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Owl tries to listen to them all while she eats her breakfast but it was all grown up talk. Maniacles, roosevelt, blah blah blah wasn't he a us president? It didn't matter much to her little mind. She skips over to them.

"Okay I think it's time we go, let me just get blue owl and...huh...she's gone. I could have sworn I left her by the well." Yellow owl strokes her chin in confusion.

"Hey did somebody move her?"
The twins shook their heads at her question. "We didn't touch her." They said in unison as they finished up their own breakfast, pushing the empty plates and bowls aside. "We were also asleep for the majority of the night, so it's possible that someone could have moved her then." 01 said, but mulled over the other possibilities. "Or... it could be that she melded with you once more, thus explaining how you have your memories back. After all, she was but a part of a larger whole." He said.
Kotsu's eyes grow wide when Owl points this out. "Where did she go?!" His horns gone and his eyes normal, panicking.
Denton rubbed the back of his head, for once not smiling. He walked over to where everyone was gathering, taking off his mask of tragedy to reveal the mask of comedy again. The frowny one bothered him.

It felt wrong to wear it, uncanny. Blue Owl was missing? Strange. Maybe not, though. The Sandlands were big, plenty of strange sights, and plenty of things that could draw your attention. "I saw nothing."

He conjured four ghosts. Two men and two women.

"Listen carefully," he said. "You see what I see. The girl by the well. Blue Owl. Blue Owl. Find her." The four ghosts took off.
Seeing that Denton was searching for Owl calmed him down a bit, and helped quell some of Kotsu's anxiety. He didn't do anything to Owl. If he did, he wouldn't be searching. Kotsu began trying to ask the villagers if they had seen anything by knocking on random doors.
02 got up and walked over to the well, beginning to carefully search around to see if he could find anything, like footprints or drag marks, something to suggest that the Blue Owl had been taken away somewhere.

01 meanwhile continued to think it over for a little while. "...Is... it possible that she just got up and walked away?" He asked as he leaned back. "...After all, while we believed that it was just a dead body, it could be that Owl wasn't actually dead, or merely came back to life during the night. We're in a land that goes against basic logic, after all. The dead could rise with very few issues." He said. He didn't know who would have a motive to do something like this... except perhaps Denton. He could see him taking the body to use as leverage, but to avoid a fight, he kept that theory to himself. For now, he had nothing to suggest he had done this.
Blue owl is sitting on the outskirts of town with a blank expression.

She was, a journalist, tasked with discovering the secrets of the Mianiacles, an organization her superiors suspected was up to no good. She ahd written many articles on them uncovered many there secrets. That she knew.

What she didn't know was everything else, who was she exactly? Where was she? why was she here? She was a journalists, tasked with investigating the Mainacles...that was it. Nothing more, no family, no name, she even forgets her own gender and has to remind her self by looking down.

"Okay...I'm a black female. What country am I from?" Her brow narrows, she remembers she has powers, she remembers her mind magic.

"Some one has cast a spell on me? That mus be it, that must be why she can't recall anything save her occupation."

It is Joe 02 who finds her sitting by the road with a blank expression that slowly turned to confusion.
02 blinked as he followed the trail to the blue Owl. "Huh... you're alive." He said as he walked up to her. "Hey, come with me, okay?" He asked, despite his rather... grotesque appearance, he did try to give her a kind smile, offering her his hand. "The other you is waiting for you." He said.
Owl jumps drawing her pistol, then lowers it. "You know me?" She asks hesitantly then notes his odd expression.

"Uh...right of course you know me....friend?" She takes his hand and casts mind delve.

She would pillage the minds around her until she got to the truth, accept, in the mental realm, mental magic has a far less, subtle effects when cast. Instead of going into his memories, she bring his memories out into the dream world, drawing her, him and everyone in.

The Sand lands.
Arc 2
We are legion.

