An Elven Stature

Letting out a rough grunt, Torruk hunched up again. Bringing his shoulders up close to his cheekbones. "Torruk thinks not friend. Friend on plains, yes." Struggling with his limited knowledge of Elven prose. He turned his attention back to the noticeboard. Tearing off a parchment which very much looked like a bounty-note. Holding the crumpled paper in his dirt-caked hands. His palms stretched by skin rather than the thick hide that covered most of his body. He squinted as he toyed with the Elven scripture, trying to get the necessities from the notice. A strict scowl etched across his features.
Valkyrie smiled at Flow sweetly.

"I am honoured, Flow. Thank you!" she replied, bowing her head.

She stood, disengaging her arm respectfully from Flow's. She walked to where Torruk was standing, watching as his face contorted whilst he stared at the paper in his large hands.

Valkyrie looked at the paper curiously, realizing quickly what it was.

"It's a bounty poster. For a rogue Elf; his name is Kaindel Byrae and he was last seen--" Valkyrie stopped and pointed East-wards. "--In the east of the Forest" she explained.

Valkyrie stepped back.
Torruk looked down at the girl. Frowning slightly, before bowing his thanks. Understanding the gist of what was said, he scrunched up the notice and buried it into his pocket. Turning around, and under the judgemental looks of the meadery's residents, ducked out of the building and into the twilight.
Flow waved as he walked out of the door past her, conversation gradually starting back up again in the meadery as people breathed a sigh of relief.

Walking back to Valkyrie, she sat on one of the stools opposite her.

"He was a nice man." She said, without the slightest trace of sarcasm in her voice. "I still think his walking stick would work better without the pointy parts on it though"

She looked up to the menu, reading all the different unfamiliar drinks on the board, picking a wine, and buying a cup for her and her friend.

As she passed it over, she turned to the elf curiously. "What other buildings do you have in your village, Valley?"

Picking the cup up, she leant her head back and poured it onto her face, where it trickled into her skin. A rosy blush appeared on her face, either as a result of the wines colour mixing in with her, or because of the alcohol she'd just directly poured into her equivalant of a bloodstream.

She giggled and turned to her friend. "You Elves are so silly with your walls and your locked doors and keeping things private."
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(A few minutes ago) (Just a heads up the sentences that are in italics and bold is the captain speaking elvish)

Bromin and finally found their out of the tree.Rock looks at Bromin "Well what do we do now?".Bromin looks up at Rock "Well we go back to the Meadery and get our barrels of mead,we stay their and have a couple of drinks and find a place to stay for a few days,then we get directions to get out of here and move on with our bounty hunting lives".

They finally got back to the meadery they walked through the doors.But this time the meadery is packed.It wasn't just pack it seemed like it was having a big party was going on.There was music and a lot of people and it looked they were having a great time.Until they heard the door open and they see a dwarf and a Rock golem walked through the door.Bromin and Rock were just talking.Then they looked up to see every elf in the meadery were looking at them with a stare of terror.

Bromin looked up to Rock and whispered "well um this didn't go as plan".Rock looked down "well that's not a surprise"."We might as well make things less awkward"."That sounds great but neither one of us know elvish".The meaderies costumers tried to go back to a relax mood.Bromin looked around for an idea.He got an idea.He saw a familiar face.And that face was captain Gordon.He poked the captains shoulder.The captain turned around "Alright what happened to the village thi.?"He didn't finished his sentence when he saw who was poking him."Oh it's you again"."Uh yes um I need your help"."You ain't the first or the last,what do you need".

"Well um I need you to be my translator for a minute,okay".The captain thought about for a second and sighed then said "buy me a pint of the best ale they got and it's a deal".Bromin thought also thought about but he answered almost instantly."It's a deal".Bromin got up on the bar and yelled "Excuse me!".Bromin whispered into Captain Gordon's ear.Then the captain yelled to make everyone can hear him."Excue me elvs of the ruhn,sorry about me and my friend aren't neccesarily greet,and that is that we buy another of all the best alcohol that's in the cellar.And we make this the greatest night of your lives!"

The crowd stood silent at first but instantly cheered as loud as they could.The captain looked up to Bromin "alright now where's my ale?".Bromin just relished that there's no way for that alcohol coming up this quickly.Then he had another idea.Him and Rock will help and get the alcohol themselves.They got down to the cellar.Rock brooked the silence "That worked out a lot better then I expected nice work".Bromin looked back to Rock "Yeah I am too thank the ancestors for captain Gordon being there or we might be here for very long.".All the sudden all the noise from up stairs went silent."What the h***,stay here and get the barrels ready for everyone.Bromin then walked up the stairs to investigate.

