched himself forward, his hand lightly beginning to

rub on his lower back. 

"Well, they're all waitin'." 

Melody looked between him and the door leading to the main section of the tavern.

She felt like she had to hide from the furute she was choosing for herself. So she took

a deep gulp of a breath. She didn't know if she was ready but she had to be. 



{Interacting with @Neon Valkyrie, @Galaxy's Silver Lining, @Nenma Takashi, @fuil, @Livson }


Melody stepped out from the kitchens with her hand tightly clamped around the pouch

at her side. She sighed as she let her palm press into the bars wooden counter tops.

She gave a short breath, preparing herself. She had known of Juniper though never

directly interacted with her. On occasion Archibald would have pointed her out for being

a magic user. She was enthralled by her and her abilities, being envious even. She's

never had much of a knack for the arcane, but.. it still continued to fascinating her


She had known she was the person to stay near for now. 




She looked between everyone who was there, her eyes examining each of the souls

who had decided to take charge of their own life.

"I would like to stop by the local leather worker. I don't have

a heavy coat yet and it would be smart to get one."


Health: O

Condition: Cold Feet

Location: The Starting Point Inn and Pub

Company: N/A

Equipment: Rugged Axe

Horse {Mare}: Cashmere

Current Possessions:
~Rugged Axe

~Leather Satchel

~Bread {6 Pieces}

~Canteen of water

~A nice leather saddle

~Bar of soap
~A bundle of carrots {12}

~Empty metal tankard
~Change of clothing - Blue dress

~ 5 Gold : 11 Silver : 7 Coppers ~

Current Attire:

Off-white Cotton Blouse : Button up, long sleeves

Bull Leather pants : Hoisted up by a thick leather belt-

being used as a holster for the Axe.

Leather and bone corset : Used for major support-

Flexible enough for riding but remains sturdy.
Riding boots : Covering a majority of her calf - 

1/2 an inch above her knee.
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Tesla Quinn


00000 00000


Probably the prettiest girl here- Wait, what do you mean he's a guy?

Also he doesn't feel anxiety.... He's become the elf incarnate of it.


The Starting Point


"I've never actually met any of you" might sum up the situation


Leather Satchet


Deck of cards

Bible (pronounced like bibble)

A canteen of Water that he claims is Holy...Which may be a lie.

Rosary that he definitely stole

A change of clothes


39 Gold, 25 Silver, 80 Copper






It seemed that Tesla had a knack for arriving late, he deduced upon walking into the not-so-subtly named inn and seeing that it looked like everyone had arrived before him. If he was lucky, one person might arrive after him, but he doubted that would happen. There were supposed to be, what, eight of them total? He thought he saw seven people already there, but he wasn't particularly good at remembering faces- Wait, he hadn't even met any of these people, of course he didn't know their faces. The group he was looking at definitely seemed like the one he was looking for, with a girl in armor that looked way too big for her, a Golem, some ominous guy in a robe, and.... Did he really need to categorize them? He didn't think so. 


Alright, now the second step to doing anything was... actually going up to everybody else, maybe saying hi. Normally, he was pretty confident but, somehow, the idea that he was sort of putting his life in the hands of a bunch of other people that he had never met before made him nervous. Huh, that sounded worse than it did at first, now that he really thought about it. Was it too late to back out? The door was behind him, he could have just walked out any time he wanted to. No, no, he actually wanted to do this, he couldn't back down. Well, logistically, he could, but he didn't really want to... Erm, well, he wanted to, but-


No, he couldn't talk himself out of this, he was already in the building. If he wanted to talk himself out of actually doing this, he should have done that much earlier. Like while he was walking to the Pub. Why hadn't he done that? What had he even done during the walk? It was like someone completely ignored writing anything that happened before he walked in the doors. What a strange thought. He gripped his satchel, walked up the the other members of the ragtag group, and waved with an uneasy smile. Yes, this was going well. He had managed to wave. Next step, talking.


Nope, making sounds at the other people could wait. 

