An Elven Stature

"Oh, I doubt you're the largest thing in the forest." Florence said with a smile and a wink. "You're the largest person Ive seen before, though. Not that I've seen very many people who arent small and female. We're a fairly diminutive race."

She turned to Valkyrie and smiled warmly.

"Oh, so you're quite important, then." She mulled over for a few seconds. "My Mothers The Queen of the Waters, but, im like....57th in line and we dont really die, so, im not really royalty or anything."
Valkyrie looked back at Bromin, smiling mischievously.

"Oh, centuries, friend. However, our successful line of highly admirable Priestesses means we have remained undetected for quite sometime throughout the turf wars."

She then turned to look at Flow, still walking forwards, nearing the Village.

"Really? I have many questions for you, dearest nymph. My Grandmother is likely expected our arrival, we will be there shortly."

She brushed a branch aside to reveal the large opening in the forest housing the Ruhn Village.

She turned to face her companions.

"Welcome, travelers, to the Ruhn Village."

She grinned, holding out her arms as she motioned for Bromin, Rock and Flow to follow her into the Village.

"I would love to speak with your elder." Flow said, beaming at her new elven friend.

As they reached the village she looked around in awe, her hair rushing and splashing excitedly, hair flowing much faster with excitement.

"She's beautiful." Flow said, speaking of the village as a whole. "Its familiar to our village, but different at the same time."
"She really is" Valkyrie breathed, grinning, her eyes shining as bright as the sun on the river.

"Bromin, Rock; the village meadery is to your right, I can find a guide for you if you wish. And Flow, my home is to our left, I shall take you there to speak with the Priestess."

Valkyrie made a loud, whooping sound and a large, male Elf dropped from the tree in front of them.

He knelt down on one knee, holding his pale hand to his chest.

"M'Lady, what do you require?" he asked, bowing and standing straight once again.

"Okay, okay. Calm." Flow said to herself, taking a couple of deep breaths, she patted at her hair and it slowed to her usual gentle flow.

"Alright, lets go then." As the new elf landed from the trees she gave an elegant naiad curtsey and greeted him with a nod of the head."
"Badhron, I am escorting a young lady and two bounty hunters. I require you to inform the Priestess of our arrival and take the two men to the meadery. Their names are Bromin and Rock." Valkyrie demanded firmly, watching the elf carefully as he eyed the two men. "Now."

Badhron nodded slowly.

"Yes, M'Lady."

He looked around Valkyrie, noticing flow. A small smile escaped his lips.

He winked in her direction and then turned to leave.

Valkyrie, watching the exchange, grabbed Badhron by the arm and yanked him close to her body.

She leant close to his ear and hissed.

"I am not in the mood for games, Badhron Saindir. You will not make contact with the young woman I travel with, do you understand?"

He nodded, bowing his head.

"Yes. I understand. I apologize for my insolence."

As Badhron left, Valkyrie turned back to the travellers.

"I apologize for Badhron, he is new to our ways and has much to learn. His insolence will not go unpunished, I assure you" she smiled. "Now, Bromin, we shall wait for Badhron to return to take you two to the meadery whilst Flow and I address the Priestess. We will fetch you once our deed is complete. Please, feel free to look around and talk to the villagers."

[Don't forget guys, the bold speech is Valkyrie and Badhron speaking Elvish.

Also, I've made a Character Sheet for Badhron here.]
Bromin and Rock started to follow Badhron to the meadery."So Badhron how long have you been with this tribe"?Rock pokes Bromins shoulder.He kneels down to talk to Bromin.He whispered"Why does that matter,I thought we are just going get mead,resupply,and leave".

Bromin looks back at Badhron "sorry just a minute".Bromin looks back at Rock."Yes but this might the only chance that we can see an the eleven civilization that our ancestors fought centuries ago"."And besides remember the last time we had to get an Elf."We barely escape that encounter,this could our best chance to learn about elfs"."The better prepared we would be for our next elven contract" Rock said in a tone of realization."Alright let's go".Bromin and Rock got up Bromin looked at Badhron "alright let's go".
((Might add a second character soon if its alright. Maybe someone slightly more antagonistic.))

Flow walked alongside Valkyrie towards the elders house, having spoken in English outside of Bromin and Rocks company out of curtesy.

"Thats alright, I don't think he meant any harm." She said, looking around at the various Elves going about their business, most of which were looking at her in a 'im very curious but I dont want to be impolite and stare' manner, glancing at her and talking quietly to one another without outright studing her.