(And now)

Bromin got up the stairs and he walked down the hall to the main room to see what happened.He finally got there and all he saw was everyone looking at a giant creature leaving the building.All he saw was the back and that was covered with hair.Plus he saw horns.Bromin knew instantly what it was.He whispered "Minotaur".He looked around again to see if everyone was calm.He also noticed two more familiar face at the bar.A certain elf and a water nymph.And he saw Flow (absorbing) her drink."Well well this should be good".He walked back to greet the two.He then grabbed a stool next to Flow and sat up."Well what are you two doing here?".
Torruk stepped out into the warm, night air. His gaze was captured by small firefly-like beings, floating through the air at a leisurely pace. The young Minotaur watched in quiet awe, simply mystified by these hovering-lights. Upon tearing his gaze away from the firefly, he was hit by the sheer elegance of the Elven Settlement for the first time. The stooping lamps that glowed with peaceful hue hung low over the paths. The small ponds that were scattered around the village appeared to give off their own natural radiance. Tricked by the moonlight that washed over their silky surface. Torruk watched a firefly come close to him. Holding out his palm flat, it ascended in a quick burst before settling into the middle of his outstretched hand. He noticed for the first time, that these were not fireflies. Simply just a ball of light, that seemed to pulse and twinkle like a pocket-sized star. It felt weightless upon his leathery skin, but filled him with a sense of fulfilment.

"It looks like she has warmed to you."

Torruk was awakened from his daydream by a melodic voice. He snapped his glare up, and set his sights up a fair-skinned elven women. She was slight, petite. With long violet hair that appeared to smoulder in the moonlight. Her well defined face was curled up into a smile that spread across thin lips.

"Torruk thinks little star has many stories."

The Elven woman smiled at the maturing Minotaur. Gazing longingly into the depths of the moonlit star, as Torruk had put it. She seemed to find the idea rather soothing.

"That is a beautiful way of putting it, Young Minotaur. You hold in your hand, a Wisp."


Torruk seemed to struggle with the word. Mulling it over in his head, like he was savouring the taste of it. Churning it around the metaphorical mouth of his brain.

"They are the souls of my people's ancestors. Guardians of the forests."

She reached forward and motioned the wisp onto her own fingers. With a gentle touch, the wisp rose from Torruk's palm and floated gracefully onto the Elf's fingertips. Perching there for a moment, before being allowed to slide back down into Torruk's palm. All the while, the Minotaur watched on in serene awe.

"Torruk sense wisp is good. Wisp protect world, not harm it."

The Elven woman smiled gently. Lifting her pale fingers up to her forehead to brush away a stray strand of hair.

"You have an apt mind for one so rigid, Minotaur."

Torruk raised his hand up into the air. Allowing the wisp to float away into the night, and protect the forest from evils. He watched it disappear into a speck with an unfaltering gaze. The Elven woman watched him curiously, with the same intensity as a predator watches it's prey.

"The Taurahe people are one with nature. The world around us is our friend, our ally, our sanctuary, our home."

Torruk looked around him at the world that had captured his heart. Used to rolling plains, the forest was a whole new universe for him to embrace. A warm glow surfaced in his cold eyes, that showed through the flecks of verdant and blue that hid beneath his chilly iris. He looked down upon the Elven woman properly for the first time. Studying her face and the recesses of her own eyes. She remained cool and relaxed under his intense stare, of which would unsettle many.

"I am Aeralia." She breathed, "Druid of the Moon."

"I Torruk. Son of the Plains."
The Minotaur responded. Not gifting her a smile, but letting his eyes show his sincerity.
Merisiel swept along through the branches, silent as a ghost.

Not even the animals aware of her as she flitted along through the night sky.

She came to rest in a tree, scarcely breathing, to see a Moon Elf and a minotaur; both of whom were having a pleasant conversation.

Whilst she herself was hardened and wary, she had admiration for the more gentle races.

Having a fondness in particular for Moon Elves; some of whom had helped her when she had first been left abandoned in the woods before she had gotten used to fending for herself, she jumped down from the trees infront of the pair.

It was rare she ever showed herself unless absolutely necessary, but seeing the moon elf but her in a peculiar mood, and she found herself wanting some talk as herself, rather than in one of her disguises.