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Upon seeing just how crowded it was in The Starting Point - through the gap in the door after some light-haired androgynous person had gone in - Lull's progress up to the door slowed a little. He eventually re-argued with him self internally to go a little faster. The sooner this was all over the sooner he could be done and the sooner he could be back worrying over Lois within her vicinity and not a million miles away on some unknown quest. Behind his eyes, a headache threatened, and Lull was never one to be positive... but he decided he could use any remaining coins he had after his employer had sucked his finances almost completely dry to hydrate himself. It might fight off the headache.

So that was two good reasons to go in.

He didn't bother hiding his sigh as he went in, broom at his side. It was a little more modern than just a bunch of rough but pliable sticks attacked to a bigger stick, and it was a good thing to have in his hand. Lull sometimes got oddly attached to things. Maybe he was just possessive. Liked having things that were marked and known as his and no one else's. He had a couple of buckets he thought of as strictly his, this broom was his, this apron was his. None of these things he liked other people touching. Even Lois, if she wanted to take out some water out of the city and water around the trees to encourage the daffodils to grow... Lull would have to fight off the urge to snatch the bucket off the girl. She never damaged the buckets or anything, but she wasn't the most sensible and safest of girls - she was clumsy, and Lull was fully expecting her to break his buckets somehow. Bend the expensive metal one, splinter the varnished wood one... then he'd be really upset but he wouldn't be able to show it. Not to Lois anyway. But, he had his apron and his broom, and no one was going to get to his bloody buckets while he was away. Safely under lock and key in his outside lockbox round the back of his rented rooms. He obsessed over his work objects more than his own body most of the time. Lois can give him a hug but definitely not while he's in his apron. That would be practically slanderous.

Despite how occupied with obsessing over his possessions he was, Lull didn't not notice the ragtag bunch of what could only be described as... weirdos? Certainly a motley crew. And, with a suppressed eye-roll, he guessed they were his people.


Well. There was hardly any point in keeping them waiting. After all, that the-sooner-this-is-over argument still stood. So he went over to them. Big rock creature. An oddly cheerful suit of armour that apparently swallowed a girl. And that white-haired kid he'd seen before in the doorway. Some radioactive-leak-looking girl with blue on her arms and furry legs like some sort of humanoid fawn - or maybe she just needed to shave? - sitting too. And then thankfully a more plain-looking girl but... something about her eyes told Lull to just be a little careful. Then there was a black shape that didn't really inspire Lull to look at it twice - probably the point of the cloak. And finally a girl who Lull sort of didn't hate so much purely because she was wearing a scarf. Like Lois. Kind of hiding her mouth. Like Lois. Yeah, Lull didn't hate her by default. But everyone else... deserved his sighs.

God, that would be a lot of names to learn.

He didn't sigh at them though. That would be rude. And it was awful to make assumptions of what you thought about people before you knew them but... eh. A hundred or so years, this whole group will be dead so who even cared. Well. Maybe not the rock man. He might last.

He decided to introduce himself in a short, curt way, literally by just saying a noun and expecting everyone to understand it as his name, "Lull," before sitting down and giving his mask a bit of a tighten. They knew who he was now. And as long as they didn't touch his broom he'd tolerate them.

Condition: Pessimistic
Location: Currently in The Starting Point
Company: @Neon Valkyrie @Nenma Takashi @fuil

 @Galaxy's Silver Lining @Livson @Kasuu @Lettuce
Equipment: • A good-quality broom
• Spare bandages and healing oil
• A few measly coppers
• Bedroll and thin blanket
• A new box of matches
• Two fistfuls of cigarettes
Grov was shocked by this girls sudden appearance but he just shrugged and continued to put the furnitureback. Grov looked around after putting all the furniture back and saw all the new people. He waved and said "Hi me Grov, hope be friends." He then looked back to the armored girl and said. "If need help can ask me." He then turned to the group as he thought 'Lots of people. Hope like me.' He looked over to Lull. 'Fat man look mean. Wonder if half ogre?'