"Is he new to your tribe or something?" She asked, taking note of Valkyrie saying he wasnt well versed in their customs.
((Go for it! :D Post the link once you've done the character sheet so we can get an idea of who they are and stuff~~))

Valkyrie giggled.

"No, he's not new. He's been with us since we came here, he just forgets his place sometimes. We have the whole Brother-Sister banter thing going on, you know?" she said, grinning.

"I'm sorry about all the Elves staring, Flow. They are curious, but they mean you no harm. We can speak to a few after we have met the Priestess, if you'd like?" she asked, shrugging her shoulders at Flow.


Badhron continued walking, trying not to listen to the conversation. If he could even understand their language.

"I apolgize, Sirs, for my impudence; but I would like to ask a few questions. You see, I've never met creatures like yourselves before. We don't get them here. I've heard many stories, but looking at you now, some of them don't seem as if they'd be true."

He smiled to himself, a wave of nostalgia hitting him.

He remembered those days he would sit around a campfire with the other Elves and whoever was visiting at the time as they told stories of creatures from outside the Ruhn Forest.
"Hmm. Can't say I know very much about brother sister banter...Im pretty well versed in sister-sister banter though." She said with a smile.

She looked around as Valkyrie mentioned the staring, having not really noticed them before..

"Oh, that's alright." She said dismissivly. "I imagine im quite a spectacle if you dont have any Nymphs around here. I was 5 before I saw my first solid race. I wigged out when I noticed their hair wasnt moving. And Yes, I would be honored to meet them, nice friends are always welcome."

She looked around then smiled slightly mischeviously, then rippled and the colour washed out of her down from her face, draining out of her untill it reached her face. She kept her shape, but it was clear she was purely made of water, translucent and shimmering in the sun.

She looked back to Valkyrie.

"Might as well give them something to stare at, right?" She said grinning.
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Valkyrie laughed, her shoulders shaking.

"You really are something else, Flow! Never have I met a creature like you. The Priestess will be thrilled to meet you!" she said, grinning.

They walked to a tree, possibly the largest in the Village.

"This is my home, the Priestess is at the top surely awaiting us." she smiled, opening the door and walking in.

The base room was large, with a staircase spiraling all the way up around the trunk.

"The tree welcomes you, Flow. She is happy to meet you."
Flow stopped at the doorway, and held her feet outside in turn, bubbling the soles of her feet, pushing the much that had built up from walking around barefoot outside so her feet were immaculatly clean.

Having done so, she stepped into the door after her and let the colour rush back into her skin, and closing the door gently behind her she looking round.

"You have a very lovely home." She said, gazing around at the room, taking note of how tall it was inside.

Knowing Elves treated their trees with the same reverence that Naiads treated their lakes, and communicated with them in much the same way, she gave a deep curtsey towards the centre of the tree.

"I am honoured to take shelter inside your mighty bough.May your leaves stay green and your seeds grow new forests." She patted the edge of the tree fondly after speaking. "Are we going up to the top, then?"
Valkyrie grinned.

"Indeed we are, Flow, my dear."

Valkyrie showed the way to the stairs and began walking up them towards the top.

"You have fantastic manners for someone so young, I'm honestly surprised. Some of our older Elves don't even thank the Trees for the provisions they give us. Regardless, Ruhn thanks you."

Valkyrie smiled to herself.

'This girl, she's so nice. I wonder if all Naiads are like this. I shall have to ask to travel to her Village one day.' Valkyrie thought.
Bromin and Rock looked at Bahdron with their full attention."We'll what do you want to know"?They noticed the elf started to focus on something else."Hey are okay elf".Bromin walked up to Badhron and poked his shoulder."Hey you okay"."What do you want to know"."And how much farther is the meadery from here".
"Thanks Vally." Flow said with a warm smile. "Hmm, well, we dont just live in our lakes when we sleep, we literally join with them and become a part of the lake itself without a form or body, so I suppose it might be easier for us to appreciate what our guardians do for us. I have been told were a particularly gentle and kindly race by a few people, but I wouldnt really know any different to be able to judge."

She walked alongside her companion, ascending the tree.

"Maybe you could come and visit us oneday, it'd be great to have you. I've never really had an outside friend before!" Flow said excitedly, before calming herself down, a little embarassed. "I mean, like, if you want to keep in touch after I get back home..."

As she finished speaking they reached the door to the highest chamber inside the tree where the elder was supposed to be.
"The meadery is just a way around here, we're almost there. It's usually around the busier side of the village, for the sake of the Priestess and her family" Badhron stated, leading the men forwards. "I've heard stories about your kind, about how you kill mercilessly, for profit. However looking at you two, it doesn't seem possible."