They fall, all of them were ever they stood they simply fell as if the floor had turned to mist. The fall only a short distance about a meter, but when they come to the world had changed. Gone was the village and in it's place, one, huge laboratory. It's entrance is guarded by iron gates and stone gargoyles, it's wall would have been white were it not from the sick grey vines crawling up it's side smothering it in a dead green colour. The air is cold and the sky a dim grey, nothing exists outside of the laboratory and it's front gates, nothing but an eternal fog. It was them, the lab and blue Owl who stands in the middle of them confused and alarmed. That was not how her magic was supposed to work. Instinctively she pulls out her pistol and points it at them.

"Who are you people?! Stay away from me!" She says in a panicked voice.
02 was shocked when the scenery suddenly changed. However, he had managed to land on his feet, somewhat prepared for what had happened. "Huh...? How did we...?" His face went very pale as they appeared outside of what appeared to be a laboratory. "No... no... no..." He mumbled, clearly scared. He... had hoped that they would be the last ones to have to deal with this. He looked at the pistol in Blue Owl's hand, unable to bring himself to say anything.

01 meanwhile had ignored the lab and stared at the Blue Owl. He... had been correct. "...Owl, drop the gun. We're not here to hurt you. In fact, we're here to help you. You were attacked by a demon, your mind, it's been fractured. We're trying to put it all back together. We're your teammates." He said, cautiously taking a few steps toward her, his hands raised up, trying to convey they weren't there to hurt her. "I'm Joe... and that's my... brother... Joe. It's... weird, we know. You can... you can call me 01, and him 02. Makes it a lot easier, you know?" He asked, trying to crack a grin... but it looked quite nervous.
A hand grasped Joe 02's shoulder tightly, pulling him back. Denton stepped up next to him. He could hardly believe it himself. The building was a familiar one. Not one that held any strong memories really for Denton, but going from Joe's reaction and its general hideous appearance he could draw draw conclusions well enough.

"Hey, hey!" He said cheerfully. "If it ain't old Lab 1001. One of the first ones HQ went and built. I've never been actually here, but I've heard the stories. Real rough stuff happened before they closed up shop and moved the supplies and test subjects to the bigger place." Denton looked at the twins. "But, hey...why am I being an exposition Eddie. You two are probably nice and familiar with the place, heh."

Denton rubbed his hands together, approaching Owl, standing in front of the gun. "Yo, Owl. You have no reason really believe us, yeah? I know. It is scary. We could be the enemy, but look at it like this, right? You have one gun. The chances of you killing us all is 0. Now if you somehow do kill us all you'll be lost here with noway back." He moved slightly out of the direction of her aim. "Joe here is telling the truth, though. We know you. We're friends. Teammates. We are actually here for your sake."

He looked behind himself at Kotsu and Yellow Owl. "I may not be able to convince you, but those two will be able to."

Denton walked passed her, going towards the laboratory. "No time to waste then, right? If Gun wielding Greta wants to sit out here waving her pistol lets let her. She'll probably get lost for an eternity or two. This one is exciting. I've always wondered what one of these bad boys looked like on the inside."
"...where the hell am I?" blue Owl asks.

"You're in the dream world, the mental realm, the sand lands." Yellow Owl pipes up happily. "And Denton is right we are friends, or in my case closer then freinds."

Blue owl turns to yellow Owl and stares at her. "The sand lands? No! This place is dangerous especially for adults. Why would I come back here?."

Yellow owl giggles. "To your memories, err our memories...my memories?"

Blue owl lowers her gun. "who, are you? You look familiar."

Another bubble laugh from yellow owl. "I should, because I'm you, err your me?"

"How can you be me If I'm standing right here?" Blue owl crosses her arms.

"Ugh...I can't believe I grew up to be so logical, I'm your younger self! Remember the yellow dress? it fits me again! er you again, us?"

Blue owl relaxes. "The dream world, yes I remember now... I came to this place as a child. But I vowed not to come back afterwards."

"Why?" Yellow Owl asks.

"When you grow up, you become too logical to be safe here." Blue Owl turns to Denton. "We should leave if you all value your sanity then you should leave. This place is not meant for mortal minds. especially not adults."

Yellow owl ponders a moment. "What else do you remember?"

"Not much more, I cam here once as a child, I'm a journalist. Thats it. Speaking of which." She reaches out and touches yellow owl attempting to see into her mind. She wasn't convinced that they were the same and needed answers.