@0stinato @Neon Valkyrie @Nenma Takashi @Galaxy's Silver Lining @Livson @Kasuu @Lettuce


Mood: Calm

Location: Starting Point inn

Equipment: Moss (growing on his back in patches.)
Juniper, who had fallen asleep before, and somehow slept through, the cacophony of Alex's arrival, now awoke with a start, and a rather loud snort. Quickly regaining her faculties, she became immediately aware of a rather large, dark-skinned man standing just next to her, peering down and smiling. He had a large, flowing white beard, over which were folded his hands, and all about him billowed white robes. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, June cast a scowl up at the beaming stranger.

"... what?"

The man just kept smiling, and pointed toward the door of the Inn, then handed her a small square of paper with writing on it. June was about to object loudly on the basis of her illiteracy, but by the time she turned her eyes up to where he had been, he was gone. Not only had he left, a quick scan of the area proved that he'd disappeared entirely. Staring blankly about for a moment, the blonde girl finally shot to her feet, swearing and cursing as she scooped up her pack. She'd fallen asleep! The meeting! She hoped desperately that the others were still there, or had arrived at all. Shoving carelessly through the doors, she peered about at the nearly empty building, her fists balling at her sides as she cursed silently over missing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Who knows what she could have made of herself with this one ... oh, there they were.

Nestled into the front corner of the building, their dealings permeated with a vacuous and awkward silence, for the most part, Juniper had only missed them in one sense. A relieved smile washed over her face as she scrutinized the gathering of oddballs. She was at least partly familiar with each of them, having been the instigator of the casual group, but there were a few new faces ... and a rock monster ...

Deciding a grand gesture would make her seem less tardy, and more theatrical, Juniper approached the group and mounted one of the tables that Grov had so politely straightened up. Clearing her throat loudly, she withdrew the mission scroll from one of her many pockets and held it aloft.

"Ladies and gentlemen ... and rock monster. I ... am Juniper ..."

It was at this precise moment that Juniper realized how little she had to say, how poor she was at public speaking, or even speaking in general, and how much she hated being on any kind of stage. As her face turned blood red, and her lips hung in the quivering shape of some kind of vowel, her eyes desperately scanning those gathered, she wondered if she might not be a poor natural choice as leader.

"OY! Git yer sodded feet off my table you disrespectful, childish, foul-tempered ..." Archibald's face was almost as red as Juniper's as he emerged from the back room with an armful of port. Juniper glared across the room at him from her tabletop perch, and withdrew her "wand" from her vest. Pointing the comical looking stick at the wiry haired bar owner, her eyes went wide, and she attempted to will him to mind his own business.

More out of confusion than by enchantment or theurgy, and on the off chance she did one day actually learn to cast a spell, Archibald clenched his lips together into a tight line, and went about his business, glaring fiery daggers at her all the way.

In Juniper's mind, the adventure was already paying off with regard to her magical prowess. Tucking the stick confidently back into her vest, she turned back to the group, straightening her scarf with self-satisfaction.

"My dad once said, before the horse kicked him, 'The past is only a memory, and the future is a madman's notion. All you have, all anyone has, is this one, single moment, and the impossible breadth of possibility it contains.'  ... so uh, yeah ... we should ... y'know, get going."

Juniper could probably have said something to smooth over the glaring differences in the group, or rally everyone together ... but again, she's not very good at public speaking, nor has she attended even a single team-building seminar. So, considering her duties as instigator fulfilled, the lanky young woman hopped from the table and trotted over to the door, blissfully ignorant of how glaringly unprepared she was for long-term travel.

Pausing suddenly, June withdrew the mysterious business card from her pocket and turned to address the group again.

"Also, can anyone here read?"

((Anyone who examines the card will find that it reads "Dwayne X. Machina, Faerie Godfather," and on the back reads "For Consultations, Dial 9-4-5-12-1 during daylight hours."))


