An Elven Stature

Captain Godon opened the door slowly and walked into the room, bowing before the Priestess.

Behind him were non-other than Rock and Bromin.

"Dear Priestess, please forgive my hallowed intrusion, but I come with the utmost worry for our Village's safety. I found these two rogues in the Meadery causing trouble for the Mistresses. I ask that you decide their fate, as I fear I shall choose unwisely." the Captain pleaded, still on one knee with his hand plastered over his armored chest.

The Priestess watched quietly. Her eyes moved to the two in the doorway, Rock and Bromin. She thought to herself, they must be the bounty hunters travelling in with Valkyrie.

"Stand, Captain." The Priestess ordered.

He stood, keeping his eyes to the floor.

"The bounty hunters are special guests authorized by myself. You will escort them back to the meadery, secure them with all the mead they wish and then take them to their own private quarters where they may rest for the night. You must assure the Villagers that they are safe and to not cause harm to discrimination towards the visitors. Do I make myself clear, Captain?"

Captain Godon nodded.

"Yes Ma'am."

The Priestess turned to the two Bounty Hunters and smiled with childlike wonder.

Her English was holed, yet understandable.

"Bromin and Rock, welcome to Ruhn. You are visitors, we welcome you with open arms. Please, enjoy our Village as you can" she said.
Bromin and Rock entered the room with captain Gordon into the room to see their fate.They see valkryie and flow on the side.Rock looks back to Bromin "Well the gang is all here Bromin".Bromin looks back to Rock "Yeah certainly seems that way".The captain Gordon stoped them and turned around again to speek to the priestess.

Of course they were speeking in elvish Rock whispered to Bromin "What do you think they are going to do with us".Bromin whispered "Well best case scnerio is that they will let us go and and will be fine"."Well what if that dosen't happen"?"Well I guess that our stay won't last much longer my friend so be prepared"."Like always my friend"

The captain looked back again and left.They turned back to see the priestess.She spoked in english and told them that they are welcome guest and to enjoy the villiage as they can.Bromin and Rock were again surprise (ain't the first time either).Bromin studdered at first "Well um thank you my lady and we will,and well if you need us we need to get our mead,well goodbye do say goodbye Rock"."Thank my lady".The turned around and walked to the meadery.Bromin looked towards Valkyie and flow put his hand to wave and said"See you two later".
Flow put a hand up and waved to the two of them, supressing her bubbly nature and staying silent, respectful of the priestess. She gestured to them with her hands in a symbol of good luck, more as a sort of blessing than because either of them were likley to understand its meaning.

She then turned back to the priestess and waited respectfully.
The Priestess smiled slightly before regaining her composure and looking towards Captain Godon.

"Alright Captain, walk the perimeter. We've had a strange influx of unexpected visitors lately. I want you and your men to secure around the forest. And for Ruhn's sake, leave the travelling Huntress! She and I have an agreement. You will not harm her under any circumstances, do you understand, Captain?"

The Captain nodded silently. He turned and pushed his men out the room, closing the door behind him.

The Priestess turned back to the two young ladies on the floor.

"Where was I?" she asked herself, thinking for a moment. "Ah yes. Flow, dear, we would be honored to begin a trading agreement with your Community. It has been far too long that the Elven and the Naiad people have been apart. When you are ready, you and Valkyrie may depart with an escort."

Valkyrie paused for a moment.

"An escort, Priestess?" she asked, confused.

The Priestess smiled. "Yes, an escort. You will take Badhron Saindir with you. I trust you have aquainted him with Flow, Valkyrie?"

Valkyrie grimaced.

"But Badhron is such a swine, Grandmother!" she protested, remembering the earlier events clearly.

Valkyrie's Mother stepped forward and spoke for the first time in her silky, honey-glazed voice.

"Valkyrie Daeben, you will hold your tongue from further disdain in the presence of the Priestess. You understand that a decision has been reached by the Priestess and you would do well to follow it. Do I make myself clear, child?" she shouted, leaning towards Valkyrie, her voice fierce underneath it's sweet tone.

Valkyrie lowered her head.