Reality, shatters for a brief moment as Owl does the mental equivalent of dividing by zero.

They come to again a moment later still at the laboratory. The felt, off as if they had all glitched out for a second.

"Careful!" Yellow owl scolds blue Owl. "casting mind magic in the mental realm is an unpredictable messy affair, goodness you nearly deleted us from the dream world."

Yellow owls eyes glow and magic pours from her seeping into the earth. "Now i got fix some things, hold on a moment."

Blue owl steps back dizzy and now thoroughly convinced, they were indeed in the dream world. "Where are our physical bodies?" She asks.

"In a big shed in the middle of the desert." Bickles says with a huff.

Blue owl nods. "But wait, if your minds are all in here with me...then that means, I should be able to..."

"Read everyone mind with out touching? yes you, we can do that. But we aren't going to because that would be wrong!" Yellow owl says with a huff. "So don't even try it. don;t even think about it cause I'll know you are doing it! I am doing it? WE ARE DOING IT?"

Blue owl frowns. All these minds, hers for plundering, only to be stopped by this kid. Although she supposed she only had her self to blame.

"Fine, no mind reading." Blue owl says with a shrug. "Alright, lets get my memories back. and get out of this place."
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Quentin was asleep when everyone regrouped and still sleeping when the world before them changed. Still feeling the effects from the demon, the fall still didn't wake him up and he laid there on the ground.
Kotsu slowly walks up to Blue Owl. "Owl...? Is it really you?" Kotsu started to smile widely. "Oh man! You're alive!" Kotsu started to smile happily, and then he watched Blue Owl try and read Yellow Owl's mind. "What... Why? You don't need to read minds, ya know?" Kotsu said beaming her a smile. "I've missed you, a lot. I mean, you probably don't remember me, but aw man this is awesome!" He seen the Joe's reaction, and looked back at both Owls. "HAHAHAHA!" Kotsu started laughing hard. "Man, now that I think about it, everyone's multiplying!" Kotsu started laughing genuinely and was holding his stomach tight with happy tears flowing down his face.
The twins glowered at Denton as he talked. "...Just... be quiet." They said in unison. They glanced at Kotsu. He... seemed so happy. They wanted to try and smile... but they couldn't. "...Can... we just get this over with?" They asked in unison.

Without waiting for a response, the two walked through the gate and ascended the stairs, their arms crossed, seeming a lot more subdued than normal. They... had honestly never seen the outside of the facility. But... this place screamed evil scientist's lair. It could only mean that this was their way of viewing the facility in which they had been created. Whenever they left, they did so in the back of a windowless van. So, for all they knew, Denton could be telling the truth, or he could be lying to get under their skin. Either way, they had to resist the urge to just toss him out into the endless fog of the outside world. A world that was mostly unknown to the twins.

Even though the shift was unexpected, Aria was able to land smoothly on the ground. The same couldn't be said to Quentin though, he dropped like a rock and just lay there on the ground. Aria checked him for any sign of life and was relieved when he seems to be in a very deep sleep instead, at least he hasn't die. She picked him up and brought him to Denton.

"Denton, Quin is still sleeping. What should we do with him?"
Fizzy felt the shivers. He had visited Maniacles' facilities before and no matter what, he never got used to them.
He got close to Sam, he knew she wasn't feeling right, but he couldn't stay arms crossed.

"Hey Sam, how are you feeling? I saw you really busy yesterday"

He took a look at the spectral facility

"Spooky place this time isn't it?"
Denton was trying the doors to the lab. They weren't budging. He turned around to see Aria with Quentin over her shoulder. She asked him what to do. He stared at Quentin. The man was out like a light. It had damn near been a whole day.

Ah well.

He had a strong looking frame and head.

Denton stepped back.

"Have Quentin open the door."

Aria was a confused at Denton's order. What did he mean by it? She looked back and forth between Denton and Quentin. Suddenly she understand. They're no more than minds in this world, they can't actually be hurt, yet they can die if their mind believe so. What will happen if something happen to an unconcsious person then? Did Denton want to know about this? She was a bit hesitant since this was Quentin she's holding, not some random person she never know before like Quentin's father, but she braced herself anyway. An order is an order.