Condition: Something like excitement

Location: The Starting Point Inn and Pub



1 rather nice stick, 1 bedroll, 1 sleeping bag, 1 leather ruck-sack, 1 winter cloak, 20ft of rope, 3 wax candles, 1 box of tindersticks, 1 small spade, 1 canteen, 1 cooking pan, 1 whetstone, 1 small knife, 1 blank notebook, 1 automatic inkpen, 1 tin of biscuits, 1 compass, 1 spiel, 1 hammer, 1 collapsing telescope, 1 note from king/parchment map, 3 changes of clothes


21 gold - 18 silver - 5 copper


White cotton tunic - pocketed, brown leather vest - long, knit green scarf - long, dark brown canvas pants - sturdy leather boots





"Look , i haven't been in this shit hole for long but I've been here long enough to know that its a shit hole , all the people seem to talk about is the damn weather! and sometimes if you're lucky maybe just maybe you'll come across a conversation about gardening ... I mean who in their right mind could spend an hour talking about different types of ferns , apparently the people of Rookskellar that's who ! I've heard of towns this far south being boring as all hell but good god man you people need to get it together" 

Hartigan took a moment of pause from his ranting and saw the confused face of an elderly shopkeeper at the general store , "So , uh sir are you going the buy the ..."

"Of course I'll buy it man ! have you not heard a thing I've said , you people are more daft than i though."

And with that Hartigan brushes past the man all the while mumbling to himself about how the prices in Rookskellar were ludicrously high.

Hartigan had spent the last few days in Rookskellar at a peculiarly named inn "The starting point" , he had arrived  at the town before schedule to do some shopping after all if you're going on an adventure that will most likely get you killed , you best go prepared , one thing was true about Rookskellar though you really could get anything here from a compass to a double barreled flintlock hawken . After Hartigan was done with his little shopping spree he made for the inn to get a drink and maybe meet some of the others he was to travel with in this here adventure , there was no way they could be half as bad as the locals right ?. 

Sure enough Hartigan made it to the pub in time to hear the elven woman's little speech which all things considered was not half bad although it didn't really have much effect on the crowd , just as Hartigan was about to get himself something to drink the elven woman turned back around asking for someone who knew how to read the common tongue and being the gentleman that he was Hartigan agreed to help.

"Captain William Hartigan at your service m'lady." [SIZE= 16px]he said with a small bow , taking the card out of her hands Hartigan read the contents out loud for the benefit of the entire group.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"Does the name Dwayne X. Machina ring a bell ? sounds like a shady character to me."[/SIZE]

Health: OOOOO OOOOOCondition: Slightly AnnoyedLocation: The Starting Point Pub & InnCompany: @Neon Valkyrie@Galaxy's Silver Lining@Nenma Takashi@fuil@Livson  Equipment:

[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]a backpack, a bedroll, flint and steel, a belt pouch, two sunrods, ten days’ worth of trail rations, 50 feet of hempen rope,  a waterskin ,[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]a grappling hook , a healing potion , [/COLOR]a couple spikes, a lantern , a waterproof cloak, a sack or two , and utensils .

Melody had stood off to the side as she watched the group of people begin to grow in size. 

"O-Oh gods.." 

She murmured to herself as the anxiety of meeting so many people suddenly dawned on her.

She wasn't one to quickly meet friends, even approaching one person would be a bit much for

her rather meek self. She stood quietly with her fingertips beginning to fumble together awkwardly.

She didn't quite know what to do, but she was committed now. She could turn back but.. 

She shook her head rapidly, scolding herself with a bit more brass. she tightened her soft core

and took a deep breath to try and relieve the pressure she could feel surrounding her. She

unfurled her hands from each other and fanned them lightly to try and get out the jitters that

made her feel the tickling sensation along her nerves. She looked up as she tried to look over

them, trying to examine each one to get more of a feel, but before she could, she saw Juniper

standing on top of the tables she had seen one of the other girls cleaning, a mild cringe crossing

over her face, though as Archibald began his tantrum, she couldn't help but to laugh.

She had admired her and her more excitable temperament, as well as the olive green scarf she

wore. She perked up as she rose a hand to the back of her hand underneath the handkerchief

she wore, remembering that she had the errand to run which she should have done.. weeks ago

but didn't. 