Valkyrie grinned.

"I would love to, Flow! Thank you!" she giggled, hugging flow suddenly.

She pulled herself back and cleared her throat.

"Oh, do excuse me."

She knocked on the large, polished door before them.

"Priestess, it is I, Valkyrie. I humbly request audience, I have a guest; she's a traveller" Valkyrie said politely, standing tall.

There was a mumble from behind the door that made Valkyrie smile.

She turned to Flow, still smiling.

"We're allowed in, please follow me, dear Naiad. We have much to discuss."

And with that, Valkyrie lead Flow into the room.
Flow hugged Valkyrie back in an unreserved, sisterly manner, beaming happily.

She acknowledged that she was allowed entry by nodded silently, and then followed her into the room, breifly examining the area before turning her attention to the Elder.

Walking into the centre of the room she curtsied low to the ground in an energetic but very respectful manner, before clearing her throat gently, taking great care to speak in a more formal, less fluid manner than she did with her peers.

"My name is Florence, while I don't have a true Surname, we are often titled -of-the-waters. I am Naiad. We are distant relatives to Elves, but long honoured kin where I am from, as I am sure you will know, being the honoured preistess of this village.

Whilst I came here by chance, as both and individual and a representative of my people I am honoured to be blessed with the good fortune to be in your village, and to be in your presence, and whilst I am here I am yours to do as you see fit.

For now I offer you my peoples blessing in the hopes it brings you good fortune. 'May your lakes stay clear, your springs run deep, and your rivers flow freely.

With that, she sat cross legged on the floor in the manner of a student to a teacher, and respectfully sat, silent;ly waiting for the preistess response.
Valkyrie beamed internally, the fluency of Flow's Elvish and her formality was above-par.

The Priestess was silent, watching intently as the Naiad spoke. She waited until the girl had finished to stand tall and look at Valkyrie.

She looked back at Flow and smiled sweetly, curtsying back. She shakily sat back down, her smile crinkling around her eyes as her aged wrinkles danced on her face.

"A star shall shine on the hour of our meeting, dearest Florence. It is an honour to meet such a reverent member of the Naiad community. I welcome you to our beautiful Village of the Ruhn Forest. As Priestess, I bless you and your kind under the eyes of Ruhn. May thy rivers be clear and the breeze on thy back."

Valkyrie gracefully bowed to her Elder.

"Priestess, I bring to you a plea. Both for help and for acceptance. Do you accept?" She asked, still bowing respectfully.

The priestess looked towards her daughter, Valkyrie's Mother, and nodded.

"The Priestess accepts. State your plea, Valkyrie. You may sit." she replied.

Valkyrie sat beside Flow, her hands in her lap.

"Grandmother, I discovered this young Naiad far east from the Village, alongside a Dwarf and a Rock Golem who were not originally linked with Florence. Currently, Badhron is transporting the Dwarf, known as Bromin; and the Golem, known as Rock; to the Meadery. I plea that you accept my offer to aid her return to her Village. She was lost. I also ask that I accompany her as a representative of the Ruhn Forest Village, in hopes of initiating trade with the Naiad people."
"Alright we might need to hurry up because Rock can get impatient when we get close to a meadery".The three of them past the corner and there is the meadery."Mead!!!"Rock ran past Badhron and Bromin."Sorry about that Rock hasn't had any mead in the last twenty-four hours thank you Badhron and may your ancestors guide you".Bromin ran as fats as he can to stop Rock from destroying the meadery.

Bromin entered the meadery and it was a hall with several barrels on both sides.At the end of the hall there were another several barrels and there's Rock chugging one barrel and holding another barrel in his other arm."Bromin you got to try this elven mead its delicious"he rolled a barrel to Bromin.He stops the rolling barrel with his foot.

A few Elven women come running out of another part of the building.One of the women looked at Rock and screamed her lungs out.The other woman ran out of the building and start yelling for help.Bromin looked at the elven woman that was screaming.He ran write in front of her,he put up is arms "stay calm mame it's Dont worry about the giant creature drinking the Mead.

"Rock put down the barrel"!Rock turned around and sadly put down the barrel."Now pay the women for the mead".Rock put down the now empty barrel.He put his hand on his and ten seconds later Rock shows his hand again but this time it had five diamonds.Rock walked forward to the woman.He gently grabbed her hand and placed the diamonds in her hand.