Leaving a small gap between them (She liked Moon Elves, she didnt trust anyone before they earned it.) she gave a nod of her head, about the closest genuine sign of respect she ever gave.

"Nice evening." She said conversationally, before going through with a rare bit of ceromony. "May the moon shine favourably on you."
Torruk pivoted his neck in response. Taking a brief step back to open up what little room there was. Aeralia smiled warmly at the Elven woman before her. Dipping her head as well in mutual respect for the graceful Wood Elf. "And may the forests forever guide your arrows, Wood Elf. You are reasonably far out from the heart of the wilds. What brings you nearer the outskirts?"

Torruk watched the pair quietly. Moving his attention to an interesting rock near his hoof.
Merisiel blinked her large observant eyes, the vaguest of blushes tinging her sun tanned face, matching her autumn hair.

"I just needed a few supplies. Its only on occasion." She said slightly defensively, as if relying on people even circumstancially was a sign of weakness. "Whom are you praying to today?"

She turned to the minotaur, whilst he would tower over most elves; Merri was just a forehead shy of him, though almost a quarter as thin.

"What'cha looking at there, big guy?"
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Torruk snorted fiercely. His nostrils flaring as he tried to decipher the discontent in her voice. He lifted a leg, and brought it down upon the rock at his feet. Crushing it to smithereens before hunching up his shoulders in a narrow glare.

Aeralia, completely oblivious to the discontent shared between the pair smiled warmly back at the Wood Elf. Noticing the small blush upon the Elf's pale cheeks. "I'm running errands today, Nu'ish Shalon. I am merely conversing with my dearest acquaintance here." She gestured to Torruk in a graceful and fluid motion of her hand. Her very posture almost goddess-like.
"Ah. That's nice." Merisiel said seriously. "I was always rather fond of you moon elves. Im uh...I was actually adopted by some of your kind for a while, but..." She bowed her head slightly, almost ashamed not to have survived entirely by herself at the age of 12.

"Are you alright in the woods by yourself priestess?"

She flinched, instinctively jumping back as Torruck smashed the rock.

"Woah. Calm down big guy. I don't have any problem with you. Besides...its my day off." She said with a smile.
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Aeralia smiled briefly, throwing a figurative look in torruks direction. "I'm fine sweetie. I may only be a druidess, but I know my way around the forest. Almost on queue, Torruk mumbled something about a job and began to stomp off. Aeralia flashed Merri a slight smile before starting after him. "I'll go with him if its all the same. You're welcome to come with!"
Merisiel gave a faint look back towards the village. The Naiad girl there was almost definitely legitamatly a Naiad, but the fact she might be a particularly clever shapeshifter made her arrow hand twitch slightly.

After a seconds hesitation, she responded.

"Well...a'right then, Moonie." She said, setting off by them. "But only because I dont have anything going on right at the moment. Im not like, commiting to staying with you or anything."

Despite the fact she'd never admit it, she was infact rather protective of people who were in the forest on peacable matters; though they usually didnt actually see her to know she was guarding them.

She walked just far enough away that she wasnt quite walking with them as a group, but near enough that she couldnt be said to simply be walking nearby them either.

"I dont think the big guy's very fond of me, though."
The gentle crunch of twigs beneath Torruk's hooves heralded the movement of the trio through the forest. Aeralia followed close behind, looking around the forest with a serene smile. Torruk's expression was still relaxed, but somewhat sentinel. Watching the trees like a hawk watches a field mouse.

As the path began to narrow, and the branches closed in. Torruk brushed a bush out of his way, and stepped into a small clearing. A stream trickled through the grove gently. The moonlit waters hummed in the presence of the lunar activity. Torruk paid little attention to the surroundings for once, bring up the piece of parchment from a pocket and reading over the bounty note. Peering around the grove.

"This where he is, Son of the plains?" Aeralia asked. Filled in by the Minotaur on the walk to the grove. "Aye, Eared-One." Torruk replied. With a gentle hand, slipping his axe from his belt and shield from his back. Securing the leather strap around his forearm comfortably, he flared his nostrils as he scanned the grove. Aeralia crept low to the ground. Occasionally putting a hand out in front to rest upon the earth. Pausing to look back every now and then, to check the Wood Elf's progress.
Merisiel walked along, eyes wide and searching, taking in the slightest movement of trees, the tiniest shake of a bush.

Her ears twitched slightly at each scrape and patter.

She frowned slightly as she saw the parchment the minotaur held.