"A-Am I really ready for this..?" 

She questioned herself again, her dimples fading back into her visibly soft cheeks as her mild frown

came to form. She once again tried to take a deep breath, opting to listen to the other blonde speak

up to the eccentric group. And as the woman spoke, she seemed to feel even the slightest bit uplifted,

knowing that everything wouldn't be too bad.. right..?

Then her eyes were pulled from the woman as the man had come into the room, causing her to retreat

into herself. He called himself.. William? She seemed to zone out more as she looked down to her pants,

dissapointed she didn't have a skirt to fumble with in her awkward stupor. Though as he read the contents,

she once again looked up, looking more out of it than before. Archibald looked up from one of the customers,

seeming to purse his lips, as if complementing his decision to let her leave with the rather strange array of

people only to shrug his shoulders. 

"She's ah' adult now."

He murmured underneath his breath and simply turned away, looking back to the customer and moving back

to the conversation he was having. Meanwhile Melody finally let her eeys wander, looking over the rather humble

looking golem only to find her eyes have landed on.. 

Is she human..? I think..?

Melody seemed baffled though once she realized her pale gaze was looking over the fascinatingly odd features

of the woman, she let her eyes fall back to the wood grains of the floor beneath her. Inhaling and exhaling, she

rose them again, this time to the 'lady' int he blue and gold robe, finding the design to be something to gawk at,

but then to the woman's soft features, feeling rather intimidated by the beauty of 'her.' She continued her scope

of the room to find her eyes on the man in the dirty apron, feeling like she had seen him, if only once or twice.

She wasn't the most sociable, nor was her memory the best, though she remembered the girl he was usually

with, seeing her traverse the streets with bucket in hand while she was by the river washing the clothes that

needed a good washing. Her lips curled up at the memory, feeling once again comforted by the warm memories

of her, knowing she wasn't like some others- or so she hoped. 

When her eyes fell on Alexandria, she looked over the figure of a woman in armor, and that to her seemed to

shock her. The extend of it wasn't clear, but her eyes seemed to widen- but after seeing warren, anything

seemed possible. And finally to the more inconspicuous of the group, Lyle. He seemed to be quiet, like her.

She noted the lack of color in his skin which seemed to make her confused. 

I wonder how long it has been since he's seen the sun..

She though in her mind for a short while, but then she looked back to Juniper, feeling a bit more comfortable

among the group at large, though a few faces she is wary of. 




ConditionCold Feet

LocationThe Starting Point Inn and Pub

@Livson @Lettuce @Neon Valkyrie @0stinato @Nenma Takashi @Galaxy's Silver Lining @fuil @The Elusive Shadow

EquipmentRugged Axe

Horse {Mare}: Cashmere

Current Possessions:
~Rugged Axe

~Leather Satchel

~Bread {6 Pieces}

~Canteen of water

~A nice leather saddle

~Bar of soap
~A bundle of carrots 

~Empty metal tankard
~Change of clothing - Blue dress

~ Gold : 11 Silver : 7 Coppers ~

Current Attire:

Off-white Cotton Blouse Button up, long sleeves

Bull Leather pants : Hoisted up by a thick leather belt-

being used as a holster for the Axe.

Leather and bone corset Used for major support-

Flexible enough for riding but remains sturdy.
Riding boots Covering a majority of her calf - 

1/2 an inch above her knee

I am sorry for the stupid number of edits, guys x.x
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In Which: Warren Is a Showoff

Health: 00000 00000

Mood: //

Location: "The Starting Point"

Equipment: }Three lesser soul gems

}Runes for aspring Runemasters By Daniel Eli


}1 canteen of water

}2 rations of food

}A journal

Interacting: @Neon Valkyrie @Kasuu @fuil 

The number of people that had gathered in the tavern minutes after Warren made her entrance amazed the woman. They were going to be quite the adventuring group. She hoped all these people know what they were doing. 

She also hoped that they knew magic, but one could only hope.

Warren looked around, examining those she would be adventuring with. She decided right then and there that no matter how they act, she would not take them for advantage. They all had the same goal, and would have to work together effectively in order to accomplish it. 