"Yes Mother, I understand, please forgive my impertinence."
Flow stood up and bowed her head respectfully, before looking up to her with shining, innocent eyes, unable to quite contain her joy.

"Thankyou immesurably, for your kindness, maa'm. I am sorry to burden you with the need for an escortment." She put her hand fondly on Valkyrie's shoulder. "I am sure your daughter would be immesurably sufficient at keeping me safe, but If you wish for another to accompany us, I am honored."

Shuffling her feet slightly, she spoke in a slightly less formal tone, but still respectfully.

"If it would not be too much trouble, I wonder if your granddaughter may show me around your town before we leave? It looks absolutely beautiful, and it would be a great shame If I didnt get to experience her." Referring to the town itself as a she due to Naiad lakes being one whole, as she spoke her youthful excitement carried her away slightly.

A less formal lilt entered her voice, and her hair started to flow slightly faster with a musical tinkle. "And I absolutely love what you've done with this room!"

Coughing slightly, she blushed and lowered her head slightly. "But um, but if you wish us to depart right away, I will of course respect your wishes, esteemed priestess."


With that, yet another knock was heard on the door, and a guard stepped in respectfully, but slightly flustered.

"Forgive me, priestess. But there's a, er, merchant, who wishes to speak with you." He had a slightly guilty look on his face, and a slight blush to his cheeks. "I know normally you would not want to be interupted with such things; but she was very persuasive about her...reasons, for being allowed to see you." With that he glanced to his apparent merchant with another flush, and then backed out of the door almost hurriedly, and a tall, slender figure walked into the room, modest curves showing through the simple Elven merchants smock she was wearing, without much adornment. At 7'3 she towered over even the male elves, and she had to stoop her tanned body slightly to fit through the door.

Her hair was a coppery orange with slight hints of red, and as she gave the priestess a meaningful look, her eyes reflected the virbrant colours of autumn as well. She couldnt help a slightly amused twinkle showing in her eyes as she silently acknowledged who she really was to the priestess. She did so love mischeviously manipulating a guard let her in under a false guise, rather than simply announcing her presence through one of the coded messages she could send.

"Priestess, old friend." She said in a soft, simple sounding voice, with a polite bow to her and her daughter. "I wonder if perhaps you may like to sample my art? It comes from the furthest reaches of Sendaria." As she passed her a rolled up painted parchment, which was a fake and worth almost nothing, a small note with a list of several dispatched monsters, along with a relatively prominent assasin from one of their political enemies was attached to the back of it. "I wonder if you may find a price of 600 silvers agreeable?"

As the priestess took it, she spoke conversationally. "If you're expecting to travel anytime soon, I would be careful. I hear their may have been a new influx of monsters..." As she trailed off, her eyes gazed over at Flow for a few seconds. "That have been washed in along with a flood. Most diagreeable for travellers like myself."
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Valkyrie watched the woman as the light caught in her copper hair, creating a beautiful orange sparkle.

She looked to Flow, her mouth slightly open, then back to the Elf before her.

"Excuse my interruption, Ma'am, but...monsters?" she finally said, her eyes squinting slightly.

She was curious. What had the Elf seen in her travels?

Valkyrie had seen a fair few unholy creatures in her time, 'but not as many as the Elf Merchant' she thought to herself.
Merisiel turned to look at the girl who spoke to her. Whilst she appeared to only be giving a polite casual glance, she was infact noting every detail of her face and body; examing slight bumps in clothing for weapons, taking note of the similarity in features between her, the priestess, and her mother.

Merisiels facial muscles, through years of practice, were contracted and relaxed in different places to give her face a more gentle peacable look, and she talked with such a different tone of voice, speech pattern, and demeanour that even knowing her you would be unlikely to realise she was the same person.

"Why, hello there, child." She said, blinking her large eyes, which showed no whites at all, looking down and smiling softly at the white haired elf who stood behind her along with the Naiad. "Why, Kelpies, Vodanoys, Kappa's. Even some shtriga and banshee. My modest understanding is that the flood has washed a lot of them into our lands."

