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Fantasy An Evil Education at the Tudor Lestrange Institute - Refurbished - Roleplayer's Lair

i guess it depends on your vision for the roleplay. is it a grand sandbox type RP where the many characters kind of guide the plot or do you want to narrow it down to focus on fewer players but have more of a theme park type of storytelling. i'm open to either or.
i guess it depends on your vision for the roleplay. is it a grand sandbox type RP where the many characters kind of guide the plot or do you want to narrow it down to focus on fewer players but have more of a theme park type of storytelling. i'm open to either or.
I've always envisioned it being somewhere in between, but leaning a bit towards the first. Guess I'd better get to the bumping and editing of the recruitment thread, though I probably won't do it immediately.
Also, I have a new character on the way. Just gotta do a bit more research for him.
I've always envisioned it being somewhere in between, but leaning a bit towards the first. Guess I'd better get to the bumping and editing of the recruitment thread, though I probably won't do it immediately.
Also, I have a new character on the way. Just gotta do a bit more research for him.
Same here except I didn't think through adding as many Characters as I did so I have to plan out those Arcs so probably not the same but Similar.
I hope you stop fluctuating towards depression Lord Moldoma Lord Moldoma . I have chronic depression myself: it's hard to do even the things you enjoy, let alone anything else.

It's partially why I've appreciated the slow start to this rp. I'm okay with restarting, but I figured I'd reply in case we weren't. I have no idea who is in the cafeteria, so I let her get lost in her own world.
"You will soon see my character sheet properly filled in and stamped accordingly! Thus giving you. . .Paperwork!" Laughs in evil.
You know it'd by kind of funny if he got the Villain rank by only technicality. I put expendable but I think it'd be funnier if they had no choice but to give it to him
You know it'd by kind of funny if he got the Villain rank by only technicality. I put expendable but I think it'd be funnier if they had no choice but to give it to him
That would be a cool twist! If he is ranked villain, maybe he's got parents rich enough to bribe school administration?
That would be a cool twist! If he is ranked villain, maybe he's got parents rich enough to bribe school administration?
Either that, or he actually does really well with exams and tests but everyone just knows that he sucks when trying to apply his knowledge in real life.
Like his plans are just convoluted long term unnecessarily complicated plans that usually end up just benefitting humanity
Oh btw, could a get a brief summary of everything important that's happened so far? That'd be great!
Oh btw, could a get a brief summary of everything important that's happened so far? That'd be great!
Not much has happened. Some of the students have met their roommates, other's haven't.
I think the most important thing that has happened so far is that the lunch bell just rang a couple of posts ago.

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