After Juniper finished her speech, Warren stood, trying to shake off the stares that everyone gave her. She knew that her physical form wasn't normal, but the people in this group were anything but normal.

"I'm Warren. Call me whatever, I'll probably respond. I suppose we should all know what each of us could do."

The blue woman shrugged, pushing her satchel behind her and closing her eyes. She began to mutter something, twisting her forefingers around each other and pointing her pinkies outwards. A wave vibrated the room, before stopping as Warren opened her eyes. Over the palm of her and was a miniature storm cloud, and as Warren swung her arms out, the storm cloud grew. She gritted her teeth and shrunk it back to its original size, the thunder rumbling in the cloud. Beads of sweat fell off her face, and she wiped them away, glad she completed her parlor trick. 

"Anyone else want to go?"
Lull just sort of sat there while scarf-lady made her little monologue - or was it soliloquy? It all depended on whether anyone was listening to her - and while some uniformed man strolled into the inn, and while the blue girl did a... thing. None of these things impressed Lull particularly, although he paid some attention. At least some of these faces had names now. Juniper. William. Warren. Grov. Well. Four names. And he'd told them his before he'd sat down, he didn't need to tell them again did he?

Warren finished doing her storm cloud thing, sort of literally making a dark cloud over her head. Lull scowled. So many times his employer had mentioned how he acted as if a dark cloud was hovering over him all the time, and now there was a woman who was literally creating storm clouds from nothingness. It was sort of unnerving, but sort of irritating too.

He caught her eye - "You said we should all see what we can all do?" he said flatly. "Does that include everyone here? Including the golem over there, including the child in a suit of armour? You don't think either of those could kill us all? The golem will probably nudge someone and break a bone, and it would only take one off-balance swing for that girl to take off someone's head. Not to mention we're inside and I'm not sure the owner would be thankful if we all demonstrated our..." he hesitated, realising he had very little abilities anyway, "powers."

He stared at Warren a little longer before deciding to speak again. This time, he tried to sand down his tone, take the unfriendly edge off it.

"I'm just not convinced it's the best idea," he said. "Ordinarily I'd not care. But just to keep the sanctity of this group, I'm thinking it's not the best idea."

He became aware of William talking, addressing the group as a whole if they knew... some guy Lull had never heard of. He decided to keep his mouth shut. Dwayne X. Machina. What kind of a name was that? To Lull, it sounded like a bastard adolescent boy, mixed with a spy's alias, mixed with some sort of arcane instrument's name. The name didn't appeal to him - he felt a great urge to slap whoever this Machina person was just for being called 'Dwayne - and he didn't know him.

Not even his employer had mentioned the name. It was a mystery. And Lull didn't care much for mysteries.

Condition: Unfriendly

Location: Currently in The Starting Point

INTERACTED (sort of) WITH: @Galaxy's Silver Lining @The Elusive Shadow
Company: @Neon Valkyrie @Nenma Takashi @fuil

 @Livson @Kasuu @Lettuce
Equipment: • A good-quality broom
• Spare bandages and healing oil
• A few measly coppers
• Bedroll and thin blanket
• A new box of matches
• Two fistfuls of cigarettes
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Grov looked at the fat man when he said he'd break bones with just a nudge. "Not true, I know be gentle." He pointed to the armored girl he had picked up off the floor. "She fall and me pick back up, no hurt bones. Bones white crunchy bits under other stuff right." He the looked at the woman who asked what he could do. "I can punch good, shape earth, and more me break stronger me get and harder to break me." He then turned back to fat man. "What you powers? Is broom magey?" He asked as he looked at the broom.

@0stinato @Galaxy's Silver Lining @Nenma Takashi

Health: 100%

Mood: curious

Location: Starting point inn

Equipment: Moss (growing on back)
Aster Ruddfall

It took Aster longer than he had wanted to to leave for the Starting Point Inn, where the meeting of adventurers was supposed to take place, from his apparently inadequate choice of gear that Gramps just had to fix and that Liz had to finish his late "birthday" present in a hurry before he left. After being taken care of for long enough, he said his goodbyes and left the workshop, trotting his way down the street. He could've tried to be sneaky and follow in someone's shadow as practice, but he really didn't know who else would be going to the conveniently named inn and wanted to get there before the adventuring party left. 