She came to look at Flow, her bow hand giving a slight twitch as she looked at her.

"Even the Naiad here, was washed here I would imagine. Whom, one may group in that catagory."

Flow blushed slightly, then looked to her friend with wide, slightly pleading eyes.

"We are descended from a mix of water spirits, Kelpies, mermaids and Elves. I suppose in the strictest sense we are monsters, or at least of monster descent. But we've been around as Naiad's for hundreds of years, and we never hurt anybody. And we hold no love for any who hurt others indiscriminantly; water based or no."
Valkyrie stood straight, aiming to make direct eye contact with the Merchant, determined to defend Flow.

"I can assure you, Ma'am, that my Naiad companion is of the upmost serenity. She's respectable and intelligent. Far better than those creatures meandering around the Ruhn Forest."

Valkyrie continued to stare the the Merchant, her pupils narrowing in an almost cat-like manner.

Valkyrie silently weighed out the Elf. She looked strong yet agile and nimble. A difficult foe, however Valkyrie was still a renowned Huntress and to-be-Priestess. She knew ranged and close-combat fighting, however it wasn't an option she wanted to take.

The Elf seemed very wise, she was aware of her surroundings, including those in it.

'A difficult target' Valkyrie through to herself.

"And even if she was," Valkyrie continued. "I'd be able to handle it."
Flow looked appreciativly up at her friend and smiled.

Merisael stared peacably back at Valkyrie, her challenging stare rolling off of her.

She looked to Valkyrie and simply gave a shrug of her shoulders.

"If you say so, lady. You did ask." She collected her things, then waved like their entire encounter had gone smoothly, then walked out of the room.

Flow stood up and cleared her voice, speaking in a small voice, still slightly shaken up.

"Um, is it okay of we have a look around your town, Valley?"
Valkyrie looked at the Priestess.

The Priestess nodded silently.

Valkyrie turned back to Flow.

"Let's go now, yes?" she said.
Composing herself slightly, Florence turned and curtsied to the Priestess, deep and respectful, but a little more subdued than it had been before.

"I thank you for your hospitality, and I hope one day the river of life carries me back to you." She said, before coughing slightly with a little shy smile. "But, um, hopefully not literally, next time.

Following Valkyrie as they walked out of the room and out of the tree, she fell slightly behind as she stopped to pat the start of the tree root fondly, pressing her cheek against it.

"Thankyou for your shelter, beautiful tree."

Hurrying slightly to catch back up to Valkyrie, she linked her arm through her friends fondly, perking up a little now they were out of the more formal area. Touching each others arms with someone you had only just met was somewhat less of a suggestive act for a species that all slept inside of a lake and literally mixed molocules with each other on a regular basis.

"So...where first, Valley?"
Valkyrie smiled as she watched the young Naiad.

"You really are a very lovely Naiad, you're very intelligent with the way of the Forest."

Valkyrie waved on as she continued to walk.

"We should go check out the Meadery, check up on Rock and Bromin. I'm sure by now that they must've at least dented our supply" she laughed, walking gracefully.

They soon happened upon a humble, wooden building.

"Welcome, Flow, to the Ruhn Meadery. We serve only the finest Mead from all over the Ruhn."

She held the door open, motioning for Flow to enter.

A sweet and spicy aroma wafted from inside the building, accompanied by cheery music and the sound of uproarious laughter.

Torruk placed a steady hand on the door. Grunting as he swung the wooden contraption open, ducking his head to avoid scraping the door-frame with his horns. The floorboards creaked under his weight as his hooves came to a rest upon the meadery floor. His stoic gaze crossing the room, not really sure what to make of the building. Unaware that his rather foreign presence may completely kill the mood.
Valkyrie watched quietly as a large creature walked into the Meadery, hushing the loud crowd.

Elves turned to face the door, watching as the beast entered.

Valkyrie turned to Flow, a look on her face and she followed suit and walked in behind the creature.