"Y'know, I usually charge for helping people take bounties." She muttered to herself "You're lucky in in a good mood."

With that she sprang into the trees with a hop and a jump, bouncing between trees and swinging on branches.

After only a moment she was seemingly gone, not the slightest shaking of leaves to give away her presence as she moved above the two of them.
Torruk crept forward as quietly as he could whilst supporting the mass of muscle and fat. Aeralia tip-toed alongside behind him, now lost sight of Merri in the trees, she was rather confident that she was covered from all angles. The grove had gone silent, Torruk came to a halt in the middle of the grove and began circling his arcs. Aeralia matched his movements and began to keep her own arcs checked. Back to back in the moonlit clearing, keeping their guard up.

Suddenly, as if out of thin air, a tall Elven Male stepped into view. A slender dagger in each hand, curved and razor-sharp. His form appeared to shift and waver. Aeralia gripped her staff tightly until her knuckles turned bone-white. Torruk moved his form around to put his body between Aeralia and the slender elf. Torruk brought up his shield, and began flaring his nostrils. Bringing up his threat levels and making himself the bigger target.
Merisiel perched with her legs ontop of two tree branches that looked far two thin to take someones weight, another branch across her chest keeping her suspended.

Even the slightest movement off balance would send her tumbling down, but she was entirely confident in her ability to stay their without disloding herself.

She smiled slightly as the prey-which was the only way she thought of the new elf that had appeared- focused his attention on the priestess, and then Torruk stepped in her way.

She did so love when a target was paying attention to someone else.

She drew the bowstring of her exquisitely crafted shortbow; not a whisper of a sound as she knocked an arrow and pulled it back till it was taught.

For a moment she held her breath entirely, letting her and her prey connect through the wind, the trees, the earth and life itself.

Then, with a blur of almost supernatural movement, she loosed a volley of arrows grouped neatly along the path of the elves spine; three normal arrows, two with completely different but equally deadly poisons, and one with a silver head and another of bone; just incase he happened to have some form of magical protection or supernatural heritage.
Torruk watched as the arrows blurred through the Elf's form. Stunned he spun around to be met with the Elf again. Safe and sound.

Aeralia cried out: "Illusionist!"
Merisiel snorted once angrily.

She wasnt a fan of magic. Particularly magic that stopped her killing things.

She was also angry she'd mistaken the wavering for some form of magical enchantment rather than being an illusion.

Moving silently to another perch; just incase he'd happen to hear her slight exhalation, she started to peer through the forest with her wide hawk like eyes, studying for even the slightest sign of movement to give away the elfs real location. Not being a wood elf, it was unlikely he could stay hidden from her sight for long.
Torruk grunted again, turning on the spot as he scanned the tree line. Gripping on his axe tightly, he narrowed his eyes and braced his supporting foot backwards. Leaning back, he quickly wrapping the crook of his shield-arm around Aeralia's waist and lifted her up above the ground.

Aeralia cried out in surprise as the giant Minotaur plucked her off the ground. She kicked out a few times in the beast's grip as she felt natural instincts kick in.

The grove went silent for a moment, bar the cries of Aeralia. Torruk had gone silent and still. Not even a face muscle contracted as the clearing fell into ghostly stillness. Even the trees stopped rustling in the breeze and the birdsong faded into nothingness. A flicker of movement pierced the stillness over near the moonlit pond, and suddenly Torruk moved. His hoof rose off the ground, and fell again in a mere instant. The diamond-heavy hoof cascaded into the earth and split the ground beneath him. A shockwave blitz across the ground and ruptured the earth into spikes. An elven figure flung himself clear of the rupture and landed unsteadily on his feet. In a fraction of a second, life returned to the grove. The birdsong erupted back into life and the breeze swept up again. Aeralia's toes touched the ground again in the same moment that Torruk blasted from his position. Horns down, he let loose a bellowing roar as he charged headlong at the off-balance Elf.

Aeralia watched in disbelief at the Minotaur. Failing to comprehend what just happened.
Merri spotted their target, but he was obscured by foliage and branches stopping her getting off a shot.

She flitted into a better position, aiming another arrow again.

About to loose, their was a mighty crack and then the elf dived, and Torruk steamed towards him.

Holding a limb to steady herself, and angry he'd almost definitely dislodged some roots and weakened some trees, if not collapsed them all together.

Not that she wasn't overwise impressed by the display. That sort of attack was evidently designed for the plains rather than forest.