She slammed Quentin onto the door and and explosion happen, throwing Aria, Quentin and Denton all over the place. It's like the explosion of demon Quentin again, but in a much smaller scale. The door to the laboratorium was now wide open.

"Guys!" Denton clapped his hands as he stood, wiping dust of himself. "We are in! Good work Aria, Quentin."

Aria woke up slowly, the blast threw her and Quentin quite far since they got hit by direct explosion. While Aria seems battered and some part of her cloak were burning, Quentin was pretty much unscatched. He's still sleeping though.
Kotsu watched the twins walk away in their slump, and seen Aria blow up the door with Quentin and throwing herself and helped her up. "Hey, Aria. You okay?" He said, helping dust her off and put out her fires. "Please be careful. And can you check on the Joes for me? They might need a hug." Kotsu requested from Aria.
The twins paused as the explosion occurred. "...You... are an idiot, Denton." They said in unison. Their usual caring attitudes were dulled as they strode past the three and into the labs ahead of everyone else. They seemed rather... subdued. They were dreading every second that they'd have to spend in this place. They... didn't want to be reminded of what they were going to have to go back to after this mission was over.
Blue Owl looks at him and tilts her head. He gave her, good feelings but he was right she didn't remember him. "So my name is Owl? interesting sorry I don't remember you, your name?"

"Kotsu!" yellow Owl says happily.

"Oh, and how do we know each other?"

" You dumped him, err we dumped him, I dumped him? But I never understood why, why would you, I, we? dump such a nice guy?"

"it is not good for me to be involved with relationships."


"because..." Blue owl pauses. "Well I'll tell you when I remember." Blue owl clears her throat and blushes slightly. "I must have had good reason."

Yellow owl shakes her head "You used to dream about getting married, settling down, having kids, I know cause that's what I dream about. What happned to you uh, to me? To make me spurn love?"

"You'll understand when your older." Blue owl says bitterly, "Enough of this, lets get a move on."

Denton blows open the door and the first thing that hits them is the smell off dried blood, followed by the dull odor of latex gloves, they step inside.


A Joe greets them. He is hanging from the ceiling of a cellar white once now a dull redish brown colour. It was from all the blood he had lost. He hangs from the ceiling on meat hooks, his body emaciated and fragile literally falling apart at the joints.

Another Joe though this one just a head sits on top of a small desk in the lobby area staring at them, another joe lies on the ground missing all his limbs, the places where they had been hacked off sowed shut with iron threads and crude staples. All around them, filth as if the laboratory had not been used in decades and all these bodies, the bodies of so many Joes were just left here to rot.

A t.v in the corner is still on, but it shows only empty vials were things had been grown, mold taints the corners of the walls and centipedes scurry about in the dim gloom.

There is little light, they can not see clearly, but they can see enough.

This was hell, a quiet, cold, rotting hell, so many bodies, so many Joes. Yellow Owl dips behind Kotsu holding his hand and whimpering at the sight. Blue owl just sniffs. "Okay, so, whats with all the dead Joes? Denton? you said you remembered this place, care to explain?"
Vivian gently nudged Quentin's shoulder once she saw everyone had been regrouped "Hey, I know you're exhausted but we should catch up with the others? Sounds like they found an abandoned lab or something?." She nudged him a little again and stroked his cheek "We are gonna need your help." She didn't know if her attempts to wake him up would work but she had to at least try to get him up so they can help out the group with getting Owl's memory back.
AbatedBigfoot AbatedBigfoot
Kotsu held Yellow Owl's hand and told her to he wished she didn't have to see this. His stomach grew more uneasy as he stared at the sight before him. "What.... The hell...?" Kotsu asked, bewildered by the sight before him. "I... I knew what you told me, but this... This isn't... This isn't even humane...." Kotsu said to the twins. "I'm... I'm so sorry... I wish..." He didn't know what he could wish, because nothing could make it better. He offered the only thing he could. "Anything I can do, even if it's just a hug... Let me know..." He said to the twins.

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