She looked around the room, seeing faces contort into fear, disdain and disgust.
Torruk seemed rather unphased by the looks and hushed whispering. He hunched up his shoulders and shambled over to the far side of the room. Looking forward at a small noticeboard, squinting his eyes as he struggles to read the elvish script upon some of the parchment posted on the wall. His shield upon his back, and a crude war-axe at his belt. Looking entirely out of place in the small meadery.
Flow sniffed as she walked in, smelling the aroma.

She looked up at the huge, hulking minotaur infront of them with a face completly devoid of fear or suspision.

Walking up boldly, she tapped his shoulder and smiled welcomingly.

"Hullo mister. Whats your name? Im Flow. Im not from around here, either." She said with a small, polite curtsey, speaking clearly in a merry voice.
Valkyrie walked over to the creature slowly.

He seemed calm, unthreatening.

Valkyrie placed a cautious hand on her blade as she apporached the beast.

She stood before him and watched as Flow spoke, guarded.

Valkyrie spoke up.

"Do you speak Elvish, Sir?" she asked, smiling sweetly.

She bowed her head slightly with an air of authority about her.
Torruk flared his nostril at the sound of nearby dialogue. Stooping, he pivoting his upper body. Bringing his face rather low and close to the pair. Studying them for a moment, before giving another flare of his nostrils and drawing up straight again. A brief moment of silence took hold, before Torruk spoke in broken Elvish. His accent gruff, and affecting the clippings of certain words. "I Torruk. Elvish not good. Some, aye."
Valkyrie released her hand and smiled widely at the creature.

"Welcome, Torruk, to our Village of Ruhn. What brings you here?" she asked, hoping he'd understand her.

She loosed her stature and sat opposite where he had been sat, smiling up at him still.

She regarded him with interest.

'I've not seen a beast like this, before.' she thought to herself.
"Hullo Torruk!" Flow said with a warm smile, looking to Flow encoragingly. "Well, my Elvish isnt so good, either." She said modestly, looking over at his back curiously, having never seen much weaponry beyond a sword anymore. "Why does your walking stick have those metal bits on it?" She asked, referring to his axe.
Torruk appeared to scowl slightly. Not following the conversation too well. He looked at the tiny stool behind him, at his feet. Opting to stand, he regarding the two creatures before him with private interest he focused his attention on Florence. "Not stick. Axe."
Flow looked up and down it, then back to him.

"'s long and made of wood and about as tall as you."

She leant over and whispered to Valkyrie. "It looks like a stick to me."

"What are you doing in the woods, Mr.Torruk?"
Torruk furrowed his brow into a scowl once more. Turning around completely and drawing up to full height. Both shoulder stretching around to the height of an adult elf. His horns scraped against the ceiling above him as he loomed over the pair. His mass accompanied by his scowl just radiated the complete air of a monster. Centring his attention on Florence, his glare narrowed the cold iris he looked through. Flaring his nostrils rather menacingly, he rumbled, "Not Meesturr. Just Torruk." Before leaning back and nodding in approval of his correction. Completely unaware of how anti-climactic his behaviour was.
Flow looked up at him as he threatingly towered over her. He would have outstretched even the tallest Elves in the bar, but compared to Florence's petite body he made her look positively miniscule.

She looked up at him with her wide,innocent eyes, showing not even the slightest sign of fear when most would either tremble and cower, or draw their swords.

She talked to him, not aggressivly, not fearfully, but with a patient, even slightly chiding tone. Almost like he were a child who needed teaching better.

While Naiad's were open books themselves, they were also excpetionally good at seeing other peoples inner colours, unthreatened by the outer gruff demeanor.

"Alright, grumpy. I wont call you Mr. But I am going to call you Torri. All my friends get a nickname." She turned to Valkyrie, fixing her with a warm smile, eyes sparkling. "Dont they, Valley?" As she spoke she surreptously wrapped her arm around Valkyries sword arm so she couldnt further aggrevate the situation by drawing it, seemingly just linking arms with her like normal. Whilst she trusted people openly, she was smart enough to realise other people may take his rough exterior more at face value. And he had just looked like he was about to squash her. Or, attempt to at least.

She half turned back to the minotaur again. "You cant be my best friend, though. She's already taken that spot."

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