The satyr made it to the inn, just behind a very well dressed man, in time to hear the half-elven lady's speech. Or was it a pep talk? It was kind of hard to tell, she didn't really seem prepared for it. As Aster made his way further into the inn he was able to get a better look at all of the other people who were around, presumably to also go up to the north. He recognized some faces from around town but some of them were less familiar than others. Like the man with a skull mask and the broom or the giant rock golem. The half-elf spoke up about asking someone to read the paper that she had in her hand when the man that Aster had followed in, who was apparently named William Hartigan, said the name aloud. It didn't ring any bells to the satyr, so he didn't speak up. Maybe for now he would just study the group that he'd be traveling with. 


Mood: Contemplative

Location: The Starting Point Inn


-A short sword

-A hand crossbow


-A leather bag (worn on his back)

-A set of lock picking tools

-10 days of trail rations

-Flint and steel

-A bar of soap


-A navy blue tunic with sleeves rolled up to the wrists

-A leather sash with ties to hold vials

-Dark green breeches, tailored to fit
Before the good captain emerged from the crowd to provide his literacy to the ENTIRELY illiterate half-elf, June's attention was drawn to Warren, who was summoning a little storm cloud at the middle of the room. While she was impressed in the utmost with the show of magical prowess that far exceeded her own resounding lack of both knowledge and skill, she struggled to think of a situation in which a tiny storm cloud would come in much use. The woman then invited everyone else to showcase their talents, a steep proposition considering Juniper had only farming as a legitimate skill, and there wasn't any soil around in which to sew chaff of wheat. Lull spoke out almost immediately at the dangers inherent in this idea ... god, June hadn't even thought about what the golem might do to illustrate or exemplify his talents ... on the other hand, perhaps he was an exceptional baker. She was glad when a blond, swashbuckled sort of man approached her from the crowd, introducing himself as Bill .. well, he didn't say Bill, but that's what Juniper was going to remember; Captain Bill.

Plucking the card from her fingers, Bill read the name on the front aloud. The name didn't sound familiar ... but then, it belonged to a stranger, so juniper wasn't particularly surprised when it didn't ring any bells. Shrugging, she had no real reason to suspect the man would have skipped or omitted anything from the front of the card ... like a title, or some contextual information about his job, or purpose. Taking the card back, Juniper slipped it into her pocket again. A frown began to take root in her features as she became again aware of the discussion brewing in the throng of would-be and are-be adventurers. Heaving a light sigh, June held up a finger to Bill, suggesting that she would return in a moment, and wandered back over to the bulk of the group.

She stopped next to the shaolin janitor just as nanny bolder and forcastia, queen of tiny storms were turning their attention back to the question of everyone's talents. Crossing her arms, June's brow was heavy with concern.

"who said anything about powers? I was under the impression everyone here was ... y'know ... NOT impressive. I'm a farmer ... that's why I'm going on a quest ... to learn, y'know ... to be NOT a farmer. I thought that's why we were all here."


Condition: Something like excitement

Location: The Starting Point Inn and Pub


With his eyes narrowed, one hand gripped around the handle of his broom, Lull stared at Juniper as she spoke. So. She didn't have any special 'powers' either? She was just... just a lady in a scarf Lull would be tracking along with. Although, while Lull couldn't say he was entirely in Warren's little group of 'people with powers' he couldn't exactly say he was mundane either. Lull had a sense he was sure no on else in this room had... He could feel where everyone was without having to look at them. He could feel the movements of the other patrons away from the group, as well as everyone he'd identified within the group. He knew where everyone was and could practically see the poses they were all standing or sitting in. Like a map of static in his head, it was all there. All mapped out. Even if he couldn't see anyone with his grey eyes, he could see them anyway.