Regaining his balance, the elf cast a magical sheild as the minotaur charged him.

With only a few seconds till they collided, Merri was guessing he wouldn't have time to stop.

With a sigh she launched herself out of the treetops, spinning to add to her centrifugal force.

She slashed her blade across his back 3 times in a claw shape, then rising to her feet plunged it through a gap in his armour under his arm.

He shrieked with pain as his magical barrier shattered from loss of concentration, then Merisiel pushed off of his back, putting him further off balance and launching herself out of the way for the minotaur to finish him off
Torruk charged along the forest floor. Watching the Wood Elf dive from the trees and garotte his target. Watching the Illusionist crumble under the series of strikes, he began to heel up. Driving his leading hoof into the ground, he swung his form around and blind-sided the Elf with the back of his shield. The immense blow shattered the Elf's body, as it was flung into a nearby tree. Crumpling to the ground, most certainly dead. The Minotaur drew himself up through the cloud of kicked up dirt and looked back to check if both his counterparts were alive.

Aeralia managed to stay on her feet despite the sudden carnage of the quick attack. Holding the quivering staff in her hands rather tightly.
As Merisiel landed and rolled elegantly back to her feet she dashed along towards the tree the body was going to hit, wincing slightly as the tree bark splintered and shattered from the impact and the body crumpled.

Only a moment after the body fell to rest, Merisiel was alongside it with her hand on his neck; just to eliminate even the slightest chance he had survived.

Breathing out, she pressed her face against the bark of the half cracked tree, whispering to it gently in a phrases only wood elves used, then she kissed the bare wood softly.

Sighing, she walked back to the clearing, pulling her arrows from earlier out of the ground and re-quivering them.

She gave the priestess a sympathetic smile. Despite her claims to be able to look after herself, which Merisiel did believe at least in a physical sense, it was still unlikely she'd seen all that much bloodshed.

"It's over. You can breathe now, Moonie."

She walked over to where Torruk had come to a rest from his charge.

"You need to be more careful in the forest. Their is much more potential from collateral damage in the forest than in the plains where it's all grass. You hurt the forest with your little earthquake there." Having supressed her initial burst of anger, she had already forgiven him and was speaking in a patient manner, explaining for his benefit rather than berating him. "We made a pretty amazing team though; right big fella'?" She remarked with a friendly grin, holding her palm out facing him so he could press his palm against hers, showing her acceptance of him as a friend in Wood Elf culture.
Torruk straightening up, looked back at Merri. Sliding axe back into its buckle as he looked at the ruptured ground. "Forest is fine. Torruk harmed no roots." He placed his palm gently against the Wood Elf's. Crossing over to the tree where the Elf's body lay. Kneeling down before him, he closed his eyelids gently and began to mutter a short prayer in Taurahe. Blessing his spirit and asking for its protection. Next, he moved onto the tree and placed his palm against it. Muttering another gentle prayer for the tree's vitality.

Aeralia still looked pretty shaken up. Breathing out slowly, she recovered her composure. Somewhat concerned about the Minotaur, "Are you hurt, Torruk?" She hurriedly asked, making progress to go by his side and make sure he was fine.

"Torruk is fine. Job finished." Torruk patted the Elf on the head to reassure her, despite her persistence to give him a one over and make sure he was fine.
Whilst Aeralia fussed over the minotaur, Merrisiel returned to the body, kneeling over it.

"I hope you pick a better life when the earth reclaims you and you are reborn." Taking out one of her arrows, she knicked a small cut in his wrist and soaked an arrowhead in his blood. "So in the meantime you can live on with my bow."

Glancing over her shoulder at the pair, she adresses them.

"You probably shouldnt pick up a girl over your shoulders like you did a moment ago, big guy." She said with a slight hint of mischeif in her voice. "The lady might get ideas." Afterwards she drew the elves blade from his sheath, and tossed it over to them. "It's a custom blade. Should do for proof he's dead. I hope you're not trying to permanantly muscle in on my territory and my prey, big guy. Im part of the order of the huntress, and im supposed to take offense to that sort of thing." As she spoke she started to dig out a hole inbetween the cracked trees roots.

After a short while digging, she looked over and spoke to the body in a conversational manner as if he were just resting.

"I dont know your own customs friend, so you're going to have to make do with a wood elf burial." She paused and then, a little bitterly added. "A civilian burial, that is. I doubt theres going to be anyone or anything to mark my passing other than the crows and my nameless skellington."

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