Bromin sighed in relief "Alright that should pay for the barrel that he already had,and plus another four or five barrels of your finest mead please".Before the two got all of their new drinks out of the meadery five guards ran write through the door with their swords out.The five weren't expecting what they see now.All five guards looked up to see Rocks face.Rock pulled his hammer out "Bromin get ready t.."Bromin put his hand up before Rock can finish his sentence.Another elf walked in he looked like the captain.

He looked at Bromin and Rock he spoked in his elvish tongue."You committed crimes against our village we must take out priestess and decide your fate".Since neither one of them know elven.Bromin put up both of his hands and slowly said "Okay we won't hurt anyone"Bromin start to walk towards the guards.The guards flinched and rise their swords.The captain put up one of his hands and pointed to Rock and Bromin.The guards started to put rope over their hands.Then they started to walk to their priestess.
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"Yes. There was a big flood, most unusual. I do not know why. I tried to hold it back to stop the forests being hurt. For the most part I suceeded, but whilst I manage to radically reduce the flood, it eventually it became too much and washed me here. I dont think much damage will have been done to the trees or the animals, but nevertheless I am repentant for any damage that may have occured." She looked over to Valkyrie and smiled.

"Luckily your granddaughter was the one who found me."
Bromin and Rock are walking to see the priestess.Unfortunately not the way they wanted.Rock whispered to Bromin "I guess this is not part of the plan right"?Bromin looked at and whispered in a agitated tone "No Rock this wasn't part of the plan"."thirty seconds Rock you couldn't wait for another thirty seconds,and look at what happens".The captain looks back and speak again in his native language "Shut up back there,don't talk until we meet the priestess".

Nobody talked unit they arrived at the a tree that's bigger then the rest.Bromin thought "I guess this is it".They group entered the tree.They walked through the tree until they meet a door.The captain knocked on the door "Priestess I require a audience with you,we have a interesting situation that involves with foreigners".Rock looked up and try to speak to the captain "you know out of all the elfs in this village to run into we just had run into a ranking elf that can't speak English".

The captain looks back at Rock "oh no I do know how to speak English its just that you seemed to cooperate so well I thought you understood elvish".Both Rock and Bromins mouths dropped.Bromin shook his head to get his wits back to him.Bromin looked at he captain "so how many other members of the village know English"?The thought about it for a moment.The captain then turned around "at least me and another two dozen elfs here".And now they wait for the door to open.
There was suddenly a knock at the door.

Valkyrie paused, her eyes widening.

'I swear to the God's if those stupid bounty hunters got into any trouble I am going to destroy them.' She thought, retaining her position.

The Priestess' smile faded as she looked towards the door.

"Captain Godon, I am with an audience already. Whatever the matter is, it can surely wait." she responded firmly, her voice ringing loudly through the room. Her Elvish had a strong accent to it.

Valkyrie looked at Flow, grimacing.

"Flow, I think Bromin and Rock are in trouble with the Guards. Be prepared to vouch for them if need be." Valkyrie said, sighing.
Flow turned to Valkyrie, giving her a sympathetic smile and nodding her head. She wasnt exactly used to dealing with troublesome people, but she could imagine the hassle it might be.

"Alright Valley." She whispered back, giving the priestess a polite look to let her know she was aware their conversation would have to be temporarily halted and that she was alright with it.
The Priestess watched the exchange with guarded eyes.

She pursed her aged lips and sighed.

"Fine, enter. But make it quick for I have more important matters to attend to." she said loudly, waving her arms in frustration. The Priestess turned back to Flow and Valkyrie.

"If you two don't mind, I'm afraid I must deal with this. You may sit to the side, as not to be in the way. Do not make noise or you will be asked to leave. I ask that you be patient."
"Of course Maa'm." Flow said with a polite bow of her head, before moving to the side of the room with Valkyrie.

Thinking for a second, she pursed her lips then started sign-talking with her hands to her new friend in translated Elvish.

Whilst sign was a Naiad invention, and Naiads used their watery makeup to bend and morph their hands into impossible to replicate symbols, Elves had seen its practical worth for silent situations such as hunting, so they had asked to be taught a simpler, more basic language, and was one of the few truly entirely originally Naiad customs that had permeated Elven society.

Whilst Naiad's were evidently absent from the forest she was currently in, it had been practised for hundreds of years, and many elves used it without being aware of its true origins.

Figuring at worst she'd look mildly silly if Valkyrie didnt understand sign, she slowly and clearly moved her hands through symbols much slower than she would have with another Naiad, emphasising their shape more.

"Im sorry my presence has caused such a problem here, friend." She said, avoiding using the word Valkyrie as its hand symbol involved morphing little wings, giving her a sympathetic smile.
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