He wrestled with the idea of telling Juniper and Warren this, mentioning it as a casual "by the way" but he didn't. Mostly because he didn't really want to bother explaining the spikes... and he'd only be telling two people. Two out of the... ten? Twelve? people here. It'd mean he'd have to say it again and again to the people he didn't tell it to. And Lull couldn't be dealing with that. The thought made him want to tip backwards off the chair and crack his skull on the floor. And by skull he meant his actual cranium, not the mask. Though that might break too.

"Well, I'd not say powers are a bad thing to have," Lull said in a very uninspired tone. His thoughts about his own 'power' were kind of oddly depressing. "Never know when Warren's cloud shit might come in handy. Save us from drinking our own piss if we run out of water. So I'd not complain. Just because you're unimportant. You can probably do more than me, even if you can't fucking read."

Who the hell can't read in this day and age. Lull said internally. Though... Lois couldn't read for the longest time. And neither could he. Ah, the perks of being hidden from the world by an abusive parent. No school, no education, no nothing. Lull just... had to learn how to read. And then he had to teach Lois.

So he'd been unnecessarily and hypocritically mean for no good reason.

He thought about apologising. Then he remembered nothing mattered anyway. So he just sat there, looking at Juniper, not regretting what he'd just said.

"As long as you can punch something, or run away, or you're good at making shelter, or good at orienteering, who cares? Warren can make a raincloud. Great. But if you can not get us all lost and separated, what's more useful? Poxy raincloud, or sticking to a path?" he muttered.

Now he was being mean to Warren... for no reason. Because yes, if you're going on a long trip with a group of people, it's good to harshly remind them of their flaws and put down their useful skills. That was how you formed unbreakable bonds with everybody! After all, they wouldn't be able to hate you more as time went on...

Condition: Highly Unfriendly for no good reason

Location: Currently in The Starting Point

INTERACTED (sort of) WITH: @Galaxy's Silver Lining @Neon Valkyrie (I'm sorry!)
Company: @The Elusive Shadow @Nenma Takashi @fuil

 @Livson @Kasuu @Lettuce
Equipment: • A good-quality broom
• Spare bandages and healing oil
• A few measly coppers
• Bedroll and thin blanket
• A new box of matches
• Two fistfuls of cigarettes
            Melody shifted as she looked up, her head tilting slightly as Warren finished

her speech. She rose her hand o her to try and capture her attention for the time. As

her eyes looked around the area, she seemed to tense once again. She used her hands

to clench on her inhale and then release at her exhale, trying to relax herself. She turned

her head towards the door and brought herself closer to it, looking to Warren. 

"I really wouldn't mind company as I need to run an errand. We can come back in

maybe  fifteen minutes to see if everyone is ready to go."

            She spoke up with her blue eyes directed at her, letting her know she was in fact

speaking to her. She offered a nervous smile, obviously wanting to get out of the area for

the time. She sighed faintly as she began to open the door slowly, quietly motioning for

her to come along if she so wished. 

"I think everyone needs a little bit more time to socialize beforehand."




Condition: Anxious

LocationThe Starting Point Inn and Pub's Doorway

Mentioning: @Flowër Powër

@Livson @Lettuce @Neon Valkyrie @0stinato @Nenma Takashi @The Elusive Shadow @fuil

EquipmentRugged Axe

Horse {Mare}: Cashmere

Current Possessions:
~Rugged Axe

~Leather Satchel

~Bread {6 Pieces}

~Canteen of water

~A nice leather saddle

~Bar of soap
~A bundle of carrots 

~Empty metal tankard
~Change of clothing - Blue dress

~ Gold : 11 Silver : 7 Coppers ~

Current Attire:

Off-white Cotton Blouse Button up, long sleeves

Bull Leather pants : Hoisted up by a thick leather belt-

being used as a holster for the Axe.

Leather and bone corset Used for major support-

Flexible enough for riding but remains sturdy.
Riding boots Covering a majority of her calf - 

1/2 an inch above her knee

Edited February 1 by Kasuu

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